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Classical Archaeology Periodicals from the Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg Archäologische Literatur Project

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg Archäologische Literatur – digital

Those who subscribe the the project's feed: RSS Neuerscheinungen (RSS 2.0), will receive a steady stream of notifications of newly digitized material. What follows is the list of historic periodicals in Classical Archaeology digitized from the Sondersammelgebietes Archäologie der UB Heidelberg:

See also  Books on Classical Archaeology from the Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

And see the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Hypnos

[First posted in AWOL 15 April 2011. Updates 23 February 2013]

Hypnos: Revista do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade
ISSN 2177-534
Imagem de capa da revista
A Hypnos é, qualitativa e quantitativamente, uma revista de Filosofia Greco-romana. Busca ampliar, também, o diálogo com outros saberes da Antiguidade Clássica, hoje bem delineados em nossas Universidades: Literatura Clássica, História Greco-romana, História das Religiões, Línguas Clássicas etc. Acreditamos que a cultura Greco-romana deve ser assumida pelos estudiosos em Filosofia com o máximo de abrangência. A Editoria persegue esse objetivo e procurará publicar, sempre que possível, não só os textos sobre Filosofia Greco-romana mas as pesquisas literárias, linguísticas, históricas, psicológicas, antropológicas e outras condizentes com esse período histórico. A extensão da cultura grega e romana antigas faz com que as atuais divisões acadêmicas sejam uma necessidade, mas não uma regra que venha a limitar o investigador, filósofo ou não. Por isso, a Hypnos apresenta largos limites para a recepção desses estudos. Basicamente, esta revista é um veículo de auxílio para a interação dos estudos Greco-romanos brasileiros e não brasileiros.

n. 15 (2005): Nosso Olhar à Grécia Antiga

Eridanos: Bibliography of Polish Research on Antiquity and Antique Tradition

Eridanos: Bibliografia Polskich Badań nad Antykiem i Tradycją Antyczną - Bibliography of Polish Research on Antiquity and Antique Tradition
The Eridanos is created to provide an open bibliographic database for general use. The main aim is to cover all books and articles written, edited, translated by Polish scholars or published in Poland by foreign authors that deal with ancient history and the reception of ancient cultures. Popular publications, novels, fictions, stories are also included if they are connected with ancient world or if they exploite motifs of ancient descent. The Eridanos is to give means to collect a comprehensive list of works on a given matter. It is important to notice, that the database is not to replace historians’ search – it is to help them in their work. It is to serve everyone who is interested in ancient history or reception of ancient cultures.

Chronological borders are still matter of a discussion, but the Eridanos gives an opportunity to include archaeological works and publications on Byzantium as well.

The creators hope that in future the Eridanos (as an independent server) will be enriched by electronic publications and a discussion forum.

Open Access Journal: Studies in the Bible and Antiquity

 [First posted in AWOL 11 May 2011. Updated 23 February 2013]

Studies in the Bible and Antiquity
ISSN 2151-7800
Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University. 
Studies in the Bible and Antiquity is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to promoting understanding of the history, meaning, and significance of the Bible and other ancient texts An article must present a clear, original thesis or key proposition that sheds new light on these texts.

Open Access Journal: Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis

Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis - BHAUT
ISSN: 1453-7419
The scientificjournalBibliothecaHistoricaetArchaeologicaUniversitatisTimisiensis(BHAUT)isanannualpublicationofthe FacultyofLetters, HistoryandTheology, which firstly appearedin1997.
After theestablishment ofthe Centerfor the Studyof HistoryandArchaeology"Constantin Daicoviciu” of the West Universityof Timişoara, BHAUT became the Center’s publication. Overthe years, the scientific workofthe Centrehas ledtothe exploration of lesser-knownand so far lesser analyzedareas, such as important historic events, ancient economic history, archaeology, interdisciplinaryrelations, informatics-archaeology, politico-military history, etc.
Paper works published in BHAUTrepresentactsof severalnational and internationalscientificconferencesheldannuallyatour headquarters. The journalbrings togetherinits pages Romanian or foreigner experts, being regarded asamodernjournalthrough its structure anddocumentary information.
Since 1997, XII volumes of studies, notes, reviews, and anannualchronic of the Centrefor Studiesof HistoryandArchaeologyappeared in the BHAUT collection. The volumesarewrittenin Romanian, German, EnglishandFrench, at the option ofthe authors.

