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Open Access Journal: The Waters of Rome

The Waters of Rome
A refereed, on-line journal of occasional papers concerned with water studies and the city of Rome.
Authors are invited to submit articles on any aspect of the hydrological or hydraulic history of Rome from the prehistoric to the present day, to be considered for publication. Articles that investigate water and water infrastructure as a system (rather than examining an individual feature) within a social, cultural, or technological context are particularly welcome. Our interest is to stimulate discussion about water's role in urban development, especially within the context of issues of infrastructural and landscape urbanism studies. Every submission is reviewed by the editor and a minimum of two outside reviewers who are authorities drawn from the disciplines of history, classics, architecture, landscape architecture, archaeology, architectural and art history, and geography.

NUMBER SIX: February 2009

NUMBER FIVE: April 2008

NUMBER FOUR: March 2007

NUMBER THREE: August 2005

NUMBER TWO: June 2002<

NUMBER ONE: May 2001

Potsherd: Atlas of Roman Pottery

Potsherd: Atlas of Roman Pottery
This is a collection of pages on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC - 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe.
  • The pages include an introductory Atlas of Roman Pottery, containing descriptions and distribution maps of types of Roman pottery (particularly types found in Britain).
  • The pages of the Atlas describing the individual wares can be accessed through the main menu, which lists the wares by CLASS (table wares, cooking wares, transport amphoras etc) or SOURCE (by province of origin). Links to these indices will also be found in the main menu bar.
Potsherd Roman Pottery in Britain
  • The site includes a companion to Roman Pottery in Britain, a survey of pottery made or used in Britain during the Roman period published in 1996. The pages include an additional index of non-UK sites and a list of errata.
Additional datasets
  • Central Gaulish granite-tempered wares: database, images etc to accompany paper published in the journal Nord-Ouest Archéologie12 (2001). This ware includes some of the moulded-rim jars classified in French ceramic reports as le type Besançon.

Mapping & Databases

Aquae Urbis Romae: the Waters of the City of Rome

Aquae Urbis Romae: the Waters of the City of Rome
Katherine Wentworth Rinne (resume)
P r o j e c t   d e s c r i p t i o n
Aquae Urbis Romae: the Waters of the City of Rome is a cartographic history of nearly 2800 years of water infrastructure and urban development in Rome. Water is a living system that includes natural features (springs, the Tiber River, etc.) and hydraulic elements (aqueducts, bridges, fountains, etc.) that are linked through topography. Learn about the structure, methodology, and pedagogical goals of the project. First time users start here.

G.I.S. Timeline Map
Follow the urban development of Rome through a unique G.I.S. timeline map that chronicles changes to the water infrastructure system from 753 BC through the sixteenth century. See how sewers, aqueducts, fountains and other hydraulic elements changed the face of Rome, as important people like Agrippa, Emperor Nero and popes Sixtus V and Clement VIII, among others, used water as an element of political control.

S e a r c h
Search the archive for specific hydrological features (including springs or streams), infrastructure features (including aqueducts, bridges, and sewers), urban features (water mills and fountains for example), patrons (such as Agrippa, Nicolas V, or Sixtus V), and designers (such as Giacomo Della Porta, Gian Lorenzo Bernini), etc.

J o u r n a l
Historic maps, treatises and images are available here, including a high-resolution "Zoomify" copy of the 1551 Bufalini Plan of Rome. More maps are on the way.

We publish refereed articles contributed by scholars and graduate students in our new occasional on-line journal "The Waters of Rome". If you are interested in contributing, please contact us.

T i m e l i n e

T y p o l o g y

T o p o g r a p h y

JSTOR News: Early Journal Content in the Internet Archive

450,000 Early Journal Articles Now Available
Internet Archive announces today the addition of over 450,000 journal articles from the JSTOR Early Journal Content collection. Early Journal Content is a selection of pre-1923 materials from more than 350 journals and includes articles in the arts and humanities, economics and politics, and mathematics and other sciences. This content was digitized by JSTOR and is freely available through jstor.org, and it can now also be accessed and downloaded via archive.org.

Heidi McGregor from JSTOR said, “We’re happy to work with the Internet Archive to broaden access to the JSTOR Early Journal Content even further, offering people the ability to use it alongside other Internet Archive held collections.”

