Gregg Schwendner's What's New in Papyrology has collected links to papyrological material being archived and self published on
Papyrological papers available on the site
Papyrological papers available on the site is a public, apparently not-for-profit (not, as the suffix might suggest, an academic one) site used by scholars to make their work better known or more easily available. It is part of the Open Access movement.
Some 656 people have an "interest"in Papyrology, 381 in "Greek Papyrology, " 95 in "Greek Magical Papyri, 17 in "Greek Literary Papyri, 596 in "Early Christian Papyri & Inscriptions", 22 in Coptic Papyri, 34 in Arabic Papyrology etc. I have culled the following names of colleagues who have made papers available. There should be some way to index the site in the future.
Rodney Ast, "Signs of Education and Culture. Prosodic Marks in Greek Documents. A Talk."