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Open Access Journal: Το Έργον της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας» (Έργον)

Το Έργον της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας» (Έργον) 
ISSN: 0570-6211
Από το 1954 η Εταιρεία καινοτομεί ως προς την ανακοίνωση του έργου της. Επειδή τα ΠΑΕ, όπως είναι φυσικό, εκδίδονταν πολλές φορές δύο χρόνια αργότερα, άρχισε να δημοσιεύεται η ετήσια λογοδοσία του γραμματέως σε ιδιαίτερο πολυτελές τεύχος με πλούσια εικονογράφηση που τιτλοφορείται «Το Έργον της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας», το οποίο και διανέμεται συνήθως την ημέρα της λογοδοσίας, την άνοιξη κάθε χρονιάς.
Μέχρι στιγμής έχουν δημοσιευτεί 61 τόμοι του περιοδικού Το Έργον της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας:
From 1954 onwards, the Society introduces changes in the presentation of its work. As the PAE were oftentimes published with a two-year delay, the annual accountability presentation of the Secretary began to be published in a special volume with rich illustrations, titled «To Ergon tes En Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias», which is usually distributed on the accountability day, in the spring.
To date, a total of 61 volumes of the Ergon have been published:

Cleveland Museum of Art Open Access Collections

Cleveland Museum of Art Open Access Collections
The Cleveland Museum of Art announced on January 23, 2019, that it is an Open Access institution, using the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) designation for high-resolution images and data as related to its collection. At the Cleveland Museum of Art, Open Access means the public now has the ability to  share, collaborate, remix, and reuse images of many as 30,000 public- domain artworks from the CMA’s world-renowned collection of art for commercial and non-commercial purposes. In addition, portions of collections information (metadata) for more than 61,000 artworks, both in the public domain and those works with copyright or other restrictions, works are now available. 
Greek and Roman Art

Open Access Journal: ARIT Newsletter

 [First posted in AWOL 4 December 2009. Updated 24 January 2020]

ARIT Newsletter
Twice a year the Institute publishes the ARIT Newsletter, distributed widely in the academic community and among the Friends of ARIT. It provides information about the ARIT's recent activities and programs, including the news from each center, research reports from recent fellows in Turkey, lists of current fellows and donors.

Volume 62, 2019
      - ARIT Istanbul director Dr. Antony Greenwood retires; new director Zeynep Simavi takes up the post
Visiting interns work on American Board Archives and Feriköy Cemetery projects.
     - ARIT Ankara collaborates to offera workshop on the joint heritage of the Pergamon-Lesbos micro-regio.
      - Remembering CAORC's Dr. Mary Ellen Lane.
      - ARIT fellows reports: drama in Greek festivals; Uyghur language and culture in
Turkey; an ethnography of the port of Mersin.
Volume 61, 2018
      - Fundraising successes and needs
Istanbul Library at Bibliopera; American Board Archives development
     - Ankara supports local conference on islands of the Byzantine Mediterranean and a writing workshop for students.
      - ARIT fellows reports: Ottoman textiles and cheese-making in northeastern Turkey.

Volume 60, Winter 2017-2018
      - New location for ARIT Istanbul
      - ARIT Ankara collaborates to present programs to protect cultural heritage. 

     - Hanfmann and Mellink fellows' symposium. 
      - Research reports: ARIT fellows report on archaeological and archival research.

Volume 59, Spring 2016
      - Research in Turkey continues.
      - ARIT helps develop programs to protect heritage. 

     - SALT Galata in Istanbul exhibits materials from the American Board Archive. 
- The Sardis Symphony debuts at the Temple of Artemis. 

      - Research reports: ARIT fellow reports on contemporary synagogue liturgy in Istanbul.

