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Open Access Journal: sehepunkte

[First posted in AWOL 10 February 2010. Updated 11 January 2013]

sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften
ISBN: 1618-6168
Der Name sehepunkte für dieses Rezensionsjournal ist Programm: Als der Theologe und Historiker Johann Martin Chladenius (1710 - 1759) den - ursprünglich aus der Optik stammenden - Begriff in seiner 1742 erschienenen Einleitung zur richtigen Auslegung vernünftiger Reden und Schriften auf die Geschichtsschreibung übertrug, vollzog er bekanntlich einen bemerkenswerten Schritt. Denn damit war der "perspektivische Blick des Historikers" umrissen, hatte sich die Einsicht in den subjektiven Charakter aller Geschichtsschreibung Bahn gebrochen: Eine objektive Wahrheit, so Chladenius, gibt es nicht. In jeder Wahrnehmung und Deutung historischer Ereignisse kommt vielmehr immer auch und vor allem der individuelle Standort des Betrachters zum Ausdruck, mithin dessen spezifischer "Sehepunckt": "Ebenso ist es mit allen Geschichten beschaffen; eine Rebellion wird anders von einem getreuen Untertanen, anders von einem Rebellen, anders von einem Ausländer, anders von einem Hofmann, anders von einem Bürger oder Bauern angesehen."...
SEHEPUNKTE 12 (2012):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 11 (2011):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 10 (2010):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 9 (2009):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 8 (2008):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 7 (2007):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 6 (2006):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 5 (2005):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 4 (2004):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 3 (2003):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 2 (2002):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2 / Nr. 3 / Nr. 4 / Nr. 5 / Nr. 6 / Nr. 7/8 / Nr. 9 / Nr. 10 / Nr. 11 / Nr. 12
SEHEPUNKTE 1 (2001):Nr. 1 / Nr. 2

New Online from the Oriental Institute: Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond

Announced today:

OIS 8.
Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond
Edited by Natalie Naomi May

Purchase Book
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Oriental Institute Seminars 8

The eighth in the Oriental Institute Seminar Series, this volume contains papers that emerged from the seminar Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond, held at the Oriental Institute April 8-9, 2011. The purpose of the conference was to analyze the cases of and reasons for mutilation of texts and images in Near Eastern antiquity. Destruction of images and texts has a universal character; it is inherent in various societies and periods of human history. Together with the mutilation of human beings, it was a widespread and highly significant phenomenon in the ancient Near East. However, the goals meant to be realized by this process differed from those aimed at in other cultures. For example, iconoclasm of the French and Russian revolutions, as well as the Post-Soviet iconoclasm, did not have any religious purposes. Moreover, modern comprehension of iconoclasm is strongly influenced by its conception during the Reformation.
This volume explores iconoclasm and text destruction in ancient Near Eastern antiquity through examination of the anthropological, cultural, historical, and political aspects of these practices. Broad interdisciplinary comparison with similar phenomena in the other cultures and periods contribute to better understanding them.

Table of Contents:

1. Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East (Natalie N. May, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago)
Section one: “Iconoclasm Begins at Sumer” and Akkad
2. Mutilation of Text and Image in Early Sumerian Sources (Christopher Woods, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago) 3. Gudea of Lagash: Iconoclasm or Tooth of Time? (Claudia E. Suter, University of Basel, Switzerland) 4. Damnatio Memoriae: The Old Akkadian Evidence for Destruction of Name and Destruction of Person (Joan G. Westenholz, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University)
Section Two: Iconoclasm as an Instrument of Politics
5. Death of Statues and Rebirth of Gods (Hanspeter Schaudig, University of Heidelberg) 6. Shared Fates: Gaza and Ekron as Examples for the Assyrian Religious Policy in the West (Angelika Berlejung, University of Leipzig and University of Stellenbosch) 7. Getting Smashed at the Victory Celebration, or What Happened to Esarhaddon’s so-called Vassal Treaties and Why (JoAnn Scurlock, Elmhurst College)
Section Three: How the Images Die and Why?
8. Ali-talimu – What Can Be Learned from the Destruction of Figurative Complexes (Natalie N. May, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago) 9. The Hypercoherent Icon: Knowledge, Rationalization, and Disenchantment at Nineveh (Seth Richardson, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago)
Section Four: Iconoclasm and the Bible
10. What Can Go Wrong with an Idol? (Victor A. Hurowitz, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva) 11. Text Destruction and Iconoclasm in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (Nathaniel Levtow, The University of Montana)
Section five: Beyond Mesopotamia
12. Episodes of Iconoclasm in the Egyptian New Kingdom (Betsy M. Bryan, Johns Hopkins University)
13. Killing the Image, Killing the Essence: The Destruction of Text and Figures in Ancient Egyptian Thought, Ritual, and ‘Ritualized History’ (Robert K. Ritner, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago)
14. Hittite Iconoclasm: Disconnecting the Icon, Disempowering the Referent (Petra M. Goedegebuure, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago)
Section six: Classical Antiquity and Byzantium
15. Performing the Frontier: The Abduction and Destruction of Religious and Political Signifiers in Greco-Persian Conflicts (Silke Knippschild, University of Bristol)
16. Looking for Iconophobia and Iconoclasm in Late Antiquity and Byzantium (Robin Cormack, University of Cambridge and Dumbarton Oaks)
Section seven: Reformation and Modernity
17. Idolatry and Iconoclasm: Alien Religions and Reformation (Lee Palmer Wandel, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
18. Idolatry: Nietzsche, Blake, Poussin (W. J. T. Mitchell, The University of Chicago)
19. A Partially Re-cut Relief from Khorsabad (Eleanor Guralnick, Chicago, Illinois)

  • Oriental Institute Seminars 8
  • Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2012
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-885923-90-5
  • Pp. xvi + 528; 152 illustrations
  • $29.95

Oriental Institute Seminars (OIS)

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications

The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications
Including Both Digital Manifestations of Print Publications and Born Digital Publications

[Originally posted April 9, 2008 on the Ancient World Bloggers Group at AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative, the "canonical" version of the list of online publications of the OI developed there for two and a half years and moved here during Open Access Week on October 19, 2010.  It will be kept up to date in this location henceforth.  Individual Scholarship (see also at the bottom of this file) added 14 December 2011. Most recently updated 11 January 2013]. 

Starting in 2004, the Oriental Institute committed to digitizing all of its publications and making them available online, without charge. The minimum for each volume, old and new, current and forthcoming, will be a Portable Document Format (PDF) version following current resolution standards. New publications appear online at or near the time they appear in print. Older publications will be processed as time and funding permits. Several hundred volumes are now online.

Following is an up to date listing of all open access digital products of the Oriental Institute, including fascsimilies of paper based book, databases, born-digital initiatives, and multi-media presentations.

Assyriological Studies (AS) | List of volumes in print
The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD) | List of volumes in print
 Chicago House Bulletin

The Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) [Born digital publication]
Completed LettersDownload
PrologueDownload PDFTerms of Use
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Problematic EntriesDownload PDFTerms of Use
Problematic Entries 2Download PDFTerms of Use

The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CHD) | List of volumes in print
Chicago Hittite Dictionary Supplements (CHDS) | List of volumes in print
Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary (MAD)

Materials and Studies for Kassite History (MSKH)

Oriental Institute Communications (OIC) | List of volumes in print
    Oriental Institute Digital Archives (OIDA) | [Online only]
    Oriental Institute Museum Publications (OIMP) | List of volumes in print
      Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition (OINE) | List of volumes in print
      Oriental Institute Publications (OIP) | List of volumes in print
        Oriental Institute Seminars (OIS) | List of volumes in print
        Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (SAOC) | List of volumes in print

          Lost Egypt

          Lost Egypt, Volumes I-III. A Limited Edition Portfolio Series of Photographic Images from Egypt’s Past.
          The Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

          Volume Ipp. i-viii + 10 plates19920-918986-88-5$2000.00
          Volume IIpp. i-viii + 10 plates19920-918986-89-3$2000.00
          Volume IIIpp. i-viii + 10 plates19920-918986-90-7$2000.00

