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Open Access Journal: Dental Anthropology Journal

[First posted in AWOL 20 December 2009. Updated 27 February 2013]

Dental Anthropology Journal
ISSN: 1096-9411
Dental Anthropology is the Official Publication of the Dental Anthropology Association. 
Back issues of Dental Anthropology now are available on our Web site as PDF files. The Dental Anthropology Association is making these available as a professional courtesy to all interested parties—the site is not password-protected. After downloading onto your computer, these files will open using version 6.0 or later of Adobe Acrobat. Each file is one issue of the journal. We developed these in one of two ways. For the older issues that had not been saved in electronic format, hard copies were scanned (at 300 dpi). The newer issues were generated using Adobe InDesign and then converted to PDF files. The newer issues (from vol. 15 no. 2) contain color figures.
Volume 5, Number 1(pdf)Volume 5, Number 2(pdf)
Volume 5, Number 3(pdf)

Volume 24, Number 2-3 (pdf) Volume 25, Number 1 (pdf)

PROMARE: Promoting Marine Research and Exploration

PROMARE: Promoting Marine Research and Exploration
Promare - Promoting Marine Research and Exploration 
Established in 2001 to promote marine research and exploration throughout the world, ProMare is a non-profit corporation and public charity, 501(c)(3).

Our team of experienced archaeologists and marine professionals execute a variety of research projects independently and in concert with academic, corporate, public, and governmental organizations and agencies that are designed to advance man’s knowledge of history and science.
Elizabeth Lyding Will’s Publications
[The link above includes a full bibliography - only the open access items are listed below]
    • 2002. “My Blood of the Covenant.” Archaeology Odyssey Jan-Feb edition, accessed on Biblical Archaeology Online Archives. E.L. Will 2002 My Blood of the Covenant
    • 2001. “Truth in Roman Labeling?” American Journal of Archaeology 105(2):263. EL Will 2001 Truth in Roman Labeling
    • 2001. “Defining the ‘Regna Vini’ of the Sestii.” In New Light from Ancient Cosa: Studies in Honor of Cleo Rickman Fitch, edited by N. Goldman, 35-47. New York: Peter Lang Publishers. Will 2001 Defining the Regna Vini of the Sestii
    • 2000. “The Roman Amphora: Learning from Storage Jars.” Archaeology Odyssey Jan-Feb:26-35. E.L. Will 2000 Roman Amphora Learning From Storage Jars
    • 1999. “The Port of Cosa and Economic Romanization in Gaul and the Danube Valley.” American Journal of Archaeology 103:292. EL Will 1999 The Port of Cosa and Economic Romanization in Gaul and the Danube Valley
    • 1998. Abstract of “Charles Eliot Norton and the Founding of the Archaeological Institute of America,” American Journal of Archaeology 102: 365. E.L. Will 1998 Abstract of Charles Eliot Norton and the Founding of the Archaeological Institute of America
    • 1993. Review of Roman Pottery by Kevin Green, NECNT 20(4):39-41. E.L. Will 1993 Review of Roman Pottery
    • 1992. “The Athenian Agora in India.” Newsletter of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 29(Spring): 13. The Athenian Agora in India
    • 1992. “Sardinian Amphora Studies: Past and Future.” In Sardinia in the Mediterranean: a Footprint in the Sea, edited by R.H. Tykot and T.K. Andrews, 493-496. Studies in Sardinian Archaeology Presented to Miriam S. Balmuth. Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 3. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. Sardinian Amphora Studies Past and Future
    • 1991. Abstract of “Romans and the North: The Wine Trade.” American Journal of Archaeology 95:309-310. EL Will 1991 Romans and the North: The Wine Trade
    • 1990. Abstract of “Roman Amphoras at Split.” American Journal of Archaeology 94, 332. EL Will 1990 Roman Amphoras at Split
    • 1989. Review of Exsecranda pernicies: delatori e fisco nell’etá di Costantino , by Tullio Spagnuolo Vigorita. Classical World 83:2, 114-115. E.L. Will Review of Exsecranda pernicies
    • 1987. “The Roman Shipping Amphoras from Arikamedu.” American Journal of Archaeology 91:293. E.L. Will The Roman Shipping Amphoras from Arikamedu
    • 1987. “Shipping Amphoras as Economic Indicators.” Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta XXV-XXVI:71-77. E.L. Will 1987 Shipping Amphoras as Economic Indicators
    • 1987. “The Roman Amphoras.” In The Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade , by A.M. McCann, J. Bourgeois, E.K. Gazda, J.P. Oleson, and E.L. Will, 171-219. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Will 1987 Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa
    • 1986. Review of Late Roman Amphorae in the Western Mediterranean. A Typology and Economic Study: The Catalan Evidence, by S.J. Keay. American Journal of Archaeology 90:502-503. E.L. Will Review of Late Roman Amphorae in the Western Mediterranean
    • 1986. Review of Cross-Cultural Trade in World History , by Philip D. Curtin. Classical World 80:1, 53-54. E.L. Will Review of Cross-Cultural Trade in World History
    • 1986. Review of Il Monte Testaccio: Ambiente, Storia, Materiali, by Emilio Rodríguez Almeida. American Journal of Archaeology 90:128-129. EL Will 1986 Review of Il Monte Testaccio
    • 1986. Abstract of “Ports and Amphoras.” American Journal of Archaeology 90, 202. EL Will 1986 Ports and Amphoras
    • 1985. Co-authored with V.J. Bruno. “The Island of Pontia: A Nautical Survey.” Archaeology 38:1, 40-47. E.L. Will 1985 The Island of Pontia A Nautical Survey
    • 1985. Review of Pottery in the Roman World: An Ethnoarchaeological Approach, by D.P.S. Peacock. Archaeology 38:6, 71, 73. E.L. Will 1985 Review of Pottery in the Roman World
    • 1985. Review of Ancient Athenian Building Methods (Excavations of the Athenian Agora Picture Books, no. 20), by John Mck. Camp II and William B. Dinsmoor, Jr. New England Classical Newsletter XII(4):25-26. E.L. Will Ancient Athenian Building Methods
    • 1984. “The Spargi Wreck: A Reconsideration.” American Journal of Archaeology 88:264. Will 1984 The Spargi Wreck
    • 1984. Review of Trade in the Ancient Economy, by Peter Garnsey, Keith Hopkins, and C.R. Whittaker. Archaeology 37:2, 67. EL Will 1984 Review of Trade in the Ancient Economy
    • 1984. Review of Bronzeworkers in the Athenian Agora (Excavations of the Athenian Agora Picture Books, no. 20), by Carol Mattusch. New England Classical Newsletter 11:4, 36. E.L. Will 1985 Bronzeworkers in the Athenian Agora
    • 1984. Co-authored with A.M. McCann. Review of The Seaborne Commerce of Ancient Rome: Studies in Archaeology and History, edited by J.H. D’Arms and E.C. Kopff. American Journal of Archaeology 88:1, 92-95. EL Will 1984 Review of The Seaborne Commerce of Ancient Rome: Studies in Archaeology and History
    • 1983. Review of Women’s Life in Greece and Rome, by M.R. Lefkowitz and M.B Fant. Archaeology 36:4, 75. E.L. Will 1983 Review of Women's Life in Greece and Rome
    • 1983. Review of Commerce and Social Standing in Ancient Rome, by J.H. D’Arms. Archaeology 36:3, 77. E.L. Will 1982 Review of Commerce and Social Standing
    • 1983. “The Ludi Saeculares and the Altar of Dis and Proserpina.” Classical Association of New England Seventy-eighth Annual Bulletin:20-21. E.L. Will 1983 The Ludi Saeculares and the Altar of Dis and Proserpina
    • 1983. “Diversification in Roman Industry: Some Ceramic Evidence.” American Journal of Archaeology 87:269. EL Will 1983 Diversification in Roman Industry: Some Ceramic Evidence
    • 1983. “A Survey of the Roman Amphoras Found in Sardinia.” Year Book of the American Philosophical Society 1983 edition:273-274. EL Will 1983 A Survey of the Roman Amphoras Found in Sardinia
    • 1982. Abstract: “The Earliest Roman Amphoras.” American Journal of Archaeology 86:290-291. EL Will 1982 The Earliest Roman Amphoras
    • 1982. “Greco-Italic Amphoras.” Hesperia 51:338-356. EL Will 1982 Greco Italic Amphoras
    • 1982. Review of Greek and Roman Slavery, by Thomas Wiedemann. Archaeology 35:1, 68. E.L. Will 1982 Review of Greek and Roman Slavery
    • 1982. “Ambiguity in Horace, Odes 1.4.” Classical Philology 77:3, 240-245. Will 1982 Ambiguity in Horace
    • 1980. Co-authored with V.J. Bruno. “Exploring the Gulf of Talamone.” Archaeology 33:4, 34-43. E.L. Will 1980 Exploring the Gulf of Talamone
    • 1979. “Women in Pompeii.” Archaeology 32:5, 34-43. Will 1979 Women in Pompeii
    • 1979. “The Sestius Amphoras: A Reappraisal.” Journal of Field Archaeology 6(3):339-350. E.L. Will 1979 The Sestius Amphoras
    • 1977. Co-authored with A.M. McCann and J. Bourgeois. “Underwater Excavations at the Etruscan Port of Populonia.” Journal of Field Archaeology 4(3), 293-296. E.L. Will 1977 Underwater Excavationsat the Etruscan Port of Populonia
    • 1977. “The Ancient Commercial Amphora.” Archaeology 30:264-278. E.L. Will 1977 The Ancient Commercial Amphora
    • 1977. Abstract of “Women in Roman Business and Industry.” New England Classical Newsletter 4:4, 10. E.L. Will 1977 Women in Business and Industry
    • 1975. “Roman Amphoras.” New England Classical Newsletter 2:34-36. E.L. Will 1975 Roman Amphoras
    • Reviews of E.L. Will’s Published Works