Volume 58, Spring 2015

      - Studies related to Turkey grow, along with ARIT institutional membership
      - ARIT Istanbul opens new on-line access to American Board archives and library materials
      - ARIT Ankara director presents at the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
and facilitates programs on cultural heritage protection
      - Research reports: On social complexity and crop production at chalcolithic Çadır Höyük and on Looking over Ottoman readers' shoulders.
Volume 57, Fall 2014
     - ARIT and the NEH.
      - ARIT Istanbul Friends initiate the John Freely Fellowship Fund.
      - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional members.
      - Research report: Subsistence and Ritual as evidenced by bone remains in southern Cappadocia.
Volume 56, Spring 2014
      - Reflections on ARIT's 50th.
      - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional members.
      - Research reports: Statistics and reform in contemporary Turkey; the musical life of two Bektashi communities; Ottoman physical culture.
Volume 55, Spring 2013
      - 2014 is ARIT's 50th year: reflecting on past accomplishments and future plans.
 - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional member
      - New publication: writings of Dr. Toni M. Cross
      - Research reports: library collections of Ottoman Sufi scholars; Armenian churches in Istanbul.
Volume 54, Fall 2012
      - ARIT plans adaptations to reduced funding
 - ARIT welcomes five new institutional members
      - Research report: Classical architects of Asia Minor; Authenticating Eyüp in Istanbul.
Volume 53, Spring 2012
- ARIT's funding worries continue
 - ARIT Istanbul Library acquires the massive archive of the American Board of Missions
      - ARIT Ankara director reports on Turkish fellows traveling to Greece
      - Research report: Early Republican political cartoons
Volume 52, Fall 2011
      - ARIT loses much of its federal support for overseas operations and programs
      - ARIT Istanbul Library posts publications from the Library of the American Board of Missions on-line
      - ARIT Ankara director shares new developments concerning permits for U.S. archaeological excavations and surveys
      - Research report: Byzantine shipwreck explored
Volume 51, Spring 2011
      - ARIT Istanbul facilities and developments
      - Library of the American Board of Missions at ARIT Istanbul
      - ARIT Ankara names Coulson - Cross Aegean Exchange fellows for 2011
      - Research reports:  Ottoman Women, Legal Reform, and Social Change; Spanish Moriscos in the Ottoman realm
Volume 50, Fall 2010
      - Local Archives and Libraries of Overseas Research Centers (LAORC) launches new database on the Digital Library for International Research (DLIR)
      - Access to research facilities in Istanbul
      - ARIT facilitates cooperation with new permit procedures for archaeological projects
      - Research reports:  Religion and politics and the Ottoman-Iranian border; Polychromy of Roman marble sculpture from Aphrodisias
Volume 49, Spring 2010
      - Meet the new ARIT President
      - New ARIT Turkish fellows pursue a broad range of research projects
      - Archaeologists adapt to new excavation regulations
      - Research reports:  Late Antique Portrait Sculpture; Perspectives of German-Turkish return migrants.
Volume 48, Fall 2009
      - ARIT President Sams recounts his presidency that is coming to an end
      - ARIT center affiliates have diverse backgrounds and interests
      - ARIT Ankara and Cypriot American Archaeological Research Institute exchange scholar/directors
      - Research reports:  Piracy in the Ottoman Mediterranean; Hittite conception of space.
Volume 47, Spring 2009
      - ARIT Mellon Fellows contributions.
      - New tours and sites in Turkey
      - Machteld J. Mellink remembered in Ankara
      - Research report:  A study of Ottoman deeds in Çorum yields detailed histories.
Volume 46, Fall 2008
       - ARIT Ankara director changes: farewell to Baha Yildirim, greetings to Elif Denel.
       - Turkish Language programs and fellowships program grow
       - ARIT continues to seek new facilities for the Istanbul center
       - Research reports:  Ottoman military levies; Little Ice Age crisis in Ottoman lands.
Volume 45, Spring 2008
        - ARIT begins building a library endowment with the help of the NEH Endowment Challenge grant.
        - Kress Foundation fellows cited; Turkish fellowships program grows
        - ARIT seeks new facilities for the Istanbul center
        - Research reports:  Turkish Alevism; Greek pottery at Gordion.
Volume 44, Fall 2007
        - ARIT wins NEH Endowment Challenge grant to upgrade libraries.
        - Joukowsky Family Foundation supports publication of fellows' research.
        - Research reports:  Suleyman the Lawgiver; Cultural Debates in Istanbul Recording Studios.
Volume 43, Spring 2007
        - Ankara Library receives Mellink collection and expands.
        - Expanded intensive Department of State Turkish language programs continue.
        - Research reports:  The Making of the National Identity in Ottoman Macedonia; The Tektaş Burnu Shipwreck.
Volume 42, Fall 2006
        - The Council of American Overseas Research Centers marks twenty-five years.
        - New Department of State funding supports advanced language study in Turkey for U.S. beginning students. 
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2006-2007.
        - Research report:  The Architectural Patronage of Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad
Volume 41, Spring 2006
       - Machteld Johanna Mellink remembrance.
       - New legal status for ARIT in Turkey in process.
       - Annual Fund drive.
       - Research reports:  Thracian Names and the Greek Epigraphic Evidence in East Thrace and Asia Minor; Secularizations and their Discontents:  a Cross-National Study;        The Civil Basilica of Aphrodisias.   
Volume 40, Fall 2005
        - George and Ilse Hanfmann Fellowship Program.
        - Increased research activities in libraries and hostels in both Ankara and Istanbul. 
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2005-2006.
        - Research report:  Roman urbanism in southwestern Turkey; history of the Sabbatian communities.    
 Volume 39, Spring 2005
        - The Turkish Cultural Foundation offers new support for Turkish fellows in Turkey.
        - Increased support means more Turkish fellows supported in the program administered by the Istanbul Dernek.
        - Aegean Exchange fellows plan their research projects in Greece. 
        - Annual fund drive.
        - Research Report:  Byzantine-Ottoman 'overlap' architecture in Turkey.  

