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Preprints: IoA Annual Conference: Forming Material Egypt

IoA Annual Conference: Forming Material Egypt
Publication date: Apr 15, 2013 4:10:26 PM
Start: May 20, 2013 9:00:00 AM
End: May 21, 2013 5:00:00 PM
Location: UCL Institute of Archaeology, Petrie Museum and SOAS
The Institute of Archaeology Annual Conference will take place this year on 20-21 May on the topic of 'Forming Material Egypt' with a gathering of Egyptian and international experts.
Archaeological finds from Egypt have been dispersed worldwide on a massive scale both through documented excavation and through gifts and purchases, by museums, archaeologists and others. The distribution of material has played a major role in forming contemporary attitudes to the Egyptian past.
In this conference, organised by the Material Cultures of Prehistoric and Dynastic Egypt Research Network, in association with the Egypt Exploration Society and the Centre for Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies, SOAS, Egyptian colleagues are invited to open and steer the discussions, by aiming for practical policy outcomes, and by prioritising the use and survival of material.
Preprints of most of the papers are available for download - linked in the program schedule:

Day 1

Morning panels: (Archaeology Lecture Theatre G6) 9.30am
Panel Session 1: Re-connecting with archaeological context: sites and databases
(Chairs: Tarek Tawfik, Stephen Quirke)
  • Richard BussmannRe-materialising state formation: Hierakonpolis 2.0 [ Read paper» ]
  • Alexandra Villing Naukratis–ancient and modern networks: a case study [ Read paper» ]
  • Gianluca MiniaciCollecting Groups: the dispersion of finds from Harageh cemetery across museums [ Read paper»]
  • Geoffrey Tassie, Joris van Wetering The History and Research of the Naqada Settlements Collection [ Read paper» ]
  • Chris Naunton The financial imperative and the EES excavations at Amarna in the 1920s and 30s [ Read paper» ]

Coffee break, 11am

Panel Session 2: Finds Distribution and Public Archaeology
(Chairs: Maher Eissa, Chris Naunton)
  • Alice Stevenson Between the Field and the Museum: the idea of archaeological context and the distribution of finds from the Egypt Exploration Fund 1883–1915 [ Read paper» ]
  • Patrizia Piacentini The Antiquities Path: from the Sale Room of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (ca 1890-1970), through Dealers, to Private and Public Collections [ Read paper» ]
  • Amara ThorntonPublic Egypt: London Society, Exhibitions and Lectures in the late 19th and early 20th centuries [ Read paper» ]
  • Anna Garnett John Rankin and John Garstang: Funding Egyptology in a Pioneering Age [ Read paper» ]
  • Campbell Price Max Robinow and the Manchester Museum [ Read paper» ]
Lunch Break, 1pm
Afternoon panels: (Archaeology Lecture Theatre G6) 2pm
Panel Session 3: Archaeological Site Management and Conservation
(Chair: Abdelrazek Elnaggar)
  • Lilli Zabrana Abandoned Nubian Villages in Upper Egypt – Material Culture Reviewed by Social Anthropological Field Studies [ Read paper» ]
  • David Jeffreys, Ana Tavares Memphis as a case for material culture study
  • Tine Bagh A tomb chapel out of context - a case study
  • Daniela Picchi The project Horemheb & Saqqara [ Read paper» ]
  • Francis Lankester Egyptian Rock-Art [ Read paper» ]
Coffee break, 3.30pm
Panel Session 4: Theory and history
(Chairs: Ayman El-Desouky, Richard Bussmann)
  • William Carruthers The Planned Past: Policy and (Ancient) Egypt [ Read paper» ]
  • Gabriel MoshenskaMummy wheat: toward a history of the myth [ Read paper» ]
  • Stephen QuirkeFind as Theme: re-uniting 'expert' and 'public' agendas in Egyptian collections [ Read paper» ]
  • Wendy Doyon Egyptology in the Shadow of Class, Legacies and Lessons of Museum-Sponsored Collecting and Scientific Expansionism in Pre-War Egypt for a Post-Revolution Museology [ Read paper» ]
  • Heba Abd el Gawad Dividing what was once inseparable: Multi-cultural Egypt between disciplinary boundaries and western typologies [ Read paper» ]
  • Paolo Del VescoForming and Performing Material Egypt. Archaeological knowledge production and presentation
Evening reception, 6pm Petrie Museum sponsored by the Friends of the Petrie Museum

