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Forthcoming Open Access Journal: Judaica. Neue digitale Folge (JNDF)

Judaica. Neue digitale Folge (JNDF)
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Judaica. Neue digitale Folge (JNDF) ist eine 2019 gegründete wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift mit Peer Review zu allen Bereichen der Jüdischen Studien von der Antike bis zur Moderne. Sie erscheint zweimal pro Jahr. JNDF ist eine Nachfolgezeitschrift der Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, die in 74 Jahrgängen als Printversion erschien. Die neue Judaica veröffentlicht Artikel in deutscher, französischer und englischer Sprache. Wie ihre Vorgängerzeitschrift hat sie einen starken Bezug zur Judaistik der Schweizer Universitäten, steht aber selbstredend allen als wissenschaftliche Plattform offen. Redaktionssitz ist das Institut für Judaistik der Universität Bern. Neben Artikeln publiziert JNDF auch Rezensionen.
Die erste Ausgabe wird voraussichtlich im ersten Halbjahr 2020 erscheinen.

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Shanati: The Ancient Babylonian CalendarReconstructed & Synchronized

Shanati: The Ancient Babylonian CalendarReconstructed & Synchronized

Shanati’s goal is to reconstruct the ancient Babylonian Calendar and bring it into harmony with the proleptic, or backward counting, Julian Calendar. This will be achieved by compiling and integrating all known relevant cuneiform and other textual data and properly aligning that data with a state-of-the-art astronomical model of first lunar visibility. 

Shanati’s reconstructed daily ancient Babylonian Calendar will become the new international standard for pre-Julian, recorded Western calendrical time. By setting these two calendars on one synchronized timeline, the ancient world becomes temporally connected with the modern world. This will assist in bridging the wide gulf between perceptions of our modern world and of the ancient Old World.
Shanati’s results will offer unprecedented daily precision in 1st millennium BCE chronology, opening new vistas for research. The project’s results will be offered in a forthcoming volume and in this website, which offers Shanati's results as a service and will have automated extensibility as texts are added after the completion of the two-year project.

Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Open Access Monographs & Collected Editions

[First posted in AWOL 16 May 2016, updated 29 January 2020]

Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Open Access Monographs & Collected Editions 
Title dealing with antiquity:

Across Borders I
A Good Example of Peaceful Coexistence?
Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses
Ancient Greek Music in Performance
Antike Germanenbilder
Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil
Archaische Siedlungsbefunde in Ephesos
Arma et nummi
Art and Landscape
Boii – Taurisci
Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr.
Bronzezeitliche Fleischverarbeitung im Salzbergtal bei Hallstatt
Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres
Byzantinische Epigramme auf Stein nebst Addenda zu den Bänden 1 und 2

Can the Veda speak?
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Österreich - Beiheft 1
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Österreich Graz, Originalsammlung des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität, Band 1
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Österreich Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Band 6
Çukuriçi Höyük 1
Çukuriçi Höyük 2

Das Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, WE 4
Das Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, WE 6
Das Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, WE 7
Das Heiligtum des Jupiter Optimus Maximus auf dem Pfaffenberg/Carnuntum
Das laténezeitliche Gräberfeld von Mannersdorf im Leithagebirge, Flur Reinthal Süd,
Das linearbandkeramische Gräberfeld von Kleinhadersdorf
Das Mausoleum von Belevi
Das Mausoleum von Belevi - Bauforschung
Das Odeion im Artemision von Ephesos
Das Prytaneion in Ephesos
Das Theater von Ephesos. Archäologischer Befund, Funde und Chronologie
Der Kroisos-Tempel
Der sogenannte Hadrianstempel an der Kuretenstraße
Die Architekturdekoration der Caracallathermen
Die Ägäische Frühzeit. 2. Serie. Forschungsbericht 1975–2002
Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos
Die beiden byzantinischen Kommentare zum Großen Kanon des Andreas von Kreta
Die byzantinischen Bleisiegel in Österreich
Die Canabae von Carnuntum - ein Modell für römische Lagervorstädte?
Die Canabae von Carnuntum II - Archäologische und GIS-analytische Auswertung der Oberflächensurveys 2009-2010
Die deutschen Handschriften des Mittelalters der Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg
Die frühchristliche Basilika in Arapaj/Durrës, Albanien
Die Hauptprobleme der indogermanischen Lautlehre seit Bechtel
Die Panagia-Kirche und die Erzengelkirche in Kakodiki
Die poetische Ekphrasis von Kunstwerken
Die Religion der Kelten in den antiken literarischen Zeugnissen, Band III
Die Siedlung der Hallstattkultur von Göttlesbrunn, Niederösterreich
Die Skulpturen von Ephesos - Die Hermen

Formen der Anrede im byzantinischen Brief vom 6. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert
Frühchristliche Architektur in Kaukasien

