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Open Access Journal: Archaeology International

Archaeology International
ISSN: 2048-4194
Archaeology International, produced annually, combines news about UCL Institute of Archaeology activities with reports on research, both on new and on-going projects, carried out by members of staff. Papers reflect the broad geographical, theoretical and methodological scope of research at the Institute, including those of its three main Sections (World Archaeology, Archaeological Sciences and Heritage Studies), and its extensive global fieldwork presence. The journal has been relaunched with a double issue in 2011 to mark the Institute of Archaeology’s coming 75th anniversary year, and is now also online and fully open access.

Vol 15: 2011-2012

Shennan Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photography: Exploring the Medieval City of Merv, on the...
de la Torre et al
The Origins of the Acheulean at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): A New Paleo...
Cohen et al
The Thames Discovery Programme: Public Engagement and Research on London...
Swords, Settlement and Sacred Places: The Archaeology of Brisley Farm, Ashford, Kent
Graham Recent Investigations on Ambergris Caye, Belize
Martinón-Torres The Archaeology of Alchemy and Chemistry in the Early Modern World
Milne et al Researching an Elizabethan Shipwreck: The Gresham Ship Project 2007-2012
Cover Page

Vol 13/14: 2009-2011

FaridÇatalhöyük comes Home
Fuller & Weisskopf The Early Rice Project: From Domestication to Global Warming
MacDonald et al Sorotomo: A Forgotten Malian Capital?
Martinón-Torres et al Making Weapons for the Terracotta Army
Rehren The Production of Silver in South America
Brookes & Reynolds The Origins of Political Order and the Anglo-Saxon State
Moshenska et al Building Sustainability in Community Archaeology: the Hendon School...
Thornton & Perry Collection and Production: The History of the Institute of Archaeology...
Cover Page

Vol 12: 2008-2009

Clement et al The ancient cemeteries of Astypalaia, Greece
Harris et al
Cloth cultures in prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt
Williams & Wordsworth Merv to the Oxus: a desert survey of routes and surviving archaeology  
Wengrow Exploring connections: a new fieldwork collaboration at Tel Bet Yerah (Khirbet el-Kerak)
Ashley Migration, missionaries and contact: recent archaeological research in the Khwebe Hills...
Pye & Cleere Conserving Çatalhöyük, a Neolithic site in Anatolia
Gardner & Guest Exploring Roman Caerleon: new excavations at the legionary fortress of Isca
Tassie et al Repatriating prehistoric artefacts to Egypt: Fekri Hassan’s Naqada and Siwa study...
Cover Page

Vol 11: 2007-2008

Rehren The Marie Curie programme at the Institute of Archaeology 2004-2008
Perring Introducing the Centre for Applied Archaeology
Martin & Farid The Institute of Archaeology research teams at Çatalhöyük
Roberts Where now for Boxgrove?
Pope Early Upper Palaeolithic archaeology at Beedings, West Sussex: new contexts...
Clement et al Tooth use in Aboriginal Australia  
Jeffreys The Survey of Memphis, capital of ancient Egypt: recent developments  
Lockyear et al Rome and Byzantium on the Danube: the Noviodunum Archaeological project...
Grant & Russel Nokalakevi, Georgia: potential in ruins
Sillar et al West Dean 2008: excavation of Bronze Age lynchets on Little Combes Hill
Cover Page

Vol 10: 2006-2007

Orton Horse kicks, flying bombs and potsherds: statistical theory contributes to arch. survey
Bevan et al The fragile communities of Antikythera
Martinón-Torres et al Diversifying the picture: indigenous responses to Eur. arrival in Cuba  
Peters & Salomon Patrimony and partnership: conserving the khipu legacy of Rapaz, Peru   
Aimers Anti-apocalypse: the Postclassic period at Lamanai, Belize
Hamilton Rapa Nui Landscapes of Construction
Sillar et al The West Dean Archaeological Project: research and teaching in the Sussex Downs
Cover Page

Vol 9 (2005)

Garrard et al Palaeolithic research at the Institute of Archaeology
Steele The sociocultural theatre and the evolutionary play
Bloxam Who were the pharaohs' quarrymen?
Brookes Documenting the dead: creating an online census of Anglo-Saxon burials from Kent
Cochrane Human cultural diversity in prehistoric Fiji
Keene Can museums survive the postmodern?
Rehren Red glass for the Pharaoh
Shaw Landscape, water and religion in ancient India
Sommer Flint knapping in an early Neolithic settlement: Hanau Klein-Auheim
Cover Page

Vol 8 (2004)

Parfitt A butchered bone from Norfolk: evidence for very early human presence in Britain
Gron Underwater landscapes: unrecognized cultural heritage and research resource
Reynolds & Turner Discovery of a late Anglo-Saxon monastic site in Devon: Holy Trinity...
Antoine & Hillson Famine, the Black Death, and health in fourteenth-century London
Bentley Human mobility and the prehistoric spread of farming: isotope evidence from...
Wright The emergence of cooking in Southwest Asia
Murray Provisions for the pyramid builders: new evidence from the ancient site of Giza
Fuller Islands in the Nile: investigations at the Fourth Cataract in Sudanese Nubia
Harding The Buddhist landscapes of Rajgar, Northern India
Menoni Identity, culture and social change in ancient Sichuan, China
Sawdy & Price Novel approaches to the control of salt damage
Cover Page

