Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Open Access Monograph Series: Fana, templa, delubra. Corpus dei luoghi di culto dell'Italia antica


  [First posted in AWOL 11 March 2017, updated 28 February 2019]

Fana templa delubra (FTD)

    Open Access Monograph Series: Byzantina Sorbonensia

    [First posted in AWOL 9 March 2017, updated 28 February 2019]

    Byzantina Sorbonensia
    ISSN (Édition imprimée) : 0398-7965
    Byzance, un monde replié dans la splendeur de ses palais et de ses églises, peu accueillant et menant une économie de subsistance : Rien de plus faux que ces lieux communs hérités des Lumières, ni de plus éloigné de ce que les travaux récents mettent en évidence. Le monde byzantin reste encore à découvrir. C'est ce que propose cette collection de l'Institut de Recherches sur Byzance, l’Islam et la Méditerranée au Moyen Âge (IRBIMMA), de l’UFR d’Histoire de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, en publiant les résultats de recherches scientifiques récentes, individuelles et collectives, sur le monde byzantin dans divers domaines : histoire sociale, économique, politique, religieuse, géographie, etc. Tous ces travaux témoignent des évolutions qui ont permis à Byzance de garder, de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge, une place originale dans le monde méditerranéen médiéval.
    And see AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

    Open Access Journal: eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies

    [First posted in AWOL 23 May 2011. Updated 1 March 2019]

    eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies
    ISSN 2192-2608
    eTopoi is a bilingual magazine which is published by the Excellence Cluster Topoi. It is an open access periodical, and all articles are available as PDF documents free of charge. eTopoi provides a forum of exchange between all disciplines in the area of classical and ancient studies, from pre- and early history to Egyptology and Near Eastern studies, to classical archaeology, classical philosophy, linguistics, literary studies, theories of science, and theology, and extending to other disciplines as well.
    Envisioned for inclusion in particular are articles dealing with the shaping and transformation of spatial structures and knowledge systems in ancient societies, as well as with perceptions of and reflections on these phenomena. The focus is on innovative forms of interdisciplinary collaboration, including geoscientific-archaeological projects and ones in computational archaeology, in the history of knowledge, and in historical geography. The magazine hence mirrors the orientations of both research institutes, the disciplines they represent, and the networks of partner institutions with which they are affiliated. It is available as a platform to all interested researchers worldwide.

    Vol 7 (2018)

    Table of Contents


    Nataša Djurdjevac Conrad, Daniel Furstenau, Ana Grabundžija, Luzie Helfmann, Martin Park, Wolfram Schier, Brigitta Schütt, Christof Schütte, Marcus Weber, Niklas Wulkow, Johannes Zonker
    Magdalena Martínez Almira
    Jan R. Stenger


    Special Volume (6) 2016

    Space and Knowledge. Topoi Research Group Articles


    Special Volume 5 (2015)

    Kerstin P. Hofmann und Stefan Schreiber (eds.), Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen

    Special Volume 4 (2015)

    Daniel Knitter, Wiebke Bebermeier and Oliver Nakoinz (eds.), Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology.


    Special Volume 3 (2012)

    Wiebke Bebermeier, Robert Hebenstreit, Elke Kaiser, Jan Krause (eds.), Landscape Archaeology. Conference (LAC 2012)

    Special Volume 2 (2012)

    Susan Pollock (ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Toward an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces


    Special Volume 1 (2011)

    Friederike Fless, Gerd Graßhoff, Michael Meyer (eds.), Reports of the Research Groups at the Topoi Plenary Session 2010

    The International Association for Assyriology list of Online Talks

    The International Association for Assyriology list of Online Talks
    There are many videos/audios about Assyriology available on the internet. Some are more reliable than others. Here are some videos/audios by scholars in the field, on a range of topics.

    Ancient Western Asian history and culture
    Ancient Western Asian archaeology
    The Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF) posts videos of all the (max. 10 minute) talks held at each conference. The talks are on a wide range of topics related to the Ancient Near East.