          Miscellaneous Publications

          Oriental Institute Annual Reports
          Oriental Institute News & Notes

          2012Winter (#212)Spring (#213)Summer (#214)Fall (#215)
          2011Winter (#208)Spring (#209)Summer (#210)Fall (#211)
          2010Winter (#204)Spring (#205)Summer (#206)Fall (#207)
          2009Winter (#200)Spring (#201)Summer (#202)Fall (#203)
          2008Winter (#196)Spring (#197)Summer (#198)Fall (#199)
          2007Winter (#192)Spring (#193)Summer (#194)Fall (#195)
          2006Winter (#188)Spring (#189)Summer (#190)Fall (#191)
          2005Winter (#184)Spring (#185)Summer (#186)Fall (#187)
          2004Winter (#180)Spring (#181)Summer (#182)Fall (#183)
          2003Winter (#176)Spring (#177)Summer (#178)Fall (#179)
          2002Winter (#172)Spring (#173)Summer (#174)Fall (#175)
          2001Winter (#168)Spring (#169)Summer (#170)Fall (#171)
          2000Winter (#164)Spring (#165)Summer (#166)Fall (#167)
          1999Winter (#160)Spring (#161)Summer (#162)Fall (#163)

          For years prior to [1999] only the Lead Article(s) from various issues are being made available electronically with the permission of the editor.










          Oriental Institute's on-line Photographic Archives (online only)

          Oriental Institute Databases (online only - login as guest)
          Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators

          The Human Adventure is online at The Oriental Institute's Youtube Channel. 

          Mesopotamian Directory 2011

          Also at The Oriental Institute's Youtube Channel is a developing list of video presentations of Members' Lectures, and exhibition related presentations.

          Miscellaneous Publications | List of volumes in print

          Research Archives

          Integrated Database (IDB)

          OCHRE Data Service

          Individual Scholarship


          Open Access Journal: IAOS Bulletin: International Association for Obsidian Studies

          IAOS Bulletin: International Association for Obsidian Studies
          The International Association for Obsidian Studies (IAOS) was formed in 1989 to provide a forum for obsidian researchers throughout the world. Major interest areas of the IAOS include obsidian hydration dating, obsidian characterization ("sourcing"), geoarchaeological obsidian studies, obsidian and lithic technology, and the prehistoric procurement and utilization of obsidian. In addition to disseminating information about advances in obsidian research to archaeologists and other interested parties, the IAOS was also established to:
          • Develop standards for analytical procedures to ensure interlaboratory comparability.
          • Develop standards for recording and reporting obsidian hydration and characterization results.
          • Provide technical support in the form of training and workshops for those wanting to develop expertise in the field.
          • Provide a central source of information about the analytical capabilities of various laboratories and institutions and about recent advances in obsidian studies.
          IAOS Bulletin No. 1
          IAOS Bulletin No. 2
          IAOS Bulletin No. 3
          IAOS Bulletin No. 4
          IAOS Bulletin No. 5
          IAOS Bulletin No. 6
          IAOS Bulletin No. 7
          IAOS Bulletin No. 8
          IAOS Bulletin No. 9
          IAOS Bulletin No. 10
          IAOS Bulletin No. 11IAOS Bulletin No. 12IAOS Bulletin No. 13IAOS Bulletin No. 14IAOS Bulletin No. 15IAOS Bulletin No. 16IAOS Bulletin No. 17IAOS Bulletin No. 18IAOS Bulletin No. 19IAOS Bulletin No. 20
          IAOS Bulletin No. 21IAOS Bulletin No. 22IAOS Bulletin No. 23IAOS Bulletin No. 24IAOS Bulletin No. 25IAOS Bulletin No. 26IAOS Bulletin No. 27IAOS Bulletin No. 28IAOS Bulletin No. 29IAOS Bulletin No. 30IAOS Bulletin No. 31
          IAOS Bulletin No. 32IAOS Bulletin No. 33IAOS Bulletin No. 34IAOS Bulletin No. 35IAOS Bulletin No. 36IAOS Bulletin No. 37IAOS Bulletin No. 38IAOS Bulletin No. 39IAOS Bulletin No. 40
          IAOS Bulletin No. 41IAOS Bulletin No. 42IAOS Bulletin No. 43IAOS Bulletin No. 44IAOS Bulletin No. 45IAOS Bulletin No. 46IAOS Bulletin No. 47IAOS Bulletin No. 48

          See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies 

          Digital Library of l'Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité

           [First posted in AWOL 16 July 2009. Most recently updated 12 January 2013]

          LibrISTA :Bibliothèque numérique de L'Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité
          L'Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité met gratuitement à disposition du public les ouvrages parus aux Annales Littéraires de l'Université de Besançon puis aux PUFC. Ces publications au sein de sa collection ont fait l'objet d'expertises scientifiques lors de leur parution sous forme papier. Les textes présentés ici n'ont pas fait l'objet de corrections, ni mises à jour. La totalité des documents proposés ont été soumis à une reconnaissance automatique de caractères (OCR) qui les rend interrogeables en plein texte.

