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CDLI News: "cdli tablet" for the iPad

Announcing cdli tablet
We are delighted to announce the launch of "cdli tablet" for the iPad, combining short text with images of cuneiform inscriptions and related archaeological artifacts. Sponsored by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (Los Angeles & Berlin) and programmed by Sai Deep Tetali, graduate student of UCLA's Computer Science Department, the app gives specialists in the fields of cuneiform studies, Near Eastern archaeology and art history the opportunity to present facets of the writing culture of ancient Mesopotamia to a broad community of experts and informal learners. Short descriptions of the historical relevance of selected text and text-related artifacts together with images that can, but need not be taken from CDLI’s growing open access file archives, are prepared and posted to app pages. Ordered by calendar date in groups of from several to thirty pages, the resulting 'themes' give a running account of these experts' ideas. The free app is conceived as a vehicle for the introduction, to learning communities of all ages, of a variety of chosen topics in cuneiform studies, and in the digital preservation and worldwide dissemination of the shared cultural heritage of ancient Mesopotamia.

Our launch theme is a set of entries prepared by Jacob Dahl (University of Oxford) on proto-Elamite accounts that makes extensive use of high-resolution images of Susa tablets in the collection of the Louvre; we will follow this topic with others dealing with 3rd millennium bricks and brick stamps; cuneiform building plans; the Northwest Palace of Nimrud and Assurnasirpal II's standard inscription; then themes dedicated to collections at Emory University (cuneiform messengers in space!), at the Free Library of Philadelphia and the Princeton Theological Seminary where we are currently working, the Ashmolean, the Louvre, the Vorderasiatisches Museum, and more. A special CDLI webpage is dedicated to the app, with our request for contributions, and directions on how to go about preparing and submitting your own files for future viewing in iPad. We particularly hope that curators of existing cuneiform collections will view "cdli tablet" as an opportunity to highlight artifacts in their care, and we will make every effort to assist them in preparing pages and themes for the app. But Assyriologists and Near Eastern archaeologists too can take advantage of this medium to offer an informal narrative of their past publications, or future plans.

cdli tablet is a free educational app available at the iTunes Store for download to iPads running on IOS 6 (search for "cdli").

Bob Englund

CEIPAC: Biblioteca On-line

CEIPAC: Biblioteca On-line

José Remesal Rodríguez (Cátedra de Historia Antigua)
Departament de Prehistòria, Història Antiga y Arqueologia
Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona
C/ Montalegre 6, 08001 Barcelona, España
Más de 600 publicaciones on-line de los miembros y colaboradores del grupo. Puedes enviarnos tus artículos en PDF para darles difusión y compartirlos en nuestra web. Consúlta el catálogo aquí.

La Biblioteca Virtual reune todas las publicaciones realizadas por los miembros y colaboradores del grupo CEIPAC.

El catálogo está compuesto de libros, artículos, reseñas y CD-Rom multimedia, escritos en diferentes idiomas.

Desde la biblioteca on-line podrá consultar el catálogo, editar la ficha de cada título, y bajar a su ordenador algunas de las publicaciones en formato PDF. 

El acceso a la Biblioteca es completamente abierto. Las publicaciones electrónicas en formato PDF han sido colocadas con la autorización de sus respectivos autores, con el propósito de dar la más amplia difusión posible a los temas que estudiamos.

Open Access Journal: Jesus Histórico: Revista deEstudios sobre o Jesus Histórico e sua Recepção

Jesus Histórico: Revista deEstudios sobre o Jesus Histórico e sua Recepção
ISSN: 1983-4810
  A revista Jesus Histórico dedica-se a publicar artigos, resenhas e entrevistas com especialistas renomados e jovens pesquisadores. O interesse editorial está associado a todo o enfoque ligado às recentes pesquisas sobre o Jesus Histórico e Cristianismos Originários. Assim, por exemplo, a revista se interessa em receber trabalhos relacionados tanto ao contexto judaico do século I EC, quanto às múltiplas e variadas manifestações culturais e artísticas desde o século I até os dias atuais que tenham como foco Jesus de Nazaré e a sua recepção (cristianismos e história das religiões em geral). Trata-se, portanto, de um projeto editorial transdisciplinar, acadêmico e laico, interessado em congregar profissionais das mais diferentes áreas acadêmicas que pesquisem o tema Jesus Histórico.
[RJHR Nº1] [RJHR Nº2] [RJHR Nº3] [RJHR Nº4] [RJHR Nº5] [RJHR Nº6][RJHR Nº7][RJHR Nº8] [RJHR Nº9]

