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Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina tra medioevo e rinascimento

Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina tra medioevo e rinascimento

Un programma di ricerca verbale sulla versificazione latina di autori italiani, dalla nascita di Dante alla metà del cinquecento.
Il progetto di ricerca “Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina” è nato nel 1999 con lo scopo di individuare, censire, raccogliere e digitalizzare i componimenti latini in versi, prodotti nell'area geografica o in ambienti culturali italiani, entro il periodo compreso all'incirca fra la nascita di Dante e la prima metà del Cinquecento.
Carmi di autori celebri e testi anonimi di ogni genere, pubblicati attraverso edizioni a stampa (talvolta recenti e rigorose, non di rado antiquate e immetodiche), ovvero passati dai manoscritti delle biblioteche a supporti cartacei dalla circolazione scarsissima (come ad esempio le tesi di laurea, sino a pochi anni fa ancora battute a macchina), o del tutto rimasti inediti nei fogli dei codici: quanto si poteva trovare sta transitando agli archivi elettronici, cui un annesso motore di ricerca verbale consente di accedere per l'immediata interrogazione.


Open Access Journal: The Ancient Near East Today

 [First posted in AWOL 9 April 2013, updated 23 January 2014]

The Ancient Near East Today
The Ancient Near East Today. This monthly e-newsletter is a platform that disseminates ideas, insights, and discoveries to Friends of ASOR. You can become a Friend for free, you only need to register. The Ancient Near East Today is delivered to your inbox on the second Tuesday of each month and features links to exclusive contributions from scholars, a forum featuring debates on interpretations of findings from the field, and links to news, and resources. The ANE Today covers the entire Near East, and each issue presents discussions ranging from the state of biblical archaeology to archaeology after the Arab Spring.
Sign up today!

CAMENA - Lateinische Texte der Frühen Neuzeit

CAMENA - Lateinische Texte der Frühen Neuzeit - Corpus Automatum Multiplex Electorum Neolatinitatis Auctorum- TERMINI - Vernetzter Wortschatz lateinischer Wissensliteratur der Frühen Neuzeit
Willkommen auf den Seiten von CAMENA - Digitale Bibliothek lateinischer Texte der Frühen Neuzeit. Unser Angebot besteht aus fünf Textsammlungen unterschiedlichen Zuschnitts und einer im Aufbau befindlichen Datenbank, die Stichwörter mit strukturierten Kontextdaten erfasst und Verknüpfungen zu einschlägigen Textstellen herstellt (siehe EVRECA). Von 1999 bis 2008 hat die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) den Aufbau dieser Bibliothek ermöglicht. Die Arbeit wird nun teils im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Projektes eAQUA, teils durch den vom Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici geförderten Aufbau einer neuen Sammlung (ITALI) fortgesetzt. Wie von Beginn an stellt auch weiterhin die Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim die aus ihren historischen Buchbeständen ausgewählten Vorlagen zur Verfügung, während das Rechenzentrum der Universität Mannheim die Web-Server-Administration leistet.

Welcome to CAMENA - Latin Texts of Early Modern Europe. Our successive projects are dedicated to building a digital library of the humanistic Respublica Litterarum. We now offer five collections as well as a growing data base (EVRECA) that contains words and names (with additional morphological and lexical data) linked to general and special dictionaries or encyclopedias of our digital library. These projects have been funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) from 1999 to the end of 2008. At present, the database project is integrated in the eAQUA enterprise funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). A new collection (ITALI) is under way thanks to support by the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. The copies we digitize are supplied by the Rare Book Division of the University of Mannheim Library. The Information Technology Center (Rechenzentrum) of the University of Mannheim administrates our web server.

Open Access Journal: Bible Lands E-Review (BLER)

[First Posted in AWOL 31 May 2012, updated 23 January 2014]

Bible Lands E-Review (BLER)
The E-Journal of The Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem

Bible Lands E-Review (BLER), the on-line journal of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, is a peer reviewed academic journal dedicated to presenting current research on the civilizations of the Bible and Ancient Israel, Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near East and the Classical World. [read more]

Boardman, John
Elior, Rachel
Goodnick Westenholz, Joan
Horowitz, Wayne
Uchitel, Alexander
Vukosavović, Filip
Wainer, Zackary M.

Open Access Journal: LANX. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia

[First posted in AWOL  7 January 2010. Updated 23 January 2014]

LANX. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia - Università degli Studi di Milano
ISSN 2035-4797
LANX è il quadrimestrale elettronico open access della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. La rivista raccoglie i contributi di studenti e docenti della Scuola e di studiosi che vi hanno collaborato, insieme ai risultati di ricerche e scavi a essa collegati.LANX nasce dall’idea e con l’obiettivo di condividere e divulgare i risultati dell’intensa attività di studio e ricerca condotta dalla Scuola, che accanto alla didattica consueta prevede un fitto programma annuale di seminari, giornate di studio, convegni, con la frequente partecipazione di studiosi esterni. A tutto ciò si aggiungono i viaggi di studio nelle mete più rilevanti per gli ambiti disciplinari caratterizzanti la Scuola, e le campagne di scavo dirette dai Docenti della Scuola in numerosi siti italiani e stranieri.Si apre così l’opportunità tanto per gli affermati quanto per i più giovani studiosi vicini alla Scuola di far conoscere il proprio lavoro grazie alle potenzialità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie, di cui il formato elettronico di questa rivista è realizzazione concreta. Il Comitato Scientifico della rivista è composto dai Docenti della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, i quali approvano preliminarmente il contenuto scientifico dei contributi editi. Il singolo Docente si fa inoltre garante, presentandoli anche a proprio nome, degli interventi esterni.