Volume 38, Fall 2004
        - William D. E. Coulson - Toni M. Cross Aegean Exchange gains permanent funding through the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
        - Changes in the laws guiding applications for research permissions occupy directors in both centers. 
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2004-2005.
        - Research report:  ancient wine-making in Turkey.    
Volume 37, Spring 2004 
        - Interest in U.S.-based research in Turkey on the increase; research are programs thriving.
        - New Turkish law changes the process for foreigners applying for research permissions.   
        - Hanfmann Fellows travel abroad to carry out varied research projects; the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Consulate in Ankara continues to support the Aegean Exchange Program.
        - Research report:  prehistoric dietary habits examined through micro-wear analysis.
ARIT Newsletter Archive:  
 Volume 36, Fall 2003Volume 18, Fall 1994
 Volume 35, Spring 2003Volume 17, Spring 1994
 Volume 34, Fall 2002Volume 16, Fall 1993
 Volume 33, Spring 2002Volume 15, Spring 1993
 Volume 32, Fall 2001Volume 14, Fall 1992
 Volume 31, Spring 2001Volume 13, Spring 1992
 Volume 30, Fall 2000Volume 12, Fall 1990
 Volume 29, Spring 2000Volume 11, Spring 1990
 Volume 28, Fall 1999Volume 10, Fall 1989
 Volume 27, Spring 1999Volume 8-9, 1988-1989
 Volume 26, Fall 1998Volume 7, 1988
 Volume 25, Spring 1998Volume 6, 1987.2
 Volume 24, Fall 1997Volume 5, 1987.1
 Volume 23, Spring 1997Volume 4, 1980
 Volume 22, Fall 1996Volume 3, 1977
 Volume 21, Spring 1996Volume 2, 1976
 Volume 20, Fall 1995Volume 1, 1975
 Volume 19, Spring 1995 

3D model of the Pergamon Altar

3D model of the Pergamon Altar

Der Pergamonaltar

Foto: Antikensammlung SMB, Johannes Laurentius 

Die Berliner Antikensammlung besitzt ein einzigartiges Denkmal der griechischen Antike. Der Große Altar wurde im 2. Jh. v. Chr. in der kleinasiatischen Königsresidenz Pergamon errichtet. Nach seiner Wiederentdeckung im späten 19. Jh. gelangten gemäß Fundteilung ausgewählte Architekturteile sowie der Skulpturenschmuck des Altars nach Berlin. Sie werden in einer monumentalen Teilrekonstruktion im Pergamonmuseum präsentiert. Der 113 m lange Sockelfries des Altars, der auch unter den Bezeichnungen Gigantenfries oder Großer Fries bekannt ist, gilt als Meisterwerk der hellenistischen Bildhauerkunst. Er zeigt einen an Dynamik und Pathos kaum zu überbietenden Kampf zwischen Göttern und Giganten.
Im Rahmen des Masterplans Museumsinsel wird das Pergamonmuseum seit 2013 abschnittsweise saniert, der Saal mit dem Pergamonaltar ist seit Herbst 2014 bis voraussichtlich 2019 geschlossen.

Der Pergamonaltar 3D

Wenn Sie diese Infobox schließen, gelangen Sie direkt zum digitalen 3D-Modell des Altarsaals im Pergamonmuseum. Per Klick in die 3D-Szene lassen sich Informationen zu den Friesdarstellungen abrufen. Zusätzlich können Sie per Detailansicht den Gigantenfries in hochaufgelöster Nahansicht erkunden. Um diese Infobox wieder anzuzeigen, verwenden Sie den Info-Button der Werkzeugleiste, welche sich in der oberen rechten Ecke befindet.
Wählen Sie in der 3D-Ansicht oder der folgenden Liste eine Friesseite, so erhalten Sie Informationen zu den Darstellungen auf dem Fries. Sie können dann in einer Detailansicht und anhand der im Text selektierbaren Ansichten den jeweiligen Fries erkunden.

Open Access Journal: Ο Μέντωρ

Ο Μέντωρ
ISSN: 1105-7181
Tριμηνιαίο περιοδικό με ειδήσεις που αφορούν την Aρχαιολογική Eταιρεία και το έργο της και μικρά άρθρα αρχαιολογικά, αρχαιογνωστικά ή σχετικά με την ιστορία της ελληνικής αρχαιολογίας καθώς και εκτενή σχόλια που αφορούν τη σημερινή θέση και τύχη των ελληνικών αρχαιοτήτων.

Μέχρι στιγμής έχουν δημοσιευτεί 28 τόμοι του περιοδικού «ο Μέντωρ»:
Περιεχόμενα τόμων
  • Tόμος 1, τεύχη 1-2, 1988
  • Tόμος 2, τεύχη 3-8, 1989
  • Tόμος 3, τεύχη 9-13, 1990
  • Tόμος 4, τεύχη 14-18, 1991
  • Tόμος 5, τεύχη 19-23, 1992

Quarterly periodical containing news regarding the Archaeological Society and its work, as well as short articles on archaeology, the history of the discipline in Greece as well as lengthy comments regarding the present location and fate of Greek antiquities.
  • Tόμος 6, τεύχη 25-28, 1993
  • Tόμος 7, τεύχη 29-32, 1994
  • Tόμος 8, τεύχη 33-36, 1995
  • Tόμος 9, τεύχη 37-40, 1996
  • Tόμος 10, τεύχη 41-44, 1997
  • Tόμος 11, τεύχη 45-48, 1998
  • Tόμος 12, τεύχη 49-52
  • Tόμος 13, τεύχη 53-56, 2000
  • Tόμος 14, τεύχη 57-61
  • Tόμος 15, τεύχη 62-65, 2002
  • Tόμος 16, τεύχη 66-69
  • Tόμος 17, τεύχη 70-73, 2004
  • Tόμος 18, τεύχη 74-77
  • Tόμος 19, τεύχη 78-80, 2006
  • Τόμος 20, τεύχη 82-86, 2007
  • Τόμος 21, τεύχη 87-90, 2008
  • Τόμος 22, τεύχη 91-94
  • Τόμος 23, τεύχη 95-98, 2010
  • Τόμος 24, τεύχη 99-101, 2011
  • Τόμος 25, τεύχη 102-104, 2012
  • Τόμος 26, τεύχη 105-107, 2013
  • Τόμος 27, τεύχη 108-110, 2014
  • Τόμος 28, τεύχη 111-113, 2015

