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Open Access Journal: Ανθέμιον

ISSN: 1106-6628
Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο της Ένωσης Φίλων Ακροπόλεως. Εκδότης: Έβη Τουλούπα. Υπεύθυνοι έκδοσης: Φανή Μαλλούχου-Tufano, Άννα Μαλικούρτη. Καλλιτεχνική επιμέλεια: Όλγα Σημαιοφορίδου.

Open Access Journal: Αρχείον Ευβοϊκών Μελετών

Αρχείον Ευβοϊκών Μελετών
Στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος «Ψηφιοποίηση, τεκμηρίωση και προβολή πολιτιστικού αποθέματος των Εκδόσεων της Εταιρείας Ευβοϊκών Σπουδών» έγινε ψηφιοποίηση τριών πολιτισμικών αποθεμάτων:
Το πρώτο περιλαμβάνει τμήμα του πολιτιστικού και ιστορικού αποθέματος από εκδόσεις της Εταιρείας Ευβοϊκών Σπουδών από το 1934 έως σήμερα (Αρχείο Ευβοϊκών Μελετών – ΑΕΜ – τόμοι 34).
Το δεύτερο περιλαμβάνει τα παραρτήματα του ΑΕΜ και διάφορες εκδόσεις της Εταιρείας Ευβοϊκών Σπουδών από το 1934 έως σήμερα – τόμοι 12.
Το τρίτο αποτελείται από πρωτογενές αρχειακό και υποστηρικτικό υλικό των εκδόσεων της Εταιρείας Ευβοϊκών Σπουδών από το 1934 έως σήμερα (φωτογραφικό υλικό, σημειώσεις και χειρόγραφα, πρακτικά συνεδριάσεων Διοικητικών Συμβουλίων ιστορικού – ερευνητικού ενδιαφέροντος κλπ).
Για το πολιτισμικό υλικό έγινε καταγραφή, τεκμηρίωση και ηλεκτρονική διαχείριση όλων των μεταδεδομένων (metadata). Στον παρών δικτυακό τόπο γίνεται η διάχυση του πολιτισμικού αποθέματος.

Open Access Journal: İDOL arkeoloji ve arkeologlar derneği dergisi

Open Access Journal: ICAZ Newsletter (International Council for Archaeozoology)

ICAZ Newsletter (International Council for Archaeozoology)
The ICAZ Newsletter is published biannually. Members are encouraged to submit information about recent news (such as field and laboratory projects, awards given or received), upcoming events (including conferences, workshops, or symposia), and job openings, grants, and fellowship opportunities. 

Each spring issue features a Recent Publication section compiled from member submissions. This section has been an extremely successful part of the newsletter with members submitting about 1,000 citations in the past six years—a true testament to the vitality of archaeozoological research world-wide. 

ICAZ Newsletter submission deadlines are as follows:
  • April 15–Spring issue
  • October 15–Fall issue
Follow these links to download current and back issues of the ICAZ Newsletter:

  • Spring 2012 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2011 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2011 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2010 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2010 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2009 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2009 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2008 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2008 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2007 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2006 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2006 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2006 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2005 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2005 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2004 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2004 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2003 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2003 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2002 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2002 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2001 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2001 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Fall 2000 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Spring 2000 newsletter (.pdf)
  • Open Access Journal: News in Conservation

    News in Conservation
    News in Conservation (NiC) is the e-paper from IIC. Published electronically six times per year, it is delivered via an email alert to members and freely downloadable from the IIC website in open access. Together with delivering worldwide conservation and preservation news to our community, NiC is a vehicle to keep members informed of IIC activities and other news to share. NiC is an evolving project, one that exists thanks to the support of authors and writers that contribute articles and other informative material guaranteeing a steady flow of relevant content.
    Front page of February 2013 News in Conservation
    "News in Conservation, February 2013", News in Conservation, vol. 34, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2013.
    "News in Conservation, December 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 33, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2012.
    Front page of October 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 32, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2012.
    Front page of August 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 31, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2012.
    Front page of June 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 30, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2012.
    Front page of April 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 29, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2012.
    Front page of February 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 28, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2012.
    Front page of December 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 27, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2011.
    Front page of October 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 26, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2011.
    Front page of August 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 25, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2011.
    Front page of June 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 24, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2011.
    Front page of April 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 23, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2011.
    Front page of February 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 22, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2011.
    Front page of December 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 21, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2010.
    Front page of October 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 20, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2010.
    Front page of August 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 19, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2010.
    Front page of June 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 18, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2010.
    Front page of April 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 17, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2010.
    Front page of February 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 16, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2010.
    Front page of December 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 15, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2009.
    Front page of October 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 14, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2009.
    Front page of August 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 13, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2009.
    Front page of June 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 12, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2009.
    Front page of April 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 11, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2009.
    Front page of February 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 10, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2009.
    Front page of December 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 9, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2008.
    Front page of October 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 8, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2008.
    Front page of August 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 7, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2008.
    Front page of June 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 6, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2008.
    Front page of April 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 5, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2008.
    Front page of February 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 4, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2008.
    Front page of December 2007 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2007", News in Conservation, vol. 3, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2007.
    Front page of October 2007 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2007", News in Conservation, vol. 2, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2007.
    Front page of August 2007 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2007", News in Conservation, vol. 1, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2007.

    Open Access Journal: Προ-ιστορήματα

    Τα “Προ-ιστορήματα”, διαδικτυακό περιοδικό του Ομίλου Μελέτης και Προβολής της Ελληνικής Προϊστορίας, δημοσιεύει, ύστερα από κρίση, επιστημονικά άρθρα στα ελληνικά, αλλά και στις γνωστές διεθνείς γλώσσες. Ανανεώνεται σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα. Για παραπομπή στα άρθρα του περιοδικού γράφετε: Όνομα συγγραφέα, τίτλο άρθρου, τελευταία φορά πρόσβασης στον ιστοχώρο όνομα ιστοχώρου π.χ. Κοκκινίδου, Δ, “Γλωσσο-αρχαιολογικά” τελευταία πρόσβαση 30/03/2009, ιστοχώρος proistoria.wordpress.com/προ-ιστορήματα.
    Τεύχος 5 / Φεβρουάριος 2012
    Ν. Μερούσης,ki-ta-no, κρίτανος, τερέβινθος, τσικουδιά. Χρησιμοποιούσαν οι Μινωίτες τσικουδόλαδο;
    Τεύχος 4 / Ιούνιος 2011
    Τεύχος 3 / Ιούνιος 2010
     Τεύχος 2/Δεκέμβριος 2009
    Τεύχος 1/Μάρτιος 2009

    CDLI News: The Abbey of Montserrat

    From Bertrand Lafont:
    The Abbey of Montserrat nearBarcelona, Spain, and the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLILos Angeles/Berlin) are delighted to announcethe successful digitization of the Montserrat cuneiform collection.
    This significant new digital content to CDLI’s web offerings is nowavailable, in Catalan, Spanish, French, and English,
    The origins of the Museum of the Montserrat Abbey and its collection of cuneiformartefacts are related to the journeys of Father Bonaventura Ubach whovisited Iraq and several excavations and archaeological sites in1922-23. He was one of the early visitors to Woolley’s excavations inUr. Important pieces acquired during his travel are on display in themuseum, where Ubach and his successors created additional space toexhibit extraordinary text artefacts (visitors should request anappointment to view the holdings).
    Ubach managed to collect a substantial number of cuneiform objects,mostly tablets, currently numbering approximately 1150 artifacts, thatreceived constant attention through cataloguing and text publications.The majority of these (778) date to the Ur III period (ca. 2100-2000BC) and are economic in character. Among these we may mention, forinstance, an administrative text still in its envelope and a round bulla whose weathered seal impression andcontent can be related to a similar object in the John Rylands Libraryin Manchester, UK, with the same seal impression. A large, relatively well-preservedaccount dates to the ninth year of the Ur III king Shu-Sîn.
    The remaining text artefacts in the collection represent a ratherdiverse assemblage. Most prominent are 87 copies of a royalinscription of the Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) kingSîn-kashid found on both tablets and on small cones. Although always similar in content,these manuscripts make for a valuable addition to the texts edited byFrayne for the “Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia” project (RIME4.4.1.).
    The Old Babylonian period is further represented by important objects;the collection contains some manuscripts of Sumerian literature, mostnotably a relatively well-preserved manuscript of the “Instructions ofShuruppak”, a fragment of “Gilgameshand Huwawa B”, and anAkkadian-glossed version of the “Ur-Ninurta Instructions. Akkadian literature is representedby fragments containing lines of the Erra epic. For the late periods the collectioncontains several Neo-Babylonian bricks and tablets, but alsoimportant text artefacts until Achaemenid and Seleucid periods. Amongthese, a Late Babylonian manuscript of the epic Atra-hasis must behighlighted, for it adds additional lines and intriguing variants toother known texts. As well, there area few fragments of astronomical and medical texts. The collection also includes
    fragmentary tablets containing Hittite ritual texts and Elamite royal inscriptions.
    The condition of the tablets is rather good. There are also threeboxes of fragments that could join to existing texts in thecollection. During the process of imaging Wagensonner made five joinsthat seem to represent new texts, all of them Ur III economic records. The existing fragments (some tens) canto a great extent be dated to this period, but there are also plentyof later bits and pieces. Future work will likely result in morejoins.
    Extant cuneiform text artefacts in the collection were digitized inthe fall of 2012, using the conventional flatbed scanning methods ofthe CDLI, thanks to the generous hospitality of the Abbey ofMontserrat, the support of the French CNRS and a grant of the AndrewW. Mellon Foundation (project “Creating a Sustainable CuneiformDigital Library”). The imaging was a cooperative effort among threepartners: the CNRS in Nanterre (Bertrand Lafont), the CSIC in Madrid(Ignacio Márquez Rowe and María Dolores Casero Chamorro), and theUniversity of Oxford (Klaus Wagensonner). The raw images wereprocessed to CDLI-conformant fatcross representations by Wagensonner.
    Following this successful digitization, it may be stressed again thatour adherence to the principles of open access serves all theHumanities, in particular those in the fields of dead languageresearch dependent on free access to primary sources and accompanyingcatalogue data. In granting open access to source material such as thetext artefacts kept in the Montserrat Museum, this importantcollection joins other cultural heritage and research institutions inCDLI’s “extended family” who support efforts to permanently archive,and to make available to the research and the general public digitalfacsimiles of all artefacts of shared world history that are in theirimmediate, or indirect care.
    Bertrand Lafont, CNRS Paris
    Ignacio Márquez Rowe, CSIC Madrid
    F. Pius-Ramon Tragan, Abbey of Montserrat

