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Online: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology publications with digital supplementary material

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology publications with digital supplementary material
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has produced the results of research conducted by the Museum since our first expedition to Nippur in 1889. Over the years, the Museum's publishing program has expanded to include site reports, exhibition catalogs and gallery guides, conference proceedings, and stand-alone scholarly monographs and popular books. For the marketing, sales, and distribution of our books, we collaborate with the University of Pennsylvania Press. All titles that are currently in print are available for purchase online at the Penn Press website, and you can find brief descriptions of our most recent titles right here. For all of our books that include supplementary materials on CD or DVD, these resources are available to the public on the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) website. You will need to sign a usage agreement and create an account to access these materials, but there is no cost associated with this.



Roundup of Resources on Ancient Geography

[Most recently updated 17 January 2014]

Included in the following list are links to digital project dealing with geography and the ancient world. It is an eclectic list, culled mostly from entries in AWOL. It has no pretentions of being complete or comprehensive, but is offered to give readers a sense of the range of materials currently accessible. I have (for the most part) not included the scores of atlases, maps and other orginally paper-based geographical resources which are accessible online in facsimile.

I welcome comments, suggestions for sites to include, notices of projects under development, and any other sorts of reactions you may have.  Please use the comment function below, or email me directly.  I'm easy to find.

2300 Ancient Sites on Google Earth
On several occasions I have blogged on the possibilities of Google Earth and its online spin-off, Google Maps. My last blog on this topic was a bit over half a year ago, when I had some 1700 items available. In the meantime, I have added more than 550 ancient sites to my list, from all quarters of the ancient world.
Ancient Mediterranean Ports
The Union of Ancient Mediterranean Ports was created in 1995 from a network of cities with the common characteristic of having been founded during Greek antiquity. The union was enacted in 1996 with its headquarters in the ancient town of Agatha, current Aged of Southern France...
Ancient Ports – Ports Antiques

Le Projet d’inventaire des Ports Antiques

This web site presents work done to collect, identify and locate ancient harbours and ports. It is based on a study of existing documentation and does not aim at finding new ports that were unknown at the time of writing. The result is a list of around 2750 ancient ports based on 66 ancient authors and a few modern authors. 
Ancient World Mapping Center
Recently the Center has been able to acquire its own server, so this is the ideal opportunity to revise and upgrade the website now launched here. The new site provides a robust platform to host the Center’s activities, especially its online initiatives Antiquity À-la-carte and the newly conceived Benthos project. Please explore and enjoy. You are encouraged to join the AWMC community and participate by registering yourself as a user of the site. The Center can only function with much valued support from donors. If you too would like to make a contribution, please visit the Support AWMC page.
ANE Placemarks for Google Earth
From Olof Pedersén
A preliminary set of placemarks (ANE.kmz) for Google Earth of a selection of the most important archaeological sites in the Ancient Near East can be downloaded here (as an alternative try right-click or ctrl-click). 
Antiquity À-la-carte
The Antiquity À-la-carte application is an interactive digital map of the ancient world.
APAAME: Aerial Photography Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East
APAAME is long-term research project directed by Professor David Kennedy and Dr Robert Bewley, and is based at the University of Western Australia. The project is designed both to develop a methodology suited to the region and to illuminate settlement history in the Near East. The archive currently consists of almost 45,000 aerial images, over 40,000 of which are displayed on the archive’s Flickr site.

Although principally focused on Jordan, in which there has been an annual programme of flying since 1997 (The Aerial Archaeology in Jordan Project), high resolution satellite imagery on Google Earth is now permitting research on neighbouring countries.

We will be keeping you up to date on what we are finding, how we are finding it, and also taking you with us on our fieldwork in Jordan.
Le site de l'archéogéographie est une réalisation du Groupe de Recherches du CNRS intitulé "Traité de l'ESpace des Sociétés Rurales Anciennes" (= GDR 2137, TESORA). Ce groupe, dont l'existence institutionnelle prend fin en 2007 après 8 années d'existence, a conçu et formalisé une discipline nouvelle nommée archéogéographie et rédigé le Traité d'archéogéographie qui lui sert de base (en cours de parution). 

L'archéogéographie est enseignée à l'Université de Paris-I Sorbonne dans le cadre d'un Master “archéologie et environnement”, dont elle constitue une des quatre options. Les cours d'archéogéographie sont donnés par Gérard Chouquer, Magali Wateaux, Sandrine Robert. La direction de thèses sur des thèmes d'archéogéographie est assurée par Gérard Chouquer dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéologie de l’École Doctorale d’Archéologie de l’Université de Paris I (ED 112). Certaines thèses sont encadrées en co-direction avec Joëlle Burnouf.

À partir de l'année universitaire 2007-2008, l'archéogéographie est enseignée à Coimbra, dans le cadre d'un Master "Archéologie et territoires", Spécialisation Archéogéographie, et, à partir de 2008/2009 dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéogéographie. L'encadrement des thèses du doctorat d'archéogéographie sera assurée par Maria da Conceição Lopes.
Le responsable du site internet de l'archéogéographie est Gérard Chouquer, directeur de recherches au CNRS dans l'équipe Arscan ("Archéologie et Sciences de l'Antiquité" UMR 7041 du CNRS) et la sous-équipe "Archéologies environnementales" que dirige Joëlle Burnouf.
Archaeological Survey of Israel
Welcome to IAA Online survey site
This is Beta Version

Due to large amount of data it is recommended to use chrome Browser.
ArchAtlas is a web-orientated archaeological mapping and research project, founded by the late Prof. Andrew Sherratt, which continues to be developed at the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, UK.

Археологическая карта Крыма 
Археологические экспедиции, регулярно работающие в Крыму.
История Крыма открывается нам во многом благодаря археологическим раскопкам. В приводимом ниже списке и на карте указаны экспедиции, в течение многих лет проводящие археологические исследования в Крыму на ряде крупных памятников. В некоторые из экспедиций можно поехать волонтером. Волонтерам, как правило, приходится оплачивать свое пребывание. Более подробную информацию Вы можете найти на сайтах экспедиций, если таковые есть и функционируют, либо, установив контакты с прошлыми участниками или руководством. Многие, побывавшие в экспедициях, и дальше именно так предпочитают проводить отдых в Крыму и история Крыма, открываемая археологией, становится частью их жизни. Подчеркну, что экспедиций, конечно, гораздо больше, но многие носят кратковременный характер, и часто их задачей являются раскопки отдельного объекта. В этом случае, как правило, экспедиции немногочисленны, раскопки выполняются профессиональными археологами с привлечение небольшого числа опытных рабочих.
Atlas archéologique de la Tunisie
Babelon, Ernest. Atlas archéologique de la Tunisie : édition spéciale des cartes topographiques publiées par le M inistère de la Guerre. accompagnée d'un texte explicatif rédigé par Mm. E. Babelon, R. Cagnat, S. Reinach. [Texte] / . Paris 1893.
Atlas archéologique de l'Algérie
Gsell, Stéphane. 1864-1932: Atlas archéologique de l'Algérie : édition spéciale des cartes au 200.000e du Service Géographique de l'Armée / avec un texte explicatif rédigé par Stéphane Gsell. Texte. . Alger : Paris 1911.
Atlas des Sites du PRoche-Orient (ASPRO)
L’Atlas des Sites du Proche-Orient (ASPRO) se présente comme un répertoire analytique de près de 2 000 sites occupés entre 14 000 et 5 700 BP (environ 14 000 - 4 500 av. J.-C.) sur un territoire qui s’étend du Sinaï au Turkménistan et de l’Anatolie au golfe Arabo-Persique.
Atlas of Old Iranian Inscriptions

Atlas Préhistorique de la Tunisie 
at the Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisie
 Two additional fascicles are available at the digital library of theÉcole Française de Rome
Atlas préhistorique de la Tunisie. 1. Tabarka. 1985.
Atlas préhistorique de la Tunisie. 2. Bizerte. 1985. 

The Archaeological Sites of the Aegean Minoans
The Aegean Minoan 3D GIS Project was initiated in 2007 to produce a three-dimensional (3D) full-color mapping of the archaeological sites of the Minoans in the Aegean Sea area using Google Earth. It is intended to be a definitive geographical reference available to everyone. While this is an ongoing project and we are always looking to improve it, thanks to the many contributing scholars and volunteers it is by far the most comprehensive and accurate mapping of its kind ever made and includes the sites and geographical features listed below.
Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters beta version
Benthos is a new initiative of the Ancient World Mapping Center that aims to catalog and map the waters of the ancient Mediterranean basin, including both physical and cultural geography. The project will provide interactive maps of Mediterranean shipping networks, bathymetric data, and views of ancient coastlines. Currently the project is in a preliminary state, with a functional beta version of the application based off of Antiquity À-la-carte.
Click here ... in order to launch the map application. This application works best with FirefoxChrome, or Safari and currently does not work correctly with Internet Explorer.
La carte nationale des sites archéologiques et des monuments historiques : feuilles 1/50 000
Responsable Scientifique et Administratif : Mustapha KHANOUSSI
Responsable NTIC : Ali DABBAGHI

1. Nature: Projet présidentiel
2. Références 
- décision du Conseil Ministériel Restreint sous la présidence de son Excellence le Président de la République du 21 Juillet 1991.
- décret n°1443-1992 du 03 août 1992
. Cadre général
Malgré la diversité des projets d'inventaire dès la fin du XIX ème siècle, il n'y a pas encore un inventaire général et exhaustif des sites archéologiques, des monuments historiques et du patrimoine vernaculaire.
4. Contenu
La carte nationale des sites archéologiques et des monuments historiques a vu ses objectifs clairement précisés par le décret n°1443-1992 daté du 3 août 1992 :
Article premier.– Il est institué une carte nationale des sites archéologiques et des monuments historiques en terre et en mer dans le but d’établir l’inventaire général des lieux et édifices qui constituent une partie du patrimoine culturel national.
Article 2.– Pour le recensement des sites et des monuments, il sera procédé à l’établissement et à l’impression des documents suivants :
- carte au 1/50 000e comportant la localisation des sites
- plan au 1/2000 comportant la localisation des monuments et des tissus urbains traditionnels.
- fichier comportant une description des sites et des monuments, une évaluation des superficies, une couverture photographique et, dans la mesure du possible, une enquête foncière préliminaire. »


We are happy about your interest at CHARDA-Xplore. In the following you will get some short information about the project.

The Chinese Archaeology Database (CHARDA-Xplore) began as part of the research project 'Chinese Metal' (CHIME), located in the research-cluster 2 of the DAI, and was originally designed to collect and document the available information on early Chinese metal finds.

CHARDA-Xplore basically serves as a collection of standardized and geo-referenced archaeological information, providing the possibility to analyze these data statistically and to map spatial and temporal distribution patterns.
China Historical GIS 
The China Historical Geographic Information System, CHGIS, project was launched in January 2001 to establish a database of populated places and historical administrative units for the period of Chinese history between 221 BCE and 1911 CE. CHGIS provides a base GIS platform for researchers to use in spatial analysis, temporal statistical modeling, and representation of selected historical units as digital maps.
CORONA Atlas of the Middle East BETA

CORONA is the codename for the United States’ first photographic spy satellite mission, in operation from 1960-1972. During that time, CORONA satellites took high-resolution images of most of the earth’s surface, with particular emphasis on Soviet bloc countries and other political hotspots in order to monitor military sites and produce maps for the Department of Defense. The more than 800,000 images collected by the CORONA missions remained classified until 1995 when an executive order by President Bill Clinton made them publicly available through the US Geological Survey. Because CORONA images preserve a high-resolution picture of the world as it existed in the 1960s, they constitute a unique resource for researchers and scientists studying environmental change, agriculture, geomorphology, archaeology and other fields
Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization (DARMC) 
The Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization(DARMC) makes freely available on the internet the best available materials for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach to mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and medieval worlds. DARMC allows innovative spatial and temporal analyses of all aspects of the civilizations of western Eurasia in the first 1500 years of our era, as well as the generation of original maps illustrating differing aspects of ancient and medieval civilization. A work in progress with no claim to definitiveness, it has been built in less than three years by a dedicated team of Harvard undergraduates, graduate students, research scholars and one professor, with some valuable contributions from younger and more senior scholars at other institutions.
The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land
The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land (DAAHL) is an international project that brings together experts in information technology including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the archaeology of the Holy Land (modern Israel, Palestine, Jordan, southern Lebanon, Syria and the Sinai Peninsula) to create the first on-line digital atlas of the region held sacred to the three great monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Using the power of spatial information systems such as Google Maps and Google Earth, GIS, the tens of thousands of recorded archaeological sites for the region - from the remote prehistoric periods to the early 20th century - will be entered into a comprehensive database along with site maps, photographs and artifacts. The historical and archaeological content for this project will be developed by a team of over 30 international scholars working in the region, helping to provide the data used to create the Atlas. This website and its content will serve as the prototype "knowledge node" of a more comprehensive Digital Archaeological Atlas Network for the Mediterranean region.
Digital Augustan Rome

Digital Augustan Rome is a long term mapping project that is prepared to provide a worthy digital successor to the published book and maps of Mapping Augustan Rome that appeared as Supplement 50 in the Journal of Roman Archaeology Series, 2002. The volume was directed by Lothar Haselberger in collaboration with David Gilman Romano and edited by Elisha Dumser. The entries were written by over 12 authors.  
The Digital Gazetteer of the Song Dynasty
A digital history project at the University of California, Merced
In 1958, Sinologist Hope Wright published a work entitled An Alphabetical List of Geographical Names in Sung China. Originally published in Paris by the Centre de Recherches Historiques of the École Pratique des Hautes Études, and reprinted as a second-generation photocopy in 1992 by the Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, the Alphabetical List is now out of print.