    • Thompson, D. L 1989. Review of The Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade , by A.M. McCann, J. Bourgeois, E.K. Gazda, J.P. Olesen, and E.L. Will. Classical World 82:4, 311. Thompson's Review of EL Will's Book
    • Fulford, M. 1988. Review of The Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade, by A.M. McCann, J. Bourgeois, E.K. Gazda, J.P. Olesen, and E.L. Will. Isis 79:1, 162-163. Fulford Review of EL Will Book

Open Access Journal: Kléos

Kléos: Revista de Filosofia Antiga
ISSN 2236-0077
Kléos, revista de publicação anual do Programa de Estudos em Filosofia Antiga da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, destina-se à divulgação de trabalhos concernentes à Filosofia Antiga e áreas afins.
        V.1 • N.1   (1997)
                   V.2-3 • N.2-3   (1998-1999)
            V.4 • N.4   (2000)
                   V.5-6 • N.5-6   (2001-2002)
                    V.7-8 • N.7-8   (2003-2004)
                    V.9-10 • N.9-10   (2005-2006)
                    V.11-12 • N.11-12   (2007-2008)

Open Access Journal: Teologia Patrystycna - Patristic Theology

Teologia Patrystycna - Patristic Theology
ISSN: 1732-4793
TEOLOGIA PATRYSTYCZNA ukazuje się od 2004 roku. Do tej pory przygotowano 8 numerów tematycznych. W zamierzeniach Redakcji TEOLOGIA PATRYSTYCZNA jest forum prezentacji wyników badań prowadzonych z zakresu teologii patrystycznej i starożytnej literatury chrześcijańskiej w różnych ośrodkach teologicznych w Polsce i poza jej granicami. Osobny dział zamieszczanych publikacji stanowią tłumaczenia dzieł starożytnych autorów chrześcijańskich.

Open Access Journal: Mitteilungen aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer

Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project News: Complete photographic coverage

From Peter Brand on EEF (not archived - links added)
The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project is pleased to announce thatwe have now updated our website to include complete photographiccoverage of all the interior wall scenes from the Hypostyle Hall inaddition to the Sety I war scenes.