    Prosop: a social networking tool for the past

    [First posted in AWOL 20 June 2011. Updated 8 April 2013]

    Prosop: a social networking tool for the past
    In the last decade, historians have renewed their interest in local history, and they have brought computers with them to the archives. This research has produced a great deal of prosopographic data: lists of names. For the most part, however, each local story is told in solitude from the work of other historians. History's local turn has been accompanied by a transnational turn, and here too researchers have not found ways to share and aggregate their data.

    This project aims to offer a tool (called Prosop) that will accomplish this goal. Prosop will combine a highly flexible database of names and demographic information with a user friendly, customizable, opensource interface. It will put the best features of social networking applications, collaborative wikis, geotagging, and data search and filtering at the service of social historians. Prosop is designed to meet the disciplinary requirements of professional historians, while remaining attractive to amateur historians and genealogists.

    With generous funding from the NEH Office of Digital Humanities, Prosop will convene content creation workshops in 2013; see our call for participants. In the meantime, if you are interested in the project, and/or possess a large database of historical names, please get in touch with the project director, Will Hanley (Florida State University).

    A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities

    I am participating today in A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities.
    A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities (Day of DH) is an open community publication project that will bring together scholars interested in the digital humanities from around the world to document what they do on one day.  This year, Day of DH will take place on April 8th. The goal of the project is to create a web site that weaves together a picture of the participant’s activities on the day which answers the question, “Just what do digital humanists really do?” Participants  document their day through photographs and text, all of which is published on a community online platform (which, for this year, lives at dayofdh2013.matrix.msu.edu). Both during and after the day, people are encouraged to read and comment on their fellow participant’s posts.  Eventually, all the data will be grouped together, undergo some light semantic editing, and released for others to study. We hope that, beyond the original online publication, the raw data will be of use to those interested in further visualization or digital community ethnographic research.
    My contribution, so far is in the participants' blog, musing on AWOL, thinking aloud (in a manner of speaking), or something...

    Feel free to comment.

    Open Access Journal: Il Bollettino di Numismatica

    Il Bollettino di Numismatica
    Creato nel 1983 per volontà dell’allora Direttore generale dell’Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Ambientali, Architettonici, Archeologici, Artistici e Storici, Guglielmo Triches, da una “costola” del prestigioso Bollettino d’Arte, il Bollettino di Numismatica si articola in tre linee editoriali:

    »  La serie ordinaria, a periodicità semestrale (50 numeri)
    »  Le monografie (13 Collane)
    »  I supplementi (dedicati a temi di attualità) 
    Nato per soddisfare l’esigenza di far conoscere e rendere fruibile una categoria di documenti di grandis­sima importanza storica e storico-artistica quali sono le monete, specchio insostituibile della vita economica, sociale ed artistica dei vari Stati nelle diverse epoche, il Bollettino di Numismatica si è rivelato, nel tempo, anche un formidabile strumento di tutela a disposizione degli operatori del settore. L’enorme quantità di ma­teriali dispersi in miriadi di collezioni grandi, medie e piccole, pubbliche e private, unitamente alla ricchezza di un sottosuolo che ancora oggi riesce a parlare a quanti si avvicinano, con attenta professionalità, ai “tesori” di informazioni che esso racchiude necessitava, infatti, di un collettore unico ed ufficialmente riconosciuto nel quale far confluire le informazioni sul patrimonio numismatico del nostro paese. Da qui la decisione di affian­care, alla serie ordinaria prevista con cadenza semestrale e dedicata in via prioritaria alla pubblicazione dei materiali da scavo, anche una più articolata collana di serie monografiche dove far confluire l’enorme quantità di materiali di collezione, di proprietà tanto pubblica quanto privata, con particolare attenzione anche a classi di monete omogenee per epoca ed area di provenienza ma disperse sul territorio in differenti raccolte.
    Serie Ordinaria: Volumi Disponibili in PDF Bollettino n. 34-35 - 2000 gennaio-dicembre  - Bollettino n. 54 - 2010
    Indici 1989-2007 nn. 1-49 (Tratti dal Bollettino di Numismatica n. 50 - 2000)
    Selezionare l'indice da consultare:

    Volumi Disponibili in PDF

     Monografia n. 8.2.II - SYLLOGE GEMMARVM GNOSTICARVM a cura di A. Mastrocinque  

    Monografia n. 8.2.I - SYLLOGE GEMMARVM GNOSTICARVM a cura di A. Mastrocinque 
    Vol.I - Testi di A. MASTROCINQUE, G. SFAMENI GASPARRO, M.G. LANCELLOTTI. Roma 2003 (2004)

    Vol.II - Memorie di Torino. Medaglie, gettoni, distintivi. Tavole.
    Vol.I - Memorie di Torino. Medaglie, gettoni, distintivi. 1706-1970.
    Monografia n. 11 - BANCA D'ITALIA - LE COLLEZIONI NUMISMATICHE a cura di Silvana Balbi de Caro 
    Vol.III - Soldi d'oro (S. BALBI DE CARO, M.CATTINI, M DE CECCO)

    Volumi Disponibili in PDF 


    Supplemento al n. 39 - TÉCHNE, LE FORME DELL'ARTE - Roma 2004 
    Vol.I - XI Mostra della Medaglia e Placchetta d'arte. Roma, Soprintendenza Archeologica, Museo Numismatico, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, 7 aprile-settembre 2004 

    Supplemento al n. 37 - MONETE E MEDAGLIE. Scritti di Francesco Panvini Rosati - Roma 2004 a cura di Giuseppina Pisani Sartorio 
    Vol.II - Dal tardo antico all'età  moderna 
    Vol.I - Età  antica


    Newly Digitized Archaeological Volumes in the "Rezeption der Antike" Collection of the Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften - Heidelberg

    Newly Digitized Archaeological Volumes in the "Rezeption der Antike" Collection of the Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften - Heidelberg
    Andreae, Bernard  Studien zur römischen Grabkunst
    Heidelberg, 1963
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/andreae1963

    Andreae, Bernard 
    Plinius und der Laokoon
    Mainz am Rhein, 1987
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/andreae1987
    Andreae, Bernard 
    Laokoon und die Kunst von Pergamon: die Hybris der Giganten
    Frankfurt a.M., 1991
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/andreae1991

    Andreae, Bernard 
    "Am Birnbaum": Gärten und Parks im antiken Rom, in den Vesuvstädten und in Ostia
    Mainz/Rhein, 1996

    Andreae, Bernard 
    Schönheit des Realismus: Auftraggeber, Schöpfer, Betrachter hellenistischer Plastik
    Mainz, 1998
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/andreae1998

    Andreae, Bernard 
    Odysseus: Archäologie des europäischen Menschenbildes
    Frankfurt a.M., 1982
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/andreae1982

    Andreae, Bernard  [Hrsg.]; Matz, Friedrich [Hrsg.]; Andreae, Bernard [Hrsg.]; Robert, Carl  [Hrsg.]
    Die antiken Sarkophagreliefs (1,2): Die Sarkophage mit Darstellungen aus dem Menschenleben: Die römischen Jagdsarkophage
    Berlin, 1980
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/asr1_2

