Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Annoted Justinian Code

Annoted Justinian Code

About Fred H. Blume and the Annoted Justinian Code

From about 1920 to 1952, Fred H. Blume, attorney and Wyoming Supreme Court Justice, worked alone in his spare time to produce a massive, annotated English translation of Justinian’s Code. His hopes of seeing it published during his lifetime never came to fruition. Blume also translated Justinian’s Novels into English during the same period, but they, too, remained unpublished. This web site is dedicated primarily to housing an edited, electronic version of Justice Blume’s magnum opus--what he referred to as his ANNOTATED JUSTINIAN CODE. It also contains his translation of the Novels and other materials related to Justice Blume’s Roman law work, but it does not attempt to be a portal for research on the Code or Roman law in general.

Open Access Journal: Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis

[First posted 25 May 2012. Updated 23 June 2014]

Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis
ISSN electrònic: 2014-8151
ISSN paper: 2013-4118
Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis: SEBarc
Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis, fundada el 1994 pel professor Marc Mayer i Olivé, és una publicació científica anual que vol difondre estudis i novetats epigràfiques de qualitat, originals i inèdites, i abraça des del punt de vista de temes d'epigrafia, filologia clàssica, paleografia, història antiga, topografia antiga, arqueologia clàssica i llengües paleohispàniques.


Open Access Journal: lectio difficilior

 [First posted 9/28/09, most recently updated 23 June 2014]

lectio difficilior: European Electronic Journal for Feminist Exegesis / Revue Européenne Electronique d'Exégèse Féministe / Europäische elektronische Zeitschrift für Feministische Exegese
ISSN: 1661-3317
lectio difficilior (LDiff) erscheint halbjährlich in Bern als elektronische Zeitschrift, die ohne Einschränkungen und kostenlos via Internet zugänglich ist. Die Beiträge – in Deutsch, Englisch oder Französisch publiziert – werden von den Herausgeberinnen und dem Beirat vor der Publikation redaktionell geprüft. Honorare können nicht ausgerichtet werden.

Das Copyright der Artikel bleibt bei den Autorinnen. Die Herausgeberinnen übernehmen keine Verantwortung für allfälligen Missbrauch der im Internet erscheinenden Beiträge, garantieren aber für sorgfältige Betreuung bis zum Zeitpunkt des Erscheinens.

Sibylle Marti Zwischen Missbrauch und Befreiung.
Zum Potenzial feministischer Auslegung der jungfräulichen Geburt

Valérie Rhein Toralesung und die Frau: ein rabbinisches Dilemma

Edited by Susanne Scholz

Feminist Commentary upon Feminist Commentary.
A Report from the Feminist Biblical Trenches

Neue Bücher

[ Ausgabe 2/2013 ]

[ Ausgabe 1/2013 ]
Im Januar 2011 fand an der Theologischen und Religionswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Rijksuniversiteit in Groningen (Niederlanden) eine von Mathilde van Dijk und Anne-Claire Mulder organisierte Konferenz zum Thema "Gender Studies in Theology and Religion: a Success Story!?" statt. Die folgenden vier Beiträge aus dem Bereich Bibelwissenschaften sind aus Präsentationen an dieser Konferenz entstanden.

[ Ausgabe 2/2012 ]
[ Ausgabe 1/2012 ]
[ Ausgabe 2/2011 ]
[ Ausgabe 1/2011 ]
[ Ausgabe 2/2010 ]
[ Ausgabe 1/2010 ]
[ Ausgabe 2/2009 ]
  • Sophie Kauz
    Frauenräume im Alten Testament am Beispiel der Siedlung.
  • Reuven Kiperwasser
    "Three Partners in a Person”. The Genesis and Development of Embryological Theory in Biblical and Rabbinic Judaism.
  • Ernst Axel Knauf
    Salome Alexandra and the Final Redaction of Psalms.
  • Nancy C. Lee
    Prophetic ‘Bat-‘Ammî’ Answers God and Jeremiah.
  • Pamela J. Milne
    Son of a Prostitute and Daughter of a Warrior: What Do You Think the Story in Judges 11 Means?
  • Jane Tolmie
    Eve in the Looking-Glass: Interpretive labour in the Anglo-Norman Jeu d’Adam.
[ Ausgabe 1/2009 ]
  • Steve Cook
    Habakkuk 3, Gender, and War
  • Paula Gómez Hernández
    Die Identifikation kryptojüdischer Frauen auf der iberischen Halbinsel und in deren Kolonien mit biblischen Frauengestalten
  • Amy Kalmanofsky
    The Monstrous-Feminine in the Book of Jeremiah
[ Ausgabe 2/2008 ]
  • Elisabeth Esch-Wermeling
    Paulus lehrt – Thekla lauscht?
    Annäherungen an textstrategische Phänomene in den Theklaakten
  • Tal Ilan
    Gender and Lamentations:
    4Q179 and the Canonization of the Book of Lamentations
  • Christiane Steuer
    Der Fetus ist ein Glied seiner Mutter (ubar yerekh imo):
    Eine rabbinische Interpretation von Exodus 21:22-24
  • Silvia Schroer
    Gender and Iconography –
    from the Viewpoint of a Feminist Biblical Scholar
[ Ausgabe 1/2008 ]
  • Hans-Christoph Aurin
    Your urge shall be for your husband?
    A new translation of Genesis 3:16b and a new interpretation of Genesis 4:7
  • Christina Leisering
    Susanna „im Garten“:
    Eine feministisch-intertextuelle Lektüre der Susannaerzählung
  • Luzia Sutter Rehmann
    Abgelehnte Tischgemeinschaft in Tobit, Daniel, Ester, Judit.
    Ein Plädoyer für Differenzierung
  • Thomas Staubli
    Geschlechtertrennung und Männersphären im Alten Israel
[ Ausgabe 2/2007 ]
  • Cornelia B. Horn
    The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies and the Challenges of the Conversion of Families
  • Michael Pohl
    Feministische Interpretationen des zweiten Schöpfungsberichts im Lichte der allgemeinen Feminismuskritik Judith Butlers
  • Judith Hélène Stadler
    Die Figur der Noomi-Mara im Buch Rut
[ Ausgabe 1/2007 ]
  • Michaela Bauks
    Traditionsgeschichtliche Erwägungen zur Namenlosigkeit von Jiftachs Tochter
    (Ri 11,29-40).
  • Cynthia R. Chapman
    Sculpted Warriors: Sexuality and the Sacred in the Depiction of Warfare in the Assyrian Palace Reliefs and in Ezekiel 23:14-17.
  • Mayer I. Gruber
    Women’s Voices in the Book of Micah.
  • Judith Hartenstein
    Mary Magdalene the Apostle: A Re-interpretation of Literary Traditions?
  • Surekha Nelavala
    Jesus Asks the Samaritan Woman for a Drink: A Dalit Feminist Reading of John 4.
  • Peter-Ben Smit
    Manliness and the Cross – A Note on the Reception of Aspects of Early Christian Masculinity in Athanasius’ Life of Anthony.
[ Ausgabe 2/2006 ]
  • Moisés Mayordomo Marin
    Construction of Masculinity in Antiquity and Early Christianity