            Ce travail de mise en ligne a été développé par François Grosdemouge (doctorant allocataire, puis ingénieur d'étude contractuel), avec la collaboration de Patrick Zailachi (stagiaire du programme Eurodyssée) et avec l'aide du service des publications de l'ISTA et de Valérie Von Allmen (doctorante allocataire). Le nombre de titre disponible augmentera progressivement en fonction de l'avancée de la numérisation et du traitement des documents.

             Les documents sont téléchargeables dans leur intégralité par chapitres, sous-parties ou en une seule pièce. Attention, dans ce dernier cas le poids peut gêner le téléchargement.

             Nous avons tenté de contacter l'ensemble des auteurs, co-auteurs et contributeurs, de la collection ISTA aux ALUB et aux Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté. Il nous a parfois été impossible de joindre les auteurs ou leurs ayants-droits. Nous avons cependant choisi de mettre en ligne certains de ces titres, mais si cela contrevenait aux intentions des ayant-droits, nous retirerons ces titres à leur simple demande auprès de nos services (contact : francois.grosdemouge@univ-fcomte.fr).
          More than seventy-five volumes are available online in open access formats:
          Derniers titres ajoutés à Librista :

           1991 à 2001

           1981 à 1990

           1971 à 1980

          Le carnaval et la politique

          par J. C. CarrièreBesançon, Les Belles Lettres,
          ALUB (212), 1979, 353 p.
          - Disponible en octobre 08 -


          The journal of 'Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité is also available online open access [already cited in AWOL in the context of Open Access Journals at Persée]:

          Dialogues d'histoire ancienne
          ISSN - 1955-270X

          Tools of the Trade: Bibliographies for Roman Studies

          Tools of the Trade: Bibliographies for Roman Studies

          Tools of the Trade was conceived by Lowell Edmunds as a bibliographic guide for graduate students and others interested in furthering their knowledge of the Roman world. When the expansion of scholarly resources and the growing capabilities of web-based publication made a second edition desirable, Professor Edmunds decided to divide the project into thirteen discrete bibliographies, each with its own editor/compiler.
          At this point, the project was passed on to Sander M. Goldberg of UCLA, who has assumed responsibility for editing the final documents and posting them on this site. The content and form of each bibliography has been determined by the subject editor, who is identified in the heading for each document. Specific suggestions, questions, and comments about its content should be addressed to that individual. General questions and comments should be addressed to Professor Goldberg.
          When complete, the project will cover the following topics:
          Concordances and Indices Verborum
          Fragmentary Authors
          History of Roman Literature
          Latin Linguistics and Etymology
          Latin Meter
          Modern Grammars and Ancient Grammarians
          Roman Religion
          Roman Social Life and Customs
          Roman Topography
          Specialized Vocabularies
          Textual Criticism and Textual Transmission
          We hope this material proves useful and welcome your comments and suggestions.

          the lithics site

          "the lithics site": a resource for archaeological lithic analysts
          This resource has been published in issue 22, spring 1999, of Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. For its publication, many revisions were made to this site. I have not marked them, but will mark changes from June 1st, 1999. 
          Please note that much of this information is located on other websites. I endeavour to link to useful and informative pages, but neither I, nor the University at Buffalo is responsible for their content, nor should their presence in this resource be considered an evaluation of their accuracy. Caveat lector!!