Our homepage:  http://www.memphis.edu/hypostyle/

For the interior wall scenes please see:

For the Sety I war scenes please see:

All users are free to examine and download hundreds of high resolutionimages of the wall scenes.

In the coming months we plan to include similar coverage of the warscenes of Ramesses II on the south exterior wall, the inscriptions onthe gateways and on the 134 columns.

Best regards

Peter Brand

Dr. Peter J. Brand
Dunavant Professor of Ancient History
Department of History
University of Memphis
Memphis TN 38152
tel: 901 678-2521
fax: 901 678-2720

Partially Open Access Journal: Epigraphica Anatolica

[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 1 March 2013]

Epigraphica Anatolica: Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens
ISSN: 0174-6545

  • Die Herausgeber
  • Index aller Bände
  • Inhalt des aktuellen Bandes
  • Downloads
  • Impressum 
  • Jahrgang 42 (2009)
    Jahrgang 38 (2005)
    Jahrgang 37 (2004)


    Das halvo-Projekt ist eine studentisch initiierte Datenbank für das Studium der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Es ist nicht Ziel diese Datenbank Informationen zu archäologischen Themen möglichst komplett aufzunehmen, sondern vielmehr eine Grundlage für die Recherche innerhalb des Studiums oder für frei Interessierte zu bieten.
    Diese Seite befindet sich immer noch im Aufbau, allerdings ist die Datenbank nun langsam etwas gefüllt, so das man schon nach einigen Beiträgen und Literatur suchen kann. Nach und nach wird diese Seite erweitert werden, sowohl an Einträgen, als auch an Funktionen.


    Open Access Journal: Folia Electronica Classica

    [First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 2 March 2013]

    Folia Electronica Classica
    En réponse à une suggestion de Jean Schumacher, à l'époque responsable du service informatique de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, la Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (BCS) tente depuis juin 2001 à Louvain l'expérience d'une revue électronique consacrée au monde classique et entièrement libre d'accès : les Folia Electronica Classica. Pour l'instant, la nouvelle revue propose des articles relativement généraux, rédigés en français et susceptibles d'intéresser un large public ; si elle s'adresse parfois à des spécialistes, elle vise davantage les professeurs du secondaire, les étudiants, voire les internautes cultivés. Son orientation n'est pas encore bien définie, et une période de rodage sera probablement nécessaire avant d'y voir plus clair...
      1 (janvier-juin 2001)  2 (juillet-décembre 2001)
      3 (janvier-juin 2002)
      4 (juillet-décembre 2002)
      5 (janvier-juin 2003)
      6 (juillet-décembre 2003)
      7 (janvier-juin 2004)
      8 (juillet-décembre 2004)
      9 (janvier-juin 2005)
      10 (juillet-décembre 2005)
      11 (janvier-juin 2006)
      12 (juillet-décembre 2006)
      13 (janvier-juin 2007)
       14 (juillet-décembre 2007)
       15 (janvier-juin 2008)
       16 (juillet-décembre 2008)
       17 (janvier-juin 2009)
       18 (juillet-décembre 2009)
       19 (janvier-juin 2010)
       20 (juillet-décembre 2010)
       21 (janvier-juin 2011)
       22 (juillet-décembre 2011)
       23 (janvier-juin 2012)
       24 (juillet-décembre 2012)

    World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum

    World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization
    Between 2009 and 2012, Dr Dan Hicks (Curator of Archaeology and University Lecturer) led a collections-based project that developed the first overview of the range and research potential of the Museum's world archaeology collections.
    The project - Characterizing the World Archaeology Collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum - was funded by a grant of £116,325 from the John Fell OUP Research Fund and with additional support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (IfA Workplace Bursaries scheme) and the Boise Fund.

    The project resulted in a book, published in March 2013 as both hard copy and in open access form. This volume - World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization - introduces the range, history and significance of the archaeological collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum, and sets out priorities for future research into the collection. Through 29 newly-commissioned essays written by a specialist team, the volume explores more than 136,000 artefacts from 145 countries, from the Stone Age to the modern period, and from England to Easter Island. 