    Dickinson College Commentaries Call for Contributions

    Dickinson College Commentaries Call for Contributions
    We are delighted to have contributions of all types from scholars, teachers, and students, and will fully credit them on the site. We always need help. If you would like to contribute in any way, please contact one of the senior editors. 
    The following guidelines are directed at the authors of notes, who we expect will typically be college or university teachers with experience teaching and writing about the author they annotate. The creation of one of these multimedia editions is a large and collaborative endeavor, different in some (though not all) ways from the creation of a traditional print commentary. Proposals should include:\
    • A curriculum vitae
    • An approximately ten-page sample of notes
    • A summary of the specific types of introductory matter envisioned, with bibliography
    • A summary of the specific types of multimedia enhancements envisioned, whether audio, video, maps, images, or something else, and how those might be created, or from what sources drawn. Images are particularly welcome, but must be annotated to make clear their relevance and relationship to the text. How will those annotations be created?
    • A statement of what collaborators, if any, the editor can bring on board to help complete the work. These might include students, colleagues, or web developers at the author’s institution, or elsewhere. Please note any grants for which you might apply to speed the work.

    Open Access Journal: 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones

     [First posted in AWOL 11 November 2015, updated 2 February 2019]

    'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones
    ISSN: 1135-4712
    ISSN-e: 1988-3269
    Cubierta Ilu, vol 23 (2018)
    ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones (ISSN 1135-4712, ISSN-e 1988-3269) es una revista editada por el Instituto de Ciencias de las Religiones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, con periodicidad anual, y que fue fundada el año 1995. Publica artículos científicos que versen sobre todas aquellas disciplinas que tengan como objeto de estudio la(s) religión(es): Historia de las religiones y del hecho religioso, Psicología, Sociología, Antropología, Filosofía, Derecho, Literatura y estudio filológico de los textos religiosos a lo largo de la historia. Se trata, por tanto, de una revista científica pluridisciplinar y este carácter se extiende a sus destinatarios. Sus secciones son: Artículos, Boletín Bibliográfico, Notas y Reseñas. La revista  acepta trabajos en español, inglés, francés, alemán e italiano.

    Vol 23 (2018)

    Tabla de contenidos


    La obcecación creencial y su tratamiento por medio de la comun(icac)ión experiencial y de la palabra invocadoraPDF
    José Barrientos Rastrojo 13-30
    Orfeo en los Infiernos. Imágenes apulias del destino del almaPDF
    Paloma Cabrera 31-56
    Filosofía Cosmoderna: Reflexiones Transdisciplinares sobre Naturaleza, Ciencia y ReligiónPDF (English)
    Javier Collado Ruano 57-80
    "Ad petendam pluviam". El petroglifo de Los Aulagares como respuesta religiosa al evento climático 4.2 ka cal. BpPDF
    José Luis Escacena Carrasco 81-110
    El "temenos" de Apolo y Aristeas en Metaponto. Una aproximación a la influencia de Delfos sobre la Magna GreciaPDF
    David Hernández Castro 111-128
    De herejías, blasfemias, proposiciones y "malas palabras". Una caracterización de los pecados de palabra en el pensamiento teologal (siglos XVI a XVIII)PDF
    Rogelio Jiménez Marce 129-148
    La tesis de Weber en torno al capitalismo en el 500 Aniversario de la Reforma ProtestantePDF
    Ignacio Carlos Maestro Cano 149-174
    Temor y temblor. Los simbolismos del miedo en la cultura pentecostal chilenaPDF
    Miguel Ángel Mansilla, Wilson Muñoz, Carlos Piñones Rivera 175-190
    Diversidad alimenticia según las prescripciones religiosasPDF
    María José Parejo Guzmán 191-216
    Raimon Panikkar, Xabier Zubiri y Amor Ruibal. Un pensamiento marcado por la relación: del "correlacionismo ontológico" y la "respectividad" a la "perspectiva cosmoteándrica"PDF
    Victorino Pérez Prieto 217-238
    La estructura de "chairetismo" y "polionimia" en la tradición litúrgica y paralitúrgica mariana y sus huellas en la literatura religiosa hispana (siglos VII-XVII)PDF
    Marta Piłat Zuzankiewicz 239-262
    "Ecosofía": hacia una comprensión de la sabiduría de la tierra desde la noción de "ritmo del ser" de Raimon PannikarPDF
    Jéssica Sepúlveda Pizarro 263-278
    Reflexiones de ateísmo e "increencia" en torno al fragmento del "Sísifo" (DK 81, B25)PDF
    Ramón Soneira Martínez 279-304


