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Open Access Journal: Proceedings Ekklesiastikos Pharos

Proceedings Ekklesiastikos Pharos
Volume 2014 Number 1
Proceedings IAHS (Institute for Afro-Hellenic studies) is a multi-disciplinary scholarly and cultural publication on African-Greek history, culture and problems, including Ancient and Medieval Africa, ‘’Old”” Africa, African art and literature, Greek history, art and Culture, Greek and African religion. The Proceedings will contain non-peer-reviewed discussions, short notes, opinion articles, book reviews, info on the IAHS, and its projects and conferences. The journal will also publish peer-reviewed scholarly articles 
oaRecollection : an archival exhibition of the Greek Diaspora - Maria Katrakis, South African Hellenic Archive
Source:Proceedings Ekklesiastikos Pharos 2018, pp 127 –159 (2018)
Source:Proceedings Ekklesiastikos Pharos 2014, pp 250 –250 (2016)

DemoticGraffiti from the Wadi Hammamat

DemoticGraffiti from the Wadi Hammamat
The following links are for photographs of the Demotic graffiti I have published in JSSEA 28 (2001) in my article of the same name.  That article includes the transliterations, translations and commentary on a series of Demotic texts found in the Paneion in the Wadi Hammamat and on the walls of the quarry east of  Paneion.  The texts are numbered 41-159 and are to be seen as an addition to the publication of the first 40 graffiti published by Heinz-Josef Thissen, in his article: “Demotische Graffiti des Paneions im Wadi Hammamat,” Enchoria9 (1979): 63-92 and plates 11-25.
The photographs given below represent the best photographs I personally took in the Wadi Hammamat on my trips to the wadi in 1995 and 1999.  I want to thank Dolores Ward and Adel Farid for their assistance on those two trips.  If the viewer feels any specific photograph is not of sufficient quality to view the graffiti, please email me directly (eugene.cruz-uribe@nau.edu) and I can attempt to send a higher quality version.
All of the jpeg files of these graffiti were scanned at 150 dpi.
The numbers follow the numbers assigned the texts in my article in JSSEA.  All of the jpeg files are copyright of the author and may not be reproduced without written permission and are posted on this web-site for the convenience of scholars who wish to see photographs to supplement the line drawings provided in the JSSEAvolume.
G.WH 042G.WH 044 & 045G.WH 046
G. WH 047G. WH 048G. WH 050
G. WH 051G. WH 052G. WH 053
G. WH 055G. WH 055 & 056 & 060G. WH 055 & 056 left & 057
G. WH 055 & 056 rightG. WH 059G. WH 061
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G. WH 112 & 113G. WH 114 & 115G. WH 116 & 117
G. WH 118 rightG. WH 118 left & 119G. WH 119 & 120
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G. WH 136G. WH 137 &138 & 139G. WH 140
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G. WH 148 & 149G. WH 150G. WH 151
G. WH 152G. WH 153G. WH 154
G. WH 155

Major Nomisma.org data model update: provenance

Major Nomisma.org data model update: provenance
At long last, we have implemented provenance directly within the Nomisma.org RDF data model. This is something the scientific committee has discussed for some time, and finally implemented. This was no easy task, as it meant reverse engineering the entire editing history from the Nomisma data Github repository in order to establish a chronology of creation dates and significant modifications to the content of the SKOS concepts.

The provenance is encoded primarily in the W3C Provenance Ontology. Each concept now bears a skos:changeNote that points to a dcterms:ProvenanceStatement. This ProvenanceStatement includes a prov:wasGeneratedBy activity for the date of creation and zero or more prov:activity properties that indicate subsequent modifications. Each activity has a timestamp derived from the Github commit history.

When possible, each activity also includes a prov:wasAssociatedWith property that links to a URI in the new http://nomisma.org/editor/ namespace. Any Nomisma ID created at the time of the first Github commit was presumed to have been created by Andy Meadows and/or Sebastian Heath, but it becomes complicated after this. Many IDs minted since August 2015 have been generated by a spreadsheet import mechanism. It is important to be able to link a concept to a Google spreadsheet that created or modified it. We therefore use prov:used to link to the public HTML version of the spreadsheet, and we also include some basic metadata about the spreadsheet (the URIs of the Nomisma editors that contributed to its creation, the description of the spreadsheet, etc.). Try a DESCRIBE SPARQL query for the URI, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19N59I8u6CnwDYfSHsr10xDt50fIRp_EyqZP_BGVaH4U/pubhtml, for example.

