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| Title: Money, expense, and naval power in Thucydides' History 1-5.24 Author: Kallet-Marx, LisaPublished: University of California Press, 1993Subjects: Classics | Economics and Business | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: Thucydides has been found guilty of indifference toward financial matters without a consideration of all the evidence. Now Lisa Kallet-Marx examines Thucydides' treatment of financial resources by studying his comments on finance in the context of the whole work and scrutinizes other, chiefly epigra . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Myth, meaning, and memory on Roman sarcophagi Author: Koortbojian, MichaelPublished: University of California Press, 1995Subjects: Classics | Art | Art History | Art and ArchitecturePublisher's Description: Michael Koortbojian brings a novel approach to his study of the role of Greek mythology in Roman funerary art. He looks at two myths - Aphrodite and Adonis and Selene and Endymion - not only with respect to their appearance on Roman sarcophagi, but also with regard to the myths' significance in the . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Nemea: a guide to the site and museum Author: Miller, Stephen G. (Stephen Gaylord) 1942-Published: University of California Press, 1989Subjects: Classics | History | Archaeology | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: In classical antiquity, beginning in 573 B.C., Nemea hosted international athletic competitions like those at Olympia, Delphi, and Isthmia; the games at the four sites constituted the Panhellenic cycle, and the victors were the most famous athletes of antiquity. Nemea was never a city-state but serv . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Nuptial arithmetic: Marsilio Ficino's commentary on the fatal number in Book VIII of Plato's Republic Author: Allen, Michael J. BPublished: University of California Press, 1994Subjects: Classics | Philosophy | Medieval Studies | Renaissance HistoryPublisher's Description: The latest of Michael Allen's distinguished studies of the Renaissance Neoplatonist, Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), presents a difficult, fascinating text. Late in his career, Ficino wrote a commentary on the intractable passage in Book VIII of Plato's Republic that concerns the mysterious geometric o . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: The poet's truth: a study of the poet in Virgil's Georgics Author: Perkell, ChristinePublished: University of California Press, 1989Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and LanguagePublisher's Description: The controversy over Virgil's optimism or pessimism, which has long absorbed readers of his poetry, might fruitfully yield to a perspective which allows contradictions to stand unresolved, to constitute, in fact, the essence of his poems' meaning. So interpreted, the pervasive contradictions of the . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: The politics of desire: Propertius IV Author: Janan, Micaela WakilPublished: University of California Press, 2000Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and Language | PoetryPublisher's Description: Propertius (ca. 54 b.c.--ca. 2 b.c.) was a Roman poet who composed four compelling books of elegies in the chaotic years surrounding Rome's transition from republic to empire. The first three of these books revolve mostly around a tormented love affair with a woman called Cynthia. The fourth book of . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: The power of Thetis: allusion and interpretation in the Iliad Author: Slatkin, Laura MPublished: University of California Press, 1992Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and Language | ClassicsPublisher's Description: In The Power of Thetis, Laura M. Slatkin reveals the full importance of mythic allusion in Homeric composition and in the experience of Homer's audience.Similar Items |
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| Title: Public disputation, power, and social order in late antiquity Author: Lim, Richard 1963-Published: University of California Press, 1995Subjects: Classics | Classical Religions | Religion | ChristianityPublisher's Description: Richard Lim explores the importance of verbal disputation in Late Antiquity, offering a rich socio-historical and cultural examination of the philosophical and theological controversies. He shows how public disputation changed with the advent of Christianity from a means of discovering truth and sel . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: The Question of "eclecticism": studies in later Greek philosophy Author: Dillon, John MPublished: University of California Press, 1988Subjects: Classics | Classical Philosophy | Social and Political ThoughtPublisher's Description: This collection of essays is addressed to the growing number of philosophers, classicists, and intellectual historians who are interested in the development of Greek thought after Aristotle. In nine original studies, the authors explore the meaning and history of "eclecticism" in the context of anci . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Reading Sappho: contemporary approaches Author: Greene, Ellen 1950-Published: University of California Press, 1998Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and Language | Literary Theory and Criticism | PoetryPublisher's Description: Reading Sappho considers Sappho's poetry as a powerful, influential voice in the Western cultural tradition. Essays are divided into four sections: "Language and Literary Context,""Homer and Oral Tradition", "Ritual and Social Context", and "Women's Erotics". Contributors focus on literary history, . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Regionalism and change in the economy of independent Delos, 314-167 B.C Author: Reger, GaryPublished: University of California Press, 1994Subjects: Classics | History | Archaeology | Economics and Business | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: Gary Reger's highly original book applies modern statistical analysis to the detailed inscriptions at the Temple of Apollo on Delos. These inscriptions, discovered during excavations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, provide a wealth of information about the business and economic . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Religion in Hellenistic Athens Author: Mikalson, Jon D 1943-Published: University of California Press, 1998Subjects: Classics | Classical Religions | Religion | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: Until now, there has been no comprehensive study of religion in Athens from the end of the classical period to the time of Rome's domination of the city. Jon D. Mikalson provides a chronological approach to religion in Hellenistic Athens, disproving the widely held belief that Hellenistic religion d . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Representations: images of the world in Ciceronian oratory Author: Vasaly, AnnPublished: University of California Press, 1993Subjects: Classics | Literature | Politics | History | Literary Theory and Criticism | Classical Literature and LanguagePublisher's Description: Ann Vasaly introduces representation theory into the study of Ciceronian persuasion and contends that an understanding of milieu - social, political, topographical - is crucial to understanding Ciceronian oratory. As a genre uniquely dependent on an immediate interaction between author and audience, . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: The revolutions of wisdom: studies in the claims and practice of ancient Greek science Author: Lloyd, G. E. R. (Geoffrey Ernest Richard) 1933-Published: University of California Press, 1989Subjects: Classics | Classical HistoryPublisher's Description: G.E.R. Lloyd's wide-ranging and historical study of the development of Greek science is a valuable contribution to current debates in the philosophy of language, on the analysis of scientific revolutions, and the rationality of science.Similar Items |
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| Title: Senecan drama and stoic cosmology Author: Rosenmeyer, Thomas GPublished: University of California Press, 1989Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and Language | Classical Philosophy | TheatrePublisher's Description: Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Nero's tutor and advisor, wrote philosophical essays, some of them in the form of letters, and dramas on Greek mythological topics, which since the early Renaissance have exercised a powerful influence on the European theater. Because in his essays Seneca, in his own eclectic . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Spectacle and society in Livy's history Author: Feldherr, Andrew 1963-Published: University of California Press, 1998Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and Language | Classical History | Comparative Literature | LiteraturePublisher's Description: Public spectacle - from the morning rituals of the Roman noble to triumphs and the shows of the Arena - formed a crucial component of the language of power in ancient Rome. The historian Livy (c. 60 B.C.E.-17 C.E.), who provides our fullest description of Rome's early history, presents his account o . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Symeon the holy fool: Leontius's Life and the late antique city Author: Krueger, DerekPublished: University of California Press, 1996Subjects: Religion | Literature | Christianity | Classics | Classical ReligionsPublisher's Description: This first English translation of Leontius of Neapolis's Life of Symeon the Fool brings to life one of the most colorful of early Christian saints. In this study of a major hagiographer at work, Krueger fleshes out a broad picture of the religious, intellectual, and social environment in which the L . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Theocritus's urban mimes: mobility, gender, and patronage Author: Burton, Joan B 1951-Published: University of California Press, 1995Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and Language | Women's StudiesPublisher's Description: Drawing on current literary, cultural, and historical approaches, Joan Burton presents sophisticated new readings of Theocritus's urban mimes, which are among the most frequently cited evidence of Hellenistic cultural life, religion, magic, and aesthetics. Unlike Theocritus's bucolic poems, which fo . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Thucydides and the ancient simplicity: the limits of political realism Author: Crane, Gregory 1957-Published: University of California Press, 1998Subjects: Classics | Politics | Political Theory | History | Intellectual HistoryPublisher's Description: Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War is the earliest surviving realist text in the European tradition. As an account of the Peloponnesian War, it is famous both as an analysis of power politics and as a classic of political realism. From the opening speeches, Thucydides' Athenians emerge as . . . [more]Similar Items |
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| Title: Traditional oral epic: the Odyssey, Beowulf, and the Serbo-Croatian return song Author: Foley, John MilesPublished: University of California Press, 1991Subjects: Literature | Literary Theory and Criticism | European Literature | Folklore and Mythology | Religion | Language and Linguistics | Classics | Medieval StudiesPublisher's Description: John Miles Foley offers an innovative and straightforward approach to the structural analysis of oral and oral-derived traditional texts. Professor Foley argues that to give the vast and complex body of oral "literature" its due, we must first come to terms with the endemic heterogeneity of traditio . . . [more]Similar Items |