The most recent volumes have abstracts only

Open Access Journal: SCRIPTA: International Journal of Writing Systems

SCRIPTA: International Journal of Writing Systems
ISSN: 2092-7215
SCRIPTA, the official journal of the Hunmin jeongeum Society, is a refereed journal published annually in September. SCRIPTA welcomes submissions from scholars of various disciplines whose work especially pertains to writing systems. Submissions should not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere.
Scripta Volume 1, Sepember 2009
Reflections on the Invention of the Hunmin jeongeum [pdf]
'Hind Leg' + 'Fish': Towards Further Understanding of the Indus Script [pdf]
Some Remarks on Hankul Transcriptions of Middle Japanese [pdf]
Towards a Comparative Study of Sinographic Writing Strategies in Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese [pdf]
Writing Chinese in Tibetan: On the Alternatives for an Wutun Orthography [pdf]
Tokens and Writing: The Cognitive Development [pdf] 
Scripta Volume 2, Sepember 2010
The Korean Writing System in the World of the 21st Century [pdf] 
A Survey of the History of Hunmin jeongeum Research [pdf]
Toward an International Vocabulary for Research on Vernacular Readings of Chinese Texts (漢文訓讀 Hanwen Xundu) [pdf]
An Examination of Chinese Character Transcriptions of Jurchen and Manchu Personal Names as Reflected in the Annals of the Choson Dynasty [pdf]
Numerical Signs: The Sumerian and Chinese Cases [pdf]
On the Reconstruction of the Fragmented Documents Excavated from Seokga Pagoda 釋迦塔 [pdf]
Scripta Volume 3, Sepember 2011
Hunmin jeongeum: Dissemination Policy and Education [pdf]
Ancient Indian and Chinese Models of Sound Classification and their Reflections in the Writing Systems [pdf]
The Development of Japanese Kana [pdf]
Sino-Japanese Hybrids between Writing Systems: Wakan Konkōbun Seen through Grammatology [pdf]
The Ubiquity of the Gloss [pdf]
Styles of Decipherment: Thomas Young, Jean-François Champollion and the Decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs [pdf]
Indus Script: A Study of its Sign Design [pdf]
Scripta Volume 4, Sepember 2012

Tokens in China, Europe and Africa – The Significance [pdf]
Tongguk chŏngun and the Phonological System of Middle Korean [pdf]
On the Old Korean Numerals Inscribed on Wooden Tablet no. 318 [pdf]
Aspects of Writing Manchu in Hangeul in Joseon Dynasty [pdf]
Describing Old Japanese Kanji Usage: The Inadequacy of Traditional Terminology [pdf]
Khitan: Understanding the Language Behind the Scripts [pdf]
Religion, Art and Literacy: Three Critical Devices for the Legitimation of King Darius’s Kingship [pdf]

Open Access Journal: Thraco-Dacica

Apărută în peisajul literaturii de specialitate în anul 1976, odată cu publicarea unora dintre contribuţiile prezentate la de-al II-lea Congres Internaţional de Tracologie (Bucureşti, 4-10 septembrie 1976), revista Thraco-Dacica şi-a câştigat un binemeritat prestigiu între publicaţiile periodice europene care se ocupă cu istoria, arheologia, studiul limbilor, paleozoologia, antropologia, etnografia spaţiului locuit cândva de marele neam al tracilor.

În demersul lor ştiinţific cei care au publicat de-a lungul anilor în revistă, personalităţi de marcă, specialişti consacraţi sau tineri, care au bătut la poarta afirmării, din România, Europa (Bulgaria, Croaţia, Serbia, Muntenegru, Macedonia, Slovenia, Grecia, Turcia, Moldova, Ucraina, Rusia, Polonia, Ungaria, Slovacia, Cehia, Germania, Franţa, Austria) şi de dincolo de ocean (America de Nord şi de Sud), s-au ocupat atât de civilizaţia tracică şi geto-dacică, dar şi de substratul acesteia şi de moştenirea lăsată actualelor popoare din regiunea de sud-est a bătrânului continent.