          Table of Contents

          1. General Web Sites
            1. Archaeology
              (general & lithic meta-sites, dictionaries & glossaries)
            2. Relevant Earth Science References:
              (meta-sites, dictionaries, maps, databases & collections, USGS, etc.)
            3. Inter-/ Cross- Disciplinary Science
          2. Conferences
          3. Research Projects & Initiatives
          4. Literature & Databases
            1. Libraries & Library Resources
            2. Bibliographies
            3. Periodicals
            4. Book & Article Links
            5. Radio & TV Shows
            6. Newspaper Story Links
            7. Databases
          5. Relevant Educational & Institutional Sites
            1. Academic Departments with Relevant Resources
            2. Archaeological Courses on Lithics
            3. Research Centers & Laboratories
            4. Geological Surveys
            5. Organisations & Associations
          6. Electronic Fora (discussion lists and newsgroups)
          7. Technology Concerns (incl. knapping & replication studies)
          8. Prehistoric Cultural & Artifact Information & Theories (incl. artifacts & point typologies)
          9. Geological Sources, Samples, & Procurement
          10. "Images on Stone" / Rock Art Sites
          11. Software & Data
          12. Commercial Concerns (no artifacts!)
          13. Museum-Related Concerns

          Open Access Publications from the Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik


          Encyclopedia Mythica Online

          Encyclopedia Mythica

          Please enter the award-winning internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion. Here you will find everything from A-gskw to Zveda Vechanyaya, with plenty in between.
          The mythology section is divided to six geographical regions: AfricaAmericasAsiaEuropeMiddle East, and Oceania. Each region has many clearly defined subdivisions that will ease your search.
          The Folklore section contains general folkloreArthurian legends, and fascinating folktales from many lands.
          In addition, we feature special interest areas to enhance and refine your research. A Bestiarylegendary heroes, an image gallery, and genealogical tables of various pantheons and prominent houses.
          To bring our entities to life, we have created an image gallery, where you will find hundreds of images of all kinds of deities, heroes, and strange creatures of every description.
          The encyclopedia will serve the serious researcher, the student, and the casual reader with equal success. Come in and enjoy!

          MythologyThe mythology area is divided in 6 geographical regions: AfricaAmericasAsiaEuropeMiddle East, and Oceania.
          Special areas: Other mythologies and All mythologies.FolkloreFolklore from all over the world, including cryptozoology.
          Contains general folkloreArthurian legend, and folktales.
          Bestiarybestiary with legendary and mythical creatures.
          HeroesThe most famous heroes and heroines from many cultures, among which Greek, Japanese, and Norse.
          Image galleryHundreds of images of deities, heroes, and creatures from many mythologies.
          GenealogyThe genealogy tables of various pantheons and prominent Houses.
          Featured itemsArea with various interesting mythology and folklore related items, such as Witchcraft and the Arabian Nights.

          Phoenician/Punic Mailing List

          PUNIC-UK Home Page
          Mail-list for Phoenician/Punic research in the UK

          This list is used to disseminate information amongst those currently working on Phoenician and Punic history and archaeology in the UK Higher education and research community; it is also open to those beyond the UK.

          Get access to JSTOR now!

          In memory of Aaron Swarz
          "May a hero and founder of our open world rest in peace."

          While we work towards a world where scholarship is open and barriers to scholarship and harsh legal threats to sharing research are removed, please use the leverage you have to make a difference, for instance:

          Whether or not you are lucky enough to be affiliated with a subscribing institution as a result of your current empolyment see if your University is listed below, if not, contact your alumni association and request, no - Demand! that they join the program.  And then tell your friends!

          JSTOR Access for Alumni

          Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist

          Twenty more volumes from the Oriental Institute's backlist came online today:

        • "Changing Watercourses in Babylonia: Towards a Reconstruction of the Ancient Environment in Lower Mesopotamia Volume 1. Hermann Gasche and Michel Tanret, editors. Originally published in 1998."
        • "Dating the Fall of Babylon: A Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology. J. A. Armstrong, S. W. Cole, and V. G. Gurzadyan. Originally published in 1998."
        • "The Research Archives of the Oriental Institute: Introduction and Guide. The oriental Institute. Originally published in 1990."
        • "Feasts for Pharaohs & Kings: A Cookbook by the Oriental Institute Museum, The University of Chicago. Edited and compiled by Anne S. Blomstrom. Originally published in 1983."
        • "Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia -- Guneydogu Anadolu Tarihoncesi Arastirmalari. Halet Cambel and Robert J. Braidwood. Originally published in 1980."
        • "Remembrances of the Near East: The Photographs of Bonfils, 1867-1907. The Bonfils Firm.. Originally published in 1980."
        • "Old Babylonian Contracts From Nippur: Selected Texts From the University Museum University of Pennsylvania. Catalogue by Elizabeth C. Stone. Photos by Paul E. Zimansky. Originally published in 1976."
        • "Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964. R. D. Biggs and J. A. Brinkman, editors. Originally published in 1964."
        • "The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character. Samuel Noah Kramer. Originally published in 1963."
        • "Standard Operating Procedure for the Assyrian Dictionary. I. J. Gelb. Originally published in 1954."
        • "Third Century Iran: Sapor and Kartir. Martin Sprengling. Originally published in 1953."
        • "Medieval Islam: A Study in Cultural Orientation. Gustave E. von Grunebaum. Originally published in 1953."
        • "A Study of Writing. I. J. Gelb. Originally published in 1952."
        • "Two Queens of Baghdad: Mother and Wife of Harun al-Rashid. Nabia Abbott. Originally published in 1946."
        • "The Problem of Ezekiel: An Inductive Study. William A. Irwin. Originally published in 1943."
        • "The Rayy Expedition. Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1942."
        • "The Persepolis Expedition. Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1941."
        • "A Political History of Parthia. Neilson C. Debevoise. Originally published in 1938."
        • "They Wrote on Clay: The Babylonian Tablets Speak Today. By Edward Chiera. Edited by George G. Cameron. Originally published in 1938."
        • "Syrian Expedition: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. The Oriental Institute. Originally published in 1937."

          Hybrid Open Access Journal: Internet Archaeology

          [First posted in AWOL 21 March 2012. Updated 14 January 2013]

          Internet Archaeology 
          ISSN: 1363-5387


          Internet Archaeology has been publishing on the web since 1996 and is the premier e-journal for archaeology. The journal publishes quality academic content and explores the potential of electronic publication through the inclusion of video, audio, searchable data sets, full-colour images, visualisations, animations and interactive mapping. Internet Archaeology is international in scope, a true journal without borders, and all content is subject to rigorous peer-review. Internet Archaeology is hosted by the Department of Archaeology at the University of York and published by the Council for British Archaeology. Internet Archaeology is a hybrid Open Access e-journal.

          January 2013: Internet Archaeology's back catalogue (up to and including issue 21) is now Open Access! A low-cost subscription is required for content in issues 22 onwards, except where Open Access has already been enabled. It is IA policy to enable Open Access on all content when article development costs are met.
          Current Issue | Past Issues | Search | Subscribe | For Authors | About
          Open Access content:  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21 
          Subscription content:   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32 

          See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies 

          ISAW Papers 6 (Preprint [1/2013]) The Quartier du Stade on late Hellenistic Delos: a case study of rapid urbanization (fieldwork seasons 2009-2010)

          ISAW Papers 6 (Preprint [1/2013])

          n.b.  This is not a permanent URL.  Following the preprint period, the  permanent URL will be accessible through:
          ISAW Papers
          ISSN: 2164-1471

          This preprint is available at the URI http://dlib.nyu.edu/awdl/isaw/isaw-papers/6/preprint as part of the NYU Library's Ancient World Digital Library in partnership with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW). More information about ISAW Papers is available on the ISAW website. Please note that both the specific content and appearance of this article may change prior to final publication. Additionally, links to third-party sites are being added as part of the editorial process and do not imply the endorsement of the author. The final version will be published at:
          Except where noted, ©2012 Mantha Zarmakoupi; distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
          Creative Commons License

          ISAW Papers 6 (Preprint [1/2013])

          The Quartier du Stade on late Hellenistic Delos:
          a case study of rapid urbanization
          (fieldwork seasons 2009-2010)

          Mantha Zarmakoupi

          Abstract: This study examines recent archaeological evidence for the Quartier du Stade on Delos, which was newly formed after 167 CE. Analysis of the changes in the houses and the overall urban development of this neighborhood contribute to revealing the forces that shaped the city of Delos in this period, such as economy, politics, and ideology.