  • Elisabeth Pernkopf
    Ich will dich fragen ... Simone Weil im Gespräch mit Hiob

  • Susanne Plietzsch
    Zwischen Widerstand und Selbstaufopferung. Die rabbinische Rezeption der Gestalt der Hanna (Babylonischer Talmud, Berachot 31a-32b)

[ Ausgabe 1/2006 ]
  • Ron Clark
    The Silence in Dinah's Cry
  • Seong Hee Kim
    Rupturing the Empire
    Reading the Poor Widow as a Postcolonial Female Subject (Mark 12:41-44)
  • Martti Nissinen
    Die Heilige Hochzeit und das Hohelied
  • Peter-Ben Smit
    That's Very Sweet of You, My Child, But No Thanks
    A Note on Philippians 4:10-20 and Paul's Parental Authority
  • Helen Leneman
    Ruth and Boaz Love Duets as Examples of Musical Midrash
[ Ausgabe 2/2005 ]
  • Ilse Müllner
    Dialogische Autorität. Feministisch-theologische Überlegungen zur kanonischen Schriftauslegung.
  • Angela Standhartinger
    Frauen in Mahlgemeinschaften. Diskurs und Wirklichkeit einer antiken, frühjüdischen und frühchristlichen Praxis.
  • Kristin De Troyer
    The Names of God. Their Pronunciation and Their Translation. A Digital Tour of Some of the Main Witnesses.
[ Ausgabe 1/2005 ]
  • Janet S. Everhart
    Naked Bodies: Transgendering the Gospel of Thomas
  • Mercedes L. García Bachmann
    “And YHWH saw and was displeased”: Mediation as human responsibility (Isaiah 59)
  • Erhard S. Gerstenberger
    Women in Old Testament Legal Procedures
  • Luzia Sutter Rehmann
    Der Glanz der Schekhinah und Elisabeths Verhüllung. Lk 1,24
[ Ausgabe 2/2004 ]
  • Todd Penner & Caroline Vander Stichele
    Unveiling Paul: Gendering Ethos in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
  • Silvia Schroer
    Liebe und Tod im Ersten (Alten) Testament
  • Kimberly B. Stratton
    Male Magicians and Female Victims. Understanding a Pattern of Magic Representation in Early Christian Literature
  • Philippe Guillaume & Noga Blockman
    By my God, I bull leap (Psalm 18:30 // 2 Samuel 22:30)
  • Ernst Axel Knauf
    Bull-jumping David Crosses Gender-lines (Once Again). Three additional remarks to Philippe Guillaume
[ Ausgabe 1/2004 ]
  • Jessica Grimes
    Reinterpreting Hagar’s Story
  • Susanne Scholz
    Gender, Class, and Androcentric Compliance in the Rapes of Enslaved Women in the Hebrew Bible
[ Ausgabe 2/2003 ]
  • Veronika Bachmann
    Die biblische Vorstellungswelt und deren geschlechterpolitische Dimension – Methodologische Überlegungen am Beispiel der ersttestamentlichen Kategorien ‚rein‘ und ‚unrein‘.
  • Kune Biezeveld
    Der Splitter und das Bild. Das Bilderverbot aus neuer Perspektive
  • Thalia Gur-Klein
    Sexual Hospitality in the Hebrew Bible?
[ Ausgabe 1/2003 ]
  • Ulrike Bail
    Spelling out No-Where. Lamentations as a textual space of survival.
  • Irene Pabst
    The interpretation of the Sarah-Hagar-stories in rabbinic and patristic literature. Sarah and Hagar as female representations of identity and difference
  • Peter-Ben Smit
    Simon Peter’s Mother in Law Revisited. Or Why One Should Be More Careful With Mothers-In-Law
  • Silvia Schroer
    Feministische Anthropologie des Ersten Testaments. Beobachtungen, Fragen, Plädoyers
[ Ausgabe 2/2002 ]
  • Ernst Axel Knauf
    The Queens' Story. Bathsheba, Maacah, Athaliah and the ‘Historia of Early Kings'
  • Alain Gignac
    Résister au texte pour repenser les «genres»? Expérimentation herméneutique à partir de Romains 1,18-32
  • Adele Reinhartz
    Die „Glückliche Heilige Familie“ in den Jesus-Filmen
  • Angela Standhartinger
    Die Frau muss Vollmacht haben auf ihrem Haupt (1 Korinther 11,10). Zur Geschichte und Gegenwart feministischer Paulusauslegungen.
[ Ausgabe 1/2002 ]
  • Silvia Schroer
    Häusliche und außerhäusliche religiöse Kompetenzen israelitischer Frauen – am Beispiel von Totenklage und Totenbefragung
  • Jopie Siebert-Hommes
    “On the third day Esther put on her queen’s robes” (Esther 5:1). The Symbolic Function of Clothing in the Book of Esther
  • Hanna Stenström
    Is a liberating feminist exegesis possible without liberation theology?
[ Ausgabe 2/2001 ]
  • Julia Müller-Clemm
    Archäologische Genderforschung: (K)ein Thema für die Palästina-Archäologie? Ein Forschungsüberblick mit Beispielen zur ‘Archäologie des Todes’
  • Christl Maier
    Body Imagery in Psalm 139 and its Significance for a Biblical Anthropology
  • Susanne Scholz
    What “Really” Happened to Dinah. A Feminist Analysis of Genesis 34.
  • Caroline Vander Stichele
    Murderous Mother, Ditto Daughter? Herodias and Salome at the Opera.
[ Ausgabe 1/2001 ]
  • Elzbieta Adamiak
    Gestohlene Bibel. Feministische Exegese im Kontext Mittel-Ost-Europa
  • Thomas Staubli
    Die Künder-Kinder der Weisheit. Mt 11,16-19||Lk 7,31-35 im Lichte antiker Texte und Terrakotten
  • Luzia Sutter Rehmann
    Die paulinischen Briefe in der feministischen Exegese
  • Thalia Gur-Klein
    Potiphar’s Wife and the Cultural Template of Sacred Sexuality