N° 14 (2013)

Lanx, Anno VI, n° 14


ATTI DELLA GIORNATA: Le sette città di Nora, Milano, 11 febbraio 2013

Nora, sette punti di vista sulla cittàPDF
Marco Edoardo Minoja 1-6
Le sette città di Nora. Lo scavo dell’Università di Milano in una realtà urbana pluristratificataPDF
Giorgio Bejor 7-15
Le case della fase dei mosaiciPDF
Cristina Miedico 16-37
La fase abitativa sotto le Terme CentraliPDF
Ilaria Frontori 38-52
Le diverse fasi di un edificio problematico: il cosiddetto NinfeoPDF
Giulia Facchini 53-62
Le trasformazioni del Quartiere Centrale di Nora: la ricostruzione delle casePDF
Elena Belgiovine 63-82
Le trasformazioni del quartiere centrale a Nora: la ricostruzione tridimensionale delle Terme CentraliPDF
Daniele Capuzzo 83-106
Nora tardo-antica. Ricerche in corso nel quartiere nord-occidentalePDF
Luisa Albanese, Valentina Cosentino 107-122
L’Università di Padova a Nora: dai Fenici ai Bizantini. Tra studio, formazione e valorizzazionePDF
Jacopo Bonetto, Andrea Raffaele Ghiotto 123-156
Dalla Nora fenicia alla Nora punica e oltrePDF
Stefano Finocchi 157-179
Il settore SE delle Terme Centrali: da quartiere residenziale a pars publicaPDF
Elisa Panero 180-193
Indagini nell’area SdT: tracce di un edificio precedente alle Terme CentraliPDF
Pietro Mecozzi 194-202
Il quartiere delle Terme Centrali: il deflusso delle acquePDF
Cristina Iacovino 203-209
Case a mare: problemi di ridocumentazione e di scavoPDF
Stefano Cespa 210-222
Case a mare: proposte di ricostruzionePDF
Silvia Mevio 223-235
Le case a mare: lo scavo dei settori E e FPDF
Anna Simoncelli 236-252
Considerazioni metodologiche e conclusioniPDF
Federica Chiesa 253-263


N° 13 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 13

N° 12 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 12

N° 11 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 11


N° 10 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 10

N° 9 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 9

N° 8 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 8


N° 7 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, n° 7

N° 6 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, numero 6

N° 5 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, numero 5


N° 4 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 4

N° 3 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 3

N° 2 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 2


N° 1 (2008)

LANX, Anno I, numero 1

Partially Open Access Journal: Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice

Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice (MCA)
   Schimbările politice produse după 1949 au adus modificări şi la nivelul disciplinei arheologice. Una din modificări a fost punerea în practică a planului de cercetare arheologică, care presupunea impunerea unor teme principale de cercetare şi extinderea cercetării arheologice la nivelul întregii ţări. În acest context în 1952 vedea lumina tiparului primul număr din Materiale şi cercetări arheologice privind istoria veche a R.P.R., publicaţie a Institutului de Arheologie al Academiei de Ştiinţe Sociale şi Politice. De la numărul doi titlul volumului se schimbă în Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice. Apariţia acestei reviste s-a datorat necesităţii publicării rezultatelor arheologice, mult sporite şi îmbogăţite după extinderea şi intensificarea cercetării arheologice la nivel naţional după anul 1949. Între 1952-1973 au fost publicate 10 volume după cum urmează - I/1953, 815 p.; II/1956, 716 p.; III/1957, 312 p.; IV/1957, 376 p.; V/1958, 794 p.; VI/1959, 983 p.; VII/1961, 680 p.; VIII/1962, 802 p.; IX/1970, 532 p.; X/1973, 366, p. Colectivul de redacţie cuprindea nume mari ale arheologiei româneşti - Emil Condurachi (redactor responsabil), Vladimir Dumitrescu (redactor principal), Ion Nestor, Gheorghe Ştefan, Dumitru Berciu, Bucur Mitrea, C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor, Mircea Petrescu-Dâmboviţa, D.M. Pippidi, Dorin Popescu, Radu Vulpe, Eugen Comşa, Maria Comşa, Mircea Matei, acestora li s-au alăturat pe parcurs: Ion Barnea, Gheorghe Cantacuzino, Constantin Daicoviciu, Dumitru Tudor, Kurt Horedt, Nicolae Lupu, I.I. Rusu, Zoltán Székeli, A.D. Alexandrescu, Maria Coja, Emilian Popescu etc. Ilustraţia, cuprinzând desene şi planuri, a fost executată în laboratorul de desen al Institutului de: Pamfil P. Polonic, Eusebiu Mironescu, Mariana Stoicescu, Elena Becheş, Argeş Epure, Marian Ionescu, iar fotografiile au fost realizate de Gheorghe Dumitru şi Nicolae Scarlat.
     Primele două volume au fost dedicate publicării unor rapoarte definitive sau monografice, iar următoarele au inclus în plus rapoarte de săpătură preliminare şi cercetări de suprafaţă. Iniţial publicaţia apărea anual, apoi bianual şi în final, din diverse motive, la intervale mai mari de timp. Această prima serie se încheie aici.

     După o întrerupere de mai mulţi ani apare o nouă serie editată de Consiliul Culturii şi Educaţiei Socialiste precum şi de Academia de Ştiinţe Sociale şi Politice a RSR, care a publicat rapoartele preliminare prezentate la sesiunile arheologice anuale de la Oradea - XIII/1979; Tulcea - XIV/1980; Braşov - XV/1981 (volum apărut de abia în 1983); Vaslui - XVI/1982, 305 p. (volum apărut în 1986) şi Ploieşti - XVII/1983, 545 p. (volum apărut între 1992-1993, în două secţiuni I, II, cu paginaţia în continuare). Colegiul de redacţie era alcătuit din: Mircea D. Matei (redactor responsabil), Eugen Comşa, Panait I. Panait, Alexandru Suceveanu, Cornelia Stoica, Dan Gh. Teodor. Formatul şi prezentarea revistei suferă modificări considerabile faţă de prima serie. Astfel sunt incluse în paginile volumelor studii antropologice, studii privind restaurarea unor situri, rapoarte ale săpăturilor de salvare, studii epigrafice, cercetări aerofotografice etc; toate informaţiile fiind susţinute de o bogată ilustraţie. Pentru o mai largă accesibilitate în plan extern numărul rezumatelor în limbi străine creşte considerabil.