    Weber, Casaubon y la secularización de OccidentePDF
    Juan Ramón Ballesteros Sánchez 305-316

    Boletín Bibliográfico

    Estudios mudéjares en el siglo veintiuno: una bibliografía seleccionadaPDF
    Mònica Colominas Aparicio 317-342


    Albarrán Martínez, María Jesús, Martín Hernández, Raquel y Pajón Leyra, Irene (eds.), "Estudios papirológicos. Textos literarios y documentales del siglo IV a. C. al IV d. C. "Cuadernos de la Fundación Pastor. MadridPDF
    Alba de Frutos García 343-345
    Bara Bancel, Silvia (ed.), "Mujeres, mística y política. La experiencia de Dios que implica y complica". Aletheia. Estella (Navarra), Editorial Verbo Divino, 2016, 267 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9073-281-6.PDF
    María del Mar Graña Cid 346-347
    Bara Bancel, Silvia y de Cos, Julián (eds.), "Dios en ti. Echart, Tauler y Susón a través de sus textos". Biblioteca Dominicana 66. Salamanca, Editorial San Esteban, 2017, 272 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8260-339-1PDF
    Juan Benavides Delgado 348-352
    Bernabé, Alberto, "Himnos homéricos". Madrid, Abada Editores, 2017, 438 pp. ISBN: 978-84-16160-87-7.PDF
    María Flores Rivas 353-354
    Bremmer, Jan N., "Maidens, Magic and Martyrs in Early Christianity". Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 379. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017, 501 pp. ISBN: 978-3-16-154450-7.PDF
    Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui 355-357
    Carbó, Juan Ramón (ed.), "El Edicto de Milán. Perspectivas interdisciplinares". Colección Ensayo 10. Murcia, UCAM Servicio de Publicaciones, 2017, 624 pp. ISBN: 978-84-16045-64-8.PDF
    Ana Alonso Venero 358-361
    Devir, Nathan P., "New Children of Israel. Emerging Jewish Communities in an Era of Globalization". Salt Lake City, The University of Utah Press, 2017, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-60781-584-6.PDF
    Marina Pignatelli 362-365
    Ferrer, Eduardo y Pereira, Álvaro (coords.), "Profecía y adivinación en las religiones de la Antigüedad". Spal Monografías Arqueología XXIV. Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2017, 171 pp. ISBN: 978-84-472-1915-5.PDF
    Álvaro Gómez Peña 366-368
    Herrero de Jáuregui, Miguel (ed.), "Focílides de Mileto, Sentencias. Anexo con la traducción castellana de Francisco de Quevedo". Edición bilingüe. Clásicos de la literatura. Madrid, Abada Editores, 2018, 137 pp. ISBN: 978-84-17301-01-9.PDF
    David Hernández de la Fuente 369-371
    Losada, José Manuel y Lipscomb, Antonella (eds.), "Myth and Emotions". Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 363 pp. ISBN: 978-1-5275- 0011-2.PDF (English)
    Rebeca Gualberto 372-376
    Pelluchon, Corine, "Manifiesto animalista. Politizar la causa animal". Barcelona, Reservoir Books, 2018, 160 pp. ISBN: 978-84-17125-26-4PDF
    Francisco Javier Malagón Terrón 377-380
    Santi, Claudia, "Castor a Roma. Un dio ‘peregrinus’ nel foro". Lugano, Agorà & Co., 2017, 171 pp. ISBN: 978-88-97461-85-2.PDF
    Chiara Di Serio 381-385
    Τί ἡμῖν καὶ σοί; "Lo que hay entre tú y nosotros. Estudios en honor de María Victoria Spottorno". Series Digitalia Antiqua 1. Córdoba, UCOPress / Editorial Universidad de Córdoba, 2016, 252 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9927-254-2PDF
    Ignacio Sanz Extremeño 386-388
    Libros recibidosPDF


    Vol 21 (2016)



    Newly Open Access Journal: Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan

    Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan
    ISSN: 0449-1564
    Table of Contents
    In Memoriam: John Basil Hennessy (1925 - 2013) In Memoriam: Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Schmidt (1953–2014) Khirbat as-Samra Ancient Cemetery: the 2011 Excavation Season Hijra Leaden Urn Inscriptions The 2011 Season at Wisad Pools, Black Desert: Preliminary Report Preliminary Report on the Seventh (2011) Season of Excavations by ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome at Khirbat al-Batrawi, Upper Wadi az-Zarqa’ Anchorite Cells and Dwelling Complexes on al-Lisan Peninsula: Preliminary Field Results of the Swedish Dead Sea Expedition, 2009 and 2011 The Great Arab Revolt Project: 2010 and 2011 Field Seasons Report on a geophysical prospection of the northwest quarter of Gerasa / Jarash 2011 Archaeological Survey for the Red Sea Dead Sea Conveyance Study The Dhiban Excavation and Development Project’s 2009 Season: Field L Excavations Wadi an-Nu‘aydiyyah 1: Another Neolithic Barrage System in the al-Jafr Basin, Southern Jordan A Preliminary Report on the Shawbak North Archaeological Project (Snap): Summer 2011 ‘Awja 1 - 3: Neolithic and Chalcolithic Open Sanctuaries in Southernmost Jordan Building Archaeology in Jordan: Preliminary Report on the 2009 - 2011 Surveys at Umm as-Surab Jarash: Minimal Preservation Interventions in the Eastern Sector of the Sanctuary of Artemis, 2009 - 2010 Preliminary Report on the 2012 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2012 Twixt Desert and Sown: the Population Dynamics of Southern Jordan From Byzantium to the Mamluks - a New GIS Project Preliminary Report of the First Season of the Danish-German Jarash Northwest Quarter Project 2011 The Funerary Topography of Petra Project (FTPP): Preliminary Report on the 2010 Season The Tall Zar‘a and Gadara Regional Project 2009 - 2011 Excavation at Khirbat al-Mudayna and Survey in the Wadi ath-Thamad: Preliminary Report on the 2008, 2010 and 2011 Seasons Qusayr ‘Amra World Heritage Site: Preliminary Report on Documentation, Conservation and Site Management Activities in 2010 - 2012 Latest Field Study of the Jarash Hippodrome: Byzantine - Umayyad Dyeing Workshops (E1-E7 and W2-W18) The Wadi ar-Ruwayshid Mining Complex: Chalcolithic / Early Bronze Age Cortical Tool Production in North-East Jordan Tall al-Kafrayn: Preliminary Report on the University of Ioanninα Excavations: 2010 and 2011 Seasons Excavations at Early Bronze Iv Dhahrat Umm al-Marrar in the Jordan valley The ‘Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project: a Preliminary Report on the 2010 and 2011 Seasons The 2011 Edom Lowlands Regional Archaeology Project (Elrap): Excavations and Surveys in the Faynan Copper Ore District, Jordan The Palaeolithic Sequence of Wadi Sabra: a Preliminary Report Tall Abu al-Kharaz - The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2011: Fourteenth Season Preliminary Excavation Report The Cairn of Hani: Significance, Present Condition and Context

    See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

    Newly Open Access Journal: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan

    Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan
    Table of Contents
    Khirbat as-Samrā Cemetery: A Question of Dating The Anastasius Edict Project The Umayyad Bath Complex at Ḥammām as-Sarāḥ: Analysis and Interpretation Newly Discovered Tombs in the Hinterland of Petra Land-use and Settlement Activity around Gadara / Umm Qays The Ceramic Ensemble from the EB IIIB Palace B at Khirbat Al-Batrāwī (North- Central Jordan): A Preliminary Report in the Context of EBA Palestine and Transjordan Khirbat al-Batrāwī 2010-2013: The City Defenses and the Palace of Copper Axes The Excavations at Abū Sunaysilah with Particular Consideration of Food Related Organisation Preliminary Report on the ‘Ayn Ghazāl Rescue Excavations: October and December 2011 / January 2012 The Danish-German North-West Quarter Project at Jarash: Results from the 2011- 2013 Seasons Palaces in Middle Islamic Transjordan: Reflections of the Royal Tradition of Bilad ash-Sham A Syrian Goblet at Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan: A Study of Interconnectivity in the EB III/IV Period A Palatial Quarter in Petra: Preliminary Results of the North-Eastern Petra Project The Many Faces of Dushara – A Critical Review of the Evidence The Many Faces of Dushara – A Critical Review of the Evidence One Tale, Two ‘Aṭarūz: Investigating Rujm ‘Aṭarūz and its Association with Khirbat ‘Aṭarūz Allies in Arms? Jordanian Military Communities and Cultural Resource Management at the Late Roman Garrison of ‘Ayn Gharandal Jordan in the Context of the Levantine Paleolithic, 1990-2010 Role of Museums Within Jordanian Local Communities: Case Studies of the Karak Archaeological Museum, Historic Old Salt Museum and Dead Sea Museum From Church to Farmhouse: The Re-Use of Christian Structures in Early Islamic Ḥumayma The Ruins of Gerasa in 1816-1819: An Analysis of the Plan and Drawing Archives of William John Bankes and Charles Barry. The 2012 Season at Khirbat al-Mudayna ath-Thamad: Exterior Gate Rooms and a Cave Tomb Buried Intermediate Bronze Age Sites Wall Painting And Stucco In Jordan: From Miniature To Megalography Reconstructing Economic and Social Organization at the Early Neolithic Site of ‘Ayn Abū Nukhayla A Stage of Corinthian Order Development at Gerasa: An Analysis of the Mausoleum of Germanus New Light on Nabataean Mortuary Rituals in Petra The Second Season )2012( of the University of Minnesota Duluth Project: Archaeological Mapping at the Early Bronze Age Settlement of al-Lajjūn, Karak Plateau, Jordan Pottery and Glass Sherd-Tools from Roman and Byzantine Workshops at the Gerasa Hippodrome and other Sites: A Reappraisal Accidents in Ancient Times: A Landslide at Tall Zarʻā - Reasons and Consequences A Typological Assessment of the Nabataean, Roman and Byzantine Ceramic Building Materials at al-Ḥumayma and Wādī Ramm New Spanish - Italian Excavations at the Jabal al-Muṭawwaq Dolmen Field on the Middle Wādī az-Zarqāʼ: Preliminary Results of the 2012 Season 3D Technology for Archaeological Documentation Cylinder Seals From Tall Zarʻa as Indicators of Transparent Borders Survey in Wādī al-ʻArab 2009 - 2011 Theodorus of Gadara Machaerus: Excavations and Surveys ( 2009-2012) Palaces in Middle Islamic Transjordan: Reflections of the Royal Tradition of Bilad ash-Sham A Syrian Goblet at Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan: A Study of Interconnectivity in the EB III/IV Period The Petra North Ridge Project: Domestic Structures and the City Wall “Sea Peoples” at Tall Abū al-Kharaz, Jordan Valley: New Evidence from the Early Iron Age Building Awareness: The Challenge of Cultural Community Engagement in Petra—The Temple of the Winged Lions Cultural Resource Management Initiative Geophysical Prospection at Petra: Methodical Research within the 2012 al-Katutah Campaign Archaeological Differences between the Southern Transjordan/Edomite Plateau and the Southern Ghawrs, the Northeast ʻArabah, and the Faynān Region during the Bronze Age A Note on the Building Methods Employed in the Construction of the Nabataean Roman Temple at Khirbat adh-Dharīh (Wādī a-lḤasā) Quṣayr ‘Amra Conservation Project: 2010 - 2014 Population Dynamics in the al-Karak Region in the Byzantine and Islamic Periods Settlement Variability in the Late Natufian of West - Central Jordan Sculptures from the Apsidal Monument at the Qaṣr al-Bint: Religious Iconography and Political Propaganda in Roman Petra Recent Research on Traditional Villages in the Petra Region, with Some Ethno- Archaeological Notes A Palatial Quarter in Petra: Preliminary Results of the North-Eastern Petra Project A Brief Summary of the Ceramic Lamps from Tall Zar‘ā: Tracing Influences Across ‘Transparent Borders’ from the Hellenistic to Byzantine Periods How Deep Those Foundations; How Tall Those Walls; How Strong That Roof: Building Practices In An Early Islamic Mosque At Jarash

    See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

    Newly Open Access Journal: Journal of Epigraphy and Rock Drawings

    Greek Ancient And Modern: A resource for teaching and study of the Greek language in all its phases

    Greek Ancient And Modern: A resource for teaching and study of the Greek language in all its phases
    This website has been created by philologists and linguists at Ohio State University and the University of Ljubljana; we solicit suggestions, contributions, questions, and criticism from all readers. Suggestions of links and bibliography are especially welcome. Please add comments to the blog or contact the administrators by email.

