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American Archaeology Abroad

 [First posted in AWOL 16 July 2011, updated 29 June 2014]

American Archaeology Abroad
American Archaeology Abroad is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed to advance archaeological and historical knowledge and to educate the public about the past and how it is studied. We pursue these goals through engaging in archaeological and historical research and excavation, sponsoring student scholarships, and including students and public volunteers in our lecture and research programs.

Open Access Journal : Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry

[First posted in AWOL 5 November 2009. Updated 29 June 2014]

Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry (MAA)
ISSN ( print ): 1108-9628
ISSN ( online ): 2241-8121
MAA is converted to full online journal free access to whole texts as .pdf files from this year. The process is ongoing. The printed version (2001-2014) is kept only if authors ask for back issues or if individuals or libraries require printed volumes.
As from 2015 frequency is increased to 4 times per year and there is an advertisement page too. The Journal will keep the rapid reviewing procedure following the standard double blind review and ensures swift publication of high quality papers in innovation or important applications and excavation reports related to the Mediterranean region .
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry (MAA) is an interdisciplinary International Journal issued by The University of the Aegean , Department of Mediterranean Studies, Rhodes , Greece . MAA is published since 2001 and from 2008 is operating in updated format.
The international journal MAA "Encourage international discussion on the coupling between archaeology and archaeometry in their broader sense, initiating forums of discussion on the establishment of widely accepted criteria of correct approach and solution of particularly current and future archaeological problems."
It focuses in the Mediterranean region and on matters referred to interactions of Mediterranean with neighbouring areas, but presents an international forum of research, innovations, discoveries, applications and meetings, concerning the modern approaches to the study of human past.
The Editors will welcome contributions from all parts of the World focused on Mediterranean region and interactions with neighbouring regions .
Forthcoming Issue

Open Access Journal: Mélanges de l'école française de Rome

[First listed in AWOL 19 December 2012. Updated 30 June 2014]

Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA)
Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA) publient des articles portant sur l’histoire, la culture et l’archéologie des mondes anciens en Méditerranée, en particulier en Italie, en Afrique du Nord et dans les Balkans, mais portant également sur les interactions entre cet espace et le reste du monde antique. Ils publient aussi des dossiers thématiques en lien avec les fouilles et les programmes scientifiques de l’EFR, et plus généralement des études relevant de diverses disciplines (histoire, archéologie, archéométrie, épigraphie, philologie, droit etc.), de la Préhistoire à la fin de l’Antiquité.

Numéros en texte intégral

Mélanges de l'école française de Rome [back list at Persée]
Ranging from the Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire to the Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, this journal, started in 1881, publishes studies in history and archeology, centered on Italy and the western basin of the Mediterranean, from ancient times to the present.  (1881 -2000), 224 Issues, 4202 Articles

Available periods  :

1881-1970 - Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire

1971-1999 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité

1971-1988 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, Temps modernes

1989-1999 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age

1989-1999 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée

Open Access Series: Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum (CT)

Fifty-eight volumes and the index to volumes 1-50 of the series Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum (CT) were made available online as a part of ETANA Core Texts. There is also a complete list of ETANA Core Texts in AWOL.

Database of Medieval Nubian Texts

Database of Medieval Nubian Texts (DBMNT)
This website is the result of four years of research on the subject “Chronological systems of Christian Nubia”, concluded with a monograph under this very title (G. Ochała, Chronological Systems of Christian Nubia [= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement Series 16], Warsaw 2011). The present database is an integral part of the book and, although the database can, should, and hopefully will exist on its own, the book is at least difficult to use without the database. This is because the written sources analysed in the monograph are essentially referred to, for the sake of convenience, by their catalogue numbers, given to them arbitrarily while preparing an offline version of the DBMNT and preserved in the online one.

Of course, this does not preclude the utilising of the database without reading the CSCN. And to those who do so, I owe a few words of introduction: The DBMNT, at the present stage of development, collects 733 texts of medieval Nubian provenance (with a few exceptions of Egyptian Nubian texts) that contain any signs of counting time by the inhabitants of the middle Nile Valley. The assemblage is dated between the sixth and the fifteenth centuries, roughly a millennium in which three Christian kingdoms existed on this territory: Nobadia, Makuria, and Alwa. It has long been known that in Christian Nubia several different dating methods were employed, yet the only one that has so far drawn scholars’ more detailed attention is the Nubian lunar calendar (Bagnall – Worp 1986; CSBE, pp. 313–314). Apart from general statements on the types of the chronological systems used and detailed commentaries on dates of particular texts, the whole issue has never been studied comprehensively.