Rock Art Studies: A Bibliographic Database

Rock Art Studies: A Bibliographic Database
Rock Art Studies: A Bibliographic Database is a compilation in progress which was begun in March, 1993. Currently the database contains over 27,000 citations to the world's rock art literature, with an emphasis on English language and North American citations. Over 9500 of these citations are held in the compiler's personal library. These and many others were reviewed for annotation. With the "r11" release, the database became available on the Internet as a project of the Bay Area Rock Art Research Association Archive, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/collections/rockart.html).

A few comments regarding the background and objectives of the Compiler, and the assembly of the raw data for inclusion in the database are in order. Leigh Marymor, is a Plumbing Contractor from Berkeley, California who holds a bachelor's degree in Community Education from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He has been interested in rock art conservation and the literature of rock art studies for over thirty-five years. He served as President of the American Rock Art Research Association (2004-2006), is a co-founder of the Bay Area Rock Art Research Association and has been its Co-chairperson since its inception in 1983. Leigh Marymor received the American Rock Art Research Association's Castleton Award for research excellence in 2002 in recognition of the significance of the compilation of Rock Art Studies: A Bibliographic Database.
The Rock Art Studies database was initially conceived as a tool useful in cataloging the rock art literature held in the Compiler's personal library, which currently consists of approximately 100 shelf feet of books, periodicals, grey literature, ephemera and research notes. As the project grew, additional citations were included from over one hundred additional sources, including: bibliographies, research archives, library catalogues, on-line search services and other private holdings (these sources are notated in the "library" field of the database, and are detailed in the text document, Key to Sources for Citations).
The scope of the data included in the database has been limited by the time and energy available to the Compiler, as well as, by his subjective approach to keyword notations (found in the Keywords field). The past emphasis in the database on English language literature has steadily given way to the growing inclusion of the French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese literature.

Bay Area Rock Art Research Association ArchiveBay Area Rock Art Research AssociationBay Area Rock Art Conservation and Education FundSearch the Rock Art Studies databaseCitation informationRelated LinksContact the Compiler

Open Access Journal: Mousaion

[First posted in AWOL 5 November 2009. Updated 2 May 2013.  Mouseion is now part of Project Muse.  Most volumes remain open access at the links below courtesy of theMemorial University Digital Archives Initiative (DAI)]

Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada (formerly Classical Views/Echos du Monde Classique ISSN 0012-935)
E-ISSN: 1913-5416
Print ISSN: 1496-9343
Journal of the Classical Association of Canada
Mouseion aims to be a distinctively comprehensive Canadian journal of Classical Studies, publishing articles and reviews in both French and English. One issue annually is normally devoted to archaeological topics, including field reports, finds analysis, and the history of art in antiquity. The other two issues welcome work in all areas of interest to scholars; this includes both traditional and innovative research in philology, history, philosophy, pedagogy, and reception studies, as well as original work in and translations into Greek and Latin.

Mouseion se présente comme un périodique canadien d'études classiques polyvalent, publiant des articles et comptes rendus en français et en anglais.
Un fascicule par année est normalement dédié à des sujets archéologiques, incluant des rapports préliminaires de fouilles, des études de matériel et des études d'histoire de l'art antique. Les deux autres fascicules présentent des études dans tous les domaines d'intérêt pour les chercheurs, ce qui inclut à la fois les recherches traditionnelles ou novatrices en philologie, en histoire, en philosophie et en pédagogie ou relatives à l'influence des études classiques en dehors du monde universitaire; Mouseion publie également des travaux originaux rédigés ou traduits en latin ou en grec ancien.

The Beginnings of Empire, 168-27 BC (Provincial Coins)

The Beginnings of Empire, 168-27 BC
The project
Work on provincial coins in the Roman Empire has demonstrated their potential to be used as a source to understand local culture as well as perceptions of the emperor and Roman power. The provincial coinage of the Republican period, however, has received little attention. By examining the iconography of coins struck by Roman officials and cities outside Rome in the period 168-27 BC, this project seeks to uncover how Roman power was represented, negotiated or rejected before the creation of the principate.