Wright’s compilation is the most comprehensive print source for Song geography in any language. The Digital Gazetteer of Song Dynasty China (DGSD) is a MySQL database derived primarily from the Alphabetical List.
A digital base map of the Greco-Roman world 
...the Pelagios team are pleased to announce the latest digital map, built on these previous initiatives and the magisterial Barrington Atlas. What marks this work out is the fact that its map tiles can be used as a background layer for use in a fashion similar to modern mapping applications like Google Maps. We are releasing these map tiles under a CC-BY license, which means that anyone is allowed not only to browse the map but also to use the tiles for presenting their own data or for building on them their own applications.
 Egyptian Antiquities Information System Newsletter

Egyptian Antiquities Information System is the official Geographic Information System (GIS) department of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), the government institution responsible for protecting Egyptian archaeological sites. EAIS collaborates with a large number of national and international stakeholders to develop Cultural Resource Management in Egypt and facilitate site management and protection.
EurAtlas: History and Geography of Europe
Euratlas is a website dedicated mainly to the historical geography of Europe but it offers also a world atlas and a wide collection of pictures in order to give a comprehensive view of history and geography.

Our continent is presented here as a wide cultural area limited north by degree 60, east by the Ural - Caspian - Zagros line, south by the Sahara and west by the Atlantic Ocean...
 FastiOnline: A database of archaeological excavations since the year 2000
Between 1946 and 1987 the International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC) published the Fasti Archaeologici. It contained very useful summary notices of excavations throughout the area of the Roman Empire. However, spiraling costs and publication delays combined to render it less and less useful. AIACs board of directors thus decided in 1998 to discontinue the publication and to seek a new way of recording and diffusing new results. The Fasti Online is the result of this effort.


GapVis is an interface for exploring and reading texts that reference ancient places. It includes maps and data visualizations that show what locations are referred to a different points in the narrative and allows you to dig into the details to learn more.
GeoDia (jee-oh-DEE-uh, short for "geodiachronicity") is intended to provide a simple, intuitive way for people to visualize the temporal, geographic, and material aspects of ancient Mediterranean civilizations. Enter GeoDia >>
GIS Center Newsletter
Egyptian Minister of State for Antiquities (MSA), Geographic Information System Center

The GIS Center was founded to improve SCA's ability to protect and manage archaeological sites. This goal was achieved by creating a system for identification of the location and characteristics of archaeological sites and to record them in a searchable GIS and database. The information is then transferred to targeted stakeholders, which enables them to take the existence and significance of these sites into consideration in all conservation, land management and planning, and related socio-economic activities...
 GIS in Archaeology: The Complete Guide

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are tools for the input, analysis and output of spatial data. Geographers initially used these tools for resource management purposes (Burrough 1986). Over the last decade, GIS applications have revolutionized many disciplines in many ways (Marble, 1990), though some disciplines adopted them earlier than others. In the field of archeology, GIS has barely reached the end of the experimental stage. Although it was used fairly regularly in the early 1980?s, (Kvamme, 1996) its present utilization has dramatically increased. At the time this paper was written, over 500 archaeologists worldwide were registered GIS users with the online database "GIS-using archaeologists", developed byPaul Miller and Ian Johnson in 1995. It is suspected that the actual number of GIS users in the archaeology circle is substantially higher.
Google Ancient Places
The Web is seeing an explosion of digitized material being made freely and openly available online. Google Books alone has some 12 million books in over 300 languages; but other collections, such as the Open Library and the Hathi Trust, are also making accessible texts, many of which were previously available only in prestigious university libraries. But the challenge is: What’s there? And how can it be used?

With funding from Google’s Digital Humanities Research Awards, the Google Ancient Places (GAP) project addresses these two primary concerns of discovery and usability using ancient world places as the target information that we want to able to find and visualize. We call this automated process the ‘there and back again’ principle: it’s not enough to empower users to discover ancient places in large text corpora; we also allow users to move back again to find the books that refer to them.
Hestia uses a range of digital technologies as part of a blended, innovative approach to studying the geography of Herodotus’s Histories. Using a freely available digital text of Herodotus from the Perseus on-line library, Hestia captures all place-names mentioned in the narrative, organises that information in a database, and then explores those spatial relations through a series of mapping applications, such as GIS, GoogleEarth and the Narrative TimeMap. Our work both challenges the usual division between East and West by bringing to light the deep network culture that underpins the Histories, and finds ways of bringing Herodotus's world into people's homes. 
Holy Land Maps from the Eran Laor Cartographic Collection
The Holy Land has been the subject of a relatively large number of maps, chiefly due to its religious importance. Some of the earliest maps reflected ancient traditions of mapping such as that of Ptolemy; others were meant to illustrate the Holy Scriptures. Some maps were printed separately; while others were published as part of atlases, itineraries and travel books. Owners who could afford the expense added coloring to their maps.
The Interactive Nolli Map
The Nolli Web Site presents the 1748 Nolli map of Rome as a dynamic, interactive, hands-on tool. The public now has access to cataloged information about the map in both written and graphical form. The map not only provides rich information, but it has the ability to be updated with new data over time to embrace expanding knowledge.
Irancarto est un site de recherche consacré aux études cartographiques sur l’Iran et le monde iranien actuel ou passé : société, démographie, économie, politique, culture, histoire, linguistique, arts, villes, campagnes...
kmz files from Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire includes a collection of teaching resources.  Among these are:
MAGIS: Mediterranean Archaeology GIS 
Welcome to MAGIS, an inventory of regional survey projects in the greater Mediterranean region
Mapping the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire
The aim of the project is to map the Jewish presence in the Byzantine empire using GIS (Geographical Information Systems).

All information (published and unpublished) about the Jewish communities will be gathered and collated.

The data will be incorporated in a GIS which will be made freely available to the general public on the world-wide-web.

The Mediterranean Archaeological Network (MedArchNet)
Our vision for MedArchNet (The Mediterranean Archaeological Network) is to develop an international network of archaeological sites, from remote prehistory to the early 20th century that provides a model for world cultural heritage research, management, and presentation.  MedArchNet is a virtual organization (VO), which will be built initially in small, incremental steps by incorporating a few thematic nodes and requesting VO members to make modest contributions of data.  This prototype represents a shared vision of what MedArchNet can become--a network of archaeological site data spanning the Mediterranean basin that will empower archaeologists, historians, cultural resource managers and the public with tools to conduct cross-regional studies in ways that have never before been possible, while providing methods for monitoring site conditions and planning for infrastructure development that minimizes adverse effects on archaeological sites.
MEGA-Jordan:  The National Heritage Documentation and Management System

A State-of-the-Art System for Jordan’s Archaeological Sites

MEGA-Jordan is a purpose-built geographic information system (GIS) to inventory and manage archaeology sites at a national level. It has been developed using state-of-the-art technology and requires no more than basic computer skills to enter site and site element boundaries and buffer zones; site details such as condition, threats, and other monitoring updates; and to print out detailed, up-to-date reports on Jordan’s vast number of archaeological sites. The system, in both Arabic and English, is web-based and will standardize and centralize data throughout the Kingdom.
Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS)
Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS) showcases sixteen important early maps and related information from the collections of American centers for international research in the Mediterranean region. As part of the Digital Library for International Research, under the aegis of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, this three-year project completed a comprehensive survey of maps in the collections of American research centers in the Mediterranean area and created web-accessible bibliographic records. In addition, this site includes information about unique maps and illustrated plates in atlases and other publications relating to archaeological excavation and exploration.

Mapping Mediterranean Lands is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of State, Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA), 2002-2005. The three-year survey was conducted by the project's Head Cartographer, Leonora Navari, in cooperation with the American centers for international research. Ms. Navari also wrote the exhibition essays and other project notes. 
Monuments of the Hittites
Monuments of the Hittites is an experimental site prepared totally as a hobby. My aim is to build a page with references to all major Hittite monuments. The locations listed below are the sites that has one or more monument belonging to the times of Hittite civilization. The text list below divides the sites in to two groups by date. This is definetely not a complete list, nor the listed sites may have complete information. Some pages are still missing information or images. I will continue to update the pages with more information. I would appreciate any comments, feedback, and information. -Tayfun Bilgin

Old Maps Online: Discovering the Cartography of the Past 
The OldMapsOnline Portal is an easy-to-use gateway to historical maps in libraries around the world.
British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan
This is the official books produced by Government of Palestinian (British Mandate) for the years of 1944-1945 which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. These three volumes contain a wealth of information about Palestine until the end of 1946...
On-line Geographical Information System for the Theban Necropolis (OLGIS-TN)
The Theban Necropolis Geological Mapping Project of the University of Charleston and the Serapis Research Institute announces the creation of the On-line Geographical Information System for the Theban Necropolis (OLGIS-TN), a pilot project sponsored, in part, by the College of Charleston Santee-Cooper Geographic Information Systems Laboratory. It functions as an Internet clearing house to which scholars of the Theban necropolis can retrieve and contribute relevant data related to the cemeteries of ancient Thebes (located on the West Bank of modern Luxor, Egypt).
ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World
ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World reconstructs the time cost and financial expense associated with a wide range of different types of travel in antiquity. The model is based on a simplified version of the giant network of cities, roads, rivers and sea lanes that framed movement across the Roman Empire. It broadly reflects conditions around 200 CE but also covers a few sites and roads created in late antiquity.

The model consists of 751 sites, most of them urban settlements but also including important promontories and mountain passes, and covers close to 10 million square kilometers (~4 million square miles) of terrestrial and maritime space. 268 sites serve as sea ports. The road network encompasses 84,631 kilometers (52,587 miles) of road or desert tracks, complemented by 28,272 kilometers (17,567 miles) of navigable rivers and canals.
PADIS:  Palestine Archaeological Databank and Information System

A tool for protection, study and valorization of the Archaeological Heritage of Palestine

  • A coherent organization of archaeological and topographical data from Palestine.
  • An interactive databank created to prompt the safeguard of archaeological and historical sites and as scientific and practical tool for the protection, study and cultural valorization.
  • A database including satellite images, aerial photos, excavation photos, topographic maps, and updated bibliographic references, expandable with the cooperation of Palestinian scholars and institutions.
Pelagios: Enable Linked Ancient Geodata In Open Systems
PELAGIOS stands for 'Pelagios: Enable Linked Ancient Geodata In Open Systems' - its aim is to help introduce Linked Open Data goodness into online resources that refer to places in the Ancient World. Why do we want to do that? Well, we think it will make all sorts of other things possible, including new modes of discovery and visualization for scholars and the general publicPelagios also means 'of the sea', the superhighway of the ancient world - a metaphor we consider appropriate for a digital resource that will connect references to ancient places.
Springing from the Classical Atlas Project and the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Pleiades is a historical gazetteer and more. It associates names and locations in time and provides structured information about the quality and provenance of these entities. There is also a graph in Pleiades: names and locations are collected within places and these collections are associated with other geographically connected places. Pleiades also serves as a vocabulary for talking about the geography of the ancient world within Linked Data sets and is referenced by research projects such as Google Ancient Places and PELAGIOS.
POTSHERD : Atlas of Roman Pottery

This is a collection of pages on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC - 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe.
  • The pages include an introductory Atlas of Roman Pottery, containing descriptions and distribution maps of types of Roman pottery (particularly types found in Britain).
  • The pages of the Atlas describing the individual wares can be accessed through the main menu, which lists the wares by CLASS (table wares, cooking wares, transport amphoras etc) or SOURCE (by province of origin). Links to these indices will also be found in the main menu bar.
QuarryScapes Atlas

The QuarryScapes Atlas displays a variety of ancient quarry landscapes. The purpose of the atlas is first of all to show the great variability of such landscapes and introducing them with photos and few words. The atlas will be further developed, and hopefully evolve to a comprehensive web-book with contributions from many researchers. In this first edition of the atlas we have picked 15 quarry landscapes; most of them in the project region, but also a few outside. Collectively, these 15 sites display a broad range of quarry landscapes; different periods and historical settings, different geology, morphology and climate. Also, they are in different stages of development as cultural heritage sites, from “unknown and remote” to outdoor museums.