All 2 terabytes of the Early Journal Collection are available for bulk harvesting from the Internet Archive. Web search engines have been indexing the full-text contents of these materials already and, so far, people and robots have downloaded the articles over 400,000 times even before it has been announced. A data bundle including OCR text and metadata is also available from JSTOR’s Data for Research service for free downloading.

Digital Supplement to The Gurob Ship-Cart Model and Its Mediterranean Context

Welcome to the Gurob Ship-Cart Model Digital Supplement
An open access digital supplement to Shelley Wachsmann's book The Gurob Ship-Cart Model and Its Mediterranean Context,
available at Texas A&M Press.   
If this is your first time accessing this supplement, please read this first and follow the plugin installation and navigation instructions.

If you have already read the instructions, successfully installed the plugins, and understood the virtual reality navigation process, then please select the appropriate button below to open the supplement.
PC UsersMAC Users


University of Oxford Podcasts: Faculty of Classics

University of Oxford Podcasts: Faculty of Classics

Oxford has the largest Classics department in the world, with unparalleled teaching, library and museum resources and a range of extracurricular activities, including performances of Greek plays and various societies.

Classics Course II: Of Course It's For YouTim Whitmarsh gives a talk for the Classics Open Day help on 16th March 2013 about doing a Classics degree at Oxford 0:22:11 Tim Whitmarsh10 Apr 2013
Adventures with HerculesDr Llewelyn Morgan gives a talk for the Classics Open Day, held on 16th March 2013 0:29:03 Llewelyn Morgan10 Apr 2013
How to be Augustus: Escaping one's pastProfessor Chris Pelling give s a talk for the Classics Open Day, helpd on 16th March 2013 0:32:48 Chris Pelling10 Apr 2013
To boldly go: Greek exploration from wife-eaters to counting cowsDr Katherine Clarke gives a talk for the Classics Open Day, held on 15th March 2013 0:27:48 Katherine Clarke10 Apr 2013
5 Creative CommonsThe Haynes Lecture 2011: Tombs and Palaces in Archaic Etruria and LatiumProf. Dr. Friedhelm Prayon, University of Tübingen, Germany delivers the 2011 Haynes Lecture. Held at The Ioannou School for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford University. Introduced by Prof. Bert Smith. 1:08:46 Friedhelm Prayon, Bert Smith17 Jun 2011
6 Creative CommonsThe Gaisford Lecture 2011: The Reader in Greek LiteratureHeld at The Ioannou School for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford University. Introduced by Prof. Christopher Pelling. 0:48:06 Thomas A Schmitz17 Jun 2011
7 Creative CommonsWho Translates and for Whom?Fourth part of the What is Translation Podcast series. In this part, the question of who is best placed to translate classic texts; academics, poets, dramatists and who is best placed to receive the translation, students, scholars or the general public 0:20:24 Oliver Taplin, Lorna Hardwick27 Jul 2010
8 Creative CommonsCan Poetry be Translated?Third part of the What is Translation podcast series. In this part, the question of whether poetry be translated. Is there something within the original that is lost in the translation? 0:16:09 Oliver Taplin, Lorna Hardwick27 Jul 2010
9 Creative CommonsIs there ever a Faithful Translation?Second part of the What is Translation podcast series. In this part, the question of whether there can be a faithful translation; does the act of translating a text change the meaning of the original is discussed. 0:15:03 Oliver Taplin, Lorna Hardwick27 Jul 2010
10 Creative CommonsIs there a Core to Translation?First part of the What is Translation podcast series looking at translation of classical texts. In this part, the question of whether there is a core to translation; is there a central guiding idea to translation is discussed. 0:14:41 Oliver Taplin, Lorna Hardwick27 Jul 2010
11 Creative CommonsIntroduction to Art of the Ancient WorldDonna Kurtz and Sir John Boardman talk about Sir John's life, his career and experiences as a classical scholar and also the relationship works of art from different cultures around the ancient world have with one another 0:15:45 John Boardman, Donna Kurtz11 Mar 2010
12 Creative CommonsResearch in Classical ArchaeologyDiscussion between Sir John Boardman and Donna Kurtz on the subject of being classical archaeology researchers and academics and some of the challenges and opportunities they face 0:12:11 John Boardman, Donna Kurtz11 Mar 2010
13 Creative CommonsIs Tragedy still Alive?Discussion on whether tragedy still exists in modern culture, whether in films, modern theatre or and other creative arts. 0:15:46 Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings01 Mar 2010
14 Creative CommonsDoes Tragedy Teach?Third dialogue on the nature of tragedy where they talk about whether tragic theatre teaches people, and if it does, how and what does it teach? 0:17:07 Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings01 Mar 2010
15 Creative CommonsWhat does Tragedy do for People?A discussion of what the use of tragedy is, and whether the emotional experience of tragic theatre is simply a passing thrill or a vital part of life. 0:11:29 Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings01 Mar 2010
16 Creative CommonsDefining TragedyFirst dialogue between Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings on tragedy: they discuss what 'tragedy' means, from its origins in Greek culture to philosophical notions of what tragedy and tragic drama are. 0:14:23 Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings01 Mar 2010
17 Creative CommonsAdapting Greek TragedyFiona Macintosh talks with distinguished playwright Frank McGuinness about his work in adapting Greek tragedies for modern theatre, particularly Antigone and The Medea 0:48:46 Fiona Macintosh, Frank McGuinness28 Jan 2010
Reception of Classical Literature in the 20th CenturyDr Fiona Macintosh gives a lecture on the classical literature and its reception in the 20th Century. In particular, the Odyssey, the Medea and Oedipus Rex. Part of the OxBridge Classics Conference for Schools. 0:28:22 Fiona Macintosh22 Apr 2009
Roman Comedy: A funny thing happened...Peter Brown gives his lecture on Roman Comedy. Part of the OxBridge Classics Conference for Schools lecture series. 0:24:37 Peter Brown22 Apr 2009
Oliver Taplin on ClassicsProfessor Oliver Taplin, an authority on classics and the performance of ancient drama, talks about the subject and his research. 0:25:44 Oliver Taplin, Oliver Lewis22 Apr 2009
1 Creative CommonsTreasures of Oxford - Athenian Wine Drinking Cup Sir John Boardman talks about a wine drinking cup made in Ancient Athens; he also talks about what we can learn from it about Ancient Greek culture and the kind of lifestyle the Greeks had 0:04:51 John Boardman 11 Mar 2010