[ Ausgabe 1/2011 ]
  • Dalia Marx
    Women and Priests: Encounters and dangers as reflected in I Sam 2:22
  • Susanne Plietzsch
    Verführung zur Tora: das Konzept idealer Weiblichkeit in der rabbinischen Überlieferung zu Rabbi Akiba und seiner Frau
  • Karen Strand Winslow
    "For Moses Had Indeed Married a Cushite Woman": The LORD's Prophet Married Well
[ Ausgabe 2/2000 ]
  • Mieke Bal
    Religious Canon and Literary Identity. Plenary lecture Nijmegen, Conference ‘Literary Canon and Religious Identity’
  • Luzia Sutter Rehmann
    Sexuelle Differenzen. Geschichten des Missbrauchs in den Apokryphen Apostelakten – Grundzüge einer Hermeneutik des Konflikts
  • Ernst Axel Knauf
    Vom Prophetinnenwort zum Prophetenbuch. Jesaja 8,3f im Kontext von Jesaja 6,1-8,16
[ Ausgabe 1/2000 ]
  • Silvia Schroer
    Die Gerechtigkeit der Sophia. Biblische Weisheitstraditionen und feministische Diskurse.
  • Irène Schwyn
    Kinderbetreuung im 9.-7. Jahrhundert. Eine Untersuchung anhand der Darstellungen auf neuassyrischen Reliefs.
  • Caroline Vander Stichele
    Just a Whore. The Annihilation of Babylon According to Revelation 17:16
  • Marie-Theres Wacker
    «Nicht Sklavin, sondern Freie». Stationen feministischer Theologie 1934 – 1999. Festrede zum 65. Geburtstag von Luise Schottroff in Kassel am 14. Juli 1999
  • Esther A. de Boer
    Mary Magdalene and the Disciple Jesus Loved

IFAO Access Problem

Imagery of Archaeological Site Looting

Imagery of Archaeological Site Looting
United States State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
These satellite images document the scale of destruction that looters continue to inflict on archaeological heritage sites during the ongoing conflict in Syria. Looting at archaeological sites destroys irreplaceable evidence of life and society in the ancient world. In the case of Syria, this evidence has helped researchers understand important historical developments such as the beginnings of agriculture and cities, the rise and fall of empires, and the development and spread of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Syria’s rich archaeological corpus includes several ancient settlements on the UNESCO World Heritage List and Tentative List and many others that help us understand the mosaic of human history.

Dura Europos
This unique Classical-period site, founded in the 3rd century BC and occupied until the 3rd century AD, demonstrates the diversity of the ancient Middle East. One of the world’s earliest churches was discovered here, as was one of the oldest preserved synagogues and numerous temples devoted to polytheistic deities. This important site of approximately 150 acres (60 hectares) is now covered by looters’ pits.

28 June 2012

02 April 2014
Mari was an important city in the Early and Middle Bronze Ages (ca. 3000-1600 BC). Excavations have recovered cuneiform archives as well as the remains of the famous “palace of Zimri-lim,” which was destroyed by Hammurabi of Babylon in the mid-18th century BC. Looters here have sunk several pits in the area of Zimri-lim’s palace and at other places in the city center.

07 September 2012

25 March 2014
Tell Sheikh Hamad
In the late 2nd millennium BC (beginning around 1350 BC), this site served as the regional capital of Assyria’s western provinces; in the 1st millennium BC, it was an important administrative center in the Assyrian empire. Looting here has focused on the citadel area, as well as parts of the lower town.

01 March 2011

03 March 2014

Open Access Journal: Histoire de la médecine en Egypte ancienne


Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi

[First posted in AWOL 9 Septemver 2010, updated 24 June 2014]

LGGA Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi
Progetto diretto da Franco Montanari, Valter Lapini, Fausto Montana, Lara Pa
Il LESSICO DEI GRAMMATICI GRECI ANTICHI (LGGA) intende fornire uno strumento di consultazione di base online per gli studiosi dell'antichità greco-latina, in particolare per le ricerche sulla storia della filologia, della grammatica e dell'erudizione antiche.

Il contenuto è costituito da schede relative ai personaggi che hanno dato contributi di vario genere alla ricerca erudita e filologico-grammaticale nel mondo antico, ordinati alfabeticamente secondo il nome latino.

Il repertorio comprende ora un totale di 567 personaggi. Le schede vengono progressivamente rese disponibili e scaricabili in formato PDF. Per accedere a questo servizio gratuito è sufficiente registrarsi con il proprio indirizzo di e-mail alla comparsa dell'apposita finestra.