Day 2

Visit to the Petrie Museum Object and Archive case-studies
  • Visits are timed for 10-11 and 11.30-12.30
Optional visit to the Institute of Archaeology conservation laboratories
  • Visits of up to 10 people per group, at 10 and 11.30
Afternoon panel (SOAS, Khalili Lecture Theatre) 2pm
Panel Session 5: Accessibility: databases, archiving and digital future
  • Tarek Tawfik Challenges & Dangers of Networking Museums Databases
  • Maher Eissa, Louay Mahmoud Museum collecting and Moving Objects: Concept and approach [ Read paper» ]
  • Vincent Razanajao The new developments of the Topographical Bibliography: Digital Humanities to serve Forming Material Egypt
  • Abdelrazek Elnaggar Storage of Egyptian Heritage: risk assessment, conservation needs and policy planning [ Read paper» ]
  • Ibrahim Ibrahim Fayum distribution quest
Coffee break, 3.30pm
Back to the future: policy and practice
  • Final discussion: Okasha El Daly (Chair)

STYPPAX: An Academic Resource for the Study of Cypriote Sculpture

STYPPAX: An Academic Resource for the Study of Cypriote Sculpture
This site is maintained by Derek B. Counts
            Associate Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology
            Department of Art History (Departmental Home Page)
            University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)
            Milwaukee, WI 53201
            Email: dbc@uwm.edu
Table of Contents
I. Bibliography
II. Library
III. Research and Discourse
IV. MapsV. Images and Links of Interest

Open Access Journal: Scrineum Rivista

Scrineum Rivista
ISSN 1128-5656 (online)
Scrineum Rivista ospita contributi originali su temi di storia della documentazione, del libro, della scrittura dalla tarda antichità al basso medioevo greco e latino.
La redazione rappresenta al suo interno vari e differenziati interessi di studio e di ricerca: perciò non privilegia alcuna lettura ‘di scuola’, né respinge a priori alcun punto di vista. Ogni storia di documenti e di libri merita di essere raccontata, purché con rigore critico e appropriati strumenti d'analisi: le ‘piste’ da seguire sono spesso intricate, frammentarie, sfuggenti, ma sono il fondamento indispensabile di qualunque indagine sulla «storia della cultura scritta» (letteraria, giuridica, religiosa, politico-istituzionale, artistica) e sulla storia delle idee, dei pensieri, dei desideri, dei gusti, delle velleità degli uomini che attraverso la scrittura hanno lasciato una traccia di sé.

Tutti i contributi sono valutati (peer-reviewed) da lettori scelti nell’ambito del Referee board indipendente o individuati in base alle competenze di volta in volta necessarie.


9 (2012)

Per Enzo Matera


6 (2009)

L’Atlante della diplomatica comunale in rete. Questioni e prospettive. Atti del Seminario conclusivo del Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale 2006-2008: “Culture politiche e pratiche documentarie nell’Italia comunale e signorile (secoli XII-XIV)”, Genova, 18-19 settembre 2009


(Not) Open Access Journal: Prometheus. Rivista di studi classici

 Posted in error - Not open access.

Prometheus. Rivista di studi classici
ISSN 0391-2698 (print)
ISSN 2281-1044 (online)
Fondata da Adelmo Barigazzi nel 1975, la rivista Prometheus si è dedicata programmaticamente alla ricerca scientifica sui testi letterari classici greci e latini, nella convinzione che uno studio analitico e filologicamente approfondito dei testi antichi possa giovare ancora fortemente alla formazione culturale dei giovani della nostra età.
La rivista si richiama alla più genuina tradizione fiorentina degli studi classici, che ebbe in Giorgio Pasquali un grande interprete del mondo antico, maestro impareggiabile di ricerca e di metodo. Si occupa quindi di testi sia greci che latini, considerati espressione di un'unica letteratura in due lingue, e si caratterizza per una vocazione squisitamente critico-testuale ed esegetica.
Ampio spazio viene dato da un lato agli studi sulla tradizione manoscritta, alla costituzione e alla critica del testo e, dall'altro, all'analisi filologica, all'interpretazione e al commento degli scritti, per una loro valorizzazione e comprensione letteraria storicamente inquadrata.

Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations website

Introduction to the Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations website


Associations and guilds were small, unofficial groups (ranging from about 10-100 members) that met together regularly for a variety of intertwined social, religious and burial purposes.  These groups were widespread in the Roman empire, especially in regions like Asia Minor, and they went by a variety of ancient terms including koinon (“association”), synedrion (“sanhedrin”), thiasos (“cult-society”), synodos (“synod”), synergasia (“fellow-workers” or “guild”), collegium (“college”), and corpus (“body”).  They could draw their membership from numerous social settings, including connections associated with the household or family, the work-place, the neighbourhood, and the temple or shrine.  There were also associations consisting of persons from a common ethnic or geographic background, like the associations of Phrygians (from Asia Minor) that existed in the city of Rome and the group of Samaritans that gathered together on the Greek island of Delos.  Included among these various types of associations were the many groups of initiates that devoted themselves to “the mysteries” of specific deities, which you can read about here, including Demeter and Kore (see photo of Demeter below), Dionysos, Isis, Mithras, the Great Mother, and the Great Gods of Samothrace.  But virtually all kinds of associations chose a deity as patron of the group, honouring the gods in a variety of ways.
On this web-site you can learn about these associations and guilds in various places, including Ephesos, Sardis, Pergamon, Bithynia-Pontus, Hierapolis, Laodicea, Colossae, and Ostia(a port-city of Rome).  You can explore specific topics relating to religious life, including the mysteries and worship of the emperors (imperial cult).  You can also read full articles on related topics concerning Greco-Roman religions, early Judaism, and early Christianity (accessible from the publications page). 

Video: Centenary of Benno Landsberger

American Oriental Society: Centenary of Benno Landsberger
Video recording of a special event titled "Centenary of Benno Landsberger" at the American Oriental Society in Atlanta 200th Annual Meeting, March 26, 1990.

Commemoration of the Centenary of Benno Landsberger (1890-1968), a scholar who made a seminal contribution to Assyriology and to the reconstruction of Mesopotamian history and culture. He was born in Austrian Silesia, studied in Leipzig(Germany) and held a position there until dismissed by the Nazi for being Jewish. He held a post in Ankara during the war and came to Chicago in 1945.

Civil, Miguel
Güterbock, Hans Gustav, 1908-2000
Jacobsen, Thorkild, 1904-1993
Kilmer, Anne Draffkorn
Merzbacher, Eugen
Sasson, Jack M.
For more on Benno Landcberger see also:

AS 16. Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 21, 1963. Edited by Hans G. Güterbock and Thorkild Jacobsen. Originally published in 1965


Open Access Journal: Slovo: Journal of the Old Church Slavonic Institute

[First posted in AWOL 17 November 2009. Updated 19 May 2013]

Slovo: Journal of the Old Church Slavonic Institute
ISSN: 0583-6255 (Print)
Slovo, Journal of the Old Church Slavonic Institute publishes scientific and professional articles on paleoslavistic topics, especially on the Croatian Church Slavonic language, the Croatian medieval literature and the Croatian Glagolitic heritage (Glagolitic chanting, art history etc.). It also publishes book and journal reviews, necrologies and news.
Year of publication of the first issue: 1952
frequency (annually): 1
Scientific areas: Humanities; History; Languages; Theology; Literature science; History of art;

Rights: Full texts of the articles published in issues 1-60 are free and may be used for personal and educational purpose under conditions pertained to the copyrights of authors and the publisher. The previous issues may be obtained from the publisher.

 No. 62
 No. 61
 No. 60
 No. 59
 No. 58
 No. 56-57
 No. 54-55
 No. 52-53
 No. 51
 No. 50
 No. 47-48-49
 No. 44-45-46
 No. 41-42-43
 No. 39-40
 No. 38
 No. 37
 No. 36
 No. 35
 No. 34
 No. 32-33
 No. 31
 No. 30
 No. 29
 No. 28
 No. 27
 No. 25-26
 No. 24
 No. 23
 No. 22
 No. 21
 No. 20
 No. 18-19
 No. 17
 No. 15-16
 No. 14
 No. 13
 No. 11-12
 No. 9-10
 No. 6-7-8
 No. 4-5
 No. 3
 No. 2
 No. 1