Vol 7 (2003)

Pope Placing Boxgrove in its Prehistoric Landscape
Rudling From Iron Age roundhouse to Roman villa: excavations at Barcomhe, Sussex...
Sveinbjarnardottir The use of geothermal energy at a chieftan's farm in medieval Iceland
Lomas The mysterious deity of Lagole: ritual and writing in ancient Italy
Mannino & Thomas A site for all seasons? Prehistoric coastal subsistence in northwest Sicily
Hassan Climatic changes and cultural transformations in Farafra oasis, Egypt
Reid Buganda: unearthing an African kingdom
Hillson Mummies and dental health in the ancient Ilo valley, southern Peru
Cleere Archaeology and the World Heritage Convention
Sully Conservation in context: a Maori meeting house in Surrey
Keene Communicating city histories
Cover Page

Vol 6 (2002)

Johnson Two Late Iron Age warrior burials discovered in Kent
Orton The sherds tell a story: Roman rural potters in northwest London
Lockyear At the edge of empires: the Noviodunum project, Romania
Grima Monuments and landscapes in Late Neolithic Malta
Whitelaw Investigating site diversity in the Early Bronze Age Aegean
Jordan Sacred landscapes of Siberia: symbolic uses of space by hunter–gatherers
Rehren As similar as black and white: steelmaking crucibles from South and Central Asia
Williams Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan: research, conservation and management at a World...
Carter The Neolithic origins of seafaring in the Arabian Gulf
Sparks Strangers in a strange land: Egyptians in southern Palestine during the Bronze Age
MacDonald Cane River: the archaeology of “free people of colour” in colonial Louisiana
Drewett Feasting at the ball game: the Belmont project, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Cover Page

Vol 5 (2001)

Sidell Archaeology and the London Thames: past, present and future
Faulkner The Sedgeford project, Norfolk: an experiment in popular participation and...
Whitehouse Investigating surface archaeology on the Po floodplain, northern Italy
Johnston Sailors and sanctuaries of the ancient Greek world
Hillson Investigating ancient cemeteries on the island of Astypalaia, Greece
Wilkes The pen behind the sword: power, literacy and the Roman army
Fentress et al The Volubilis project, Morocco: excavation, conservation and management planning
Monson & Taie Putting papyri into archaeological context: new insights from Tebtunis, Egypt
Colledge & Conolly Early Neolithic agriculture in Southwest Asia and Europe: re-examining...
Tubb The statues of 'Ain Ghazal: discovery, recovery and reconstruction
Rosen Environmental and cultural change in the Yiluo basin, east-central China
Ascherson Chersonesus: public archaeology on the Black Sea coast
Merriman University museums: problems, policy and progress
Cover Page

Vol 4 (2000)

Schadla-Hall The Vale of Pickering in the Mesolithic: uncovering the early post-glacial landscape
Martin Forgotten buildings: detached kitchens in Southeast England
Bridge Tree rings and time: recent historical studies in England
Shennan & Collard The evolutionary analysis of cultural behaviour
Pye Wall painting in the Roman empire: colour, design and technology
Welch An early entente cordiale? Cross-Channel connections in the Anglo-Saxon period
Rehren Roads to riches: making good the silver ore at Lavrion in Greece
Reid Cattle, identity and genocide in the African Great Lakes region
Martin Hunting, herding, feasting: animal use at Neolithic Catalhoyuk, Turkey
Fuller Ashmounds and hilltop villages: the search for early agriculture in southern India
Mizoguchi Burials of kings or of tribal leaders? Interpreting the evidence from monumental tombs in southern Japan
Graham Collapse, conquest and Maya survival at Lamanai, Belize
Cover Page

Vol 3 (1999)

Hamilton et al Bronze Age stone worlds of Bodmin Moor: excavating Leskernick
Barber Medieval reclamation and colonization of marginal land on Romney Marsh
Broodbank Island dynamics and Minoan expansion in the Aegean: the Kythera Island Project
Jeffreys Investigating ancient Memphis, Pharaonic Egypt's northern capital
Samuel A new look at old bread: ancient Egyptian baking
Matthews Hittites and "barbarians" in the Late Bronze Age: regional survey in northern Turkey
Griffiths & Feuerbach Early Islamic manufacture of crucible steel at Merv, Turkmenistan
Thomas Archaeology on the North-West Frontier: the Bannu Project, Pakistan
Nanda Kumbakonam: the ritual topography of a sacred and royal city of South India
Sillar Pilgrims past and present: the ritual landscape of Raqchi, southern Peru
Stanley-Price The Palaeolithic, preservation and the public
McManus Archaeological parks: what are they?
Cover Page

Vol 2 (1998)