Giza in der 4. Dynastie
Goldfunde aus dem Artemision von Ephesos
Griechische Epigraphik in Lykien
Griechische Kultur in Südosteuropa in der Neuzeit
Imperator • Kaiser • Cyesars
Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond

Katastrophe und Zukunftshoffnung
Keramik aus klassischen Kontexten im Apollon-Heiligtum von Ägina-Kolonna
Križna jama
Kulturelle Dynamik der Globalisierung

Laténezeitlicher Glasringschmuck aus Ostösterreich
Legionslager Carnuntum

Material Culture and Well-Being in Byzantium (400–1453)
Materielle Kultur und kulturelle Identität in Elea in spätarchaisch-frühklassischer Zeit
Meilensteine, Straßen und das Verkehrsnetz der Provinz Karia
Mesopotamian Dark Age Revisited
Mittel- und spätbronzezeitliche Keramik Griechenlands. Sammlung Fritz Schachermeyer. Faszikel III
Montanarchäologie in den Eisenerzer Alpen, Steiermark
Monumenta. Studien zu mittel- und späthelladischen Gräbern in Messenien
Mykenische Opfergaben

Nachbyzantinischer liturgischer Gesang im Wandel: Studien zu den Musikhandschriften des Supplementum graecum der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
Nikolaj S. Trubetzkoy. Russland – Europa – Eurasien

Pilgerstätten in der syrischen Peripherie
Presbeia Theotokou
Pseudo-altpersische Inschriften

Rechtsgeschichtliches zur Ackerverpachtung auf Tempelland nach demotischem Formular
Reconstructing Pharaonic Architecture in Nubia

Sacred Landscape of the Himalaya
San Tzu Ching Explicated: The Classical Initiation to Classic Chinese, couplets I to XI.
Southwest Arabia across History
Spätantike und mittelalterliche Keramik aus Ephesos
Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum Paris–Berlin–Wien
Symposion 2001

Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley. Volume III: The Iron Age
Tell el-Dabʿa XXII
Théonymie Celtique, Cultes, Interpretatio/Keltische Theonymie, Kulte, Interpretatio
The Bouleuterion at Ephesos
The Interplay of Roman and Iranian Titles in the Roman East (1st-3rd Century AD)

Untersuchungen zu den Gräberfeldern in Carnuntum, Band II


Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC?
Wiener Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik

Open Research Library

Open Research Library
Organization logo

The Open Research Library (ORL) is planned to include all Open Access book content worldwide on one platform for user-friendly discovery, offering a seamless experience navigating more than 20,000 Open Access books. This vital infrastructure is slated to comprise the most comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed Open Access books accessible for everyone. Libraries investing in the Open Research Library contribute to the development of a dedicated infrastructure for the global research community, while participating libraries have the opportunity to benefit from a set of exclusive services.

ePSD2 News: ePSD2 2.0 (built 2020-01-29)

ePSD2 2.0 (built 2020-01-29)
Clay tablet with Sumerian text about sale of 35 date-palms, circa 2000BCE
Ur III sale of 35 date-palms, ca. 2000BCE, Nippur. Penn Museum N 800. ePSD2 version here; CDLI page at cdli.ucla.edu/P121474
Welcome to the new version of the electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary, ePSD2, a Sumerian portal.

Here we provide listings of over 12,000 Sumerian words, phrases and names, occurring in almost 100,000 distinct forms a total of over 2.27 million times in the corpus of texts indexed for the Dictionary. The corpus covers, directly or indirectly, about 100,000 of the 134,000+ known Sumerian texts.

For a quick start, open up the main Sumerian glossary and try typing English, Sumerian or transliterations into the search bar. If you're new to Oracc, this page explains the essentials of Oracc data and the interface you are using now.

The About page gives an overview of the various components of ePSD2 with links to help you find your way around.

ePSD2 development is ongoing. See the News page for what changes between the releases, and see the What's Next? page for some of the things we are planning.

Open Access Journal: Études platoniciennes

[First posted in AWOL 14 February 2018, updated 30 January 2020]

Études platoniciennes
ISSN electronic edition: 2275-1785
Études platoniciennes
Les Études platoniciennes sont entièrement consacrées à l'actualité de la recherche sur Platon et la tradition platonicienne. Elles rassemblent : un choix d'études pertinentes sur un thème ou une œuvre particulièrement significatifs pour la recherche contemporaine, la livraison annuelle du « Bulletin Platonicien », avec ses comptes rendus sur les livres récents consacrés à Platon et à la tradition platonicienne, et la « Bibliographie Platonicienne », qui recense toutes les publications dans ce domaine. Les Études platoniciennes favorisent le pluralisme des langues, des disciplines et des méthodes de lecture.