Acest aspect, precum şi faptul că multe din articole au fost publicate în limbi de circulaţie, fără a se neglija însă şi limba română, a făcut ca revista Thraco-Dacica să devină un instrument ştiinţific valoros, care a pătruns în toate bibliotecile de prestigiu ale universităţilor şi institutelor de cercetare din întreaga Lume.
The most recent volume has full text - the earlier ones have abstracts only
Sumar nr. XV (1994)
Sumar nr. XVI (1995)
Sumar nr. XVII (1996)
Sumar nr. XVIII (1997)
Sumar nr. XIX (1998)
Sumar nr. XX (1999)
Sumar nr. XXI (2000)
Sumar nr. XXII (2001)
Sumar nr. XXIII (2002)
Sumar nr. I (XXIV) (2009)
Sumar nr. II-III (XXV-XXVI) (2010-2011)

Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses
The Mesopotamian literary corpus is one of the oldest literatures in the world. It is infused with the divine, because religion played a crucial part in the way Mesopotamians expressed their thoughts about human life. Mesopotamian religion was polytheistic, with a pantheon consisting of hundreds if not thousands of gods of varying importance. This website offers information about the fifty most important gods and goddesses and provides starting points for further research.
A component of Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus

CerAfIm: Céramique Africaine Imprimée

CerAfIm: Céramique Africaine Imprimée
CerAfIm est un groupe de travail formé par des céramologues africanistes qui mettent en commun leurs recherches sur les motifs des céramiques imprimées africaines datant du début de l'Holocène jusqu'aux périodes sub-actuelles.

Ce site a été créé pour exposer les travaux du groupe CerAfIm en français et en anglais : définition des techniques et procédés de décor, référentiels d'instruments et de motifs, photos de céramiques décorées. Il est optimisé pour Mozilla Firefox.

CerAfIm is a working group of ceramics specialists who share their research into the decorations on African impressed ceramics dating back to periods ranging from the early Holocene to the modern era.

This site was created to present the work of the CerAfIm group in French and English: a definition of techniques and processes; tool and motif indexes; pictures of decorated ceramics; index of motifs. The site is optimized for Mozilla Firefox.


PROIEL: Pragmatic Resources in Old Indo-European Languages

 PROIEL: Pragmatic Resources in Old Indo-European Languages 
This project is a close linguistic study of the language in the Greek text of the New Testament as well as its translations into the old Indo-European languages Latin, Gothic, Armenian and Old Church Slavonic.

The project aims at describing and accounting for the so-called pragmatic resources of these languages, i.e. the resources that the grammar makes available for structuring information in a text, and eventually to compare the different systems from a typological and a genetic perspective.

In producing oral or written discourses, speakers/writers mark discourse referents (events, times, places and individuals that are spoken about) as old, new or contrastive information in order to make it easier for listeners/readers to keep track of them. Different languages provide different means to achieve this.
After registeing you will have access to:
  • Ancient Greek (to 1453)
  • Church Slavic
  • Classical Armenian
    • The Armenian New Testament Browse
    • Koriwn, Life of Mesrop Browse
  • Gothic
  • Latin
    • Jerome's Vulgate Browse
    • Caesar: Commentarii belli Gallici Browse
    • Peregrinatio Aetheriae Browse
    • Cicero: Epistulae ad Atticum Browse
    • Cicero: De officiis Browse

OPES: Oslo Papyri Electronic System

OPES: Oslo Papyri Electronic System
At the end of 2000 steps were taken to initiate a digitalization project of the Oslo papyrus collection. The project was named OPES (Oslo Papyri Electronic System) and its aims were first 1) to make all the published papyri (around 280 out of a total of 2272) available, catalogued and imaged, on the www, then 2) to catalogue and image the rest of the papyri, making the catalogue available on the web and keeping the images in a separate database that users may access on demand. Due to the international character of papyrological study and research, English was chosen as the language of the project. The project has benefited greatly from the collaboration with the APIS project, whose the late project director Traianos Gagos generously let us use the Michigan FileMaker Pro template for cataloguing and registration of data. A further aim is to scan and make accessible the collection´s inventory list made by the late professor Leiv Amundsen. So far only a few have been scanned and a password is required to access them. 