La preparazione dei files pdf comporta un lavoro di rifinitura e completamento delle voci del lessico. Le schede di alcuni dei grammatici più importanti, che richiedono una voce enciclopedica molto ampia e complessa, vengono via via rese disponibili per il download in una versione comprendente la sola bibliografia aggiornata, mentre la trattazione generale e gli eventuali testi saranno aggiunti in un secondo tempo. Questa soluzione è attualmente adottata o prevista per Aelius [2] Herodianus, Apollonius [09] Dyscolus, Aristarchus, Aristophanes, Didymus, Eratosthenes, Galenus, Iulius [2] Pollux, Zenodotus.

A partire da luglio 2007, il Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi ha adottato una politica di peer review, che prevede di sottoporre ciascuna scheda alla valutazione di almeno due revisori esterni prima che questa sia pubblicata..

Per visualizzare un esempio di scheda cliccare qui.

The LGGA (Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi) means to provide an online reference tool for scholars of Greek-Latin Antiquity, especially for studies on the history of ancient philology, grammar and scholarship.

The contents consist of files on the personalities who variously contributed to erudite and philological-grammatical research in ancient world, alphabetically ordered by Latin name.

The catalogue includes now a total of 567 grammarians. Files are made available progressively, as soon as work on a file is completed and can be downloaded in pdf format. To access this free service you have just to sign in with your e-mail address when the relevant window appears.

The preparation of the pdf files entails a polishing and completion work on the entries of the lexicon. The files concerning some particularly important grammarians, that call for a more extended and complex encyclopedic entry, are made available for download as they are filled in just with the updated bibliography, while the general discussion and possible texts will be added on in a second time. This handling has been chosen for Aelius [2] Herodianus, Apollonius [09] Dyscolus, Aristarchus, Aristophanes, Didymus, Eratosthenes, Galenus, Iulius [2] Pollux, Zenodotus.

From July 2007 the Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi has adopted a peer review policy, which consists in submitting each entry to at least two external reviewers before publication.

To display a file example click here.

Linked Open Hesperia Bibliographic Citations


[First posted in AWOL 19 June 2012, updated 24 June 2014]


 Hesperia Bibliographic Citations Now on Zotero

by Andrew Reinhard
Bibliographic citation data for 1,500+ Hesperia articles are now freely available on the Zotero platform. Zotero is a widely used, open bibliography tool that helps scholars collect, organize, cite, and share research sources.

Researchers who use Zotero while writing articles and books that reference Hesperia articles can download citation data by visiting the ASCSA’s group page. You can choose to browse the collection of articles from 1932 to 2012 by volume year, or you can search with keywords across all articles.
When you find a citation you need, you can download that data to your own collection of research bibliography. Zotero will automatically format it in the style of your choice (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style). Citation data include article title/subtitle, author, abstract, volume/issue/page numbers, and publication date.

For those researchers with access to JSTOR, Zotero citation entries for Hesperia also contain links to the articles themselves. Once older volumes of Hesperia (1932–2009) become available online for free later this year, these links will be updated to point to the ASCSA’s website.

ASCSA monographs are also on Zotero in the “ASCSA Books” collection, organized by series (e.g., Corinth, Isthmia). This is a work in progress, with about 70 more books to be added to complete the open bibliography of all ASCSA publications...
See all 2553 items for this group in the Group Library.

Le Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines de Daremberg et Saglio

Le Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines de Daremberg et Saglio
Le projet de mise en ligne du Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines est issu d'un partenariat entre des enseignants d'Histoire de l'Université du Mirail et la Mission Innovation Technologique et Multimedia qui assure son développement. Ce projet prévoit l'accès Internet au contenu de l'ouvrage et la possibilité de commenter et d'enrichir les articles.

Ce site est le résultat d'une série de travaux expérimentaux effectués dans le but de permettre l'accès aux textes par la recherche documentaire (recherche par entrées et plein-texte). Il offre à tous l'accès aux fichiers numérisés ainsi que les fonctionnalités de recherches internes.

La consultation des enrichissements officiels est désormais accessible.
Après quelques incidents techniques, la recherche est de nouveau fonctionnelle.

Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern and and Islamic Studies

Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources (AMIR) [ISSN 2160-3049], a sister project of AWOL, is intended as a tool to assemble and distribute information on open access material relating to the Middle East and Islamic Studies. It includes a developing:
Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies

currently listing 505 titles.  There is some (but not much) overlap between that lists and the List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies. Those interested in this domain can subscribe to AMIR directly.

Open Access Journal: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt : Serie A, Aufsätze

Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt : Serie A, Aufsätze
Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt begründet und bis Band 34 herausgegeben von Albert Fuchs (1937-2010), am Institut für Bibelwissenschaft des Alten und Neuen Testamentes der KTU Linz in Zusammenarbeit mit Christoph Niemand und Michael Zugmann herausgegeben von Konrad Huber.
Die “Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt” (SNTU, Serie A: Aufsätze) erscheinen seit 1976 mit Aufsätzen zu wissenschaftlich-exegetischen, philologischen und historischen Themen zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt.
Die Schriftleitung lädt herzlich dazu ein, Beiträge– auch Aufsätze größeren Umfangs, die in herkömmlichen Fachzeitschriften nur schwer Platz finden – zur Publikation in den SNTU in elektronischer Form per E-Mail sowie als Ausdruck per Post an die Adresse der KTU einzusenden.
Die Richtlinien zur formalen Gestaltung der Beiträge entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Datei: SNTU_Formale Richtlinien.
Auch Ihre Mitarbeit als Rezensentin bzw. Rezensent für die SNTU ist herzlich willkommen. Bereitschaftsbekundungen, gelegentlich Rezensionen übernehmen zu wollen, bzw. konkrete Rezensionswünsche sind erbeten.