    Audran, Gérard 
    Les proportions du corps humain: mesurées sur les plus belles figures de l'antiquité et gravées
    Paris, [ca. 1890]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/audran1890

    Babucke, Heinrich
    Geschichte des Kolosseums
    Königsberg, 1899
    Bericht über das Altstädtische Gymnasium zu Königsberg i. Pr ; 1898/99,Beil.
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/babucke1899

    Besnier, Maurice; Blanchet, Paul
    Collection Farges
    Paris, 1900
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/besnier1900

    Biehler, Tobias
    Catalog der Gemmensammlung
    Wien, 1871
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/biehler1871

    Newton, Charles T.  [Hrsg.]; British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
    Second vase room (Band 2)
    London, 1878
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bm_vases1878bd2

    Newton, Charles T.  [Hrsg.]; British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
    Second vase room (Band 1)
    London, 1878

    British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
    Græco-roman sculptures (Band 2)
    London, 1876
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bm_sculptures1876bd2

    British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
    Græco-roman sculptures (Band 1)
    London, 1879
    Digitalisiert nach: 2. ed.
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bm_sculptures1879bd1

    British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
    The sculptures of the Parthenon: Elgin room (Band 1)
    London, 1880
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bm_parthenon1880bd1

    British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
    The sculptures of the Parthenon: Elgin room (Band 2)
    London, 1881
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bm_parthenon1881bd2

    British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
    Bronze room
    London, 1871
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bm_bronzes1871

    Bruer, Stephanie-Gerrit [Bearb.]
    Von Pompeji bis Troja: archäologische Entdeckungen von Winckelmann bis Schliemann ; Ausstellung im Winckelmann - Museum vom 8. Dezember 1990 bis 10. März 1991
    Stendal, 1990
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bruer1990

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Band 1): Ere celtique
    Paris, 1830
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1830bd1_1

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Band 3): Ere gallo-romaine
    Paris, 1838
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1838bd

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Band 2,2): Ere gallo-romaine
    Paris, 1831
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1831bd2_2

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Band 4): Architecture religieuse
    Paris, 1831
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1831bd4

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Band 1): Ere celtique
    Paris, 1830
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1830bd1_1

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Band 5): Architecture militaire et civile
    Paris, 1835
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1835bd5

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Band 6): Moyen age: fonts baptismaux, autels, tombeaux, peinture sur verre, fresques, emaux, boiseries
    Paris, 1841
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1841bd6

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Abécédaire ou rudiment d'archéologie (Band 2): Architecture civile et militaire
    Caen, 1853
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1853bd2

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Atlas 1): Antiquités celtiques
    Paris, 1830
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1830atlas1

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Atlas 2): Ère gallo-romaine
    Paris, 1833
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1833atlas2

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Atlas 3): Ère gallo-romaine
    Paris, 1838
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1838atlas3

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Atlas 4): Architecture religieuse du moyen âge
    Paris, 1841
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1841atlas4

    Caumont, Arcisse de 
    Cours d'Antiquités monumentales: histoire de l'art dans l'Ouest de la France, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'au XVII siècle (Atlas 5): Architectures militaire et civile du Moyen-âge
    Paris, 1835
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/caumont1835atlas5

    Chacon, Pedro; Ursinus, Fulvius; Mercuriale, Girolamo
    De Triclinio Sive De modo convivandi apud priscos Romanos, & de conviviorum apparatu
    Amsterdam, 1664
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/chacon1664

    Histoire de la caricature antique
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/champfleury1870

    Chateaubriand, François-René de ; Kronfels, Karl von [Übers.] [Hrsg.]
    Tagebuch einer Reise von Paris nach Jerusalem, und von Jerusalem zurück nach Paris (Band 2)
    Freiburg i.Br., 1827
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/chateaubriand1827bd2

    Chateaubriand, François-René de ; Kronfels, Karl von [Übers.] [Hrsg.]
    Tagebuch einer Reise von Paris nach Jerusalem, und von Jerusalem zurück nach Paris (Band 3)
    Freiburg i.Br., 1827
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/chateaubriand1827bd3

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 1)
    London, 1812
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1812bd1a

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 5)
    [S.l.], 1826
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1826bd5

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 6)
    London, 1830
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1830bd6

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 7)
    London, 1835
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1835bd7

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 1)
    London, 1812
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1812bd1a

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 1)
    London, 1812
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1812bd1a

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 2)
    [S.l.], 1815
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1815bd2

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 3)
    [S.l.], 1818
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1818bd3

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 8)
    London, 1839
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1839bd8

    Combe, Taylor [Hrsg.]
    A description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum: with engravings (Band 9)
    London, 1842
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/combe1842bd9

    Cook, Arthur B. 
    Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 2,2): Zeus god of the dark sky (thunder and lightning): Appendixes and index
    Cambridge, 1925
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cook1925bd2_2

    Cook, Arthur B. 
    Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 2,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (thunder and lightning): Text and notes
    Cambridge, 1925
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cook1925bd2_1

    Cook, Arthur B. 
    Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes
    Cambridge, 1940
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cook1940bd3_1

    Cook, Arthur B. 
    Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky
    Cambridge, 1914
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cook1914bd1

    Doublet, Georges; Gauckler, Paul
    Musée de Constantine
    Paris, 1892
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/doublet1892

    Gaedechens, Rudolf 
    Unedirte antike Bildwerke (1)
    Jena, 1873
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/gaedechens1873bd1

    Gauckler, Paul
    Musée de Cherchel
    Paris, 1895
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/gauckler1895

    Gsell, Stéphane 
    Musée de Philippeville
    Paris, 1898
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/gsell1898

    Hawes, Harriet B. [Hrsg.]
    Gournia: Vasiliki and other prehistoric sites on the isthmus of Hierapetra, Crete ; excavations of the Wells-Houston-Cramp expeditions, 1901, 1903, 1904
    Philadelphia, [1908]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/hawes1908

    Holwerda, Jan H.
    Hellas en Rome: grieksche en romeinsche archaeologie
    Leiden, 1900
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/holwerda1900

    Jahn, Otto; Michaelis, Adolf  [Hrsg.]
    Griechische Bilderchroniken
    Bonn, 1873
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/jahn1873

    Kekulé von Stradonitz, Reinhard [Gefeierte Pers.]
    Bonner Studien: Aufsätze aus der Altertumswissenschaft, Reinhard Kekulé zur Erinnerung an seine Lehrthätigkeit in Bonn gewidmet von seinen Schülern
    Berlin, 1890
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/kekule1890

    Kircher, Athanasius 
    Athanasii Kircheri ... Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus: quo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio ... universae denique naturae maiestatis & divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur ... (Band 1)
    Amsterdam, 1678
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/kircher1678bd1

    Kircher, Athanasius 
    Athanasii Kircheri ... Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus: quo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio ... universae denique naturae maiestatis & divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur ... (Band 2): In V libros digestus, quibus mundi subterranei fructus exponuntur
    Amsterdam, 1678
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/kircher1678bd2

    Körte, Gustav
    Göttinger Bronzen
    Berlin, 1917
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/koerte1917

    Kremer, Christoph Jacob
    Die Freundschaft der Pfälzer mit den Sachsen aus der Geschichte erwiesen: Eine Vorlesung welche bei Gelegenheit des Kurfürstlich Sächsischen und Pfalzgräflich Zweibrükischen Vermählungs-Fest in der Kurpfälzischen Akademie der Wissenschaften gehalten worden
    Mannheim, 1769
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/kremer1769a

    Lenormant, Charles; Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie de
    Élite des monuments céramographiques: matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'antiquité (Band 4)
    Paris, 1861
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/lenormant1861bd4

    Lenormant, Charles ; Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie de 
    Élite des monuments céramographiques: matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'antiquité (Band 3)
    Paris, 1858
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/lenormant1858bd3

    Lenormant, Charles; Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie de 
    Élite des monuments céramographiques: matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'antiquité (Band 2)
    Paris, 1857
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/lenormant1857bd2

    Schwarz, Christian Gottlieb; Loehe, Johann Conrad
    Dissertatio Inavgvralis De Colvmnis Hercvlis
    Altdorf <Nürnberg>, 1749 [Cicognara Nr. 3336]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/loehe1749

    Maundrell, Henry 
    Gantz Neue Reise-Beschreibung nach dem Gelobten Lande: Darinnen Die jetzige Beschaffenheit und der aller-neueste Zustand Des Heiligen Landes, Und aller darinnen Sehenswürdigen Städte, auch anderer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Oerther befindlich ; Welche Im Jahr 1700 mit möglichster Observantz verrichtet, und in Englischer Sprache beschrieben ...
    Hamburg, 1706
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/maundrell1706
    Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von  [Bearb.]; Kilian, Georg Christoph  [Ill.]
    Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, welche seit 1738 sowohl in der verschütteten Stadt Herkulanum als auch in den umliegenden Gegenden an das Licht gebracht worden: nebst ihrer Erklärung (Band 1): 50 Kupfertafeln: nebst ihrer Erklärung
    Augsburg, 1777
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/murr1777bd1

    Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von  [Bearb.]; Kilian, Georg Christoph [Ill.]
    Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, welche seit 1738 sowohl in der verschütteten Stadt Herkulanum als auch in den umliegenden Gegenden an das Licht gebracht worden: nebst ihrer Erklärung (Band 2): 60 Kupfertafeln
    Augsburg, 1778
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/murr1778bd2

    Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von  [Bearb.]; Kilian, Georg Christoph  [Ill.]
    Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, welche seit 1738 sowohl in der verschütteten Stadt Herkulanum als auch in den umliegenden Gegenden an das Licht gebracht worden: nebst ihrer Erklärung (Band 3): 60 Kupfertafeln
    Augsburg, 1778
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/murr1778bd3

    Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von  [Bearb.]; Kilian, Georg Christoph [Ill.]
    Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, welche seit 1738 sowohl in der verschütteten Stadt Herkulanum als auch in den umliegenden Gegenden an das Licht gebracht worden: nebst ihrer Erklärung (Band 4): 70 Kupfertafeln
    Augsburg, 1779
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/murr1779bd4

    Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von  [Bearb.]; Kilian, Georg Christoph  [Ill.]
    Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, welche seit 1738 sowohl in der verschütteten Stadt Herkulanum als auch in den umliegenden Gegenden an das Licht gebracht worden: nebst ihrer Erklärung (Band 5): Brustbilder von Erz : 91 Kupfertafeln
    Augsburg, 1781
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/murr1781bd5

    Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von [Bearb.]; Kilian, Georg Christoph [Ill.]
    Abbildungen der Gemälde und Alterthümer, welche seit 1738 sowohl in der verschütteten Stadt Herkulanum als auch in den umliegenden Gegenden an das Licht gebracht worden: nebst ihrer Erklärung (Band 6): Bildsäulen von Erz: 105 Kupfertafeln
    Augsburg, 1783
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/murr1783bd6

    Musgrave, William 
    Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicæ, Præcipue Romanæ, Figuris illustratæ: Tribus Voll. comprehensæ ; Quorum I. De Belgio Britannico, II. De Geta Britannico, III. De Julii Vitalis Epitaphio: Quibus accedit Appendix (Band 4): Quod Tribus ante editis est Appendix
    Exeter, 1720 [Cicognara Nr. 4052-4]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/musgrave1720bd4

    Dodwell, Henry ; Musgrave, William 
    Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicæ, Præcipue Romanæ, Figuris illustratæ: Tribus Voll. comprehensæ ; Quorum I. De Belgio Britannico, II. De Geta Britannico, III. De Julii Vitalis Epitaphio: Quibus accedit Appendix (Band 3): Ivlii Vitalis Epitaphium: In Quo Illius Limites, Fluvii, Urbes ... exponuntur
    Exeter, 1711 [Cicognara Nr. 4052-3]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/musgrave1711bd3

    Musgrave, William 
    Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicæ, Præcipue Romanæ, Figuris illustratæ: Tribus Voll. comprehensæ ; Quorum I. De Belgio Britannico, II. De Geta Britannico, III. De Julii Vitalis Epitaphio: Quibus accedit Appendix (Band 1): Belgium Britannicum: In Quo Illius Limites, Fluvii, Urbes ... exponuntur
    Exeter, 1719 [Cicognara Nr. 4052-1]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/musgrave1719bd1

    Capitolinus, Iulius; Musgrave, William 
    Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicæ, Præcipue Romanæ, Figuris illustratæ: Tribus Voll. comprehensæ ; Quorum I. De Belgio Britannico, II. De Geta Britannico, III. De Julii Vitalis Epitaphio: Quibus accedit Appendix (Band 2): Guilhelmi Musgrave Regiæ Societatis Utriusque Socii Geta Britannicus: In Quo Illius Limites, Fluvii, Urbes ... exponuntur
    Exeter , London, 1716 [Cicognara Nr. 4052-2]
    Enth. außerdem: Antoninus Geta / Juli Capitolini. - Dissertatio de Geta Britannico / Guilhelmi Musgrave. - Dissertatio de Icuncula quondam M. Regis Aelfredi / Guilhelmi Musgrave.
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/musgrave1716bd2

    Naue, Julius 
    Die vorrömischen Schwerter: aus Kupfer, Bronze und Eisen (Text)
    München, 1903
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/naue1903bd1

    Naue, Julius 
    Die vorrömischen Schwerter: aus Kupfer, Bronze und Eisen (Album)
    München, 1903
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/naue1903bd2

    Pellegrini, Giuseppe
    Catalogo dei vasi antichi dipinti delle Collezione Palagi ed universitaria
    Bologna, 1900
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/pellegrini1900

    Perry, Walter Copland 
    Greek and Roman sculpture: a popular introduction to the history of Greek and Roman sculpture
    London, 1882
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/perry1882

    Petersen, Eugen 
    Ein Werk des Panainos
    Leipzig, 1905
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/petersen1905

    Petersen, Eugen; Niemann, George [Hrsg.]
    Ara Pacis Augustae: Tafelband
    Wien, 1902
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/petersen1902bd2

    Poleni, Giovanni [Hrsg.]; Graevius, Johannes Georgius  [Begr.]; Gronovius, Jacobus  [Begr.]
    Utriusque Thesauri Antiquitatum Romanarum Graecarumque Nova Supplementa (Band 3)
    Venedig, 1737 [Cicognara Nr. 2488D-3]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/poleni1737bd3
    Pottier, Edmond 
    Étude sur les lécythes blancs attiques à représentations funéraires
    Paris, 1883
    Paris, Univ., Diss., 1883
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/pottier1883

    Pronti, Domenico 
    Nuova raccolta rappresentante i costumi religiosi civili, e militari degli antichi egiziani, etruschi, greci, e romani: tratti dagli antichi monumenti ; per uso dè professori delle belle arti
    Rom, [circa 1800]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/pronti1800

    Pronti, Domenico 
    Nuova Raccolta Di Vedutine ... Della Città Roma E Sue Vicinanze (Band 1)
    Rom, [1795]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/pronti1795bd1

    Pronti, Domenico 
    Nuova Raccolta Di Vedutine ... Della Città Roma E Sue Vicinanze (Band 2)
    Rom, [1795]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/pronti1795bd2

    Puleston, John Henry
    Roman antiquities recently discovered on the site of the National Safe Deposit Company's premises, Mansion House, London
    London, 1873
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/puleston1873

    Reber, Franz von 
    Über die Anfänge des ionischen Baustils
    München, 1900
    Digitalisiert nach: 8. ed.
    Aus: Sitzungsberichte 3. Historischen Classe der K. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 22, Abth. 1
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/reber1900

    Reichel, Wolfgang
    Homerische Waffen: archäologische Untersuchungen
    Wien, 1901
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/reichel1901
    Requeno, Vincenzo
    Saggi sul ristabilimento dell'antica arte de'greci e romani pittori (Band 1)
    Parma, 1787 [Cicognara Nr. 193A]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/requeno1787bd1

    Requeno, Vincenzo
    Saggi sul ristabilimento dell'antica arte de'greci e romani pittori (Band 2)
    Parma, 1787 [Cicognara Nr. 193B]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/requeno1787bd2

    Robert, Carl
    Bild und Lied: archäologische Beiträge zur Geschichte der griechischen Heldensage
    Berlin, 1881
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/robert1881

    Rochas d'Aiglun, Eugène Auguste Albert de
    Principes de la fortification antique: précis de connaissances techniques nécessaires aux archéologues pour explorer les ruines des anciennes forteresses
    Paris, 1881
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/rochasdaiglun1881

    Roma antica, e moderna: O sia nuova descrizione di tutti gli edificj notabili, che fono in essa, e delle cose più celebri, che erano nella antica Roma... con le autorità del Cardinal Baronio, Ciacconio, Bossi .. e di altri classici autori... ; abbellita con duecento, è più figure in rame, con curiose notizie istoriche ... (Band 1)
    Rom, 1745 [Cicognara Nr. 3855B-1]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/roma1745bd1

    Rotha, Adolar
    Chronica Das ist, Beschreibung aller Römische[n] Kayser, Vom ersten Julio Caesare an, biß auff jtzt von Gottes gnaden regierenden Kayser Rudolphum, vnsern allergnädigsten Herrn
    [S.l.], 1586 [VD16 R 3283]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/rotha1586

    Sandrart, Joachim von
    Romae Antiqvae Et Novae Theatrum. Sive Genuina ac vera Urbis, juxta varios ejusdem status, Delineatio Topographica: Vnà cum primariis Illius adificiis ac monumentis, veluti Templis, Simulacris, Circis, Campis ... & sepulcris antiquis, praecipuè ver modernis Templis, Palatiis & aedificiis, nonaginta Tabulis aeneis exhibitis ...
    Nürnberg, 1684 [VD17 23:300768B ] [Cicognara Nr. 3872]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/sandrart1685