     O a treia serie este iniţiată din 1999. Numărul 1/1999 cuprindea 10 articole dedicate cercetărilor arheologice desfăşurate la Măgura Cuneştilor, la Sărata Monteoru, Năeni-Zănoaga, Stelnica-Grădiştea Mare, Argamum şi la Câmpulung. Această apariţie însă se dovedeşte meteorică în peisajul publicistic de specialitate.

     Din fericire tradiţia publicării rapoartelor anuale de cercetare arheologică continuă sub o nouă titulatură: Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România, care apare din 1994 atât în format clasic, cât şi digital, iar începând cu Campania 1999 informaţiile cuprinse în volume sunt accesibile şi on-line.

Despre proiectul de indexare a revistei Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice

     Continuând proiectul început cum câţiva ani de-a face accesibile on-line indicele publicaţiilor arheologice româneşti, cIMeC - Institutul de Memorie Culturală a prelucrat şi volumele MCA. După depăşirea obstacolului găsirii tuturor numerelor revistei a fost realizată o bază de date, care conţine toate cele 768 de articole publicate de-a lungul anilor (1952-1999) în cele 16 numere, sub însemnul MCA. Proiectul este finanţat de Ministerul Culturii şi Cultelor. Căutarea se poate face după următoarele criterii: numele autorului, numărul revistei sau anul apariţiei. În prezent se lucrează intens la realizarea indicilor de subiecte, de epoci şi de localităţi.
     În curând acest indice va fi complet şi la dispoziţia specialiştilor şi a studenţilor, ca mijloc indispensabil de consultare a bibliografiei.
Few years ago cIMeC - Institute for Cultural Memory began a project which consists in making accessible on-line the indexes of the main archaeological journals from Romania in a bibliographical database with search facilities, a useful tool for the students and specialists in the field of archaeology. The index for the MCA journal is now complete and contains all the 768 articles appeared under this title since 1952 to 1999. The search can be performed by the name of the author, by number of the journal or by the year. We intend to add in the near future the possibility of a more refined search by epoch, locality and key words.

Facsimil digital volumele: I - 1953 (pdf 110 MB),II - 1956 (pdf 95 MB),III - 1957 (pdf 45 MB), IV - 1957 (pdf 37 MB), V - 1959 (pdf 78 MB), VI - 1959 (pdf 150 MB), VII - 1960 (pdf 63 MB), VIII - 1962 (pdf 113 MB),IX 1970 (pdf 44 MB), X - 1973 (pdf 61 MB), XIII 1979 (pdf 50 MB), XIV Tulcea - 1980 (pdf 200 MB), XV Braşov - 1981 (pdf 100 MB), XVI Vaslui - 1982 (pdf 130 MB), XVII Ploieşti - 1983 (partea a-I-a) (pdf 87 MB), XVII Ploieşti - 1983 (partea a-II-a) (pdf 45 MB).

A New Open Access Publisher: Edition Topoi

Edition Topoi
Edition Topoi ist das Publikationsorgan des Exzellenzclusters 264 Topoi The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations. In den Monographien und Sammelbänden der Buchreihe »Berlin Studies of the Ancient World« werden Forschungen und Diskussionen des Clusters vorgelegt. Das Journal eTopoi liefert Einzelbeiträge zu unterschiedlichen Themen der Clusterarbeit. Weitere Formate auch zur Publikation von Forschungsdatenbanken und digitalen Ressourcen werden derzeit entwickelt. Der Fächervielfalt des Clusters entsprechend reichen die disziplinären Verortungen der Autoren und Themen von der Philosophie bis zu den Archäologien, von der Wissenschaftsgeschichte bis hin zur physischen Geographie.
Genealogie und Migrationsmythen im antiken Mittelmeerraum und auf der arabischen Halbinsel 
Almut-Barbara Renger, Isabel Toral-Niehoff 

Volume 1 (2011) 2011 
Reports of the Research Groups at the Topoi Plenary Session 2010 

Volume 2 (2012/2013) 2013 
Landscape Archaeology. Conference (LAC 2012) 2012 
Reports of the Research Groups at the Topoi Plenary Session 2010 2011

Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy Online at philpapers

 [First posted in AWOL 31 December 201, updated 25 January 2014]

philpapers: Online research in philosophy

Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy

Edited by Robin Smith(Texas A&M University)
In this area
Search inside:
Aristotle (6,191 | 3,159)Robin Smith

Open Access Publications of the Mission Archéologique Française de Thèbes-Ouest

MAFTO: Mission Archéologique Française de Thèbes-Ouest
La Mission Archéologique Française de Thèbes-Ouest (MAFTO) est l’avatar le plus récent d’une unité de recherche du CNRS qui fut d’abord associée au Musée du Louvre, puis rattachée, à partir de 2003, à la Direction des Musées de France (UMR 171/LC2RMF). Depuis le début des années soixante-dix, cette équipe travaille en étroite collaboration avec le Centre d'Étude et de Documentation sur l’Ancienne Égypte (CEDAE), organe du Conseil Suprême des Antiquités de l’Égypte (Ministère égyptien de la Culture). Elle œuvre, comme son nom l’indique, sur le territoire anciennement couvert par l’antique Thèbes, capitale méridionale de l’Égypte pharaonique et l’un des plus riches sites archéologiques de la planète, inscrit à l’inventaire du Patrimoine Mondial par l’UNESCO.
Open Access Publications
Rapports scientifiques 
Rapport Scientifique 2007-2008
Rapport Scientifique 2008-2009
Rapport scientifique 2009-2010
Rapport scientifique 2010-2011
Rapport Scientifique 2011-2012
Rapport Scientifique 2012-2013
Les Graffiti de la Montagne Thébaine

Many of the volumes of Les Graffiti de la Montagne Thébaine are available online.  For the full list see Les Graffiti de la Montagne Thébaine .  The following volumes are available online:
Plans de position:
Transcriptions et indices:

Temples de la Nubie

Le temple de Louxor

And the journal:
Bulletin égyptologique annuel d’archéologie et d’histoire, consacré en priorité aux études thébaines. Fondé en 1990, et édité en Égypte (Le Caire), pour le compte de l’Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ramesseum (ASR). Directeur de la publication : Christian Leblanc.

