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CHS Online Open House | The Reception of Greek in Renaissance Italy, with Caroline Stark

CHS Online Open House | The Reception of Greek in Renaissance Italy, with Caroline Stark
We are excited to welcome Caroline Stark of Howard University for an Online Open House. The title of the discussion is: Reception of Greek in Renaissance Italy. The session will be live-streamed and recorded.
The event will take place on Thursday, December 5 at 11:00 a.m. EST. You can view on the Center for Hellenic Studies YouTube channel, and the recording will be posted here afterwards.
To get ready for the event, you might like to read:
Petrarch’s letter to Homer:
Aristophanes’ speech, from Plato Symposium, 189–193:

Caroline Stark

Caroline Stark
Caroline Stark
Caroline Stark is Associate Professor of Classics, Howard University.  She earned a BA in Latin from Sweet Briar College, an MA in Cultural and Intellectual History, 1300-1650 from the Warburg Institute, University of London, and an MA, MPhil, and PhD in Classics and Renaissance Studies from Yale University.
Her research interests include ancient cosmology, anthropology, ethnography, and the reception of classical antiquity in Medieval and Renaissance Europe and in Africa and the African Diaspora.
She is the creator of the Io Project, an online resource for the history and reception of Classics in Africa and the African diaspora, and she is co-editing with Lee Fratantuono A Companion to Latin Epic 14-96 CE with Wiley-Blackwell.  She is working concurrently on two book projects, one on Africana Receptions of classical heroines and another that examines the intersection of humanism, philosophy, art, and science in the writings of fifteenth-century Italian humanists as they rediscovered ancient stories about the birth and development of humankind in Lucretius and other ancient authors. She was a research fellow at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies and a Humanities Writ Large faculty fellow at Duke University.

Dependency Treebanks of Ancient Greek Authors

Dependency Treebanks of Ancient Greek Authors

Vanessa B. Gorman, Professor of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 619 Oldfather Hall, Lincoln NE 68588-0327 USA, vgorman1@unl.edu; vbgorman@gmail.com

My archive of Greek dependency trees is available here.

I have made a series of videos explaining how to make dependency trees in Arethusa/Perseids for someone who already knows Greek. You can find them on my YouTubeChannel.

I have made a series of videos ("Grammar 101-104") explaining basic English grammar needed to read Ancient Greek, using dependency syntax terms. They are intended for someone who knows no Greek. You can find all these videos on my YouTubeChannel.

See also the Digital Collections at the Perseids Project.

Teach yourself Greek here.

Open Access Journal: British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES)

[First posted in AWOL 8 October 2009. Updated 4 December 2019]

British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES)
ISSN: 2049-5021 (on-line)
The British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan(BMSAES) is a peer-reviewed, academic journal dedicated to presenting research on all aspects of ancient Egypt and Sudan and the representation of these cultures in modern times.
BMSAES is open-access: all articles in this journal can be viewed and downloaded free-of-charge.
This journal offers scholars the opportunity to include a large number of colour images, and other multimedia content, where appropriate to the article. Accepted papers will be published as soon as possible: there is no defined publication schedule or deadlines, as with print journals. The articles do not need to concern British Museum objects or projects.


This issue comprises an article presenting the outputs of a multi-disciplinary collaboration of scholars from the Departments of Egypt and Sudan, Middle East and Conservation at the British Museum. It combines research into, and conservation of, a group of glazed tiles found at the Assyrian city of Nimrud, which depict military scenes in Egypt. The renewed study of these long-known objects with, as presented here, the first detailed drawings and photographs of all the surviving fragments, in addition to newly identified and discovered fragments, enables the authors to thoroughly reassess the discovery, production and narrative content of the tiles in relation to other known later-Sargonid glazed material and artwork. It demonstrates how the close study of objects and archives, even seemingly well-published material, can yield significant results in understanding key issues, in this case the development of architecture and Egyptian influence on Assyrian art.
Neal Spencer


Esarhaddon in Egypt: An Assyrian-Egyptian battle scene on glazed tiles from Nimrud
Manuela Lehmann, Nigel Tallis with Duygu Camurcuoglu and Lucía Pereira-Pardo

For more open access publications of the British Museum, see here.

Magie als Waffe gegen Schlangen in der ägyptischen Bronzezeit

Magie als Waffe gegen Schlangen in der ägyptischen Bronzezeit
Stegbauer, Katharina 
 Magie als Waffe gegen Schlangen in der ägyptischen Bronzezeit
 Ägyptologische Studien Leipzig 
Unter den Zaubersprüchen des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs machen Texte gegen Schlangen und ihr Gift den größten Teil aus. Diese Sammlung von Sprüchen bildet die Grundlage für die Untersuchung der Merkmale der Textsorte der Zaubersprüche. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist eine Zusammenstellung des in diesen Sprüchen enthaltenen altägyptischen Wissens über Schlangen und ihr Gift. Zudem wird der Frage nachgegangen, warum die altägyptische Kultur so lange an der Verwendung solcher Sprüche festgehalten hat. Thematisiert wird außerdem der ägyptologische Umgang mit den Zaubersprüchen, der lange Zeit von großen Schwierigkeiten geprägt war. Die Arbeit enthält einen Katalog, der die 52 ausgewerteten Sprüche in Transkription und Übersetzung vorgelegt - jeweils begleitet von einer inhaltlichen Interpretation.