Register of Ancient Geographic Entities (RAGE)
A cooperative effort to provide the infrastructure for cross-project placname searches and interactive online mapping applications.
Regnum Francorum Online — interactive maps and sources of early medieval Europe 614-840
This is a website about visualizing early medieval Europe 614-840 on maps. Here you will find interactive maps of the Frankish kingdom, activities of Merovingian and Carolingian kings, donations of the nobility and development of the property of monasteries and other institutions. The locations on the map are clickable and connected to quotes from, and references to primary sources and literature. Simply click on a location and discover which sources are available on this site and on the internet for a particular city. There is an overview of the interactive maps in the Gallery section, intended as a starting point if you are new to this website.
A second edition of Mary T. Boatwright, Daniel J. Gargola, Noel Lenski, Richard J. A. TalbertThe Romans: From Village to Empire: A History of Rome from Earliest Times to the End of the Western Empire has appeared from Oxford University Press (2011). [This site] provides access to digital (.pdf) versions of the maps that appear in the text. As the files are large, we recommend that you right click the link below the thumbnail and save a local copy.
Rome’s World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered
The Peutinger Map is the only map of the Roman world to come down to us from antiquity. An elongated object full of colorful detail and featuring land routes across Europe, North Africa, and the Near East, it was mysteriously rediscovered around 1500 and then came into the ownership of Konrad Peutinger, for whom it is named. Today it is among the treasures of the Austrian National Library in Vienna. Richard J. A. Talbert’s Rome’s World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered offers a long overdue reinterpretation and appreciation of the map as a masterpiece of both mapmaking and imperial Roman ideology...
Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project
This site is dedicated to exploring the Forma Urbis Romae, or Severan Marble Plan of Rome. This enormous map, measuring ca. 18.10 x 13 meters (ca. 60 x 43 feet), was carved between 203-211 CE and covered an entire wall inside the Templum Pacis in Rome. It depicted the groundplan of every architectural feature in the ancient city, from large public monuments to small shops, rooms, and even staircases. For more information about the map itself, go to the Map page.
Theban Mapping Project 
Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP, now based at the American University in Cairo) has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes. With its thousands of tombs and temples, Thebes is one of the world's most important archaeological zones. Sadly, however, it has not fared well over the years. Treasure-hunters and curio-seekers plundered it in the past; pollution, rising ground water, and mass-tourism threaten it in the present. Even early archaeologists destroyed valuable information in their search for museum-quality pieces.

Today, however, we realize that the monuments of Thebes are a finite resource. If we fail to protect and monitor them, they will vanish, and we and our descendants will all be the poorer. The TMP believes that the first and most essential step in preserving this heritage is a detailed map and database of every archaeological, geological, and ethnographic feature in Thebes. Only when these are available can sensible plans be made for tourism, conservation, and further study.

During the last decade, the TMP has concentrated on the Valley of the Kings. Modern surveying techniques were used to measure its tombs. From the data collected, the TMP is preparing 3-D computer models of the tombs. And of course, the TMP is continuing its excavation of KV 5. For the TMP staff, sharing their work with the interested public is just as important as what they do in the field. This has been done through a series of publications and this growing website.
 Theban Tombs Satellite Mapping Project
Welcome to the Theban Tombs Satellite Mapping Project! The map is designed to be an interactive experience for users. You will be able to zoom in and out, view information about buildings and parking lots, and print out findings. This menu is to help you to understand the functions of the map in order to provide a more fulfilling experience!
Traveling with Pausanias: Using Google Earth to Engage Students with Ancient Maps
John Gruber-Miller
December 14th, 2012
There are several files available: Rivers of Pausanias Book 5 (including the rivers of Arcadia, and the Jordan River), Cataracts of the Nile, and Olympic winners named in Pausanias 5.8-9 and their hometowns. To download the .KMZ files (in a compressed/ZIP folder), please click here.
Trismegistos Places (GEO and GEOREF
Currently 30495 place records (GEO) and 117663 place attestation records (GEOREF).
A database of places related to the ancient world
by Trismegistos

Based on the foundations of the Fayum Project (Graeco-Roman Egypt) of the KULeuven and the project Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt of Cologne University.
Unlocking historic landscapes in the eastern Mediterranean
Jim Crow (University of Edinburgh) and Sam Turner (Newcastle University), 2010

In many areas of the Eastern Mediterranean there are landscapes exhibiting exceptional time-depth, where the historic landscape is made up of visible features from many different periods. Our research adapted and used a new technique developed in Britain (Historic Landscape Characterisation - HLC) for the first time in the eastern Mediterranean to study these landscapes. HLC is a method for mapping the landscape that can be used to interpret how and when different elements were created. Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) we integrated data from historical, archaeological and other sources to create detailed, long-term landscape histories of two case-studies areas.
vici.org: De Romeinse kaart
Vici.org brengt het Romeinse verleden in kaart.
Vici.org helpt historisch geïnteresseerden en toeristen het verleden opnieuw te beleven, op die plekken waar het zich afgespeeld heeft. Vici.org biedt een platform waarop erfgoed zichtbaar gemaakt kan worden.

Creative Commons

Vici.org is geïnspireerd door Wikipedia. Gelijk Wikipedia is alle content beschikbaar onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen-licentie. Iedereen wordt uitgenodigd via Vici.org zijn of haar kennis van het Romeinse verleden te delen.


De huidige versie van Vici.org biedt basale functionaliteit en is in veel opzichten nog niet af. De volgende lijst geeft inzicht in enige beoogde verbeteringen.
  • Aanvullende en verbeterde vertalingen.
  • Een helppagina of helpfunctionaliteit.
  • Een voorziening om oudere versies van de teksten en data te kunnen bekijken.
  • Biedt de mogelijkheid aan gebruikers om lijnen als wegen en aquaducten toe te kunnen voegen.
  • Biedt de mogelijkheid om afbeeldingen toe te voegen.
The West Bank and East Jerusalem Searchable Map
This collection includes lists of archaeological sites that have been surveyed or excavated since Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1967. Since that time, the oversight of the antiquities of the area has devolved on two government bodies: the military administration's Staff Officer for Archaeology (SOA) in Judea and Samaria and the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The IAA, which is responsible for East Jerusalem, is a civil branch of government and its records are open for inspection. Some of the records of the Staff Officer for Archaeology in Judea and Samaria are being accessed in full for the first time as a result of the joint Israeli-Palestinian Archaeology Working Group. This involved a team of Israeli and a team of Palestinian archaeologists and cultural heritage professionals working in concert to create new data resources that document the single, unitary archaeological landscape of the southern Levant, which is now bisected by the modern borders.
 Women of ASOR Map
The “Women of ASOR” Map will act as a networking resource for ASOR’s membership, as it displays the locations of professional female members around the globe – pinpointing the universities, museums or other organizations where they work and the sites at which they excavate...
World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS)
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors (many of them the leading authorities on the subject).

Open Access Journal: Theologica Xaveriana

Theologica Xaveriana
Theologica Xaveriana es una publicación seriada de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, de Bogotá (Colombia) con periodicidad semestral. Circula de manera ininterrumpida desde 1951. Publica artículos inéditos de investigación, reflexión y revisión, así como documentos y reseñas de libros que dan cuenta del quehacer teológico actual.
El Comité Editorial, el Comité Científico y el Equipo de Dirección y Producción Editorial de la revista son las instancias colectivas llamadas a asegurar el cumplimiento de su política editorial, la eficacia y transparencia de sus procesos y el cumplimiento de sus estándares académicos y éticos.

Los artículos que se presentan para publicación son sometidos a arbitraje, a cargo de evaluadores externos a la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana expertos en las temáticas tratadas. En este proceso, los editores mantienen en reserva los nombres de los evaluadores y de los autores de los trabajos.

El Equipo de Dirección y Producción Editorial opera bajo el cargo del editor. Entre otras funciones, es la instancia responsable de aceptar o rechazar los trabajos presentados, según los informes recibidos de los evaluadores, decisión que el editor comunica al autor.

Los trabajos aceptados para publicación en Theologica Xaveriana son reproducidos por sus editores en la versión electrónica de la revista.

Online Informationsblatt der deutschsprachigen Ägyptologie

[First posted 16 November 2010. Updated 17 January 2014]

Info - Online: Informationsblatt der deutschsprachigen Ägyptologie
Hier finden sich die Anschriften und Kontakte der einzelnen Seminare bzw. Institute für Ägyptologie in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich sowie sonstiger deutschsprachiger Instituten und Forschungseinrichtungen.
Unter dem Punkt Lehre sind die einzelnen Veranstaltungen (Vorlesungen, Seminare, Übungen, etc.) der unterschiedlichen Seminare und Institute pro Semester aufgelistet.
Zu den Abschlussarbeiten gehören Themen einzelner Dissertationen, Magisterarbeiten usw., teilweise mit kurzem Abstract.
Projekte an verschiedenen Universitäten geben eine Übersicht über die dort laufenden (und abgeschlossenen) Projekten mit Angaben zu Projektmitarbeitern, kurzer Zusammenfassung und - sofern vorhanden - Hinweisen auf WWW-Seiten.
Bei Museen und Sammlungen findet sich eine Liste derselben mit Informationen unter anderem zu Öffnungszeiten, Ansprechpartner und weiterführenden Informationen.
Die Suche ermöglicht die gezielte Recherche nach allen Angaben, wie sie im Info erfasst sind.
Pro Semester werden zudem alle Angaben des "Info" in einer PDF-Datei zusammengefasst, die über den Punkt PDF-Archiv/Semester aufgerufen werden kann.
Abonnieren Sie den RSS-Feed, um über Neuerungen laufend informiert zu werden.

Museen und Sammlungen

Theoi Greek Mythology: Eploring Mythology in Classical Literature & Art


Oxford Expedition To Egypt: Scene-details Database

Oxford Expedition To Egypt: Scene-details Database
During the first half of the Twentieth Century two learned women based at the Griffith Institute in Oxford devised an economical yet effective filing system, so that information concerning antiquities from Ancient Egypt could be recorded on cards and categorized systematically in preparation for a bibliographical series. Patient research enabled Bertha Porter and Rosalind Moss to transform their earliest files into a comprehensive reference book and, with its launch worldwide, the series they envisaged was truly within their grasp. The title of this series was the Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings, often shortened by Egyptologists to Top. Bib., Porter and Moss or simply PM, in recognition of its co-founders. After the death of Bertha Porter, the production of PM volumes was continued by Dr Moss and her staff until the management of the project was assumed by Dr Jaromir Malek in the 1970s.  Thereafter, the series was enhanced by the addition of wide-ranging appendices, and from the 1990s, with the rapid advances in digital and computer technology, Jaromir Malek's responsibilities expanded even further as he endeavoured to steer the series as smoothly as possible into the digital era...

Open Access Journal: Classics@

 [First posted in AWOL 1/11/2009, most recently updated 18 January 2014]

Classics@, edited by a team working for the Center for Hellenic Studies and headed by Gregory Nagy and James O'Donnell, is designed to bring contemporary classical scholarship to a wide audience on the World Wide Web. Each issue will be dedicated to its own topic, often with guest editors, for an in-depth exploration of important current problems in the field of Classics. We hope that Classics@ will appeal not only to professional classicists, but also to the intellectually curious who are willing to enter the conversation in our discipline. We hope that they find that classical scholarship engages issues of great significance to a wide range of cultural and scholarly concerns and does so in a rigorous and challenging way.

Each issue of Classics@ is meant to be not static but dynamic, continuing to evolve with interaction from its readers as participants. New issues will appear when the editors think there is good material to offer. Often it will emphasize work done in and through the Center for Hellenic Studies, but it will also call attention to fresh and interesting work presented elsewhere on the web. It stresses the importance of research-in-progress, encouraging collegial debate (while discouraging polemics for the sake of polemics) as well as the timely sharing of important new information.