The Nubians used as many as five annual dating methods (the Era of Diocletian/the Martyrs, the indictional system, the so-called Christian eras, the Era of the Saracens/the Hegira, and reganl years) and two calendrical systems (the Egyptian solar calendar and a lunar calendar). There are also attestations of the names of the weekdays used in Christian Nubia as well as some traces of a liturgical calendar of the Nubian Church. All known texts, both published and yet unpublished but somehow available to me, attesting to the use of the above-listed chronological systems have been carefully collected and analysed and are now presented to the user.

Due to the state of publication and/or inaccessibility of particular sources, some of the fields in the DBMNT must remain empty, especially those concerning physical description. However, the database is not, by its nature, a closed structure and it is to be hoped that in time such objects will be located, described, and photographed, so that the missing information could be supplemented. It is also my intention to conduct further work on the DBMNT to develop it into a fully operational database collecting the whole corpus of the medieval Nubian written sources, not only the specimens containing dating lemmata. In both these tasks, supplementing the existing records and adding new ones, the collaboration of other scholars is important and in fact much desired. Therefore, at a certain stage of development, willing contributors will be granted access to editing the DBMNT.

It is also worth mentioning here that the DBMNT is paralleled by another project connected with digitizing the Nubian written sources. This is the so-called Nubian SoSOL, a division of Son of Suda On Line, a modern papyrological platform designed to bring together the existing papyrological digital resources in the framework of the project Integrating Digital Papyrology (http://idp.atlantides.org/trac/idp/wiki/). The Nubian SoSOL has been initiated by Giovanni R. Ruffini (Fairfield University) with my collaboration and will contain transcriptions of all medieval Nubian textual finds. The DBMNT will be linked to the Nubian SoSOL as the latter will develop.
The DBMNT is modelled on other online papyrological databases and the user familiar with these tools will have no problems with using it.

The bibliographical references are given according to ‘A Guide to the Texts of Medieval Nubia’ by Grzegorz Ochała and Giovanni R. Ruffini, available online at www.medievalnubia.info.

Grzegorz Ochała
Department of Papyrology
Institute of Archaeology
University of Warsaw

Open Access Journal Coming Soon: Revista Numismática Hécate

Revista Numismática Hécate

La revista Hécate debe su nombre a la diosa griega tricéfala, que representa las diferentes formas de entender el mundo y el ser humano en su necesidad de transmitir Historia. Así Hécate nos muestra una encrucijada de conocimientos, de nuevos caminos y tendencias que debemos recorrer; senderos que nos llevarán a comprender y abordar el saber desde una perspectiva libre y globalizadora en esta nueva época de cambio y tecnología.

-Abierto hasta la primera semana de Noviembre para, en Navidades, sacar el primer número-
Constituye un gran placer presentar a la comunidad académica de lengua castellana la revista digital Hécate. Una publicación científica independiente que no forma parte de ninguna institución pública o privada, de difusión absolutamente gratuita y cuya única finalidad es la promoción y difusión del conocimiento en el ámbito de la numismática desde una perspectiva plural e interdisciplinaria y en estrecha relación con las humanidades y las ciencias sociales en general.

Desde la revista Hécate concebimos a la numismática como la disciplina académica que se aboca al análisis del “objeto monetario” concebido en su sentido más amplio, es decir, a la “moneda” como artefacto cultural susceptible de asumir una infinita multiplicidad de formas y funciones, que se encuentra inmerso en un complejo contexto económico, social, político, ideológico, etc. del cual no puede separarse plenamente y que le otorga sentido.
Conforme a esta perspectiva, abogamos por una concepción amplia del objeto de estudio de la numismática, que incluya a la moneda y a los objetos pseudo-monetarios en todas sus formas, tales como medallas, medallones conmemorativos, entre otras. Si bien la finalidad de estos últimos no es económica, tienen, por lo general, una relación cercana con las monedas y, por lo tanto, esta disciplina es la que cuenta con las mejores herramientas de análisis para comprender sus especificidades. Igualmente, desde Hécate defendemos también una concepción de la numismática como campo de estudio eminentemente interdisciplinario, que puede ser enriquecido con aportes de todos los campos del saber humano.

La revista aceptará contribuciones originales sobre todas las vertientes, temáticas y períodos de la numismática (estudios arqueológicos, epigráficos, iconográficos, estilísticos, metrológicos, económicos, históricos, etc.). También dará cabida a artículos de síntesis bibliográfica o que presenten estados de la cuestión orientados a la divulgación de un tema específico, como así también a reseñas de libros.

Los artículos a publicar serán seleccionados a partir de criterios estrictamente académicos recurriendo a la modalidad de la revisión por pares ciegos o de doble referato, llevado a cabo por un selecto cuerpo de evaluadores de reconocido prestigio internacional.