Open Access Journal: Memoria Antiquitatis (Acta Musei Petrodavensis)

Memoria Antiquitatis (Acta Musei Petrodavensis)
Anuar științific al Complexului Muzeal Neamț. Începând din 1969, sub egida Muzeului de Istorie și Arheologie Piatra-Neamţ, parte a Complexului Muzeal Neamț a apărut revista anuar Memoria Antiqvitatis, care cuprinde cu predilecţie studii şi articole de arheologie și istorie, dar și numismatică, memorialistică, cronicii și recenzii . Revista Memoria Antiqvitatis este difuzată în peste 200 de biblioteci din Europa, Asia şi Statele Unite.
Facsimil digital volumele:
1969 I (pdf 28 MB), 1970 II (pdf 48 MB), 1971III (pdf 25 MB), 1972-1973 IV-V (pdf 25 MB), 1974-1976 VI-VIII (pdf 50 MB), 1977-1979 IX-XI (pdf 64 MB), 1980-1982 XII-XIV (pdf 29 MB), 1983-1985 XV-XVII (pdf 23 MB), 1992 XVIII (pdf 28 MB), 1994 XIX (pdf 34 MB), 1995 XX (pdf 34 MB), 1997 XXI (pdf 22 MB)

Open Access Journal: Didaskalia: The Journal for Ancient Performance

[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 26 January 2014.  n.b.  Founded in 1994, Didaskalia is a Pioneering Open Access Journal]

Didaskalia: The Journal for Ancient Performance
ISSN: 1321-4853
Didaskalia (διδασκαλία) is the term used since ancient times to describe the work a playwright did to teach his chorus and actors the play.  The official records of the dramatic festivals in Athens were the διδασκαλίαι.  Didaskalia now furthers the scholarship of the ancient performance.
Didaskalia is an English-language, online publication about the performance of Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music.  We publish double blind, peer-reviewed scholarship on performance as well as reviews of the professional activity of artists and scholars who work on ancient drama.

We welcome submissions on any aspect of the field, and we provide a uniquely friendly venue for publishing sound, image, and video evidence.  If you would like your work to be reviewed, please write to editor@didaskalia.net at least three weeks in advance of the performance date.  We also seek interviews with practitioners and opinion pieces.

Volume 10 (2013)

10.11Review - The Paper Cinema’s Odyssey at the Battersea Arts Centre and The Odyssey, Creation Theatre and The Factory
Stephe Harrop
10.10Review - Aristophanes’ Lysistrata at the Intiman Theatre
Brett M. Rogers
10.09Review - Sophocles’s Trachiniae at the Festival of Epidaurus
Vicky Manteli
10.08Review - 49th Season of Classical Plays at the Greek Theatre in Syracuse: Sophocles’s Oedipus Tyrannus and Antigone, and Aristophanes’s The Ecclesiazusae
Caterina Barone
10.07Review - The Odyssey on Angel Island
Al Duncan
10.06Conversation - About the Aquila Herakles at the Brooklyn Academy of Music
Amy R. Cohen and John H. Starks, Jr.
10.05Review - Combat Veterans, Neuroscience, and the Tragic Mask: Euripides’ Herakles
Natasha Mercouri
10.04Review - Euripides'Iphigenia at Aulis at Trent and Trinity
Timothy Wutrich
10.03Review - Seneca's Thyestes at Barnard/Columbia
Michael Goyette
10.02Review - Seneca's Thyestes at Barnard/Columbia
Timothy Hanford
10.01Remembering Kate Bosher 1974–2013
John Given

Open Access Journal: Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics

[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 26 January 2014.  n.b.  Founded in 1993, Electronic Antiquity is a Pioneering Open Access Journal]

Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics
ISSN: 1320-3606

Catching up

Open Access Papyrological Word List (17. Fassung vom 26. Januar 2014)

 [First posted in AWOL 7 February 2010. Updated 27 January 2014]

WÖRTERLISTEN aus den Registern von Publikationen griechischer und lateinischer dokumentarischer Papyri und Ostraka

unter anfänglicher Mithilfe von Pia Breit, Wolfgang Habermann, Ursula Hagedorn,
Bärbel Kramer, Gertrud Marohn, Jörn Salewski und mit Dank für die Überlassung elektronischer Dateien an Charikleia Armoni (für P.Heid. IX und P.Köln XI), Rodney Ast (für P.Bagnall, P.Jena II und SB XXVII), Marja J. Bakker (für P.Worp), Alette V. Bakkers (für P.Minnesota), Guido Bastianini (für PSI Com. XI), Amin Benaissa (für P.Oxy. LXXV), Adam Bülow-Jacobsen (für O.Claud. IV), Willy Clarysse (für P.Count), Nahum Cohen (für P.Berl. Cohen), James Cowey (für P.Paramone), Hélène Cuvigny (für O.Krok. und O.Did.), Ruth Duttenhöfer (für P.Lips. II), Maria Serena Funghi (für O.Petr. Mus.), Traianos Gagos (für P.Thomas), Nikolaos Gonis (für P.Oxy. LXVIII, LXIX, LXX, LXXI, LXXII, LXXIII, LXXIV, LXXVII und LXXVIII), Ann Hanson (für P.Sijp.), Hermann Harrauer (für P.Horak, P.Eirene II, CPR XIX und P.Eirene III), Francisca A. J. Hoogendijk (für BL XII), Andrea Jördens (für P.Louvre I, P.Louvre II, SB XXI und SB XXIII), Demokritos Kaltsas (für P.Heid. VIII), Bärbel Kramer (für P.Aktenbuch und P.Poethke), Johannes Kramer (für C. Gloss. Biling. II), Claudia Kreuzsaler (für SPP III2.5), Nico Kruit und die Herausgeber der BL (für BLXI), Csaba Láda (für CPR XXVIII), Herwig Maehler (für BGU XIX), Klaus Maresch (für P.Ammon II, P.Bub. II, P.Herakl. Bank, P.Köln IX, P.Köln X, P.Köln XI, P.Köln XII, P.Köln XIII, P.Phrur. Diosk. und P.Polit. Iud.), Alain Martin (für P.Narm. 2006), Henri Melaerts (für P.Bingen), Diletta Minutoli (für An.Pap. 21/22, An.Pap. 23/24, An.Pap. 25, P.Pintaudi, P.Prag.
III und P.Schøyen II), Fritz Mitthof (für CPR XXIII, P.Erl. Diosp. und SPP III2.2), Federico
Morelli (für CPR XXII), Bernhard Palme (für P.Harrauer und CPR XXIV), Amphilochios
Papathomas (für CPR XXV), Fabian Reiter (für BGU XX), Patrick Sänger (für P.Vet. Aelii und
SB XXV), Philip Schmitz (für P.Iand. Zen.), Paul Schubert (für P.Yale III und P.Gen. IV), Sven
Tost (für SPP III2.1), Klaas A. Worp (für O.Kellis, P.Mich. 20 und P.NYU II) kompiliert von Dieter Hagedorn