Numéros en texte intégral

Dans la perspective du Symposium Platonicum qui se tiendra à Paris du 15 au 19 juillet 2019 qui porte sur le Parménide de Platon, la Société d’Études Platoniciennes co-organisait avec le Trinity Plato Centre à Dublin, deux journées d’études portant sur le Parménide de Platon (24 et 25 mars 2018 : « Plato’s Parmenides in relation to Plato’s other Dialogues », et les 29 et 30 mai 2018 : « La cosmologie dans le Parménide de Platon »). Ce numéro des Études Platoniciennes publie le texte de dix des communications qui y furent présentées.
Dans les deux parties de son Parménide, Platon nous décrit un Parménide qui se donne pour objet l’être comme totalité des choses qui nous entourent, c’est-à-dire le monde comme ensemble de tous les ensembles des choses, un monde qui peut être aussi bien pensé que perçu. En cela, il n’est pas infidèle à une lecture possible du Poème du Parménide historique : les fragments I à VIII (1 à 50, décrivant l’être saisi par la pensée, se trouvent du côté de la vérité, alors que les fragments suivants (VIII 51-61) à XIX), qui décrivent l’être saisi par les sens, se situent du côté de l’illusion, et donc de l’erreur. Platon, lui, reprend pour son propre compte cette opposition entre l’être saisi par la pensée et l’être saisi par les sens, qui est un mélange d’être et de non-être, c’est-à-dire le devenir, mais il reconfigure cette opposition en la situant à deux niveaux de réalité séparés, ce faisant reconnaissant une certaine réalité aux êtres que la seconde partie du Poème rejetait dans l’illusion. Chez Platon, l’être devient la réalité véritable qui se situe en un lieu accessible au seul intellect, et le devenir qui caractérise notre monde devient l’objet des sens qui ne perçoivent une réalité qui ne consiste qu’en images de la réalité véritable, et se trouve du côté de l’opinion qui dérive de la sensation. On comprend dès lors que, dans ce contexte, le problème devienne celui de la participation du sensible à l’intelligible. En en confiant l’exploration au personnage de Parménide, Platon invite le maître d’Elée à reprendre à nouveau frais la question de leur articulation.

Notes de la rédaction

Conformément à ses statuts, la rédaction des Études Platoniciennes a confié au secrétariat éditorial le soin de regrouper ici les articles pour ce volume consacré au Parménide de PlatonNous adressons nos remerciements à Olivier Renaut qui a mené à bien ce travail éditorial. 

The Papyrus Carlsberg Collection

The Papyrus Carlsberg Collection
Join between Copenhagen and Florence (P. Carlsberg 159)
The Papyrus Carlsberg Collection was founded in the 1930's by Prof. H. O. Lange through funds provided by the Carlsberg Foundation. The main purchases were made between 1931 and 1938, and in 1939 the Carlsberg Foundation presented the collection to the Egyptological Institute at the University of Copenhagen with the consent of the headmaster of the university and the Ministry of Education. Since then it has been located in the Egyptological department, which is now part of the Carsten Niebuhr Department at the Institute of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies.

  In 1954 Aksel Volten, keeper of the collection since 1943, was able to enlarge it substantially through new acquisitions, again with funds provided by the Carlsberg Foundation. The collection further includes a few papyri which seem formerly to have been in the private possession of Prof. H. O. Lange and Prof. C. E. Sander-Hansen, as well as two Coptic codices purchased from Carl Schmidt and the Teaching of King Merikare which was purchased from Ludwig Borchardt. All these papyri are now referred to as the Carlsberg Papyri.

  In 2003 the hieratic and demotic papyri in the papyrus collection of the Greek and Latin department of the university, the Papyrus Haunienses Collection, were transferred to the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection; these papyri retain their old designations (P. Haun.).

In July 2012 the Adler Papyri were acquired for the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection with means provided by the Augustinus Foundation and the Carlsberg Foundation. The bulk of the Adler Papyri is represented by the famous private archive of the mercenary Horos son of Nechoutes (c. 145-88 BC) who was stationed in the military camp at Pathyris (Gebelein) in Upper Egypt.

Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies. Volume 1: Contexts

Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies. Volume 1: Contexts
Ed. by Reden, Sitta
In coop. with Dwivedi, Mamta / Fabian, Lara / Leese-Messing, Kathrin / Morris, Lauren / Weaverdyck, Eli J. S.
eBook (PDF)
Publication Date: December 2019
Copyright year: 2020
ISBN: 978-3-11-060774-1

Aims and Scope

The notion of the “Silk Road” that the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen invented in the 19th century has lost attraction to scholars in light of large amounts of new evidence and new approaches. The handbook suggests new conceptual and methodological tools for researching ancient economic exchange in a global perspective with a strong focus on recent debates on the nature of pre-modern empires.The interdisciplinary team of Chinese, Indian and Graeco-Roman historians, archaeologists and anthropologists that has written this handbook compares different forms of economic development in agrarian and steppe regions in a period of accelerated empire formation during 300 BCE and 300 CE. It investigates inter-imperial zones and networks of exchange which were crucial for ancient Eurasian connections.Volume I provides a comparative history of the most important empires forming in Northern Africa, Europe and Asia between 300 BCE and 300 CE. It surveys a wide range of evidence that can be brought to bear on economic development in the these empires, and takes stock of the ways academic traditions have shaped different understandings of economic and imperial development as well as Silk-Road exchange in Russia, China, India and Western Graeco-Roman history.

Confucius and Cicero: Old Ideas for a New World, New Ideas for an Old World

Confucius and Cicero: Old Ideas for a New World, New Ideas for an Old World
Ed. by Balbo, Andrea / Ahn, Jaewon
Series:Roma Sinica 1
eBook (PDF)
Publication Date: December 2019
Copyright year: 2020
ISBN: 978-3-11-061680-4

Aims and Scope

This book explores the relationships between ancient Roman and Confucian thought, paying particular attention to their relevance for the contemporary world. More than 10 scholars from all around the world offer thereby a reference work for the comparative research between Roman (and early Greek) and Eastern thought, setting new trends in the panorama of Classical and Comparative Studies.

A. General perspectives

C. Key texts; translating Confucius into Latin

E. A final consideration

Open Access Journal: Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA)

[First listed in AWOL 19 December 2012. Updated 31 January 2020]

Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA)
ISSN électronique: 1724-2134 
Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA) publient des articles portant sur l’histoire, la culture et l’archéologie des mondes anciens en Méditerranée, en particulier en Italie, en Afrique du Nord et dans les Balkans, mais portant également sur les interactions entre cet espace et le reste du monde antique. Ils publient aussi des dossiers thématiques en lien avec les fouilles et les programmes scientifiques de l’EFR, et plus généralement des études relevant de diverses disciplines (histoire, archéologie, archéométrie, épigraphie, philologie, droit etc.), de la Préhistoire à la fin de l’Antiquité.

Numéros en texte intégral

Tite-Live et la Rome archaïque – Varia

MEFRA 131-1
Informations sur cette image
ISBN 978-2-7283-1428-7

Mélanges de l'école française de Rome [back list at Persée]
Ranging from the Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire to the Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, this journal, started in 1881, publishes studies in history and archeology, centered on Italy and the western basin of the Mediterranean, from ancient times to the present.  (1881 -2000), 224 Issues, 4202 Articles

Available periods  :

1881 - 1977 - Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire

1971 - 1988 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, Temps modernes

1971 - 2009 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité

1989 - 2009 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age

1989 - 2009 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée

Online Open House | Confessions of Murder in the Odyssey, with Eunice Kim

Online Open House | Confessions of Murder in the Odyssey, with Eunice Kim
We are excited to welcome Eunice Kim of Furman University for an Online Open House. The title of the discussion is: ‘Confessions of Murder in the Odyssey’. The session will be live-streamed and recorded. The event will take place on Thursday, February 6 at 11:00 a.m. EST. You can view on the Center for Hellenic Studies YouTube channel and the recording will be added to this post afterwards.

Eunice Kim
Eunice Kim received her B.A. in Classics from Brown University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Washington. After a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Gonzaga University, she joined Furman University in 2018. She has long-standing interests in myth, Indo-European poetics, and comparative and historical linguistics. Her  current project is a study of murder and exile in early Greek myth.

Persius Index

Persius Index
A. Persi Flacci Satvrae
qvas edidit brevique apparatu critico instruxit
Michael Hendry 2014

This is the front page for my on-line edition of Persius, with accompanying Public On-line Textual-Interpretative Seminar (not a MOOC but a POTIS). Links to the text are in the first column, to the latest version of the adversaria in the second (ordered as in the text, but sortable other ways), to the blog posts discussing them in the third (ordered by date, last to first). PDFs of the individual notes are linked from the notes in the 2nd column. When complete, the fourth column will include the usual subsidia for a critical edition: lists of manuscripts and of editions consulted, and a select bibliography. Also, below them, links to blog-posts outlining my reasons for publishing my work this way, reasons for starting with Persius, and comment policy (don't like my policy? comment on it!). Eventually, there will be an introduction to the QLTP text-formatting software.
Comments and suggestions for improvement may be e-mailed to curculio@curculio.org, or (better) left in the comments of the appropiate blog-post.
March 10, 2014
TextNotesDiscussionNeedful Things
Prologus (Choliambi)Notes PBlog PManuscripts
Satura 1Notes 1Blog 1Editions Consulted
Satura 2Notes 2Blog 2Bibliography
Satura 3Notes 3Blog 3
Satura 4Notes 4Blog 4Why a POTIS?
Satura 5Notes 5Blog 5Why Persius?
Satura 6Notes 6Blog 6Comment Policy
More about QLTP