    Seetzen, Ulrich Jasper; Kruse, Friedrich  [Hrsg.]
    Reisen durch Syrien, Palaestina , Phoenicien, die Transjordan-Laender, Arabia Petraea und Unter-Aegypten (Band 3)
    Berlin, 1855
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/seetzen1855bd3 

    Scheffer, Johannes
    Joannis Schefferi ... De antiquorum torqvibvs syntagma
    Stockholm, 1656 [Cicognara Nr. 3725]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/scheffer1656

    Thévenot, Jean de
    Voyages De Mr. De Thevenot Tant en Europe qu'en Asie & en Afrique (Band 2): Livre Second De La Premiere Partie Du Voyage De Mr. De Thevenot Au Levant, Où l'Egypte est exactement décrite avec ses principales Villes & les Curiosités qui y sont
    Paris, 1689
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/thevenot1689bd2 

    Vermiglioli, Giovanni Battista; Conestabile DellaStaffa, Giovanni Carlo [Hrsg.]
    De' monumenti di Perugia etrusca e romana, della letteratura e bibliografia perugina: nuove pubblicazioni (Band 2): Il sepolcro dei Volunni
    Perugia, 1855
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/vermiglioli1855bd2

    Vermiglioli, Giovanni Battista; Conestabile DellaStaffa, Giovanni Carlo [Hrsg.]
    De' monumenti di Perugia etrusca e romana, della letteratura e bibliografia perugina: nuove pubblicazioni (Band 1): Della vita, degli studi, e delle opere di Gio. Battista Vermiglioli
    Perugia, 1855
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/vermiglioli1855bd1

    Vermiglioli, Giovanni Battista; Conestabile DellaStaffa, Giovanni Carlo [Hrsg.]
    De' monumenti di Perugia etrusca e romana, della letteratura e bibliografia perugina: nuove pubblicazioni (Band 3): Monumenti etruschi e romani della necropoli del palazzone in Perugia circostanti al sepolcro dei Volunni
    Perugia, 1856
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/vermiglioli1855bd3

    Vermiglioli, Giovanni Battista; Conestabile DellaStaffa, Giovanni Carlo [Hrsg.]; Conestabile DellaStaffa, Giovanni Carlo [Hrsg.]
    De' monumenti di Perugia etrusca e romana, della letteratura e bibliografia perugina: nuove pubblicazioni (Band 4): Monumenti etruschi scritti e figurati, risultanti da escavazioni diverse nel territorio di Perugia ed in parte esistenti nel museo o in collezioni private di detta citta, in parte in musei esteri, in parte smarriti
    Perugia, 1870
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/vermiglioli1870bd4

    Visconti, Ennio Quirino 
    Oeuvres De Ennius Quirinus Visconti (Band 5): Musée Pie-Clémentin (Tome cinqième)
    Mailand, 1820
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/visconti1820bd5

    Visconti, Ennio Quirino 
    Oeuvres De Ennius Quirinus Visconti (Band 8): Monuments du musée Chiramonti
    Mailand, 1822
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/visconti1822bd8
    Wahle, Ernst 
    Vorzeit am Oberrhein
    Heidelberg, 1937
    Neujahrsblätter der Badischen Historischen Kommission ; N.F. 19
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/wahle1937

    Weil, Henri 
    Études sur l'antiqué Grecque
    Paris, 1900
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/weil1900

    Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 
    Monumenti antichi inediti (Band 2)
    Rom, 1767
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/winckelmann1767bd2

    New Open Access Journal: The Ancient Near East Today

    The Ancient Near East Today
    This monthly e-newsletter (edited by Dr. Alex Joffe and the ASOR Staff) is a new platform to disseminate ideas, insights and discoveries from the eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Biblical World. The ANE Today is a part of our social media initiative to increase public engagement and awareness of ASOR’s mission to the Friends of ASOR. We invite you to travel with us to explore the ancient world of the Near East. Click here to register so that you can receive the Ancient Near East Today each month for free. After the first three months, the ANE Today will only be sent to people who have registered, so please sign up today.

    The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Books Online

    The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Books Online
    Eventually, all new BISI publications will be made available here as pdfs for free download. Our full backlist of publications will also be posted here as pdfs as time permits.

    Terms of Use: These pdfs are only to be distributed from the BISI’s website. Individuals, libraries, institutions, and others may download one complimentary copy for their own personal use. © The British Institute for the Study of Iraq. Links to the Institute’s website are welcomed.
    At the moment, the following books are available for download:

    Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud

    The Nimrud Wine Lists

    The Nimrud Wine Lists
    Author: J.V. Kinnier Wilson
    Volume: I
    Year: 1972
    Format: Hardback xv, 167p ; 29cm.
    ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0-903472-00-5. ISBN-10: 0-903472-00-7
    Price: £9.95

    The Governor’s Palace Archive

    The Governor’s Palace Archive
    Author: J.N. Postgate
    Volume: II
    Year: 1973
    Format: 283 pp., 98 plates of cuneiform and photos, hardback
    ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0-903472-01-2. ISBN-10: 0-903472-01-5
    Price: £9.95

    The Tablets from Fort Shalmaneser

    Front cover of CTN 3
    Author: S. Dalley & J.N. Postgate
    Volume: III
    Year: 1984
    Format: xii + 289 pp, 40 plates, hardback
    ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0-903472-08-2. ISBN-10: 0-903472-08-2
    Price: £30
    Notes: Out of print.

    Literary Texts from the Temple of Nabû

    Front cover of CTN 4
    Author: D.J. Wiseman & J.A. Black
    Volume: IV
    Year: 1996
    Format: x + 62 pp., 157 plates, hardback
    Price: £24.95
    Notes: The library of Nimrud, probably established in 798 BC, was a prestigious royal foundation whose scribes had contacts all over the East, particularly with Nineveh. The 259 cuneiform tablets and fragments which constituted the library mainly described magical and medical rituals, prayers and instructions for training scribes. All the epigraphic finds from Sir Max Mallowan's excavations of 1955-7 are described in this volume, with additional material from the Iraq Archaeological Service's excavations of 1985

    The Nimrud Letters, 1952

    Front cover of CTN 5
    Author: H.W.F. Saggs
    Volume: VI
    Year: 2001
    Format: xii + 307 pp., 64 plates, hardback
    ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0-903472-20-3; ISBN-10: 0-903472-20-1
    Price: £40.00
    Notes: In 1952 in one wing of the North-West Palace at Nimrud, ancient Kalhu, Max Mallowan excavated an archive room containing royal correspondence from the reigns of Tiglath-pileser III and Sargon II of Assyria. Subjects include Assyrian military activity in Babylonia and on the northern frontier, royal building projects, events on the Phoenician seaboard, and relations with King Midas of Phrygia. Some texts were published in Iraq between 1955 and 1974; the majority have remained unpublished until now. Two hundred and forty-three texts are published here; most are in New Assyrian script and the remainder in New Babylonian. Chapters divide the tablets into the geographical areas they are concerned with. The texts are presented with transliterations, translation and notes. Plates at the end of the book give facsimiles of the tablets.
    Other Publications

    The Old Babylonian Tablets from Tell al Rimah

    Author: S.M. Dalley, C.B.F. Walker and J.D. Hawkins
    Year: 1976
    Format: xvi + 272pp., 122 plates, hardback
    ISBN: 0903472031, ISBN-13: 978-0903472036
    Notes: Out of print.

    Fifty Years of Mesopotamian Discovery: The Work of the British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1932-1982

    front cover of Fifty Years of Mesopotamian Discovery
    Editor: J. Curtis
    Year: 1982
    Format: 120pp., paperback
    Notes: Out of print.

    The Middle Babylonian Legal and Economic Texts from Ur

    Author: O.R. Gurney
    Year: 1982
    Format: 203pp., 4 plates, hardback
    Notes: Out of print.

    Nimrud: An Assyrian Imperial City Revealed

    Front cover of Nimrud
    Author: David and Joan Oates
    Year: 2001
    Format: Paperback, 309p, H239 x W159 (mm) 175 b/w illus, maps and plans, 16 col pls
    Price: £19.95
    Nimrud (ancient Kalhu) in northern Iraq, was the capital of the Assyrian Empire during most of the 9th and 8th centuries BC, and remained a major centre until the destruction of the Empire in 612 BC. This authoritative account, written by two of the excavators of the site, traces its history and its gradual revelation through archaeological excavation, begun by Layard in the 19th century and continuing to the present day. The volume is abundantly illustrated and includes finds that have not previously been published, together with illustrations and the most complete account in English so far of the remarkable discoveries made in recent years by Iraqi archaeologists in the tombs of the Assyrian Queens. Contents:
    • Introduction;
    • Chapter 1: The Land of Assyria - Setting the Scene;
    • Chapter 2: Major Palaces on the Citadel;
    • Chapter 3: Tombs, Wells and Riches;
    • Chapter 4: Temples, Minor Palaces and Private Houses;
    • Chapter 5: Fort Shalmaneser: the ekal masarti;
    • Chapter 6: The Written Evidence;
    • Chapter 7: Types of Object and Materials from Nimrud;
    • Chapter 8: Post-Assyrian Nimrud;
    • Epilogue.