Jahrgänge 1 – 34 are available in open access

 See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

The Levantine Ceramics Project

TheLevantine Ceramics Project
The Levantine Ceramics Project
The Levantine Ceramics Project is a collaborative venture of archaeologists working in the modern countries of the Levant to make the evidence of ceramic wares, shapes, and laboratory analyses readily available. Our goal is to build a resource that will simplify the process of submitting, searching for, and using ceramic evidence so as to help advance broad comparative research on Levantine social, cultural, and economic history.  

Dissertations in Ancient Near Eastern Studies Approved by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago

Dissertations in Ancient Near Eastern Studies Approved by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago
Aaron Alexander Burke
June 2004: The Architecture of Defense: Fortified Settlements Of The Levant During The Middle Bronze Age

Katherine Strange Burke
June 2007: Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh’s House at Quseir al-Qadim

Aaron Michael Butts
June 2013: Language Change in the Wake of Empire: Syriac in Its Greco-Roman Context

Dennis R. M. Campbell
March 2007: Mood and Modality in Hurrian

A. Asa Eger
August 2008: The Spaces Between The Teeth: Environment, Settlement, And Interaction On The Islamic-Byzantine Frontier

Helene J. Kantor
March 1945: Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East

Michael Kozuh
March 2006: The Sacrificial Economy: On The Management Of Sacrificial Sheep And Goats At The Neo-Babylonian/Achaemenid Eanna Temple Of Uruk (c. 625-520 BC)

John S. Nolan
June 2010: Mud Sealings And Fourth Dynasty Administration At Giza

Foy D. Scalf
March 2014: Passports to Eternity: Formulaic Demotic Funerary Texts and the Final Phase of Egyptian Funerary Literature in Roman Egypt

Jason Alik Ur
December 2004: Urbanism and Society in the Third Millennium Upper Khabur Basin

Bruce Williams
December 1975: Archaeology and Historical Problems of the Second Intermediate Period

Ilya Yakubovich
June 2008: Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language
And see Open Access Publications at the Oriental Institute Research Archives

And note also that many dissertations from the University of Chicago are accessible, open access, via PQDT Open. Among them are:

The prophet and the lying pen: Jeremiah's poetic challenge to the Deuteronomic school
by Silver, Edward, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2009: 364 pages; AAT 3387053.

Agents, archives, and risk: A micronarrative account of Old Assyrian trade through Salim-ahum's activities in 1890 B.C.
by Stratford, Edward Paul, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2010: 492 pages; AAT 3419777.

Jordan first: A history of the intellectual and political economy of Jordanian antiquity
by Corbett, Elena Dodge, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2009: 532 pages; AAT 3362463.
by Kim, Koowon, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2010: 469 pages; AAT 3397291.

Pushing the boundaries of myth: Transformations of ancient border wars in Archaic and Classical Greece by Bershadsky, Natasha, Ph.D.  The University of Chicago. 2013: 450 pages; 3557392.   

Antiquity in the Online-Publikationsserver (OPUS) der Universität Würzburg

 [First posted in AWOL 7 October 2011, updated 26 June 2014]

Online-Publikationsserver (OPUS) der Universität Würzburg 
Institut für Biblische Theologie
Show/Hide AbstractDemokratie im Volk Gottes? Untersuchungen zur Apostelgeschichte (2000)
Ralph Neuberth
Show/Hide AbstractWer bist du, Elija? Die Vielfalt des Prophetenbildes in den Kompositionen von 1 Kön 17-18 : Eine Textstudie (2006)
Monika Helmi Berwanger
Show/Hide Abstract"Nun sag, wie hast du's mit den Göttern?" Eine Forschungsgeschichte zu Ps 82 (2009)
Sebastian Diez
Show/Hide AbstractCasting Judith. The construction of role patterns in the book of Judith (2009)
Barbara Schmitz
Auferstehung und Epiphanie. Jenseits- und Körperkonzepte im Zweiten Makkabäerbuch (2009)
Barbara Schmitz
Vor-Denken und Nach-Denken. Die Funktion der Reden und Gebete im Buch Judit (2004)
Barbara Schmitz
Show/Hide AbstractWar, violence and Tyrannicide in the Book of Judith (2010)
Barbara Schmitz
Geschaffen aus dem Nichts? Die Funktion der Rede von der Schöpfung im Zweiten Makkabäerbuch (2010)
Barbara Schmitz
"Dir soll Deine ganze Schöpfung dienen" (Jdt 16,14). Schöpfungstheologie im Buch Judit (2010)
Barbara Schmitz
Show/Hide AbstractHolofernes's Canopy in the Septuagint (2010)
Barbara Schmitz

Institut für klassische Philologie

Show/Hide AbstractXenophon, Apologie des Sokrates : Ein Kommentar (2007)
Boris Hogenmüller
Show/Hide AbstractGriechische Kultbilder - Archäologischer Befund und literarische Überlieferung (2008)
Beate Bergbach-Bitter
Show/Hide AbstractXenophon, Apologie des Sokrates - Ein Kommentar (2007)
Boris Hogenmüller
Show/Hide AbstractAntikenrezeption in Corneilles Médée (2013)
Sophie Kleinecke