Coming Soon: Birmingham Egyptology Journal

Birmingham Egyptology Journal
Birmingham Egyptology Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal available only on-
line and free of charge.

The journal offers a platform for the presentation of research relating to ancient Egyptian culture, history, and archaeology from the Pre-dynastic to Graeco-Roman Periods.
The Journal is to be officially launched on March 14 2013 with the first articles being published on-line in September. Further information for prospective contributors to the Journal is available from the drop-down menu of the ‘Journal’ head on this page.
Call for papers

Digital Mishnah Update

Digital Mishnah

About this demo

The Digital Mishnah Project will provide users with a database of digitized manuscripts of the Mishnah from around the world, along with tools for collation, comparison, and analysis. This demo provides fully marked up transcriptions of twenty-two witnesses to a sample chapter, Bava Metsia ch 2, and illustrates basic functionalities. In a number of cases, the witnesses available for browse expand beyond the sample chapter to include all of Bava Qamma, Bava Metsi'a, and Bava Batra.

The browse function presents metadata and a rendering of the transcription that which can be viewed with their metadata and approximately as laid out in the original text.

The collate function allows for the detailed comparison of witnesses. At its core it runs a set of texts through CollateX, which aligns matching words ("tokens"). The Digital Mishnah site remerges this output with the original textual data and represents the results both as an alignment table, and as a text with critical apparatus. The user can determine the passage, the witnesses, and the order. Because we anticipate that a number of users will prefer a parallel-column ("synoptic") presentation, the collate page shows an arrangement of the selected passage arranged in parallel columns by witness in the user-specified order.
News on the New Version of Digital Mishnah Demo


Tulliana: Cicéron et la pensée romaine - Cicerone e il pensiero romano - Cicero and roman thought
The International Society of Cicero’s Friends (SIAC, following the French acronym), founded in 2008 by a team of scholars, professors, and amateurs, is a learned society for the study of ancient Roman thought. 

The main purpose is to embrace philosophy, literature, history, civilization and legacy, with a special but no exclusive focus on Cicero. While the majority of its members are scholars and Classics teachers, members also include scholars in other disciplines, individual searchers and interested lay people.

All of them come from everywhere in the world and membership is open to any person who is committed to the preservation and advancement of our classical inheritance from Greece and Rome. 

The community of Cicero’s friends can rely on the Society to create and manage an internet site of great quality, Tulliana.eu, which is supposed to produce bibliography and texts and increase communication with audiences beyond its membership. In addition, the Society will foster programs to improve working conditions and scholarly opportunities for young scholars. 

This section presents various subjects addressed variously to a broad public or to researchers, and consists principally of reference tools.

This section distinguishes the works of Cicero from those of other authors. Will be made available to the public texts with sufficient editorial guarantees and due visa of our scientific committee.


This section presents books online, preferably new on the Internet, translations, multimedia instruments, and original studies. Texts will be made available to the public, subject to editorial authorization and due supervision of our scientific committee.

This section provides both a short Ciceronian chronology suited to the site, and the Ephemerides Tullianae, for the moment only in Italian, on line with the kind permission of Pàtron Editore (Bologna) and the Centro di Studi Ciceroniani (Roma).


Bibliographic directory on Cicero and Roman thought



Open Access Journal: Карпатика

висвітлення етнокультурних і політичних процесів, що відбувались у Карпато-Дунайському ареалі, безпосередньо пов’язаних з давньою історією Південно-Східної Європи
Articles in Russian, Ukrainian (and occasionally other languages) with English abstracts
2011        Вип. 40   
2010        Вип. 39   
2009        Вип. 38   
2008        Вип. 37   
2007        Вип. 36 

Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel (CMS)

The Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel (CMS) is a long-term project aiming at the systematic documentation and publication of all known Aegean seals and sealings in a consistent manner. The project was established and carried out in Marburg from 1958 to 2011 under the direction of Friedrich Matz (1958-1974), Ingo Pini (1975-2002) and Walter Müller (2003-2011) and through the generous support of the Mainz Academy of Science and Literature. In December 2011, it was moved from Marburg to its new home, the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Heidelberg under the supervision of Prof. Diamantis Panagiotopoulos and Dr. Maria Anastasiadou.