    Your Praise is Sweet - A Memorial Volume for Jeremy Black from Students, Colleagues and Friends

    Editor: Heather D. Baker, Eleanor Robson and Gábor Zólyomi
    Year: 2011
    Format: Hardback, A4, 472 pp (xii + 460)
    ISBN: ISBN- 978-0-903472-28-9
    Price: £35
    This volume is intended as a tribute to the memory of the Sumerologist Jeremy Black, who died in 2004. The Sumerian phrase, ‘Your praise is sweet’ is commonly addressed to a deity at the close of a work of Sumerian literature. The scope of the thirty contributions, from Sumerology to the nineteenth-century rediscovery of Mesopotamia, is testament to Jeremy’s own wide-ranging interests and to his ability to forge scholarly connections and friendships among all who shared his interest in ancient Iraq.

    And see also The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Newsletter

    Open Access Journal: Siedlungsforschung

     [First posted in AWOL 2 August 2010. Updated 10 April 2013]

    Siedlungsforschung. Archäologie – Geschichte – Geographie
    ISSN: 0175–0046
    Die Zeitschrift "Siedlungsforschung: Archäologie - Geschichte - Geographie" enthält Aufsätze, Miszellen, Rezensionsartikel, Berichte und Bibliographien. Die Zeitschrift erscheint in einem Band von ca. 300 Seiten im Verlag "Siedlungsforschung" in Bonn. Bei den persönlichen Mitgliedern des "Arbeitskreises für historische Kulturlandschaftsforschung in Mitteleuropa e.V." ist der Bezugspreis im Jahresbeitrag enthalten.
    The following volumes are available online:
         ·       Band 25, 2007 Schwerpunktthema: Flüsse und Flusstäler als Wirtschafts- und Kommunikationswege
    Mit Beiträgen von Franz Irsigler, Stephan Freund, Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, VladimírSalač, Thomas Fischer, Matthias Hardt, Peter Ettel, Roman Grabolle, Petra Weigel, Christian Zschieschang, Hans-Friedrich Kniehase, Horst-Günter Wagner, Volker Kaminske, Klaus-Dieter Kleefeld

    Mit Beiträgen von Winfried Schenk, Klaus Fehn, Ute Wardenga, Sebastian Brather, Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Fred Ruchhöft, Rainer Schreg, Udo Recker, Rudolf Bergmann, Theo Spek, Johannes Renes und Johannes C. A. Kolen, Peter Rückert, Axel Posluschny

    Mit Beiträgen von Thomas Glade, Karl-Ernst Behre, Guus J. Borger, Elke Freifrau von Boeselager, Manfred Jakubowski-Tiessen, Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Peter Rückert, Birgit Heuser-Hildebrandt, Martin Gudd, Christian Rohr, Lukas Clemens, Mathias Deutsch und Karl Tilman Rost, Christian Stolz, Thomas Meier, Klaus Fehn

    ·        Band 22, 2004 Schwerpunktthema: Kernräume und Peripherien

    Mit Beiträgen von Dietrich Denecke, Franz Irsigler, Günter Mangelsdorf, Heiko Steuer, Christian Lübke, Hans-Rudolf Egli, Klaus Fehn, Reinhard Zölitz-Möller, Helmut Klüter, Reinhold E. Lob

    ·        Band 21, 2003 Schwerpunktthema: Singuläre und periodische Großveranstaltungen in ihrer Auswirkung auf die historische Kulturlandschaft
    Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Karl-Heinz Willroth, Hans-Wilhelm Heine, Hauke Jöns, Caspar Ehlers, Christoph Bartels, Monika Meyer-Künzel, Dieter Rödel, Klaus Fesche, Olaf Mußmann, Siegfried Zelnhefer, Axel Priebs

    ·        Band 20, 2002 Schwerpunktthema: Religion und Kulturlandshaft
    Mit Beiträgen von Winfried Schenk, Leszek Pawel Slupecki, Jerzy Strzelczyk, Izabela Skierska, Ralf Gebuhr, Winfried Schich, Rudolf Bergmann, Jerzy Piekalski, Krzysztof RadostawMazurski, Peter Čede, Oliver Karnau, ZoltánIlyés, Klaus Fehn, Dietrich Denecke

    ·        Band 19, 2001 Schwerpunktthema: Wald und Siedlung
    Mit Beiträgen von Winfried Schenk, Günther Moosbauer, ChrystinaHäuber, Hansjörg Küster, Christoph Morissey, Peter Rückert, Bernd-Stefan Grewe, Aline Kottmann und Reinhold Schaal, Bernward Selter, Anton Schuler, Richard Pott und Holger Freund, Franz Schmithüsen, Per Grau Møller, Dietrich Denecke, Rudolf Bergmann

    ·        Band 18, 2000 Schwerpunktthema: Zukunftsperspektiven der genetischen Siedlungsforschung in Mitteleuropa
    Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Winfried Schenk, Peter Rückert, Klaus-Dieter Kleefeld, Hermann Parzinger, Perdita Pohle, Dirk Meier, Karl Martin Born, Matthias Koch, Günther Moosbauer, Hansjörg Küster, Renate Gerlach, Bernward Selter, Gabriele Recker, Ulrich Stanjek, Oliver Karnau, Josef Mangold, Franz Maier, Helmut Flachenecker, Jürgen Vollbrecht, Heinrich Otten

    ·        Band 17, 1999 Schwerpunktthema: Dörfer in vorindustriellen Altsiedellandschaften
    Mit Beiträgen von Werner Rösener, Johann-Bernhard Haversath, Mathias Austermann, Norbert Gebauer, Udo Recker, Brigitta Vits, Ulrich Reuling, Reinhard Bauer, Jürg Tauber, Friedrich Eigler, Hans Krawarik, Armin Ratusny, Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Matthias Hardt, Hans-Jürgen Nitz

    ·        Band 16, 1998 Schwerpunktthema: Bergbau- und Industrielandschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Steinkohlenbergbau und Eisen- und Stahlindustrie
    Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Wolfgang Wegener, Hans-Werner Wehling, Rolf Plöger, Johannes Biecker und Heinrich Otten, Michael Hartenstein, Horst Kranz, Jörg Wiesemann, Johannes Renes, Georg Römhild, Günther Hein und Christoph Willms

    ·        Band 15, 1997 Schwerpunktthema: Maritime Kulturlandschaften am Beispiel des Ostseeraumes

    Mit Beiträgen von Michael Müller-Wille, Christer Westerdahl, Winfried Schich, Andreas Dix, Achim Leube, Axel Priebs, Rolf Plöger, Bruno Benthien, Susanne Schumacher-Gorny, Gerd Hoffmann, Walter Dörfler und Jörn Thiede

    ·        Band 14, 1996 Schwerpunktthema: Kulturlandschaftsmuster und Siedlungssysteme

    Mit Beiträgen von Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Günter Löffler, Harm TjallingWaterbolk, Theo Spek, Wim A. Ligtendag, Johannes A. Mol und Paul Noomen, Johannes Ey, Dirk Meier, Hans-Rudolf Egli, Carl-Hans Hauptmeyer

    ·        Band 13, 1995 Schwerpunktthema: Brüche in der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung

    Mit Beiträgen von Hans-Jürgen Nitz, Georg Kossack, Walter Janssen, Karlheinz Blaschke, Felix Escher, Frank Hering, Dieter Scholz, Heinz Günter Steinberg, Thomas Wölker, Luise Grundmann, Heinz Schürmann, Horst Förster, Jörg Stadelbauer

    ·        Band 12, 1994 Schwerpunktthema: Wüstungsprozesse – Wüstungsperioden – Wüstungsräume

    Mit Beiträgen von Dietrich Denecke, Rudolf Bergmann, Manfred Balzer, Günter Mangelsdorf, VladimírNekuda, Rostislav Nekuda, ErvínČerný, Alojz Habovštiak, Hans Krawarik, Peter Rückert, Peter Čede, Johannes Renes

    ·        Band 11, 1993 Schwerpunktthema: Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte

    Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Hans Losert, Hans-Georg Stephan, Gabriele Isenberg, Miroslav Richter und TomášVelímský, Lieselott Enders, Michel Pauly, Roland Flückiger-Seiler, Ernst Pleßl, Martina Stercken, Gerhard Henkel, Alois Mayr

    ·        Band 10, 1992 Schwerpunktthema: Die Besiedlung der höheren Mittelgebirge

    Mit Beiträgen von Dietrich Denecke, Wolf-Dieter Sick, Uwe Kühl, Jörg Stadelbauer, Rainer Graafen, Heiko Steuer, Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Gerhard Billig und Volkmar Geupel, Wolfgang Schwabenicky