ASCSA News: Tour the Agora with a New App and Ebook

by Andrew Reinhard

For the summer season, the ASCSA is happy to announce a new app and interactive Ebook to help you explore the Agora with content from The Athenian Agora: Site Guide.
Field Trip
The ASCSA has partnered with Google to take you on a tour of the Agora on-site—on your phone. iPhone, Android, and Google Glass* users can download the freeField Trip app from the iTunes and Google Play stores, tick the box for ASCSA content, and then walk around the Agora. You will be notified by your device’s GPS when you approach any of 64 Agora monuments. View images, descriptions, links to more information on ascsa.net, and related Hesperia articles. Field Trip frees you to tour the Agora however you like in whatever direction you choose.
Field Trip for iPhone
Field Trip for Android
*Field Trip on Google Glass includes voice-activation. Internet connection (WiFi or 3G/4G) required for use on all devices.
Interactive Ebook
The Athenian Agora: Site Guide is also available now as an interactive Ebook for iPad, iPhone, and Android devices (and computers, too) with no Internet required for basic use. Go beyond standard Ebooks with these special features:
  •     Interactive plan of the Agora allows you to zoom in on monuments to see what's nearby.
  •     Read about any monument in any order.
  •     View image slideshows and zoom in on any image for details in high-resolution.
  •     Search for what interests you and add your own comments.
  •     See monuments in Google Maps satellite view.*
  •     When using in the Agora, see where you are on the map and what's nearby.*
  •     Read related Hesperia articles online.*
  •     Link to additional, in-depth information on many monuments on ascsa.net.*
*Requires Internet connection (WiFi or 3G/4G)
This edition of the Agora Site Guide is perfect for tours, students groups, and classes. Use on-site, in the classroom, at home, in the air, and on the bus.
Download here (free sample chapter available)
Watch for Ancient Corinth: A Guide to the Site and Museum on Field Trip and as an interactive Ebook later in 2014.
Questions? Email Andrew Reinhard, Director of Publications

New Open Access Journal: Papyrotheke: Rivista online di Papirologia dell'Università di Parma

Papyrotheke: Rivista online di Papirologia dell'Università di Parma
Nuova nel settore della Papirologia, quale strumento interamente elettronico destinato alla circolazione della produzione scientifica sul Web, Papyrotheke nasce con l’obiettivo di sfruttare le opportunità offerte dal digitale nel campo degli studi umanistici. Papyrotheke è progettata come un raccoglitore di studi e ricerche, conferenze, seminari e discussioni di libri su temi che coivolgano, in modo diretto o riflesso, i papiri come manufatti e come fonti, sia per il loro apporto allo studio delle civiltà antiche sia come veicoli di una proficua interazione tra studiosi di discipline diverse.
 La veste grafica e l’organizzazione interna sono realizzati in formato agile e sostanziale, adatto a fissare in tempi brevi note e fasi di lavoro di un itinerario che è insieme formativo e di ricerca.

Papyrotheke (Papy-OL in short) is a project by scholars of the University of Parma. It is a response to the challenge of telematics to the humanities and its objective is that of exploiting new opportunities for scholarly information exchange, especially in the field of classical studies. Papy-OL is the first entirely and exclusively electronic review devoted to this field. It promotes the use of the Internet for information purposes and for facilitating the circulation of academic production, with special reference to such themes as the legacy of the past in the modern age.

Papyrotheke is an Open access, peer-reviewed journal

N° 1 (2010) 


Dai papiri al web: la riscoperta dell’egittologo Giuseppe BottiPDF
Marco Botti 3-28

Materiali e Discussioni

Lavori per un ualetudinarium in T.Vindol. II 155, 6PDF
Isabella Andorlini 31-36
Dettagli sull'organizzazione degli antichi vigneti (nota a P.Tebt. III/1 815, fr. 6, col. iii)PDF
Andrea Bernini 37-43
Forme e contenitori di incenso nei papiriPDF
Isabella Bonati 45-56
Ad apertura di libro. Note sul volumen e la paleografia di P.Tebt. 269PDF
Margherita Centenari, Luca Iori 57-66
Le attività e le attestazioni di un prefetto d'Egitto: Lucius Munatius FelixPDF
Massimiliano Nuti 67-77

Note e Recensioni

Un ambulatorio medico antico: due libri recenti sul "Chirurgo di Rimini"PDF
Giulia Ghiretti 81-96
Dalla magia alla filologia: documenti su libri e biblioteche nell'AntichitàPDF
Nicola Reggiani 97-135




The THEATRON application has beenproduced by a European consortium including leading academic institutions, architectural and information technology specialists and part-funded by the European Commission. THEATRON represents the first serious attempt to bring the study of virtual reality computer models within the scope of a humanities subject.
The Primary objective was to carry out a carefully focused programme of work, addressing the use of multi-media for teaching European theatre history.