Issue 11

Issue 11: The Rhetoric of Abuse in Greek Literature. This volume grew out of the need for a venue in which to engage collaboratively on the topic of abuse. Abuse has of course been widely studied, and in the last few years there has been a renewed interest in abuse as a broader cultural and literary phenomenon, but there are reasonable restrictions as to how it has been addressed. One goal of this volume is to initiate a scholarly discussion that will allow greater heterogeneity in the material covered and in the theoretical models brought to bear on that material. Another is to encourage experimentation and collaborative exchange among scholars working in seemingly unconnected fields. Most importantly, perhaps, we would like to foster a deeper understanding of the role of abuse in all of Greek literature, across genres and time periods, through the kind of cumulative knowledge that comes from collaborative work in different fields.

Issue 10

Issue 10: Historical Poetics in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Greece: Essays in Honor of Lily Macrakis. History needs art to give it form; art needs history to give it resonance. This relationship of history and art is the theme of the essays by distinguished international scholars collected in this volume. Its publication celebrates the career and work of Professor Lily Macrakis. She is an eminent chronicler of modern Greek history whose seminal work, Venizelos: A Study in Cretan Leadership, remains essential to an understanding of the most influential Greek leader of the 20th century. Among her other accomplishments, Professor Macrakis was president of The Modern Greek Studies Association from 1977 to 1979 and has been an influential figure in the organization since its inception. Equally significant has been her role as a devoted teacher of Greek history and culture to multitudes of students. Professor Macrakis thus truly embodies the spirit and significance of the articles presented in this Festschrift so fittingly dedicated to her.

Issue 9

Issue 9: Defense Mechanisms in Interdisciplinary Approaches to Classical Studies and Beyond. Nowadays people speak of “defense mechanisms” as both negative and positive forms of behavior: examples of negative forms are denial, repression, acting out, projection, rationalization, intellectualization, while one of the few positive forms is assertion, a way of responding that takes the middle ground between aggressive and passive. In the spirit of this positive form of assertion and in both technical and non-technical senses of the expression “defense mechanisms,” the present issue of Classics@ has been given its title. The aim is to publish online research papers and essays in Classics and in other disciplines, related or unrelated, that explore strategies where the primary purpose is to defend assertively rather than attack. The justification is straightforward: discoveries and discovery procedures in research require and deserve a reasoned defense.

Issue 8

Issue 8: A Homer commentary in progress, eds. D. Frame, L. Muellner, and G. Nagy (coming soon)

Issue 7

Issue 7: Les femmes, le féminin et le politique après Nicole Loraux, Colloque de Paris (INHA), novembre 2007 is the result of a conference held in Paris (INHA, 15–17 November 2007) which was co-organized by the Centre Louis Gernet (CNRS-EHESS), the Équipe Phéacie (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Université Denis-Diderot Paris VII) and the Réseau National Interuniversitaire sur le Genre (RING, Paris). The aim of the conference was to explore Nicole Loraux’s legacy concerning the feminine and the polis both in Hellenic Studies and in feminist scholarship.

Issue 6

Issue 6: Reflecting on the Greek Epic Cycle is the result of a conference held in Ancient Olympia on 9–10 July 2010, which was co-organized by the Center for Hellenic Studies (Harvard University) and the Centre for the Study of Myth and Religion in Greek and Roman Antiquity (University of Patras). The goal of the conference was to explore problems concerning the surviving fragments of the Greek Epic Cycle that have heretofore been neglected. Guest Editor: Efimia D. Karakantza.

Issue 5

Issue 5: Proceedings of the Derveni Papyrus Conference reflects a three-day symposium on the Derveni Papyrus hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies in July, 2008, on the occasion of the recent publication of the edition by Theokritos Kouremenos, George M. Parássoglou, and Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou (Florence, Olschki, 2006; the text of the papyrus from that edition is available on this website here). The symposium was an opportunity to gather scholars who in the course of the past decades have been working on this text to address a set of issues relating to the edition and integration of the papyrus, its translation, and its interpretation.

Issue 4

Issue 4: The New Sappho on Old Age: Textual and Philosophical Issues is the online edition of a print volume published by the Center for Hellenic Studies in 2009 (available through Harvard University Press, here). This volume is the first collection of essays in English devoted to discussion of the newly-recovered Sappho poem and two other incomplete texts on the same papyri. Containing eleven new essays by leading scholars, it addresses a wide range of textual and philological issues connected with the find. Using different approaches, the contributions demonstrate how the "New Sappho" can be appreciated as a gracefully spare poetic statement regarding the painful inevitability of death and aging. Guest Editors: Ellen Greene and Marilyn B. Skinner.

Issue 3

Issue 3: The Homerizon: Conceptual Interrogations in Homeric Studies is the result of a colloquium held at the Center. The colloquium had as its goals the serious interrogation of cherished assumptions about Homeric “culture” and “texuality”; and the exploration of the wider cultural significance of the perennial Homeric Question(s).

Issue 2

Issue 2: Ancient Mediterranean Cultural Informatics. The second issue of Classics@ is the first edition of an ongoing project of publication aimed at documenting this emerging sub-discipline of our field, the scholarship of creating, analyzing, and disseminating humanist learning electronically. This issue features articles describing these projects and others like them — new work of high quality that is expanding the depth and breadth of our field. It also looks back at the history of this sub-discipline, and forward toward emerging standards, tools, and potentials.

Issue 1

Issue 1: New Epigrams Attributed to Posidippus of Pella. Editors: Gregory Nagy and James O'Donnell. Guest Editors of Issue One: Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, Martine Cuypers, and Francesca Angiò.

Open Access Journal: The Silk Road

[First posted in AWOL  11 December 2009. Updated 19 January 2014]

The Silk Road
Our journal is dedicated to public education about the history and cultures of Eurasia, especially in pre-modern times. While we invoke the historic "Silk Road" in our title, our view of the Silk Roads is an expansive one, encompassing pre-history, the era beginning with the establishment of trans-Eurasian trade and cultural interaction some two millennia ago, and the subsequent history of those interactions down through the centuries. Modern evocations of cultural traditions are of interest, especially in the areas which historically have been the domain of pastoral nomads. We publish articles by well known scholars and those who have other expertise on the regions and material of interest. Where possible we are communicating the results of the latest research, including new archaeological investigations. The journal also serves as the means to alert readers about upcoming programs connected with Silk Road topics.

Biblical Studies Online

Biblical Studies Online
The goal of Biblical Studies Online is to provide both biblical scholars and the interested wider public with ease of access to quality biblical scholarship, as it comes available online.

More and more biblical scholarship is being published open-access and online – not only in traditional book form, but in a variety of media, including videos and sound recordings. In addition there are many more free New Testament and free Old Testament materials available to read.

Unfortunately, it is often difficult to locate these resources on the internet, and sometimes difficult for those less experienced with biblical scholarship to distinguish worthwhile material from that which is inaccurate or even grossly misleading. And when it comes to the Bible, there is no shortage of the latter to be found. For this reason, Biblical Studies Online offers a gateway for the dissemination and publicizing of worthwhile open-access, online biblical scholarship.

To search for online Biblical Studies resources, please either click on the category in which you are interested, or use the search-box, in the column to the right.
Biblical Studies Online is maintained by:

Prof. James Crossley, University of Sheffield
Dr. Deane Galbraith, University of Otago

Open Access Collection: Tyndale Press Monographs

Tyndale Press Monographs
On-line ResourceG. Ch. Aalders [1880-1961], The Problem of the Book of Jonah. London: Tyndale, 1948. pp.30.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceF.F. Bruce, The Hittites and the Old Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1947. Pbk. pp.28.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceF.F. Bruce, The Speeches in the Acts of the Apostles. Tyndale New Testament Lecture, 1942. London: The Tyndale Press, 1943. pp.27.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceR. G. Cochrane, Biblical Leprosy: A Suggested Interpretation London: The Tyndale Press, 1963. Pbk. pp.24.
On-line ResourceF.D. Coggan, The New Testament Basis of Moral Theology. London: The Tyndale Press, 1948. Pbk. pp.15.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceAlan Cole, The New Temple: A Study of the Origins of the Catechetical 'Form' of the Church in the New Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1950. pp.55.
On-line ResourceC. De Wit, The Date And Route of The Exodus. London: The Tyndale Press, 1960. Pbk. pp.20.
On-line ResourceA.S. Dunstone, The Atonement in Gregory of Nyssa. London: Tyndale Press, 1964. Pbk. pp.31.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceH.L. Ellison, The Centrality of the Messianic Idea For the Old Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1953. Pbk. pp.23.
On-line ResourceP.W. Evans, Sacraments in the New Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1946. Pbk. pp.32.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceFrancis Foulkes, The Acts of God. A Study of the Basis of Typology in the Old Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1955. Pbk. pp.40.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceMichael Green, 2 Peter Reconsidered, 1961. London: The Tyndale Press, 1968. Pbk. ISBN: 0851110207. pp.37.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceDonald Guthrie, The Pastoral Epistles and the Mind of Paul. The Tyndale New Testament Lecture, 1955. London: The Tyndale Press, 1956. Pbk. pp.44.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monographHughes: Scripture and MythPhilip E. Hughes, Scripture and Myth. An Examination of Rudolf Bultmann's Plea for Demythologization. London: The Tyndale Press, 1956. Pbk. pp.30. Reprinted Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2009. Hbk. ISBN-13: 978-1608991266. pp.30. {Amazon.com}
On-line ResourceE.F. Kevan, The Evangelical Doctrine of Law. London: Tyndale Press, 1956. pp.28.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceF. Derek Kidner, Sacrifice in the Old Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1952. Pbk. 27. View in PDF format [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
On-line ResourceI.H. Marshall, Eschatology and the Parables. London: The Tyndale Press, 1963. Pbk. pp.48.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceRalph P.Martin, An Early Christian Confession. Philippians II. 5-11 in Recent Interpretation. London: The Tyndale Press, 1960. pp.69.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceW.J. Martin, Stylistic Criteria and the Analysis of the Pentateuch. London: Tyndale Press, 1955. pp.23.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceLeon Morris, The Wages of Sin. Tyndale New Testament Lecture, 1954. London: The Tyndale Press, 1954. pp. 30.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceLeon Morris, The Biblical Doctrine of Judgment. London: The Tyndale Press, 1960. Pbk. ISBN: 0851110185. pp.72.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceLeon Morris, The New Testament and the Jewish Lectionaries. London: The Tyndale Press, 1964. Pbk. pp.78.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceRev. J.A. Motyer, The Revelation of the Divine Name, 1959. London: Tyndale Press, 1970. Pbk. pp.31.
On-line ResourceJohn Murray, The Covenant of Grace. London: The Tyndale Press, 1954. Pbk. pp.32.View in PDF format[All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the current copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
On-line ResourceRobin Ernest Nixon [1932-1978], The Exodus in the New Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1963. Pbk. pp.32.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceH.P.V. Nunn, The Fourth Gospel: An Outline of the Problem and Evidence. London: The Tyndale Press, 1946. pp.39.[All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
On-line ResourceJames I Packer, What Did the Cross Achieve. The Logic of Penal Substitution. The Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture, 1973 = Tyndale Bulletin 25 (1974): 3-45.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceDavid F. Payne, Genesis One Reconsidered. London: The Tyndale Press, 1964. pp.29.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceH.N. Ridderbos, The Speeches of Peter in the Acts of the Apostles. London: The Tyndale Press, 1962. Pbk. pp.31.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceDonald W.B. Robinson, Josiah's Reform and the Book of the Law. London: The Tyndale Press, 1951. pp.40.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceDeryck Sheriffs, "Moving on with God: Key motifs in Exodus 13-20,"Themelios 15.2 (1990): 49-60.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceE.K. Simpson, M.A., Words Worth Weighing in the Greek New Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1946. Pbk. pp.32. View in PDF format
On-line ResourceA. Skevington Wood [1916–1993], Luther's Principles of Biblical Interpretation. London: The Tyndale Press, 1946. pp.36.View in PDF format[All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
On-line ResourceAlan M. Stibbs, The Finished Work of Christ. London: The Tyndale Press, 1952. Pbk. pp.40.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceAlan M. Stibbs, God Became Man. London: The Tyndale Press, 1957. pp.36.
On-line ResourceAlan M. Stibbs, The Meaning of the Word 'Blood' in Scripture, 2nd edn. London: The Tyndale Press, 1962. pp.32. View in PDF format
On-line ResourceNed B. Stonehouse, The Areopagus Address. London: The Tyndale Press, 1948. Pbk. pp.48.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceRandolph Vincent Greenwood Tasker [1895-1976], The Biblical Doctrine of the Wrath of God, 1951. London: The Tyndale Press, 1957. Pbk. pp.48.
On-line ResourceRandolph Vincent Greenwood Tasker [1895-1976], The Gospel in the Epistle of the Hebrews, 1950. London: The Tyndale Press, 1956. Pbk. pp.56.
On-line ResourceDavid Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "The Prophet" in the Lachish Ostraca. London: The Tyndale Press, 1946. Pbk. pp.28.View in PDF format
On-line ResourceJ.A. Thompson, The Ancient Near Eastern Treaties and the Old Testament. The Tyndale Lecture in Biblical Archaeology, 1963. London: The Tyndale Press, 1964. Pbk. pp.39.View in PDF format[Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holders, Wycliffe Bible Translators (Australia)]
On-line ResourceJ.G.S.S. Thomson, The Word of the Lord in Jeremiah. London: Tyndale Press, 1959. Pbk. pp.20.
On-line ResourceJohn W. Wenham, Our Lord's View of the Old Testament. London: The Tyndale Press, 1953. pp.32. View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceJohn W. Wenham, Large Numbers in the Old Testament. London: Tyndale Press, 1967. Pbk. pp.36.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line ResourceJ. Stafford Wright, The Date of Ezra’s Coming to Jerusalem, 1947. London: The Tyndale Press, 1958. pp.32. [© The Trustees of the Estate of J Stafford Wright 2009. Quoted by Permission.]
On-line ResourceJ. Stafford Wright, The Building of the Second Temple. London: The Tyndale Press, 1958. pp.20. [© The Trustees of the Estate of J Stafford Wright 2009. Quoted by Permission.]
On-line ResourceEdward J. Young, Daniel's Vision of the Son of Man. London: The Tyndale Press, 1958. pp.28.View in PDF format[Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]