    See AWOL's list of Open Access Textbooks and Language Primers relating to the ancient world

    Open Access Journal: Archivum Anatolicum = Anadolu arşiveleri


    Open Access Annual Report: AERA Annual Reports (Ancient Egypt Research Associates)

     [First posted in AWOL 27 August 2014, updated 3 Mar 2019]

    AERA Annual Reports (Ancient Egypt Research Associates)
    Ancient Egypt Research Associates explores Egypt’s archaeological record seeking the origins of civilization. Our mission is to contribute insight and understanding to the present awareness of cultural evolution.

    In recent years, we have explored the development of urbanism, labor organization, and the elementary structures of ancient daily life at the once-Lost City of the pyramid builders at Giza.

    AERA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Dr. Mark Lehner and Matthew McCauley, with the assistance of Margaret Sears, in 1985 for the purpose of funding and facilitating the research of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, which grew out of the Sphinx Project.
    Annual Report 2015-2016
    President’s Message
    Blazing a New Trail: Memphis Site and Community Development
    Food Storage, Food Preparation: Standing Wall Island Excavations
    Glen Dash Foundation Survey 2016

    Download a PDF of our 2016 Annual Report
    Annual Report 2014-2015
    Two Sites, Two Field Schools: Analysis & Publication and Beginners
    Excavations: Areas Standing Wall Island & AA-South
    Glen Dash Foundation Great Pyramid Survey
    Waterways & Harbors During the Old Kingdom
    Taking A Closer Look: Discoveries in the Lab

    Download a PDF of our 2015 Annual Report
    Annual Report 2013-2014
    Bread and Beer for Dead Kings: Piety and Politics (Silo Building Complex)
    Putting the Pieces Together (Material Culture Analysis)
    Giza’s Back Bay: Marina del Rey (Queen Khentkawes Town)
    Cathcing Up with Our Field School Alums

    Download a PDF of our 2014 Annual Report
    Annual Report 2012-2013
    A Run of Royal Favor: History from Clay Sealings
    Dining in a High Status House: The Good Life 4th Dynasty Style
    A Rare Snapshot of Ancient Fields: Multi-Cropped Food, Fodder & Fuel
    Data Curation Project: Phase 1 Completed

    Download a PDF of our 2013 Annual Report
    Annual Report 2011-2012
    2012 Field Season Excavations
    2011-2012 Archaeological Field Schools
    Archaeological Sciences: Hippo Hip and Olive Pit
    Glen Dash Foundation Survey

    Download a PDF of our 2012 Annual Report
    Annual Report 2010-2011
    Khentkawes Town East
    The Luxor Study Field School
    AERA-Egypt Receives NGO Status

    Download a PDF of our 2011 Annual Report
    Annual Report 2009-2010
    Salvage Archaeology & Analysis and Publication Field Schools
    The AERA Egypt Center
    Capital Zone Walkabout 2010

    Download a PDF of our 2010 Annual Report
    Annual Report 2008-2009
    The 2009 Advanced Field School
    Giza Center Becomes a Reality
    Celebrating 20 Years of Discovery in Giza
    Download a PDF of our 2009 Annual Report

    And see also the following Annual Reports of field seasons at Giza] published in the Oriental Institute Annual Report

    Glossa: [a latin dictionary]

    Glossa: [a latin dictionary]
    Glossa is a Latin dictionary based on A Latin Dictionary: Founded on Andrews' Edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary: Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL.D (commonly referred to as Lewis and Short). Published in 1879, this work is now in the public domain.

    Version Notes: This release, 0.2 alpha, is very preliminary. Editing is still taking place. If you would like to help with this editing (or if you see something that needs to be corrected) please see the "Contribute" section under the "Glossa" menu. Version .2 alpha fixes the bug in .1 alpha that caused words that begin with capital letters to be mis-alphabetized. If you currently have Glossa installed, you'll need to uninstall before installing the new version.