After gathering and closely evaluating examples of current needs and best practice in a variety of institutions engaged in the teaching of theatre, the consortium has created an online software application. This currently consists of 10 3D virtual architectural theatres from across Europe, with a user interface enabling students and teachers to access graphical and textual material, illustrating and exploring the history, evolution, variety and current range of theatrical practice in Europe.

In addition to providing extensive primary factual information, the software allows students and teachers to access and study essential elements of theatre, such as time, space, acoustics, lighting and sightlines, which are difficult to convey using conventional teaching materials.

The THEATRON Project and its outcomes have drawn widely upon diverse theatrical activity within a great many member states, contributing to the identification and preservation of cultural diversity in Europe through innovative learning systems.
List of current theatres
Reviews and Awards

New Book from the Oriental Institute: Barda Balka

Oriental Institute Communications (OIC), 31

Barda Balka
By Bruce Howe, with foreword by Yorke M. Rowan

PurchaseDownloadTerms of Use
The Paleolithic site of Barda Balka (“standing stone,” “stone to lean upon” in local Kurdish) is situated about 3 kilometers northeast of Chemchemal in Kirkuk Province, Iraq. Until recent years, the site was marked by a natural monolith of limestone conglomerate 3.5 meters high on a rather barren slope partly littered with Acheulean-type bifaces, pebble tools, cores, and flake artifacts.
The site was discovered in 1949 by members of the Directorate General of Antiquities of Iraq while on archaeological reconnaissance in the district. In 1951, during a field season of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago under the direction of Robert J. Braidwood (which not only conducted the excavations at nearby Jarmo and Karim Shahir but also carried out wider geological and prehistoric reconnaissance in the extended Chemchemal Valley area), Barda Balka was visited and further studied by Herbert E. Wright Jr. of the University of Minnesota Department of Geology and Bruce Howe, then of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Wright and Howe returned shortly thereafter to conduct a four-day sounding campaign of trenching and localized geological investigations. This volume is Howe’s final report of these investigations at Barda Balka. Yorke Rowan kindly reviewed the manuscript and provides a Foreword.
  • Oriental Institute Communications 31
  • Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2014
  • ISBN-13: -978-1-614910-00-8
  • Pp. xvi + 32; 3 figures, 22 plates, 3 tables
  • Softbound 9.00" x 11.75"
  • $29.95

Table of Contents

  • Editor’s Note   
  • List of Abbreviations, Figures, Tables, and Plates
  • Foreword. Yorke M. Rowan
  • Acknowledgments
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction
  • The Excavations
  • Description of the Stone Industry
  • Conclusions
  • Concordance
  • Plates

And for an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see

New Open Access Journal: Revista Memorare


Revista Memorare

A Revista Memorare, do Grupep-Arqueologia, aberta a colaboradores do Brasil e exterior interessados em propostas vinculadas as temáticas de preservação, valorização e difusão do patrimônio cultural material e imaterial. Destacamos como temas a serem discutidos em conjunto ou através de dossiês: Arqueologia Pré-histórica, Arqueologia Histórica, Arqueologia subaquática, Educação Patrimonial, Geoprocessamento, Gestão do Patrimônio Cultural, Memória, Identidade, Conservação e Restauro. Além desses temas, outros assuntos correlatos podem ser discutidos.

v. 1, n. 01 (2013)


Patrologia Graeca


Bible Odyssey

Bible Odyssey
About the Society of Biblical Literature
Founded in 1880, the Society of Biblical Literature is the oldest and largest learned society devoted to the critical investigation of the Bible based on the Humanities’ core disciplines. With over 8,000 members worldwide, it represents and convenes scholars whose life work is in biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies. The SBL promotes the academic study of the Bible and of sacred texts generally.

Why Bible Odyssey Website?

The Bible is a revered text for many and holds an iconic status in American and even global culture. And yet, studies show that people are unfamiliar with its key themes or stories—and who can blame them? The Bible is not one book, but many: a compilation of poetry, law codes, novellas, proverbs, gospels, and letters that were pulled together over the centuries. Being literate about the Bible is a tall order—but an important one. Given the Bible’s immense impact, our civic conversations and cultural awareness can only improve when we are able to recognize key people, places, and passages of the Bible. 

In addition, readers are also unfamiliar with critical approaches to the text. There is a big difference between Bible study, which happens in a religious setting, and study of the Bible, which happens in an academic one.  Bible Odyssey addresses not only the literacy gap but also the gap between the academy and the “street.” Why should Bible scholars have all the fun? Wouldn’t you like to know about the Synoptic Question, or about J, E, P, and D?