            Network for the Study of Esotericism in Antiquity (NSEA)

            Network for the Study of Esotericism in Antiquity (NSEA)

            Ancient Esotericism.org is the website for the Network for the Study of Ancient Esotericism (NSEA), a thematic network associated with the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE). NSEA specializes in the study of esoteric phenomena of the ancient period and provides contact for specialists of ancient esoteric thought, history, and literature.
            This website is intended as a resource for scholars and students. While the ancient sources (Gnostic, theurgic, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, etc.) of Western Esotericism possess enormous importance for the development of esoteric currents from the fourteenth century onwards, there remains only a minimum of interaction between the antiquity experts and their (proto)-modern colleagues. The Network therefore is intended to 1) introduce scholarship on ancient esotericism to students of Western Esotericism, 2) serve as a forum in which to exchange ideas, notes and references, etc. outside of other professional bodies which are not concerned with esotericism per se, 3) to coordinate study and workshops with other working groups on the subject, such as the Society of Biblical Literature’s Section on Esotericism and Mysticism in Antiquity, and 4) (and most importantly) to provide a junction of the many resources online that can serve as aids in the study of this fascinating and difficult material (dictionaries, textual corpora, blogs, etc.).

            Founding Members of the NSEA include:
            Brian Alt (University of Indiana)
            Dylan M. Burns (University of Copenhagen)
            April DeConick (Rice University)
            Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta (University of Groningen)
            Nicholas Marshall (Aarhus University)
            Joyce Pijnenburg (University of Amsterdam)
            Lisa Emma Pizzighella (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
            Kocku von Stuckrad (University of Groningen)
            David Tibet (Macquarie University)
            For more information, please contact the coordinator, Dylan M. BurnsFor questions about the website, including corrections and additions, please contact Sarah Veale.
            To join ESSWE, click here.

            New Open Access Journal: Mār Šiprim

            Mār Šiprim: Newsletter of the International Association for Assyriology (IAA) 

            Welcome to the home of Mār Šiprim, the official Newsletter of the International Association for Assyriology (IAA). Through this Newsletter, the IAA aims to provide an online platform for Assyriologists and Near-Eastern enthusiasts where to interact with each other on both an intellectual and an informal level, thus establishing an international linkage among colleagues.

            If you would like to know more about the visions of the IAA or would like to become a member, please visit the IAA website. 
            Call for content!
            Mār Šiprim is meant to be for Assyriologists and by Assyriologists so we need your help! Are you working on a project you think should be mentioned in this Newsletter? Do you live in a country you think deserves to be in the spotlight in the next issue? Or do you have a great idea that might broaden the general horizon of Mār Šiprim? Please don’t hesitate to send us your input!

            Open Access Journal: TÜBA AR

            Newly Open Access Journal: The Archaeological Journal

            The Archaeological Journal
            The Royal Archaeological Institute (RAI) is a leading national archaeology society and since 1844 we have annually published the Archaeological Journal. The journal contains papers on the Institute's interests, which span all aspects of the archaeological, architectural and landscape history of the British Isles. It presents the results of archaeological and architectural survey and fieldwork on sites and monuments of all periods as well as syntheses and overviews of such work in the British Isles.

            For several years, the RAI has been running a project to digitally scan and make available back issues of the Archaeological Journal. Volumes 1-120, the first 120 years of our journal, are now available to view.

            The next stage of our project is to scan journals 121-160 and make these available. Our most recent journals (since 2004) are available through our website for subscribing members and libraries, and on a pay-per-view basis on ArchLib.