By collating the Github commit history with all of the known spreadsheet imports, we have been able to link thousands of concepts to a few dozen spreadsheet uploads. Other groups of manually-created IDs in several categories have been attributed to known editors: Medieval and Modern German IDs to Karsten Dahmen and Walter Bloom; Byzantine rulers to Dennis Mathie. This reverse engineering of all of the Nomisma IDs took about two weeks, and further modification of the Nomisma framework codebase was undertaken to update the HTML output to display provenance, and the back-end editor and import XForms apps had to be modified to accommodate the creation and updating of provenance events.

Open Access Journal: ARISC Newsletters (American Research Institute of the South Caucasus)

 [First posted in AWOL 12 November 2012, updated 8 October 2018]

ARISC Newsletters (American Research Institute of the South Caucasus)
Welcome to the webpage of the American Research Institute of the South Caucasus.  This site is a work in progress where you will be able to find information, resources, and contacts pertinent to research in all three of the republics of the South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) encourages and supports scholarly study of the South Caucasus states (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) across all disciplines of the Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences.  Incorporated in 2006, ARISC currently has representatives in Yerevan, Baku and Tbilisi (see About Us page), who  serve to facilitate research and nurture scholarly ties between institutions and individuals.
ARISC Newsletter No 1 (Winter-Spring 2010)
ARISC Newsletter No 2 (2010-2011)
ARISC Newsletter No 3 (2011-2012)
ARISC Newsletter No 4 (2012-2013)
ARISC Newsletter No 5 (2013-2014)
ARISC Newsletter No 6 (2014-2015)
ARISC Newsletter No 7 (2015-2016)
ARISC Newsletter No 8 (2016-2017)

Open Access Journal: Terra Incognita

Terra Incognita
ISSN: 2294-8252
Terra Incognita, Annual Review of Archaeological Master Research in Flanders (Belgium) publiceert recent masteronderzoek uit de drie Vlaamse archeologie-opleidingen.

Terra Incognita heeft als doel het ontsluiten van het masteronderzoek dat plaatsvindt aan de drie archeologiedepartementen die Vlaanderen rijk is. Jaarlijks wordt aan pas afgestudeerde studenten Archeologie van de Universiteit Gent, de Vrije Universiteit Brussel en de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven de mogelijkheid geboden hun thesisonderzoek in een artikel te gieten en op die manier aan de bredere archeologische gemeenschap kenbaar te maken.

Auteurs worden van nabij begeleid in het voorbereiden van wat doorgaans hun eerste wetenschappelijke publicatie is. De redactie bestaat uit jonge archeologen, deels verbonden aan een van de universiteiten. Ook redactiemedewerkers worden gerecruteerd onder recent afgestudeerden, om zo steeds nieuwe mensen ervaring te laten opdoen en de continuïteit  van het tijdschrift te garanderen.

Naast de uitgebreide artikels publiceert Terra Incognita ook in elk volume een lijst met de titels en auteurs van alle in het afgelopen academiejaar neergelegde archeologische masterscripties.


Vol 8 (2016): academiejaar 2011-2012

redactie: Tim Clerbaut, Sam Cleymans, Jonas Danckers, Willem Hantson, Sadi Maréchal, Ruben Pede, Fran Stroobants, Laurence Van Goethem


Alpheios Version 2.0.3 Beta Release, October 2018

Alpheios Version 2.0.3 Beta Release, October 2018
This is the first Beta release of the Alpheios Reading Tools for Chrome and Firefox.
In addition to greater overall stability across a wide variety of sites, the biggest focus of this release is the completion of the Latin and Greek Inflection tables. This release now has near parity with the functionality provided in Alpheios Version 1 and we have improved upon that with greater accuracy, both in the content and when matching into the tables on the forms identified in the word lookup results. 
If you are still using the old Version 1 Alpheios Firefox Extensions, we encourage you to upgrade now to this newer version.