Institut für Altertumswissenschaften

Show/Hide AbstractDie weiblichen Frisuren auf den Münzen und in der Großplastik zur Zeit der Klassik und des Hellenismus. Typen und Ikonologie (2011)
Mairi Gkikaki
Show/Hide AbstractDas westgotenzeitliche Gräberfeld von Madrona (Segovia, Spanien) (2006)
Antonel Jepure
Show/Hide AbstractDie nichtköniglichen Priesterinnen des Alten Reiches (4.-6. Dynastie) (2008)
Yvonne G. Lemke
Show/Hide AbstractGriechische Kultbilder - Archäologischer Befund und literarische Überlieferung (2008)
Beate Bergbach-Bitter
Show/Hide AbstractBeobachtungen zur Ikonographie von Klage und Trauer : Griechische Sepulkralkeramik vom 8. bis 5. Jh. v. Chr. (2008)
Claudia Merthen
Show/Hide AbstractStempelverzierte Keramikfunde der Völkerwanderungszeit im Barbaricum – Neue Funde vom frühmittelalterlichen Burgwall bei Kopchin (Lkr. Bautzen) (2012)
Armin Volkmann
Show/Hide AbstractHethitische Vogelorakeltexte (2009)
Yasuhiko Sakuma
Show/Hide AbstractZur Musik Mesopotamiens. Erste Ergänzung (2011) (2011)
Karin Stella Schmidt
Show/Hide AbstractHistorische Aufnahmen aus dem Vorderen Orient. Teil 1: Syrien und Jordanien (1979) (2014)
Karin Stella Schmidt
Show/Hide AbstractHistorische Aufnahmen aus dem Vorderen Orient. Teil 2: Iraq und Iran (1971) (2014)
Karin Stella Schmidt
Show/Hide AbstractHistorische Aufnahmen aus dem Vorderen Orient. Teil 3: Türkei (1968, 1975, 1978) (2014)
Karin Stella Schmidt

Institut für klassische Philologie (bis Sept. 2007)

Show/Hide AbstractSeneca, Hercules furens: Handlung, Bühnengeschehen, Personen und Deutung (2002)
Alexander Eisgrub
Show/Hide AbstractDas Wesen des Guten - Gegen einen Widersacher der Ordnung Gottes und der Propheten - Gegen Maximinus, Bischof der Arianischen Irrlehre, I. Buch (2005)
Aurelius AugustinusAlfons AbertAlexander Eisgrub

Institut für Archäologie (bis Sept. 2007)

Show/Hide AbstractDie Wettenburg in der Mainschleife bei Urphar : eine Höhenbefestigung des Jungneolithikums, der Urnenfelderzeit, der frühen Eisenzeit und der Völkerwanderungszeit (2000)
Dieter Neubauer
Show/Hide AbstractUntersuchungen von Reliefstelen aus dem römischen Nordafrika : Beiträge zur Akkulturation und Romanisierung in der kaiserzeitlichen Provincia Africa Proconsularis (2006)
Ulrike Wurnig
Künstliche Beleuchtung und Architektur (1990)
Winfried Held
Heiligtum und Wohnhaus : ein Beitrag zur Topographie des klassischen Milet (1993)
Winfried Held
Erinnerungen an Mozakis. Eine neugefundene Stockwerkstele aus dem bithynischen Tarsos (1994)
Winfried HeldFrank Rumscheid
Show/Hide AbstractAttisch weißgrundige Keramik - Maltechniken, Werkstätten, Formen und Verwendung (1983)
Irma Wehgartner
Ein Grabbild des Achilleusmalers (1985)
Irma Wehgartner
Show/Hide AbstractDas Ideal maßvoller Liebe auf einem attischen Vasenbild (1987)
Irma Wehgartner
Show/Hide AbstractBemerkungen zum Bild der Frau in der etruskischen Kunst (1990)
Irma Wehgartner
Show/Hide AbstractDer Vasenmaler Aison und seine Beziehungen zu einigen zeitgenössischen Vasenmalern (1992)
Irma Wehgartner
Die Gruppe Vogell : Attische Eichellekyten und ihre Symbolik (1992)
Irma Wehgartner
Show/Hide AbstractRöntgenstrahlen und Archäologie (1994)
Irma Wehgartner
Neue Untersuchungen zur weißgrundigen Lekythenbemalung (1988)
Irma Wehgartner
Show/Hide AbstractDer sakrale Schutz von Grenzen im antiken Griechenland - Formen und Ikonographie (2006)
Aletta Seiffert
Man leaning on his stick : Zu Bild und Inschrift eines attischen Salbgefäßes ; (mit einem Beitrag von Günter Neumann) (1989)
Irma Wehgartner

Institut für Ägyptologie (bis Sept. 2007)

Show/Hide AbstractDas Sechet-Iaru (1997)
Judith S. Gesellensetter

Institut für Orientalische Philologie (bis Sept. 2007)

Show/Hide AbstractDie Göttin Ninegal/Belet-ekallim nach den altorientalischen Quellen des 3. und 2. Jt. v.Chr. : mit einer Zusammenfassung der hethitischen Belegstellen sowie der des 1. Jt. v. Chr. (2003)
Geeta De Clercq
Die Siegel des Königs Itḫi-teššup von Arrapḫa (1981)
Gernot Wilhelm
Legenden [der Siegel der ehem. Oppenländer-Sammlung] (1968)
Gernot Wilhelm
Zum hurritischen Lexikon II (1974)
Gernot WilhelmVolkert Haas
Zum hurritischen Lexikon I (1972)
Gernot WilhelmV. Haas
Zum hurritischen Ergativ (1969)
Gernot WilhelmVolkert Haas
Show/Hide AbstractGoldstandard in Nuzi (1974)
Gernot Wilhelm
Découvertes épigraphiques à Kāmid el-Lōz (1978)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractHSS XV 293: Keine entu-Priesterin mit ägyptisierendem Siegel (1992)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractNotizen zum hurritischen Wörterbuch (1992)
Gernot Wilhelm
kulbābu (1991)
Gernot Wilhelm
A Hurrian Letter from Tell Brak (1991)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractHurritisch e/irana/i "Geschenk" (1992)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractExcavations at Tell Karrana 3 (1985 and 1986) (1991)
Gernot WilhelmCarlo Zaccagnini
Show/Hide AbstractZum eblaitischen Gott Kura (1992)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractHurritische Berufsbezeichnungen auf -li (1992)
Gernot Wilhelm

Institut für Altertumswissenschaften (bis Sept. 2007)