Open Access Text Corpus: SEAL: Sources of Early Akkadian Literature

[First posted in AWOL 20 July 2009. Most recently updated 19 May 2013]

SEAL: Sources of Early Akkadian Literature

A Text Corpus of Babylonian and Assyrian Literary Texts from the 3rd and 2nd Millennia BCE

Sources of Early Akkadian Literature is a joint project of the Institute of Archaeology of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Altorientalisches Institut of the University of Leipzig.
Akkadian, i.e. Babylonian and Assyrian, literature, documented on cuneiform tablets from Ancient Mesopotamia (together with Sumerian and Egyptian literature) forms the oldest written literature of mankind.
In the 3rd and 2nd Millennia (c. 2400-1100 BCE), Akkadian literature developed many different literary genres: hymns, lamentations, prayers to various gods, incantations against a range of sources of evil, love-lyrics, wisdom literature (proverbs, fables, riddles), as well as long epics and myths - roughly 550 different compositions. Many of these compositions are not yet published in satisfactory modern editions or scattered throughout a large number of publications.
SEAL ("Sources of Early Akkadian Literature"), which started at 2007, is updated regularly. It aims to compile a complete indexed corpus of Akkadian literary texts from the 3rd and 2nd Millennia BCE, attempting to enable the efficient study of the entire early Akkadian literature in all its philological, literary, and historical aspects.
Many of the editions in SEAL rely on new collations and photos. (For the moment being, these photos cannot be shown publicly due to restricted copy rights.)
As part of this project SEAL will publish the corpus in printed form, in monographs within the new series Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien. Several volumes are currently in preparation:
  • N. Wasserman: Old Babylonian Incantations.
  • N. Wasserman: Love Lyrics.
  • M. P. Streck: Old Babylonian Hymns.
  • Elyze Zomer: Middle Babylonian Incantations.
  • J. Fechner will publish a monograph on "Altbabylonische Gottesbriefe" outside the SEAL series.
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Open Access Journal: ‘Atiqot

 [First posted 10/31/10, most recently updated20 May 2013]

[Open Access after registration]
'Atiqot is the refereed journal of the Israel Antiquities Authority. It is published four times a year. The contents of the printed version is uploaded to the e-journal website. No changes are made to articles post-publication. The printed journal is available via the IAA website.

For details on how to submit, see our Guide to Contributors.

Range of Topics.‘Atiqot covers a large chronological span, from prehistory up to the Ottoman period. Excavations are studied from various aspects and disciplines—often the result of the close interaction between researchers of the IAA and outside specialists. Thus, a report should include, in addition to the stratigraphic analysis, comprehensive treatments of the archaeological data, including studies of the various groups of finds,such as ceramics, glass, stone and metal objects, coins, jewelry, textiles, etc., as well as the geological, botanical, faunal and anthropological evidence. Laboratory analyses, such as petrography, radiocarbon dating and metallurgy, should be included where relevant.

The archaeological data published in ‘Atiqot are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—the Land of Israel—which has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. The journal thus presents comprehensive research on the region and its connections with the neighboring countries. The publication is devoted to final reports and shorter articles, although occasionally a volume is dedicated to a particular topic (e.g., burial caves, agricultural installations), period (e.g., prehistoric, Islamic) or site (e.g., Acre, Jerusalem).

Excavation Reports. The papers published in ‘Atiqot are primarily the result of salvage excavations conducted by the IAA. Their results are sometimes unexpectedly important, filling in gaps that could not be understood by localized studies of the larger tells. ‘Atiqot is one of the few vehicles for imparting this important data and therefore a primary asset to any scholar in archaeology.

Bilingual Journal. The journal is bilingual, publishing articles in English or Hebrew; all Hebrew reports are accompanied by English summaries keyed to illustrations in the main text.
Past Issues

Open Access Monograph Series: Polymnia

Polymnia: Numismatica antica e medievale. Studi
  Polymnia: Numismatica antica e medievale. Documenti
 Polymnia: Collana di Scienze dell'Antichità. Studi di Storia romana
 Polymnia: Collana di Scienze dell'Antichità. Studi di Archeologia
 Polymnia: Collana di Scienze dell'Antichità. Studi di Filologia classica

