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Apolline Project: illuminating the dark side of Vesuvius

Apolline Project: illuminating the dark side of Vesuvius
Welcome to the official website of the Apolline Project, a multi-disciplinary research project investigating the northern ‘dark’ side of Vesuvius– the ancient territories of Nola and Neapolis. Fields of study include archaeology, volcanology and paleobotany. Here you will find information about our work, especially the excavation of a post-79 AD Roman villa and baths at Pollena Trocchia near Naples. For those seeking more detailed information, links are provided to our reports and publications. An overview of the achievements and scope of the project can be found along with news about all the latest developments. In 2011 the project was awarded the European Archaeological Heritage Prize, to see why please follow the link. We are able to offer places on our excavations to volunteers and students seeking to develop their archaeological skills; more details can be found here. This site is continually being improved and updated and we thanks visitors for their patience and feedback as it continues to develop. Suggestions, comments and queries can be submitted at our ‘contact us’ page.  

Benvenuto nel sito web ufficiale dell'Apolline Project, il progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare sul "lato oscuro" del Vesuvio, ossia il versante settentrionale del vulcano, e più in generale sugli antichi territori di Neapolis e Nola. Ti consigliamo di cominciare la navigazione nella sezione Vesuviani, ed in particolare le pagine sul nostro progetto-bandiera, lo scavo integrale delle terme romane di Pollena Trocchia, e sugli altri siti che stiamo investigando, come le "terme azzurre" di Lauro e la chiesa altomedievale di Roccarainola. I giovani esploratori possono scaricare giochini e vedere video. Incoraggiamo vivamente i docenti delle scuole primare e secondarie a mettersi in contatto con noi per organizzare progetti didattici e visite guidate ai siti archeologici dove operiamo. Se sei un archeologo, ti consigliamo di esplorare la sezione Academics, dove si possono anche consultare gli articoli che abbiamo prodotto finora. Se vuoi prendere parte alle nostre attività di scavo e ricerca, segui questo link. Se vuoi metterti in contatto con noi per saperne di più su quello che stiamo facendo o se vuoi visitare uno dei siti archeologici, non esitare a scriverci.

Apolline Project resources on the web:

  • FastiOnLine: our entries in the largest database of archaeological excavations on the web
  • Picasa Web Album: institutional photos of our sites and activities
  • Flickr: artistic photos of Vesuvius and its surroundings
  • YouTube: our official video channel
  • FaceBook: messages and photos from our team and fans (don’t forget to “like us”!)
  • RSS channel: subscribe it to receive notifications on our website updates
  • Twitter: real time news, photos, and chats about what we’re up to

Web coverage of the Apolline Project:

(please note that this is a very small selection; for our press releases and printed press coverage, click here)

The Apolline Project team on Academia.edu:

Partner sites:

GapVis: Google Ancient Places

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2011. Updated 19 April 2013]



Map viewSparkline view
GapVis is an interface for exploring and reading texts that reference ancient places. It includes maps and data visualizations that show what locations are referred to a different points in the narrative and allows you to dig into the details to learn more.

Book Summary

The Summary view gives you a big-picture perspective on what places are referenced in the book and where they appear in the narrative structure.

Reading View

The Reading view offers an interface for reading the text, including a narrative timeline and a map of recently-referenced places.

Place Detail

The Place Detail view provides deeper information about a particular geographic location, including a network map of related places based on narrative co-reference

Open Access Publications of the Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institute at Athens and Rome

Open Access Publications of the Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institute at Athens and Rome

Mastos in the Berbati Valley An Intensive Archaeological Survey

Mastos in the Berbati Valley

An Intensive Archaeological Survey, 189 pages, 2011, ActaAth-4° no. 54.
By Berit Wells (ed.), Michael Lindblom (ed.)
Free pdf available 

Children Lost and Found A bioarchaeological study of Middle Helladic children in Asine with a comparison to Lerna

Children Lost and Found

A bioarchaeological study of Middle Helladic children in Asine with a comparison to Lerna, 151 pages, 2008, ActaAth-4° no. 45.
By Anne Ingvarsson-Sundström
Free pdf available 
 And see also:

