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Library of Ancient Texts Online (LATO)

[First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009. Updated 25 April 2013]

Library of Ancient Texts Online (LATO)

The Library of Ancient Texts Online aims to be the internet's most thorough catalogue of online copies of ancient Greek texts, both in Greek and in translation. This is a site for all with an interest in the Classics. Very many texts from Ancient Greece are available on the world-wide web, at a variety of sites, in a variety of formats, and in a variety of languages. Some of the richest sites are massive endeavours such as The Perseus Project at Tufts University, or Project Gutenberg. Some visitors will already be familiar with these sites and others. (For links to some other sites, see the Abbreviations page.) However, even these sites lack many texts: some sites contain some comparatively obscure texts, others contain others. LATO helps to repair this situation by gathering a comprehensive set of links to those texts that are available free of charge. No texts are actually hosted on this site.

Links in LATO are organised by author, or, where authorship is uncertain, by the titles of texts. The aim is to make online copies of ancient Greek texts easily accessible to both scholars and to those with a general interest in ancient literature, to ancient historians and archaeologists, teachers and students.


Database: Sculptures de la Gaule Romaine

Sculptures de la Gaule Romaine
La base de données NEsp est issue d’un programme de recherche du Centre Camille Jullian sur les collections des sculptures romaines de la Gaule Narbonnaise.

Dans un premier temps, les données collectées dans les musées du sud de la France ont été gérées par la base NarboSculpture. Cette recherche s’est élargie, à la faveur de l’opération du Nouvel Espérandieu, Recueil Général des Sculptures sur pierre de la Gaule, menée par l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres sous la direction d’Henri LAVAGNE. Elle couvre à présent l’inventaire, la gestion, l’étude et la publication des sculptures de l’ensemble de la Gaule romaine. L’accroissement constant des données a nécessité la création de la base NEsp sous la responsabilité de Danièle Terrer.
Cette base devrait contenir au moins 15000 fiches et 60000 images. Certes, c’est un projet qui se réalise dans la durée, ce qui est, sans doute, le sort de tous les grands inventaires nationaux. Ce fut celui de l’inventaire réalisé par Emile Espérandieu de 1907 à 1938 (onze volumes), puis par Raymond Lantier de 1947 à 1966 (quatre volumes), l’ensemble constituant une collection prestigieuse de près de 10000 sculptures publiée sous le patronage de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Jusqu’à la publication d’un Nouveau Recueil Général des Sculptures sur pierre de la Gaule, c’était le seul inventaire connu.

En outre, ce premier inventaire, constitué par Emile Espérandieu au début du siècle dernier, était illustré par des plaques de verre dont nous avons pu assurer le sauvetage en les numérisant et en les indexant dans une base de données RBR en vis-à-vis de la nouvelle base NEsp . Ces plaques sont en partie conservées au Palais du Roure à Avignon et au Fort de Saint-Cyr. Jean-Daniel PARISET, Conservateur des Archives de Saint-Cyr, conscient à la fois de la précarité de ces fragiles documents du siècle dernier et de leur immense valeur de témoignage, a bien voulu entreprendre leur sauvetage, aux côtés de Henri LAVAGNE, Membre de l’Institut. La mise à disposition des plaques de verre auprès de la communauté scientifique a été rendue possible par le Ministère de la Culture (France), Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine. Diffusion RMN. La valorisation de ces plaques revient au Centre Camille Jullian où elles ont pu être indexées et intégrées dans la base de données RBR où sont consignés les identifications proposées par Emile Espérandieu, les références au CIL , les sources, les dessins et relevés anciens...