    Mit Beiträgen von Franz Irsigler, Hermann Parzinger, Helmut Bender, VladimírNekuda, Armin Ratusny, Hans-Jürgen Nitz, Winfried Schich, Ludwig Schober, Johann-Bernhard Haversath, Klaus Fehn

    ·        Band 08, 1990 Schwerpunktthema: Siedlungsprozesse an der Höhengrenze der Ökumene. Am Beispiel der Alpen

    Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Aerni, Hans-Rudolf Egli, René Wyss, Jürg Rageth, Paul Gleirscher, Werner Kreisel, Werner Meyer, Werner Bätzing, Hans Becker, Susanne Pacher

    Mit Beiträgen von Guus J. Borger, J.H.F. Bloemers, W.J.H. Willems, H.A. Heidinga, Peter A. Henderikx, Herbert Sarfatij, Adriaan Verhulst, Jan Bieleman, J.D.H. Harten, JelierA.J. Vervloet, Johannes Renes und Gerard P. van der Ven

    ·        Band 06, 1988 Schwerpunktthema: Historische Umweltforschung

    Mit Beiträgen von Helmut Jäger, Walter Janssen, Jens Lüning und Arie Joop Kalis, Karl-Ernst Behre, Helmut Bender, Ulf Dirlmeier, Christian Pfister, Jürgen Hagel, Engelbert Schramm, Achim Rost, Reinhard Mook und Helge Salvesen, Günter Bayerl, Hubert Mücke

    ·        Band 05, 1987 Schwerpunktthema: Städtisches Wohnen

    Mit Beiträgen von Wilfried Krings, Günter P. Fehring, Miroslav Richter und ZdeněkSmetánka, Pavel J. Michnaund VladimírNekuda, Herbert Knittler, Jürgen Ellermeyer, Josef Ehmer, Renate Banik-Schweitzer

    ·        Band 04, 1986 Schwerpunktthema: Verkehrswege und ihre Bedeutung für die Kulturlandschaft

    Mit Beiträgen von Karlheinz Willroth, Birgitta Hårdt, Svend Gissel, Franz Irsigler, Karel A.H.W. Leenders, Ulrich Troitzsch, Frank Norbert Nagel, Gerhard Oberbeck

    Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Fehn, Dietrich Denecke, Helmut Hildebrandt und NeekMaqsud, Hans-Jürgen Nitz

    Mit Beiträgen von Michael Müller-Wille, Hans-Jürgen Nitz, Hendrik van der Linden, Guus J. Borger, Ekkehard Wassermann, Klaus Brandt, Rosemarie Krämer, Dietrich Hoffmann, Hans Joachim Kühn und Bodo Higelke

    ·        Band 01, 1983 Schwerpunktthema: Stadtrandphänomene

    Mit Beiträgen von Busso von der Dollen, Burkhard Hofmeister, Winfried Schich, Felix Escher, Wolfgang Hofmann, Eberhard Bohm, Franz Irsigler, Henriette Meynen

    Newly Digitized Egyptological Volumes in the "Rezeption der Antike" Collection of the Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften - Heidelberg

    Newly Digitized Egyptological Volumes in the "Rezeption der Antike" Collection of the Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften - Heidelberg
    Amélineau, Emile
    Monuments pour servir à l'histoire de l'Egypte chrétienne aux IVe et Ve siècles: textes et traduction (Band 2): Aux IVe, Ve, VIe et VIIe siècles: textes et traduction

    Paris, 1895Mémoires / publ. par les membres de la Mission Archéologique Française au Caire, Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts ; T. 4, [Fasc. 2]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/amelineau1895bd2

    A treatise on the chronology of Siriadic monuments: demonstrating that the Egyptian dynasties of Manetho are records of astrological Nile observations which have been continued to the present time
    London, 1863
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/hekekyan1863

    Horner, C.
    Observations on Lepsius' discovery of sculptured marks on rocks in the Nile valley in Nubia
    Edinburgh, 1850
    aus: Edinburgh New Philos. Journal, Juli 1858
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/horner1850

    Lefébure, Eugène 
    Les hypogées royaux de Thèbes (Band 3): Tombeau de Ramses IV
    Paris, 1889Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/lefebure1889bd3

    Lefébure, Eugène 
    Traduction comparée des hymnes au soleil: composant le XVe chapitre du rituel funéraire égyptien
    Paris, 1868
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/lefebure1868

    Mariette, Auguste
    Les listes géographiques des pylônes de Karnak comprenant la Palestine, l'Ethiopie, le pays de Somâl (Band 1): Texte
    Leipzig, 1875Digitalisiert nach dem Exemplar der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/mariette1875bd1

    Mariette, Auguste
    Dendérah: description générale du grand temple de cette ville (Band 6): [Texte]
    Paris, 1875
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/mariette1875bd6

    Maspero, Gaston
    Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes (Band 1)
    Paris, 1893
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/maspero1893bd1

    Maspero, Gaston
    Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes (Band 7)
    Paris, 1913
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/maspero1913bd7

    Maspero, Gaston
    Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes (Band 2)
    Paris, 1893
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/maspero1893bd2

    Morgan, Jacques de
    Recherches sur les origines de l'Égypte (Band 2): Ethnographie prehistorique et tombeau royal de Negadah
    Paris, 1897
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/morgan1897bd2

    Naville, Edouard
    The store-city of Pithom and the route of the Exodus
    London, 1888
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/naville1888a

    Petrie, William M. Flinders
    Racial photographs from the Egyptian monuments (Band 7/16)
    [London], [1887]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/petrie1887bd7_16

    Petrie, William M. Flinders
    Racial photographs from the Egyptian monuments (Band 1/6)
    [London], [1887]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/petrie1887bd1_6

    Poole, Reginald S. 
    Horae Aegypticae: or, the chronology of ancient Egypt: discovered from astronomical and hieroglyphic records upon its monuments, including many dates found in coeval inscriptions from the period of the building of the Great Pyramid to the times of the Persians ; and illustrations of the history of the first nineteen dynasties, shewing the order of their succession, from the monuments
    London, 1851
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/poole1851

    Poole, Reginald S.
    The cities of Egypt
    London, 1882
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/poole1882

    Rouge, Emmanuel de
    Examen de l'ouvrage de M. le Chevalier de Bunsen
    [S.l.], [Ca. 1847]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/rouge1847

    Rougé, Emmanuel de
    Études sur le rituel funéraire des anciens Égyptiens
    Paris, 1860
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/rouge1860

    Schenkel, Wolfgang
    Grundformen mittelägyptischer Sätze anhand der Sinuhe-Erzählung
    Berlin, 1965Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schenkel1965

    Schenkel, Wolfgang
    Das Stemma der altägyptischen Sonnenlitanei: Grundlegung d. Textgeschichte nach d. Methode d. Textkritik
    Wiesbaden, 1978
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schenkel1978

    Schenkel, Wolfgang
    Die altaegyptische Suffixkonjugation: Theorie der inneraegyptischen Entstehung aus Nomina actionis
    Wiesbaden, 1975
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schenkel1975

    Schenkel, Wolfgang
    Kultmythos und Märtyrerlegende: zur Kontinuität d. ägyptischen Denkens
    Wiesbaden, 1977
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schenkel1977

    Schenkel, Wolfgang
    Zur Rekonstruktion der deverbalen Nominalbildung des Aegyptischen
    Wiesbaden, 1983
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/schenkel1983a

    Sethe, Kurt [Hrsg.]
    Zur Geschichte der Einbalsamierung bei den Ägyptern und einiger damit verbundener Bräuche
    Berlin, 1934aus: Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 1934,13
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/sethe1934

    Stephens, John Lloyd
    Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land: with a map and angravings (Band 1)
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/stephens1837bd1

    Stephens, John Lloyd
    Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land: with a map and angravings (Band 2)
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/stephens1837bd2

    Thompson, Joseph P.
    Photographic views of Egypt, past and present
    Boston, 1854
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/thompson1854

    Valeriano, Pierio; Curione, Celio Augustino [Mitarb.]
    Hieroglyphica, Sive De Sacris Aegyptiorvm Aliarvmqve Gentivm literis Commentarij Ioannis Pierii Valeriani Bolzanij Bellunensis
    Basel, 1575 [VD16 ZV 24763]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/valeriano1575

    Valeriano, Pierio
    Ioannis Pierii Valeriani Bellvnensis, Hieroglyphica, Seu De Sacris Aegyptiorvm, Aliarvmqve Gentivm Literis Commentarii: Summa cum industria exarati, & in libros quinquaginta octo redacti ...
    Venedig, 1604
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/valeriano1604

    Valeriano, Pierio; Curio, Caelius Agostino [Hrsg.]; Horapollo [Hrsg.]; Hoeschel, David [Hrsg.]
    Joannis Pierii Valeriani ... Hieroglyphica, Sive De Sacris Aegyptiorum Aliarumque Gentium Literis, Commentariorum Libri LVIII. duobus aliis ab eruditissimo viro annexis
    Frankfurt a.M., 1678
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/valeriano1678

    Valeriano, Pierio; Horapollo; Hoeschel, David
    Ioannis Pierii Valeriani Bellvnensis Hieroglyphica Sive De Sacris Aegyptiorvm aliarumq[ue] gentium literis, commentariorum libri LVIII: cum duobus alijs ab eruditissimo viro annexis
    Köln, 1614 [VD17 547:631387F]
    Persistente URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/valeriano1614

    ARCHIBAB Update

    ARCHIBAB Archives babyloniennes (XXe-XVIIe siècles av. J.C.)