Various new features and bug fixes are included in the release, the most important being the following:
  • Lookup of user-supplied words
  • Inflection table browser
  • Greek inflection tables
  • Latin inflection table additions and corrections
  • Enhanced inflection table matching
  • UI Design improvements
  • Improvements to Latin morphological information
  • Improvements to Arabic morphological information
  • Ability to adjust display font-size
  • Support for Google Drive documents

Open Access Journal: Networks and Neighbours


[First posted in AWOL 23 August 2014, updated 8 October 2018]

Networks and Neighbours
ISSN: 2372-4889

The journal Networks and Neighbours (N&N), from 2013 to 2016, was dedicated to the global study of late antiquity and the early middle ages. It was a central voice of the eponymous international project, and a fantastic space to establish innovative and sustainable dialogues between emerging and senior scholars from around the world. The journal was double-blind peer-reviewed, entirely independent, and no-fees open-access (that is, free for everyone, which it still is), and helped to establish N&N’s international presence.
The meta-national, extra-institutional, and critical intellectual spirit that embodied the journal continue to define N&N the [free, open, non-profit and environmentally aware] project, as N&N moves into its next phase of development.

Volume 3 (2015)

NN 3: Migration
Read more

Open Access Journal: Philía. Jornal informativo de história antiga

Philía. Jornal informativo de história antiga
ISSN: 1519-6917
e-ISSN: 2595-3583
O Jornal Philia alcança a sua 50ª edição e para nós editores coordenadores que compõem a equipe do NEA/UERJ, este é um motivo de jubilo, congratulação e reflexão visando analisar a  trajetória da publicação do informativo de História Antiga que tem priorizado as pesquisas de alunos de graduação em sociedades antigas. O jornal Philia teve inicio no ano de 1999, quando era produzido em parceria com os alunos de graduação e pós-graduação em História Antiga da UERJ, UFRJ e da UFF. A missão do jornal consistia em abrir espaço para publicação de artigos  e reflexões de alunos de graduação com pesquisas em sociedades antigas. Em geral, os alunos pesquisadores publicavam o estado atual de suas pesquisas resultado de  Projetos de Iniciação Cientifica, Projeto de Extensão, alguns eram bolsistas da CAPES, outros do CNPq e atualmente, muito deles se tornaram professores universitários.

Ano 2017
Edição 59 - Edição 60 - Edição 61
Ano 2016
Edição 57 - Edição 58
Ano 2015
Edição 53 - Edição 54
Ano 2014
Edição 49 - Edição 50 - Edição 51 - Edição 52
Ano 2013
Ano 2012
Ano 2011
Edição 38
Ano 2010
Ano 2009
Edição 29 - Edição 30 - Edição 31 - Edição 32
Ano 2008
Edição 27 - Edição 28
Ano 2007
Edição 23 - Edição 24
Ano 2006
Edição 21 - Edição 22
Ano 2005
Edição 19
Ano 2004
Edição 17 - Edição 18
Ano 2003
Edição 15 - Edição 16
Ano 2002
Edição 12 - Edição 13
Ano 2001
Edição 09
Ano 2000
Edição 06 - Edição 07 - Edição 08
Ano 1999
Edição 01 - Edição 02 - Edição 03 - Edição 04 - Edição 05

Sprachen, Völker und Phantome: Sprach- und kulturwissenschaftliche Studien zur Ethnizität

Sprachen, Völker und Phantome: Sprach- und kulturwissenschaftliche Studien zur Ethnizität
Ed. by Mumm, Peter-Arnold
eBook (PDF)

Publication Date: 2018
Copyright year: 2018
To be published: October 2018
ISBN 978-3-11-060126-8

Aims and Scope

Academics have long stopped speaking of “peoples” and “their” languages and cultures. Yet languages and cultures are still taken as evidence of quasi-ethnic community and “identity.” Nine papers by scholars in Egyptology, general linguists, archeology, German-Romance onomastics, Hittite studies, and Turkish studies reveal the incongruities between linguistic community, ethnicity, and culture.

Open Access Journal: Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science

[First posted in AWOL 15 October 2009. Most recently updated 9 October 2018]

Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science
ISSN: 1549–4497 (online)
ISSN: 1549–4470 (print) 
Aestimatio provides critical, timely assessments of books published in the history of what was called science from antiquity up to the early modern period in cultures ranging from Spain to India, and from Africa to northern Europe. The aim is to allow reviewers the opportunity to engage critically both the results of research in the history of science and how these results are obtained.