Associated Series

Open Accces Journal: Tribuna d’Arqueologia

Tribuna d’Arqueologia
La tardor de 2011 la Tribuna engega una nova etapa. Per mantenir la funció de difusió i intercanvi de la recerca arqueològica i paleontològica a Catalunya en un nou entorn de comunicació, incorpora al tradicional cicle de conferències un mitjà digital que informa de l’actualitat arqueològica i paleontològica, amb accés a nous continguts:
  • Notícies. Les novetats en excavacions, estudis, jornades, congressos o esdeveniments del món de l’arqueologia i paleontologia  a Catalunya i les més interessants que es produeixen arreu.
  • Vídeos. Una part de les conferències de la Tribuna des de la temporada 2007 estan disponibles en vídeo. A partir de la 2010 s’han gravat totes les intervencions i es poden visualitzar íntegres.
  • Articles. La Tribuna recullirà a partir d’ara articles d’interès sobre temes d’actualitat del món arqueològic i paleontològic.
  • Reculls bibliogràfics i de recursos. Un recull periòdic de les novetats bibliogràfiques i dels recursos d’Internet relacionats amb l’arqueologia i paleontologia.
  • Tribunes anteriors. A partir d’ara es pot accedir als articles de les tribunes publicades, amb un nou visor a pantalla completa.  Des de l’edició de 1982 fins a la de 2005 estan disponibles amb el text de tot el volum. Del 2006 en endavant, estan disponibles també separats per articles per fer més fàcil la seva localització.
  • Fòrum. La Tribuna d’Arqueologia ha estat basada des dels seus inicis en la participació de tot el col·lectiu de l’arqueologia i de la paleontologia. La nova versió electrònica facilita encara més aquesta participació. Els articles a partir de la temporada 2011 permeten comentaris de forma directa en el que constituirà un fòrum privilegiat per a la professió i l’extensió on-line dels debats de cada conferència. Podeu fer preguntes als ponents o obrir nous debats sobre els temes que es publiquin. Si voleu proposar articles o notícies o novetats bibliogràfiques, podeu fer-ho a la redacció de la Tribuna.