Open Access Journal: Ciceroniana On Line

 [First posted in AWOL 13 March 2017, updated 1 Febrrury 2020]

Ciceroniana On Line
ISSN: 0009-6687
ISSN: 2532-5353 (online) 
Locandina del Congresso 
CICERONIANA ON LINE (COL) è pubblicata solo on line con cadenza semestrale (due numeri all’anno, eventualmente raggruppabili, sempre con segnatura 1-2) congiuntamente dalla SIAC (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron, (www.tulliana.eu) e dal CSC (Centro di Studi Ciceroniani di Roma) e ospita articoli concernenti Cicerone o il pensiero romano. 

Per quest'ultimo gli articoli devono trattare temi che nei contenuti o nelle condizioni della loro produzione abbiano un legame più o meno diretto con la filosofia a Roma o con il suo Fortleben. Articoli su Cicerone possono toccarne la figura storica, letteraria, filosofica e umana, le sue opere, le sue fonti e la sua fortuna. Tutte le discipline e tutte le metodologie di ricerca sono accolte: filologia, linguistica, storia letteraria, esegesi, retorica, Quellenforschung, filosofia, archeologia e storia dell’arte, storia, prosopografia, religione, psicologia, allusività, intertestualità, generi letterari, gender studies, antropologia, Fortleben, didattica, nuovi media e digitalizzazione e così via. 

COL, nata da una decisone comune del CSC (ultima conferma nella seduta della Giunta del 27 ottobre 2012) e della SIAC (decisione ratificata dall’Assemblea Generale il 15 gennaio 2010), si pone in continuità con Ciceroniana, Nuova serie, che dal 1973 al 2009 ha pubblicato a stampa gli atti dei primi 13 Colloquia internazionali del CSC. I numeri pregressi di Ciceroniana sono disponibili gratuitamente on line come parte integrante della collaborazione CSC-SIAC. La pubblicazione avviene grazie alla piattaforma Open Access dell’Università di Torino ed è ripresa nei siti web delle due istituzioni fondatrici.

La rivista è stata diretta per il triennio 2013-2015 da un Consiglio scientifico paritario nominato dalla SIAC e dal CSC. Il Consiglio è stato istituito originariamente dalle due società in dieci membri, Proff. M. De Nonno, P. Fedeli, L. Gamberale, G. Garbarino, G. Mazzoli (CSC); C. Guérin, C. Lévy, E. Malaspina, R. Pierini, F. Prost (SIAC); è facoltà del Consiglio decidere di aumentare la propria composizione; l’ingresso di nuovi membri nel Consiglio avviene per cooptazione. 
Nella riunione telematica del 17 maggio 2016 nel Consiglio sono stati cooptati i seguenti 7 membri per il triennio 2016-2018: Carmen Codoñer (Salamanca, Emerita); Catharine Edwards (University of London); Matthew Fox (Glasgow); Margaret Graver (Dartmouth College); Gesine Manuwald (University College, London); John Ramsey (Chicago, Emerito); Hiroyuki Takahashi (Kyoto).


V. 1, N. 2 (2017): Internationale Tagung "Was ist ein amicus?", Marburg, 18. – 19. Mai 2017

Che cosa è un amico? Riflessioni sugli aspetti teorici e pratici dell’amicitia in Cicerone
Organisationskomittee und Herausgabe der Berichte
Consiglio organizzatore e curatela degli atti
Giovanna Galimberti Biffino, Ermanno Malaspina, Gregor Vogt-Spira

Recensione del volume Was ist ein amicus? contenente gli atti del convegno.


V. 3, N. 2 (2019)
Locandina del Convegno di Macerata.
I contributi accolti in questo numero di COL hanno superato una successiva e distinta procedura di peer review, come tutti i numeri della Rivista corrispondenti ad Atti di convegni.