Aestimatio 13 (2016–2018)

Robert Hannah The Inscriptions of the Antikythera Mechanism by AMRG 1-9
Eileen Reeves Hermes and the Telescope: In the Crucible of Galileo’€™s Life-World by Paolo Palmieri 10-18
Glen Van Brummelen Essays on Medieval Computational Astronomy by José Chabás and Bernard R. Goldstein 19-25
Fernando Q. Gouvêa Research in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The CHSPM 2014 Annual Meeting in St. Catherine’s, Ontario by Maria Zack and Elaine Landry edd. 26-29
Richard Lorch Islamic Astronomy and Geography by David A. King 30-31
Roger Beck Recherches Mithriaques. Quarante ans de questions et d’€™investigations by Robert Turcan 32-36
Matjaž Vesel Before Copernicus and Copernicus 37-79
Harry Hine Metaphorical Coherence: Studies in Seneca’€™s Epistulae Morales by Aron Sjöblad 80-84

The SARAT Project: “Safeguarding Archaeological Assets of Turkey”

The SARAT Project

“SARAT” stands for “Safeguarding Archaeological Assets of Turkey”, a project whose goal is to increase knowledge, capacity, and awareness about protecting Turkey’s archaeological assets. SARAT engages in many different education and research-related activities in line with this goal. 
The SARAT project is being overseen by the British Institute at Ankara (BIAA).

BIAA is partnered and works together with Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) and with the national branch of the International Council of Museums in the UK (ICOM UK) in the conduct of this project.

The SARAT project is being supported by the Cultural Protection Fund* (CPL-O69-16). The fund is managed by the British Council in partnership with the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.

What are we safeguarding and why?

The Middle Eastern geography in general and Turkey in particular harbour extraordinary material evidence of humanity’s journey towards civilisation. This evidence ranges from the earliest villages and cities to the first states and empires. All of today’s megalopolises, complexities of social life, specialisation through the division of labour, and industrial and technological capabilities are the products of a step-by-step process of filtering and handing down the achievements of previous civilisations. The first plough, the first wheel-made pottery, the first inscribed clay tablet, and the first minted coin were all among the landmarks of this amazing adventure of humanity that reached to the digital age of the 21st century. 

Sometimes however it may be hard to realise what stone, earth, and mudbrick are telling us about how we arrived at today’s megalopolises from prehistoric villages like the one at Çayönü and the earliest temples like the one at Göbeklitepe. Over the millennia, the archaeological heritage of all humanity has suffered: sometimes from natural disasters and from treasure-hunters and looters, sometimes from the spread of cities and farming, and sometimes from just lack of interest. To many people nowadays, antiquities are just “merchandise” and archaeological sites are just “boring ruins”.

Ancient Locations: Database of Archaeological Sites

 [First posted in AWOL 23 August 2015, updated 9 October 2018]

Ancient Locations: Database of Archaeological Sites
ANCIENT LOCATIONS is my collection of Placemarks of archaeologically interesting locations of the ancient world.

The list is continuously updated and expanded to give anyone with an interest in archaeology and history the possibility to look up the coordinates of relevant sites.
Locations are included if they existed prior to 476 CE in the Old World (end of the West-Roman Empire) and prior to 1492 CE in the New World (re-discovery of the New World).

There are currently 25307 placemark entries in the database. 4235 are shown on Ancient Locations (16.7 %). There are currently 129 overlay and map entries in the database. 41 are shown on Ancient Locations. (31.8 %) Those entries not shown are either under review or are not assigned to appear on Ancient Locations.
The number of database entries increases when placemarks are imported or manually added, and it decreases when duplicates or invalid enties are removed. Reviewing all the placemarks and ascertaining accurate coordinates is a slow process...

For the task of managing my Placemarks I have implemented a program, a screeshot of which you can see on the right.
This website has had 801036 visitors since June 6, 2008, which was the day it was set up.
Regions Index
Zagros, Elam, and Iran
Kush and Aethiopia
Latin America
North America
Medieval sites
Natural sites
Modern sites

Market for antiquities

Market for antiquities
  • Erin Thompson
Arena in which artifacts from ancient cultures are obtained from archaeological sites and then bought and sold by dealers, museums, scholars, and private collectors. The market concentrates on artifacts regarded by buyers as artworks, including both objects created as art in antiquity, such as ancient Greek sculptures, and objects originally created for other uses which were re-categorized as artwork by modern buyers, such as Pre-Columbian funerary ceramics (seeCollection and Display of Classical Art).