Waldron et al Benjamin Franklin, William Hewson and the Craven Street bones
Thomas & Mannino Mesolithic middens and molluscan ecology: a view from southern Britain
Sutherland Conserving Roman artefacts from a settlement in Essex
Hassall Perspectives on Greek and Roman catapults
Tanner Faces across the North Sea: Viking art in Norway and England, AD 700-1300
Orton et al Medieval Novgorod: epitome of early urban life in northern Europe
Graham-Campbell & Lockyear Texts in the landscape
McGlade The transformation of a cultural landscape: the Emporda, northeast Spain
Adams Discovery of a predynastic elephant burial at Hierakonpolis, Egypt
Butler Alexandria revived: new realizations of an ancient city
Bacus Later prehistory of the Philippines: colonial images and archaeology
Merkel & Velvarde Naipes (axe moneys): a pre-Hispanic currency in Peru
Cover Page

Vol 1 (1997)

Roberts Boxgrove: Palaeolithic hunters by the seashore
Greatorex Late Bronze Age waterlogged remains at Willingdon Levels, Sussex
Rudling Bignor Roman Villa and the Institute of Archaeology
Whitehouse Sa Cova d'es Carritx: a new p rehistoric cult cave on Menorca
Wilkes Excavating the Spartans
Harris Jeitun and the transition to agriculture in Central Asia
Herrmann A Central Asian city on the Silk Road: ancient and medieval Merv
Crawford Dilmun revisited: excavations at Saar, Bahrain
MacDonald More forgotten tells of Mali: an archaeologist's journey from here to Timbuktu
Price Salt damage in porous materials: a threat to the cultural heritage
Drewett Prehistoric settlements in the Caribbean
Faltermeier Corrosion inhibitor testing in archaeological conservation

Open Access Journal: NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research

NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research
ISSN: 1434-6990


Neo-Lithics 1/94
  • Editorial
  • G.O. Rollefson, H.G. Gebel, and S.K. Kozlowski: On Cooperation in Southwest Asian Neolithic Lithics Research
  • H.G. Gebel and G.O. Rollefson: Protocols of the First Workshop on PPN Chipped Lithics Industries, Berlin, 29 March - 2 April 1993
  • G.O. Rollefson: Continued Threat to ‘Ain Ghazal: Open Letter to Near Eastern Prehistorians
  • Notes and News

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Neo-Lithics 1/00

Neo-Lithics 2+3/00

Neo-Lithics 1/01

Neo-Lithics 2/01

Neo-Lithics 1/02
Editorial Note
  • Eric Coqueugniot: Jacques Cauvin (1930-2001) et le Néolithique du Levant Nord
  • Ran Barkai: Towards a methodology of Neolithic and Chalcolithic bifacial tool analysis
  • Phillip C. Edwards and Ghattas Sayej: Was the Hagdud Truncation a hafted Micro-Adze?
Field Reports
  • Phillip C. Edwards, John Meadows, Mary C. Metzger and Ghattas Sayej: results from the first season at Zahrat adh-Dhra, 2: a new Pre-Pottery Neolithic A site in the Dead Sea Plain in Jordan
  • Lea Rehhoff Kaliszan, Bo Dahl Hermansen, Charlott Hoffmann Jensen, Tim B.B. Skuldbøl, Mikkel Bille, Pernille Bangsgaard, Anna Ihr, Mette Low Sørensen, and Bente Markussen: Shaqarat Mazyad - the village on the edge
  • Alan Simmons and Mohammad Najjar: Preliminary report of the Tell Wadi Feinan Neolithic Testing Project
  • Gary O. Rollefson and Matthew C. Parker: Craft specialization at al-Basît, Wadi Musa, Southern Jordan
  • Klaus Schmidt: Göbekli Tepe - Southeastern Turkey. The seventh campagne 2001.
New Web Sites

Neo-Lithics 2/02

Neo-Lithics 1/03
  • G.A. Clark: Robert John Braidwood (1907-2003) & Linda Schreiber Braidwood (1909.2003)
Field Reports
  • D. Stordeur: Tell Aswad. Resultats préliminaire des campagnes 2001 et 2002
  • D. Cropper, C. Foley, and Urve Linnamae: Resultats from the Preliminary Investigations at Umm Meshrat I and II
  • A.H. Simmons and K. O'Horo: A Preliminary Note on the Chipped Stone Assemblage from Kritou Marottou Ais Yiorkis, an Aceramic Neolithic Site in Western Cyprus
  • K. Pustovoytov: Weathering Rinds at Exposed Surfaces of Limestone Rocks at Göbekli Tepe
Lab Reports
  • G. O. Rollefson: A Brief Note on the Tabulation of Debitage
  • L.A. Quintero, P.J. Wilke, and G.O. Rollefson: Lithic Studies at the Lithic Technology Laboratory, Departement of Anthropology, UC-Riverside
  • Michael Gregg: Biomolecular Research Into The Origins of Dairy Foods in Southwest Asia (PhD Dissertation Project)
  • Hans Georg K. Gebel and Gary Rollefson, bibliotheca neolithica Asia meridionalis et occidentalis
New Publications and Thesis
  • 5th Workshop on PPN Chipped Stone Industries, Fréjus (French Riviera), March 1st-5th 2004