The database
Another major aim of the project is to broaden access to and understanding of this material in disciplines other than numismatics. Consequently, the raw data generated by the project is being made available online for free public use. Users should note that the database only provides an overview of the iconography being struck in regions under Roman control; it does not list every variation and subtype. For these, users are recommended to consult the publications listed in the bibliography.

This is an ongoing project. At the moment, the database has good coverage of Italy, Africa, Macedonia, and the coins struck by Roman moneyers outside Rome as listed in Crawford’s Roman Republican Coinage. We plan to work on Achaea, Crete and Cyrenaica over the summer.

Open Access Journal: Archäologische Informationen

Archäologische Informationen
ISSN: 0341-2873
Die Archäologischen Informationen (Arch. Inf.) sind die 1972 gegründete fachwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der DGUF (seit 1990 mit ISSN: 0341-2873). Mit einer Druckauflage von ca. 1.000 Exemplaren ist sie weltweit verbreitet.

Peer Review, online und Open Access
Mit dem Jahrgang 2012 sind die Arch. Inf. vom üblichen Board Review zusätzlich zum Peer Review übergegangen (mehr dazu hier). Mit dem Jahrgang 2013 erscheint die Zeitschrift zusätzlich zum Druck in einer Online-Ausgabe. Die Online-Ausgabe steht im Open Access, in ihr werden die angenommenen Beiträge nach dem Motto „online first“ publiziert (näheres dazu hier).

Die Online-Ausgabe wird sukzessive via Retrodigitalisierung auch die zurückliegenden Jahrgänge der Archäologischen Informationen erschliessen. Dazu bedarf es der Zustimmung der jeweiligen Autoren. Fehlen in einem bereits online stehenden älteren Jahrgang einzelne Beiträge, liegt diese Zustimmung (noch) nicht vor; diese Beiträge sind wie gewohnt verfügbar: in der gedruckten Ausgabe.

Die Archäologischen Informationen sind andersSchöne Funde in aufwändigen Farbabbildungen und grundlegende Materialvorlagen sind die Aufgabe anderer Fachzeitschriften. Die Archäologischen Informationen stehen für übergreifende historische Auswertungen, für Forschungsbilanzen, für interdisziplinäre Themen und für die Bereicherung von Theorie und Methoden des Faches. Das inhaltliche Profil der Zeitschrift ist an den zurückliegenden Jahrgängen erkennbar und wird in dem Text "Das Profil der Archäologischen Informationen" näher beschrieben. Aufsätze, die zur Diskussion und zur weiteren wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung des Faches auch in Richtung auf die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Ziele der DGUF beitragen, werden besonders gerne angenommen.

Der Themenschwerpunkt
Der erste Teil jedes gedruckten Heftes der Archäologischen Informationen ist einem Themenschwerpunkt gewidmet. Das der Jahrestagung der DGUF folgende Heft hat das Thema dieser Tagung zum Inhalt und ist bemüht, möglichste viele der Vorträge in erweiterter Form als wissenschaftliche Aufsätze zu publizieren. Dem Thementeil folgen - unabhängig davon - weitere Aufsätze und Berichte zu aktuellen Forschungen. Ein Nachrichtenteil informiert über Tagungen und Arbeitsgemeinschaften.

Das Forum
Ein in der Publikationslandschaft der deutschen Archäologie ungewöhnliches Element der Archäologischen Informationen ist das "Forum", in dem in mehreren aufeinander bezogenen Aufsätzen - wie in Rede und Gegenrede - Themen öffentlich diskutiert werden. Ein Aufsatz eröffnet die Diskussion. Von der Schriftleitung angefragte Autoren und der Redaktion anderweitig zugegangene Texte antworten darauf. Häufig erhält der Autor des Startaufsatzes die Gelegenheit, die Diskussion aus seiner Sicht zu bilanzieren. Themen, die im Fach wissenschaftlich oder gesellschaftlich aktuell strittig sind, können so öffentlich ausgetragen und unterschiedliche Positionen miteinander abgewogen werden.