Forthcoming Open Access Journal: Archeologie Sperimentali

Archeologie Sperimentali
Journal Homepage Image
Archeologie Sperimentali è una rivista scientifica digitale edita dall'Università di Torino e pubblicata con cadenza annuale. Nasce con l'intento di colmare il vuoto editoriale che caratterizza l'Archeologia Sperimentale italiana che, pur essendo riconosciuta come un valido strumento di conoscenza, non ha un luogo dedicato al dialogo tra l'archeologia, le scienze e la sperimentazione.
La rivista si rivolge alla comunità scientifica internazionale per accogliere contributi innovativi ed originali che approfondiscono la conoscenza delle culture antiche attraverso l'utilizzo dei metodi sperimentali. In particolare, l'attenzione è rivolta alle esperienze che operano nel campo dell'Archeologia Sperimentale, dell'Archeologia della Produzione, della Storia delle Tecnologie, dell'Artigianato Storico e dell'Esperienzialità.
L'obiettivo è quello di diffondere l'adozione di approcci pratici, sperimentali e multidisciplinari allo studio del dato archeologico, promuovendo la ripresa del dibattito sui significati e sui metodi dell'Archeologia Sperimentale e creando un luogo di incontro tra ricercatori che operano all'interno di questo ambito.Archeologie Sperimentali aderisce alla "Dichiarazione di Berlino" promuovendo la diffusione online gratuita dei dati e favorendo la comunicazione ed il dibattito scientifico; il progetto riconosce al lettore il diritto di accedere liberamente e gratuitamente ai risultati della ricerca scientifica.

Open Access Journal: Quaderni Friulani di Archeologia

[First posted in AWOL 12 August 2016, uodates 2 February 2020]

Quaderni Friulani di Archeologia
ISSN: 1122-7133

I “Quaderni friulani di archeologia” sono nati nel 1991 con l’intento preciso di essere una sorta di vetrina per giovani studiosi e di dar conto delle attività di carattere archeologico svolte soprattutto dai membri della Società friulana di archeologia, con resoconti di scavo e analisi del materiale. Per questo l’area di competenza ha avuto come centro l’alto Adriatico, comprendendo anche parte della Slovenia e dell’Austria, ma non si sono ignorate altre zone d’Italia e fin dai primi numeri i curatori hanno esteso gli interessi della rivista verso i Balcani ed oltre, con una sorta di appendice che in alcuni numeri si è intitolata “Studi microasiatici”. Ocasionalmente sono stati pubblicati anche studi relativi alla penisola iberica e all’area germanica. La rivista ha periodicità annuale.
I temi scelti riguardano sostanzialmente la cultura materiale nel senso più ampio, dal Neolitico fino al pieno Medioevo e oltre. Ampio spazio è stato  dedicato alle indagini archeometriche e soprattutto agli studi paleoantropologici. Campi di indagine privilegiati sono stati lo studio degli insediamenti, con le relative necropoli, quindi le fibule, la ceramica, i vetri, le monete, con escursioni nell’epigrafia romana.

Negli ultimi numeri i Quaderni sono diventati il veicolo per la diffusione degli atti degli incontri organizzati presso diverse realtà locali, da ultimo a cadenza annuale  ad Aquileia, dedicati a tematiche specifiche nell’ambito del caput Adriae, quali la ceramica  a vernice nera e la terra sigillata con bollo, i tappi di anfora, la riscoperta di contesti antichi da scavi non pubblicati, la fotografia archeologica intesa nel suo valore documentario.

La rivista negli ultimi numeri ha intrapreso una nuova strada, consona agli standard richiesti per le pubblicazioni a carattere scientifico. Ciò è tanto più necessario in quanto la rivista stessa figura nell’elenco italiano della Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2004-2010 (VQR 2004-2010) in fascia B,  nella lista aggiornata ai fini dell’abilitazione scientifica nazionale (delibera ANVUR n. 17 del 20/02/2013) e nell’ultimo aggiornamento da parte dello stesso organismo in data 18 maggio 2016 per l’area 10.

Pertanto essa è organizzata mediante il metodo della “peer-review”, con il referaggio affidato a lettori competenti e anonimi, supervisionato dal direttore responsabile. Essa ha un comitato scientifico internazionale formato dall’Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dragan Božič (Institut za arheologijo ZRC Sazu – Ljubljana, Slovenia); dal Dr. Christof Flügel (Oberkonservator  Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege. Landestelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayer. Referat archäologische und naturwissenschaftliche Museen – Münche, Germania) e dall’Univ. Doz. Mag. Dr. Stefan Groh (Stellvertretender Direktor – Fachbereichsleiter  Zentraleuropäische Archäologie, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut – Zentrale Wien, Austria).

I Quaderni Friulani di Archeologia vengono realizzati in forma cartacea e stampati “on demand” per cui la rivista mantiene l’ISSN proprio delle edizioni cartacee. Ma ha una diffusione prevalentemente “on line” facendo capo al sito web della nostra associazione (www.quaderni.archeofriuli.net). Gli autori sono altresì liberi di diffondere i loro estratti in formato .pdf attraverso lo scambio diretto o caricando gli stessi nel sito academia.edu (e simili). Tali estratti hanno dunque equipollente valore ai fini scientifici e concorsuali in quanto identici alle copie oggetto di “deposito legale”. La diffusione in rete, per scelta consapevole del comitato di redazione e del consiglio direttivo della Società friulana di archeologia, proprietaria della testata, avviene in maniera del tutto gratuita. Ciò per promuovere la conoscenza del patrimonio archeologico, non solo friulano, ben al di là dei ristretti limiti che la diffusione del mezzo cartaceo consente e per ribadire la vocazione “no profit” dell’associazione.