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Neo-Lithics 1/04

Neo-Lithics 2/04

Neo-Lithics 1/05

Neo-Lithics 2/05

Neo-Lithics 1/10
  • Lee Clare and Hans Georg K. Gebel Introduction: Conflict and Warfare in the Near Eastern Neolithic
  • Ofer Bar-Yosef Warfare in Levantine Early Neolithic. A Hypothesis to be Considered
Comments and Contributions
  • Reinhard Bernbeck Prehistoric Wars, A Scholastic Fallacy
  • Lee Clare Pastoral Clashes: Conflict Risk and Mitigation at the Pottery Neolithic Transition in the Southern Levant
  • Hans Georg K. Gebel Conflict and Conflict Mitigation in Early Near Eastern Sedentism
  • Leore Grosman Prehistoric Warfare – Cause and Visibility
  • Jean Guilaine Neolithic Warfare: Comments
  • Steven A. LeBlanc Early Neolithic Warfare in the Near East and its Broader Implications
  • Bernd Müller-Neuhof Comment to Ofer Bar Yosef‘s Keynote: Warfare in Levantine Early Neolithic. A Hypothesis to be Considered
  • Mehmet Özdoğan The Neolithic Medium: Warfare Due to Social Stress or State of Security Through Social Welfare
  • Keith F. Otterbein Early Warfare in the Near East
  • Mirjana Roksandic Commentary on “Warfare in Levantine Early Neolithic. A Hypothesis to be Considered”
  • Gary O. Rollefson Violence in Eden: Comments on Bar-Yosef’s Neolithic Warfare Hypothesis
  • Paul Roscoe War, Community, and Environment in the Levantine Neolithic
  • David A. Warburton Warfare in the Neolithic? Methodological Considerations Reply
  • Ofer Bar-Yosef Warfare in Levantine Early Neolithic. Response Ofer Bar-Yosef
Other Contributions
  • Çiğdem Köksal-Schmidt and Klaus Schmidt The Göbekli Tepe “Totem Pole“. A First Discussion of an Autumn 2010 Discovery (PPN, Southeastern Turkey)
  • Makoto Arimura, Ruben Badalyan, Boris Gasparyan, and Christine Chataigner Current Neolithic Research in Armenia
  • Michael P. Neeley TBAS 102: A Late Natufian Site in West-Central Jordan
  • Karin Bartl Shir, West Syria
New Publications

Blogiversary (now there's an execrable word!)

Today, 6 January 2013, is the fourth anniversity of AWOL.  I will spend most of the day in aircraft or in airports.  Not a very interesting thing to do.

AWOL has a steadily increasing readership - somthing over a million page views so far.  Recent statistics are here.

2569 entries (beginning here), well over a thousand open access journals identified, countless digitized books cited, a constant stream of born digital scholarship tagged.

It's a tribute to you - the producers and consumers of all of this - that a portal (though I prefer the anaolgy of lens or prism) like AWOL is meaningful. 

Congratulations to us all!

The Levantine Ceramics Project

TheLevantine Ceramics Project
The Levantine Ceramics Project is a collaborative venture of archaeologists working in the modern countries of the Levant to make the evidence of ceramic wares, shapes, and laboratory analyses readily available. Our goal is to build a resource that will simplify the process of submitting, searching for, and using ceramic evidence so as to help advance broad comparative research on Levantine social, cultural, and economic history.  

SAFE Teaching Tools

SAFE (Saving Antiquities for Everyone) Teaching Tools
Below you will find syllabi and curricula from teachers and professors who teach classes dealing with cultural heritage protection. We thank them for sharing these with us and we welcome new submissions.

Small Classical Bronzes in the Picker Art Gallery: Looting, Faking and Collecting Antiquities in the Post-Colonial World (contributed by Professor Elizabeth Marlowe, Colgate University)
Antiquities Trade upper division undergraduate sample syllabus (contributed by Dr. Damien Huffer)

Open Access Journal: Eugesta [Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity]

[First posted in AWOL 18 December 2011. Updated 7 January 2013]

Eugesta [Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity]
Le recours aux concepts de sexe et de genre développés dans les Gender Studies a considérablement transformé les recherches dans le domaine de l’Antiquité en ouvrant un nouveau champ extrêmement fructueux sur le plan culturel et social. Dans la mesure où elle est à l’origine de conceptions et valeurs auxquelles se réfèrent les constructions d’identités dans les cultures occidentales, l’Antiquité est un lieu d’application de ces théories tout à fait particulier. Les travaux menés sur les relations entre hommes, entre hommes et femmes, entre femmes, et sur les façons de construire le féminin et le masculin, ont jeté sur le fonctionnement des sociétés et cultures antiques, un éclairage nouveau, qui est aussi d’un intérêt capital pour l’étude de la réception de l’Antiquité dans les cultures occidentales.
Lire la suite…
The increased attention accorded to concepts of sex and gender developed by work in gender studies has powerfully transformed research in to the ancient Mediterranean past, opening up a new extremely fruitful field of cultural and social analysis. Inasmuch as many ideas and values responsible for shaping the construction of identities in later western societies originate in antiquity, applying gendered theoretical perspectives to the texts and artifacts surviving from the ancient world antiquity offers particular benefits. Inquiries conducted into the relations among men, between men and women, among women, and on modes of constructing what qualifies as “feminine” and “masculine” have brought a new illumination to the distinctive ways that ancient societies and cultures functioned, an illumination also of major relevance for research on the reception of antiquity in western cultures.