PECL: Prototype d'Encyclopédie Céramologique en Ligne

PECL: Prototype d'Encyclopédie Céramologique en Ligne
Ce prototype est conçu pour le navigateur Firefox 3: TéléchargerFirefox3 (gratuit)
Vous êtes sur le site web expérimental du PECL : Prototype d'Encyclopédie Céramologique en Ligne.
Le Prototype d’EncyclopédieCéramologique en Ligne (PECL)estdéveloppé par le Céramopôle, programme transversal de la MaisonMéditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme [MMSH] (AixMarseilleUniversité / CNRS).
Le projet a été financé par l'Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (InSHS) du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), dans le cadre d’un Projet Exploratoire Premier Soutien (PEPS) obtenu en 2010, ainsi que par la MMSH dans le cadre du programme transversal Céramopôle, avec le concours du Centre CamilleJullian, du Laboratoired’ArchéologieMédiévale et Moderne en Méditerranée et du LaboratoireMéditerranéen de Préhistoire Europe Afrique.
Ce site a été construit par la société ATRessources sur la base du cahier des charges fourni en 2010 par l'équipe du Céramopôle. Les comptes rendus des réunions de préparation du PECL (avril à novembre 2010) sont disponibles sur le site web du Céramopôle.
La version 1 du Prototype d’EncyclopédieCéramologique en Ligne (PECL) est une version purement expérimentale. Elle comporte un nombre restreint de fiches, uniquement destinées à tester le fonctionnement des trois tables interconnectées de cette base de données : Classification, Bibliographie et Contextes.


Open Access Journal: エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies (Ejiputogaku kenkyū)

エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies (Ejiputogaku kenkyū)
ISSN: 0919-2417
雑誌名 号数
エジプト学研究 第1号
エジプト学研究 第2号
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エジプト学研究 第13号
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エジプト学研究 第15号
エジプト学研究 第16号
エジプト学研究 第17号
エジプト学研究 第18号
エジプト学研究 第19号
エジプト学研究第19号(2013-1)  [一括ダウンロード(25MB)]
The Journal of Egyptian Studies Vol.19, 2013

序文…吉村 作治
【調査報告】2012年 太陽の船プロジェクト 活動報告
Report of the Activity in 2012, Project of the Solar Boat (in Japanese with English summary)
…Hiromasa KUROKOCHI and Sakuji YOSHIMURA

エジプト ダハシュール北遺跡発掘調査報告-第18次発掘調査-
…吉村作治・矢澤 健・近藤二郎・西本真一
Preliminary Report on the Waseda University Excavations at Dahshur North: Eighteenth Season
(in Japanese with English summary)

Report on the Conservation Work on the Wall Paintings in the Royal Tomb of Amenophis III (KV 22)
(in Japanese with English summary)

…高橋寿光・西坂朗子・阿部善也・中村彩奈・中井 泉・吉村作治
Chemical Analysis of the Pigments Used in the Wall Paintings of the Royal Tomb of Amenophis III (in Japanese with English summary
…Kazumitsu TAKAHASHI, Akiko NISHISAKA, Yoshinari ABE, Ayana NAKAMURA, Izumi NAKAI and Sakuji YOSHIMURA

Report of the Conservation of Sarcophagus Lid of Amenophis III
(in Japanese with English summary)
…Sakuji YOSHIMURA, Hiroko KARIYA, Akiko NISHISAKA, and Kazumitsu TAKAHASHI

…近藤二郎・吉村作治・柏木裕之・河合 望・高橋寿光
Preliminary Report on the Fifth Season of the Work at al-Khokha Area in the Theban Necropolis by the Waseda University Egyptian Expedition (in Japanese with English summary)

…Jiro KONDO, Sakuji YOSHIMURA, Hiroyuki KASHIWAGI, Nozomu KAWAI and Kazumitsu TAKAHASHI

Excavating Settlement site in the era of Ancient Egyptian State Formation: Recent Excavations at HK11C, Hierakonpolis
(in Japanese with English summary)
…Masahiro BABA

Some Remarks on the early development of the Stone Vessels in the Nile Valley
(in Japanese with English summary)

【卒業論文概要】ナイル川下流域における石製容器からみた初期国家形成の様相 -先王朝時代から第1王朝時代を対象として-


【活動報告】2012年度 早稲田大学エジプト学会活動報告 2012年 エジプト調査概要
編集後記…近藤 二郎

エジプト学研究第18号(2012-1)  [一括ダウンロード(9.7MB)]
The Journal of Egyptian Studies Vol.18, 2012

序文…吉村 作治
…近藤二郎・吉村作治・菊地敬夫・柏木裕之・河合 望・西坂朗子・高橋寿光
Preliminary Report on the Fourth Season of the Work at al-Khokha Area in the Theban Necropolis
by the Waseda University Egyptian Expedition (in Japanese with English summary)

エジプト ダハシュール北遺跡発掘調査報告-第16次・第17次発掘調査-
…吉村作治・矢澤 健・近藤二郎・馬場匡浩・西本真一・柏木裕之・秋山淑子
Preliminary Report on the Waseda University Excavations at Dahshur North:
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Seasons (in Japanese with English summary)