Open Access Journal: SIAC Newsletter (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron)

SIAC Newsletter (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron)
The Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC, International Society of Cicero’s Friends), founded in 2008 by a team of scholars, professors, and amateurs, is a learned society for the study of ancient Roman thought. The main purpose is to embrace philosophy, literature, history, civilization and legacy, with a special but no exclusive focus on Cicero. While the majority of its members are scholars and Classics teachers, members also include scholars in other disciplines, individual searchers and interested lay people. Official Website

Open Access Journal: Climate of the Past

Climate of the Past: An Interactive Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union
ISSN 1814-9324
eISSN 1814-9332

Climate of the Past (CP) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on the climate history of the Earth. CP covers all temporal scales of climate change and variability, from geological time through to multidecadal studies of the last century. Studies focussing mainly on present and future climate are not within scope.
The main subject areas are:

  • reconstructions of past climate based on instrumental and historical data as well as proxy data from marine and terrestrial (including ice) archives;
  • development and validation of new proxies, improvements of the precision and accuracy of proxy data;
  • theoretical and empirical studies of processes in and feedback mechanisms between all climate system components in relation to past climate change on all space and time scales;
  • simulation of past climate and model-based interpretation of palaeo climate data for a better understanding of present and future climate variability and climate change.

CP - Recent Final Revised Papers

The sensitivity of the Arctic sea ice to orbitally induced insolation changes: a study of the mid-Holocene Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project 2 and 3 simulations
M. Berger, J. Brandefelt, and J. Nilsson
Clim. Past, 9, 969-982, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2561 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  15 Apr 2013
Model sensitivity to North Atlantic freshwater forcing at 8.2 ka
C. Morrill, A. N. LeGrande, H. Renssen, P. Bakker, and B. L. Otto-Bliesner
Clim. Past, 9, 955-968, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2731 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  10 Apr 2013
Climatic impacts of fresh water hosing under Last Glacial Maximum conditions: a multi-model study
M. Kageyama, U. Merkel, B. Otto-Bliesner, M. Prange, A. Abe-Ouchi, G. Lohmann, R. Ohgaito, D. M. Roche, J. Singarayer, D. Swingedouw, and X Zhang
Clim. Past, 9, 935-953, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2935 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  09 Apr 2013
Climate and vegetation changes during the Lateglacial and early–middle Holocene at Lake Ledro (southern Alps, Italy)
S. Joannin, B. Vannière, D. Galop, O. Peyron, J. N. Haas, A. Gilli, E. Chapron, S. B. Wirth, F. Anselmetti, M. Desmet, and M. Magny
Clim. Past, 9, 913-933, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 7657 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  09 Apr 2013
Stable isotopic evidence of El Niño-like atmospheric circulation in the Pliocene western United States
M. J. Winnick, J. M. Welker, and C. P. Chamberlain
Clim. Past, 9, 903-912, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2041 KB)   Supplement (1079 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   
  08 Apr 2013
Using data assimilation to investigate the causes of Southern Hemisphere high latitude cooling from 10 to 8 ka BP
P. Mathiot, H. Goosse, X. Crosta, B. Stenni, M. Braida, H. Renssen, C. J. Van Meerbeeck, V. Masson-Delmotte, A. Mairesse, and S. Dubinkina
Clim. Past, 9, 887-901, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1537 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   
  03 Apr 2013
Impact of precipitation intermittency on NAO-temperature signals in proxy records
M. Casado, P. Ortega, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Risi, D. Swingedouw, V. Daux, D. Genty, F. Maignan, O. Solomina, B. Vinther, N. Viovy, and P. Yiou
Clim. Past, 9, 871-886, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 4054 KB)   Supplement (2216 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   
  27 Mar 2013
Mismatch between the depth habitat of planktonic foraminifera and the calibration depth of SST transfer functions may bias reconstructions
R. J. Telford, C. Li, and M. Kucera
Clim. Past, 9, 859-870, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1059 KB)   Supplement (66 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   
  22 Mar 2013