ákoue News

ákoue News

The School's newsletter, ákoue, has become a new, shorter print publication as we transition an increasing number of news articles and stories to the School website. Often there will be links to additional photos or news in the web edition that we haven't room to place in the print edition. Also supplemental articles that did not make it into print will be placed on the newsletter's home page here.

The last issue of ákoue had asked for subscribers to notify us of their delivery preference--print or web edition.  If you have do wish to have a print edition mailed to you, please contact us.


Open Access Journal: Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies

Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
ISSN: 1084-7561
This journal is open to all bona fide scholars in Vedic Studies. It is monitored for style and content by the Editor-in-Chief. Our aim is to disseminate our work quickly. There is copyright but with automatic permission to publish anywhere else later on when the author wishes to do so. We include articles, abstracts, reviews, and news (such as on conferences, meetings, PhD projects of our students, etc.) We may consider a column of answers to comments on articles published in the journal, with final comment by the author (like the format used in Current Anthropology).

Most recent issues
 VOL. 16 (2009), ISSUE 2 (December)
Die Wurzeln der Traumdeutung in Indien und Griechenland -- Eine vergleichende Betrachtung
(The roots of the interpretation of dreams in India and Greece -- a comparative investigation)
Rainer Stuhrmann

VOL. 16 (2009), ISSUE 1 (August)
Rgveda 1.28 and the Alleged Domestic Soma-Pressing

 Hanns-Peter Schmidt

Current and Back Issues

Open Access Journal: Kervan: International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies

 [First posted in AWOL 4 June 2011. Updated 8 January 2013]
Kervan: International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies

This issue

January 2012 n. 15

Summary of papers




By number


By Author

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 

Open Access Exhibition Catalogue: Transition to Christianity: Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd – 7th Century AD

Transition to Christianity:Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd – 7th Century AD
New York : Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation ; Athens : In collaboration with the Byzantine and Christian Museum, ©2011.
Published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name, held at the Onassis Cultural Center, New York, December 7, 2011-May 14, 2012.
"Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism."
Transition to Christianity: Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd – 7th Century AD. contains an introductory essay by Peter Brown, and essays by Fabrizio Bisconti, Kimberly Bowes, Averil Cameron, Slobodan Ćurčić, Jaś Elsner, Henry Maguire, Katherine Marsengill, Aristotelis Mentzos, Helen Saradi-Mendelovici, and Ioannis Touratsoglou.

Open Access Journal: Revue de Linguistique Latine du Centre Alfred Ernout: De lingua Latina

[First listed in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 8 January 2013]

Revue de Linguistique Latine du Centre Alfred Ernout: De lingua Latina
ISSN 1760-6322
Il s’agissait d’abord de combler un vide : l’absence de revue française spécifiquement consacrée à la linguistique latine et la rareté générale de telles publications à l’étranger. Cette revue répond surtout à un besoin et à un souhait : la diffusion des travaux menés au sein de nombreuses équipes françaises et étrangères. Une communauté scientifique s’est, en effet, constituée au fil des dernières décennies à l’occasion de nombreuses rencontres de linguistique latine qui ont eu lieu dans l’Europe entière. En outre, le Centre Alfred Ernout a constitué depuis trente ans un point de ralliement de ces chercheurs, en organisant des cycles de conférences, des journées d’études et des colloques biennaux. La présente revue se veut le reflet de ces rencontres et collaborations européennes et américaines. Seuls, jusqu’à présent, avaient été publiés, parmi les travaux du centre Alfred Ernout, les actes des colloques biennaux et de tables rondes dans la collection Lingua Latina aux P.U.P.S. Il restait à publier les ateliers et les conférences. Outre la publication des travaux du centre Alfred Ernout, la revue se propose de diffuser des articles scientifiques de haut niveau à la pointe de la recherche en linguistique latine, de faire des mises au point sur des questions délicates en actualisant le débat, et, de manière plus générale, d’assurant la formation des étudiants et des jeunes chercheurs. Elle cherchera aussi à donner à ces derniers un espace pour la publication de leurs travaux.

La présente revue s’ouvre à toutes les orientations théoriques, à tous les domaines et elle accueille des articles dans toutes les langues.

Les autres langues anciennes ou modernes trouveront également leur place dans une confrontation avec le latin et les langues italiques : cette revue souhaite, en effet, être un espace d’échange et apporter sa contribution à la recherche linguistique en général.