Report of the Activity in 2011, Project of the Solar Boat (in Japanese with English summary)

【論文・研究ノート】両面加工石器製作の生産体制について ―ヒエラコンポリス遺跡エリート墓地出土資料の分析から―
Bifacial Flint Production Groups in the Predynastic Egypt:
Analysis of finds from Elite Cemetery at Hierakonpolis (in Japanese with English summary)


【活動報告】2011年度 早稲田大学エジプト学会活動報告 2011年 エジプト調査概要
編集後記…近藤 二郎
And see also

Spartokos a lu : Black sea archaeology online

Spartokos a lu 
guide à la navigation webpontique
This blog aims to gather links about electronic publications dealing with the Black sea in Antiquity.  The Pontos Euxeinos bibliography is quite huge, and it’s not so easy to find some of the local publications. I hope these links can help you to travel around the Black sea archaeology. I try to tag all the posts by geographical key words.

Open Access Journal: МНЕМОН: Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира


Open Access Classics publications of St. Petersburg State University


Open Access Classics publications of St. Petersburg State University

[1956Из истории древнего мира и средних веков. под ред. проф. К.М.Колобовой и проф. А.Д.Люблинской / Ученые записки Ленинградского ордена Ленина Государственого Университета им. А.А.Жданова. № 192. Исторический факультет. Серия исторических наук. Выпуск 21. Ленинград, 1956
[1982Проблемы античной государственности. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1982
[1982Социальная структура и политическая организация античного общества. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1982
[1984Проблемы социально-политической организации и идеологии античного общества. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1984
[1985Проблемы политической истории античного общества. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1985
[1986Античная гражданская община. Проблемы социально-политического развития и идеологии. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1986
[1987Город и государство в античном мире. Проблемы исторического развития. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1987
[1988Античное общество и государство. Проблемы социально-политической истории. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1988
[1989Социальная борьба и политическая идеология в античном мире. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1989
[1990Государство, политика и идеология в античном мире. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Ленинград, 1990
[1995Античный полис. Проблемы социально-политической организации и идеологии античного общества. СПб., 1995
[1997Античное общество. Проблемы политической истории. Межвузовский сборник под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. СПб., 1997
[1998Античный мир. Проблемы истории и культуры. Сборник начуных статей к 65-летию со дня рождения проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Под ред. д-да ист. наук. И.Я.Фроянова. СПб., 1998
[2002Античное государство. Политические отношения и государственные формы в античном мире. Сборник научных статей. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2002.
[2002Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2002.
[2003Проблемы античной истории. Сборник научных статей к 70-летию со дня рождения проф. Э.Д. Фролова. Под редакцией д-ра ист. наук А.Ю. Дворниченко. СПб., 2003.
[2003Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 2. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2003.
[2004Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 3. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2004.
[2005Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 4. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2005.
[2006Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 5. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2006.
[2007Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 6. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2007.
[2008История: мир прошлого в современном освещении. Сборник научных статей к 75-летию со дня рождения профессора Э.Д. Фролова. Под редакцией д-ра ист. наук А.Ю. Дворниченко. СПб., 2008.
[2008Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 7. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2008.
[2009Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 8. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2009.
[2010Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 9. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2010.
[2011Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 10. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2011.
[2012Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 11. Под редакцией професора Э.Д. Фролова. Санкт-Петербург, 2012.
[2013Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Выпуск 12: Из истории античности и нового времени. Сборник статей к 80-летию со дня рождения проф. Э.Д. Фролова. Под редакцией професора А.Х. Даудова. Санкт-Петербург, 2013.

Open Access Journal: LionBytes [Newsletter of the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology]

LionBytes [Newsletter of the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology]
The Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology, a research unit within the Department of Classics, founded in 2004, promotes teaching, research, and public service centered on the University of California excavations at Nemea, Greece and its surrounding region.
The Center fosters an environment of teaching and scholarly cooperation that is a model in the field of classical archaeology.  The Center is composed of the Nemea Excavation Archives, housed in 7125 Dwinelle Hall, University of California, Berkeley, and the Nemea Archaeological Center in Nemea, Greece, which is composed of the Bowker House complex (residences, common room/kitchen, storage areas and garden), the Thomas J. Long Study Room in the Nemea Archaeological Museum (office/drafting space, research library and archive of original excavation materials) and the Nemean land to which Berkeley holds scientific rights.