A market for these objects existed in antiquity, with the first collectors of ancient Greek art, and the trade in ancient objects in the Western world continued to focus primarily on artwork from Greece and Rome until the 19th century. Subsequently, increasing access to other areas of the world, the changing tastes of private collectors, and expanding conceptions of the role of museums led to interest in obtaining antiquities from other cultures. Recently, concerns about the looting of archaeological sites to obtain antiquities that appear in the legal market with forged paperwork (seeBlack market for art) have resulted in a reappraisal of the laws and practices of selling antiquities.

Article contents

Open Access Journal: Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal (JSIJ)

[First posted in AWOL 4 November 2009. Updated 10 October 2018]

Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal (JSIJ) - Ketav-ʻet eleḳṭroni le-madaʻe Yahadut
JSIJ is a peer-reviewed, electronic journal dealing with all fields of Jewish studies, which is distributed free of charge via the Internet.
By publishing articles electronically via the Internet, JSIJ seeks to disseminate articles much faster than is possible with paper publication, and to make these articles readily and conveniently accessible to a wide variety of readers at all times.

Indeed, we hope that the use of this new technology will eventually allow JSIJ to develop in ways not available with conventional, printed journals, including the possibility of computerized full-text searching and the use of hyperlinks to other texts.

JSIJ will include articles in both Hebrew and English. To render these articles accessible to as wide a variety of users as possible, regardless of computer program or platform, we offer two modes of "publication": via PDF files (universally accessible) and Word 97 files.

JSIJ is initially scheduled to appear twice a year, although preliminary versions of articles will be made available on our site as soon as articles are accepted for publication and copyedited.

Open Access Journal: Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde (FeRA)

[First posted in AWOL 8 January 2010. Updated 10 October 2018]

Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde (FeRA)
ISSN 1862-8478

Die Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde(FeRA) ist ein open access online-journal für alle klassischen altertumskundlichen Fächer mit drei Ausgaben pro Jahr (April, August und Dezember). Obwohl am Frankfurter Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften begründet und über den Server der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität operierend, versteht sich die Zeitschrift nicht als reine Seminarpublikation, sondern lädt ausdrücklich Nachwuchswissenschafter aller Universitäten ein, Fachbeiträge und Rezensionen einzureichen.

The Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde (FeRA) is an open access online journal especially designed for subjects which study the antiquities, and is being published three times a year (April, August and December). Though established by the Frankfurter Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften and operating via the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität server the journal is not intended to be a mere seminar publication, but explicitly invites qualified young researchers from universities all over the world to present their papers and reviews.

Open Access Journal: Archaeological Textiles Newsletter - Archaeological Textiles Review

 [First posted in AWOL 7 March 2017, updated 10 October 2018]

Archaeological Textiles Newsletter - Archaeological Textiles Review
ISSN: 0169-7331
In the beginning of January 2018 ATR59 was sent out to the subscribers. This and back issues ATN 1-53 and ATR 54-58 are now available as print-on-demand from the University of Copenhagen webshop. The webshop has both an English and Danskinterface.
We hope the readers will appreciate the comprehensive and varied issues in print or as downloads on this homepage.
Please use ATR as a medium for distributing the growing amount of information on textile archaeology, and keep sending us articles and reviews. We encourage the contributors to submit their articles throughout the year to spread the editing workload.
The next deadline for contributions to the ATR 2018 Issue 60 is the 1st of May. Issue 60 will primarily include articles on evidence for knitting in Early Modern Europe, and we hope our readers will appreciate the importance of this long needed initiative and embrace the scientific impact and upgrade of this over-looked research direction. ATR60 will be published in autumn 2018.
You can keep up with events and news in textile archaeology on the Friends of ATR Facebook page. We have many followers, so please spread the word and also send us your news and announcements.
 ATN 10ATN 20ATN 30ATN 40ATN 50
ATN 8ATN 18-19ATN 28ATN 38ATN 48 ATR 58
ATN 9 ATN 29ATN 39ATN 49 


On-line database for 14C-dated textiles (from early times until the end of 1rst millennium AD)

On-line database for 14C-dated textiles (from early times until the end of 1rst millennium AD)

Overview and easy access

First of all it wants to give an overview on as well as easy access to reliably dated textiles from the 1st millennium BC and AD. This, actually, is a desideratum, since during the last decades, quite a number of textiles have been radiocarbon dated. However, the places of publication of these results frequently are rather hard to locate and only known to those who ordered or undertook the analyses. This is one of the foremost reasons why textiles – quite undeservingly – are still not being used as an historical source to the extent they could be.