Katharina Stegbauer studierte an den Universitäten Leipzig und Halle-Wittenberg Ägyptologie, Journalistik und Ur- und Frühgeschichte und wurde 2008 an der Universität Leipzig promoviert. Sie leitete von 1998 bis 2004 zusammen mit ihrem Mann den Verlag Helmar Wodtke und Katharina Stegbauer GbR und gründete 2011 die Seschat Fernschule für Ägyptologie. Von 2006 bis 2008 war sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt Digital Heka tätig. Seit 2009 ist sie als Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben am Ägyptologischen Institut der Universität Leipzig beschäftigt.
Dieses Werk ist unter der
Creative Commons-Lizenz 4.0
(CC BY-SA 4.0)
Creative Commons Lizenz BY-SA 4.0
ISBN 978-3-947450-68-8 (PDF)
Veröffentlicht am 03.12.2019.
Vorwort zur zweiten Auflage
1. Eine alte Frage
2. "Zaubersprüche“ als Textsorte und ihre Merkmale
3. Die Funktionsweisen der Zaubersprüche
4. Schlangen
5. Schlangengift
6. Katalog der Sprüche
7. Anhang

Open Accesss Journal: Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIème siècle

 [First posted in AWOL 30 May 2012, updated 4 December 2019]

Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIème siècle
ISSN electronic edition: 1775-4275
Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIe siècle est une revue internationale électronique. Elle s'intéresse à l’ensemble de la culture hellénistique. Cette revue entend favoriser les approches croisées entre les domaines de la recherche, en particulier la littérature et la philosophie. L’émergence à Athènes et à Rome des grandes écoles et traditions philosophiques de la période ne peut être considérée indépendamment de son contexte culturel. Inversement, on voit une philosophie popularisée prendre une place toujours plus grande dans l’ensemble de la vie culturelle et influencer souvent fortement la production littéraire.
La revue Aitia entend avoir une vocation internationale : elle publie des articles en différentes langues (notamment : français, anglais, italien, allemand, espagnol, grec moderne…) ; elle entend favoriser particulièrement les contributions de jeunes chercheurs. La publication des articles est soumise à l’accord d’un comité de lecture scientifique également international.

Dernier numéro en ligne
Nouveaux regards sur le philosophe stoïcien Lucius Annaeus Cornutus

Nuovi sguardi sul filosofo stoico Lucio Anneo Cornuto
A New Look at the Stoic Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Cornutus
Sous la direction de Sophie Aubert-Baillot
Le recueil d’articles présenté ici est consacré au stoïcien Lucius Annaeus Cornutus (né vers 10-20 et mort après 65), figure à la fois éminente de la pensée antique, puisqu’il fut le maître de Perse et de Lucain, et un peu méconnue. Pourtant, ses travaux présentent l’immense intérêt de porter à la fois sur la philosophie, la grammaire et la rhétorique, et d’être rédigés pour partie en grec, en ce qui concerne la philosophie, et pour partie en latin, dans le domaine grammatical. Les six contributions que l’on va lire mettent toutes en exergue l’importance et l’originalité de l’œuvre philosophique et philologique de Cornutus.
The present papers are devoted to the Stoic Lucius Annaeus Cornutus (born about 10–20 A.D. and died after 65 A.D.), both a prominent figure in Antiquity, since he was the master of Persius and Lucan, and a quite obscure one today. However, his work is extremely interesting insofar as it bears on philosophy, grammar and rhetoric. Moreover, it is written both in Greek, as far as philosophy is concerned, and in Latin, for the grammatical part. The six papers collected in this issue highlight the importance and the originality of the philosophical and philological work of Cornutus.
Gli studi qui raccolti sono dedicati allo Stoico Lucio Anneo Cornuto (nato intorno al 10-20 d.C. e morto dopo il 65 d.C.), che era una figura eminente del pensiero antico, poiché era il maestro di Persia e Lucano, ma una figura un po' sconosciuta. Tuttavia, le sue opere presentano l'immenso interesse di vertere sulla filosofia, la grammatica e la retorica, e di essere scritte parzialmente in greco, per quanto riguarda la filosofia, e parzialmente in latino, nel campo della grammatica. Questi sei studi tutti evidenziano l'importanza e l'originalità dell'opera filosofica e filologica di Cornuto.

Guide de l’épigraphiste

Guide de l’épigraphiste: Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales
François Bérard, Denis Feissel, Nicolas Laubry, Pierre Petitmengin, Denis Rousset, Michel Sève et collaborateurs.
Quatrième édition entièrement refondue.
Guides et inventaires bibliographiques de la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure, 7.
 English version available
L’épigraphie fait peur. Historiens, linguistes, archéologues en connaissent l’intérêt : ils ont quelquefois peine à s’y retrouver. Les pierres inscrites jouaient en effet, dans la cité antique, un rôle infiniment plus grand et plus divers que de nos jours, et c’est par milliers qu’on a conservé des inscriptions grecques et latines – dont le nombre s’accroît chaque année grâce à de nouvelles découvertes.
Où trouver les inscriptions sorties du sol italien depuis la parution du Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum ? L’édition la plus autorisée de la pierre de Rosette ou de l’édit de Dioclétien ? Les répertoires prosopographiques qui permettront d’engager une première étude d’histoire sociale ?
Pour faciliter la réponse à de telles questions, un groupe de chercheurs liés à l’ENS a réuni cette bibliographie sélective, dévoilant au profane les principales clefs de la science épigraphique, et le conduisant du monde gréco-romain aux autres peuples du pourtour méditerranéen et de sa périphérie plus lointaine. Cette quatrième édition, entièrement refondue, compte quelque 3 000 notices, dont plus du quart signale des publications parues depuis l’édition précédente.
I. Traités, Initiations, Bibliographies
II. Choix d’inscriptions
III. Les inscriptions grecques jusqu’en 1453
IV. Les inscriptions latines jusqu’à l’époque mérovingienne
V. Catalogues de musées
VI. Recueils thématiques d’inscriptions grecques et latines
VII. Mise à jour des corpus et recueils
VIII. Études sur les inscriptions
IX. Épigraphies périphériques
1. Épigraphie minoenne et mycénienne, par Pierre Carlier
2. Langues d’Asie Mineure, par Georges Pinault
3. Épigraphie sémitique, par Bernard Delavault, Pierre Petitmengin et Françoise Briquel Chatonnet.
4. Épigraphie égyptienne et copte, par Laurent Motte et Laurent Coulon
5. Épigraphie iranienne, par Frantz Grenet et Xavier Tremblay
6. Inscriptions du roi Asoka, par Georges Pinault
7. Épigraphie italique et étrusque, par Dominique Briquel
8. Épigraphie en langues celtiques, par Pierre-Yves Lambert et Eugenio Luján
9. Épigraphie de l’Occident médiéval : IXe-XVe siècle, par Pierre Petitmengin
X. Études et bibliographie d’épigraphistes
XI. Congrès, Revues, Collections
Index des auteurs
Index géographique
Index analytique
448 p. ISBN 978-2-7288-0443-6. 30 Euros. Septembre 2010.
Sont ici mis en ligne :
— à titre historique, les avant-propos de la première et de la troisième édition,
— la concordance entre les numéros de la troisième édition et ceux de la quatrième édition,
— la liste des abréviations usuelles répertoriées dans le Guide,
— la liste des sites internet indiqués dans le Guide, avec les liens correspondants, qui seront régulièrement vérifiés et mis à jour,
— la liste des cotes des livres à la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure.
Les auteurs prévoient de préparer un supplément annuel, qui sera ici mis en ligne chaque été.
Télécharger les suppléments disponibles :