All the work and activities of the Nemea Center, including staff support, is financed solely through donations. If you are interested in making a donation please visit our “Donate” website for information.

 The Nemea Center maintains an occasional electronic publication designed to keep friends and supporters of Nemea connected to what is happening at the Center both in Berkeley and in Greece.

Most recent LionBytes: Fall 2012

LionBytes Back Issues

New Open Access Journal: Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature

Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature
Oqimta is a digitized research journal devoted to all spheres and types of talmudic and rabbinical literature – in Jewish law and exegesis. 

The articles in this journal undergo academic appraisal and redaction, and are published in the accepted languages in research. 

Oqimta will be appearing once a year, in digitized form, and is available free of charge to the reading public. Articles that have completed the publication process will be uploaded to the site prior to the finalization of the issue, and can be found on the "In Publication page".

We are pleased to present the inaugural issue: Issue 1 (5773/2013) containing twelve articles. This issue has yet to be finalized, and its contents can be found on the "In Publication page". We take this opportunity to invite you to subscribe to our mailing list in order to receive updates (see Subscribe), {link} and to send us your submissions (see Instructions for Authors).

Open Access Journal: Canadio-Byzantina: A newsletter published by the Canadian Committee of Byzantinists


Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and Orient

Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and Orient
Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between Orient and Occident is a four year (2009-2012) joint Syrian-Norwegian research project on the relationship between the ancient city of Palmyra and its hinterland. The project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Palmyra is situated at the oasis of Tadmor in the Syrian semi-desert, between the fertile valleys of the Orontes and the Euphrates. Through most of its pre-modern history, the village of Tadmor had a population ranging into the hundreds or thousands. In the first centuries CE the settlement grew into a city with an estimated population of 150.000 - 200.000, establishing it as one of the largest and most important cities of the Roman Empire in the mid-third century. A city the size of Palmyra depended on large quantities of water, food, fuel and building materials. In the ancient period most of these resources had to be secured within the distance of a few days travel. In the case of Palmyra, these surroundings were constituted by the precarious environment of arid steppes and mountains, inhabited by nomadic pastoralists both before and during the peak of Palmyrene urbanity. An important aim of our project is to understand how the oasis-city utilized its territory for agriculture, pastoralism, water harvesting, transport and defense. This is the subject of a joint Syrian-Norwegian archaeological survey between Palmyra and Isriyeh. The first season was conducted in 2008, and the survey will also cover pre-historic and Islamic periods...


2011 survey
Preliminary report (136 kb PDF)
Historical period (28 mb PDF)
2009 survey
1. Introduction (24 kb PDF)
2. Historical period (5,3 mb PDF)
3. Prehistoric period (3,1 mb PDF)
2008 survey
Preliminary report (8,2 mb PDF)
Articles, theses, books
Seland, Eivind Heldaas: "Death or taxes : Choosing itineraries between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean in the mid-18th century". Academic Quarter 4, Spring 2012: 97-108 (external link).
Seland, Eivind Heldaas: "Trade and Christianity in the Indian Ocean During Late Antiquity". Journal of Late Antiquity 5 (1): 72-86 (external link).
Anfinset, Nils: "The formation of economic systems and social institutions during the fifth and fourth millennium BC", in Interweaving worlds. Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st Millennium BC, eds. T.C. Wilkinson, S. Sherratt & J. Bennet, 2011. London, Oxbow Books: 145-157. (external link)
Finsås, Martine Solenes: Romersk Palmyra? Kvalitativ og kvantitativ analyse av romersk innflytelse påpalmyrenernes private identitet. Thesis for the MA-degree, Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen. (external link)
Ruset, Hildegunn Maria Haanes: Pastoral Nomads on the Syrian steppe in the early Bronze Age: a study of burial monuments in the hinterland of Palmyra. Thesis for the MA-degree, Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen. (external link)
Seland, Eivind Heldaas: "Kameler og kamelkaravaner i romersk kunst". Klassisk Forum 2-2011: 45-53. (external link)
Seland, Eivind Heldaas: "The Persian Gulf or the Red Sea? Two axes in ancient Indian Ocean trade, where to go and why".World Archaeology 43 (3): 398-409. (external link)
Anfinset, Nils: Metal, Nomads and Culture Contact, Equniox. London. (external link)
Seland, Eivind Heldaas: "Palmyra – Karavanehandel og geopolitikk i romersk Syria". Klassisk Forum 2-2010: 54-69. (external link)
Anfinset, Nils and Jørgen Christian Meyer: "The Hinterland of Palmyra". Antiquity 84 (324), June 2010. (external link)
Anfinset, Nils, Jørgen Christian Meyer and Eivind Heldaas Seland: "Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between Orient and Occident". Posters for the museum in Palmyra. (1,9 mb low-res PDF)