The CMS currently consists of the CMS Archive, the CMS Volumes, and the CMS Databases.
Aegean Seals/Sealings

The British School at Rome Library and Archive Digital Collections

The British School at Rome Library and Archive Digital Collections
In 2007, The Getty Foundation awarded the BSR Archive a grant to fund the arrangement and description of part of the J.B. Ward-Perkins photographic collection and the creation of this website which was launched in November 2009.

It will include all BSR Library and Archive digital collections, not only Photographs but also other resources: Maps, Prints, Documents, Postcards, Drawings, Paintings and Manuscripts. As funding becomes available collections are digitized, catalogued and added to the website.

The different phases of the project are listed below (click on headings for more information):





Photographic prints and negatives from unique historic collections, including calotypes, glass and film negatives, slides and lantern slides

Historic and modern maps of Rome and Italy, printed or engraved

Loose and bound miscellaneous prints of varying techniques including engraving, etching, lithograph and woodcut

Correspondence, reports and documents relating to the history and activities of the British School at Rome

Hand-written documents including travel notebooks and archaeological notes taken in the field, often illustrated, essays and other texts

Miscellaneous watercolours and works of art on paper

Bound sketch books and miscellaneous loose pencil drawings

Historic collections of miscellaneous commercial postcards


A project by Franco Montanari   
Aristarchus (dal nome dell'erudito Aristarco di Samotracia, da non confondersi con l'astronomo Aristarco di Samo) e' un contenitore che raggruppa strumenti di lavoro nell'ambito degli studi sul mondo antico greco e latino:

 -  Il Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi (LGGA) costituisce uno strumento di consultazione per la storia della filologia, della grammatica e dell'erudizione antiche ed è realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Archeologia e Filologia Classica (D.AR.FI.CL.ET.) dell'Università di Genova. Contiene schede relative a personaggi in vario modo rilevanti per la ricerca erudita e filologico-grammaticale nel mondo antico, alcune delle quali scaricabili in formato pdf, altre richiedibili per e-mail in forma provvisoria.

 -  L'archivio Poorly Attested Words in Ancient Greek (PAWAG)è un supplemento in progress dei dizionari di Greco antico, costantemente sviluppato da un gruppo internazionale di studiosi, allo scopo di realizzare un database di parole attestate raramente, inadeguatamente, o in ogni caso problematiche dal punto di vista sia formale che semantico. Vengono registrate anche correzioni e progressi rilevanti in relazione al contenuto dei dizionari LSJ e GI. È prodotto in collaborazione dal Dipartimento di Archeologia e Filologia Classica (D.AR.FI.CL.ET.) dell'Università di Genova e da Loescher Editore.

 -  Il Catalogus Philologorum Classicorum (CPhCl) e' un lessico enciclopedico biografico degli studiosi del mondo classico realizzato da un network internazionale di redazioni, coordinate dalla redazione centrale, che ha sede presso il Dipartimento di Archeologia e Filologia Classica (D.AR.FI.CL.ET.) dell'Università di Genova.

 -  Il Centro Italiano dell'Année Philologique (CIAPh) di Genova è la sede in Italia dell'Année Philologique, la bibliografia sistematica di riferimento per tutti gli studiosi dell'antichità greca e latina. Fondata a Parigi nel 1928, l'Année Philologique si basa su una rete internazionale, che collega alla direzione di Parigi i centri di Genova per l'Italia, di Cincinnati per gli USA e la Gran Bretagna, di Heidelberg per la Germania e l'Austria, di Granada per la Spagna, allo scopo di produrre un volume annuale e un data base disponibile on line.

 - Il sito Scholia Minora in Homerum presenta la rassegna, descrizione, edizione e riproduzione fotografica dei papiri che contengono i cosiddetti Scholia Minora all’Iliade e all’Odissea.