Open Access Journal: Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ)

[First posted in AWOL 16 July 2017, updated 2 February 2020]

Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ)
ISSN: 2509-2588
Page Header
The Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ) is a peer-reviewed online journal that seeks to provide a platform for early-career researchers to present their findings and perspectives on cultures of the ancient world. It has its inspiration in the Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies ‘Distant Worlds’, which currently incorporates Prehistorical Archaeology, Classical Archaeology and Philology, Byzantine Studies, Ancient History and Philosophy, Theology, Egyptology, Biblical Studies, Near Eastern Archaeology, Assyriology and Hittite Studies, Indology, Tibetology, and Sinology. The aspiration of Distant Worlds is to draw together scholars from a variety of disciplines and to engage in interdisciplinary discussion regarding broader questions surrounding the study of the ancient world. In this manner, the DWJ aims to cultivate a forum with which to engage the wider scholarly community.

Each edition of the Journal will be centred on a specific thematic issue that can be engaged in by a diversity of disciplines and considered from a variety of methodological approaches. The individual theme therefore acts as a fulcrum around which a range of individual topics may be discussed. Each paper should engage with the specific theme in question whilst simultaneously dealing with the current issues within an individual specialism or considering broader theoretical and interdisciplinary issues. We envisage that each paper will further the broader dialogue in studies of the ancient world by engaging in critical and shared questions. It is only by the breaking of boundaries that fresh ideas can be developed; through this journal we hope to especially empower doctoral and postdoctoral scholars to voice their views at an international level. 

No 4 (2020): Chances and Problems of Cultural Anthropological Perspectives in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Lingue antiche e moderne

 [First posted in AWOL 24 November 2013, updated 2 February 2020]

Lingue antiche e moderne
ISSN: 2281-4841
La nuova rivista “Lingue antiche e moderne” intende aprire un luogo di incontro e riflessione privilegiato per filologi classici e filologi moderni, nello spirito di collaborazione e partnership tra realtà culturali diverse che caratterizza l’Associazione dei Laureati in Lingue dell’Università di Udine, ateneo che fin dalle origini ha sempre valorizzato la presenza dell’insegnamento della lingua e letteratura latina nel corso di laurea in Lingue. L’iniziativa scientifica si segnala per la sua assoluta originalità, in opposizione al clima culturale contemporaneo, che tende invece a favorire la chiusura specialistica tra le varie discipline.

Particolarmente auspicati dalla rivista saranno perciò i contributi volti a indagare come le lingue antiche hanno continuato ad essere vitali e operanti all’interno della modernità, dall’Umanesimo al Classicismo, divenendo così anch’esse, a pieno titolo, lingue dei moderni. Ma in generale, la rivista sarà aperta alle più ampie problematiche della ricerca linguistica e filologica nei settori delle lingue antiche e delle lingue moderne.

Una prospettiva privilegiata sarà infine quella della didattica, partendo dal dato di fatto che il latino è da sempre in Europa la lingua della scuola e dell’università. Soprattutto verrà posta l’attenzione sul modo in cui le teorie linguistiche moderne continuano a confrontarsi con l’analisi delle lingue antiche. Grazie alla sua facile accessibilità gratuita on-line, la rivista si proporrà come ponte tra il mondo accademico e il mondo della scuola, nell’auspicio che la ricerca scientifica possa avere delle applicazioni pratiche nell’ambito dell’insegnamento.

The new Journal Lingue antiche e moderne aims to create a virtual meeting place of discussion for classical and modern linguists and philologists to promote the spirit of collaboration and partnership among different languages and cultures, the main tenet of the Association of Language Graduates (Associazione dei Laureati in Lingue) of the University of Udine (Italy). From the very beginning, the University of Udine has always valued the Latin language and literature offering courses in the curricula of the undergraduate and post-graduate  degrees in Foreign Languages and Literatures.

This Journal is a unique and original scientific initiative because it aims to overcome the current tendency towards divisive specialization among disciplines.

In particular, the Journal welcomes submissions which investigate how classical languages are still essential and have been highly vital and influential throughout our modern world, from Humanism to Classicism, thus becoming the languages of the Modern world. A privileged focus will be given to language teaching and learning, since in Europe Latin has always been the language par excellence in schools and universities. More specifically, the Journal will focus on how present-day language theories influence the analysis of ancient and classical languages and are influenced by it.