Open Access Journal: Croa: boletín da Asociacion de Amigos do Museo do Castro de Viladonga

Croa: boletín da Asociacion de Amigos do Museo do Castro de Viladonga
ISSN: 1575-0639
A importancia arqueolóxica e o interese histórico do Castro de Viladonga, así como a cantidade e calidade dos materiais aparecidos nas escavacións aquí feitas desde 1972, e a necesidade de investigalos e expoñelos no seu propio contexto, fixeron que en 1983 o Ministerio de Cultura crease o MUSEO DO CASTRO DE VILADONGA, nun edificio que fora construído nos anos setenta. O seu acondicionamento, instalación e montaxe tivo lugar en 1985-1986, e o Museo abriu ó público en novembro deste último ano. A partir de 1990 a súa xestión quedou transferida á Xunta de Galicia. Entre 1992 e 1994 fixéronse unhas importantes obras de reforma e ampliación coa construción dun novo edificio a continuación do xa existente, coa subseguinte dotación, nos anos posteriores, da infraestrutura e do persoal necesario para o desenvolvemento de todas as súas funcións museísticas e patrimoniais, ligadas ó propio xacemento castrexo e galaico-romano.

Open Access Journal: The Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology

[First posted in AWOL 19 October 2009. Updates 28 April 2013]

The Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology
Print ISSN: 0076-8391
Online ISSN: 2162-0308
The Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology was a joint publication of the University of Michigan Museum of Art, the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, and the Department of the History of Art.
This journal features scholarly articles related to subjects of interest to both museums, particularly their collections, exhibitions, and fieldwork programs. Written principally by graduate students, faculty, and curators affiliated with the museums and the Department of the History of Art at the University of Michigan, The Bulletin is peer reviewed and distributed internationally. Each volume includes accessions lists as well as several short essays on recent acquisitions or significant holdings. Issues are made available online six months after print publication.
Bulletin was published from 1978 to 2008. The archive of these issues will be permanently available on this website.

The Ancient World in JSTOR

This is the full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World
[Originally posted 6/24/09. Most recently updated 29 April 2013]

199 titles

                                New Ancient World Content in JSTOR

                                The following is a list of JSTOR content updates. More detailed information about titles and collections, along with delimited lists, may be accessed from the Archive Collections page.

                                And see also 
                                AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World

                                Open Access Journal: Polis: revista de ideas y formas políticas de la Antigüedad


                                Conservation OnLine

                                Conservation OnLine: Resources for ConservationProfessionals
                                CoOL, an online resource operated by the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation is a full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics of interest to those involved with the conservation of library, archives and museum materials. It is a growing online resource for conservators, collection care specialists, and other conservation professionals.

                                Conservation Topics


                                MEDINA: Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums project

                                MEDINA: Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums project
                                In May 2012, the research group of the Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico, directed by prof. Alessandra Avanzini, began the two-years project MEDINA - Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums project.

                                This project was selected to be funded by the European Union in 2008 within the ENPI CBCMED programme - Cross-Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin. 
                                This programme promotes the sustainable and harmonious cooperation process at the Mediterranean Basin level by dealing with the common challenges and enhancing its endogenous potential.

                                The main objective of MEDINA is to promote, through innovative means, the knowledge and dissemination of Phoenician and Nabataean inscriptions and artefacts preserved in the Beirut National Museum and in the Museum of Jordanian Heritage at Yarmouk University.  
                                In addition to managing the project's activities and progress, the University of Pisa équipe, within this project, will supervise the digital cataloguing of the inscriptions in Jordan and Lebanon, and will catalogue the South Arabian texts preserved in the Museo d'Arte Orientale of Rome. The objects catalogued in this collection will be able to be consulted in a specific section of the DASI web site.
                                During the first year of the project, the Pisa équipe has also the important task to train and teach students how to perform digital cataloguing. 