Open Access Monograph Series: Histos Supplements

[First posted in AWOL 9 December 2014, updated 4 December 2019 (Volumes 8, 9, and 10 added)]

Histos Supplements
ISSN: 2046-5963 (Online)
ISSN: 2046-5955 (Print)
Supplements to Histos offer thematic volumes whose size or subject matter makes them less suited for publication in the regular journal and more appropriate for independent publication. Material for the Supplements undergoes the same blind refereeing as contributions to the regular journal. The arrangements for blind refereeing are conducted by the supervisory editor.
We recommend that citations from the Supplements be cited as follows:
• For single works thus:
A. E. Raubitschek, Autobiography, ed. with introduction and notes by Donald Lateiner (Newcastle upon Tyne: Histos Supplement 1, 2014), 6–13.
• For articles within supplements:
B. A. Ellis, ‘HerodotusMagister Vitae, or: Herodotus and God in the Protestant Reformation’, in id., ed.,God in History: Reading and Rewriting Herodotean Theology from Plutarch to the Renaissance (Newcastle upon Tyne: Histos Supplement 4, 2015), 173-245.
New proposals for Supplements are always welcome; they should be addressed to the editor, Christopher Krebs, at histos@ncl.ac.uk.

Supplements to Histos offer thematic volumes whose size or subject matter makes them less suited for publication in the regular journal and more appropriate for independent publication. Material for the Supplements undergoes the same blind refereeing as contributions to the regular journal. The arrangements for blind refereeing are conducted by the supervisory editor.
We recommend that citations from the Supplements be cited as follows:
• For single works thus:
A. E. Raubitschek, Autobiography, ed. with introduction and notes by Donald Lateiner (Newcastle upon Tyne: Histos Supplement 1, 2014), 6–13.

• For articles within supplements:
B. A. Ellis, ‘HerodotusMagister Vitae, or: Herodotus and God in the Protestant Reformation’, in id., ed., God in History: Reading and Rewriting Herodotean Theology from Plutarch to the Renaissance (Newcastle upon Tyne: Histos Supplement 4, 2015), 173-245.

New proposals for Supplements are always welcome; they should be addressed to the editor, Christopher Krebs, at histos@ncl.ac.uk.

1. Antony Erich Raubitschek, The Autobiography of A. E. Raubitschek, Edited with Introduction and Notes by Donald Lateiner (2014)

5. Richard Fernando Buxton, ed., Aspects of Leadership in Xenophon(2016)

6. Emily Baragwanath and Edith Foster, edd., Clio and Thalia. Attic Comedy and Historiography  (2017)

7. J. L. Moles, A Commentary on Plutarch's Brutus, with updated bibliographical notes by Christopher Pelling (2017)

8. Alexander Meeus, ed., Narrative in Hellenistic Historiography (2018)

10. Paul Christesen, A New Reading of the Damonon Stele (2019)

The Egyptian Sculpture Digitization Project

The Egyptian Sculpture Digitization Project
The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (NELC), based in the Indiana University Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, and the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory (VWHL), based in in the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing, in collaboration with partners at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and the Indiana University Eskenazi Museum of Art, are digitizing in 3D important examples of ancient Egyptian sculpture. It is anticipated that this digital collection will be continually expanded as other museum partners are added.


Stephen Vinson, Project Director
Mohamed Abdelaziz, Director of Data Processing

Cooperating Institutions

Brooklyn Museum of Art
Eskenazi Museum of Art
Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee include:
Bernie Frischer, Dept. of Informatics, Indiana University
Gabriele Guidi, Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano
Melinda Hartwig, Carlos Museum, Emory University
Matthias Lang, Tübingen University
Jean Li, Ryerson University
Rita Lucarelli, University of California at Berkeley
Peter Manuelian, Harvard University
Joshua Roberson, University of Memphis
Elaine Sullivan, University of California at Santa Cruz
Willeke Wendrich, Univeristy of California at Los Angeles

The following students and scholars have contributed to the project:
Arin Anderson, Indiana University
Matthew R. Brennan, Indiana University​
Leif Christiansen, Indiana University
Gretchen Creekbaum, Indiana University
Christopher Davidson, Indiana University
Fenfang Dong, Indiana University
Justine Galambus, Indiana University
​​Emily Getz, Indiana University
​​Tassie Gniady, Cyberinfrastructure for Digital Humanities & Creative Activities, Indiana University
Gabriele Guidi, Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano
Molly Isaacs, Indiana University
Amanda Ladd, Indiana University
Ling-Fei Lin, Indiana University
​Ryan Lipp, Indiana University
Maya Shen, Indiana University
Hilo Sugita, Indiana University and Harvard University
Kylie Thompson, Indiana University and the University of California at Los Angles
Mattei Tichindelean, Indiana University and the University of California at Los Angeles
Lingxin Zhang, Indiana University and Johns Hopkins University
Xiaofan Zhao, Indiana University and Brown University

Open Access Journal: Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter: Lettre d'information sur la poésie hellénistique

[First posted in AWOL 21 July 2014, updated 5 December 2019]

Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter: Lettre d'information sur la poésie hellénistique
ISSN: 2551-6167
Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter
Le carnet de recherche Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter, qui fait suite à la lettre électronique de diffusion créée par Christophe Cusset en 2005, à la suite d'une demande qui s'était manifestée lors d'un Workshop sur la Poésie Hellénistique à Groningen, entend offrir une information régulière de toute l'activité de recherche dans le domaine de la poésie hellénistique (et impériale). Il s'agit d'apporter une information brute sur les nouvelles parutions (ouvrages, articles, communications), sur les colloques, conférences, congrès et journées d'études, sur les nouvelles thèses, sur les offres de poste (post-doc, allocations de thèse etc.) liées à la poésie hellénistique, sur les appels à communication ou toute manifestation scientifique en lien avec ce domaine de recherche.

The Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter, which follows the electronic mailing list created by Christophe Cusset in 2005, following a request which was manifested in a Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry in Groningen, intends to offer regular reporting of all research activity in the field of Hellenistic (and Imperial) poetry. This is to provide raw information on new publications (books, articles, papers) on seminars, conferences, congresses and workshops, on new theses on this topic, on offers of positions (post-doc, allowances thesis etc.). related to Hellenistic poetry, on calls for papers or scientific event in connection with this research field. 

    Open Access Journal: Bulletin / Association suisse d'archéologie classique = Bulletin / Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für klassische Archäologie = Bollettino / Associazione svizzera di archeologia classica

    [First posted in AWOL  29 September 2017, updated 5 December 2019]

    Bulletin / Association suisse d'archéologie classique = Bulletin / Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für klassische Archäologie = Bollettino / Associazione svizzera di archeologia classica
    ISSN: 2571-7847 gedruckt
    ISSN: 2571-7928 online
    L’ASAC édite un Bulletin annuel à l’attention de ses membres. On y trouve le contenu des contributions présentées lors de la Table ronde, des informations sur les activités et les rapports du Comité, ainsi que divers articles liés à des thèmes d’actualité.
    L’ASAC poursuit deux objectifs principaux :

    Sur le plan administratif, elle représente les intérêts et les préoccupations de l’archéologie classique vis-à-vis des autorités, des institutions d’encouragement à la recherche et des organes chargés de la politique scientifique, ainsi qu’auprès du public.

    Sur le plan scientifique, elle favorise les échanges et encourage la coordination entre les institutions et les chercheurs. Elle sert également de plateforme de dialogue personnel et scientifique entre ses membres.

    Bulletin 2018     

    BabMed Corpora Online

    BabMed Corpora Online
    Das BabMed Corpora Online Projekt ist eine in gemeinschaftlicher Arbeit aufgebaute Online-Plattform für in Keilschrift notierte Medizinische Texte. Jedes BabMed-Mitglied aus dem Arbeitsbereich Assyriologie – vom Principal Investigator bis hin zu den Studentischen MitarbeiterInnen, unseren Projektberater Innen oder GastwissenschaftlerInnen und StipendiatInnen – hat im Verlauf des Projektes an den Corpora mitgearbeitet. Ergänzt wird dies durch zahlreiche Beiträge und Anmerkungen von wissenschaftlichen Kolleginnen und Kollegen weltweit, die kontinuierlich in das Corpus eingearbeitet werden. Konzipiert wurde das Corpora-Projekt vom Stellvertretenden Projektleiter, Dr. J. Cale Johnson, der es auch künftig als wissenschaftlicher Herausgeber begleitet. Auch nach Abschluss des BabMed-Projektes im Sommer 2018 soll gemeinsam mit den Berliner Wissenschaftlern ein Fortgang für das Pilotvorhaben sichergestellt werden.
    BITTE BEACHTEN: Für die korrekte Darstellung der Umschriften sollte im Browser der Ungkam Font installiert sein. Zu finden ist er auf der Webseite des Oracc-Projekts: http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/doc/help/visitingoracc/fonts
    Es sind bislang folgende Subcorpora (draft versions) verfügbar:

    Online Open Access Catalogue: Ancient Carved Ambers in the J. Paul Getty Museum

    Ancient Carved Ambers in the J. Paul Getty Museum


    This catalogue presents a group of remarkable amber carvings from the J. Paul Getty Museum’s collection—the second largest body of this material in the United States and one of the most important in the world. The fifty-six Etruscan, Greek, and Italic carved ambers date from around 650 to 300 B.C.
    Offering a full description of each piece, including typology, style, chronology, provenance, condition, and iconography, the catalogue is preceded by a general introduction to ancient amber. Through exquisite visual examples and vivid excerpts from classical texts, this book examines the myths and legends woven around amber—its employment in magic and medicine, its transport and carving, and its incorporation into jewelry, amulets, and other objects of prestige.
    This open-access catalogue is available for free online and in multiple formats for download, including PDF, MOBI/Kindle, and EPUB. A paperback reference edition is also available for purchase.

    Judaea/Palaestina and Arabia: Cities and Hinterlands in Roman and Byzantine Times

    Judaea/Palaestina and Arabia: Cities and Hinterlands in Roman and Byzantine Times 
    Lichtenberger, Achim, Tal, Oren, Weiss, Zeev (Hrsg.)
      Judaea/Palaestina and Arabia: Cities and Hinterlands in Roman and Byzantine Times

    Panel 8.6

    Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19. International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten steht die Survey-Archäologie und die Untersuchung von Stadt-Hinterland-Beziehungen im Fokus der mediterranen Archäologie. In der südlichen Levante wurden diese Ansätze bisher jedoch nur selten verfolgt. So wurden nur wenige Städte dieser Region durch systematische intensive oder extensive Surveys untersucht. Dieser Band ist der städtischen Infrastruktur gewidmet und konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwischen Städten und ihrem Hinterland. Hierbei fokussiert er sich auf Haupt- und Nebenverwaltungszentren in Judäa / Palästina und Arabien unter römischer und byzantinischer Herrschaft (1. bis 7. Jh. n. Chr.). Während die Erforschung der historischen Geographie der südlichen Levante eine lange Tradition hat, haben sich heutzutage die Forschungsfragen gewandelt und die Erforschung von Mikroregionen und ihres Hinterlandes steht nun in vielen Fällen im Mittelpunkt der Projekte. Solche Studien können nur systematisch durchgeführt werden, wobei multidisziplinäre Ansätze und hochauflösende Analysen verwendet werden, um alle Arten von Zonen städtischer Siedlungen und Verbindungen innerhalb des Standorts und seiner Peripherie und seines Hinterlandes zu untersuchen. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes bieten einen ersten Versuch, die städtischen Siedlungen in der südlichen Levante aus einer vergleichenden Perspektive zu betrachten.