Assyriological Abbreviations List: Archiv für Orientforschung

Archiv für Orientforschung: Gesamtabkürzungsverzeichnis
Gesamtabkürzungsverzeichnis, Liste 1 und Liste 2, für Register Assyrologie (Stand:XII 2012)
 Other online material from AfO
AfO 52
Tabelle I  zu N. Wassermann, The Distant Voice of Gilgameš ... AfO 52 (2011), p. 2 finden Sie hier als PDF.
Die Antwort von J.A. Halloran auf die Rezension von G. Zólyomi (AfO 52) zu J.A. Halloran, Sumerian Lexicon. A Dictionary Guide to the Ancient Sumerian Language, Logogram Publishing, Los Angeles 2006, finden Sie hier als PDF.
Gesamtabkürzungsverzeichnis, Liste 1 und Liste 2, für Register Assyrologie (Stand:XII 2012)
AfO 50
Die Rezension zu J. Tropper, Ugaritische Grammatik (AOAT 273), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster 2000 von D. Pardee (AfO 50) finden Sie hier als PDF.

Open Access Journal: Adalya

 [First posted in AWOL 15 March 2011. Updates 20 April 2013]

Adalya: The annual of the Suna & İnan KIRAÇ Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations

The annual historical-archaeological journal of Suna & İnan KIRAÇ Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations has been published continuously at Antalya since 1996 and bears an ancient name of this historical city founded by the Pergamene King Attalos II ca. mid 2nd century BC.
The scope of ADALYA covers studies of history and archaeology and relevant disciplines regarding the research, documentation, conservation and repair of the historical, archaeological and cultural values of the Anatolian Mediterranean, i.e. the rich geography including "firstly Antalya and environs" comprising Lycia, Pamphylia, Pisidia and Cilicia, and interpretation of its relations with the cultures along the rest of the Mediterranean coastline

From the 2005 volume of Adalya, VIII onwards, the articles are indexed in the A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Cititation Index) and in the CC/A&H (Current Contents / Arts & Humanities). "Adalya" has also been listed in the "German Archaeological Institute's" (DAI) listing of abbreviations.

Adalya XIV/2011 - Istanbul/2011
Adalya XIII/2010 - Istanbul/2010
Adalya XII/2009 - Istanbul/2009
Adalya XI/2008 - Istanbul/2008
Adalya X/2007 - Istanbul/2007
Adalya IX/2006 - Istanbul 2006
Adalya VIII/2005 - Istanbul 2005
Adalya VII/2004 - Istanbul 2004
Adalya VI/2003 - Istanbul 2003
Adalya V/2001-2002 - Istanbul 2002
Adalya IV/1999-2000 - Istanbul 2000
Adalya III/1998 - Istanbul 1999
Adalya II/1997 - Istanbul 1998
Adalya I/1996 - Istanbul 1997

Open Access Journal: Rursus

[First posted in AWOL 6 January 2009. Updated 21 April 2013]

Rursus: Poétique, réception et récriture des textes antiques
ISSN électronique 1951-669X
La revue numérique Rursus est consacrée à des études portant sur la récriture. Elle a été conçue par les chercheurs de langues anciennes de l’Université de Nice, réunis de 2003 à 2007 dans la jeune équipe LA.LI.A, et est aujourd'hui publiée par le CEPAM (UMR 6130). La littérature dite ‘au second degré’ n’est pas une zone érudite, marginale, voire décadente du champ littéraire, mais la clé même de ce champ, puisque le régime original et originel de l’écriture est le second degré. Cette conviction d’une nature foncièrement hypertextuelle de la création n’est pas un dogme mais une attention de fond aux facteurs de mutation, de détournement et de renouvellement de la tradition.

Open Access Journal: Armenian Egyptology Centre Newsletter

 [First posted in AWOL 31 October 2001. Most recently updated 22 April  2013]