                                As MEDINA project aims to improve the communication means of the involved museums, new strategies will be studied by the University of Pisa, in collaboration with the Yarmouk University and architects expert in museology. A new space will be thought and realized where the neglected and silent artistic finds can be highlighted and revalued as main instruments of knowledge.
                                MEDINA brochureNewsletter No 1 - October 2012 Newsletter No 2 - February 2013

                                Open Access Journal: INA Annual

                                INA Annual

                                Latest edition of The INA Annual just published!

                                This annual review features over 100 pages of INA research, analysis and study conducted during the previous calendar year. New to this edition are eight full-color pages of extraordinary images depicting underwater excavation, recovered finds and the INA researchers themselves, who conducted projects across the globe, from North Vietnam to Canada's Yukon Territory and the Mediterranean Sea.

                                Read The INA Annual online!
                                2010 edition (pp. 1-55)
                                2010 edition (pp. 56-104) 
                                2009 edition
                                2008 edition
                                2007 edition
                                 See also: INA Quarterly

                                Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the History of Archaeology

                                [First posted in AWOL 10 December 2011. Updated 1 May 2013]

                                Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
                                ISSN: 2047-6930 (online)
                                ISSN: 1062-4740 (print)
                                The Bulletin of the History of Archaeology (BHA) was inaugurated nearly 19 years ago as a forum to exchange research, information on on-going projects, and resources solely devoted to the history of archaeology. Since that time it has become global in its reach and interests, but retains its focus on exchanging knowledge about the history of archaeology.

                                Vol 23, No 1 (2013)

                                Williams Saxon Obsequies: The Early Medieval Archaeology of Richard Cornwallis Neville
                                Lopez-Romero & Daire The ICARE Project: Insights into the Formation and Consolidation of Archaeology in Western France (ca. 1850–1990)
                                Shipley Guelphs, Ghibellines and Etruscans: Archaeological Discoveries and Civic Identity in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Tuscany

                                Vol 22, No 2 (2012)

                                Schele Profile of Alberto Ruz Lhuillier as a Young Man
                                Gracia Academic Relations Between Italian and Spanish Archaeologists and Prehistorians, 1916–1936

                                Vol 22, No 1 (2012)

                                Stevenson ‘We Seem to be Working in the Same Line’: A.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers and W.M.F. Petrie
                                Westaway Sydney B.J. Skertchly and the Early History of Pleistocene Archaeology at the Queensland Museum
                                Tikkanen The Consequences of Truth

                                Vol 21, No 2 (2011)

                                Sveshnikova Soviet Archaeological Expedition as a Research Object
                                Browman Spying by American Archaeologists in World War I

                                Vol 21, No 1 (2011)

                                Christenson Who were the Professional North American Archaeologists of 1900?
                                Reconnecting Thomas Gann with British Interest in the Archaeology of Mesoamerica
                                The Allure of Archaeology: Agnes Conway and Jane Harrison at Newnham College
                                Browman Comments on a doctoral dissertation by Uta Kresse Raina
                                Means The development of a GIS for New Deal Archaeology

                                Vol 20, No 2 (2010)

                                Allen The Curious History of the Talgai Skull
                                Guidi The Historical Development of Italian Prehistoric Archaeology
                                Martins Iberian Crossroads: Archaeology and Dictatorships

                                Vol 20, No 1 (2010)

                                Gillot Towards a Socio-Political History of Archaeology in the Middle East...
                                Sheppard Flinders Petrie and Eugenics at UCL  
                                Hølleland Spells of History: Childe's Contribution to the European Identity Discourse  
                                Harrison The Yorkshire Antiquarian Club 1849–c.1860  
                                Moshenska 'At Variance With Both General and Expert Opinion': The Later Works of Lieutenant-Colonel Professor Laurence Austine Waddell

                                Vol 19, No 2 (2009)

                                Chen Archaeological Discoveries in the People’s Republic of China and Their Contribution to the Understanding of Chinese History
                                Abadía The History of Archaeology as Seen Through the Externalism-Internalism Debate
                                Goodrum The Creation of Societies for the Study of Prehistory and Their Role in the Formation of Prehistoric Archaeology as a Discipline

                                Vol 19, No 1 (2009)

                                Harrison A Local Hero: John Robert Mortimer and the Birth of Archaeology in East Yorkshire   
                                Leach An Appreciation of R. G. Collingwood as an Archaeologist

                                Vol 18, No 2 (2008)