Open Access Monograph Series: Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας (ΒΑΕ)

Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας (ΒΑΕ)
ISSN: 1105-7785
Από το 1851 η Εταιρεία εκδίδει σε ξεχωριστούς τόμους μελέτες και μονογραφίες. Τα πρώτα χρόνια οι εκδόσεις αυτές ήταν λίγες. Από τη γραμματεία του Γ. Οικονόμου έγιναν περισσότερες και επί Α. Ορλάνδου σχηματίστηκε μια σειρά σπουδαιότατη που περιλαμβάνει εκτός από ογκώδεις μονογραφίες πολλές διδακτορικές διατριβές.

Μέχρι στιγμής στη σειρά ΒΑΕ έχουν δημοσιευτεί 305 τόμοι αυτοτελών επιστημονικών έργων, στους οποίους συμπεριλαμβάνονται και οι 29 τόμοι της σειράς «Αρχαίοι τόποι και Μουσεία της Ελλάδος»:

Κατάλογος Τίτλων

From 1851 onwards, the Society publishes studies and monographs in individual volumes. In the first years, such publications were limited in number. During Georgios Oikonomos’s secretariat more publications emerged, whereas the time of Anastasios Orlandos was marked by a very important series that includes massive monographs as well as numerous dissertations. To date, the BAE series includes 305 volumes of individual scholarly works that also contain the 29 volumes of the series “Ancient Sites and Museums of Greece”:

  • Μονογραφίες 1851 - 1950
    • ΒΑΕ-1, ΒΑΕ-2, ΒΑΕ-3, ΒΑΕ-23
  • Μονογραφίες 1951 - 1968
  • Μονογραφίες 1969 - 1979
  • Μονογραφίες 1981 - 1991
  • Μονογραφίες 1992 - 1995
  • Μονογραφίες 1996 - 1998
  • Μονογραφίες 1999

See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

Open Access Publications de l’École française de Rome at OpenEdition Books

[First posted in AWOL18 October 2014, updated 25 January 2020]

Publications de l’École française de Rome
at OpenEdition Books
Publications de l’École française de Rome 
L'École française de Rome publie les travaux de ses membres et le résultat des ses activités scientifiques en histoire, archéologie et dans les sciences sociales. Les ouvrages sont principalement publiés au sein des séries traditionnelles : la Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome (BEFAR) créée en 1876, et la Collection de l'École française de Rome (CEF) créée en 1964.

And see also Publications de l'École Française de Rome at Persée Proceedings and Series

Open Access Festschriften and Gedenkschriften published by the Oriental Institute

Festschriften and Gedenkschriften published by the Oriental Institute

Baer, Klaus*For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer. D. P. Silverman, ed. 1994.

Biggs, Robert D.*: Studies Presented to Robert D. Biggs, June 4, 2004 From the Workshop of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, Volume 2 Martha T. Roth, Walter Farber, Matthew W. Stolper and Paula von Bechtolsheim, eds. 2007.

Braidwood, Robert J.*: The Hilly Flanks and Beyond: Essays on the Prehistory of Southwestern Asia Presented to Robert J. Braidwood, November 15, 1982. T. Cuyler Young, Jr., Philip E. L. Smith, and Peder Mortensen, editors. Originally published in 1983.

Esse, Douglas L.*: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse. Samuel R. Wolff, ed. 2001.

Golb, Norman*: Pesher Nahum: Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature from Antiquity through the Middle Ages Presented to Norman (Nahum) Golb. Edited by Joel L. Kraemer and Michael G. Wechsler with the participation of Fred Donner, Joshua Holo, and Dennis Pardee. 2012

Gragg, Gene B.*: Studies in Semitic and Afroasiatic Linguistics Presented to Gene B. Gragg. Cynthia L. Miller, ed. 2007.

Güterbock, Hans Gustav*: Kanissuwar - A Tribute to Hans G. Güterbock on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, May 27, 1983. H. A. Hoffner, Jr. and G. M. Beckman, eds. 1986.

Huehnergard, John*Language and Nature: Papers Presented to John Huehnergard on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Edited by Rebecca Hasselbach and Na’ama Pat-El. 2012.

Hughes, George R.*: Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes, January 12, 1977. J. H. Johnson and E. F. Wente, eds. 1976.

Jacobsen, Thorkild*: Sumerological Studies in Honor of Thorkild Jacobsen on His Seventieth Birthday June 7, 1974. S. J. Lieberman, ed. 1976.

Johnson, Janet*:   Essays for the Library of Seshat: Studies Presented to Janet H. Johnson on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday. Robert Rinner, ed. 2017;

Kantor, Helene J.*: Essays in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kantor. A. Leonard, Jr. and B. B. Williams, eds. 1989.

Landsberger, Benno*: Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 21, 1963. Edited by Hans G. Güterbock and Thorkild Jacobsen. Originally published in 1965.

Oppenheim, A. Leo.*Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964. R. D. Biggs and J. A. Brinkman, editors. Originally published in 1964.

Stolper, Matthew W.*Extraction & Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper. Michael Kozuh, Wouter F. M. Henkelman, Charles E. Jones, and Christopher Woods, editors. Originally published in 2014.

