New Open Access Journal: Archaeology Worldwide - Archäologie Weltweit
Archaeology Worldwide - Archäologie Weltweit2013 is the UN year of Water Cooperation and therefore we have chosen the topic Archaeology of Water for our first issue of our new magazine "Archaeology...
View ArticleThe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal Inscriptions
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal InscriptionsThe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal Inscriptions (ETCSRI) project's main objective is the creation of an annotated, grammatically and...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Horizon: The Amarna Project and Amarna Trust Newsletter
[First posted in AWL 1 March 2010. Updated 11 November 2013]Horizon: The Amarna Project and Amarna Trust NewsletterThe ancient Egyptian city of Tell el-Amarna (or simply Amarna) was the short-lived...
View ArticleThe University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology flickr...
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology flickr PhotostreamThe University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, through its research, collections,...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics
Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of ClassicsThe Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics is committed to the progress and proliferation of scholarship in the field of Classics and to providing a common...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Bulletin / Association suisse d'archéologie classique =...
Bulletin / Association suisse d'archéologie classique = Bulletin / Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für klassische Archäologie = Bollettino / Associazione svizzera di archeologia classicaBulletin der...
View ArticleConference Podcast: The Afterlife of Ovid
The Afterlife of OvidThe Afterlife of Ovid 7 - 8 March 2013This conference will investigate the Medieval and Renaissance reading of Ovid and his influence on poetry and painting. Hosted by: The Warburg...
View ArticleConference Podcast: Greek Literary Epigram: From the Hellenistic to the Early...
Greek Literary Epigram: From the Hellenistic to the Early Byzantine EraInternational Conference UCL, 11-13 September 2013Organisers: C. Carey (UCL), M. Kanellou (UCL), I. Petrovic (Durham)Though there...
View ArticleSchwendner on Papyrology on
Gregg Schwendner's What's New in Papyrology has collected links to papyrological material being archived and self published on Academia.eduPapyrological papers available on the
View ArticleLes dossiers de l'Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes: série: patrimoines...
Les dossiers de l'IFEA: série: patrimoines au présentLes dossiers de l’IFEA sont composés de deux séries,“la Turquie aujourd’hui” et “Patrimoines au présent”.4 - Martin GODON, "Le Néolithique en...
View ArticleBois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc. - 1st to 15th century worked wood
Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc. - 1st to 15th century worked woodLa base de données bibliographique sur les bois travaillés présentée ici fait partie du projet de l’IFAO de créer des bases...
View ArticleRencontres d'Archéologie de l'Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes Online
Rencontres d'Archéologie de l'IFEA 1eres Rencontres: Archéologies et espaces parcourus , Écrit par Rencontres d'ArchéologieOlivier Henry (éd.), Archéologies et espaces parcourus. Premières Rencontres...
View ArticleOpen Access Annual Report: Mission Archéologique Française de Thèbes-Ouest -...
Mission Archéologique Française de Thèbes-Ouest - MAFTO: Rapports scientifiquesChaque année la MAFTO publie un rapport scientifique faisant état des principaux résultats de son activité sur le...
View ArticleOnline Collection scientifique CEDAE-CNRS et mémoires du CEDAE
Collection scientifique CEDAE-CNRS et mémoires du CEDAELes Graffiti de la Montagne Thébaine Graffiti de la Montagne Thébaine: II,4. Plans de position.Graffiti de la Montagne Thébaine: II,5. Plans de...
View ArticleLes Céréales en Égypte ancienne
Les Céréales en Égypte ancienneUne exposition réalisée en 2004 en collaboration entre Agropolis-Museum - Montpellier - France Le Musée de l'agriculture ancienne - Le Caire - Égypte& l' UMR...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Mitteilungen der Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft
Mitteilungen der Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft (DWhG)Die Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft e.V. (DWhG) wurde am 19. Januar 2002 im über 2000 jährigen Mainz gegründet.Die DWhG ist als...
View ArticleDatabase of Byzantine Glass Mosaic Tesserae
The Composition of Byzantine Glass Mosaic Tesserae Welcome to the database of sites and sources of Byzantine mosaic glass tesserae. Follow the links on the left to enter one of three databases:...
View ArticleAncient Greek: Open University
Introducing Ancient GreekWelcome to the Open University's ‘Introducing Ancient Greek’ website. If you are starting to learn Ancient Greek, this site is for you! This site will help you prepare for a...
View ArticlePortal to the Past: Digital Archive of Archaeological Projects and Research...
Portal to the Past: Digital Archive of Archaeological Projects and Research Canadian Institute in Greece The Portal to the Past is an interactive, online archive of information and imagery relating to...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology (JJHA) -...
Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology (JJHA) - المجلة الأردنية للتاريخ والآثارISSN: 1996-9546 Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology (JJHA) is an International Quarterly, Refereed Research...
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