KONTRÄRINDEX Rückläufiges Verzeichnis der in den Abschnitten 02, 03 und 05 der WörterListen in der Fassung vom 7. Februar 2010 enthaltenen Namen und Wörter.

Online Publication of the Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum

 [First posted on AWOL 25 October 2010. Updated 27 January 2014]

thvproject.it (Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum)
Il progetto THV (Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum) è nato con lo scopo di creare uno strumento informatico per la ricerca sui testi custoditi nei papiri greci ercolanesi.

Sarà possibile effettuare ricerche di parole o parte di esse per opera, per autore o su tutto il corpus che verrà, periodicamente, arricchito e aggiornato. Per gli studiosi, inoltre, sarà possibile intervenire direttamente sui testi aggiungendo le nuove letture.
Ogni volta che saranno disponibili nuovi testi da consultare verrà data notizia della immissione su questo stesso sito, sul sito del CISPE “Marcello Gigante” e nella Papy-List.

Testi immessi:
PHerc. 182, 1005, 1027, 1065, 1507 sono a cura di Matilde Fiorillo
PHerc. 1055, 1251, 1425, 1418, 1431 (coll.1-10), 1021 sono a cura di Antonio Parisi
PHerc. 336/1150 è a cura di Mariacristina Fimiani
Il progetto è stato ideato e realizzato da Gianluca Del Mastro col sostegno del Centro Internazionale per lo studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi "Marcello Gigante" a cui si deve il finanziamento del software.
L'immissione dei dati è curata e finanaziata dal CISPE in collaborazione con la cattedra di Filologia Classica I dell'Università di Würzburg
Realizzazione del software a cura di ARCA di Luciano Fattore e Luca Pelella
Direzione immissione testi: Gianluca Del Mastro (Napoli) e Holger Essler (Würzburg)
Revisione e verifica dei dati: Gianluca Del Mastro e Antonio Parisi (Napoli); Holger Essler (Würzburg)
124Demetrius Laco - De anthropomorphia deorum
163Philodemus - De divitiisI
182Philodemus - De Ira
336Polystratus - De contemptu
463Philodemus - De rhetoricaIV
468Philodemus - De rhetoricaIII
1001Philodemus - De rhetorica
1004Philodemus - De rhetoricaIX
1005Philodemus - Ad contubernalesI
1006Demetrius Laco - Nonnullae quaestiones de diaeta
1008Philodemus - De vitiis XI
1012Demetrio Lacone - Aporie testuali ed esegetiche in Epicuro
1014Demetrius Laco - De poematis II
1021Philodemus - Historia Academicorum
1027Carneiscus - PhilistasII
1050Philodemus - De morteIV
1055Demetrius Laco - De forma dei
1065Philodemus - De signis
1113Demetrius Laco - De Poematis
1251Philodemus - De electionibus et fugis
1418Philodemus - Pragmateiai
1425Philodemus - De poematisV
1431Epicurus - De naturaXXXIV
1507Philodemus - De bono rege secundum Homerum
1636Philodemus - De rhetorica
1675Philodemus - De vitiis (De adulatione)

Open Access Journal: Electryone - `Hλεκτρυώνη

Electryone - `Hλεκτρυώνη
ISSN: 2241-4061

Electryone is an English-language, peer reviewed online journal devoted to ancient historical and philological issues covering the period between the 2nd and 1st millennia BC  and the Roman period A.D.  Electryone welcomes articles between 4,000 and 8.000 words, shorter notes, responses, etc. up to 2,500 words, and book reviews. It also welcomes presentations of new publications, announcements for conferences and information about research programs.

Electryone focuses on the Mediterranean region and on matters referring to interactions of the Mediterranean with neighboring areas, but presents an international forum of research, innovative interpretations, critical reviews, analyses of ancient text sources, comparative studies, mythological issues, archive research reports, interaction of ancient history with topography and archaeology, and applied new technologies on historical and classical studies.

Electryone covers the full range of classical studies (i.e. 2nd millennium to late Rome) but is particularly interested in classical antiquity and its relationship to other cultures.

Volume 1 Issue 2

1. M. Aguirre, “Deukalion and Pyrrha: Re-reading the Greek Flood myth”, (2013) Vol. 1 Iss. 2, pp. 1-12
In recent years the most common way to interpret the Greek myth of the Flood has been through a comparative approach in the context of the relationship between Greek and Near Eastern cultures and the influences of the Near East on Greek traditions, literature, religion and myth. My article does not intend to re-examine the conclusions of this research, but, without diminishing the obvious importance of the comparative approach, to focus on the most ‘canonical’ Greek version of the myth and to highlight some aspects of it which in my view have not been so deeply explored.