Wente, Edward F.*: Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente. E. Teeter and J. A. Larson, eds. 1999.

Wilson, John A.*: Studies in Honor of John A. Wilson. E. B. Hauser, ed. 1969.

Titles in Preparation:

From Sherds to Landscapes: Studies in the Ancient Near East in Honor of McGuire Gibson

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see

Classics Podcasts from the University of London, Institute of Classical Studies

[First posted in AWOL 7 June 2017, updated 25 January 2020]

Classics Podcasts from the University of London, Institute of Classical Studies
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Julia Hillner, Sheffield
Thursday 14 November 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): April Pudsey, Manchester Metropolitan
Tuesday 29 October 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Louise Revell, Southampton
Thursday 17 October 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Beth Severy Hoven, Macalester
Thursday 10 October 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Thursday 3 October 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Thursday 13 June 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Julia Hillner, Sheffield
Thursday 7 March 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Sara Monoson, Northwestern University
Wednesday 13 March 2019
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Dr Silvia Davoli
Wednesday 13 February 2019
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Frederic Kaplan, Isabella di Lenardo
Thursday 24 January 2019
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Professor Carlo Ginzburg
Thursday 6 December 2018
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Professor Bill Sherman
Thursday 22 November 2018
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Professor Caroline van Eck, Professor Claudia Cieri Via
Friday 15 November 2019
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Jhumpa Lahiri and Bill Sherman
Wednesday 31 October 2018
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Professor Peter Adamson
Monday 27 August 2018
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Dr Melanie Holcomb
Tuesday 12 March 2019
Warburg Institute
Friday 1 March 2019
Warburg Institute
Thursday 21 February 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Gabriel Zuchtriegel
Tuesday 26 February 2019
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Martin Revermann, University of Toronto
Wednesday 14 November 2018
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Prof. Helen King , Dr. Gabriel Bodard, Dr. Celia Sánchez Natalías, Dr. Sophie Page, Roz Kaveney
Wednesday 31 October 2018
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Joshua Katz, Princeton University
Tuesday 8 May 2018
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Angie Hobbs, University of Sheffield
Wednesday 6 June 2018
Institute of Classical Studies
Thursday 22 March 2018
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Speaker(s): Eitan Karol (Louis Karol Architecture & Interiors, and author of Charles Holden: Architect), Elizabeth Flowers and Hugo Braddick (Haworth Tompkins), Liza Fior (muf architecture & art), and Neil Bingham (Curator of Architecture, Victoria and Albert Museum). Moderated by Bill Sherman (Director, Warburg Institute)
Saturday 17 March 2018
Warburg Institute
Speaker(s): Tessa Murdoch, Victoria and Albert Museum
Wednesday 21 February 2018
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Professor Rita Volpe, Roma Tre University
Tuesday 20 February 2018
Institute of Classical Studies
Speaker(s): Anthony Corbeill, University of Virginia
Wednesday 24 January 2018


Spatial Index of U2 Aerial Photography of the Middle East, 1958-1960

Spatial Index of U2 Aerial Photography of the Middle East, 1958-1960

Ur, Jason; Hammer, Emily, 2018, "Spatial Index of U2 Aerial Photography of the Middle East, 1958-1960", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/VD74QX, Harvard Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:pbkxs4snxBnwjHehe9wwiA== [fileUNF]
and the related open access article:

Near Eastern Landscapes and Declassified U2 Aerial Imagery


Recently declassified photographs taken by U2 spy planes in the 1950s and 1960s provide an important new source of historical aerial imagery useful for Eurasian archaeology. Like other sources of historical imagery, U2 photos provide a window into the past, before modern agriculture and development destroyed many archaeological sites. U2 imagery is older and in many cases higher resolution than CORONA spy satellite imagery, the other major source of historical imagery for Eurasia, and thus can expand the range of archaeological sites and features that can be studied from an aerial perspective. However, there are significant barriers to finding and retrieving U2 imagery of particular locales, and archaeologists have thus not yet widely used it. In this article, we aim to reduce these barriers by describing the U2 photo dataset and how to access it. We also provide the first spatial index of U2 photos for the Middle East. A brief discussion of archaeological case studies drawn from U2 imagery illustrates its merits and limitations. These case studies include investigations of prehistoric mass-kill hunting traps in eastern Jordan, irrigation systems of the first millennium BC Neo-Assyrian Empire in northern Iraq, and twentieth-century marsh communities in southern Iraq.
Las fotografías tomadas por aviones espía U-2 durante los años 50 y 60, recientemente desclasificadas, son una nueva fuente de imágenes aéreas muy útil para la arqueología euroasiática. Tal como otras fuentes de imágenes históricas, las fotografías de los U-2 son una ventana hacia un pasado antes de la destrucción de muchos sitios arqueológicos a manos de la agricultura y el desarrollo modernos. Las imágenes de los U-2 preceden aquellas tomadas por los satélites espía CORONA, la otra fuente principal de imágenes históricas de Eurasia, y en muchos casos son de más alta resolución. Por lo mismo, expanden el rango de sitios y rasgos arqueológicos que se pueden estudiar desde una perspectiva aérea. Sin embargo, existen obstáculos significativos para conseguir y acceder a imágenes de localidades particulares, y por lo tanto los arqueólogos todavía no acostumbran a valerse de ellas. En este artículo tenemos como meta disminuir estos obstáculos a través de una descripción del conjunto de imágenes de los U-2 y de un método para acceder a ellas. También proveemos el primer índice espacial de fotografías de los U-2 del Medio Oriente. Una breve discusión de casos prácticos usando estas imágenes demuestra sus ventajas y limitaciones. Estos casos incluyen investigaciones de trampas de caza prehistóricas en el este de Jordania, sistemas de irrigación del imperio Neo-asirio del primer milenio a.C. en el norte de Irak y de comunidades del siglo XX que habitaban en los humedales del sur de Irak.