                                Klejn Bruce Trigger in World Archaeology  
                                Browman Lumbreras and Peruvian Prehistory: A Retrospective View from Junin
                                Welbourn Discovering T. C. Lethbridge

                                Vol 18, No 1 (2008)

                                Alonso Relations between Spanish Archaeologists and Nazi Germany (1939–1945)
                                Liu& Jones When Archaeology Begins: The Cultural and Political Context of Chinese Archaeological Thought
                                Müller-Scheessel Towards a Social History of Archaeology: The Case of the Excavators of Early Iron Age Burial Mounds in Southern Germany
                                Smith Thurstan Shaw on the    Early History of the World Archaeological Congress (WAC)  
                                Welbourn Introducing T. C. Lethbridge

                                Vol 17, No 2 (2007)

                                Kreienbrink Mapping the Past: Eduard Paulus the Elder (1803–1878) and the Archaeological Survey of Württemberg
                                Murray Rethinking Antiquarianism
                                Martin In Search of Lost Time: From Localism and Regionalism to Nationalism, in the Work of Estácio Da Veiga
                                Sommer The Freedom of the Woods: Antiquarian Landscapes and Politics

                                Vol 17, No 1 (2007)

                                Schávelzon The First Congress on History of Archaeology in Latin América (México, 1984)
                                McVicker Elephant Pipes and Israelite Tablets
                                Díaz-Andreu Christopher Hawkes and the International Summer Courses of Ampurias
                                Leach John Howard Marsden (1803–1891) First Disney Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge 1851–1865
                                Browman History of Bolivian Archaeology: Geraldine Byrne de Caballero
                                Browman History of Bolivian Archaeology: Max Portugal Ortiz

                                Vol 16, No 2 (2006)

                                Moro-Abadía The History of Archaeology as a ‘Colonial Discourse’
                                Funari & Ferreira A Social History of Brazilian Archaeology: A Case Study
                                Haines & Smith‘The Life and Times of Uncle Warwick’

                                Vol 16, No 1 (2006)

                                Riede The Scandinavian Connection: The Roots of Darwinian Archaeology in 19th-Century Scandinavian Archaeology
                                Rajala ‘We Would Never Have Thought to Go There’ – The Changing Definitions of a Site in Central Italian Archaeology
                                Seidmann The Rev. Greville John Chester and ‘The Ashmolean Museum as a Home for Archaeology in Oxford’
                                Bahn Spies  
                                Price Conversazione in the University Museum ‘By kind permission of the Delegates’

                                Vol 15, No 2 (2005)

                                Briggs C. C. Rafn, J. J. A. Worsaae, Archaeology, History and Danish National Identity in the Schleswig-Holstein Question
                                Murray The Historiography of Archaeology and Canon Greenwell
                                Evans Captain Nemo/Lt-General Pitt Rivers and Cleopatra’s Needle — A Story of Flagships

                                Vol 15, No 1 (2005)

                                Watters & Zamora World’s Fairs and Latin American Archaeology
                                Kaeser The Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Discovery of the “Lake-Dwellings”   
                                Browman Carlos Ponce Sangines, Godfather of Bolivian Archaeology
                                Richard Une recherche collective en cours: le programme “Archives Breuil”

                                Vol 14, No 2 (2004)

                                Rajala Origins of Etruscan Cities. A Brief Analysis of Recent Interpretations within Italian Research
                                Ramsey Petrie and the Intriguing Idiosyncrasies of Racism  
                                Browman Commentary: Mid-20th Century Development of Brazilian Archaeology (1964–1985)   
                                Rohrer & Müller-Scheessel Recent Approaches to the History of Middle European Archaeology: Problems and Prospects

                                Vol 14, No 1 (2004)

                                Rowley-Conwy The Three Age System in English: new translations of the founding documents
                                Schavelzon The South-American Connection Gaston Maspero, Egyptology and Americanist Archaeology at Montevideo (Uruguay), 1868

                                Vol 13, No 2 (2003)

                                Harding Archaeology and religious landscapes in India: a case study

                                Vol 13, No 1 (2003)

                                Guha Imposing the habit of science: Sir Mortimer Wheeler and Indian archaeology 

                                Vol 12, No 2 (2002)

                                Givens A Short History of the Bulletin of the History of Archaeology  
                                Cuddy Death in the Afternoon: Honduras, Hemingway, and Duncan Strong  
                                Watters & Zamora C. V. Hartman and Museum Anthropology a Century Ago