    Achim Lichtenberger ist Professor für Klassische Archäologie und Direktor des Archäologischen Museums an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster sowie Leiter der Forschungsstelle Antike Numismatik.
    Oren Tal ist Professor an der Universität Tel Aviv und lehrt Klassische Archäologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Naher Osten. Er ist zudem Direktor des Apollonia-Arsuf Excavation Projekts und Ko-Direktor des Tell Iztabba Excavation Projekts.
    Zeev Weiss ist der Eleazar L. Sukenik Professor für Archäologie am Institut für Archäologie der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem. Ausgebildet in klassischer Archäologie, ist er auf römische und spätantike Kunst und Architektur in den Provinzen Syrien-Palästina spezialisiert.
    Bentz, Martin, Heinzelmann, Michael
    Lichtenberger, Achim, Tal, Oren, Weiss, Zeev
    Judaea/Palaestina and Arabia: Cities and Hinterlands in Roman and Byzantine Times: Introductory Notes
    Pini, Nicolò
    Semi-urban or Semi-rural Settlements: A New Definition of Urban Centres Required?
    Gendelman, Peter, ‘Ad, Uzi
    Caesarea Maritima – A View from Outside: The Periphery of the Roman and Byzantine Metropolis
    Patrich, Joseph
    The City and Its Territory – A Digital Archaeological-Cartographical Approach: The Case of Caesarea Maritima
    Gersht, Rivka, Gendelman, Peter
    Architectural Decoration in Roman and Late Antique Caesarea Maritima and Its Periphery: Production, Importation and Reuse
    Tal, Oren
    Apollonia/Sozousa: Its Immediate Hinterland in Byzantine Times
    Weksler-Bdolah, Shlomit
    Aelia Capitolina: The Roman Colony and Its Periphery
    Weiss, Zeev
    Sepphoris: The City and Its Hinterland in Roman Times
    Lichtenberger, Achim, Raja, Rubina
    The Chora of Gerasa/Jerash
    Kennedy, Will M.
    A Cultural Landscape Characterization of the Petraean Hinterland in Nabataean-Roman Times: An Overview
    Schöne, Christian, Heinzelmann, Michael, Erickson-Gini, Tali, Wozniok, Diana
    Elusa – Urban Development and Economy of a City in the Desert
    Empfohlene Zitierweise
    Lichtenberger, Achim , Tal, Oren und Weiss, Zeev (Hrsg.): Judaea/Palaestina and Arabia: Cities and Hinterlands in Roman and Byzantine Times: Panel 8.6 , Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2019 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19. International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Band 44). https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.552
    Dieses Werk ist unter der
    Creative Commons-Lizenz 4.0 (CC BY)veröffentlicht.
    ISBN 978-3-947450-77-0 (PDF)
    Veröffentlicht am 06.12.2019.

    Open Access Monograph Series: Des princes

    Des princes
    ISSN (Édition imprimée): 1621-1235
    ISSN électronique: 2680-1035
    Sous la direction de Isabelle Cogitore
    La question du prince intéressait traditionnellement les historiens. Avec la mort des idéologies, la chute du Mur de Berlin et le regain d'intérêt pour la rhétorique, elle redevient un problème littéraire. En effet, il s'agit de retrouver, d'analyser, pour ainsi dire de l'intérieur, une représentation de la politique telle qu'on la vivait avant la Révolution. Avec l'école des Annales, les historiens ont redécouvert que les désirs comptent autant que les réalités, les mots et la gestuelle qui les accompagne autant que les faits. Un programme de travail s'ensuit : regarder tous ces écrits que sont éloges, entrées, adresses de toute sorte comme des textes à part entière. Ils parlent d'amour, amour du prince pour ses sujets et des sujets pour leur prince, selon un jeu subtil, dont le concept d'oppression ne rend pas compte. Trouver des angles d'attaque, des outils critiques adaptés, voire de nouvelles méthodes de travail, dans certains cas éditer des textes qui le méritent, tel est le propos de la collection.

    Open Access Journal: ΠΗΓΗ/FONS: Revista de estudios sobre la civilización Clásica y su recepción

    ΠΗΓΗ/FONS: Revista de estudios sobre la civilización Clásica y su recepción
    EISSN: 2445-2297
    Imagen de la Página Inicial de la Revista
    Fundada en 2016 ΠΗΓΗ/FONS es una revista electrónica de periodicidad anual editada por el Instituto de Estudios Clásicos sobre la Sociedad y la Política "Lucio Anneo Séneca" (UC3M). PEGE publicará artículos, notas, discusiones y reseñas de filosofía, filología clásica, historia antigua y teoría política clásica, prestando especial atención a la recepción del legado clásico en la tradición posterior


    ΠΗΓΗ/FONS Vol. 3

    Tabla de contenidos

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    Descargar ΠΗΓΗ/Fons Vol. 3


    Veronika Konrádová
    Manuel Knoll
    Juan Felipe González Calderón
    Carmen García Bueno
    Michele Curnis
    Gian Franco Gianotti

    Reseñas bibliográficas

    Francisco L. Lisi
    Manuela Callipo
    Federica Pezzoli
    Michele Curnis
    Ana María Rodríguez González
    Francisco L. Lisi
    Juan Signes Codoñer
    Michele Curnis

    Noticias del Corpus Philosophorum Graecorum et Romanorum (CPhGR)



    Revisores del nº 2 (2017)


    ΠΗΓΗ/FONS Vol. 1

    Open Access Journal: CAARI News: Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute

    [First posted in AWOL 20 November 2010. Updated  7 December 20919]

    CAARI News: Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute
    ISSN 0890-4545
    The CAARI News is issued in electronic form three to five times a year.  See below for the most recent newsletters.
    Previously CAARI News was issued in print form in the Spring and Fall covering activities at CAARI, as well as events around the world relevant to Cypriot archaeology and related history and art. Browse the back issues of the newsletter here.