Attic Inscriptions Online Update

Attic Inscriptions Online Update:
27 January 2020: Today we publish AIUK 4.2 (British Museum, Decrees of the Council and Assembly), with corresponding briefer editions on the main site. These include, from the 5th century BC, Decrees about the Eleusinian Mysteries, about Erythrai, about Hestiaia, about a treaty with Rhegion, about the tribute, about building a temple; from the 4th century BC, Honours for Euagoras of Salamis, 394/3 BC, for a man from Argos, for a seer (?), with relief, for Asandros of Macedon, 314/3 BC; and from Hellenistic and Roman Athens, Honours for Spartokos III of the Bosporan kingdom, 285/ 4 BC, Honours, 259/8 BC, Decree, 255/4 BC, Decrees honouring the prytany of Ptolemais, 192/1 BC, honouring ephebes, 40/39 or 39/8 BC, on the conveyance of sacred objects for the Eleusinian Mysteries. We also publish editions on the AIO main site, with Greek texts, of the 5th-cent. decree awarding citizenship to Euagoras of Salamis; and of four decrees of tribes etc. relating to the ephebate in the years after 334/3 BC, AIO 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977, together with light revisions to RO 89 (notes) and to the ephebic dedications of the same period, IG II3 4, 329-352. We have continued adding Greek texts where an up-to-date Greek text is not available elsewhere in open access, completing coverage of entries first published on AIO in 2013 and 2014, also lightly revising the translations and notes. We also publish today the second edition of our Short Guide to Materials on AIO.

Open Access Journal: Studia Hercynia: Journal of the Institute of Classical Archaeology

[First posted in AWOL 1 April 2018, updated 27 January 2020]

Studia Hercynia: Journal of the Institute of Classical Archaeology
ISSN: 1212-5865 (print)
ISSN: 2336-8144 (online)
Studia Hercynia is a biannual peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the study of the material culture of Antiquity, on relations between the Mediterranean and Central Europe, on the traditions of ancient art in European culture, and other related phenomena. The journal aims to advance Classical Archaeology and associated disciplines, both in the Czech Republic and internationally.
The journal was founded in 1997 by Prof. Jan Bouzek under the Institute of Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, at the Charles University.

Since 2015 Studia Hercynia is an Open Access journal with online content freely available to the readers under the CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license. Full articles are available on the internet to all readers immediately upon publication and their further non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.
No fees are charged for the manuscript submission, processing, and publication.
I. Peer‑reviewed studies
The Sacral Knot and Its Iconographic Use
Monika Matoušková, p. 9-31

Late Bronze Age Settlement History of Emporio on Chios Reconsidered
Kristina Jarošová, p. 32-51

‘A Marriage of the Aegean and the Orient’. Bronzes of the Siana Group Reconsidered
Miloš Roháček, p. 52-82

Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Pottery in the Upper Thracian Plain, Tundzha Valley and the Burgas Lowland, Bulgaria – Diversity, Technology and Distribution
Rositsa Hristova, p. 83-118

II. Reports
Kyzyl Gul – The Relicts of an Abandoned Village in Kugitang Piedmont (South Uzbekistan)
Anna Augustinová – Petr Mach – Petra Cejnarová
p. 121-146

Kurgans of the Eastern Kugitang Piedmonts. Preliminary Report for Season 2018
Jakub Havlík – Hana Havlíková – Ladislav Stančo
p. 147-172

Pl. 1/1 – Pl. 1/4
p. 175-177

Peter Pavúk, p. 5-5

AEGYPTIACA: Ägyptologische Literaturdatenbank

The TOMBA project

The TOMBA project
TOMBA is a multilingual internet image database for tombs of élites in Bronze and Early Iron Age Europe (2400/2300-480/450 BC). The database is localized into Danish, English, French, German, Greek, and Italian.

The Tomba project has been established for understanding of this early european development of se élites. It is meant to provide easy access to se early european élites for public and to offer to scientists possibility of advanced studies.

The project to create image database is supported by European Commission, Directorate General X and established by seven institutes from as many European States.

Among European funerary rites and traditions archaeological remains of prehistoric Bronze and Iron Ages (ca. 2000-0 BC) play an important role. Across Europe, graves of this time illustrate development of complex social systems characterised by a significant degree of social stratification. Burials with rich grave goods, which demonstrate social ranking in after-life as well, are of major importance to this me. The high social renk of buried is visible by grave goods as wagons, weapons, metal vessels and gold artefacts as well as by monumental tomb construction. They represent wide cultural connections and mutualities in burial customs among various culture groups of Europe.