 -  MEDIACLASSICA e' un sito per la didattica delle lingue antiche greca e latina, realizzato da Loescher Editore in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Archeologia e Filologia Classica (D.AR.FI.CL.ET.) dell'Università di Genova.  

New Digital Publication from ISAW: Aksum and Nubia: Warfare, Commerce, and Political Fictions in Ancient Northeast Africa

Aksum and Nubia:Warfare, Commerce, and Political Fictions in Ancient Northeast Africa
George Hatke

©2013 George Hatke. Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives License.
This work is available at the URI http://dlib.nyu.edu/awdl/isaw/hatke2013-akusm-and-nubia/ as part of the NYU Library's Ancient World Digital Library and in partnership with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW).  Further information about ISAW's publication program is available on the ISAW website. Please note that while the base URI of this document is stable, the exact content available is still undergoing development. Please note that the text contains Syriac and Ge'ez characters which render properly when the appropriate fonts are installed. Readers may want to try the fonts available from Beth Mardutho, as well as the Gentium Plus font from SIL.


  • Preface
  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1. Before Aksum and Kush
    • 1.2. The First Millennium BCE: A Turning Point in State Formation
  • 2. The Question of Aksumite Trade with Nubia
  • 3. The Third Century CE: Monumentum Adulitanum II (RIE 277)
    • 3.1. Cosmas Indicopleustes at Adulis
    • 3.2. Dating Monumentum Adulitanum II
    • 3.3. Aksumite Expansion in Northeast Africa
      • 3.3.1. Aksum and Rome’s Southern Frontier
      • 3.3.2. Aksum and “Ethiopia”
      • 3.3.3. Sasu: A Scribal Error for Kush?
      • 3.3.4. Aksum’s Northern and Western Frontiers in the Third Century
  • 4. The Fourth Century CE: Aksum in Nubia
    • 4.1. Ousanas and Kush: RIE 186
    • 4.2. Aksum Invades Kush: Two Greek Inscriptions from Meroë
      • 4.2.1. Dating RIE 286 and SNM 24841
      • 4.2.2. The Political Implications of the First Aksumite Invasion of Kush
    • 4.3. Trouble on the Western Front? A Possible Clue in RIE 186
    • 4.4. The Noba: A New Force to be Reckoned With
    • 4.5.‘Ēzānā’s Nubian War
      • 4.5.1. The Greek Account: RIE 271
      • 4.5.2. The Vocalized Ge‘ez Account: RIE 189
      • 4.5.3. A Third Account of the Nubian War: RIE 190
    • 4.6. Assessing the Impact of Aksum on Nubia in the Fourth Century
      • 4.6.1. The Archaeological Evidence
      • 4.6.2. The Graeco-Roman Textual Evidence
      • 4.6.3. The Fall of Kush: Was Aksum to Blame?
  • 5. After Kush: Aksum and Nubia in the Sixth Century CE
    • 5.1. Kālēb and Nubia: RIE 191
    • 5.2. The Nobades and Blemmyes: Would-be Mercenaries of Aksum?
    • 5.3. Longinus’ Mission and the Aksumite Presence in Alodia
    • 5.4. Into the Middle Ages: Ḥaḍānī Dāne’ēl and Aksum’s Western Neighbors
  • 6. Conclusion
  • Bibliography
    • Map 1. Northeast Africa in the third century CE
    • Map 2. Northeast Africa in the fourth century CE
    • Map 3. Northeast Africa in the sixth century CE
See all Publications at ISAW

New Open Access Journal: News@ASOR

News@ASOR is a bimonthly e-newsletter tailored for ASOR members. The e-newsletter will deliver updates on events in the field, organizational news, and highlights from the ASOR Blog. News@ASOR is supported by the generosity of the Kershaw Family Trust.
The goals of the e-newsletter are to:
  • Promote the ASOR Blog
  • Disseminate organizational news
  • Keep members updated about their membership status and renewal schedule
  • Share upcoming deadlines such as ASOR fellowship application due dates and Annual Meeting paper submission due dates
  • Encourage a sense of community among ASOR members
  • Highlight the activities of ASOR's committees
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