We hope that, thanks to its aims, scope and free on-line access, the Journal will represent a link between the world of school education and academia and will actively promote the connection between scientific research and language teaching.

Current issue

Volume VII, Year VII, November 2018
Tullio Telmon, Plurilinguismo e politiche linguistiche. L’esempio del CIEBP.
Emanuele Banfi, Il plurilinguismo nell’area balcanica.
Gerald Bernhard, Tratti fonetici dell’italiano della Ruhr tra percezione e non-percezione.
Giovanni Ruffino, Il plurilinguismo e l’ALM (Atlante Linguistico Mediterraneo).
Adam Ledgeway – Norma Schifano – Giuseppina Silvestri, Il contatto tra il greco e le varietà romanze nella Calabria meridionale.
Maria Chini, Plurilinguismo in famiglie e alunni immigrati nella provincia di Pavia.
Martty Leiwo, Multilingual Military Forts in Roman Egypt.
Bruno Rochette, La terminologie grecque et latine du plurilinguisme.
G. Lafe, Corso di lingua albanese. Livelli A1-B1del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue, Milano, Hoepli, 2017.
R. Ebgi (a cura di), Umanisti italiani. Pensiero e destino,
con un saggio di M. Cacciari, Torino, Einaudi, 2016; M. Ciliberto, Il nuovo Umanesimo, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2017
Download the current issue in pdf.


Lateinische Wörterbücher- Eine illustrierte Bibliographie von Richard Wolf

Lateinische Wörterbücher- Eine illustrierte Bibliographie von Richard Wolf
© 2001-2019
Als ich vor einigen Jahrzehnten auf dem Weg zum Latinum war, hat mich der "Stowasser" als lateinisches Schulwörterbuch sieben Jahre lang begleitet - es war der "kleine" Stowasser, den großen habe ich mir damals, ohne ihn zu kennen, sehnlich (aber vergeblich) gewünscht. Ich habe nicht einmal geahnt, daß darüber hinaus noch so viele andere großartige, gründliche lateinische Wörterbücher in Deutschland erschienen sind! Daß es sie gibt, daß sie immer greifbar sind, um uns zu Diensten zu sein, wird für selbstverständlich genommen, es sind bloße Gebrauchsbücher. Aber jedes von ihnen hat seine Geschichte, und sie sind in aller Regel das Ergebnis jahrelanger intensiver Arbeit. In diesem Sinne möchte ich hier auch eine Dankesschuld abtragen, indem ich hinter den Namen wenigstens im groben Umriß die Menschen zeige, ohne deren unermüdlichen Fleiß wir oft an einem Text verzweifeln würden. 

 Inzwischen füllen diese Wörterbücher ein paar Reihen in meinem Regal (vgl. Mein kleines Asyl), und ich habe mir überlegt, ob nicht eine kleine Bibliographie dieser Art auch für andere Freunde der lateinischen Sprache nützlich sein könnte. Gesagt, getan!
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Open Access Monograph Series: Kernos suppléments

[First posted in AWOL 9 July 30023, updated 3 February 2020]

Kernos suppléments
ISSN: 1376-179X 
Edited by André Motte and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge 
  • Nourrir les dieux ?

    Nourrir les dieux ?

    Sacrifice et représentation du divin

    Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge et Francesca Prescendi (dir.)
  • Mixanthrôpoi


    Animal-human hybrid deities in Greek religion

    Emma Aston

  • Chemins d'Hécate

    Chemins d'Hécate

    Portes, routes, carrefours et autres figures de l'entre-deux

    Athanassia Zografou


    When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin

    When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin
    Editors:  Anthonioz S., Mouton A., Petit D.
    Year: 2019
    ISBN: 978-90-429-4132-8
    Pages: X-138 p.
    The nature of divine speech in Antiquity in the Mediterranean Basin has often been the object of scholarly analysis, especially regarding its divinatory context and questions of genre and rhetoric. The present volume not only provokes a dialogue with this past research, but seeks to respond to a problem that has received little consideration until now: the articulation of divine speech with the various forms of its representation (linguistic, literary, and material). The aim is to analyze the nature of divine speech through its materiality and the impact of the latter on the former’s definition and evolution.

    La recherche s’est souvent intéressée à la nature du discours divin dans l’Antiquité, par exemple, les contextes divinatoires ou encore les questions de forme et de rhétorique. Si le présent volume n’exclut pas que ces questions soient à nouveau abordées, il vise cependant à répondre plus précisément à une question qui n’a pas encore été traitée, à savoir l’articulation du discours divin avec ses différentes formes de représentations (linguistiques, littéraires et matérielles). Le but est d’étudier ces différentes représentations et de montrer comment elles participent de la définition même et du statut du discours en question. 
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