The benefit for other textiles

Secondly: Sustained benefit of radiocarbon analysis is achieved when we can apply the datings also to related textiles bearing no such indicators as stratigraphy, dating inscriptions or radiocarbon analysis. These related textiles mostly are of a similar style, sometimes also showing analogies in technique or iconography.

Trend-setter or old fashioned?

However, what is needed most is to know whether the radiocarbon dated textile in question is typical of its kind, representing the average life span of its group, or whether– by pure coincidence – we have a precursor, an unusually early item, or – in contrast – an old fashioned, unusually late one.

The lonely highlight

In order to know for sure we need to have several (in strict statistical terms: ten!) samples safely dated. Collections, however, usually do not possess several textiles of one kind. Also, frequently there is the desire to have "highlights" being dated or unusual objects – which per se are difficult to compare with other textiles.

Look out for parallels

Therefore, it is essential to have parallels, i. e. several examples of one type dated, to improve progress in our ability to evaluate textiles historically and to make the most of the – still rather expensive – radiocarbon analyses. A type or group of textiles could consist of items which have in common an unusual iconographical feature or weaving structure (cf. "How to use – Parallels"). Consequently, it would be important and wise to first check parallels in other collections, get in touch with colleagues in charge and agree upon the analyses of related textiles, before the actual radiocarbon analysis is going to be undertaken.


We want to facilitate, encourage and promote this important communication. Therefore, in the database you will find a column called "Parallels", which indicates whether one or several parallels to a particular textile have already been radiocarbon dated. If you find out that, e. g., two items parallel to your textile in question have already been dated it would be most valuable if you added an analysis of your textile. In this case, please, let us know that your textile belongs to such a group.

Coordinate further radiocarbon analyses

Dear colleagues, we hope that many scholars of any kind of specialisation will start to integrate textiles into their different historical research and we hope that this homepage and its database help to spread the idea of coordinated radiocarbon analyses.

How we started

The idea of this database project of shared information and joint decision on the question which textiles should be radiocarbon dated, was initiated by Antoine De Moor (Antwerp, Katoen Natie) and further developed by the team "textile-dates" in Bonn university, in collaboration with Mark van Strydonck from the Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique (IRPA KIK) in Brussels.

Open Access Journal: Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico

[First posted in AWOL 5 October 2010. Updated 11 Ocrober 2018]

Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico
ISSN: 2037-4488
Questa serie vuole celebrare il mare Mediterraneo e contribuire a sviluppare temi, studi e immaginario che il cratere firmato dal greco Aristonothos ancora oggi evoca. Deposto nella tomba di un etrusco, racconta di storie e relazioni fra culture diverse che si svolgono in questo mare e sulle terre che unisce.



Teresa Alfieri Tonini
Carmine Ampolo
Antonietta Brugnone
Michel Gras, Henri Tréziny
Christopher Smith

N. 13.1 (2017): Scritti per il decimo anniversario di Aristonothos


Gilda Bartoloni
Maria Bonghi Jovino
Giovanni Colonna
Nancy Thomson de Grummond
Piero Giovanni Guzzo
Nota Kourou
Annette Rathje
Ulf R. Hansson, Ingela Wiman


N. 11 (2016): Fascino etrusco nel primo Novecento, conversando di arti e di storia delle arti

Atti dell’incontro di Studio, Milano, Università degli Studi, Sala Crociera Alta (7 ottobre 2015)
ISBN 978-88-6705-472-5


N° 8 (2013): La cultura a Sparta in età classica

La curatela di questo volume è di Francesca Berlinzani
ISBN 978-88-6458-090-6


N° 7 (2012): Convivenze etniche, scontri e contatti di culture in Sicilia e Magna Grecia

La curatela di questo volume è di Francesca Berlinzani.
ISBN 978-88-6458-055-5

N° 6 (2012): Culti e miti greci in aree periferiche

La redazione di questo volume è di Paola Schirripa
ISBN 978-88-6458-045-6

N° 4 (2012): Convivenze etniche e contatti di culture

Atti del Seminario di Studi (Università degli Studi di Milano, 23‑24 novembre 2009)
ISBN 978-88-6458-040-1


N° 2 (2008): Mythoi siciliani in Diodoro

Atti del Seminario di Studi, Università degli Studi di Milano, 12-13 febbraio 2007
ISBN: 8860011973
ISBN-13: 9788860011978


Open Access Journal: LANX. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia

[First posted in AWOL  7 January 2010. Updated 11 October 2018]