Bakr Awa: Information about the new field research at Bakr Awa

Bakr Awa: Information about the new field research at Bakr Awa
Bakr Awa (35°13‘14‘‘N, 45°56‘26‘‘E) is situated about 70 kilometer southeast of Sulaimaniyah, near the city of Halabja at the Iraqi-Iranian border. It is the biggest mound in the southern part of the Plain of Shahrizor, with a nearly 40 m high citadel in the middle of a c. 800 × 600 m wide lower city. 

 First soundings at the site were conducted by Ephraim Speiser in 1927, but extended excavations did not take place before 1960 and 1961 when Iraqi archaeologists of the Directorate General of Antiquities opened two trenches on the southwestern slope of the citadel and in the eastern lower city. After a break of half a century the work at Bakr Awa was resumed by a team of the University of Heidelberg in 2010. During the last three seasons investigations took place in five operation areas. 








Open Access Journal: Papers from the Institute of Archaeology

 [First posted in AWOL 13 November 2009. Updated 6 July 2014]

Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
ISSN (print) 0965-9315
ISSN (online) 2041-9015
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (PIA) is a peer reviewed, open access journal that publishes research on all aspects of archaeology, museum studies, cultural heritage and conservation. Run by graduate students at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, the aim of PIA is to provide authors with experience in publishing articles early in their careers. We therefore place extra emphasis on the provision of peer review feedback and editorial assistance.
The PIA Forum and Interview sections also provide valuable insights from established scholars.

Cover Page

Vol 23 (2013)

Lorna Richardson A Digital Public Archaeology?
Jonathan Gardner Five Rings: Enclosing the London 2012 Olympic Games
Hadas Elber-Aviram‘The Past Is Below Us’: Urban Fantasy, Urban Archaeology, and the Recovery of Suppressed History
Hanna Steyne Stinking Foreshore to Tree Lined Avenue: Investigating the Riverine Lives Impacted by the Construction of the Thames Embankments in Victorian London

Cover Page

Vol 22 (2012)

Flatman & Perring The National Planning Policy Framework and Archaeology: A Discussion
Williams & Koriech Interview with Mike Parker Pearson
Fulcher Conserving Heritage Tiles on the London Underground: Challenges and Approaches
Oras Importance of terms: What is a wealth deposit?
Lofthouse The Development of English Semi-detached Dwellings During the Nineteenth Century
Silva Landscape and Astronomy in Megalithic Portugal: the Carregal do Sal Nucleus and Star...
Wallace Presenting Pompeii: Steps towards Reconciling Conservation and Tourism at an...
Cover Page

Vol 21 (2011)

Pearson, Schadla-Hall & Moshenska Resolving the Human Remains Crisis in British Archaeology
Bintley The Byzantine Silver Bowls in the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial and Tree-Worship in Anglo...
Acton Allotment Gardens: A Reflection of History, Heritage, Community and Self
Laya Bio-archaeometallurgy, Technology, and Spatial Organization of Ironworking at Mjimwema...
Hu Advancing Theory? Landscape Archaeology and Geographical Information Systems
Quetta, Fitzpatrick, Harris, Kappers Bowls and Burials – an Update from Grand Bay, Carriacou...
Waldron Dealing with the unknown. A proposal for a method for redistributing skeletons...
Cover Page

Vol 20 (2010)

Gill The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Treasure Act
Interview Dominic Tweddle, Director General of the National Museum of the Royal Navy
Hubschmann Who Inhabited Dakhleh Oasis? Searching for an Oasis Identity in Pharaonic Egypt
Perego Magic and Ritual in Iron Age Veneto, Italy
Gustafsson Beware the Invisible
Christidou Re-Introducing Visitors: ... Identity-Related Visit Motivations
Duke et al. The Excavation of Iron Age Working Floors and Small-Scale Industry at Ban Non Wat
Wright Tasting Misery Among Snakes: The Situation of Smiths in Anglo-Saxon Settlements
Kaye et al. Beyond Time Team: Archaeological Investigations at Coconut Walk, Nevis, West Indies
Pohl Quernstones and Tuff as indicators for Medieval European trade patterns
Mazzone The Fishtail Knife Amulet UC14892/2 in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Cover Page

Vol 19 (2009)

Curtis Relations Between Archaeologists and the Military in the Case of Iraq
Interview Professor Stephen Shennan, Director, UCL Institute of Archaeology
Moshenska Second World War Archaeology in Schools
Fouseki & Sandes
Private Preservation vs. Public Preservation in London and Athens
Approaching Specialisation: Craft Production in Late Neolithic/Copper Age Iberia
Cover Page

Vol 18 (2007)

Caesar Store Tours: Accessing Museums’ Stored Collections
Carnall Zoo Store 1 at the Natural History Museum, London: Meeting National Standards?
Gardner The Uses of Stored Collections in some London Museums
Lejeune The Effects of Online Catalogues in London and other Museums
Edwards The Future for Curators
Keene Collections in the English National Museums: The Numbers
Cover Page