No o r source of information available allows se processes to be followed in such detail. Personages of high rank, or ir successors, endeavoured to express ir social status in form of ir burials; at same time this allowed m to lay claim to a similar status in after-life. The emergence of highly structured societies with a dominant élite went hand in hand with complex processes in production and relations of power, linked systems of distribution, thus leading to intensification of international contacts. Indeed, it seems interdependency between formation of élites and intensification of international contacts was a typical feature of such highly structured societies.

This process began in Minoan and Mycenaean cultures of Greece, where for first time in Europe an advanced civilisation (palace-culture with writing and administration) developed in second millennium BC. From this Aegean core area, élite graves containing swords, gold ornaments and metal-vessels spread out over large parts of Europe. In particular phenomenon in Bronze Age covers a strip of land from sou rn Scandinavia (Denmark) to Greece. Especially in Central Europe, beginning in 13th century BC a model for provision of élites’ tombs developed, including swords, wagons and metal-vessels. In Iron Age also in Italy, eastern Alpine region and eastern France similar developments can be observed in course of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age (10th/9th centuries BC), whereas western Europe from Iberian Peninsula to England and nor rn Scandinavia are lacking such an process. Certain special types of grave goods, as well as specific elements of funerary ritual can be detected far away from Aegean, in a wide region between Mediterranean and sou rn Scandinavia. Research into this data provides evidence of European dimension of this process during Bronze and Iron Ages.

During Iron Age rise of élites intensified especially in Italy and Central Europe.
In historical sources, first kings of Greek and Etruscan city states are said to have been recruited from these élites buried with exclusive grave goods. Until 6th century BC these rulers were buried in monumental tombs with outstanding and splendid grave goods. They are protagonists actively participating in cultural-historical developments in an early stage of Europe.

Open Access Journal: Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Papers (GRPOP)

Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Papers (GRPOP)
"Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Papers," edited by Nicolò Marchetti, are non-periodical scientific studies and reports about the socio-cultural heritage and natural environment of the region of Gaziantep by the Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish. GRPOP is open also to scientists from all fields and from any affiliation, contributions are peer-reviewed, enquiries may be sent to the Editorial Assistant.
2013: 2 V. Minguzzi, E. Esquilini, E. Zantedeschi Tilmen Höyük: A Mineralogical-geochemical Characterization of Some MBA and LBA Pottery Samples. 30/11/2013
2013: 3 P. Rossi Pisa, M. Speranza, M. Bittelli, H. Çakan Tilmen Höyük: Climate, Soil, Hydrology and Vegetation. 30/11/2013
2013: 4 N. Macchioni, S. Lazzeri Tilmen Höyük: Identification of Wood Species from Areas E and G. 30/11/2013
2013: 5 Y.S. Erdal Tilmen Höyük: Human Skeletal Remains from Area Q. 30/11/2013
2013: 6 M. Carra Tilmen Höyük: Archaeobotanical Remains from Area E. 30/11/2013
2013: 7 G. Marchesi Tilmen Höyük: An Inscribed Bulla from the 1962 Campaign. 30/11/2013
2014: 1 A. Adamo, C. Cappuccino Karkemish. L’Area C: contesti e materiali degli scavi del 2011. 30/12/2014
2016: 1 A. Bonomo, F. Zaina Karkemish. Report on the 2011 and 2012 Excavations in Area F. 01/09/2016
2017: 1 V. Gallerani, A. Vacca, F. Zaina Catalogue of the Pottery Materials from Karkemish in the Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Ankara 01/11/2017
G.M. Bargossi, G. Gasparotto, M. Marocchi Tilmen Höyük: Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation on Lithic Remains from the Palace Area. 30/11/2013

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Open Access Journal: Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture

Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture
E-ISSN: 1754-517X 

Focus and Scope

The scope of the journal is the study of late antique religion and culture from the late Hellenistic Period to the early Middle Ages, also in relation to earlier and later periods, in particular Classical antiquity and the modern world.

Publication Frequency

Articles and other content in this journal are published collectively, as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents.
The journal is published at a frequency of one volume per year.
The journal is published online as a continuous volume and issue throughout the year. Articles are made available as soon as they are ready to ensure that there are no unnecessary delays in getting content publicly available.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Authors of articles published remain the copyright holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, and share the article according to the Creative Commons license agreement.


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


Maǧalla-i muṭālaʿāt-i bāstān-šināsī = Journal of Archaeological Studies

Maǧalla-i muṭālaʿāt-i bāstān-šināsī = Journal of Archaeological Studies
Print ISSN: 2251-9297
Online ISSN: 2676-4288