Show/Hide AbstractUntersuchungen zur Verwendung und Fragmentierung von Bronzen aus spätbronzezeitlichen Depotfunden Bayerns, Baden-Württembergs und Westböhmens (2012)
Markus Diehm
Show/Hide AbstractDie Fortsetzungstafel eines Briefes aus Kamid el-Loz (KL 72 : 600) (1980)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractEin Gefäßfragment mit alphabetischer Keilinschrift (1980)
Gernot Wilhelm
German-Italian expedition to Iraq: preliminary report on the first campaign of excavations within the Saddam Dam Reservoir Archaeological Rescue Project (1984) (1987)
Frederick Marion FalesSebastiano TusaGernot WilhelmCarlo Zaccagnini
La première tablette cunéiforme trouvée à Tyre (1973)
Gernot Wilhelm
ta/erdennu, ta/urtannu, ta/urtānu (1970)
Gernot Wilhelm
Eine altbabylonische Graphik im Hurro-Akkadischen (1971)
Gernot Wilhelm
Eine Krughenkelinschrift in alphabetischer Keilschrift aus Kāmid el-Lōz (KL 67:428p) (1973)
Gernot Wilhelm
Großgrundbesitz, Sklavenwirtschaft und transhumante Viehzucht im hurritischen Siedlungsraum östlich des Tigris (1975)
Gernot Wilhelm
Altassyrische Texte aus Privatsammlungen (1975)
Gernot WilhelmW. Mayer
Zur Rolle des Großgrundbesitzes in der hurritischen Gesellschft (1978)
Gernot Wilhelm
Ist das Elamische eine Ergativsprache? (1978)
Gernot Wilhelm
Der Komitativ des Urartäischen (1980)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractArtemis und der Weg der Frauen von der Geburt bis zur Mutterschaft am Beispiel von Kulten auf der Peloponnes (2006)
Maria Gennimata
Show/Hide AbstractSynchrone Neuklassifizierung der tocharischen Grundverben (2009)
Markus Hartmann
Show/Hide AbstractZusammenschlüsse von Nuzi-Texten (1981)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractEisenproduktionswerkplätze der späten römischen Kaiserzeit (3.–5. Jh. AD) im inneren Barbaricum (2012)
Armin Volkmann
Show/Hide AbstractNoch einmalzur behaupteten Ergativität des Elamischen (1982)
Gernot Wilhelm
Eine spätbronzezeitliche Keilschrifturkunde aus Syrien (Tafeln 58a-59), 1. Der Text (1983)
Gernot WilhelmJan-Waalke Meyer
Die Inschrift auf der Statue der Tatu-ḫepa und die hurritischen deiktischen Pronomina (1984)
Gernot Wilhelm
Hurritisch nari(ya) "fünf" (1984)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractAbsolute Chronologie und die hethitische Geschichte des 15. und 14. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (1987)
Gernot WilhelmJ. Boese
Zum hurritischen Infinitiv in Nuzi (1987)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractT. Karrāna 3, T. Ǧīkān and T. Ḫirbat Ṣālih: 1st Campaign (1987)
Gernot WilhelmM. FalesS. TusaC. Zaccagnini
Show/Hide AbstractT. Karrāna 3, T. Ḫirbat Ṣālih: 2nd Campaign (1987)
Gernot WilhelmC. Zaccagnini
Show/Hide AbstractŠura/i in Kargamiš und das urartäische Gentiliz Šurele (1993)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractZur Paläographie der in Ägypten geschriebenen Keilschriftbriefe (1984)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractZur Grammatik und zum Lexikon des Hurritischen (1993)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractZur babylonisch-assyrischen Schultradition in Ḫattuša (1990)
Gernot Wilhelm
Show/Hide AbstractKumme und *Kumar: Zur hurritischen Ortsnamenbildung (1994)
Gernot Wilhelm
Zum viersprachigen Vokabular aus Ugarit (1992)
Gernot Wilhelm
Zur hurritischen Gebetsliteratur (1991)
Gernot Wilhelm
Die Hurriter : Archäologen suchen ihr verschollenes Reich (1979)
Gernot Wilhelm
Aššur-dān I., Ninurta-apil-Ekur und die mittelassyrische Chronologie (1979)
Gernot WilhelmJohannes Boese
Parrattarna, Sauštatar und die absolute Datierung der Nuzi-Tafeln (1976)
Gernot Wilhelm

Open Access Journal: The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS)

[First posted in AWOL 31 October 2009. Updated 27 June 2014]

The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS) 
ISSN 1662-1379
The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS) is a freely accessible academic web resource. Its goals are: Updating all scholars interested in Nabataean culture and history; and promoting contacts and scientific exchanges among experts from different areas.
Until the end of 2005 BNS was hosted by the Department of Asiatic Studies – University „L’Orientale“ , Naples (Italy) (UNO), and carried out by Giancarlo Lacerenza (Ph. D., Semitics), within the framework of the scientific activities backed by the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern History (Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini).
The BNS International Committee of Referees includes: Khairieh ’Amr (Amman), Hannah M. Cotton (Jerusalem), John F. Healey (Manchester), Michael C. A. Macdonald (Oxford), Laïla Nehmé (Paris), Emile Puech (Jerusalem), Robert Wenning (Münster), Ada Yardeni (Jerusalem).


Scholars engaged in research projects concerning Nabataeans (art, archaeology, history, language, and so forth), can contribute with:
  • Updated bibliographical references; notices of new articles, books and congresses
  • Articles or publications to be published on the BNA-Homepage
  • Personal bibliography and curriculum, to be inserted in our Scholars section.

Open Access Journal: Andrews University Seminary Studies

 [First posted in AWOL 16 March 2011. Updated 27 June 2014]

Andrews University Seminary Studies
ISSN: 0003-2980
Founding editor Sigfried H. Horn envisioned a journal that would provide a scholarly venue for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary faculty, students, and alumni, as well as other biblical scholars around the world. In the fifty years of publication since this vision was initiated. AUSS has published articles by Adventist, Catholic, Evangelical, and Jewish scholars throughout the world.   