            Volume 61 (1904)
            Volume 62 (1905)
            Volume 63 (1906)
            Volume 64 (1907)
            Volume 65 (1908)
            Volume 66 (1909)
            Volume 67 (1910)
            Volume 68 (1911)
            Volume 69 (1912)
            Volume 70 (1913)
            Volume 71 (1914)
            Volume 72 (1915)
            Volume 73 (1916)
            Volume 74 (1917)
            Volume 75 (1918)
            Volume 76 (1919)
            Volume 77 (1920)
            Volume 78 (1921)
            Volume 79 (1922)
            Volume 80 (1923)
            Volume 81 (1924)
            Volume 82 (1925)
            Volume 83 (1926)
            Volume 84 (1927)
            Volume 85 (1928)
            Volume 86 (1929)
            Volume 87 (1930)
            Volume 88 (1931)
            Volume 89 (1932)
            Volume 90 (1933)
            Volume 91 (1934)
            Volume 92 (1935)
            Volume 93 (1936)
            Volume 94 (1937)
            Volume 95 (1938)
            Volume 96 (1939)
            Volume 97 (1940)
            Volume 98 (1941)
            Volume 99 (1942)
            Volume 100 (1943)
            Volume 101 (1944)
            Volume 102 (1945)
            Volume 103 (1946)
            Volume 104 (1947)
            Volume 105 (1948)
            Volume 106 (1949)
            Volume 107 (1950)
            Volume 108 (1951)
            Volume 109 (1952)
            Volume 110 (1953)
            Volume 111 (1954)
            Volume 112 (1955)
            Volume 113 (1956)
            Volume 114 (1957)
            Volume 115 (1958)
            Volume 116 (1959)
            Volume 117 (1960)
            Volume 118 (1961)
            Volume 119 (1962)
            Volume 120 (1963)

            PSIonline: Papiri della Società Italiana

            PSIonline: Papiri della Società Italiana
            Il progetto PSI on-line è nato grazie ad accordi di cooperazione stipulati tra diverse istituzioni nazionali ed internazionali: l’Università di Cassino, l’Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia, la Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, l’Istituto Papirologico Vitelli, il Museo Archeologico del Cairo, la Biblioteca di Alessandria. Attualmente, la sua realizzazione è curata dal Centro Editoriale e dal Laboratorio di Ricerche Storiche e Archeologiche dell’Antichità (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche) dell’Università di Cassino. 
            In una prima fase, saranno messe on-line schede descrittive e riproduzioni di tutti i papiri, le pergamene e gli ostraka appartenenti alla serie PSI, attualmente custoditi presso una pluralità di istituzioni di conservazione, tra cui spiccano in particolare la Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, l’Istituto Papirologico Vitelli e il Museo Archeologico del Cairo. Successivamente, saranno messe on-line anche le schede e le immagini relative alle collezioni dei Papiri Fiorentini (P. Flor.) e dei Papiri Laurenziani (P. Laur.), entrambe custodite presso la Biblioteca Laurenziana. 
            Il copyright delle immagini dei reperti appartiene alle istituzioni responsabili della loro tutela e ad esse va indirizzata ogni autorizzazione per la loro riproduzione (vedi sezione _rights and permissions). 
            Per quanto riguarda le schede, realizzate interamente da Diletta Minutoli, le informazioni fornite sono aggiornate al novembre 2010. Alcuni reperti sono stati volutamente esclusi dai curatori, perché al momento oggetto di studi che potrebbero portare a una loro sostanziale revisione. La bibliografia relativa a ciascun reperto, per quanto ampia e accuratamente controllata, non ha alcuna pretesa di esaustività e, specialmente nel caso di testi letterati, tende a privilegiare la segnalazione di studi di natura propriamente papirologica o paleografica.

            Open Access Journal: The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS)

            [First posted in AWOL 31 October 2009. Updated 16 January 2013]

            The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS)
            ISSN 1662-1379
            The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS) is a freely accessible academic web resource. Its goals are: Updating all scholars interested in Nabataean culture and history; and promoting contacts and scientific exchanges among experts from different areas.
            Until the end of 2005 BNS was hosted by the Department of Asiatic Studies – University „L’Orientale“ , Naples (Italy) (UNO), and carried out by Giancarlo Lacerenza (Ph. D., Semitics), within the framework of the scientific activities backed by the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern History (Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini).
            The BNS International Committee of Referees includes: Khairieh ’Amr (Amman), Hannah M. Cotton (Jerusalem), John F. Healey (Manchester), Michael C. A. Macdonald (Oxford), Laïla Nehmé (Paris), Emile Puech (Jerusalem), Robert Wenning (Münster), Ada Yardeni (Jerusalem).


            Scholars engaged in research projects concerning Nabataeans (art, archaeology, history, language, and so forth), can contribute with:
            • Updated bibliographical references; notices of new articles, books and congresses
            • Articles or publications to be published on the BNA-Homepage
            • Personal bibliography and curriculum, to be inserted in our Scholars section

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