    Pioneering a new approach in museum studies - which the project calls "characterization" - this landmark volume is an essential reference work for archaeologists around the world, and a unique introduction to the archaeological collections of one of the world’s most famous museums.

    You can order the book from Archaeopress
    You can also read the full content of the book online, through the links below


    1Preface& Front Matter1Chapter 1. Introduction: Characterizing the World Archaeology Collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum (

    2Chapter 2. Stone Age Sub-Saharan Africa (Peter Mitchell)3Chapter 3. Kenyan Stone Age: the Louis Leakey Collection (Ceri Shipton)
    4Chapter 4. Stone Age North Africa (Nick Barton)5Chapter 5. Egypt and Sudan: Mesolithic to Early Dynastic Period (Alice Stevenson)
    6Chapter 6. Egypt and Sudan: Old Kingdom to Late Period (Elizabeth Frood)7Chapter 7. Greco-Roman Egypt (Christina Riggs)
    8Chapter 8. Later Holocene Africa (Paul Lane)  
    9Chapter 9. Palaeolithic Britain (Alison Roberts)10Chapter 10. Palaeolithic Continental Europe (Alison Roberts)
    11Chapter 11. Later Prehistoric and Roman Europe (Joshua Pollard and Dan Hicks)12Chapter 12. Post-Roman Europe (Eleanor Standley, Dan Hicks and Alice Forward)
    13Chapter 13. Oxfordshire (Matthew Nicholas and Dan Hicks)
    14Chapter 14. Neolithic and Bronze Age Malta and Italy (Simon Stoddart)
    15Chapter 15. The Aegean and Cyprus (Yannis Galanakis and Dan Hicks)16Chapter 16. Iron Age and Roman Italy (Zena Kamash, Lucy Shipley, Yannis Galanakis and Stella Skaltsa)

    17Chapter 17. South America (Bill Sillar and Dan Hicks)18Chapter 18. Central America (Elizabeth Graham, Dan Hicks and Alice Stevenson)
    19Chapter 19. The Caribbean (Dan Hicks and Jago Cooper)20Chapter 20. North America (Dan Hicks and Michael Petraglia)
    21Chapter 21. Asia and the Middle East (Dan Hicks)22Chapter 22. The Levant: Palestine, Israel and Jordan (Bill Finlayson)
    23Chapter 23. India and Sri Lanka (Dan Hicks, Michael Petraglia and Nicole Boivin)24Chapter 24. Japan (Alice Stevenson, Fumiko Ohinta and Simon Kaner)
    25Chapter 25. China (Lukas Nickel)26Chapter 26. Myanmar and Malaysia (Huw Barton)

    27Chapter 27. Australia and Oceania (Dan Hicks)28Chapter 28. New Zealand (Yvonne Marshall)
    29Chapter 29.Easter Island and Pitcairn Island (Dan Hicks, Sue Hamilton, Mike Seager Thomas and Ruth Whitehouse)  

    Sembase: a database project for the study of Semitic roots

    Sembase: a database project for the study of Semitic roots
    In today's world, even people in the same general discipline, but specialized in different areas, may not understand each other's work. Nonlinguists working on Middle East topics, or linguists devoting their time to the study of other language families, may not have been exposed to the Semitic family of languages (or Semitic subfamily of Afro-Asiatic). The Semitic languages all share certain distinctive characteristics. This project is especially dependent on one of them, the consonantal root system. This very brief introduction is intended to enable the nonspecialist to more fully understand Sembase...