A refereed journal, AUSS provides a scholarly venue, within the context of biblical faith, for the presentation of research in the area of religious and biblical studies. Specifically, AUSS publishes research articles, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews on the following topics: biblical archaeology and the history of antiquity; Hebrew Bible; New Testament; church history of all periods; historical, biblical, systematic, and philosophical theology; ethics; history of religions; and mission. Selected research articles on ministry and Christian education may also be included.

Gertrude Bell Archive, Newcastle University Library

[First posted in AWOL 15 September 2010, updated 27 June 2014]

Gertrude Bell Archive, Newcastle University Library
Having most relevance for research in Archaeology, History, Politics and Travel, the books and papers of Gertrude Bell (1868-1926) were given to Newcastle University Library by Gertrude's half-sister, Lady Richmond, although part of the Doughty-Wylie correspondence came from St. Anthony's College, Oxford. They are under the care of the Special Collections department, which can be contacted at: lib-specenq@ncl.ac.uk.

The Gertrude Bell Collection comprises books on Arabic and Persian languages and on the histories of Arabia, and the Near and Middle East which were formerly part of Gertrude's working library. These can be found in the Library's online catalogue.
The Papers
The Gertrude Bell Papers comprise Gertrude's personal correspondence, diaries and miscellaneous items, such as Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia (1920), notebooks, obituaries, lecture notes and miscellaneous reports, memoranda and cuttings. Circa. 1,600 letters and diaries covering the years 1877-1879 and 1893-1900 (with some gaps reflecting where we do not have the hard-copy diary) can be found transcribed on this website, along with c.7,000 of her archaeological and travel photographs. (The photographic portion of the Gertrude Bell archive is administered by the School of Historical Studies.) Neither letters to and from army officer Charles Doughty-Wylie (written 1913-1915) nor any of the Miscellaneous materials have been transcribed although a handlist to the Miscellaneous part of the collection is available

Gertrude Bell (1868-1926)
Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell was born into a wealthy family at Washington New Hall in what was then County Durham. Initially home-schooled, she then attended school in London and graduated with a first-class degree in Modern History from Oxford University. Thereafter she travelled in Europe and also spent several months in Bucharest and in Tehran. Her travels continued with two round-the-world trips: one in 1897-1898 and one in 1902-1903.

From the turn of the century, Gertrude developed a love of the Arab peoples - she learned their languages, investigated their archaeological sites and travelled deep into the desert. This intimate knowledge of the country and its tribes made her a target of British Intelligence recruitment during the First World War. At the end of the war, Gertrude focussed on the future of Mesopotamia and was to become a powerful force in Iraqi politics, becoming a kingmaker when her preferred choice, Faisal (son of Husain, the Sharif of Mecca and King of the Hijaz) was crowned King of the state of Iraq in August 1921.

Gertrude's first love remained archaeology and, as Honorary Director of Antiquities in Iraq, she established the Iraq Museum in Baghdad. Her 1905 expedition through the Syrian Desert to Asia Minor was published as The Desert and the Sown and her study, in 1907, of Binbirkilise on the Kara Dag mountain was published as The Thousand and One Churches and remains the standard work on early Byzantine architecture in Anatolia.

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OCHRE Data Service

 [First posted on AWOL 1 February 2012. Updated 27 June 2014]

 OCHRE Data Service
The OCHRE Data Service facilitates the use of the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment (OCHRE) worldwide to record, integrate, analyze, publish, and preserve cultural and historical information in all of its digital forms. Located in the Oriental Institute (OI) at the University of Chicago, we provide personal support for customized database projects in the humanities, social sciences, and beyond.

As a center of research devoted to the study of the Ancient Near East, the Oriental Institute has long been an environment where the collection, management, analysis and preservation of cultural heritage is of the highest priority and held to the highest standard. It is no surprise, then, that the Oriental Institute is home to OCHRE—an innovative, integrative software system for managing data from the past, applying it to today's research questions, and archiving it for future study.
The OCHRE Data Service consists of a team of advanced research scholars, experienced technology professionals, and students trained in data entry, editing, and specialized photography. A community of users, based at universities and other institutions around the world, holds the OCHRE Data Service accountable for providing services and features that satisfy the full cycle of data management—from recording, to integration, analysis, publication, and, ultimately, to data preservation.


OCHRE Resources

OCHRE: An Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment by J. David Schloen and Sandra R. Schloen, Eisenbrauns, 2012
The OCHRE Wiki, maintained by Miller C. Prosser and Sandra R. Schloen

Related articles

Data Integration Without Taxation: A Revolutionary Approach to Collaboration by Sandra R. Schloen, ASOR blog, December 13, 2013


OCHRE Data Service: State of the Service 2013 by Miller C. Prosser and Sandra R. Schloen, January 10, 2014

HODOI ELEKTRONIKAI: Du texte à l'hypertexte


Open Access Journal: RAMBI- The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies - רשימת מאמרים במדעי היהדות - רמב"י

 [First posted in AWOL 6 November 2009.  Updated 28 June 2014]

RAMBI The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies

Rambi - List of Articles in Jewish Studies - founded by Dr. Issachar Joel in 1966. This is a selective list of articles in various fields of Jewish studies and the study of Eretz Israel and the State of Israel. Rambi based largely on the collections of the National Library. The articles listed Rambi Nlktim from thousands of journals - whether in print or electronically, and from collections of articles, in Hebrew letters, Latin or Cyrillic - and of reprints are sent to by the researchers. The database is updated every day.
By the end of 2007 were recorded in about 300,000 records, out of about 20,000 different sources.
Rambi appeared in print from 1966 until 2000, volume 50-1. Project conversion of printed booklets (volume 28-1) to the Internet was made possible by the contribution of Littauer Foundation. With all the material Rambi Elevation computer stopped printing the booklets.

Rambi record includes - the abbreviated form: author, title, bibliographic information and access to the full text. For further information please open the full record. Search options are: Subject, Author, Title, Source or keywords from the above.

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