Aegaeum Online

Some volumes of Aegaeum are available open access:
  • Aegaeum 22 (2001/épuisé) POTNIA. Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 8th International Aegean Conference / 8e Rencontre égéenne internationale, Göteborg University, 12-15 April 2000, edited by Robert Laffineur and Robin Hägg : 1 volume, 496 pages, 108 planches hors-texte.
  • Aegaeum 18 (1998 / épuisé) Eric H. CLINE and Diane HARRIS-CLINE (eds), The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium, Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium, Cincinnati, 18-20 April 1997, 1 volume, 363 pages, 33 planches hors-texte.
  • Aegaeum 12 (1995) POLITEIA. Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 5th International Aegean Conference / 5e Rencontre égéenne internationale, University of Heidelberg, Archäologisches Institut, 10-13 April 1994, edited by Robert Laffineur and Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier : 2 volumes, 674 pages, 75 planches hors texte.
  • Aegaeum 7 (1991) THALASSA. L'Egée préhistorique et la mer. Actes de la 3e Rencontre égéenne internationale de l'Université de Liège, Station de recherches sous-marines et océanographiques, Calvi, Corse, 23-25 avril 1990, édités par Robert Laffineur et Lucien Basch : 324 pages, 65 planches hors-texte.
  • Aegaeum 5 (1990) Aegean Seals, Sealings and Administration. Proceedings of the NEH-Dickson Conference of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory of the Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin, January 11-13, 1989, edited by Thomas G. Palaima : 250 pages, 40 planches hors-texte.
  • Aegaeum 1 (1987)THANATOS. Les coutumes funéraires en Egée à l'âge du Bronze. Actes du colloque de Liège, 21-23 avril 1986, édités par Robert Laffineur.

Newly Open Access Journal: Studia Oliveriana

Studia Oliveriana
Giusto sessant’anni or sono, nel febbraio 1953, viene pubblicato il primo numero di “Studia Oliveriana”, organo della Biblioteca e dei Musei Oliveriani di Pesaro, un’istituzione voluta da due grandi insigni studiosi del XVIII secolo, Annibale Olivieri e Giovan Battista Passeri: tale istituzione si aprirà al pubblico il primo maggio del 1793, giusto 220 anni or sono.

Quel primo fascicolo della rivista recava la firma di Scevola Mariotti che nella prefazione dettava le ragioni e i limiti che il periodico si imponeva: certamente l’attenzione allo sterminato patrimonio librario, documentario, archeologico, storico artistico oliveriano,  e alle figure pesaresi storicamente eminenti nelle arti e nelle scienze, ma anche a quei lavori “che, pur restando nei limiti posti al periodico, superano un interesse puramente locale”. 

Con questo spirito ci accingiamo a dar vita a una quarta serie di “Studia Oliveriana” che possa risultare ancor più adeguata alle esigenze del mondo accademico, e non solo.

Le aree tematiche individuate sono principalmente tre: filologia e letteratura, tradizione e fortuna dell’antico, storia e antichità, con particolare riferimento al patrimonio culturale oliveriano da assumersi, possibilmente, come fonte per casi di studio di interesse generale, cioè tale da suscitare attenzione nella comunità internazionale degli studiosi. 

La rivista adotta i principali criteri valutativi riconosciuti dall’ANVUR e dalla comunità scientifica internazionale, a partire dalla double-blind peer review per ogni saggio proposto (vd. regole per l’invio dei contributi).

E' in corso la riproduzione digitale della prima serie di Studia Oliveriana
Di seguito le annate già disponibili per la consultazione online 


Open Access Journal: SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia

SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia
ISSN electrónico: 2174-517X
ISSN impreso: 0210-3729
SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia es una revista que publica un volumen anual dedicado, principalmente, a la prehistoria y arqueología de la Península Ibérica y del ámbito mediterráneo, así como al patrimonio arqueológico.

Vol 45 (2013)

Vista aérea del nuraghe polilobulado en S'Uraki (Cerdeña). En gris, las estructuras nurágicas; en negro, las de época púnica y romana (Fotografía A. Roppa, J. Hayne y E. Madrigali)

Vol 44 (2012)

Primer número de la revista Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, editado en 1962.

Vol 43 (2011)

Dibujos realizados por: F. Pozo (enero de 1938), 13 años, curso 3º B (València) (izq.); J. Aparicio Alonso (12 años), Escola-Llar de Antella (der.). Fuente: They Still Draw Pictures, Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of California, San Diego, EE.UU.

Vol 42 (2010)

Necrópolis de Son Real (Mallorca) (Fotografía Jordi Hernández-Gasch y Damià Ramís Bernad).

Vol 41 (2009)

Pecio Albufereta 1 (Alicante) (Fotografía J. A. Moya, 2002).

Vol 40 (2008)

Figurita antropomorfa de Valada do Mato (Portugal) (Fotografía V. S. Gonçalves; dibujo Patricia Bargão).

Vol 39 (2007)

Primera fase del patio de una casa mauritana en Lixus (Marruecos) (Fotografía Carmen Aranegui Gascó).

Vol 38 (2006)

Cova del Trenc (Albocàsser, Castelló) (Fotografía Javier Fernández López de Pablo).

Vol 37 (2005)

Litoral de Saguntum desde la montaña del Picaio (Fotografía José Miguel Ruiz).

Vol 36 (2004)

Exvoto femenino en piedra del santuario de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba) (Fotografía Eva Collado).

VOL 35 (2003)

Birreme de terracota del Cerro de las Balsas (Alicante) (Fotografía Arpa Patrimonio S. L.).

Vol 34 (2002)

Placa de hueso con inscripción latina SVCCESSI ANAIS, procedente de Segobriga (Fotografía: Juan Manuel Abascal y Rosario Cebrián)

Vol 33 (2001)

Ciervo pintado en Abric I de la Xivana (Alfarb, Valencia) (Fotografía Esther López-Montalvo et al.)

Vol 32 (2000)

Pendientes de oro en creciente con lágrima central de La Albufereta (Alicante) (Fotografía Alicia Perea).

Vol 31 (1998)

Vista al MBS de carbón de vitis vinifera var. sylvestris del neolítico reciente de Makri (Grecia) (Fotografía Ernestina Badal García)

Vol 30 (1997): Homenatge a la Pra. Dra. Milagro Gil-Mascarell Boscá. II

Milagro Gil-Mascarell, en la torre de Foios (Llucena) junto a Domingo Fletcher y Mª Ángeles Vall (Fotografía Archivo Museu de Prehistòria de València)

Vol 29 (1995): Homenatge a la Pra. Dra. Milagro Gil-Mascarell Boscá. I

Milagro Gil-Mascarell Boscá, con gafas, junto a Carmen Aranegui, Mª Ángeles Vall y Ana Salvá, durante el Congreso Nacional de Arqueología de Mérida (1968) (Fotografía Carmen Aranegui Gascó)

Vol 28 (1995): Homenatge al Professor Dr. Miquel Tarradell i Mateu

Professor Dr. Miquel Tarradell i Mateu (Fotografía Carmen Aranegui Gascó)

Vol 27 (1994)

Escena pintada conocida como "la cabalgata nupcial" de Edeta (Llíria) (Fotografía Eva Collado Mataix)

And see also:

Open Access Journal: SAGVNTVM Extra. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia - Extra


Consortium of Hellenic Studies Librarians

COHSL: Consortium of Hellenic Studies Librarians
Statement of purpose:
The Consortium of Hellenic Studies Librarians (CoHSL) is a group of academic research librarians in the United States committed to building and maintaining collections in Hellenic Studies. The consortium seeks to promote the sharing of information and collaborative projects that enhance the depth and scope of the combined collections and to facilitate access to them.
Five librarians specializing in Hellenic Studies met at Princeton University in April 2004. At a second meeting at the Harvard University Center for Hellenic Studies the group had grown to include 10 members. From this informal gathering a somewhat more organized group was created. The Consortium of Hellenic Studies Librarians (CoHSL) is a group of academic research librarians committed to building and maintaining research collections in Hellenic Studies.

The information available on this site is intended not only for the use of CoHSL members, but for researchers who may have an interest in learning about resources in Hellenic Studies at academic research institutions.

There is no membership fee and the consortium is open to library subject specialists and scholars worldwide. If you wish to join the group, please contact any of the members of the CoHSL (see Member Institutions).

To subscribe to the listserv, please follow the directions at: CoHSL-list -- listserv for the Consortium of Hellenic Studies Librarians

We met in January 2009 at the APA conference in Philadelphia to discuss the Collaborative Project for Hellenic Resources (CPHP), a cooperative effort among the Consortium, the MGSA library committee, CRL, and individual librarians and publishers in Greece and beyond to establish guidelines on the use of Greek-language MARC records, indexing of journals, digital projects, and resource sharing. We usually meet at the APA and/or MGSA conferences. So far, we have met only once otside the U.S., at the Gennadius Library in Athens, December 7-10, 2006. Please see Karen Green's photo album from the meeting.

Open Access Books from the Library of the Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée - Lyon

[First posted in AWOL 21 July 2009, updated 6 December 2010, updated 26 October 2011, updated 20 January 2014]

La Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée - Bibliothèque numérique - Digimom

[n.b.  This collection seems now to appear also in the context of e-corpus]
La Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée a initié un projet de numérisation d’ouvrages libres de droit couvrant les thèmes de recherche de ses équipes. Appelés à se diversifier et à se développer régulièrement, les fonds numérisés appartiennent pour l’instant aux domaines de l’égyptologie et de la civilisation gréco-latine, qu’il s’agisse d’histoire, d’archéologie ou de textes classiques. La plupart des ouvrages concernés datent de la fin du 19ème ou du début du 20ème siècle. Plusieurs ouvrages issus du fonds des livres rares, anciens ou précieux ont également été sélectionnés, notamment les récits des grandes expéditions scientifiques du 19e siècle. Les pages des ouvrages sont numérisées en mode image, à une résolution moyenne de 180 dpi. On utilise à cette fin un scanner pour livres précieux (Digibook 5600), pour les pages de texte et les planches en niveaux de gris, ainsi que différents scanners à plat pour les planches en couleur. Les fichiers subissent ensuite un traitement leur permettant d’être facilement consultables sur le web (passage du format TIFF au format JPEG et abaissement de la résolution à 150 dpi).