    Open Access Journal: International Journal of the Platonic Tradition

    [First posted in AWOL 7 April 2012. Updated 3 February 2013]

    The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition
    ISSN 1872-5082
    Online ISSN: 1872-5473

    From 2012 this is a full Open Access journal, which means that all articles are freely available, ensuring maximum, worldwide dissemination of content, in exchange for an article processing fee. For more information, see our Open Access Policy page. 
    This exciting new journal covers all facets of the Platonic tradition from all perspectives and all corners of the world. The journal is published under the auspices of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies.
    Open Access iconCreative Commons License

    Open Access Newsletter: Tabulae

    [First posted 11 December 2009. Updated 3 February 2013]

    Tabulae, the department's annual newsletter, describes the activities and current research of members of the department, including undergraduate, post-bac, and graduate students, as well as faculty and alumni. Each issue also provides updates on all the changes that have occurred within the department in the preceding year, from budget updates to retirements and new hires. Please take a moment to browse through our current and past issues below.
    YearTable of Contents
    Tabulae 2011-2012Letter from Chair Cecil Wooten
    Azoria wins Archaeological Institute of America's "Best Practices for Site Preservation" award
    Faculty News
    Calendar of Events
    Tabulae 2007-2008Letter from Chair Cecil Wooten
    Letter from James Rives, Kenan Eminent Professor of Classics
    A Word from Werner Riess
    News on Azoria
    Faculty and Graduate News
    Commencement 2007
    Alumni News
    Tabulae 2005-2006Letter from Cecil Wooten, interim chair for Fall 2005
    Maura Lafferty's Year in Rome
    Our Newest Faculty Members - Brook Holmes and Monika Truemper
    Andy Gloege's Goodbye
    George Houston's Retirement
    Faculty, Graduate, Post-Bac, Undergraduate, and Alumni News
    Hidden Treasures - The Department's Collection of Ancient Coins
    Commencement 2006
    Tabulae 2004Letter from Jim O'Hara, Chair
    Jerzy Linderski Festshcrift
    The Kenneth Reckford Fund
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Faculty, Graduate, and Post-Bac News
    The Fauna of Old Murphey: A Reminiscence
    Tabulae 2002Letter from William Race, Chair
    Murphey Hall Overhaul
    UNC Excavations Begin at Azoria
    Faculty, Graduate, and Undergraduate News
    Azoria Field Report
    Kenneth J. Reckford Offers a Feast for Mind and Spirit
    William Custis West, III: A Man for All Seasons
    Gerhard M. Koeppel
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Commencement 2002
    Murphey Hall Remade - Pictures of the Renovation Process
    The Kenneth Reckford Fund
    Tabulae 2001Rites of (temporary) Passage
    Sara Mack
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Tabulae 2000Inaugurating a New Era
    Plutarch and Philip Stadter
    In Praise of Philophron
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 2001 (Gods and Monsters: Divinization and Demonization in the Ancient World)
    Tabulae 1999Yielding Place to New
    Ed Brown Retires
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Conference Announcement (Sage and Emperor: Plutarch and Trajan)
    Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 2000 (The Animal in the Ancient World)
    Tabulae 1998Alma Mater Murpheia
    Patch Adams
    Dedication of the B.L. Ullman Library
    Epochs of Office
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 1999 (Pimps, Peasants, and Potentates: Low-Lifes and Leaders in the Ancient World)
    Tabulae 1997Building for the Future
    David Ganz Leaves
    Death of John Herington
    The Undergraduate Program
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Murphey on the Web
    Call for Papers, UNC/Duke Graduate Colloquium 1998 (Finem Egressi Legemque Priorum: Oddities and Vulgarities in the Ancient World)
    Tabulae 1996Tanti Auguri
    Jerzy Linderski
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Remaking Murphey Hall
    Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1997 (SKENE PAS HO BIOS: Theater in the Ancient World)
    Performance of Aristophanes's Birds
    Tabulae 1995Labor Omnia Vicit Improbus
    Berthe Marti: In Memoriam
    Berthe and Medieval Latin
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1996 (Imitatio et Aemulatio)
    Tabulae 1994Looking Backward, and Forward
    The Beginning Latin Program
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1995 (The Body in the Ancient World)
    Tabulae 1993A Time for Renovation
    The Undergraduate Program
    So, What Can You Do With a Degree in Classics?
    Call for Papers, UNC Graduate Colloquium 1994 (Ut et in Occasu Suo Splendorem et Ornamenta Praeteritae Vitae Retineant: Ancient Ceremony and Spectacle)
    Announcement for the Production of Plautus's Poenulus
    Announcement for the Biennial Meeting of CAMWS Southern Section
    Tabulae 1992Discovery and Rediscovery
    The Turkish Connection - ARIT, Digs, Byzantion, and Ankara
    Bacchylides, Live from Chapel Hill
    First Annual Ancient Studies Colloquium
    Domi Militiaeque
    Tabulae 1991Pausing to Give Thanks
    Performance of Plautus's Curculio
    Ancient Historians Meet
    Jay Bolter Leaves for Georgia Tech
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    George Kennedy, the Persuasive
    Tabulae 1990"You Richly Deserve Delight"
    Annabelle (A Song for Nancy)
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    The Latin Play Returns!
    The Immerwahr Connection
    Tabulae 1989Keeping the Show on the Road
    The Italian Connection
    Sedes Ubi Fata Quietas
    Friedrich Solmsen
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Tabulae 1988Changing of the Guard
    Roman Magistrates: Past, Present, & Future
    On the Tenure Track
    Variae Vitae Reportant
    Chiron Awards for Medical Research