Controls of Caribbean surface hydrology during the mid- to late Holocene: insights from monthly resolved coral records
C. Giry, T. Felis, M. Kölling, W. Wei, G. Lohmann, and S. Scheffers
Clim. Past, 9, 841-858, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 4474 KB)   Supplement (258 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  22 Mar 2013
Mass-movement and flood-induced deposits in Lake Ledro, southern Alps, Italy: implications for Holocene palaeohydrology and natural hazards
A. Simonneau, E. Chapron, B. Vannière, S. B. Wirth, A. Gilli, C. Di Giovanni, F. S. Anselmetti, M. Desmet, and M. Magny
Clim. Past, 9, 825-840, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 6479 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  21 Mar 2013
Skill and reliability of climate model ensembles at the Last Glacial Maximum and mid-Holocene
J. C. Hargreaves, J. D. Annan, R. Ohgaito, A. Paul, and A. Abe-Ouchi
Clim. Past, 9, 811-823, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2495 KB)   Supplement (131 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  21 Mar 2013
Influence of Last Glacial Maximum boundary conditions on the global water isotope distribution in an atmospheric general circulation model
T. Tharammal, A. Paul, U. Merkel, and D. Noone
Clim. Past, 9, 789-809, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 5591 KB)   Supplement (1436 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   
  20 Mar 2013
Deglacial and Holocene vegetation and climatic changes in the southern Central Mediterranean from a direct land–sea correlation
S. Desprat, N. Combourieu-Nebout, L. Essallami, M. A. Sicre, I. Dormoy, O. Peyron, G. Siani, V. Bout Roumazeilles, and J. L. Turon
Clim. Past, 9, 767-787, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 6870 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  20 Mar 2013
Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores at the Toba eruption (74 ka BP)
A. Svensson, M. Bigler, T. Blunier, H. B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, H. Fischer, S. Fujita, K. Goto-Azuma, S. J. Johnsen, K. Kawamura, S. Kipfstuhl, M. Kohno, F. Parrenin, T. Popp, S. O. Rasmussen, J. Schwander, I. Seierstad, M. Severi, J. P. Steffensen, R. Udisti, R. Uemura, P. Vallelonga, B. M. Vinther, A. Wegner, F. Wilhelms, and M. Winstrup
Clim. Past, 9, 749-766, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 6600 KB)   Supplement (5823 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  19 Mar 2013
Modeling the climatic implications and indicative senses of the Guliya δ18O-temperature proxy record to the ocean–atmosphere system during the past 130 ka
D. Xiao, P. Zhao, Y. Wang, and X. Zhou
Clim. Past, 9, 735-747, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 3087 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   
  15 Mar 2013
Potential and limits of OSL, TT-OSL, IRSL and pIRIR290 dating methods applied on a Middle Pleistocene sediment record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Russia
A. Zander and A. Hilgers
Clim. Past, 9, 719-733, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2383 KB)   Supplement (580 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  14 Mar 2013
A multi-model assessment of last interglacial temperatures
D. J. Lunt, A. Abe-Ouchi, P. Bakker, A. Berger, P. Braconnot, S. Charbit, N. Fischer, N. Herold, J. H. Jungclaus, V. C. Khon, U. Krebs-Kanzow, P. M. Langebroek, G. Lohmann, K. H. Nisancioglu, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, W. Park, M. Pfeiffer, S. J. Phipps, M. Prange, R. Rachmayani, H. Renssen, N. Rosenbloom, B. Schneider, E. J. Stone, K. Takahashi, W. Wei, Q. Yin, and Z. S. Zhang
Clim. Past, 9, 699-717, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 7795 KB)   Supplement (10204 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  14 Mar 2013
Hominin responses to environmental changes during the Middle Pleistocene in central and southern Italy
R. Orain, V. Lebreton, E. Russo Ermolli, A.-M. Sémah, S. Nomade, Q. Shao, J.-J. Bahain, U. Thun Hohenstein, and C. Peretto
Clim. Past, 9, 687-697, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1732 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  14 Mar 2013
Amplified bioproductivity during Transition IV (332 000–342 000 yr ago): evidence from the geochemical record of Lake El'gygytgyn
L. Cunningham, H. Vogel, V. Wennrich, O. Juschus, N. Nowaczyk, and P. Rosén
Clim. Past, 9, 679-686, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1775 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   Special Issue
  14 Mar 2013
HadISDH: an updateable land surface specific humidity product for climate monitoring
K. M. Willett, C. N. Williams Jr., R. J. H. Dunn, P. W. Thorne, S. Bell, M. de Podesta, P. D. Jones, and D. E. Parker
Clim. Past, 9, 657-677, 2013
 Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 5458 KB)   Discussion Paper (CPD)   
  14 Mar 2013