Vol 18 (2007)

Tubb Irreconcilable Differences? Problems with Unprovenanced Antiquities
Mike Pitts, Editor of British Archaeology
De Nardi Landscapes of the Prehistoric Veneto, Italy
Myers Portable Material Culture and Death Factory Auschwitz
Perego Women’s Voices in a Male World: the Ancient Maya
Reubens Bifacial Elements in Continental Northwestern Europe
Underhill Subjectivity Inherent In By-Eye Symmetry Judgements
Vanna Sex and Gender Related Health Status Differences
Xu Community Participation in Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Management in China
Cover Page

Vol 17 (2006)

Aitchison What is the Value of an Archaeology Degree?
Interview Sally MacDonald, Director, UCL Museums and Collections
Stevens et alDanish PhD School in Archaeology: Making Connections   
Alivizatou Museums and Intangible Heritage: The Dynamics of an 'Unconventional' Relationship
Moshenska Scales of Memory in the Archaeology of the Second World War
Cover Page

Vol 16 (2005)

Finlayson Present and Future of the British Schools, Institutes and Societies Abroad
Interviews Peter Ucko, UCL and Qin Ling, University of Beijing
Dhanjal Touching the Past?
Edinborough Weapons of Maths Instruction: A Thousand Years of Technological Stasis in Arrowheads
Long The Constitution and Mechanics of the ‘scales’ of Heritage: Sociopolitical Dimensions
Vacharopoulou Conservation and Management of Archaeological Monuments and Sites in Greece and Turkey
Cover Page

Vol 15 (2004)

Hassall Whither Roman Archaeology? Or Wither Roman Archaeology! A London Perspective
Interview Mike Heyworth, Director, Council for British Archaeology
Herrero About the Distribution of Metal Objects in Prepalatial Crete
MacSweeney Social Complexity and Population: A Study in the Early Bronze Age Aegean   
Matsuda The Concept of ‘the Public’ and the Aims of Public Archaeology
Cover Page

Vol 14 (2003)

Matthews Year Zero for the Archaeology of Iraq
Interview Don Brothwell, Emeritus Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of York
Burns Visible Proofs of Valour: The Trophy in South Italic Iconography of the 4th Century BC   
Kilminster Visitor Perceptions of Ancient Egyptian Human Remains in Three UK Museums
Love Questioning the Location of the Old Kingdom Capital of Memphis, Egypt
Tassie Identifying the Practice of Tattooing in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Veldhuijzen‘Slag_Fun’ – A New Tool for Archaeometallurgy
Cover Page

Vol 13 (2002)

Tite Archaeological Collections: Invasive Sampling versus Object Integrity
Interview Ruth Whitehouse, Institute of Archaeology
McCarthy‘Once Upon a Megalithic Time…’: Archaeology in Irish Tourism Literature   
Adadia Towards a Definition of Time in Archaeology: French Prehistoric Archaeology
Peters Conservation as a ‘Later Addition’
Townend Interpreting People Interpreting Things: A Heideggerian Approach
Cover Page

Vol 12 (2001)

Ucko Indigenous Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology
Interview Professor Colin Renfrew, Director, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Anderson Plant Names, Politics and Identity: ‘a rose would smell as sweet by any other name...’
Gardner The Times of Archaeology and Archaeologies of Time  
Grima Iconography of Insularity: Cosmological Interpretation of Late Neolithic Temples of Malta
Katsari et al Reassessing the Function of Grooves in Mycenaean Tombs
Labadi Industrial Archaeology as Historical Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology
Lindenlauf Thrown Away Like Rubbish - Disposal of the Dead in Ancient Greece
Cover Page

Vol 11 (2000)

Mower Trench Warfare? Archaeologists battle it out
Interview Dr Robert Anderson, Director, British Museum
Handley Not Just Add-Gender-&-Stir; Feminist Archaeology
Brookes The Kent Anglo-Saxon Emporia Project
Harrington Fieldwork Report for the ASKED Project
Gilmore Slave Site Archaeology on St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles
Kleinitz Tracing a West African Past: Rock Art in Sub-Saharan Mali
Cover Page

Vol 10 (1999)

Hamilton Lost in Translation? On Excavation Reports
Interview David Miles, Chief Archaeologist, English Heritage
Mendizábal Current Archaeological Research in Panamá Viejo, Panamá
Mower Deliberate ante-mortem dental modification and its implications
Kaye Photodegradation and photostabilization of historic silks in the museum environment
Hawkes Beyond Romanization: A framework for the study of faunal remains from Roman sites
Cover Page

Vol 9 (1998)

Interview Neil Ascherson, Institute of Archaeology
Fincham Military Communications in the East Anglian Fenland during the Roman period
Häussler Resta, viator, et lege: thoughts on the epigraphic habit
Meredith La Mina El Cerro de San Cristobal: a Bronze Age tin mine
Cover Page