Our “AEC Egyptology Newsletter” is read since October 2011 by 2200+ readers from 51 nations – including over 1700 scholars. To receive it directly in PDF format by e-mail please subscribe at : egyptology_AT_ysu.am and indicate: “Subscribe” in your e-mail. Subscription is FREE! Academic Publishers! Please advertise!
AEC EGYPTOLOGY NEWSLETTER No. 26 (January 26, 2013)
Special issue : Preliminary evaluation of new system to vocalize Ancient Egyptian by seven international scholars linked to the centre (see previous newsletter).
AEC EGYPTOLOGY NEWSLETTER No. 25 [labelled wrongly as 24] (December 3rd, 2012)
Special issue announcing the development of a new system to vocalize ancient Egyptian by Dr. C. T. de Vartavan.
Edito and rest of newsletter: Uniting with our Georgian colleagues.
Edito: The Art of Egyptology.  Building new tools to evolve: Hierocheck, Pre inauguration snapshot view of AEC’s Hierocheck 1.0, Bibliography on the Plants of Ancient Egypt. SAIS—Special Book offer.  A bew donation system to sustain us.
EDITO:  AFTER MAKING NATIONAL NEWS…TIME FOR DEEP GRINDING! The Maldivian Destruction – An event for Egyptians and Egyptologists to notice and bear seriously in mind! The burning of the Institut d’Egypte confirmed to be intentional! Sarah Belzoni – some new additional biographical notes. The Sarcophagus Project brought to a halt due to lack of funds! Young Egyptian student fights for her rights by going naked.
EDITO: CURATORS! DIGITIZE! DIGITIZE! DIGITIZE! AND SPREAD!  AEC enters 2012 in full electronic gear! € 1000000 donation for the Hieroglyphic Dictionary and other Egyptology projects! Bravo Dimitri! A snapshot of the new Ancient Egyptian-French Dictionary. By the way, ‘hieroglyphic’ or ‘hieroglyph’? The Social Agenda of AEC. [Shame on L’Express, Shame on FNAC, Shame on Taschen].
EDITO: A NEW SECOND WIN OF SCIENTIFIC COMPETITION AND 2000 NEWSLETTER-READERS PUT AEC ON TURBO MODE! - Update concerning the reconstruction of Khonsu-Ms’ sarcophagus. Visit of Prof. Paul John Frandsen (Denmark) to AEC. 3 p. Reconstruction of Nefertiti’s face by digital artist. British man mummified like an ancient Egyptian! AEC Statistics! 2000+ readers, 3100+ publications & 8000+ plant photos! Advances in Egyptology No. 2 (2011) is now out! New version of Serge Rosmorduc’s JSesh available for free download! 4 p. Unexpected Egyptological greetings from Georgia!
Edito : WHY EGYPTOLOGY? CALL FOR FINANCIAL HELP TO REBUILD KHONSU-MS’ SARCOPHAGUS! Excavations to resume in Egypt despite revolution. Staying on top of research concerning prehistoric human migrations. Spontaneous answer to the reading of this issue’s Edito sent on 03 September 2011 21:17 by Ingeborg Waanders (Holland). Senior Researcher in AEC. Sent: To: Vartavan. Subject: Re: Text for proofing pleasssssseeee!!!! Rectification over a recent discoveryrelevant to the center’s specializations.
MOST UNEXPECTED ? : “Pre – Old Egyptian….did not initially belong to the Afro-Asiatic stock”!  The « Point of Synthesis »-shift again demonstrated as the future path of academic research! Kammerzell’s “The Sound of Dead Language – Reconstructing Egyptian Phonology ” (1998). Extracts from Satzinger’s “The Egyptian Connection: Egyptian and the Semitic Languages” (2002). Biographical notes concerning the scholars cited in this newsletter.
The “Ancient Egyptian/Indo-European” bridge can help us vocalize hieroglyphs! Cognates equally seen by Hodge and Ray. Carlton Taylor Hodge (1917-1998) – Biography. The “Indo-Semitic” theory explained. Future Flora of Ancient Egypt now well engaged! The Second Revised and Extended Edition of the Codex of Ancient Egyptian Plant remains is out!
Edito: “Gs” what? “fdw” is “fedwor”, i.e. “four” – and “dwty?/djouot” is twenty! The current common state of knowledge concerning Ancient Egyptian – a snapshot. Creating a precedent: an Egyptologist selected to teach the future elite of a nation.  Visit of His Excellency Wahid Galal, Ambassador of Egypt, to our centre. Teaching of Ancient Egyptian (hieroglyphs) in YSU well engaged. Mass media again highlights what is going on in AEC.  Conference of our Vice-Director in Tbilissi. We are on academia.edu.
Edito: The length of human “history” expands by the day. Could the ancients have been inspired by nature to produce “ancient Egyptian blue”?. Students’ first experiments in ancient Egyptian gesso and draughtsmanship. Additional scientific articles in our research areas just received! The world digital library and Egyptology. AEC Egyptology Newsletter’s previous Edito referred by British association:
Edito: Academic acknowledgment in a fifth scientific discipline! “AGORA” will be screened by students as testing ground on ancient “Egyptian” art. The major cost savings of the “Point of Synthesis” academic shift! Prof. Richard Wilkinson made an Honorary Member of our centre. Silent appearnce of a copy of von Hohenburg’s very rare Thesaurus Hiroglyphicorum. Advances in Egyptology No. 1 (2010) printed & revised deadline for No. 2! (2011)
Edito: The “Point of Synthesis” (P.S) major academic methodological shift! Research on the “[Proto-]Indo-European” stratum of Ancient Egyptian in progress…and our linguistic programs. New approved course on the “Technology of ancient Egyptian art” at the YSU Faculty of History. Visit of Mr. Frederic Grapin, Consul of France in Armenia, in our centre…The “Sarcophagus Project” on its final approach. They talk about us (follow up)…and the “Sarcophagus Project”. Egyptology courses will start on February 10, 2010 for the first promotion of Armenian “Egyptologists”. Advances in Egyptology No. 1 (2010) in print! & call for issue No. 2! (2011).
Edito: The stupefying hidden structure of Utterance 36 of the Daily Ritual! A letter of Sir Gaston Maspero to an aspirant Egyptologist. “AEC Egyptology Newsletter” – a new name for, by consensus, a new academic publication.
AEC NEWSLETTER  11 (MAY 1, 2009)!
The Director’s Edito – ““UNEXPECTED”, One thousand scholars…plus one”; Further closing acknowledgments; Foundation of Egyptology in Armenia recorded by National Academy of Sciences; Press archives concerning our centre and staff now online; AEC Newsletter Egyptologists’ Readership Statistic per Country; The “A.. Case.” Aspirant Lawyer-Egyptologist caught in our center’s corridor; Further major discoveries on ancient Egyptian pigments… this time by UCLA team; Art of making “herbal wines” already known in Predynastic Egypt; Various News; Electronic Resources of use…and non use; They talk about us…
The Director’s Edito – “Thank you Mr Obama for returning its Letters of Nobility to “history” …and therefore to the task of “historian”; A new philosophy for the partial oblivion of… history; The Times Higher Education recent article on the instrumentalisation of …history; British Museum’s major discovery of degraded oil in ancient Egyptian pigments; Set of pigments just discovered in KV63 (Valley of the Kings, Tomb 63) !; Similar ochre use in Armenian Erebuni (scientific correspondence); The use of glue in ancient Egypt (scientific correspondence); Acknowledgments and please become a supporter of our centre!
The Director’s Edito - ”Not only “Imperial varnishes”, but also “Imperial pigments”, and  thus clearly “Imperial art and technology”” – First tests experiments with ferrous oxide (ochre) and twigs for ancient Egyptian draughtsmanship – Further experiments with common reed pens (Phragmites communis L.) – Experiments with gum as a pigment binder of Egyptian blue and steatite – They talk about us and Should you wish to help… – Advances in Egyptology No. 1 (2009) – Call for contributions!
AEC NEWSLETTER            8 (DECEMBER 15, 2008)!
The Director’s Edito – “Reconstructing the art of ancient Egyptian sarcophagus making!” -Reconstruction of ancient Egyptian blue in Yerevan University  – Reconstructing ancient Egyptian natural pigments – Reconstructing an ancient Egyptian gesso for sarcophagi’s background layer – Should you wish to help us… -Advances in Egyptology No. 1, Call for contributions!
AEC NEWSLETTER            7 (NOVEMBER 1, 2008)!
The Director’s Edito – “Labelling ancient Egyptian Complex varnishes as “imperial”” – Presentation of AEC’s annual results before the High Scientific Council – Khonsu-Ms’s sarcophagus (Dyn. 21- Deir el-Bahari) will inspire us—The current state of our researches & projects  – Our needs… (follow up) -Advances in Egyptology No. 1, Call for contributions!
The Director’s Edito – “Celebrating the First Anniversary of our centre” – Our data and collections in growth – Expeditions & partnerships – Our forthcoming projects - Advances in Egyptology No. 1, Call for contributions!
The Director’s Edito – “Successful Partnership with the Jerusalem Botanical Garden”. Collecting Pistacia, cedar and pine resins in Jerusalem. The second side of our travel to Jerusalem…a forthcoming book – New prospects in the field of comparative studies – Those we also wish to thank.
The Director’s Edito - “Mummies are not museum “objects” - The “Sarcophagus Project” – The 5000 photos of plants species of Egypt-mark exceeded !- Our predecessors in the study of “The Plants of Ancient Egypt”: Georg A. Schweinfurth (1836-1925).  Gifts from our sponsors ! – Follow up…and Arpag Mekhitarian. Encaustic and “Fayum Portraits”…an introduction.