Open Access Journal: Classics Ireland


Open Access Journal: Interférences Ars scribendi

Interférences Ars scribendi
ISSN: 1777-5485
La revue en ligne Interférences Ars scribendi a pour vocation de restituer dans sa globalité le phénomène de l’écriture à Rome. Il s’agit à la fois de replacer le corpus scripturaire par rapport à ses enjeux de production en le réinsérant dans ses conditions d’apparition, de reconstituer le statut que se reconnaît et réclame l’auteur vis-à-vis de sa propre production, de définir les mécanismes de relecture / réécriture qui régissent les relations aux œuvres antérieures, de mettre en évidence les théorisations, implicites et explicites, dont ces textes ont fait l’objet.
Rendre compte dans son ensemble et dans une diachronie longue de la polyphonie complexe de la pratique de l’écriture à Rome, c’est rendre compte d’un réseau d’interactions, d’une série d’interférences.
Numéro 4 / 2006
Ce nouveau numéro d’Interférences Ars scribendi sur les mécanismes de transfert dans le monde romain repose sur la publication d’un colloque tenu à l’École normale supérieure Lettres et Sciences humaines en octobre 2005. Conformément à l’usage qui est désormais celui de notre revue, il donne accès aux contributions de chacun au fur et à mesure qu’elles nous parviennent, afin de fournir aux lecteurs le plus rapidement possible le reflet de nos travaux. Nous vous invitons donc à visiter régulièrement notre site pour découvrir la suite de cette publication.
La Rédaction.
Phénomènes de réécriture dans l’onomastique du genre bucolique
Daniel Vallat
[article mis en ligne le 5 mai 2006]
Hyle-silva (et alentour). Problèmes de traduction entre rhétorique et métaphore
Ermanno Malaspina
[article mis en ligne le 14 novembre 2006]
Composantes grecques de l’annalistique moyenne
Catherine Sensal
[article mis en ligne le 23 novembre 2006]
Salluste ou la naissance de l’histoire à Rome
Paul-Marius Martin
[article mis en ligne le 21 juillet 2006]
Sénèque lecteur d’Ovide et le Traité du Sublime
Fernand Delarue
[article mis en ligne le 23 novembre 2006]
Le grec et le refus du grec dans la poétique juvénalienne
Stéphane Itic
[article mis en ligne le 6 juillet 2006]
[article mis en ligne le 30 janvier 2008]

Numéro 3 / 2005
Le lyrisme
Pour permettre une diffusion plus rapide des travaux du Groupe de recherche, la revue Interférences Ars Scribendi change de formule à partir du présent numéro : désormais les contributions portant sur un même sujet seront mises en ligne dès qu'elles nous parviendront. Les numéros s'enrichiront donc au fur et à mesure de nouveaux articles. Nous espérons que cette version, plus évolutive, de la revue permettra à tous les lecteurs de bénéficier des travaux du GDR dans les meilleurs délais et de disposer ainsi rapidement de contributions très récentes aux domaines de recherche qui sont ceux de notre Groupe.
La Rédaction.
Stace et les lyriques
Fernand Delarue

Numéro 2 / 2004
Le juridique
Droit et comédie
Jean-Christian Dumont

Numéro 1 / 2003
Le romanesque
Ce premier numéro d’Interférences met en oeuvre les principales caractéristiques de notre revue. Pourtant des raisons techniques ne permettent pas encore au site de la revue d’offrir aux lecteurs toutes les fonctionnalités qui seront disponibles dans les numéros suivants, ainsi que la totalité des rubriques. Le menu d’Aide accessible sur la page d’accueil présentera lors de leur mise en ligne les nouvelles fonctionnalités pour vous permettre de lire nos travaux dans les meilleurs conditions et de bénéficier de tous les outils que la publication en ligne met à la disposition des chercheurs. En attendant la composition du comité de lecture, qui sera indiquée dans le numéro 2, les correspondants de la revue sont Marc Baratin, directeur du Gdr, et Bruno Bureau, ENS LSH de Lyon. Pour toute correspondance avec la revue écrire à bruno.bureau@ens-lsh.fr

Open Access Journal: Methodos: Revista Electrónica de Didáctica del Latín

Methodos: Revista Electrónica de Didáctica del Latín
ISSN: 2013-682X  
La revista digital Methodos va ser fundada i dirigida en la seva primera època per Pedro Luis Cano. En la seva segona època, que s'inicia el 2011, "Methodos. Revista de didàctica dels estudis clàssics" és una publicació anual editada per Paideia. Grup de Didàctica de les Llengües i la Cultura Clàssiques de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, que integra professors del Departament de Ciències de l'Antiguitat i l'Edat Mitjana i de l'Equip de Formació i Innovació de Llengües i Cultura Clàssiques. Methodos publica articles sobre didàctica de les llengües i la cultura clàssiques en qualsevol nivell educatiu. En aquest sentit la seva vocació és esdevenir un espai de trobada entre l'ensenyament secundari i l'universitari, entre l'estudi del llatí i del grec, entre la didàctica de la llengua i de la cultura clàssica.

Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Council of University Classical Departments

Bulletin of the Council of University Classical Departments
The Council of University Classical Departments is the professional forum for all teachers of classical Greek and Roman subjects in British Universities. It has four meetings annually: three meetings of the Standing Committee, and a plenary Council meeting in November, at which all UK Classics Departments (and remnants thereof) are represented (see the constitution, and "Contacts, Representatives, and Member Institutions" below). As well as serving as a voice for classical teachers in higher education on matters of academic and professional significance, CUCD collects annual statistics on students numbers in UK classical degree programmes, and publishes the CUCD Bulletin, which is available on-line from volume 24 (1995), and continues to appear in hard copy at the time of the annual Council meeting.

Open Access Journal: Faventia

ISSN: 2014-850X
ISSN: 0210-7570 (versió paper)
Se'n publica un número cada any, dividit en un fascicle o dos; a més, s'editen volums monogràfics i annexos. La revista té tres parts: articles, notes i recensions. Comprèn els diversos aspectes de les ciències de l'antiguitat relacionats amb el món clàssic, especialment els relacionats amb les nostres terres, és a dir, s'ocupa de l'antiguitat clàssica, la tardoantiguitat, la llatinitat medieval, l'humanisme i la tradició clàssica. 
Faventia Supplementa és una nova sèrie de volums extraordinaris de la revista Faventia que vol recuperar l'esperit de les antigues monografies de Faventia, presentant estudis selectes relacionats amb el món de l'Antiguitat i l'Edat Mitjana.

Vol. extra, núm. supplementa1
Actas del Simposio Internacional: 55 Años de Micenología
Vol. 31 n. 1-2
Homenatge a Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez
Vol. 30 n. 1-2
Homenatge a Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez
Vol. 29 n. 2
Vol. 29 n. 1
Vol. 28 n. 1-2
Vol. 27 n. 2
Vol. 27 n. 1
Vol. 26 n. 2
Vol. 26 n. 1
Vol. 25 n. 2
Vol. 25 n. 1
Vol. 24 n. 2
Vol. 24 n. 1
Vol. 23 n. 2
Vol. 23 n. 1
Vol. 22 n. 2
Vol. 22 n. 1
Vol. 21 n. 2
Vol. 21 n. 1
Vol. 20 n. 2
Homenatge a M. Balasch
Vol. 20 n. 1
Índex vol. 1-19
Vol. 19 n. 2
Vol. 19 n. 1
Vol. 18 n. 2
Vol. 18 n. 1
Vol. 17 n. 2
Vol. 17 n. 1
Vol. 16 n. 2
Vol. 16 n. 1
Vol. 15 n. 2
Vol. 15 n. 1
Vol. 14 n. 2
Vol. 14 n. 1
Vol. 12-13
Vol. 11 n. 2
Vol. 11 n. 1
Vol. 10 n. 1-2
Vol. 9 n. 2
Vol. 9 n. 1
Vol. 8 n. 2
Vol. 8 n. 1
Vol. 7 n. 2
Vol. 7 n. 1
Vol. 6 n. 2
Vol. 6 n. 1
Vol. 5 n. 2
Vol. 5 n. 1
Vol. 4 n. 2
Vol. 4 n. 1
Vol. 3 n. 2
Vol. 3 n. 1
Vol. 2 n. 2
Vol. 2 n. 1
Vol. 1 n. 2
Vol. 1 n. 1

Monuments of the Cimmerian Bosporus

Monuments of the Cimmerian Bosporus
Polish-Ukrainian Project of Inter-Museum Research Cooperation