When I first posted this list on AWOL on 7/21/09, 91 titles appeared in the collection. As of today, 20 January 2014, 140 titles appear in the collection (listed below):

AuteurTitre de l'ouvrageAnnée
Benndorf, Otto
Niemann, George
Kiepert, Heinrich (collab)
Reisen im Südwestlichen Kleinasien. Band I, Reisen in Lykien und Karien, ausgeführt im Auftrage des K. K. Ministeriums für Cultus und Unterricht unter dienstlicher Förderung durch seiner Majestät Raddampfer "Taurus" commandant Fürst Wrede1884 
Bergeron, Pierre (trad,dir)
Plan Carpin, Jean du (collab)
Tulède, Benjamin de (collab)
Beauvais, Vincent de (collab)
Ascelin, Nicolas (collab)
Rubrouck, Guillaume de (collab)
Polo, Marco (collab)
Mandeville, Jean de (collab)
Contarini, Ambroise (collab)
Voyages faits principalement en Asie, dans les XII, XIII, XIV et XV siècles, par Benjamin de Tudèle, Jean Du Plan-Carpin, M. Ascelin, Guillaume de Rubruquis, Marc-Paul vénitien, Haiton, Jean de Mandeville et Ambroise Contarini, accompagnés de l'histoire des Sarrazins et des Tartares et précédés d'une introduction concernant les voyages et les nouvelles découvertes des principaux voyageurs. [Tome premier. Tome second] / par Pierre Bergeron1735 
Bertrand, Alexandre Louis JosephLa Religion des Gaulois : les druides et le druidisme : leçons professées à l'École du Louvre en 18961897 
Böckh, AugustCorpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen primum, Pars I., Tituli antiquissima scripturae forma insigniores. Pars II., Inscriptiones Atticae [70-302]1828 
Böckh, AugustCorpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen primum, Pars II., Inscriptiones Atticae [303-1040]. Pars III., Inscriptiones Megaricae. Pars IV., Inscriptiones Peloponnesiacae. Pars V., Inscriptiones Boeoticae. Pars VI., Inscriptiones Phocicae, Locricae, Thessalicae1828 
Böckh, AugustCorpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen secundum, Pars VII., inscriptiones Acarnaniae, Epiri, Illyrici. Pars VIII., Inscriptiones Corcyrae et Vicinarum Insularum. Pars IX., Tituli Aliquot locorum in Graecia incertorum. Pars X., Inscriptiones Macedoniae et Thraciae. Pars XI., Inscriptiones Sarmatiae cum Chersoneso Tauricae et Bosporo Cimmerio. Pars XII., Inscriptiones Insularum Aegaei Maris cum Rhodo, Creta, Cypro. Pars XIII., Inscriptiones Cariae [2653-2877]1843 
Böckh, AugustCorpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen secundum, Pars XIII., Inscriptiones Cariae [2878-2952]. Pars XIV., Inscriptiones Lydiae. Pars XV., Inscriptiones Mysiae. Pars XVI., Inscriptiones Bithyniae1843 
Böckh, August
Franz, Johannes
Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen tertium, Pars XVII., Inscriptiones Phrygiae. Pars XVIII., Inscriptiones Galatiae. Pars XIX., Inscriptiones Paphlagoniae. Pars XX., Inscriptiones Ponticae. Pars XXI., Inscriptiones Cappadociae. Pars XXII., Inscriptiones Lyciae. Pars XXIII., Inscriptiones Pamphyliae. Pars XXIV., Inscriptiones Pisidiae et Isauriae. Pars XXV., Inscriptiones Ciliciae. Pars XXVI., Inscriptiones Syriae. Pars XXVII., Inscriptiones Mesopotamiae et Assyriae. Pars XXVIII., Inscriptiones Mediae et Persidis. Pars XXIX., Inscriptiones Aegypti. Pars XXX., Inscriptiones Aethiopiae supra Aegyptum. Pars XXXI., Inscriptiones Cyrenaicae. Pars XXXII., Inscriptiones Siciliae cum Melita, Lipara, Sardinia [5367-5374]1853 

Böckh, August
Franz, Johannes
Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen tertium, Pars XXXII., Inscriptiones Sicilia cum Melita, Lipara, Sardinia [5376-5760]. Pars XXXIII., Inscriptiones Italiae. Pars XXXIV., Inscriptiones Galliarum. Pars XXXV., Inscriptiones Hispaniae. Pars XXXVI., Inscriptiones Brittaniae. Pars XXXVII., Inscriptiones Germaniae. Pars XXXVIII., Inscriptiones Pannoniae, Daciae, Illyrici. Addenda et corrigenda / edidit Ioannes Franzius ; ex materia collecta ab Augusto Boeckhio ; auctoritate et impensis Academiae Litterarum Regiae Borussicae1853 
Böckh, August (ed)
Franz, Johannes (ed)
Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen quartum, Pars XXXIX., Inscriptiones locorum incertorum [6817-8605]1877 
Böckh, August (ed)
Franz, Johannes (ed)
Curtius, Ernest (ed)
Kirchhoff, Adolphe (ed)
Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. Volumen quartum. Pars XXXIX, Inscriptiones locorum incertorum. Pars XL, Inscriptiones christianae1877 
Boschini, MarcoL'Arcipelago con tutte le isole, scolgli secche, e bassi fondi, con i mari, golfi, seni, porti, città, e castelli; nella forma, che si vedono al tempo presente...1658 
Brunn, Heinrich (dir)
Arndt, Paul Julius (dir)
Griechische und römische Porträts. [01], Tafeln 1-501891 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [02], Tafeln 51-1001892 
Brunn, Heinrich (ed)
Arndt, Paul Julius (ed)
Griechische und römische Porträts. [03], Tafeln 101-1501892 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [04], Tafeln 151-200

Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [05], Tafeln 201-2501894 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [06], Tafeln 251-3001895 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [07], Tafeln 301-3501896 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [08], Tafeln 351-4001897 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [09], Tafeln 401-4501898 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [10], Tafeln 451-5001899 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [11], Tafeln 501-5501900 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [13], Tafeln 601-650

Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [12], Tafeln 551-6001902 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [14], Tafeln 651-7001902 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [15], Tafeln 701-7501902 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [16], Tafeln 751-8001902 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [17], Tafeln 801-8501902 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [18], Tafeln 851-9001902 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [19], Tafeln 901-9501902 
Brunn, Heinrich
Arndt, Paul Julius
Griechische und römische Porträts. [20], Tafeln 951-10001902 
Champollion, Jean-FrançoisMonuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie : notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés sur les lieux. Tome 11844 
Champollion, Jean-FrançoisMonuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie : notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés sur les lieux. Tome 21844 
Chenavard, Antoine Marie
Rey, Etienne (collab)
Dalgabio, J. M. (collab)
Voyage en Grèce et dans le Levant fait en 1843-18441849 
Chenavard, Antoine MarieVoyage en Grèce et dans le Levant fait en MDCCCXLIII et MDCCCXLIV1858 
Clermont-Ganneau, Charles SimonRecueil d'archéologie orientale. Tome premier1888 
Clermont-Ganneau, Charles SimonRecueil d'archéologie orientale. Tome II1898 
Commission impériale archéologiqueRecueil d'antiquités de la Scythie : livraison Ie, avec un atlas1866 
Bruun, P.
Commission impériale archéologique
Recueil d'antiquités de la Scythie : livraison II, avec un atlas1873 
Commission impériale archéologiqueRecueil d'antiquités de la Scythie: atlas, livraison Iere1866 
Bruun, P.
Commission impériale archéologique
Recueil d'antiquités de la Scythie: atlas, livraison IIème. (planches C-F et XXII-XL)1873 
Dapper, OlfertDescription exacte des isles de l'Archipel et de quelques autres adjacentes; dont les principales sont Chypre, Rhodes, Candie, Samos, Chio, Negrepont, Lemnos, Paros, Delos, Patmos, avec un grand nombre d'autres. Comprennant leurs noms, Leur situation, leurs villes, leurs chateaux, & l'histoire tant ancienne que moderne de leurs habitants; leur gouvernement, les révolutions qui y font arrivées, & les plantes, animaux, &c. qui s'y trouvent. Enrichie de plusieurs cartes des isles, et de figures en taille-douce qui représentent les habits de leurs habitants, les plantes & les animaux les moins connus. Traduite du Flamand.1703 
De Vogüé, MelchiorSyrie centrale : architecture civile et religieuse du Ier au VIIe siècle. Tome premier1865-1877 
De Vogüé, MelchiorSyrie centrale : architecture civile et religieuse du I au VIIe siècle. Tome second1865-1877 
Desjardins, Ernest Émile AntoineGéographie historique et administrative de la Gaule romaine . Tome premier, introduction et géographie physique comparée époque romaine - époque actuelle1876 
Desjardins, Ernest Émile AntoineGéographie historique et administrative de la Gaule romaine. Tome deuxième, la conquête1878 
Desjardins, Ernest Émile AntoineGéographie historique et administrative de la Gaule romaine. Tome troisième, organisation de la conquête : la province - la cité1885 
Desjardins, Ernest Émile Antoine
Longnon, Auguste Honoré
Géographie historique et administrative de la Gaule romaine. Tome quatrième, les sources de la topographie comparée1893 
Dumont, Albert
Chaplain, Jules Clément
Céramiques de la Grèce propre : vases peints et terres cuites. Première partie : vases peints1881 
Dumont, Albert
Chaplain, Jules Clément
Céramiques de la Grèce propre. Tome second, mélanges archéologiques suivis d'un choix de terres cuites, bronzes et marbres trouvés en Grèce1890 
Dumont, Albert
Chaplain, Jules Clément
Céramiques de la Grèce propre. Tome premier, histoire de la peinture des vases grecs depuis les origines jusqu'au Ve siècle avant Jésus-Christ suivie d'un choix de vases peints trouvés en Grèce1888 
Engelmann, RichardBilder-atlas zu Ovids Metamorphosen1890 
Engelmann, RichardBilder-atlas zum Homer1889 
Garis Davies, Norman deTwo ramesside tombs at Thebes1927 
Dion Cassius
Gros, Etienne (ed)
Histoire romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 21848 
Dion Cassius
Gros, Etienne (ed)
Histoire romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 11845 
Dion Cassius
Gros, Etienne (ed)
Histoire romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 31850 
Dion Cassius
Gros, Etienne (ed)
Histoire romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 41855 
Dion Cassius
Gros, Etienne (ed)
Boissée, V. (ed)
Histoire romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 51861 
Dion Cassius
Gros, Etienne (ed,trad)
Boissée, V. (ed,trad)
Histoire romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 61863 
Hamilton, William, JohnResearches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia ; with some account of their antiquities and geology. Vol. I1842 
Hamilton, William, JohnResearches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia with some account of thier antiquities and geology. Vol. II1842 
Lortet, LouisLa Syrie d'aujourd'hui : 1875-18781880-1882 
Petersen, Eugen Adolf Hermann (ed)
Luschan, Felix von (ed)
Reisen im Südwestlichen Kleinasien. Band II,Reisen in Lykien Milyas und Kibyratis, ausgeführt auf Veranlassung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für archäologische Erforschung Kleinasiens unter dienstlicher Förderung durch Seiner Majestät Raddampfer Taurus Commandant Baritz von Ikafalva, beschrieben und im Auftrage des K. K. Ministeriums für Cultus und Unterricht1889 
Mariette, AugusteCatalogue général des monuments d'Abydos découverts pendant les fouilles de cette ville1880 
Mariette, AugusteKarnak : étude topographique et archéologique avec un appendice comprenant les principaux textes hiéroglyphiques découverts ou recueillis pendant les fouilles exécutées à Karnak. Planches1875 
Mariette, AugusteKarnak : étude topographique et archéologique avec un appendice comprenant les principaux textes hiéroglyphiques découverts ou recueillis pendant les fouilles exécutées à Karnak.Texte1875 
Mariette, AugusteAbydos : description des fouilles exécutées sur l'emplacement de cette ville... Tome premier, ville antique, temple de Séti1869 
Mariette, AugusteAbydos : description des fouilles exécutées sur l'emplacement de cette ville... . Tome deuxième, temple de Séti (supplément), temple de Ramsès, temple d'Osiris, petit temple de l'ouest, nécropole1880 
Maspero, GastonLe Musée égyptien : recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte. Tome second1907 
Grébaut, E.
Maspero, Gaston
Le Musée égyptien : recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte. Tome premier1890-1900 
Maspero, GastonLe Musée égyptien : recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d'Egypte. Tome troisième1915 
Maspero, GastonCatalogue du Musée égyptien de Marseille1889 
Maspero, Gaston (dir)
Bouriant, Urbain
Loret, Victor
Dulac, H.
Mémoires publiés par les membres de la mission archéologique française au Caire. Tome premier. Fasc. 11889 
Maspero, Gaston (dir)
Bouriant, Urbain
Ravaisse, Paul
Virey, Philippe
Mémoires publiés par les membres de la mission archéologique française au Caire. Tome premier. Fasc. 2 / sous la dir. de M. Maspero1889 
Morgan, Jacques deFouilles à Dahchour : mars-juin 18941895 
Morgan, Jacques deFouilles à Dahchour en 1894-18951903 
Morgan, Jacques deCarte de la nécropole memphite : Dahchour, Sakkarah, Abou-Sir1897 
Morgan, Jacques de
Bouriant, Urbain
Legrain, Georges
Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'Egypte antique. Première série, Haute Egypte. Tome premier, de la frontière de Nubie à Kom Ombos1894 
Morgan, Jacques de
Bouriant, Urbain
Legrain, Georges
Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'Egypte antique. Première série, Haute Egypte. Tome second, Kom Ombos. Première partie1895 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse. Tome premier, études géographiques1894 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse. Tome quatrième, recherches archéologiques. Première partie 1896 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse. Tome troisième, études géologiques. Première partie, géologie stratigraphique1905 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse . Tome second, études géographiques1895 
Morgan, Jacques de (ed)
Cotteau, G.
Gauthier, V.
Douvillé, Henri
Mission scientifique en Perse . Tome troisième, études géologiques. Partie II, paléontologie1895 
Morgan, Jacques de (ed)
Gauthier, V.
Mission scientifique en Perse . Tome troisième, études géologiques. Partie III, Echinides. Supplément1902 
Morgan, Jacques de
Douvillé, Henri
Mission scientifique en Perse . Tome troisième, études géologiques. Partie IV, paléontologie : mollusques fossiles1904 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse. Tome quatrième, recherches archéologiques. Deuxième partie1897 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse. Tome cinquième, études linguistiques. Première partie, dialectes kurdes, langues et dialectes du Nord de la Perse1904 
Morgan, Jacques de
Huart, Clément
Mission scientifique en Perse. Tome cinquième, études linguistiques. Deuxième partie, textes mandaïtes, u
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République. Tome second, voyage à Constantinople, aux îles de l'archipel et en CréteAn 9 [1801] 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République ; avec atlas
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse. Tome quatrième, recherches archéologiques. Deuxième partie1897 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse. Tome cinquième, études linguistiques. Première partie, dialectes kurdes, langues et dialectes du Nord de la Perse1904 
Morgan, Jacques de
Huart, Clément
Mission scientifique en Perse. Tome cinquième, études linguistiques. Deuxième partie, textes mandaïtes, une notice sur les Mandéens1904 
Morgan, Jacques deMission scientifique en Perse : cartes des rives méridionales de la mer Caspienne, du Kurdistan, du Moukri et de l'Elam1895 
Newton, Charles ThomasTravels and discoveries in the Levant. Vol. I.1865 
Newton, Charles ThomasTravels and discoveries in the Levant. Vol. II.1865 
Lanckoronski, Charles
Niemann, George (collab)
Petersen, Eugen Adolf Hermann (collab)
Les villes de la Pamphylie et de la Pisidie. Volume premier : la Pamphylie1890 
Lanckoronski, Charles
Niemann, George (collab)
Petersen, Eugen Adolf Hermann (collab)
Les villes de la Pamphylie et de la Pisidie. Second volume, la Pisidie
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République. Tome second, voyage à Constantinople, aux îles de l'archipel et en CréteAn 9 [1801] 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République ; avec atlas. Tome troisième, voyage en Egypte An 12 [1807] 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République ; avec atlas. Tome premier, voyage à Constantinople, aux îles de l'archipel et en CrèteAn 9 [1801] 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République ; avec atlas. Tome quatrième, voyage en Syrie et en MésopotamieAn 12 [1807] 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République ; avec atlas. Tome cinquième, voyage en Perse1804 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineVoyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République ; avec atlas. Tome sixième, voyage en Perse1804 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineAtlas pour servir au Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République : explication des planches. Première livraison (voyage dans l'Empire Othoman)An IX [1801] 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineAtlas pour servir au Voyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République : explication des planches. Deuxième livraison (voyage en Egypte et en Syrie)An XII [1807] 
Olivier, Guillaume AntoineAtlas pour servir au Voyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République : explication des planches. Troisième livraison (voyage en Perse)1807 
Peutinger, Konrad
Scheyb, Franz Christoph von (ed)
Mannert, Konrad (ed)
Tabula itineraria Peutingeriana : primum aeri incisa et edita a Franc. Christoph. de Scheyb MDCCLIII [1753] denuo cum codice vindoboni collata, emendata et nova Conradi Mannerti introductione instructa, studio et opera Academia literarum regiae monacensis.1824 
Pierret, PaulRecueil d'inscriptions inédites du musée égyptien du Louvre1874 
Pococke, RichardA description of the East, and some other countries. Volume the First, observations on Egypt1743 
Pococke, RichardA description of the East, and some other countries. Vol. II, Part I, observations on Palaestine or the Holy Land, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia1745 
Pococke, RichardA description of the East, and some other countries. Vol. II, Part II, observations on the Islands of the archipelago, Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, and some other parts of Europe1745 
Ravoisié, AmableExploration scientifique de l'Algérie : pendant les années 1840, 1841, 1842. Premier volume. Beaux-arts : architecture et sculpture / par Amable Ravoisié ; publiée par ordre du Gouvernement1846 
Ravoisié, AmableExploration scientifique de l'Algérie : pendant les années 1840, 1841, 1842. Suite de la première partie. Beaux-arts : architecture et sculpture / par Amable Ravoisié ; publiée par ordre du Gouvernement 1846 
Reinach, AdolpheCatalogue des antiquités égyptiennes recueillies dans les fouilles de Koptos en 1910 et 19111913 
Reinach, SalomonChroniques d'Orient. Deuxième série, documents sur les fouilles et découvertes dans l'Orient hellénique de 1891 à 18951896 
Reinach, SalomonChroniques d'Orient : documents sur les fouilles et découvertes dans l'Orient hellénique de 1883 à 18901891 
Babelon, Ernest (ed)
Cagnat, René Louis Victor (ed)
Reinach, Salomon (ed)
Atlas archéologique de la Tunisie. [Première série - Livraisons 1 à 15] / Edition spéciale des cartes topographiques publiées par le Ministère de la Guerre, accompagné d'un texte explicatif rédigé par MM. E. Babelon, R. Cagnat, S. Reinach1892-1913 
Reinach, Salomon (dir)Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie : Atlas de la province romaine d'Afrique pour servir à l'ouvrage de M. Ch. Tissot / dressé d'après les cartes du dépôt de la guerre et les documents géographiques les plus récents par Salomon Reinach. - 2ème tirage.1891 
Roehl, HermannCorpus inscriptionum graecarum. Voluminis quarti, fasciculus tertius, indices continens1877 
Rottiers (Colonel)
Delpierre, H. (collab)
Monumens de Rhodes / [Colonel Rottiers] ; Lithographies de H. Delpierre d’après Witdoeck1828 
Russell, Alex
Russell, Pat (collab)
The natural history of Aleppo. Containing a description of the city, and the principal natural productions in its neighbourhoud. Together with an account of the climate, inhabitants and diseases ; particularly of the Plague. Vol. I1794 
Russell, Alex
Russell, Pat (collab)
The natural history of Aleppo. Containing a description of the city, and its principal natural productions in its neighboorhood. Together with an account of the climate, inhabitants and diseases particulary on the plague. Vol. II1794 
Sharpe, Samuel
Bonomi, Joseph (collab)
The Alabaster sarcophagus of Oimenepthah I., king of Egypt : now in sir John Soane's Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields1864 
Spon, JacobRecherches curieuses d'Antiquité contenues en plusieurs dissertations sur des mailles, bas-reliefs, statues, mosaïques et inscriptions antiques enrichies d'un grand nombre de figures en taille douce1683 
Stackelberg, Otto Magnus, Baron vonDie Graeber der Hellenen1837 
Stuart, VilliersThe Funeral tent of an Egyptian queen together with the latest information regarding other monuments and discoveries with translations of the hieroglyphic texts and explanatory notices of the various emblems1882 
Thévet, AndréLa Cosmographie universelle d'André Thevet cosmographe du roy, illustrée de diverses figures des choses plus remarquables veuës par l'auteur, & incogneuës de noz anciens et modernes . Tome premier-[second].1575 
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Jansen, Hendrick (trad)
Lettres familières de M. Winckelmann. Première partie1781 
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Jansen, Hendrick (trad)
Lettres familières de M. Winckelmann. Seconde partie1781 
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Fea, Carlo (ed,trad)
Storia delle arti del disegno presso gli antichi. Tomo Primo1783 
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Fea, Carlo (ed,trad)
Storia delle arti del disegno presso gli antichi. Tomo secondo1783 
Winckelmann, Johann JoachimStoria delle'arti del disegno presso gli antichi, tradotta dal tedesco ein questa edizione correta e aumentata dall'abate. Tomo terzo1784 
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron deEtudes sur les vases peints1865 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome premier, [planches]1844 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome premier, [texte]1844 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome deuxième, [planches]1857 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome deuxième, [texte]1857 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome quatrième, [texte]1861 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome quatrième, [planches]1861 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome troisième, [texte]1858 
Lenormant, Charles
Witte, Jean Joseph Antoine Marie, Baron de
Elite des monuments céramographiques : matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l'Antiquité. Tome troisième, [planches]1858 

See also:
Open Access Publications of the Maison de l'Orient de et de la Méditerranée

New Open Access Journal: Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua

Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua
Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua surge como plasmación de algunas de las aportaciones más brillantes presentadas, defendidas y debatidas a lo largo de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Surge por tanto con el fin primordial de difundir los resultados de estas investigaciones para contribuir al desarrollo de la ciencia histórica y a la promoción de los jóvenes investigadores que en ella se inician o dan sus primeros pasos.
La agrupación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid está constituida por los becarios y antiguos becarios del Departamento de Historia Antigua de dicha universidad, y tiene como objetivo principal el intercambio, la colaboración y el acercamiento, a nivel académico pero también personal, en aras de fomentar un clima de desarrollo científico de calidad y de convivencia cordial y enriquecedora.
Dentro de esta agrupación, la principal actividad desarrollada ha sido la organización y celebración de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Antigua, unas Jornadas de Investigación anuales abiertas a la participación de todos los jóvenes investigadores predoctorales y postdoctorales de las distintas universidades y centros de investigación españoles y extranjeros, y cuyo espíritu no es muy distinto del que anima a la propia agrupación: crear un lugar de encuentro e intercambio científico que permita a los investigadores que están desarrollando sus primeros pasos en el mundo de la investigación obtener una amplia perspectiva de los ámbitos de estudio más en boga y conocer a las personas que puedan estar desarrollando trabajos cercanos o conectados con los suyos. Todo lo cual se logra mediante la generación de un foro en el que cada investigador puede exponer brevemente su objeto de estudio o sus líneas de investigación, pero en el que los debates y coloquios distendidos pero con un alto nivel científico adquieren un papel protagonista.

Antesteria, 2, 2013
«El proceso formativo protoestatal en el sureste de Anatolia: el ejemplo de Arslantepe.»ESPEJEL ARROYO, Fernando.
«La trenza perdida de Hathor.»VELASCO PÍREZ, Aroa.
«Antes de la batalla: los preparativos para la guerra en el Egipto faraónico.»TARANCÓN HUARTE, Nerea.
«El comercio noble homérico en la Odisea y su vertiente femenina.»DUCE PASTOR, Elena.
«El Guadiana medio como reflejo de Tartesos: una propuesta para la relectura de su paisaje.» RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, Esther.
«Integración ideológica de la guerra y su representación iconográfica: guerreros galaico-lusitanos.»SANTOS CANCELAS, Alberto.
«Le fonti letterarie ed epigrafiche per la storia del municipio romano di Lopsica.»VITELLI CASELLA, Mattia.
«El epíteto Invictus durante los siglos III d.C. y IV d.C. en el ámbito imperial.»IGLESIAS GARCÍA, Santiago.
«Santas de diciembre: Eulalia de Mérida, Melania la joven y la transformación de las élites bajoimperiales.»MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, Saúl.
«Imbricación de las elites laicas y eclesiásticas durante las transformaciones de la antigüedad tardía.»FEIJOÓ, Manel.
«Los inicios de la ciencia histórica dedicada al antiguo oriente en España.»FERNÁNDEZ NEGRO, Javier.