The Director’s Edito - Is “mny” the solvent in Ancient Egyptian varnish? - Wherever you are, whoever you are, join us! – The Sarcophagus Project, Team and plans in formation – The Sarcophagus Project, Searched data, questions and specialists – We are looking for information concerning F. Woenig – Our predecessors in the study of “The Plants of Ancient Egypt”: Victor Loret (1859-1946) – Gifts from our sponsors ! – Follow up – Serge Rosmorduc’s free program to write hieroglyphs: JSesh
The Director’s Edito – The “SARCOPHAGUS PROJECT” accepted! – Over 1250 connections to our website since its opening! – The press talks again about us! – The Flora of Ancient Egypt (FoAE) in progress…- Our predecessors in the study of “The Plants of Ancient Egypt”: Carl Sigismund Kunth (1788-1850) – Gifts from our sponsors ! – Follow up – “Pharmacy in Ancient Egypt” conference – University of Manchester (U.K.)
The Director’s Edito - “In Memoriam Champollioni” - Our website is on!  – The “Sarcophagus Project” – The “Armenian Egypt Exploration Society (A-EES)” – Our Ethical Charter for Good Egyptology – Our center’s specialization: The Plants of Ancient Egypt – The Press talks about us! – Please sponsor one or more computers ! – Those we wish to thank!