  1. National Museum in Warsaw (head of the project: A. Twardecki
  2. Federal Cultural and Historical Museum of Kerch (Crimea, Ukraine)
  3. “Demetra” Foundation (Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine)
  4. Belgorod State University, National Research Univerity (Belgorod, Russia)
  5. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering (Warsaw, Poland)
  6. Ministry of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)
  7. Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
The aims of the project are:
1. Academic cooperation
a) Preparing a catalogue of Greek inscriptions from the Kerch Museum (approx. 800 monuments; the first volume was published in 2009). Participants: Alfred Twardecki (MNW); Tatiana Matkovska (Kerch Museum), Siergiey Tokhtasiev (Petersburg)
b) Preparing a catalogue of Megarian bowls from the collection of the Kerch Museum (approx. 400 items; will be in print in 2010) Participants: Sabina Grzegrzółka (National Museum in Warsaw); Alla Kucherevska (Kerch Museum)
c) Further development of joint, Polish-Ukrainian research projects
2.Cooperation in conservation
a) Since 2005, art conservators from the Kerch Museum come to the National Museum in Warsaw on a regular basis for training internships, whereas conservators from the National Museum in Warsaw organize training workshops in Kerch (conservation of ceramic materials, stone)
b) Conservators' cooperation in establishing an archaeological park at Tyritake.
3. Cooperation in exhibiting 
a) An exhibition of the art of the Bosporan Kingdom at the National Museum in Warsaw. 
b) A long-term loan of the monuments of the Bosporan Kingdom to the National Museum in Warsaw as a part of the archaeological collaboration. 
c) An exhibition of a selection of oeuvres from the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw at Kerch
4. Cooperation in Publishing
Publications prepared under the auspices of the project (Greek inscriptions; Megarian bowls, exhibition catalogues) will be published concurrently in Russian (by Kerch) and in English (by Warsaw).
5. Archaeological collaboration
a) Archaeological investigations on the site of the Greek settlement of Tyritake.

Open Access Journal: The Journal of Biblical Studies

The Journal of Biblical Studies
ISSN: 1534-3057
Journal of Biblical Studies is an electronic journal dedicated to the field of Biblical Studies in general. Articles on any aspect of Biblical Studies (including: archaeology, linguistics, exegesis, history, and textual issues) are welcome, and contributions that challenge the traditional boundaries of Biblical Studies are  encouraged. We would also like to see articles that discuss the relationship between Biblical Studies and other disciplines.

JBS publishes standard scholarly articles (both full-length articles and shorter notes are equally welcome), project reports, and book reviews. In addition, the JBS home page will provide links to additional resources of interest to biblical studies, including archaeological field reports, primary sources, and links to other sites of interest.
The Journal of Biblical Studies was an early entry in the roster of online open access journals and an early casualty of unsustainable enthusiasm for the form.  It no longer exists at its own domain.  Luckily a full version of it remains accessible by way of the Wayback Machine of the Internet Archive.

Dumbarton Oaks Resources for Byzantine Studies

Dumbarton Oaks Resources for Byzantine Studies: A collection of electronic resources created by Dumbarton Oaks and guides to online resources

Online Lead Seals Catalogue

The site of the ongoing project to catalogue the 17,000 Byzantine seals in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection.

Resources for Syriac Studies

An annotated collection of free and open source books, journals, and more related to the study of Syriac.

Bibliography on Gender in Byzantium

This resource started out as a bibliography on women in Byzantium, begun by Thalia Gouma-Peterson and maintained by Alice-Mary Talbot. Work on women’s history has recently been supplemented by studies on eunuchs, and a concern for masculinity, which together enable work on the Byzantine gender system.

Hagiography Database

Translations of Byzantine Saints' Lives

Graduate Programs in North America

Dissertations in North America

Panoply - a space devoted to helping you enjoy, teach, and research the ancient world

Welcome to Panoply, a space devoted to helping you enjoy, teach, and research the ancient world.  See Steve Simons’ amazing animations bring ancient Greek vase scenes to life; discover new ways to use animation; find out about Sonya Nevin’s research; and follow our blog for up-to-date news on events, progress, and interviews.

Panoply is still under development. Hope you like what you see and come back soon.
This set of 3 animations was made for Ure View, an Arts Council funded Stories of the World project at the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology.  Local teenagers worked with the project team to interpret vases in the museum and develop stories and storyboards from them.  Steve transformed their storyboards into animations.   They have since been shown at Westminster as part of an Arts in Parliament exhibition, and they have been included on a digital trail at the Museum of English Rural Life, and in a special exhibition in Reading Museum.  Which of the three do you like best?
Animation Uses

Indologica: Digitalisierte Werke auf dem Felde der Indologie

Indologica: Digitalisierte Werke auf dem Felde der Indologie
Digitalisierte Werke auf dem Felde der Indologie und verwandter Gebiete, die im Netz frei verfügbar sind
vorläufige Liste zusammengestellt von Peter Wyzlic unter Mitarbeit von Daniel Stender 2008-2010

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