Die Rubrik "Dissertationen und Magisterarbeiten"
Ein besonderes Angebot der Archäologischen Informationen an den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs ist die Rubrik "Dissertationen und Magisterarbeiten". Wir laden junge Kolleginnen und Kollegen ein, die Zusammenfassung ihrer Forschungsergebnisse kostenfrei einem breiten Leserkreis vorzustellen. Die Leser gewinnen in dieser Rubrik einen Einblick in die aktuellen Forschungen an den Universitäten, meist lange bevor abschließende Publikationen vorliegen, und können ggf. die Autoren direkt kontaktieren.

Unsere Leser, unsere Autoren
Das "Forum", die Rubrik "Dissertationen und Magisterarbeiten" sowie der Nachrichtenteil sind – das wissen wir aus Rückmeldungen – gerade bei unseren im Ausland lebenden Lesern besonders beliebt, die hier kompakt mitverfolgen können, was jenseits neuer Grabungen und Funde in der deutschen Archäologie passiert und diskutiert wird.

Open Access Books at Open Book Publishers

Open Book Publishers
Complete digital versions of all our books are made freely available online via our website. You can find the link on each book's main page. These versions can be read on any computer or mobile device that is connected to the Internet.
In addition to these free online editions, downloadable and printable pdfs can be purchased for all our titles. We also offer ebook files (in either ePub or mobi formats), although currently these are only available for select titles. 
 Titles relating to the Ancient World
The Passion of Max von Oppenheim: Archaeology and Intrigue in the Middle East from Wilhelm II to Hitler

Lionel Gossman

One of the finest books on this period and topic. The research is thorough, the analysis careful and moderate, and the range of the book is broad. It will appeal to scholars in a variety of fields.
More information
Virgil, Aeneid, 4.1–299: Latin Text, Study Questions, Commentary and Interpretative Essays
Ingo Gildenhard
Love and tragedy dominate book four of Virgil’s most powerful work, building on the violent emotions invoked by the storms, battles, warring gods, and monster-plagued wanderings of the epic’s opening.
This is a Classics Library version of this book, available and open to comments by Classics teachers, students, academics and enthusiasts alike. Please do read, enjoy, and add your own comments to this online version of the text and commentary. The more comments and discussion, the more everyone can benefit! 
Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53–86: Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation
Ingo Gildenhard
Everything about this book makes it immediately and brilliantly valuable and exciting for the student of Latin and Cicero, and teachers of A Level Latin have much reason to thank Professor Gildenhard.
This is a Classics Library version of this book, available and open to comments by Classics teachers, students, academics and enthusiasts alike. Please do read, enjoy, and add your own comments to this online version of the text and commentary. The more comments and discussion, the more everyone can benefit!
The Sword of Judith: Judith Studies Across the Disciplines
Kevin R. Brine, Elena Ciletti and Henrike Lähnemann (eds.)
These essays brim with new examples, new insights, new comparisons... a quantum leap forward.
That Greece Might Still Be Free: The Philhellenes in the War of Independence
William St Clair
A classic account of the Greek war of Independence.

New Journal - Temporarily Open Access: Journal of Ancient History

Journal of Ancient History
ISSN: 2324-8114
The Journal of Ancient History aims to provide a forum for scholarship covering all aspects of ancient history and culture from the Archaic Period to Late Antiquity (roughly the ninth century BCE through the eighth century CE). The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles concerning the history and historiography (ancient and modern) of the ancient Mediterranean world and of neighboring civilizations in their relations with it. The journal is open to submissions in disciplines closely related to ancient history, including epigraphy, numismatics, religion and law.
De Gruyter is allowing free access to the first issue for the next 3 months

AIA Award for Outstanding Work in Digital Archaeology

Digital technologies are driving important changes in archaeology.  Despite the increasing acceptance of digital technology in daily life, however, determining how to assess digital scholarship has proved difficult: many universities remain unsure about how to evaluate digital work along side more traditional forms of print publication when faced with tenure and promotion decisions.  Recognizing the value of digital scholarship, and aiming to encourage its practice, the AIA offers this award to honor projects, groups, and individuals that deploy digital technology in innovative ways in the realms of excavation, research, teaching, publishing, or outreach.
Criteria for Selection 
Nominations of projects and individuals are welcome. Nominations may be made by anyone, including the project director or the principal members of the team responsible for the digital creation. Nominations of collaborative projects are encouraged. At least one member of the leadership team, or any individual nominee, must be a member in good standing of the AIA. Please submit the AIA membership number(s) with the nomination.