    October 2019
    It’s time to apply for CAARI Fellowships! Read about recent lectures at CAARI.  Dr. Daniel Coslett describes his work on “Re-presentations of Antiquity in Colonial and
    Postcolonial Nicosia”. See CAARI’s recent additions to the library of material published in the Cyprus Jewish Internment Camps between 1946 and 1949.

    July 2019
    Read about recent the conference in honour of A. Bernard Knapp and about the 38th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop.
    Dr. Anna Spyrou, the Edgar J. Peltenburg Fellow, describes her research into the human-cattle relationship in Cypriot Prehistory. Learn about surprising holdings in CAARI’s Archives.

    May 2019
    Read about our new US headquarters and then learn about our 2019-2020 Fellows including three graduate student fellows, two CAARI/CAORC postdoctoral fellows, the Senior Scholar in residence and our first Edgar Peltenburg postdoctoral scholar. Finally read Catherine Deans-Barrett’s recollections about CAARI over her 18 years working on the island.

    Newsletter March 2019
    March 2019
    Read about a CAARI’s new state-of-the-art Leica microscopes in our thin-section lab made possible by a generous gift from Mrs. Leslys Vedder in memory of her hustand, Dr. James F. Vedder. And Dr. Annemarie Weyl Carr provides a unique look at “Hell in the Sweet Land”, an examination of Asinou’s Last Judgment.

    Νewsletter December 2018
    December 2018
    Learn about research at CAARI with reports from Dr. Hanan Charaf (CAARI Senior Scholar in Residence) on Cypriot Bronze Age pottery found in Lebanon and from Dr. Henry Shaprio (CAARI/CAORC Fellow) on Armenian Pilgrims in Ottoman Cyprus.
    And Dr. Ann-Marie Knoblauch provides an in depth look at how 1870s New York reacted to Luigi Palma di Cesnola and his collection of Cypriot Antiquities.

    Newsletter October 2018
    October 2018
    Read about research at CAARI with reports from Sarah Douglas (Danielle Parks Memorial Fellowship) on Gender and Status on Prehistoric Cyprus: Rethinking Bronze Age Burial Data (c. 2500-1340 BC),
    Kellie Youngs (Anita Cecil O’Donovan Fellowship) on The Transmission and Innovation of Faience and Glass Technologies of Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age, Ian Randall (Helena Wylde Swiny and Stuart Swiny Fellowship) on Dining and Connectivity at times of Crisis on the South Coast of Cyprus and Dr. Laura Swantek (CAARI/CAORC Fellow) on Social Complexity on Cyprus before and after Urbanism.

    July 2018
    Read about CAARI’s 40th Birthday Bash. Learn about the new Edgar J. Peltenburg Postdoc Research Fellowship. And get educated about the history of Proto-Aeolic column capitals.

    May 2018
    Catch up on news from our director.  Find out about our new Fellows.  Read about Craig Harvey and William Caraher’s recent research. And catch up on CAARI’s 40th Birthday preparations.

    March 2018
    Catch up on news from our director.  Read about students from Lycoming College pioneering a new program at CAARI.  See a recent gift to CAARI – Cobham’s own copy of Excerpta Cypria. Learn how to give books or conservation to CAARI.  And catch up on CAARI’s 40th Birthday preparations.

    December 2017
    Catch up on news from our director.  See a new painting by Glynnis Fawkes that now graces CAARI.  Read about a new CAORC grant awarded to Cyprus.  And catch up on CAARI’s 40th Birthday preparations.

    October 2017
    Catch up on news from from our 2017 Fellows.  Read about two new books by Professor Birgitta Lindros Wohl. And catch up on CAARI’s 40th Birthday preparations.

    August 2017
    Catch up on news from CAARI’s 36th Summer Archaeology Workshop and conference “Melusine of Cyprus” honoring CAARI Trustee Annemarie Weyl Carr. Read about CAARI’s new garden in action, Prof. Charles Stewart’s Research at CAARI, and our appreciation of Dr. Andrew McCarthy’s six years as CAARI director. And learn about Digital Cobham, CAARI’s new research tool.

    June 2017
    Meet the 2017-2018 CAARI Fellowship recipients. Keep up with news about preparations for CAARI’s 40th Birthday in 2018. Read Ann-Marie Knoblauch’s notes about casts made from Cesnola’s Cypriot sculptures.

    March 2017
    Meet Lindy Crewe, CAARI’s new director who will take over the reins at CAARI at the end of June, 2017. Read about the CAARI Symposium Environment, landscape and society: diachronic perspectives on settlement patterns in Cyprus held in February 2017. Keep up with news about CAARI’s 40th Birthday in 2018.

    January 2017 
    Learn about CAARI’s new Petrographic Thin-Section Laboratory. Meet Dr. China Shelton, CAARI’s Boston administrator.
    Catch up on a new pioneering publication by CAARI scholars: Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future: The Potential of Digital Archaeology (co-edited by Erin W. Averett, Jody M. Gordon, and Derek B. Counts)  published in October 2016. And a new scarce periodical has been added to the CAARI library: a complete run of “Al HaSaf” (On the Verge) a weekly magazine published by students and graduates of the Pinhas Rutenberg JDC Seminary for Guides in Cyprus between 1948 and 1949 in the Cyprus internment camps run by the British government to hold Jews who had immigrated or attempted to immigrate to Palestine after World War II.

    October 2016
    Read summary reports from our 2016 fellows. Learn about CAARI’s commitment to the renewal of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United States. And meet Bryan Wilkins, CAARI’s new president.