 2. N. Panagiotakis, M. Panagiotaki, A. Sarris,”The Earliest Communication System in the Aegean” (2013) Vol. 1, Iss 2,  pp. 13-27
A communication system based on fire signals was identified in Crete by the field archaeologist Nikos Panagiotakis, during an archaeological survey he conducted in the Pediada region in central Crete (from 1982 to 1989), covering more than 800 sq. km. The Pediada lies between the Bronze Age palatial sites of Knossos and Malia (from west to east) and extends south and southeast of modern Heraklion. The communication system was used during the Minoan period, especially between 1900-1700 BC. It worked by means of codified fire signals sent from the top of large, man-made constructions (in the shape of a truncated cone), built on the tops of hills or ridges. The network with its interconnecting visual contact could keep a close watch over, and so control natural passes and routes, covering the whole countryside and the coasts.

3. Ι. Deraj, “Xenophon’s Representation of Socratic διαλέγεσθαι” (2013) Vol. 1, Iss. 2, pp.28-38
This paper deals with the problem of Xenophon’s representation of Socratic διαλέγεσθαι (dialogic conversation). The author analyzes selected examples of its use by Xenophon in his adaptation of the Socratic ethics in Memorabilia and compares it with Plato’s use of διαλέγεσθαι in his early dialogues. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the Socratic use of διαλέγεσθαι should not be identified with Socrates’ use of elenchus (ἔλεγχος). The author suggests an implication of this hypothesis is that the question-answer turn-taking form of διαλέγεσθαι is not its essential feature. He attempts to demonstrate that what constitutes the essence of both Socrates’ use of διαλέγεσθαι in Xenophon’s Memorabilia 4 and of Odysseus’ use of persuasive speech in Antisthenes’ Odysseus or on Odysseus is the purpose of examining and transforming one’s individual ethos (ἦθος).

4. Review: T. Samuels, “Denise Eileen McCoskey, Race: Antiquity and its Legacy” (2013) Vol. 1, Iss. 2, pp.39-43

Volume 1 Issue 1

1. K. Wrenhaven, “Barbarians at the Gate: Foreign Slaves in Greek City-States”, (2013) Vol. 1 Iss.1, pp. 1-17
This article considers the relationship between interconnectivity and Greek slavery, in particular, the slave trade and the geographical sources of slaves in Greek city-states. Since there exists no extant treatment of the slave-trade from Greek antiquity, most of the evidence is indirect and focuses primarily upon the Classical period. A variety of source material is examined, including Greek drama, art, historiography, and inscriptions. Of specific interest is the often problematic nature of the evidence for the slave trade and the ethnicity of slaves. Although it is clear that the Greeks traded in foreign slaves, how most slaves were acquired and from where are questions that continue to confound modern scholars. This article does not seek to provide a definitive answer to these questions, but aims to further the discussion through a consideration of why the Greeks preferred foreign slaves, how slaves were procured and from where, how we might determine the ethnicity of slaves through indirect evidence (such as names), and the presence of foreign slaves in Attica, where most of the source material originates.

2. R. Covino, “Stasis in Roman Sicily”, (2013) Vol. 1 Iss. 1, pp. 18-28
This article seeks to examine the evidence for three instances of stasis-prevention efforts from the period of Roman dominion known to us through the medium of Cicero’s Verrines. In doing so, it will build on the work of Berger who examined the phenomenon of stasis in Sicily and Southern Italy during preceding eras and of Eilers who examined the Roman patrons of Greek cities. The article establishes a timeline for the Romans’ efforts and then draws conclusions about the people involved in stasis-prevention in the province and the Romans’ hands-off approach to civic government in Sicily during the Republic.

3. M. Melotti, “Αrchaeological tourism and economic crisis. Italy and Greece”, (2013) Vol. 1 Iss. 1, pp. 29-53
Before the recent economic crisis, both in Greece and in Italy there was an extraordinary development in various kinds of urban activities. Some of them have considerably affected museums and archaeological sites and have made them more attractive to the new post-modern tourism of sensory and emotional character. The new Acropolis Museum in Athens was almost a symbol of this change, but also the new exhibition spaces in commercial centres and underground stations must be taken into account. In Italy a similar change occurred in some of its major towns, such as Rome, Turin, Naples, Cagliari and Reggio Calabria. The outbreak of the crisis has subsequently brought to a halt the proliferation of these initiatives and has induced critical reflections on what has happened and what may yet happen. Urban policies, gentrification and beautification processes must be reconsidered. It is no longer time for archaeology without finds and atmosphere without contents, accordingly to the post-modern model. However, the de-intellectualization of today’s societies obliges even the most serious scholars to take into account the potential of some forms of edutainment, such as living history and re-enactment, which up-to-now have been under-evaluated and despised by archaeologists and historians.

4. M. Porubjak, “Theognis and the Social Role of Measure.”, (2013) Vol. 1 Iss. 1, pp. 54-65
The paper deals with the beginnings of the Greek ethical discourse in elegies of an archaic lyric poet Theognis of Megara. In the introduction author shortly discusses the question of origin and influence of the Theognidea. Then he gradually follows and interprets the occurrences of the expression “μηδὲν ἄγαν” (Nothing in excess), of the words σωφροσύνη (soundness of mind), σάοφρων (temperate), μέτρον (measure) and μέτριος (moderate), according to the problem of ἀρετή (excellence). On the basis of symposium description in the Theognidea and its functions, author shows the crucial social dimension of researched capabilities. He also tries to show how Theognis grasps the wisdom as a quality that has to be tried for and cared for. In the end author states that for Theognis the excellences such as wisdom, justice, sound mind and proper measure are conditio sine qua non for functioning of all social relations – from erotic relations through symposium to polis itself.

5. Review: M. El-Nowieemmy, “Virgil: The Aeneid, translated into Arabic with notes by various hands, revised by A. Shaarawi”, (2013) Vol. 1 Iss. 1, pp.66-68

Video: Digital Classics Association 2014 APA / AIA Session: "Getting Started with Digital Classics"

2014 APA / AIA Session: "Getting Started with Digital Classics"

Open Access Neo-Latin Resources

There are the open access sites I know of dealing with Neo-Latin. Are there others? If so, please comment below.