Due Date for NominationSeptember 15, 2013
Materials to Be Submitted
Additional Information
Because the field of digital archaeology is still nascent and the application of digital technologies to archaeology is in constant flux, the committee reserves the right to modify this award as the field evolves.  Furthermore, the committee also reserves the right not give the award if no deserving project is nominated. 
Questions about the award should be directed to Deanna Baker, Membership and Societies Administrator, at awards@aia.bu.edu or 617-353-9361.

Open Access Journal: Open Anthropology

Open Anthropology

Open Anthropology, the first digital-only, public journal of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), is a pilot experiment envisioned as a way of “opening up” anthropology in several ways. First, the new online publication helps bring anthropology into the public conversation about critical social issues and policy debates. Each edition of Open Anthropology will focus on a timely theme, offering a selection of articles relevant to contemporary concerns. By means of Open Anthropology, we hope anthropological knowledge, information and insights will figure more prominently in public discussions. Second, the journal introduces nearly the full archive of AAA journals, past and current-the online “stacks,” so to speak-to potential readers who may not even know these exist. Content in Open Anthropology will be culled from the full archive of participating AAA publications, and curated into editions. Third, each edition of Open Anthropology is made available free on the public Internet for a minimum of six months permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of the articles in each edition. Content published 35 years ago and longer will remain free on the public Internet in perpetuity; book reviews in Open Anthropology will also remain available on the Internet without cost to readers. Finally, by means of “The Editor’s Note,” anthropology is opened up to the non-specialist reader by drawing attention to key issues or themes raised in the selected articles (some of which are written in highly technical language), and by identifying each article source-across time and subspecialties of the field-the author, the specialty journal, and the journal’s sponsoring section.

Open Access Journal: The Open Anthropology Journal

[First posted in AWOL 6 January 2009. Updated 4 May 2013]

The Open Anthropology Journal
ISSN: 1874-9127
The Open Anthropology Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of Anthropology.
The disciplines that are published in the journal are the following:

Physical Anthropology; Biological Anthropology; Socio-Cultural Anthropology; Linquistic Anthropology; Archaeology; Ethnology; Paleoanthropology; Paleobiology; Paleolithic archaeology; Osteoarcheology; Evolutionary Biology; Social Biology; Primatology; Social & Global networks.

The Open Anthropology Journal, a peer reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide.
Volume 5, 2012
[General Articles]

Volume 4, 2011
[General Articles]
Special Issues
[Special Issue #001] [Pp. 1-24]
Introduction to Hot-Topic: Migratory Labor and Social Adversity

Volume 3, 2010
[General Articles]
Special Issues
[Special Issue #001] [Pp. 1-95]
Dental Anthropology in Chinese
[Special Issue #002] [Pp. 153-205]
Health Status, Nutrition and Ageing in India: An Anthropological Insight

Volume 2, 2009
[General Articles]

Volume 1, 2008

[General Articles]

Open Access Journal: Asia Major

[First posted 29 November 2009. Updated 5 May 2013

Asia Major
Asia Major, Third Series (issued semi-annually), is published by the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan. It is a continuation of Asia Major, New Series, published in England from 1949 to 1975. It covers all periods of Chinese history, literature, ideas, and culture in general. Included are the histories and cultures of other East and Central Asian peoples in their relations with China
Contents of Past Issues of Asia MajorThird Series
Contents of Past Issues of Asia MajorNew Series
Contents of Past Issues of Asia MajorFirst Series

Open Access Journal: Roman Legal Tradition: A Journal of Ancient Medieval and Modern Civil Law