                                Vol 12, No 1 (2002)

                                Givens A Short History of the Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
                                Cuddy Death in the Afternoon: Honduras, Hemingway, and Duncan Strong
                                Watters & Zamara C. V. Hartman and Museum Anthropology a Century Ago

                                Vol 11, No 2 (2001)

                                Haskin The Allison V. Armour / William Henry Holmes 1895 Expedition to Mexico

                                Vol 11, No 1 (2001)

                                Tarabulski The Man Who Came to Dinner, or Hooray for Mr Spaulding: A Peek at Historical Imagination Running Rampant 

                                Vol 10, No 2 (2000)

                                Browman Brian R. Billman and Gary M. Feinman, editors, Settlement Pattern Studies in the Americas: Fifty Years Since Viru, Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington D.C.

                                Vol 10, No 1 (2000)

                                Gill William F. Grimes: The Making of a Prehistorian

                                Vol 9, No 2 (1999)

                                Schavelzon The History of Stratigraphic Excavation in Latin American Archaeology: A New Look

                                Vol 9, No 1 (1999)

                                Browman Necrology: Hugh Carson Cutler
                                Browman Max Uhle and the Museo de Historia Nacional-Lima

                                Vol 8, No 2 (1998)

                                Voget With Cressman at Catlow Cave, 1935 and 1937: A Personal Note
                                Schuyler History of Historical Archaeology
                                Browman Origin of the Societe des Americanistes, Paris  
                                Hawley The Kansas Anthropologist Reminlscence Project for Senior Plains Anthropologists  
                                Browman Book Note - John W. Bennett, Classic Anthropology: Critical Essays, 1944-1996, Transactions Publishers, New Brunswick (1998)

                                Vol 8, No 1 (1998)

                                Browman Swedish Contributions to American Archaeology: A Note

                                Vol 7, No 2 (1997)

                                Nash Southwestern (U.S.A.) Archaeological Tree-Ring Dating: 1930-1942
                                Woodbury New Light on the Beginning of the Pecos Conference
                                Browman In Appreciation of Claude Warren and Susan Rose's "William Pengelly's Techniques of Archaeological Excavation"

                                Vol 7, No 1 (1997)

                                Smith Professor Dorothy A.E. Garrod: "Small, Dark, and Alive!"

                                Vol 6, No 2 (1996)

                                Browman Comments on Alvaro Higueras' "Archaeological Research in Peru: Its Contribution to National Identity and to the Peruvian Public"
                                Reyman Bandelier: Behind and Beyond the Journals

                                Vol 6, No 1 (1996)

                                Swartz The McKern Taxonomic System and Archaeological Culture Classification in the Midwestern United States: A History and Evaluation  
                                Smith Clark and Prehistory at Cambridge

                                Vol 5, No 2 (1995)

                                Ryan David George Hogarth at Asyut, Egypt, 1906-1907. The History of a "Lost" Excavation
                                Browman History of Latin American Archaeology

                                Vol 5, No 1 (1995)

                                Browman Development of Argentine Archaeology
                                Browman Andean Archaeological History and the Popular Press

                                Vol 4, No 2 (1994)

                                Woodbury Teocentli: An Anthropological Newsletter, Ever Since 1926

                                Vol 4, No 1 (1994)

                                Woodbury The Remarkable History of Edgar Lee Hewett's Ph.D. Dissertation

                                Vol 3, No 2 (1993)

                                Forbis A Brief History of the Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary (Amendment)

                                Vol 3, No 1 (1993)

                                Forbis A Brief History of the Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary
                                Snead Archaelogy and Cultural Nationalism In the American Southwest, 1895-1920
                                Thacker Discovery, Historical Frameworks, and Scientific Status: Joao Moleiro and the History of Archaeology

                                Vol 2, No 2 (1992)

                                Givens Is it Worth Saving?: The Condition of Archaeological Documentary Record and Strategies for Preservation

                                Vol 2, No 1 (1992)

                                Straus L'Abbe Henri Breuil: Archaeologist
                                Davis A Visit to the Past and Awatovi

                                Vol 1, No 2 (1991)

                                Sullivan Museum Records and the History of Archaeology

                                Vol 1, No 1 (1991)

                                Givens Discourse on the History of Archaeology

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