Vol 8 (1997)

Shennan Darwinian Archaeology
Cook et al Report on Excavations at Sedgeford, Norfolk
Allard Growth and Stability Among Complex Societies in Prehistoric Lingnan, Southest China
Bredwa-Mensah et al Archaeological Investigations of Danish Plantation Settlements, Ghana
Cover Page

Vol 7 (1996)

Forum'Prehistory as Propaganda'
Interview Professor Peter Ucko, the next Director of the Institute
Reynolds Anglo-Saxon human sacrifice at Cuddesdon and Sutton Hoo?
Rogers & Widowson Midden Excavation in Theory and Practice: a Han midden site in Hong Kong
Bredwa-Mensah The production and use patterns of Ga pottery in the lower Densu Valley, Ghana
Tassie Hair-offerings: an enigmatic Egyptian custom
Spigelman The archaeologist and ancient bio-molecules: Field sampling strategies to enhance recovery
Cover Page

Vol 6 (1995)

MacDonald et al Prehistory as Propaganda
Interview Dr. Ian Hodder, University of Cambridge
Reynolds Avebury, Yatesbury and the archaeology of communications
Conlon Incorporation, integration and irrigation at the ancient Maya site of Baking Pot, Belize
Williams The spatial organization of pottery production in Huancito, Michoacan, Mexico
Fonseca Spanish Samian ware: fundamentals and references
Cover Page

Vol 5 (1994)

Interview Professor John Evans
Interview David Harris and Christopher Tilley on Science & Archaeology
Goins The Acid/Base Surface Characterization of Sandstone, Limestone and Marble
Berry The Encapsulation of Salts by Consolidants Used in Stone Conservation
Chandler New Applications of Archaeological Microscopy in the Field
Srinivasan Wootz Crucible Steel: A Newly Discovered Production Site in South India
Reynolds Settlement Morphology and Locational Change in Nth Wiltshire
Meheux The Pattern of Villas in the Severn Valley: Illusion and Change
Collins The Sumerian Goddess Inanna (3400-2200 BC)
Cover Page

Vol 4 (1993)

Ovelaran Palaeoenvironmental investigations in Iffe-Ijumu, southwestern Nigeria
Past erosional and sedimentological process at Sparta
Guest The use and abuse of numismatic evidence in southeastern Europe
Kassianidou The production of silver in Monte Romero, a 7th century B.C. workshop
Oosterbeek Senhora das Lapas: excavation of prehistoric cave burials in central Portugal
Iguaz Aztec mortuary practices in the light of ethnohistorical and archaeological sources
Conlon Elites, eccentrics, and empowerments in the Maya area
Cover Page

Vol 3 (1992)

Wenban-Smith Early Palaeolithic Cultural Facies and the Levalloisian at Baker's Hole
Moloney Lithic Production and Raw Material Exploitation at the M. Pleistocene Site of El Sartalejo
Rice The Boars from Altamira: Solving an Identity Crisis
Currie El Oro, Ecuador: A Case for Ecological Catastrophe?
Williams Pots, Pans, and People: Ceramic Ecology in West Mexico
Ponting The Fenny Stratford Hoard
Scull Exploratory Excavation at Braye-en-Laonnois, Renge River, 1991
Cover Page

Vol 2 (1991)

Arnold Experimental Archaeology and the Denticulate Mousterian
Kruszynski Horse-harness of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Poland
Nijboer Funerary Symbols on the Temple Decorations from the Talamonaccio
Jones Metates and Hallucinogens in Costa Rica
Hahn The Tusk-Shaped Stone Figurines From Coastal Ecuador
Novella Shell Trumpets from Western Mexico
Basa Iron Age in Southeast Asia
An Fish Remains from Konam-Ri Shell Midden Sites, Ammyun Island, Korea
Cover Page

Vol 1 (1990)

Awe et alEarly Middle Formative Occupation in the Central Maya Lowlands, Belize
Williams Huichol Ethnography and Archaeological Interpretation
Bequedano et al Similarities Between Sculptures Using Jaccard's Coefficient in the Study of Aztec Tlaltecuhtli
Hunt Inca Volcanic Stone Provenance in the Cuzco Province, Peru
Stewart Burnt Stone at West Heath, Hampstead
Fellner The Problems and Prospects of Cultural Evolution
Skeates What Can the Annaliste Approach Offer the Archaeologist?
aliste Approach Offer the Archaeologist?

ISAW Papers 7: Current Practice in Linked Open Data for the Ancient World.

ISAW Papers 7
This article is now available at the URI http://dlib.nyu.edu/awdl/isaw/isaw-papers/7/ as part of the NYU Library's Ancient World Digital Library in partnership with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW). More information about ISAW Papers is available on the ISAW website.