    ARCHIBAB is now available in an English language interface


    Actualités Décembre 2012
    Nouvelles données accessibles :
    La table BIBLIO compte désormais 4012 fiches, avec références au total à 32143 textes intégralement publiés.
    Nouveautés :
    Pour la première année, nous avons réussi à suivre l'actualité dans sa totalité ; il est vrai que 2012 a
    seulement vu la publication de 164 nouveaux textes, contre 554 en 2011, 136 en 2010, 1147 en 2009 et
    475 en 2008, date du début du projet ; on voit que la moyenne de ces 5 dernières années se situe à
    environ 500 textes (2469 nouveaux textes en 5 ans, soit un accroissement de 8,3%).
    Outre le livre de I. Arkhipov (ARM 32 [645 textes dont 114 complètement inédits]), déjà en ligne depuis
    décembre 2011, ces textes supplémentaires ont été publiés dans :
    – ARCHIBAB 1 [6 textes] ;
    – plusieurs volumes collectifs : Mél. Van Lerberghe (OLA 220) [23] ; Mél. Watson [8] ; Mél. Skaist [1] ;
    – revues : RA 105 [7] ; Semitica 54 [5].
    Travail rétrospectif :
    – D. Charpin a entré et lemmatisé les textes de LAOS 1, volume paru fin 2011.
    – B. Alexandrov a entré et lemmatisé la quasi-totalité des textes de ARM 21.
    – A. Jacquet a entré et lemmatisé la totalité des lettres de AbB 14, à partir de transcriptions informatiques
    aimablement fournies par W. Sommerfeld.
    – De nombreux textes publiés isolément ont été entrés et le plus souvent lemmatisés : par exemple des
    textes publiés dans NABU, dans des volumes de Mélanges, des revues, etc.
    – Le catalogue des textes est passé à 12.455 fiches, avec la décision de fournir aussi vite que possible un
    catalogue complet des lettres paléo-babyloniennes (en plus de celles de Mari, dont le catalogue est à jour
    depuis décembre 2011). Grâce à I. Arkhipov, le catalogue des volumes 7 à 13 des AbB est désormais
    accessible [1417 textes] ; en dehors des AbB, son effort a également porté sur Shemshara (ShA 1) et la
    Diyala (AS 22, Goetze Sumer 14, Ellis JCS 24, OBTIV, mais aussi Kisurra [FAOS 2], Harradum, etc.
    – Le nombre de textes transcrits comme « Renger Corpus Berlin » est passé de 811 à 2194. Il s'agit de :
    ARN (168 textes), BE 6/1 (116), BE 6/2 (119), Gautier Dilbat (66), TCL 1 (162), TCL 10 (139), TCL 11
    (58), VS 8 (93), VS 9 (15), YOS 5 (132), YOS 8 (176). On trouvera désormais un texte présentant la
    nature du projet berlinois et l'accord de coopération passé entre l'Institut für Altorientalistik de la Freie
    Universität Berlin et le projet ARCHIBAB (« Corpus Berlin.pdf ») : notre gratitude s'adresse bien sûr à J.
    Renger et E. Cancik-Kirschbaum. Merci également à F. Hammoush, qui a créé ces fiches et intégré les
    documents pdf dans la base.

    Open Access Theses and Dissertations

    Open Access Theses and Dissertations
    What can I search for here?
    This is an index of over 1.5 million electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). To the extent possible, the index is limited to records of graduate-level theses that are freely available online.

    Where do the records come from?

    Many of these schools' records come from their own repositories. Others come from regional or national ETD consortia, or from a set of ETD catalog records provided by OCLC Worldcat. With few exceptions, records are harvested from these sites using a standard called the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).

    What definition of "Open Access" do you use?
    We define open access broadly to cover ETDs that are free to access and read online. We encourage authors to consider formally granting additional rights, for example by publishing their theses with a Creative Commons license.

    Where does the full text live?
    The full text of all papers lives on the original hosting site, usually the repository of the university that granted the degree. OATD indexes about the first 30 pages of some theses in order to show search hits, but in no case does OATD index or store the full text of the paper.

    Our school's ETDs are not in the index. How can we include them?
    If your school has a repository of open-access ETDs, check with your repository manager to confirm that it has OAI-PMH harvesting enabled. This is an available option on most ETD or repository platforms, including DSpace, Digital Commons, eprints, ETD-db, and ContentDM. Once you have confirmed that, simply send me the OAI server's base URL. We recommend that you also register the base URL with opendoar.org and openarchives.org.
    If you manage a collection of open access ETDs, but cannot run an OAI-PMH server, please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements. If you have good metadata, we want to include your records.

    Our school's ETDs are in the index, but they don't show a lot of information. How can we improve them?
    There are two causes for this problem. The first is that your repository's OAI-PMH server doesn't provide very rich metadata (which may indicate a configuration problem with your repository software). If so, you should work with your repository manager. The second reason is that good metadata is being put into fields we didn't expect (for example, if publication dates are in note fields, we may not display them correctly). In that case, drop us a line to let us know what we're missing...

    How to convert your ProQuest Dissertation to Open Access

    Is your dissertation in ProQuest?  Would you like to make it available worldwide, free of charge to any user, forever?  Here's how to do it:

    Open Access is a term used to describe content that a reader can access free of charge. With the ProQuest Open Access Publishing PLUS option (formerly UMI Open Access Publishing), graduate students can now publish their dissertations and theses with ProQuest on an open access basis, significantly increasing the reach of their research.
    What are the benefits of Open Access Publishing PLUS?Open Access Publishing PLUS guarantees the widest possible exposure of your graduate research. It can also help ensure that the officially published version of your dissertation or thesis is the most widely available version in the primary literature.
    In addition to the standard features of our Traditional publishing service - rigorous quality assurance, assignment of an ISBN, permanent storage in our microfilm vault, and so on - the Open Access publishing service includes the following:

    • Free, public access to your graduate work in PQDT Open, our online repository of Open Access graduate works.
    • Free access to the citation, abstract, full text (including supplementary files) for your graduate works for all institutional subscribers to ProQuest® Dissertations & Theses (PQDT), the database of record for graduate research.
    How does Open Access Publishing PLUS compare with ProQuest's Traditional publishing service?Read more here about the details and see a comparison chart showing the benefits Open Access Publishing Plus and our Traditional Publishing services (downloadable PDF).
    Where can I find out more?Check out our Open Access Publishing PLUS FAQ.
    You can also contact us via email at scholarlypublishing@proquest.com with additional questions.

     Disclosure:  ProQuest requires a fee of $95.00 which covers lifetime maintenance, and  requires a new publishing agreement (most of you won't remember signing the first agreement).  The world will thank you.

    Open Access Journal: Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft

     [First posted 12/2/10, Most recently updated 12 April 2013]

    Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft
    ISSN 0440-1298

    The Ancient World in Persée

    [First posted in AWOL 9 March 2011. Updated 12 April 2013]

    Past Oriented Journals at Persée:

    Past Oriented Proceedings and Series At Persé:

    Annuaires de l'École pratique des hautes études
    Les Annuaires de l’École pratique des hautes études sont des publications annuelles qui témoignent de la vie intellectuelle des Sections des Sciences historiques et philologiques (depuis 1873) et des Sciences religieuses (depuis 1886). Ils contiennent principalement les comptes rendus des conférences annuelles des enseignants-chercheurs, auxquels s’ajoutent, irrégulièrement, des articles liminaires, nécrologies et positions de thèses.
    Publications de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée
    Dès sa création en 1975, la Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen a souhaité avoir son propre Service des publications. Elle désirait en effet que le résultat des recherches pluridisciplinaires menées autour des thèmes communs fût connu autrement que par la littérature grise ou par des publications longues et coûteuses à élaborer. C’est ainsi que naquirent les collections de la Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen : TMO, CMO, DAA et récemment la série Akh Purattim. 
    Publications de l'École Française de Rome
    L’École française de Rome est un établissement public de recherche et de formation à la recherche sous tutelle du ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Conçue d’abord comme relais romain de l’École française d’Athènes (1873), puis comme École d’archéologie (1874), elle est fondée en 1875 et occupe le Palais Farnèse, partagé depuis avec l’Ambassade de France en Italie. 
    See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
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