    Koine Greek

    Open Access Journal: ARCHEOSTORIE: Journal of Public Archaeology

    ARCHEOSTORIE: Journal of Public Archaeology
    ISSN: 2532-3512
    Archeostorie Journal of Public Archaeology
    ARCHEOSTORIEJournal of Public Archaeology is the open access, peer-reviewed and online-only journal that provides Italy with an arena to discuss issues such as the management and communication of archaeological heritage and, more widely, the role of archaeology into contemporary society. It produces insightful analyses on significant initiatives aimed at involving the public in archaeological and heritage issues, and bridging the gap between our past and modernity.
    Since the journal is open-access all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication; for more details about licensing terms see this page.


    Cinzia Dal Maso, Luca Peyronel
    Strength and ethics of the context: Giving a true meaning to History and to our lives
    Daniele Manacorda

    Exploring public archaeology
    Francesco Ripanti

    Cinema in the Stone Age or a film about the Stone Age?
    Alessandra Cilio

    Father and Son: Videogame or emotional experience?
    Giuliano De Felice

    Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)

    [First posted in AWOL 31 December 2011. Updated 5 March 2019]

    Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)
    ISSN 1461-­4316
    The ASTENEBulletin is published four times a year and aims to keep members informed of research interests and queries in the field of travel in Egypt and the Near East. Members are encouraged to submit information and material for the Bulletin relating to on-going research and interests, conferences etc.

    There is also a focus on useful subject-related bibliographies and biographies. The Bulletin contains the following regular or semi-regular features: articles — perhaps on work in progress, which should be no more than 2,000 words; select bibliographies; features on research resources; ASTENE news: publications, conferences, seminars, exhibitions etc.; other exhibitions, conferences of interest; announcements of relevant books/articles — in preparation, forthcoming, recently published; members' notes and queries.

    Submissions for the next Bulletin must be received by 15th December 2010. We welcome articles, queries, replies and other related matters from members. Please send the contributions to the Editors, Sheila and Russell McGuirk via email at bulletin@astene.org.uk
    ASTENE Bulletin Bibliography Vols 1-63
    click on link below for contents
    Please note that a full Bulletin 16 was never issued.  Bulletin 16 Supplement should be considered as Bulletin 16.
    See AWOL's round up of Open access travel literature 

    See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

    50 Years Journal for the Study of Judaism: Limited Open Access

    50 Years Journal for the Study of Judaism
    To celebrate the 50th volume of the Journal for the Study of Judaism,
    selected articles from the past 50 volumes will be available for free downloading during 2019. A new batch of 5 articles will become available every month

    New in ARTA: DNf: A New Inscription Emerges from the Shadow

    Delshad, Soheil, and Mojtaba Doroodi. “DNf: A New Inscription Emerges from the Shadow.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2019, no. 1 (2019): 1–19. http://www.achemenet.com/pdf/arta/ARTA_2019.001_Delshad_Doroodi.pdf.
    DNf is a recently-discovered trilingual inscription on the tomb of Darius I at Naqsh-e Rostam. This article presents images, a first edition of the texts, observations on why the inscription was not recognized earlier, and comments on the relationship between the inscription and the sculptured figures below it.

    Open Access Journal: Indo-European Linguistics

    [First posted in AWOL 31 July 2016, updated 5 March 2019]

    Indo-European Linguistics
    ISSN: 2212-5884
    E-ISSN: 2212-5892
    image of Indo-European Linguistics
    The peer-reviewed journal Indo-European Linguistics (IEL) is devoted to the study of the ancient and medieval Indo-European languages from the perspective of modern theoretical linguistics. It provides a venue for synchronic and diachronic linguistic studies of the Indo-European languages and the Indo-European family as a whole within any theoretically informed or analytical framework. It also welcomes typological investigations, especially those which make use of cross-linguistic data, including that from non-Indo-European languages, as well as research which draws upon the findings of language acquisition, cognitive science, variationist sociolinguistics, and language contact.

    Open Access Journal: Journal of Greek Linguistics

    [First posted in AWOL 12 June 2016, updates 5 March 2019]

    Journal of Greek Linguistics
    ISSN: 1566-5844
    E-ISSN: 1569-9846
    Cover Journal of Greek Linguistics
    Now available in Open Access, the Journal of Greek Linguistics (JGL) is an established peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the descriptive and theoretical study of the Greek language from its roots in Ancient Greek down to present-day dialects and varieties. Its target audience includes specialists in both Ancient, Medieval and Modern Greek, besides general linguists.
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