Introducing Ancient Greek
Reading Classical Greek
Welcome to the Open University's ‘Introducing Ancient Greek’ website.
If you are starting to learn Ancient Greek, this site is for you! This site will help you prepare for a Beginner's Ancient Greek course such as the Open University's Reading Classical Greek: language and literature (A275).
Use the menu on the left to:
- review the letters of the Greek alphabet
- listen to the sounds of Greek words
- recognise the letters
- memorise the sequence of letters
- use letters to form words
- understand how sentences are built from words
Reading Classical Greek
Welcome to the Open University Reading Classical Greek site. The interactive quizzes below are designed for students studying Ancient Greek using the Reading Greek series of textbooks (JACT/Cambridge University Press). The quizzes allow you to test yourself on the grammar you meet at different stages of the course.
Just click on the links to begin. Each quiz will open in a new window. You can attempt each quiz as many times as you like, using the feedback to improve your score.
Quiz 1 (covering up to Section 1D of Reading Greek)
Quiz 2 (covering up to Section 2D of Reading Greek)
Quiz 3 (covering up to Section 3E of Reading Greek)
Quiz 4 (covering up to Section 6B of Reading Greek)
Quiz 5 (covering up to Section 6D of Reading Greek)
Quiz 6 (covering up to Section 7H of Reading Greek)
Quiz 7 (covering up to Section 9J of Reading Greek)New to Ancient Greek?
If you are just starting out in Classical Greek, then try the Open University website, Introducing Ancient Greek. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the letters and sounds of Ancient Greek, gives you practice at forming Greek words, and introduces you to simple Greek sentences.
And see also AWOL's list of