Creative Commons License

ISAW Papers 7 (2014)

Current Practice in Linked Open Data for the Ancient World

Editors: Thomas Elliott, Sebastian Heath, John Muccigrosso

Abstract: Reports on current work relevant to the role of Linked Open Data (LOD) in the study of the ancient world. As a term, LOD encompasses approaches to the publication of digital resources that emphasize stability, relatively fine-grained access to intellectual content via public URIs, and re-usability as defined both by publication of machine reabable data and by publication under licenses that permit further copying of available materials. This collection presents a series of reports from participants in 2012 and 2013 sessions of the NEH-funded Linked Ancient World Data Institute. The contributors come from a wide range of academic disciplines and professional backgrounds. The projects they represent reflect this range and also illustrate many stages of the process of moving from concept to implementation, with a focus on results achieved by the mid 2013 to early 2014 timeframe.

Editorial: academia.edu and Beyond!

I am a huge fan of academia.edu. I have been promoting it here on AWOL since it was a new service five years ago. It has exploded since then, without any apparent adverse consequenses. I reached my limit of two thousand connections long ago. I've communicated my feeling that limiting any individual's network to two thousand connections is a silly and counter-productive limitation, but they don't listen to me. What that means is that I am limited to seeing the activity of early adopters, or dropping connections to people I'd like to be connected to in order to connect to others. In practical terms it means I don't visit the site very much,  but depend on the push notifications sent when those to whom I am connected upload their scholarship to their profile. And those push notifications are extraordinarily rich! What I see among them more and more of are the full-text facsimiles of articles and books published by commercial publishers. To all appearances, most of these are violations of the copyright agreements signed by the authors with their publishers. In the few cases with which I have some personal connection, the responses by the author to a takedown notice is along the lines of "oh, sorry, I never read the text of the publishing contracts I sign, I just wanted to share".  Sharing is good!

But more and more of these things are from Brill, De Gruyter, Oxford, Cambridge, Springer, Eisenbrauns, Fabrizio Serra, and so on: the core of commercial publication in ancient studies. Despite the fact that ancient studies is seriously small beer in the world of publishing, there are jobs and companies at stake here. It won't be long before these firms take action against academia.edu for their (perhaps passive) complicity in the copyright violation. Then what. Will they fold? How would that be good for you and me?

But here's the real question.  I presume those of you who make your scholarship available in open access on academia.edu do so because you with it to be seen and read by the widest possible audience, possibly informed by an understanding of principles of open access espoused and promulgated by a variety of national and international organizations. If this is the case why not publish in born digital open access publications in the first place? Is it prestige? Never mind,  your work is good, their editors are good, prestige follows your work and their editorial control. But really, support the open access journals. AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies lists 1382 titles today. Find one you like, submit your article. Do it!

RDF vocabularies for classicists (from the Digital Classicists wiki)

RDF vocabularies for classicists (from the Digital Classicists wiki)
Classicists working on digital projects that involve data are encouraged to link their data to the semantic web. If you are new to the topic, start here (Linked open data).
In thinking about new vocabularies, whether for subjects, predicates, or objects of triples, one should begin with a survey of what already exists. By using one another's vocabularies, we reinforce the interoperability, and therefore utility, of our data. And it saves us the time needed to invent a taxonomy.
Sets of RDF vocabularies tend to fall in two groups: (1) terms for items, persons, concepts, and other resources and (2) terms for the relations that hold between resources. The first group correspond to what many scholars call controlled vocabulary, and they frequently show up as the subjects and objects of triples. The second corresponds to the vocabularies used in ontologies (e.g., RDFS, OWL, SKOS), and frequently show up as the predicates of triples.


Guide de l’Epigraphiste: Online Supplement 2014

Guide de l’Epigraphiste
Guide de l’épigraphiste
Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales
François Bérard, Denis Feissel, Nicolas Laubry, Pierre Petitmengin, Denis Rousset, Michel Sève et collaborateurs.
Quatrième édition entièrement refondue.
Guides et inventaires bibliographiques de la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure, 7.
Sont ici mis en ligne :
— à titre historique, les avant-propos de la première et de la troisième édition,
— la concordance entre les numéros de la troisième édition et ceux de la quatrième édition,
— la liste des abréviations usuelles répertoriées dans le Guide,
— la liste des sites internet indiqués dans le Guide, avec les liens correspondants, qui seront régulièrement vérifiés et mis à jour,
— la liste des cotes des livres à la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure.
Les auteurs prévoient de préparer un supplément annuel, qui sera ici mis en ligne chaque été.
Télécharger les suppléments disponibles :
Télécharger les suppléments disponibles :
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