    July 2016
    Read about the inauguration of our new library wing in June 2016 and about the summer Archaeology Workshop in July 2016. Learn about a new book by CAARI Alumna Gloria London:  Ancient Cookware from the Levant.  An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective. And read about how an unexpected benefaction has helped rebuild CAARI’s garden.

    May 2016
    Read about the 2016 CAARI Fellows and we provide an update on the near completion of our library expansion.

    February 2016
    An invitation to the inauguration events for our new library wing and an update on its construction.

    November 2015
    Read the lastest update about the library expansion construction.

    July 2015
    Read about the new garden over the library expansion.

    March 2015
    Read about the 2015 CAARI Fellows, snow in Nicosia and excavating for the new library expansion.

    OnScript: Conversations on Current Biblical Scholarship

    OnScript: Conversations on Current Biblical Scholarship
    Logo for OnScript
    OnScript is a podcast featuring author interviews about noteworthy recent releases in biblical studies.

    Archives: Posts

    • Larry Hurtado – Destroyer of the Gods

      Episode: This is a re-release. Larry Hurtado passed away recently, and in memory of his contributions to biblical studies, we’re re-releasing this 2016 episode. Apologies for the sound quality. Larry […]
    • Josh McNall – The Mosaic of Atonement

      Episode: What hath penal substitution to do with recapitulation? Or Christus Victor with moral influence? Turns out, quite a lot. Of the making of many books and ideas on atonement there […]
    • Chris Tilling – Barth on Romans (Part 2)

      Episode: Chris Tilling presents his work on Karl Barth’s Romans commentary. He argues that Barth’s reading of Romans is worth the attention of biblical scholars, even though Barth is a systematic theologian. […]
    • Chris Tilling – Barth on Romans (Part 1)

      Episode: Chris Tilling presents his work on Karl Barth’s Romans commentary. He argues that Barth’s reading of Romans is worth the attention of biblical scholars, even though Barth is a systematic theologian. […]
    • Philip Ziegler – Militant Grace

      Episode: Philip Ziegler joins Erin Heim to discuss apocalyptic theology, Pauline literature, and the implications of both for Christian discipleship. They discuss Ziegler’s new book, Militant Grace, which constitutes a […]
    • Seth Heringer – Theology and History

      Seth Heringer's Uniting History and Theology (Fortress Press) argues that Christians do not need to use the historical-critical method to make historical claims but should instead write boldly Christian history. By using the historical method, grounded as it is in an incomplete understating of German historicism, they close off investigation of the past from the aesthetic and, importantly, from God. This is why 20th-century Christian scholarship has failed to unite history and theology. Instead of relying on the historical method as the primary way to think about past events, Christians need to reimage what historical work entails. Heringer thus presents a Christian approach to history that dialogues with recent developments in historical theory.
    • Q&A – Matt Lynch and Matt Bates

      You've spoken. We've listened.  You've asked for more episodes giving a window into the secret lives of OnScript co-hosts. Or at least, you've asked us to allow more time for chat between hosts. So we'll try to do a bit more of that. In this episode, Matt Lynch and Matt Bates, the co-founders of OnScript, ask each other questions about Paul, hell, life, violence, divine-human appearances in the OT, faith as allegiance, Matt B.'s new book, books we've read, and more. Enjoy, and share the word!
    • Sharon Ketcham – Reciprocal Church

      What is the relationship between the individual Christian and the community of faith? How do we navigate the pendulum swings between an overemphasis on the individual at the expense of community and an overemphasis on community at the expense of the individual? In this episode, OnScript host Amy Brown Hughes talks with her colleague Sharon Ketcham about her new book Reciprocal Church: Becoming a Community Where Faith Flourishes Beyond High School, how often we talk about faith as a "product," what theological anthropology must undergird our ecclesiology, and where hope lies in the future of the church.
    • Joseph Gordon – Divine Scripture in Human Understanding

      Episode: We all know that for Christians, Scripture is crucial–it’s the lifeblood of the church. But when we press deeper, what is it? What do words like authority and inspiration […]
    • (Theology) Fr John Behr – Origen and the Early Church, Pt 2

      Theology Track Episode: Live from Nashotah House, WI (3rd year running), here’s part 2 of our interview with Fr John Behr. Amy Brown Hughes talks with Fr John Behr about […]
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    Open Access Journal: Kleos: Amsterdam Bulletin of Ancient Studies and Archaeology