Número 1, 2012

«La ciudad en el mundo antiguo: un retrato "en negativo".» GOROSTIDI PI, Diana.
«La joven espartana y su participación en la ciudad ladecemonia.» DODERO PAZ, Mar.
«La "no mujer": categorización social de la prostituta libre en Roma.» MANZANO CHINCHILLA, Guillermo A.
«Las mujeres hispanas en el forum: prácticas evergéticas sacerdotales.» MEDINA QUINTANA, Silvia.
«El culto a Fortuna Dea en Hispania. Contribución a la romanización del territorio.» BAILÓN GARCÍA, Marta.
«La ciudad de Carthago Nova (Cartagena, España). Paradigma de cambio y transformación urbana en la Hispania medioimperial. Ensayo para una síntesis.» QUEVEDO SÁNCHEZ, Alejandro.
«Los ludi en la política religiosa de Constancio II y Constante.» MORENO RESANO, Esteban.
«Enterrarse entre escombros: una aproximación socio-ideológica a la necrópolis de Pozo Moro (Chinchilla, Albacete).» GARCÍA CARDIEL, Jorge.
«I vivi e i morti in un´unica società: riti funebri in Diodoro Siculo.» TREVISAN, Ruben Riccardo.
«Muertos mágicos: defixiones en contexto necropolitano.» SÁNCHEZ NATALÍAS, Celia.
«El cristianismo primitivo ante la civilización romana. Sobre la imagen como “persecutores christianorum” de Nerón y Domiciano a través de las fuentes cristianas.» CUESTA FERNÁNDEZ, Jorge.
«L´opinione del monaco tardoantico sugli spettacoli pubblici: strategie del potere e risvolti sulle masse.» VENTO, Antonia.
«El auctoratus: controversia entre libertad e infamia.» CASTILLO SANZ, Francisco.
«Las ciuitates “termales” del nordeste de la Tarraconense: Caldes de Montbui y Caldes de Malavella.» FONSECA SORRIBAS, Diana.
«La actividad judicial de los gobernadores provinciales a partir de las Actas de los Mártires.» OLMO LÓPEZ, Rubén.
«Las “microesferas” en la construcción del discurso histórico: el espacio doméstico en el mundo antiguo.» MAÑAS ROMERO, Irene; URIBE AGUDO, Paula.
«El espacio doméstico como expresión de la aculturación de la comunidad prerromana durante los siglos I y II d.C. en el castro de Chao Samartín (Grandas de Salime, Asturias).» MONTES LÓPEZ, Rubén; HEVIA GONZÁLEZ, Susana; VILLA VALDÉS, Ángel.
«Aproximación al significado real de la decoración “banal” musiva y pictórica.»ÍÑIGUEZ BERROZPE, Lara; GASCÓN LASCAS, Ana. (Anexo de imágenes).
«Entre las familias y los negocios: espacios difusos en un corpus de cartas papiráceas de mujeres del Egipto romano (siglo I d.C.).» GOÑI ZABALEGUI, Amaia.
«El valor del culto en el paisaje doméstico. El caso hispano.» PÉREZ RUIZ, María.
«Arquitectura doméstica y urbanística en Augusta Emérita.» CORRALES ÁLVAREZ, Álvaro.
«Epigrafía ibérica en espacios domésticos.» SIMÓN CORNAGO, Ignacio.
«Imágenes eróticas pomeyanas: uso y función social.» MANZANO CHINCHILLA, Guillermo A. (Anexo de imágenes).
«Un acercamiento a la simbología del peinado en el antiguo Egipto.» VELASCO PÍREZ, Aroa.
«Análisis del tránsito del Alto Imperio Romano a la Antigüedad Tardía (último tercio del s. II - tetrarquía del s. III d.C.) en la Península Ibérica a través de la moneda como elemento histórico y arqueológico. Estado de la cuestión e ítems de estudio.» MÁRQUEZ MORALES, María.
«Imagen, valoración y uso del legado clásico en Al-Andalus (VIII-X d.C.).» ELICES OCÓN, Jorge.
«Del orientalismo al nacimiento de una ciencia histórica. Tras las huellas del redescubrimiento del antiguo Oriente. El caso de Baalbek.» FERNÁNDEZ NEGRO, Javier.
«El Próximo Oriente, África y la Península Ibérica en la Antigüedad.» LÓPEZ SÁNCHEZ, Fernando.
«Bilingüismo en las leyendas monetales: una peculiaridad de la numismática hispana y africana.» ESTARÁN TOLOSA, María José.
«La imperialización de los reinos romano-germánicos: los casos visigodo y vándalo.» GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Alberto.
«Adoración corporativa y culto imperial: cuando lo “privado” invade lo “público”.» SOLÍS MONTERO, Javier.
«Nerón como precursor del Anticristo en la literatura cristiana tardoantigua. Una aproximación crítica.» CUESTA FERNÁNDEZ, Jorge.
«Sol/Helios en los panegíricos latinos constantinos.» IGLESIAS GARCÍA, Santiago.
«Alla scoperta di una “microsfera” cristiana: lo spazio “domestico” come specchio della societas christiana in Sant´Agostino.» LAVALLE, Domenica.
«La diplomacia romana interna en época de los Valentinianos (364-378).» FUSTER ANDÚJAR, Ricardo.
«Constantinopoli e il terremoto. “Crolli di simboli”, sussulti di paganesimo e risposte “ufficiali” nella Bisanzio giustinianea.» BUSÀ, Sebastiano.
«Reflexiones en torno al estudio de la administración de las provincias romanas hispanas en el Alto Imperio.» OZCÁRIZ GIL, Pablo.
«Hispania: territorio de ensayo jurídico-administrativo en la propretura de C. Julio César.» NOVILLO LÓPEZ, Miguel Ángel.
«Aproximación al funcionamiento de las comunicaciones y la circulación de la información en el Alto Imperio.» ESPINOSA CRIADO, Natalia.
«A propósito del Conventus Emeritensis: consideraciones geográficas, arqueológicas y culturales.» MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, Saúl.
«La difficile realtà dell´Isauria tardoantica: el caso del latrones.» RUSSO, Carmen Alessandra.
«Las legiones romanas de época monárquica y republicana: un ejército armado por el Estado.» SIERRA ESTORNÉS, David.
«El imperio neoasirio y las ciudades fenicias: una relación atípica.» DOMÍNGUEZ DEL TRIUNFO, Helena.
«Heraldos y embajadas: una aproximación al estudio de la diplomacia en la Hispania indoeuropea» PER GIMENO, Laura.
«El municipium romano de Aquae Flaviae y su problemática.» FONSECA SORRIBAS, Diana.
«Análisis de los procesos constructivos del foro provincial de Tarraco: una nueva perspectiva de estudio.» VINCI, M. Serena.
«Una visión historiográfica alternativa: la deconstrucción del estereotipo del bárbaro prerromano.» AGUILERA DURÁN, Tomás.

Just Announced: Getty Publications Virtual Library

Getty Publications Virtual Library
Free digital backlist titles from the Getty Publications Archives
Getty Publications produces award-winning titles that result from or complement the work of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Research Institute. This wide variety of books covers the fields of art, photography, archaeology, architecture, conservation, and the humanities for both the general public and specialists. Publications include illustrated works on artists and art history, exhibition catalogues, works on cultural history, research on the conservation of materials and archaeological sites, scholarly monographs, critical editions of translated works, comprehensive studies of the Getty's collections, and educational books on art to interest children of all ages.
Subject: Antiquities








  • The Restoration of Ancient Bronzes: Naples and Beyond

  • Edited by Erik Risser and David Saunders, with contributions by Andrea Milanese, Carol C. Mattusch, Luigia Melillo, Salvatore Siano, Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Benoît Mille, Dominique Robcis, Nathalie Balcar, Uwe Peltz, Seán Hemingway, Sarah McGregor, Dylan Smith, Luisa Fucito
  • 2013




  • Alexandria and Alexandrianism

  • John Walsh, Thomas F. Reese, Peter Green, Henri Riad, Diana Delia, Gunter Grimm, Lilly Kahil, Heinrich von Staden, Judith McKenzie, John Onians, W. A. Daszewski, Klaus Parlasca, Michael Pfrommer, Robert Steven Bianchi, R. R. R. Smith, Bernard V. Bothmer, Andrew Stewart, Arielle P. Kozloff, G. W. Bowersock, Abraham L. Udovitch, Mohamed Ghoneim
  • 1996
  • Urushi

  • Norman S. Brommelle and Perry Smith, Editors
  • 1988



CSAI: Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

 [First posted in AWOL 4 October 2010, updated 21 January 2014]

CSAI: Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions
The ASA corpus is one of the most interesting collections of epigraphic documents of the Semitic world, first and foremost for its vastness. With its over 15,000 inscriptions, it is the first-hand, written documentation of the culture that flourished in South Arabia from the late second millennium BC to the sixth century AD. At present, CSAI contains a collection of some 6,000 texts digitized by the team of the University of Pisa directed by prof. Alessandra Avanzini.



Corpus of Hadramitic Inscriptions

The collection includes about 900 inscriptions which date from between the 7th century BC and the end of the 3rd century AD. After an early period of formation characterised by a strong Sabaean cultural and linguistic influence, around the 5th-4th century Ḥaḍramawt became a kingdom with its own political importance. Its main activity was trading in incense, which grew in various regions of the country.


Corpus of Minaic Inscriptions

The corpus of the Minaic inscriptions is composed by almost 1,400 texts, gathering all the epigraphic texts left in Minaic (elsewhere called Madhabaic) language. These come from the Jawf valley in northern Yemen (Corpus of Central Minaic inscriptions), but also from outside South Arabia, as the Minaean traders visited and settled in other regions and sites of the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East (Corpus of Marginal Minaic inscriptions).


Corpus of Qatabanic Inscriptions

The Corpus of Qatabanic inscriptions comprises in total nearly 1,600 texts. It has been divided into three linguistic varieties: beside the inscriptions of the Central Qatabanic, the two small corpora of Marginal Qatabanic and Awsanite inscriptions has been created, because these documentations show several linguistic and cultural features that distinguish them from the Qatabanic language of the mainland.


Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

The Corpus of Sabaic inscriptions is the largest linguistic corpus of South Arabian texts. To date, of the approximately 5,000 Sabaic inscriptions, 1,800 have been published in DASI. This corpus is divided into three major historical linguistic periods: early, middle and late. We have also identified a number of regional varieties such as the Corpus of Early Sabaic inscriptions from Ethiopia and in - the Middle phase - the Central, Northern and Southern Sabaic.


Corpus of Undefined Ancient South Arabian Language inscriptions (work in progress)

This corpus collects all the South Arabian texts which cannot be assigned to any specific language, because they convey no information about their linguistic provenance, nor on their geographic or chronological setting. The majority of them are fragmentary or simply onomastic texts.



Corpus of Ancient South Arabian Minuscule texts (work in progress)

This is a small corpus, comprising some 40 texts, written in a new script and on a different support than the inscriptions in monumental writing engraved on stone, bronze or rocks. The first two wooden sticks texts were discovered at the beginning of the 1970's, during clandestine excavations in as-Sawdāʾ. The scholar Mahmoud al-Ghul was the first to partially decipher these new documents.



Collection of the objects from the European museums

Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the political presence and scientific expeditions of Europeans in the Arabian Peninsula inaugurated the establishment of European private and public collections of ancient South Arabian material, which constantly increased during the following decades.


Collection of the objects from the USA museums

The Collection of the objects from the USA museums in DASI gathers the South Arabian antiquities housed in USA museums and private collections.


Collection of the objects from the Yemeni museums

The digital cataloguing of the South Arabian inscriptions and artefacts housed in the Yemeni museums is one of the activities of the project CASIS, funded by the Italian Ministry for the University and Research for the years 2007-2010.

Open Access Journal: Online Archaeology (National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia)

Online Archaeology (National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia)
National Agency for Cultural Heritage of Georgia “established in 2008 in accordance with the Decree of the President of Georgia.
The Agency has been constituted on the bases of the existing complex monuments of national and global significance, represents their totality and is there legal successor.
The Monuments united within the Agency are as follows:
  • The Great Mtskheta Archaeological Museum-Reserve;
  • Vardzia Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve;
  • Uplistsikhe Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve;
  • R. Ksani Gorge Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve;
  • Petra-Castle Archaeological-Architectural Museum-Reserve;
  • Gonio-Apsarosi Archaeological-Architectural Museum-Reserve;
  • Kldekari Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve;
  • Parmen Zakaraia Nokalakevi Architectural-Archaeological Museum-Reserve;
  • Ekvtime Takhaishvili Archaeological Museum-Reserve of the Country of Guria
  • R. Didi Liakhvi Gorge State Museum-Reserve;
  • Kutaisi Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve;
  • Stephantsminda History Museum;
  • Borjomi Local History Museum
  • State Museum of Niko Pirosmanishvili
   Online Archaeology  #1     Online Archaeology  #2 (2012)          

   Online Archaeology  #3 (2012)                          Online Archaeology  #4 (2013    

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