La périodicité sera de deux numéros par an, auxquels viendront s’ajouter des numéros thématiques.

Syrian museums under threat

Early Warning: Marginalia: A Review of Books in History, Theology and Religion

Marginalia: A Review of Books in History, Theology and Religion
Coming January 29.

Marginalia (www.themarginaliareview.com) is an international review of academic literature from a range of disciplines along the nexus of history, theology and religion, providing timely, open-access reviews of the highest scholarly calibre. We hope to raise the standard of the academic book review, publishing only the most incisive and thoughtful reviews. Reviewers should expect their reviews in Marginalia to be easily discoverable by Google and other search engines, and so to have more visibility and accessibility than in some traditional print-based journals.  We encourage reviewers to give careful thought not only to the content but also to the presentation of the review, and hope to see the academic review in theology and religion move closer to the standard of the Times Literary Supplement or the New York Review of Books.
Marginalia (www.themarginaliareview.com) est une revue internationale de la littérature  académique venant d’une variété de disciplines qui marquent des liens entre l’histoire, la théologie et la religion, offrant des revues d’actualité à accès ouvert et de plus haut niveau académique.  Nous cherchons à mettre la barre plus haut en publiant seules les revues académiques les plus incisives et mieux réfléchies.  Nos critiques peuvent savoir que leurs revues publiées dans Marginalia seront facilement interrogeables sur Google et d’autres moteurs de recherche, et qu’ils connaîtront ainsi plus de visibilité et d’accessibilité que dans d’autres journaux publiés de façon traditionnelle, sur papier.  Nous encourageons nos critiques à bien réfléchir sur non seulement le contenu mais aussi la présentation de leurs revues, et souhaitons témoigner le rapprochement du niveau de la revue académique en théologie et religion à celui du Times Literary Supplement ou New York Review of Books.
Die internationale Rezensionsplattform „Marginalia“ (www.themarginaliareview.com) veröffentlicht – aktuell und frei zugänglich – Rezensionen zu Fachliteratur aus den Bereichen Geschichte, Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Durch ihre herausragenden Publikationen erfüllt „Marginalia“ höchste wissenschaftliche Ansprüche und setzt damit zugleich neue Standards auf dem Gebiet wissenschaftlicher Buchbesprechungen. Doch nicht nur qualitativ wird „Marginalia“ zum Novum; auch quantitativ erzielen die hier verbreiteten Rezensionen, wegen ihrer Verknüpfung mit Suchmaschinen wie Google oder Yahoo, eine deutlich höhere Resonanz, als in manchen traditionellen Fachzeitschriften. Deshalb ermutigen die Herausgeber von „Marginalia“ ihre Autoren ausdrücklich, ein besonderes Augenmerk nicht allein auf den Inhalt, sondern ebenso auf die Präsentation ihrer ‚Gutachten‘ zu richten, und streben an, das Rezensionswesen im Bereich theologischer und religionswissenschaftlicher Forschung auf diese Weise dem Level renommierter Rezensionsorganen wie dem Times Literary Supplement oder der New York Review of Books anzunähern.

Victor Loret: Egyptologue et collectionneur

Victor Loret: Egyptologue et collectionneur
Ce projet est le fruit de la collaboration entre les chercheurs et les bibliothécaires de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. C’est sous l’impulsion de l’égyptologue Laure Pantalacci, professeur à l’université de Lyon 2, et dans le cadre d’un programme de mise en valeur de la bibliothèque Victor Loret, qu’un site Internet a été consacré à ce personnage. Grand égyptologue français ayant vécu à la charnière du XIXe et du XXe siècle, Victor Loret a en effet légué ses nombreuses collections à l’Université de Lyon, en 1946.

Le site Victor Loret a pour objectif de faciliter les recherches des étudiants et des chercheurs travaillant sur les égyptologues du passé et l’histoire de l’égyptologie. Outre une biographie, une bibliographie et la présentation des collections (monographies, livres anciens, tirés-à-part, photographies…), il permet d’accéder à l’inventaire numérisé de la bibliothèque Victor Loret et à la liste des ouvrages conservés dans la bibliothèque de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Un espace « Voyageurs » présente le fonds des récits de voyage de cette bibliothèque, et une galerie d’images est mise à la disposition des internautes. (© Université de Lyon)
Cette première version du site a été élaborée par Magali Mathey, lors d’un stage de trois mois dans le cadre du Master Pro « Culture de l’écrit et de l’image » (ENSSIB/Université Lyon 2/GHHAT).

Open Access Journal: Sino-Platonic Papers

[First posted 8/30/10. Most recently updated 9 January 2012]

Sino-Platonic Papers
Sino-Platonic Papers is an occasional series edited by Victor H. Mair of the University of Pennsylvania's Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. The purpose of the series is to make available to specialists and the interested public the results of research that, because of its unconventional or controversial nature, might otherwise go unpublished.