مجله مطالعات باستان شناسی دانشکدة ادبیّات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه تهران، نشریه‌ای علمی است که در سال در دو شماره منتشر می‌شود. این مجله درصد است تا مقالاتی را با ایده های بکر و جدید و با محتوی علمی به چاپ برساند. باستان شناسى، دانش بررسى فرهنگ هاى انسانى از راه بازیابى، مستندسازى، و تحلیل بازمانده هاى مادى بشر، همچون معمارى، دست ساخته ها، بازمانده هاى انسانى و یا پهنه زمین است. هدف نهایى باستان شناسى، روشنگرى درباره تاریخ بشر و فراز و فرود شکل گیرى تمدن است. از این رو بسیارى از رشته هاى دیگر علوم انسانى نظیر تاریخ، گیتا شناسى، زمین شناسى و مردم شناسى در پیوند با این دانش بشرى بوده اند. با این حال علم باستان شناسى از چندین دهه قبل نه تنها در اصول و روش تحقیق، بلکه در اهداف نیز به سرعت دستخوش تحولات بنیادى شده است. باستان شناسى با درک مفاهیم میراث گذشتگان بر مبناى آثار باقى مانده در درون و برون خاک به این اسناد و میراث گذشته معناى فرهنگى ویژه مى دهد.» در ایران همپاى کاوش هاى فرنگیان، دانش باستان شناسى نزد معدود دانش آموختگان و فرهیختگان این رشته، بسط و گسترش یافت. در این میان بودند بزرگانى که در تثبیت و ساماندهى مبانى باستان شناسى از یک سو و پژوهش هاى فراگیر عملى این رشته در ایران سهم بسزایى داشتند. باستان شناسی فقط در زمینه های اکتشاف و پیدا کردن وقایع و رویدادهای تاریخی نیست ، بلکه باستانشناسی در زمینه زمین شناسی ، عمر کره زمین ، گیاه شناسی ، مردم شناسی و صدها مورد دیگرفعالیت می نماید .فواید علم باستان شناسی به زندگی بشری ،شناخت ادیان و دیرینه شناسی و آینده شناسی :همانطور که گفته شد باستان شناسی فقط با دیده ها و علم می خواهد اثبات و معرفی نماید لذا به گفته ها و نوشته فقط به عنوان یک منبع و یک راهنما تکیه می کند .در جهان امروز خیلی از گفته ها یا بدون تحقیق به عنوان یک اصل برای مردم شناخته شده اند و یا توسط اشخاصی با سلیقه شخصی آنها نوشته شده اند.مباحث مورد نظر مجله باستان شنـاسی ایـران از دوران پارینه سنگی تا دوره اسلامی، مطالعات باستان گیاه‌شناسی، باستان جانور شناسی، باستان زمین‌شناسی، باستان قوم شناسی، انسان‌شناسی جسمانی و سایر حوزه‌های مرتبط در ایران و کشورهای همسایه است. هدف از انتشار این مجله انعکاس پژوهشهای باستان شناسی در حال انجام ایران در سطح بین‌المللی است.

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Open Access Journal: Peloro: Rivista del Dottorato in Scienze Storiche, Archeologiche e Filologiche dell’Università di Messina

Peloro: Rivista del Dottorato in Scienze Storiche, Archeologiche e Filologiche dell’Università di Messina
ISSN: 2499-8923
La Rivista PELORO nasce alla confluenza delle molteplici competenze disciplinari che caratterizzano il Dottorato in Scienze storiche, archeologiche e filologiche dell’Università di Messina. Intende proporre uno spazio di espressione ad accesso aperto per ricerche specialistiche e originali condotte negli ambiti di interesse del Dottorato, offrendo a dottorandi e dottori di ricerca uno sbocco editoriale innovativo per percorsi di studio di alto profilo, paralleli o complementari a quelli impostati per l’elaborato finale. È aperta anche ai contributi dei docenti del Dottorato.


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: The Ancient Near East Today

 [First posted in AWOL 9 April 2013, updated 28 January 2020]

The Ancient Near East Today
The Ancient Near East Today e-newsletter is delivered to your inbox every Thursday of the month and features contributions from diverse academics, debates about current developments from the field, and links to news and resources. The ANE Today covers the entire Near East, and each issue presents discussions ranging from the state of biblical archaeology to archaeology after the Arab Spring. This weekly e-newsletter disseminates ideas, insights and discoveries exclusively to the Friends of ASOR.

To receive ANE Today every week for FREE:

Register here as a Friend of ASOR!
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    VOL II (2014)
    VOL I (2013)

      Open Access Journal: Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology

      [Originally posted 9/21/09. Updated 28 January 2020]

      Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
      ISSN 1824-1670
      Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
      Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology’ (JIIA) online since 10 October 2003, was launched as an online journal devoted to archaeology.
      JIIA is an online journal on archaeology, antiquity sciences and sciences applied to archaeology. It is interdisciplinary and concentrates particularly on the problems of interculturality in the ancient world.
      The JIIA is registered with the Court of Frosinone, Italy, entry no. 303/2003; has been a member of the USPI (Italian Periodical Press Union) since 2003; has been allocated International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 1824-1670) by the National Italian ISSN Centre and is protected by Italian copyright law as a collective work.
      In the year 2014, the Journal has been relaunched, available in print, limited edition, not for sale, and distributed for free to the national libraries in various countries around the world, some University departments and authors only. From 2014 (beginning with the second edition) JIIA is hosted by the Heidelberg University Library.
      Linked to the ‘Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology’ is the 'JIIA Eprints Repository'.

      Antonella D'Ascoli is Owner and Editor of this complex infrastructure.
      2. ed: Consumption of perfumed oil in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East: funerary rituals and other case studies
      No 01 (2014)
      The new series of the journal aims at opening up Classical Antiquity to the whole Mediterranean, refreshingly not in the sense of mare nostrum, presenting the Roman perspective, but showing the multitude of cultural influences that have always characterised this region. It begins with a thematic issue on perfumed oil and immediately broadens the discussion with contributions ranging chronologically from the Bronze Age to late antiquity and covering Nubia, Egypt, the Near East and Greece. All this maintaining high quality in the presentation and the scientific rigour of papers.
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