    Kleos: Amsterdam Bulletin of Ancient Studies and Archaeology
    Kleos: Amsterdam Bulletin of Ancient Studies and Archaeologyis a peer-reviewed, open access (post)graduate journal that publishes original research papers in the fields of ancient history, classics and archaeology. Kleos also provides reviews of recent books, conferences and exhibitions. Published under the auspices of the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA), it primarily aims at offering (post)graduate students in the above-mentioned fields the opportunity to share their research, gain experience in publishing, and improve their scientific skills. Submissions by established scholars are also welcome. Kleos is issued online.
    By Mattia D’Acri
    In 510 BC the city of Sybaris, an ancient Achaean colony founded in 720/710 BC, was destroyed by the city of Kroton through the deviation of the Crathis riverbed, according to Strabo. Some seven decades later, in 444 BC, the same site saw the foundation of the Panhellenic colony of Thurii, situated just above the remains of the ancient settlement. While the centuries preceding the destruction of Sybaris and following the foundation of Thurii are widely documented both archaeologically and historically, research on the intermediate period between the lives of the two cities has been based almost entirely on historical and numismatic sources, without serious reference to the regional archaeological data. During this seventy year period, contrary to the prevailing hypothesis, life in Sybaris and its territory continued, as testified by archaeological evidence from the city and its chora. This paper focuses on this particular historical period, drawing on that evidence, especially ceramics and related contexts, and provides an initial interpretation of the data in its regional context, re-establishing a forgotten connection between the Achaean colony and its Panhellenic successor.
    Mattia D’Acri is a graduate of the Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia – Matera and is currently a PhD student in the Classical Archaeology program at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His main interest is the study of ceramics, with particular focus on the Protohistoric and Archaic periods in central-southern Italy. He has done fieldwork at Rome (S. Omobono; Regia), Gabii, Francavilla Marittima and many others. Moreover he published different papers on various aspects, especially of the pottery assemblages recovered from these sites
    By Sander Egberink
    Ever since Paul Zanker published his book ‘Forum Augustum’ in 1968, debate has existed on the Forum of Augustus as a ‘propaganda-forum’. In this article a novel approach is suggested to add to this debate by borrowing the notion of ‘appropriation’ from culture history. In order to make it a suitable approach for the study of ancient monuments, the three questions of how, why and who serve as analytical tools to study the process of appropriation. The case under study is the group of Republican statues at the forum, more specifically the statue of Pompeius Magnus. The result of the analysis is twofold: 1) appropriation is a useful notion for the study of monuments where the past played a pivotal role; 2) psychological preparations, selection critera and deliberate alterations, and the design of comparison for visitors were all highly relevant in the appropriation of the Republican past in the Forum Augustum.
    Sander Egberink is a bachelor student of history at the University of Amsterdam. He specialises in early Roman Imperial history and the role of the Roman past in Fascist Italy. He views history through a cultural lens. He spent half a year in Bologna with an Erasmus grant where he developed his Italian language skills and took a course with the KNIR on nationhood. He plans to start a researchmaster in Ancient History at the UvA the next academic year.
    By Eline Verburg
    This paper critically re-evaluates the publication history of the Tomba Campana in Veii from its discovery until today. The Tomba Campana is of great value for Italian archaeology because of its unique and early wall paintings and rich grave goods. However, its modern post-excavation history is turbulent and controversial. The aim of this paper is to give a short overview of the events surrounding the discovery of the tomb and its contents both during and after the discovery, in order to add new elements to the line of interpretation of F. Roncalli, F. Delpino, et.al. The introduction will discuss the publications from the 19th and 20th centuries. Following this introduction, a short biography will be given about the discoverer, Giovanni Pietro Campana. Subsequently, the contents of the tomb will be discussed. Lastly the paper will contextualise the ‘discovery’ within the context of how antiquarians dealt with authenticity in the field of archaeology in the early 19th century, the period in which the tomb was discovered.
    During her Bachelor in Archaeology & Prehistory at the University of Amsterdam Eline Verburg (1993) became fascinated by the archaeology of Pre-Roman Italy, the Etruscan culture in specific. After having finished a Minor in Museumstudies, she studied one year at the oldest University of Europe, the Università di Bologna, where she attended lectures in Etruscology. In January 2018 she completed her Research Master in Archaeology with a thesis titled: ‘New Research on an Old ‘Discovery’: the Tomba Campana.
    By Martine Diepenbroek
    Very early-on in Greek history mountaintops were already used as watch-towers and signalling stations from which messages could be sent over long distances by fire signals. In these earliest examples it was only possible to send one prearranged message, something that was often not sufficient in case communicating parties needed to communicate on urgent matters. The 4th-century BC military author Aeneas Tacticus accordingly invented a method for fire signalling, whereby a series of messages could be sent related to events that often occur in warfare. The system might have been used as a cryptographic device. Due to errors in Aeneas’ system, Polybius improved another system based on the same principles, which in turn formed the basis for the modern ‘Polybius square’, used by the Germans for their ADFGX- and ADFGVX-ciphers: secret cipher systems used in the First World War. There is no clear evidence linking Aeneas’ fire signalling method directly to the German ciphers. However, it will be shown that Polybius used Aeneas’ system in his own fire signalling method. Polybius’ method in turn impacted the development of the Polybius square and its use in the ADFGX and ADFGVX ciphers. By analysing the ancient history of Polybius’ method for fire signalling and the merits of applying this to the use of the square in the German ciphers, it will be shown how an ancient fire signalling method inspired modern ciphers.
    Martine Diepenbroek is a Dutch PhD student at the University of Bristol (UK). In her PhD thesis she works on the role of ancient cryptography and steganography in confidential correspondence in Greco-Roman warfare. A key figure in this field was the 4th-century BC military author Aeneas Tacticus. In her thesis she thoroughly analyses Aeneas’ work ‘How to Survive Under Siege’, and compares this to other ancient sources on cryptography and  steganography.
    • ARCHON: a platform for Dutch academic archaeology
    • Congress review: Women and Pilgrimage in the Ancient and Pre-Modern World
    • Discussion article: I Know What You Did Last Summer

    Authors and abstracts KLEOS Issue 2, 2018

    Here you can find information on the contributors and abstracts of the Kleos Issue currently being prepared.
    Kleos cordially invites researchers to send in abstracts for the Kleos Issue 2, 2018!

    Survey: Latin Programs in North America

    Survey: Latin Programs in North America
    You are invited to participate in this research survey because you are a classics or Latin instructor at a North American college or university. The purpose of this research is to gather and report on current practices in post-secondary Latin language classrooms and their outcomes. We expect that this survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

    Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time. Completion of the survey constitutes your consent to participate in this research. All data obtained will be anonymous. We ask that you do not provide any information that could identify you personally.

    The data collected for this research will be stored until the study is complete. Projected future use of these data includes conference presentations and printed publication.

    If you have any questions concerning this research study please contact Blanche McCune at mccunebc@cofc.edu.

     This research study has been reviewed by the Human Research Protection Program at the College of Charleston and covers all relevant requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulations. For information about the review process, please contact the Office of Research and Grants Administration, compliance@cofc.edu or 843-953-5885.

    If you wish to participate, please proceed to the questionnaire by clicking “Next.” If not, click “Exit this survey.” If you would like to leave the survey at any time, just click "Exit this survey".

    ASOR YouTube Channel

     [First posted in AWOL 16 August 2013, updated 8 December 2019]

    The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) is a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization that supports and encourages the study of the peoples and cultures of the Near East, from the earliest times to the present. 

    ASOR is apolitical and has no religious affiliation

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