Databases, collections, organizations, etc.

Open access journals

De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and Their Families

De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and Their Families
DIR is an on-line encyclopedia on the rulers of the Roman empire from Augustus (27 BC-AD 14) to Constantine XI Palaeologus (1449-1453). The encyclopedia consists of (1) an index of all the emperors who ruled during the empire's 1500 years, (2) a growing number of biographical essays on the individual emperors, (3) family trees ("stemmata") of important imperial dynasties, (4) an index of significant battles in the empire's history, (5) a growing number of capsule descriptions and maps of these battles, and (6) maps of the empire at different times. Wherever possible, these materials are cross-referenced by live links.
These contents are supplemented by an ancient and medieval atlas, a link to a virtual catalog of Roman coins, and other recommended links to related sites. The contents of DIR have been prepared by scholars but are meant to be accessible to non-specialists as well. They have been peer- reviewed for quality and accuracy before publication on this site.
Augustus  31BC-14AD
Livia Wife
Julia Daughter
Agrippa d. 12 BC
Gaius Caesar Son
Lucius Caesar Son
Tiberius 14-37 AD
Drusus Son
N.C.Drusus brother of Tiberius
Antonia Wife
Germanicus Son
Agrippina Wife
Caligula 37-41 AD
Caesonia Wife
Claudius 41-54 AD
Messalina 2nd Wife
Britannicus Son
Agrippina Jr 3rd Wife
Nero 54-68 AD
Octavia 1st Wife
Poppaea 2nd Wife
Claudia Daughter
Statilia 3rd Wife

Year 69
The Flavian Dynasty

Vindex 68 AD
Clodius Macer 68 AD
Galba 68-69 AD
Sabinus 69 AD
Otho 69 AD
Vitellius 69 AD
Vespasian 69-79 AD
Flavia Domitilla Wife
Domitilla Junior Daughter
Titus 79-81 AD
Marcia Furnilla Wife
Arrecina Tertulla Wife
Julia TitiaDaughter
Domitian 81-96 AD
Domitia LonginaWife

The Good Emperors

Nerva 96-98 AD
Trajan 98-117 AD
Plotina Wife
Marciana Sister
Matidia Niece
Hadrian 117-138 AD
Sabina Wife
Antinous Hadrian's Lover
Aelius Caesar 136-138 AD
Antoninus Pius 138-161 AD
Faustina Senior Wife
Gallerius Antoninus Son
Marcus Aurelius 161-180 AD
Avidius Cassius 175 AD
Faustina Junior Wife
Lucius Verus 161-169 AD
Lucilla Wife
Commodus 177-192 AD
Crispina Wife
Didius Julianus 193 AD
Manlia Scantllla Wife
Didia Clara Daughter
Pertinax 193 AD
Titiana Wife
Pertinax Caesar Son
Pescennius Niger 193-194 AD
Clodius Albinus 195-197 AD

Severan Dynasty

Septimius Severus 193-211 AD
Julia Domna Wife
Caracalla 198-217 AD
Plautilla Wife
Geta 209-212 AD
Macrinus 217-218 AD
Diadumenian 217-218 AD
Elagabalus 218-222 AD
Julia Paula 1st Wife
Annia Faustina 2nd Wife
Aquilia Severa 3rd Wife
Julia Soaemias Mother
Julia Maesa Grandmother
Gellius Maximus
Severus Alexander 222-235 AD
Orbiana Wife
Julia Mamaea Mother
L. Seius Sallustius225-227 AD
Maximinus I 235-238 AD
Paulina Wife
Maximus Caesar 235-238 AD
Gordian I 238 AD
Gordian II 238 AD
Balbinus 238 AD
Pupienus 238 AD
Gordian III 238-244 AD
Tranquillina Wife
Philip I 244-249 AD
Otacilia Severa Wife
Philip II 247-249 AD
Pacatianus 248 AD
Iotapianus 248 AD
Silbannacus 249 AD
Trajan Decius 249-251 AD
T. Julius Priscus 250 AD
Iulius Valens Licinianus<250 AD
Herennia Etruscilla Wife
Herennius Etruscus 251 AD
Hostilian 251 AD
Trebonianus Gallus 251-253 AD
Volusianus 251-253 AD
Aemilian 252-253 AD
Cornelia Supera Wife
Uranius Antoninus 252-254 AD
Valerian I 253-260 AD
Mariniana Wife
Gallienus 253-268 AD
Salonina Wife
Valerian II Caesar 253-255 AD
Saloninus 259 AD
Macrianus Senior 260-261 AD
Macrianus Iunior260-261 AD
Quietus 260-261 AD
Regalianus 260-261 AD
Dryantilla Wife
Ingenuus 260 AD
Piso 261 AD
Valens 261 AD
Ballista 261 AD
Mussius Aemilianus261 AD
Memor 262 AD
Aureolus 268 AD

Gallic Empire

Postumus 259-268 AD
Laelianus 268 AD
Marius 268 AD
Victorinus 268 AD
Tetricus I 270-273 AD
Tetricus II Caesar 270-273 AD
Faustinus 274 AD

Roman Empire Restored

Claudius II Gothicus 268-270 AD
Domitianus 268 AD
Quintillus 270 AD
Aurelian 270-275 AD
Severina Wife
Zenobia Mother Vaballathus
Vaballathus 271-272 AD
Tacitus 275-276 AD
Florianus 276 AD
Probus 276-282 AD
Bonosus 280 AD
Proculus 280-281 AD
Saturninus 280 AD
Carus 282-283 AD
Numerianus 283-284 AD
Carinus 283-285 AD


Diocletian 284-305 AD
Amandus 285-286 AD
Carausius 287-293 AD
Allectus 293-296 AD
Domitius Domitianus 296-297 AD
Maximianus Herculius 286-305 AD
Constantius I 305-306 AD
Theodora 2nd Wife
Galerius 305-311 AD
Galeria Valeria Wife
Severus II 306-307 AD
Maximinus Daia 309-313 AD
Maxentius 306-312 AD
Valerius Romulus Son
L. Domitius Alexander 308-311 AD
Licinius I 308-324 AD
Constantia Wife
Licinius II Caesar 317-324 AD
Valens 314 AD
Martinianus 324 AD