    ARIT Newsletter On-Line

     [First posted in AWOL 4 December 2009. Updated 4 February 2013]

    ARIT Newsletter On-Line
    Twice a year the Institute publishes the ARIT Newsletter, distributed widely in the academic community and among the Friends of ARIT. It provides information about the ARIT's recent activities and programs, including the news from each center, research reports from recent fellows in Turkey, lists of current fellows and donors.

    Inscriptifact Update

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    InscriptiFact is part of The West Semitic Research Project an academic project affiliated with the University of Southern California School of Religion and directed by Dr. Bruce Zuckerman. 

    About InscriptiFact

    The InscriptiFact Project is a database designed to allow access via the Internet to high-resolution images of ancient inscriptions from the Near Eastern and Mediterranean Worlds. The target inscriptions are some of the earliest written records in the world from an array of international museums and libraries and field projects where inscriptions still remain in situ. Included are, for example, Dead Sea Scrolls; cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia and Canaan; papyri from Egypt; inscriptions on stone from Jordan, Lebanon and Cyprus; Hebrew, Aramaic, Ammonite and Edomite inscriptions on a variety of hard media (e.g., clay sherds, copper, semi-precious stones, jar handles); and Egyptian scarabs. These ancient texts represent religious and historical documents that serve as a foundation and historical point of reference for Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the cultures out of which they emerged...
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    The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy

    The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
     Statement of Purpose and Document Inclusion Policy

    The Avalon Project will mount digital documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. We do not intend to mount only static text but rather to add value to the text by linking to supporting documents expressly referred to in the body of the text.

    The Avalon Project will no doubt contain controversial documents. Their inclusion does not indicate endorsement of their contents nor sympathy with the ideology, doctrines, or means employed by their authors. They are included for the sake of completeness and balance and because in many cases they are by our definition a supporting document.
    4000bce - 399

  • Acilian Law on the Right to Recovery of Property Officially Extorted, 122 B.C.

  • Agrarian Law; 111 B.C.

  • The Athenian Constitution

  • Charter of Urso, 44 B.C.

  • Code of Hammurabi

  • Edicts of Augustus and Decree of the Senate on the Judicial Process in Cyrene, 64 B.C.

  • Julian Law on Agrarian Matters, 58(?) B.C.

  • Law of Caesar on Municipalities, 44 B.C.

  • The Twelve Tables; 450BC

  • Medieval
    400 - 1399

  • Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

  • Anglo-Saxon Law - Extracts From Early Laws of the English.

  • Assize of Clarendon, 1166

  • The Bull of Pope Adrian IV Empowering Henry II to Conquer Ireland. A.D. 1155

  • Capitulary of Charlemagne Issued in the Year 802

  • Confirmation of the Charters, 1297

  • Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164

  • Count Palatinate as Judge Over the Kings. Decree of the Nuremberg Diet, November 19, 1274

  • The Declaration of Arbroath; April 6, 1320

  • Decree of the Emperor Henry IV Concerning a Truce of God (1085 A.D.)