LANX. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia - Università degli Studi di Milano
ISSN 2035-4797
LANX è il quadrimestrale elettronico open access della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. La rivista raccoglie i contributi di studenti e docenti della Scuola e di studiosi che vi hanno collaborato, insieme ai risultati di ricerche e scavi a essa collegati.LANX nasce dall’idea e con l’obiettivo di condividere e divulgare i risultati dell’intensa attività di studio e ricerca condotta dalla Scuola, che accanto alla didattica consueta prevede un fitto programma annuale di seminari, giornate di studio, convegni, con la frequente partecipazione di studiosi esterni. A tutto ciò si aggiungono i viaggi di studio nelle mete più rilevanti per gli ambiti disciplinari caratterizzanti la Scuola, e le campagne di scavo dirette dai Docenti della Scuola in numerosi siti italiani e stranieri.Si apre così l’opportunità tanto per gli affermati quanto per i più giovani studiosi vicini alla Scuola di far conoscere il proprio lavoro grazie alle potenzialità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie, di cui il formato elettronico di questa rivista è realizzazione concreta. Il Comitato Scientifico della rivista è composto dai Docenti della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, i quali approvano preliminarmente il contenuto scientifico dei contributi editi. Il singolo Docente si fa inoltre garante, presentandoli anche a proprio nome, degli interventi esterni.


N. 22 (2015)

Lanx, Anno VIII, n° 22

N. 21 (2015)

Lanx, Anno VIII, n° 21

N. 20 (2015)

Lanx, Anno VIII, n° 20


N. 19 (2014)

Lanx, Anno VII, n° 19

N. 18 (2014)

Lanx, Anno VII, n° 18

N. 17 (2014)

Lanx, Anno VII, n° 17


N. 16 (2013)

Lanx, Anno VI, n° 16

N. 15 (2013)

Lanx, Anno VI, n° 15

N. 14 (2013)

Lanx, Anno VI, n° 14


N. 13 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 13

N. 12 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 12

N. 11 (2012)

Lanx, Anno V, n° 11


N. 10 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 10

N. 9 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 9

N. 8 (2011)

Lanx, Anno IV, n° 8


N. 7 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, n° 7

N. 6 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, numero 6

N. 5 (2010)

Lanx, Anno III, numero 5


N. 4 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 4

N. 3 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 3

N. 2 (2009)

LANX, Anno II, numero 2


N. 1 (2008)

LANX, Anno I, numero 1

Open Access Journal: Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal

[First posted in AWOL 14 April 2014, updated  (new URLs)11 October 2018]

Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal
ISSN: 2373-5937
The Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal (ISSN 2373-5937) is a peer-reviewed online journal with a variety of features intended to make research attractive and accessible to a broad spectrum of readers, from scholars to curious young people.
Contributions representing a variety of classical topics and conventions have been made available along with tools that an online audience can use to engage with and respond to the ideas presented. These contributions form the starting point for a broad range of conversations, dialogues, with the online community.
Because the articles begin and evolve in a digital medium, they incorporate a wide variety of materials in different media, including images, videos, podcasts, links to other online resources, interactive features, and other types of data. We encourage the inclusion of multimedia content, and welcome the opportunity to move beyond the limitations of a traditional print publication. Multimedia content, coupled with online interaction, provides an opportunity for much more than a conversation.
The e-journal will serve as a medium of scholarly publication. All comments and annotations will go through an editorial process before they appear as contributions to discourses.


“The Societal and Intellectual Barriers to a Unified Microbial Theory in Ancient Greece and Rome”
Miranda Ginder, University of Sciences
“The Shifting Importance of Animals for the Ancient Medical Practitioner”
Shannon Johnson-Finn, Franklin & Marshall College
“Galenic Medicine: The beginning of the formation of pediatric medicine”
Yiting Liu, Franklin & Marshall College
“The Term ἄτη as it Denotes Depressive μελαγχολία: The Two Aspects of μελαγχολία in Classical Texts”
Maya C. Locker, Franklin & Marshall College
“Regulating the human genes in antiquity: Plato’s and Aristotle’s Eugenics”
Triet Nguyen, Franklin & Marshall College
“The Concept of Heredity: The Pre-Socratics through Galen”
Alex Pinsk, Franklin & Marshall College
“The Nature of Healing at the Epidaurian Asklepieion”
Jonas Tai, Rutgers University – New Brunswick

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