Since issue no. 171 (June 2006), Sino-Platonic Papers has been published electronically on the Web at no cost to readers, with older back issues also being released periodically for free in e-editions. Paper copies of issues nos. 1–170 will continue to be available for purchase until our stock runs out, at which point those issues too will be available for free on the Web.

What's Recent

January 2013

December 2012

For previous announcements, see the news archive.

JSTOR Register & Read

JSTOR has intitiated a program to offer free, read-online access to individual scholars and researchers.  A January 2013 press release announces the expansion of the program to 1,200 journals: Register & Read Title List (MS Excel 2010, 71.41 KB).

Register & Read

Register & Read Beta is a new, experimental program to offer free, read-online access to individual scholars and researchers who register for a MyJSTOR account. Register & Read follows the release of the Early Journal Content as the next step in our efforts to find sustainable ways to extend access to JSTOR, specifically to those not affiliated with participating institutions.

How does it work?

  • When you find an article that’s part of Register & Read, click on the “Read Online Free” option.
  • Register for a free MyJSTOR account, or log into your account if you already have one.
  • Add the content to your shelf to read the full-text online. After 14 days, you may remove it and add new items to your shelf.
  • PDF versions of some articles will also be available for purchase and download. If you purchase articles from your shelf, the PDF versions may be stored and accessed in your MyJSTOR account at any time.
Register & Read includes approximately 1,200 journals from more than 700 publishers, a subset of the content in JSTOR. This includes content from the first volume and issue published for these journals through a recent year (generally 3-5 years ago). A list of the titles and publishers is available for download via the "Register & Read Title List" link below. Register & Read is a beta program, and we expect to adjust aspects of the program as needed. This may include both functionality and the available content.

If you would like to be notified of updates to Register & Read, you may follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

Read the Register & Read FAQ
Watch a video about Register & Read

And see also AWOL's The Ancient World in JSTOR the full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World.

Open Access Travaux de Karnak

[First posted in AWOL 7 June 2010. Updated 10 January 2013]

Les Travaux de Karnak - Karnak Activity Reports - اعمال الكرنك
BORAIK (M.), THIERS (Chr.), <i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2011</i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2011, Rapport d’activité du CFEETK, Louqsor, 2012.


BORAIK (M.), THIERS (Chr.), <i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2010</i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2010, Rapport d’activité du CFEETK, Louqsor, 2011.


LAROZE (E.), VALBELLE (D.), <i>Travaux du CFEETK entre 2005 et 2007</i>Travaux du CFEETK entre 2005 et 2007, Rapport d’activité du CFEETK, Louqsor, 2010.


BORAIK (M.), THIERS (Chr.), <i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2009</i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2009, Rapport d’activité du CFEETK, Louqsor, 2009.


BORAIK (M.), THIERS (Chr.), <i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2008</i>Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Rapport 2008, Rapport d’activité du CFEETK, Louqsor, 2008.


GRIMAL (N.), LARCHE (Fr.), « Karnak, 1998-2004 »« Karnak, 1998-2004 », Karnak 12, 2007, p. 7-60.


GRIMAL (N.), LARCHÉ (Fr.), « Karnak 1994-1997 »« Karnak 1994-1997 », Karnak 11, 2003, p. 7-64.


GRIMAL (N.), LARCHÉ (Fr.), « Karnak, 1992-1994 »« Karnak, 1992-1994 », Karnak 10, 1995, p. vii-xxxii.


GRIMAL (N.), LARCHÉ (Fr.), « Karnak, 1989-1992 »« Karnak, 1989-1992 », Karnak 9, 1993, p. v-xx.









LAUFFRAY (J.), SAAD (R.), SAUNERON (S.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak. Activités du Centre Franco-Égyptien des temples de Karnak (Campagne de travaux 1969-70) », Kêmi 21 (= Karnak 4), 1971, p. 54-76.


ANUS (P.), LAUFFRAY (J.), SAAD (R.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak. Activités du Centre franco-égyptien en 1968-1969 », Kêmi 20 (= Karnak 3), 1970, p. 57-99.


ANUS (P.), LAUFFRAY (J.), SAUNERON (S.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak. Activités du Centre franco-égyptien en 1967-1968 », Kêmi 19 (=Karnak 2), 1969, p. 111-135.


LAUFFRAY (J.), SAUNERON (S.), « Mission à Karnak (mars-juillet 1967) », Kêmi 18 (=Karnak 1), 1968, p. 93-97.
SAUNERON (S.), « Le Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak 1968-1969 »« Le Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak 1968-1969 », Note d’Information du Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak 1, 1968.
SAUNERON (S.), « Travaux à Karnak 1967-1968 »« Travaux à Karnak 1967-1968 », Note d’Information du Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak 2, 1968, p. 1-7.




CHEVRIER (H.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak, 1951-1952 »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak, 1951-1952 », ASAE 52, 1952, p. 229-242.


CHEVRIER (H.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak 1950-1951 »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak 1950-1951 », ASAE 51, 1951, p. 549-572.