Neo-Flavian Dynasty

Constantine I 309-337 AD
Fausta Wife
Helena Mother
Crispus Caesar 317-326 AD
Calocaerus 333-334 AD
Delmatius Caesar 335-337 AD
Hannibalianus Rex 335-337 AD
Constantine II 337-340 AD
Constans I 337-350 AD
Constantius II 337-361 AD
Magnentius 350-353 AD
Decentius Caesar 351-353 AD
Vetranio 350 AD
Nepotian 350 AD
Constantius Gallus 351-354 AD
Silvanus 360-363 AD
Julian The Apostate 360-363 AD

Dynasty of Valentinian

Jovian 363-364 AD
Valentinian I 364-375 AD
Firmus 364-378 AD
Valens 364-378 AD
Procopius 365-366 AD
Marcellus 366 AD
Gratian 367-383 AD
Valentinian II 375-392 AD
Theodosius I 379-395 AD
Aelia Flaccilla Wife
Magnus Maximus 383-388 AD
Flavius Victor 387-388 AD
Eugenius 392-394 AD
Arcadius 383-408 AD
Eudoxia Wife Arcadius
Honorius 393-423 AD
Marcus 406-407 AD
Gratian 407 AD
Constantine III 407-411 AD
Constans II 408-411 AD
Maximus 409-411 AD
Priscus Attalus 409-10/14-15 AD
Jovinus 411-413 AD
Sebastianus 412-413 AD
Constantius III 421 AD
Galla Placidia Wife
Johannes 423-425 AD
Theodosius II 402-450 AD
Eudocia Wife
Pulcheria Sister
Valentinian III 425-455 AD
Licinia Eudoxia Wife
Honoria Sister
Marcian 450-457 AD

Rome Sacked By Vandals 455 AD

Petronius Maximus 455 AD
Avitus 455-456 AD
Leo I 457-474 AD
Verina Wife
Leo II 473-474 AD
Majorian 457-461 AD
Libius Severus 461-465 AD
Anthemius 467-472 AD
Arvandus 468 AD
Romanus 470 AD
Euphemia Wife
Olybrius 472 AD
Glycerius 473-474 AD
Julius Nepos 474-475 (480) AD
Romulus Augustulus 475-476 AD

Rome Falls To Barbarians In The West

Zeno 474-491 AD
Ariadne Wife
Basiliscus 475-476 AD
Zenonis Wife
Leontius 484-488 AD
Anastasius I 491-518 AD

Dynasty of Justinian

Justin 518-527 AD
Justinian 527-565 AD
Justin II 565-578 AD
Sophia wife
Tiberius II (I) Constantine 578-582 AD
Ino (Anastasia) wife
Maurice 582-602 AD
Phocas 602-610 AD

Dynasty of Heraclius

Heraclius 610-641 AD
Heraclius Constantine IIIJanuary-April 641 AD
Heraclonas April-Oct. 641 AD
Constans II 641-648 AD
Gregory646-647 AD
Olympius649-653 AD
Mezezius (usurper in Sicily) 668-669 AD
Constantine IV 668-685 AD
Justinian II 685-695 AD
Leontius 695-698 AD
Tiberius III (II)698-705 AD
Justinian II 705-711 AD
Bardanes711-713 AD
Anastasius II713-716 AD
Theodosius III716-717 AD

Syrian Dynasty

Leo III717-741 AD
Artabasdus742-743 AD
Constantine V741-775 AD
Constantine V741-775 AD
Leo IV775-780 AD
Constantine VI780-797 AD
Mariafirst wife
Theodotesecondwife wife
Nicephorus I802-811
Irene797-702 A.D.
Eudocia Ingerina wife of Basil I
Theophano wife
Basil II976-1025 AD
Zoe Porphyrogenita1042 AD
Anna Dalassena (Mother of Alexius I Comnenus)1081-1118
John II Comnenus1118-1143 AD
Irene of Hungarywife
Manuel I Comnenus1143-1180 AD
Bertha of Sulzbachwife
Maria of Antiochwife
Alexius II Comnenus1180-1183
Agnes of Francewife
Manuel II Palailogos1391-1425 AD
Helena Dragaschwife

BIBP: La Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique

BIBP: La Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique
La Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique est un système documentaire hautement spécialisé en patristique. Même si la littérature patristique est son principal objet, la BIBP couvre l'ensemble des disciplines étudiant le christianisme patristique. La priorité est désormais donnée à l'information courante des revues scientifiques.

Le présent site permet d'utiliser les services bibliographiques de la BIBP. Quelque 42 500 notices, issues de quelque 700 périodiques, peuvent actuellement être interrogées. Pour le moment, la BIBP ne peut être interrogée qu'en français. On peut ainsi accéder à toutes les notices, quelle que soit la langue des documents. L'interrogation de la BIBPà partir des autres langues ne peut se faire qu'en différé à l'adresse électronique rene-michel.roberge@ftsr.ulaval.ca ou en écrivant à Laboratoire BIBP, Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval. Québec. Qc. Canada. G1K 7P4.

La réalisation de la BIBP implique une normalisation technique de la nomenclature patristique. Les principaux index de la BIBP sont disponibles en version PDF:
The Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics is a documentary system highly specialized in patristics. Even if patristic literature remains its major preoccupation, the BIBP touches on all disciplines studying patristic Christianity. From now, the priority is given to the current information from the scientific journals.

This Web site allows to use the bibliographical services of the BIBP. Now, some 47 000 records, from about 930 journals, can be searched . Presently, the database can be searched only in French. By way of French, all records can be searched. If you want to search from English or other languages, please use the E-mail address rene-michel.roberge@ftsr.ulaval.ca or write to Laboratoire BIBP, Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval. Québec. Qc. Canada. G1K 7P4. The BIBP works implicitely on patristic nomenclature. The following indexes are available in PDF format:
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