Miho Museum

Early Archives Royales de Mari Online

And see the list of

Digital Turfan Archive

Turfanforschung: Digitales Turfan-Archiv

Die „Turfanforschung“ ediert Textzeugnisse, die in der Oase von Turfan und Umgebung in Ostturkistan (Autonome Region Xinjiang, VR China) gefunden wurden.

Manichäische Schreiber. Buchblatt aus Qočo; Fotostelle Museum für Asiatische Kunst Berlin
Die alten Kulturen an der Seidenstraße, zu der viele Völker und Glaubensgemeinschaften ihren Beitrag geleistet haben, treten in ihren eigenen Schrift- und Bildzeugnissen am klarsten hervor. Die vielfältigste und reichste Sammlung dieser Dokumente stammt aus der Oase von Turfan. Sie umfasst Textzeugnisse des Buddhismus, des Manichäismus und des Christentums sowie Dokumente des klösterlichen und wirtschaftlichen Alltags, Briefe und andere Texte in über 20 Sprachen und Schriften. Hauptaufgabe des Akademienvorhabens ist die Edition des türkischen und iranischen Teils der Berliner Turfansammlung.

Die Editionen werden in der eigenen Reihe„Berliner Turfantexte“ (BTT) veröffentlicht. Zur Schonung der Originale, der digitalen Bewahrung des Archivs und Bereitstellung der Texte im Internet wurde ein von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) finanziertes und in enger Kooperation mit der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin durchgeführtes Digitalisierungsprojekt initiiert: das Digitale Turfan-Archiv und daran anschließend IDP-Berlin, die deutsche Webpräsenz des „International Dunhuang Project“.
Gegenwärtig sind etwas mehr als 30.000 der 40.000 Fragmente der Turfansammlung digitalisiert. Eine enge Kooperation der Turfanforschungsstelle besteht mit dem von der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen getragenen Projekt „Katalogisierung der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland“. Darüber hinaus arbeitet die Turfanforschung mit zahlreichen Forschungseinrichtungen weltweit von den USA bis Japan zusammen.