  • The Dialogue Concerning the Exchequer. circa 1180

  • The Establishment of the Duchy of Austria; September 17, 1156

  • The Foundation of the University of Heidelberg AD. 1386

  • The Gelnhausen Charter; April 13, 1180 A.D.

  • The Golden Bull of the Emperor Charles IV 1356 A.D.

  • Laws of Richard I (Coeur de Lion) Concerning Crusaders Who Were to Go by Sea. 1189 A.D.

  • Laws of the Kings, 753 - 510 B.C.

  • Laws of William the Conqueror

  • Magna Carta, 1215

  • The Manner of Holding Parliament

  • History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum) by Nennius Translated by J. A. Giles

  • The Ordinance of Louis the Pius - Division of the Empire of the Year 817

  • Ordinance of William I, Separating the Spiritual and Temporal Courts.

  • Peace of the Land Established by Frederick Barbarossa Between 1152 and 1157 A.D.

  • The Salic Law

  • Statute of Edward I Concerning the Buying and Selling of Land (Quai emptores); 1290

  • The Statute of Laborers; 1351

  • Statute of Mortmain; November 15, 1279

  • Treaty at Aix Between Louis II and Charles the Bald Concerning the Division of the Kingdom of Lothar II A.D. 870.
  • Open Access Journal: Gradus rivista di archeologia dell'acqua

    Gradus rivista di archeologia dell'acqua
    Di seguito, potrete trovare l'elenco degli articoli presenti nel numero di Gradus che state consultando; facendo "click" su di essi, potrete leggerli direttamente on line in formato pdf, oppure in alternativa, (facendo "click" sulle apposite icone), potrete scaricarli singolarmente o tutti insime , sempre in formato pdf, ma inseriti in un archivio ZIP.
     Scarica tutto il numero di Gradus

    New Open Access Journal: digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes

    digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes
    ISSN: 2182-844X
    A digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artesé uma revista de carácter científico que pretende cobrir um leque abrangente de temáticas relacionadas com o património cultural, disponibilizando os seus conteúdos on-line de forma gratuita. A sua edição está a cargo do Centro de Estudos Arqueológicos das Universidades de Coimbra e Porto (CEAUCP).

    n. 1 (2013): Actas do 6º ATP | 9º SIACOT

    Il Cantiere delle Navi Antiche di Pisa

    Il Cantiere delle Navi Antiche di Pisa: Centro di Restauro del Legno Bagnato
    Il cantiere delle Navi Antiche di Pisa è ubicato poco all'esterno delle mura della città medievale, in direzione del mare. Qui nel 1998, in occasione della costruzione di un centro direzionale delle Ferrovie dello Stato, in seguito al rinvenimento di manufatti lignei, si decise di procedere, nel minor tempo possibile, all'esplorazione del sito e fu quindi allestito un cantiere di carattere estensivo, corrispondente all'area interessata. Il ritmo incalzante dei rinvenimenti (con 16 relitti, interi o parzialmente conservati, individuati in pochi mesi) portò nell'estate nel 1999 alla decisione di destinare il sito alla ricerca. Dal dicembre dello stesso anno, stipulato l'accordo che passava alla Soprintendenza la piena responsabilità dell'area, si è proceduto con una nuova strategia di intervento che, secondo i principi della stratigrafia archeologica, permettesse il recupero e il trasferimento dei relitti individuat i in luoghi adatti alla conservazione e al restauro. Il sito è stato quindi trasformato in un vero e proprio cantiere di scavo, che risulta oggi esemplare per attrezzature e tecniche impiegate, normativa di sicurezza e accessibilità per il pubblico e per gli studiosi.

    Ad Usum Delphini, or In Usum Delphini

    Ad Usum Delphini, or In Usum Delphini: all-Latin editions of the Classics
    John P. Piazza, M.A.
    Links to Online Texts:

    An extensive online library of ad usum delphini and similar editions of all of the major classical Latin authors is now available through Vivarium Novum. This page also provides a history of the series and its editors (in Italian).

    Complete volumes in pdf, taken mainly from Google Books

    I have managed to transcribe a few of the paraphrases. 



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