Roman Legal Tradition: A Journal of Ancient Medieval and Modern Civil Law
ISSN 1943-6483
A Journal of Ancient Medieval and Modern Civil Law
Roman Legal Tradition is a peer-reviewed journal published online by the Ames Foundation and the University of Glasgow School of Law. ISSN 1943-6483.
The journal aims to promote the study of the civilian tradition in English. The editors welcome contributions on any aspect of the civilian tradition in ancient, medieval, and modern law.
All articles and reviews published in Roman Legal Tradition are available from this site free of charge. In addition, all articles and reviews are also available to subscribers of HeinOnline. We encourage readers to use and distribute these materials as they see fit, but ask readers not to make any commercial use of these materials without seeking the consent of the editors and relevant authors.
Contents. The contents for all issues are here. The articles are in PDF format. They may be saved and printed without restriction.
Index of Sources. A full index of primary sources cited in the first five volumes are here.
Guidelines for Contributors. These guidelines are provided mainly for the benefit of those who are providing final copy to the editors.
Contact Information and Subscriptions. This page contains details for editorial communication with the editors, subscriptions, and purchase of back issues.
The first three volumes were published by the Roman Law Society of America, with the support of the University of Kansas Law School, and appeared both online and in print under ISSN 1551-1375. Back issues of Volumes Two and Three are available from Amazon.com from the link to the left.
 Issues: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 | 2002

Open Access Journal: Saudi Aramco World

Saudi Aramco World
Saudi Aramco, the oil company born as an international enterprise 75 years ago, distributes Saudi Aramco World to increase cross-cultural understanding. The bimonthly magazine's goal is to broaden knowledge of the cultures, history and geography of the Arab and Muslim worlds and their connections with the West. Saudi Aramco World is distributed without charge, upon request, to interested readers worldwide.
In print, Saudi Aramco World is published six times a year: January/February (JF); March/April (MA); May/June (MJ); July/August (JA); September/October (SO) and November/December (ND). From its launch in 1949 until the May/June 2000 issue, the magazine's name was Aramco World. The July/August 2000 issue was the first to carry the name Saudi Aramco World.
Saudi Aramco World is published in Houston, Texas by Aramco Services Company, a subsidiary of Saudi Aramco. This website is updated following each issue of the print edition.

DigiPal: Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscript Studies and Diplomatic

[First posted in AWOL  28 April 2012. Updated 5 May 2013]

DigiPal: Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscript Studies and Diplomatic
DigiPal is a new resource for the study of medieval handwriting, particularly that produced in England during the years 1000–1100, the time of Æthelred, Cnut and William the Conqueror. It currently has about 300 images of manuscript pages and over 12,000 images of individual letters. Funded by the EU FP7, it is based at the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London.
Please note that this site is in development and is still incomplete in terms of content and functionality.
Read More | How to Use | Start Searching | View Images

New Open Access Journal/Series: Antichistica

La collana, diretta da Lucio Milano, è dedicata agli studi sul mondo antico e tardo-antico. Essa è destinata ad ospitare pubblicazioni che scaturiscono dalle attività di ricerca di Ca’ Foscari e pubblicazioni di studiosi e istituzioni italiane e straniere che contribuiscano a mettere in evidenza la rete delle collaborazioni nazionali e internazionali dell’Ateneo in ambito antichistico. È suddivisa in quattro sezioni: Storia ed epigrafia; Archeologia; Orientalistica; Filologia e letteratura.

Volume 1
Storia ed Epigrafia 1

Microstorie di romanizzazione
Le iscrizioni del sepolcreto rurale di Cerrione

Giovannella Cresci Marrone
Patrizia Solinas
ISBN 978-88-97735-27-4

Volume 2
Studi orientali 1

Aspetti del sistema preposizionale dell’eblaita

Maria Vittoria Tonietti
ISBN 978-88-97735-17-5

Melammu Digital Library

 [First posted in AWOL 23 March 2012. Updated 6 May 2013]

The Melammu Project: The Intellectual Heritage of Assyria and Babylonia in East and West
Below follows a list of all the publications made available online through this website. If you have an addition (anything Melammu-related), please contact us via melammu-db@helsinki.fi. For permission to publish the articles listed below, we would like to thank the editors of the volumes and journals, as well as their publishers:

Allard Pierson Museum
Astrom Editions
European Journal of Jewish Studies
Finnish Oriental Society
de Gruyter
Harrassowitz Verlag
Mimesus Edizioni
The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
Oldenbourg Verlagsgruppe
Peeters Publishers
Steiner Verlag