Das Akademienvorhaben ist Teil des „Zentrums Grundlagenforschung Alte Welt" der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

neu: M 4 bis M 1900 siehe auch IDP Berlin
nneu: Christlich-Soghdische Texte auch in IDP Berlin
SHTneu:Sanskrittexte in IDP Berlin
SyrHTneu:Syrische Texte siehe IDP Berlin
TibHTneu:Tibetische Texte siehe IDP Berlin
THTneu:Tocharische Texte siehe IDP Berlin

Studia Orontica Server Problem

Death on the Nile

Death on the Nile
There are many ways of approaching the funerary world in any civilization of Antiquity. In the case of Ancient Egypt, papyrology provides an exceptionally rich and multifaceted source of information to understand both the religious and the more mundane and administrative perspectives of the phenomenon of death.

The purpose of this project is the study of all aspects of death in Graeco-Roman Egypt in the variety of documentary, literary and paraliterary texts that have reached us, including both written sources and iconographical representations. The centre of this project, however, is the creation of an online database which will make all known and published mummy labels available, as well as editing for the first time those which are currently unpublished.

The MLD and The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

Online Publications

Series edited by Sofía Torallas Tovar (CCHS, CSIC, Madrid) andKlaas A. Worp (Leiden University),
which provides freely downloadable pdf-documents with scholarly works related to Death in Graeco-Roman Egypt.
Contributors can send in manuscripts in Word format to sergio.carro@cchs.csic.es


Agade Mailing List Archive on Twitter

Agade Mailing List Archive on Twitter
Jack Sasson's vernerable maiing list Agade now appears to be archived and distributed also via Twitter.

To subscribe to Agade by email please send a blank email to listserv@unc.edu, and write (as subject and in first line): subscribe agade

Open Access Journal: Etruscan Studies

[First posted in AWOL 9 December 2011. Updated 23 April 2013]

Etruscan Studies
Etruscan Studies is the leading scholarly journal on Etruscology and related disciplines in the English language. It details activities in all areas of research and study related to the Etruscan civilization with articles contributed by scholars around the world, as well as reviews of meetings and publications of interest to the professional community. The editor and editorial board are drawn from members of the Etruscan Foundation's Advisory Board.
The following volumes are accessible at the Center for Etruscan Studies
Volume 11 (2008)
Volume 10 (2007)
Volume 9 (2002)
Volume 8 (2001)
Volume 7 (2000)
Volume 6 (1999)
Volume 5 (1998)
Volume 4 (1997)
Volume 3 (1996)
Volume 2 (1995)
Volume 1 (1994)

Open Access Journal: Oriental Institute Annual Report

[First posted in AWOL 5 November 2009. Most recently updated 23 April 2013 (1960-1969 and 1970-1979 are now available)]

Oriental Institute Annual Report
The print versions of the Oriental Institute Annual Report are available for members as one of the privileges of membership. They are not for sale to the general public. They contain yearly summaries of the activities of the Institute’s faculty, staff, and research projects, as well as descriptions of special events and other Institute functions.

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Open Access Journal: Revue des études anciennes

 [Originally posted 24 January 2010.  Updated 24April 2013]

Revue des études anciennes
ISSN : 0035-2004
La REA Revue des Etudes Anciennes est une revue plus que centenaire mais qui conserve encore la vocation très large que lui avait assignée son fondateur Georges Radet en 1899. Toutes les grandes zones du domaine ancien s’y trouvent représentées (histoire, littérature, philologie, archéologie, géographie, origines orientales) et c’est ce qui en fait son originalité parmi les revues françaises ou étrangères comparables.
43 early (1898-1940) volumes are online at Gallica

Current issues  (2008 - present) have tables of contents, summaries of articles and book reviews online.

Open Access Journal: Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates

[First posted in AWOL 17 April 2911. Updated 24 April 2013]

Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates
The aim of the journal 'Archaeology of the United Arab Emirates' is to promote and enhance interest in the archaeological heritage of the United Arab Emirates. It aims to serve as a publication forum for those interested in the latest survey, excavation and research results from archaeological sites in the UAE. Volumes 1 to 5 of this journal were previously published by the former Department of Antiquities and Tourism, Al Ain, between 1976-1989.

Papers presented at this conference will be published in the journal, 'Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates - Volume 6', which will provide up-to-date documentation of the current status of archaeological research in the UAE.