CHEVRIER (H.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak, 1949-1950 »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak, 1949-1950 », ASAE 50, 1950, p. 429-442.


CHEVRIER (H.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak, 1948-1949 »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak, 1948-1949 », ASAE 49, 1949, p. 241-267.


CHEVRIER (H.), « Rapports sur les travaux de Karnak »« Rapports sur les travaux de Karnak », ASAE 46, 1947, p. 147-161.














CHEVRIER (H.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak », ASAE 29, 1929, p. 133-149.


CHEVRIER (H.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak (1927-1928) »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak (1927-1928) », ASAE 28, 1928, p. 114-128..






PILLET (M.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak (1922-1923) »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak (1922-1923) », ASAE 23, 1923, p. 99-138.


PILLET (M.), « Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak (1921-1922) »« Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak (1921-1922) », ASAE 22, 1922, p. 235-260.


LEGRAIN (G.), « Excavations and Explorations »« Excavations and Explorations », EEFR, 1909, p. 14-16.



LEGRAIN (G.), « Excavations and Explorations »« Excavations and Explorations », EEFR, 1907, p. 19-23.


LEGRAIN (G.), « Fouilles et recherches à Karnak »« Fouilles et recherches à Karnak », BIE 6/4e série, année 1905, 1906, p. 109-127.
LEGRAIN (G.), « Excavations and Explorations »« Excavations and Explorations », EEFR, 1906, p. 21-23.


LEGRAIN (G.), « Les récentes découvertes de Karnak »« Les récentes découvertes de Karnak », BIE 5/4e série, année 1904, 1905, p. 109-119.
LEGRAIN (G.), « Excavations and Explorations »« Excavations and Explorations », EEFR, 1905, p. 22-24.


LEGRAIN (G.), « Les travaux de 1903 à Karnak »« Les travaux de 1903 à Karnak », BIE 4/4e série, année 1903, 1904, p. 447-451.
LEGRAIN (G.), « Excavations and Explorations »« Excavations and Explorations », EEFR, 1904, p. 25-27.


LEGRAIN (G.), « Les nouvelles découvertes de Karnak »« Les nouvelles découvertes de Karnak », BIE 3/4e série, année 1902, 1903, p. 153-167.



Open Access Publications at the Oriental Institute Research Archives

The following list includes (almost) all publications served from the webspace of the Research Archives of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. The great bulk of them are scans of books from the collections but the list also includes a set of older and recent doctoral dissertations written at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations of the University of Chicago. A few born digital publications of the Research Archives are also included, based on quality, longevity and continuing access. All are catalogued in and linked to from the Research Archives OPAC.

[First published in AWOL in March 2009. Updated 12/10/2009. Updated 10 January 2013]

Dissertations in Ancient Near Eastern Studies Approved by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago.

Aaron Alexander Burke
June 2004: The Architecture of Defense: Fortified Settlements Of The Levant During The Middle Bronze Age

Katherine Strange Burke
June 2007: Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh’s House at Quseir al-Qadim

Dennis R. M. Campbell
March 2007: Mood and Modality in Hurrian

A. Asa Eger
August 2008: The Spaces Between The Teeth: Environment, Settlement, And Interaction On The Islamic-Byzantine Frontier.

Helene J. Kantor
March 1945: Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East:p

Michael Kozuh
March 2006: The Sacrificial Economy: On The Management Of Sacrificial Sheep And Goats At The Neo-Babylonian/Achaemenid Eanna Temple Of Uruk (c. 625-520 BC)

John S. Nolan
June 2010: Mud Sealings And Fourth Dynasty Administration At Giza

Jason Alik Ur
December 2004: Urbanism and Society in the Third Millennium Upper Khabur Basin:

Bruce Williams
December 1975: Archaeology and Historical Problems of the Second Intermediate Period

Ilya Yakubovich
June 2008: Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language
    For a listing of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:
    AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative

    Open Access Journal: The Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture

    [First posted in AWOL 4 November 2009. Updated 10 January 2013]

    The Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture
    ISSN: 1754-517X
    This centre promotes and supports the study of late antique religion and culture from the late Hellenistic Period to the early Middle Ages, also in relation to earlier and later periods, in particular Classical Antiquity and the modern world.
    Academic staff members are experts in Classical and Oriental Languages, History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies and Literature.
    Postgraduate research students with a wide range of interests take advantage of a unique set of expertise brought together by the Centre.
    Staff members, research students and researchers from associated institutions are collaborating on several major research projects.
    Since 2007 the Centre hosts the Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture (JLARC), a peer-reviewed free-access online journal on topics related to the Centre's main areas of interest.
    Postgraduate taught programmes include an MA Religion in Late Antiquity as a route within the MA in Religious Studies and an MA in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies.
    A wide range of modules is offered by members of the Centre for Undergraduate teaching.
    The classical language programme is a particularly strong area of activity of the centre.

    Volume 1, 2007

    Volume 2, 2008

    Volume 3, 2009

    Volume 4, 2010 

    Volume 5, 2011 

    Volume 6, 2012 

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