Abusch 2001
Abusch, Tzvi. “The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Homeric Epics.” In: R. M. Whiting (ed.). Mythology and Mythologies. Methodological approaches to intercultural influences. Melammu Symposia 2. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2001, 1-6. [PDF]
Annus 2001
Annus, Amar. “Ninurta and the Son of Man.” In: R. M. Whiting (ed.). Mythology and Mythologies. Methodological approaches to intercultural influences. Melammu Symposia 2. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2001, 7-17. [PDF]
Annus 2006
Annus, Amar. “The Survivals of the Ancient Syrian and Mesopotamian Intellectual Traditions in the Writings of Ephrem Syrus.” Ugarit-Forschungen 38 (2006) 1-25. [PDF]
Annus 2008
Annus, Amar. “The Soul's Journeys and Tauroctony. On Babylonian Sediment in the Syncretic Religious Doctrines of Late Antiquity.” In: Manfried L. G. Dietrich and Tarmu Kulmar (eds.). Body and Soul in the Conceptions of the Religions. Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte 42. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag 2008, 1-46. [PDF]
Annus 2009
Annus, Amar. “Some otherworldly journeys in Mesopotamian, Jewish, Mandaean and Yezidi traditions.” In: Mikko Luukko, Saana Svärd and Raija Mattila (eds.). Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars. Neo-Assyrian and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola. Studia Orientalia 106. Helsinki: Finnish Oriental Society 2009, 315-326. [PDF]
Annus 2011
Annus, Amar. “The Mesopotamian Precursors of Adam's Garment of Glory and Moses' Shining Face.” In: Thomas R. Kämmerer (ed.). Identities and Societies in the Ancient East-Mediterranean Regions. Comparative Approaches. Henning Graf Reventlow Memorial Volume. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 390/1, Acta Antiqua Mediterranea et Orientalia 1. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag 2011, 1-17. [PDF]
Annus 2012
Annus, Amar. “The Antediluvian Origin of Evil in the Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions. A Comparative Study.” In: Tarmo Kulmar and Rüdiger Schmitt (eds.). Ideas of Man in the Conceptions of the Religions. Das Menschenbild in den Konzeptionen der Religionen. Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte 43. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag 2012, 1-43. [PDF]
Aro 2000
Aro, Sanna. “Extracts from the Minutes of the Symposium.” In: S. Aro and R. M. Whiting (eds.). The Heirs of Assyria. Melammu Symposia 1. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2000, xvii-xx. [PDF]
Aruz 1998
Aruz, J. “The Aegean and the Orient: The Evidence of Stamp and cylinder Seals.” In: Eric Cline and Diane Harris-Cline (eds.). The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium: Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary symposium, Cincinnati, 18-20 April 1997. Aegaeum 18. Liège and Austin: Université de Liège, Histoire de l'art et archéologie de la Grèce antique and University of Texas at Austin, Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory 1998, 301-310. [PDF]
Basello 2002
Basello, Gian Pietro. “Elam and Babylonia. The evidence of the calendars.” In: A. Panaino and G. Pettinato (eds.). Ideologies as Intercultural Phenomena. Melammu Symposia 3. Milan: Universita di Bologna & IsIAO 2002, 13-36. [PDF]
Basello 2004
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Seminara, Stefano. “The Babylonian Science of the Translation and the Ideological Adjustment of the Sumerian Text to the "Target Culture".” In: A. Panaino and G. Pettinato (eds.). Ideologies as Intercultural Phenomena. Melammu Symposia 3. Milan: Universita di Bologna & IsIAO 2002, 245-255. [PDF]
Sfar 1998
Sfar, Mondher. Le Coran, la Bible et l'Orient ancien. Paris: Mondher SFAR 1998 (second editon). [PDF]
Silver 2004
Silver, Morris. “Modern Ancients.” In: Robert Rollinger and Christoph Ulf (eds.). Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia 5. Oriens et Occidens 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2004, 65-87. [PDF]
Sommer 2004
Sommer, Michael. “Die Peripherie als Zentrum. Die Phöniker und der interkontinentale Fernhandel im Weltsystem der Eisenzeit.” In: Robert Rollinger and Christoph Ulf (eds.). Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia 5. Oriens et Occidens 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2004, 233-244. [PDF]
Steinkeller 2004
Steinkeller, Piotr. “Toward a Definition of Private Economic Activity in Third Millennium Babylonia.” In: Robert Rollinger and Christoph Ulf (eds.). Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia 5. Oriens et Occidens 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2004, 91-111. [PDF]
Talon 2001
Talon, Philippe. “Enūma Eliš and the Transmission of Babylonian Cosmology to the West.” In: R. M. Whiting 2001 (ed.). Mythology and Mythologies. Methodological Approaches to Intercultural Influences. Melammu Symposia 2. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2001, 265-277. [PDF]
Tandy 2004
Tandy, David. “Trade and Commerce in Archilochos, Sappho, and Alkaios.” In: Robert Rollinger and Christoph Ulf (eds.). Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia 5. Oriens et Occidens 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2004, 183-194. [PDF]
Theurl 2004
Theurl, Engelbert. “Konkurrierende Theorien der Geldentstehung. Einige Überlegungen zur Vereinbarkeit.” In: Robert Rollinger and Christoph Ulf (eds.). Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia 5. Oriens et Occidens 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2004, 33-53. [PDF]
Van De Mieroop 2004
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Vidale 2004
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Weiler 2004
Weiler, Ingomar. “Sklaverei in der homerischen und altorientalischen Welt. Vergleichende Betrachtungen.” In: Robert Rollinger and Christoph Ulf (eds.). Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia 5. Oriens et Occidens 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2004, 270-291. [PDF]
Weinfeld 2001
Weinfeld, Moshe. “The Roots of the Messianic Idea.” In: R. M. Whiting (ed.). Mythology and Mythologies. Methodological approaches to intercultural influences. Melammu Symposia 2. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2001, 279-287. [PDF]
West 2000
West, Martin L. “Fable and Disputation.” In: R. Whiting and S. Aro (eds.). The Heirs of Assyria. Melammu Symposia 1. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2000, 93-98. [PDF]
Westenholz 2000
Westenholz, Joan. “The King, the Emperor, and the Empire. Continuity and Discontinuity of Royal Representation in Text and Image.” In: S. Aro and R. M. Whiting (eds.). The Heirs of Assyria. Melammu Symposia 1. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2000, 99-125. [PDF]
Westenholz 2004
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Whiting 2000
Whiting, R. M. “Introduction.” In: S. Aro and R. M. Whiting (eds.). The Heirs of Assyria. Melammu Symposia 1. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project 2000, xiii-xv. [PDF]
Wiesehöfer 2004
Wiesehöfer, Josef. “"Persien, der faszinierende Feind der Griechen". Güteraustausch und Kulturtransfer in achaimenidischer Zeit.” In: Robert Rollinger and Christoph Ulf (eds.). Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia 5. Oriens et Occidens 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2004, 295-310. [PDF]