Following the conference participants will have until the 15 May 2011 to submit the written version of their paper. This should not exceed a total of 5000 words (including the references), with a maximum of 10 figures or plates. We plan to carry out peer reviewing of all submitted papers which will then be published as Volume 6 of the journal, "Archaeology of the United Arab Emirates".

 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Vol.1 (1976-77) - English & French version

 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Vol.1 (1976-77) - Arabic version

 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Vol. 2-3 (1978-79) - English & French version

 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Vol. 2-3 (1978-79) - Arabic version

 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Vol. 5 (1989) - Arabic & English version

 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Vol. 5 (1989) - Arabic & English version

Mapping the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire

Mapping the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire
The aim of the project is to map the Jewish presence in the Byzantine empire using GIS (Geographical Information Systems). 

All information (published and unpublished) about the Jewish communities will be gathered and collated.

The data will be incorporated in a GIS which will be made freely available to the general public on the world-wide-web.

Researchers and members of the public will be able to create maps according to their own specifications.

Chronologically, the project will begin in 650. This is soon after the Arab conquest of Egypt, Palestine and Syria when these regions, with their substantial Jewish populations, were permanently separated from the Byzantine empire. The end-date is fixed by the arrival in the region of large numbers of Jewish immigrants from Spain in 1492.

Geographically, the core areas of Asia Minor, the southern Balkans and the adjacent islands including Crete and Cyprus will be included for the entirety of the period, Byzantine Italy however, will only be covered down to the Norman conquest. Some smaller territories that were only briefly under Byzantine rule may be excluded.

Roundup of Past Oriented Library Acquisitions Lists Online or by Email

 [Originally posted 9/27/10, Most recently updated 25 April 2013]

It used to be fairly common for specialized library collections to produce periodic Acquisitions Lists.  Mostly these were circulated in print, informally.  Some institutions have made the transition to email distribution, and others to digital. I'm gathering links here to them and to other useful open access periodic bibliography projects. Not everything listed here is up to date, but all of them are useful.  I'll be grateful to hear of others and will happily include them in the list.  Please leave a comment.

The American Numismatic Society Library, Recent Acquisitions

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens produces these:
The Acquisitions List of the Research Archives, The Oriental Institute

The ABIA Project (Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology)

Bibliothèque des Sciences de l'Antiquité (Lille, France), Listes d'acquisitions

Bryn Mawr Classical Review: Books Available for Review

The Burnam Classical Library at the University of Cincinnati, Recent Acquisitions

Egypt Exploration Society Library

Joint Library of the Hellenic & Roman Societies / Institute of Classical Studies Library

KeiBi online: Die Keilschrift-Bibliographie im Netz 

Neuerwerbungen der Heidelberger Sondersammelgebiete
HinweisKlassische Archäologie
HinweisKunstgeschichte bis 1945
Neuerwerbungsliste/New Acquisitons, Vorderer Orient einschl. Nordafrika, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (ULB Halle)

Sackler Library (Oxford)

Tables of Contents for Journals for newly received journals at the James P. Boyce Centennial Library, Souther Baptist Theological Seminary

Wilbour Library at the Brooklyn Museum

Are there others you use online? Leave a comment and let me know.

Open Access Journal: Theban Mapping Project Progress Reports

Theban Mapping Project Progress Reports
Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP, now based at the American University in Cairo) has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes. With its thousands of tombs and temples, Thebes is one of the world's most important archaeological zones. Sadly, however, it has not fared well over the years. Treasure-hunters and curio-seekers plundered it in the past; pollution, rising ground water, and mass-tourism threaten it in the present. Even early archaeologists destroyed valuable information in their search for museum-quality pieces.

Today, however, we realize that the monuments of Thebes are a finite resource. If we fail to protect and monitor them, they will vanish, and we and our descendants will all be the poorer. The TMP believes that the first and most essential step in preserving this heritage is a detailed map and database of every archaeological, geological, and ethnographic feature in Thebes. Only when these are available can sensible plans be made for tourism, conservation, and further study.

During the last decade, the TMP has concentrated on the Valley of the Kings. Modern surveying techniques were used to measure its tombs. From the data collected, the TMP is preparing 3-D computer models of the tombs. And of course, the TMP is continuing its excavation of KV 5. For the TMP staff, sharing their work with the interested public is just as important as what they do in the field. This has been done through a series of publications and this growing website.
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