And see also Melammu Online

Open Access Journal: Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database Newsletter

Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database Newsletter
By the end of 2012, with over nine-hundred gems present and more than thirty collections represented in the database, a fourth of the known corpus of magical gems has become accessible, while we are presently working on the upload of a similar amount. As the integration of new material naturally necessitates changes, having got this far, we have started to reconsider certain features of the database, to review what has been achieved until now and launch improvements in order to create not simply a corpus of magical gems, but also a research tool.  Our research on magical gems worldwide has been made possible by the ongoing support of Vacheron Constantin, Geneva. A standard grant of the International Visegrad Fund has allowed us to concentrate on ’Magical Gems in the Visegrad Countries’.
Newsletter, 29 January 2012
Newsletter, 22 November 2012
Newsletter, 31 December 2012

Vindolanda Tablets Online

Vindolanda Tablets Online
This online edition of the Vindolanda writing tablets, excavated from the Roman fort at Vindolanda in northern England, includes the following elements:
Tablets - a searchable online edition of the tablets (volumes I and II)
Exhibition - an introduction to the tablets and their context
Reference - a guide to aspects of the tablets’ content
Help - navigation and using the site

Also available are highlights from the tablets.

The website is part of the Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World programme, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. It is a collaborative project between the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents and the Academic Computing Development Team, Oxford University.

Scholarly publications should refer to this site as:
Vindolanda Tablets Online http://vindolanda.csad.ox.ac.uk/
Editions of individual tablets may be cited in the form http://vindolanda.csad.ox.ac.uk/TVII-291 (Tab. Vindol. II 291)
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