(Partially) Open Access Journal: Chronozones

Chronozones: Bulletin des sciences de l'Antiquité de l'université de Lausanne

Bienvenue sur le site de Chronozones, la revue de l'Institut d'Archéologie et des sciences de l'Antiquité (IASA) de l'université de Lausanne (UNIL). Chronozones est une parution annuelle entièrement conçue par les étudiants des sections de l'IASA: histoire grecque et romaine, archéologie provinciale romaine et classique (Grèce), protohistoire et monde celtique, latin, grec, épigraphie et numismatique. Sur notre site, vous avez accès à de nombreux articles publiés dans les volumes 3 (1997), 5 (1999), 6 (2000), 7 (2001), 8 (2002), 10 (2004), 11 (2005), 12 (2006), ainsi qu'à l'ensemble du volume 4 (1998).

Chronozones 2008, dernier volume paru, peut également être commandé en ligne ; vous participez ainsi au financement de l'impression du prochain volume.

Articles en ligne

Remarque: tous les articles sont au format *.pdf et réclament le logiciel Adobe acrobat reader(téléchargement gratuit)
Volume 3 (1997)
Volume 4 (1998)
Volume 4 version complète
S. Bujar, Couvrez ce gland que je ne saurai voir...
Y. Bubloz, Quand la démonologie fournit des arguments au végétarisme
C. Brélaz,L'histoire mouvementée d'une inscription lausannoise oubliée
A. Schöpfer, Epigraphie et internet
A. Freudiger, A. Garcia, Le péplum: antiquité, spectacle et cinéma

Volume 5 (1999)
T. Luginbühl,Hindouisme et religion celtique. De Katmandou à Lousonna...
E. Sauteur, Les inscriptions bilingues étrusco-latines
H. Tissot, A la recherche de l'âge perdu
Y. Dubois, Le pavé à la mosaïque, grandeur et décrépitude

Volume 6 (2000)
L. Pernet, Roma et Hibernia, le mobilier romain en Irlande et ses interprétations
C. Matthey, Les "rois de théâtre" de la céramique italiote
M. Haldemann, S. Oesterlé, L'évolution des fesses masculines dans la statuaire grecque

Volume 7 (2001)
O. Thévenaz,Spectacles et théâtralités dans la Vie de Caligula de Suétone
A. Mirimanoff, Entre l'Orient et l'Occident: les sceaux du «Lyre-Player Group»
A. Schenk, Cheval et équitation dans l'Antiquité: à la rencontre de «la plus noble conquête de l'homme»

Volume 8 (2002)
C. Grezet, Aperçu de généalogie antique: les Camilli
L. Pidoux, Des «anti-funérailles» pour Hector
S. Büngen,Nata vimpi curmi da: de la bière chez les Celtes

Volume 10 (2004)
R. Sylvestre, Les graffiti sur céramique de la villa d'Orbe-Boscéaz
E. Rossier, La musique dans l'Empire romain
D. Genillard,Présent imparfait

Volume 11 (2005)
A. Pichot, Jeux et spectacles en Afrique romaineN. Gex,La monnaie, une invention pour s'enrichirL. Saget,La Parthénos de Phidias en lumière

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

Book: Archives and archival documents in ancient societies

Archives and archival documents in ancient societies
Title: Archives and archival documents in ancient societies: Legal documents in ancient societies IV, Trieste 30 September - 1 October 2011
Authors: Faraguna, Michele
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Citation: Michele Faraguna (edited by), "Archives and archival documents in ancient societies: Legal documents in ancient societies IV, Trieste 30 September - 1 October 2011", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013
Abstract: This book, part of a series aiming to investigate the legal systems of ancient societies through a document-based, comparative approach, focuses on the study of archives and archival records and their interplay with the workings of administrative and political systems. The papers are arranged in four sections dealing with the Ancient Near East, Classical Greece, the Persian Tradition and the Hellenistic World, and the Roman Empire. The themes touched upon chronologically span from the early second millennium B.C. to the late Roman Empire and geographically range from Mesopotamia to the Western Mediterranean. The archives considered, public and private, are conspicuous for their variety and reflect diverse archival concepts and traditions but a number of common patterns also emerge in respect to their physical organization, to the classification of texts, the function of record-keeping and the role of seals. We are entitled to speak of a recurring ‘archival behaviour’.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10077/8650
ISBN: 978-88-8303-460-2
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Michele Faraguna

Dennis Kehoe
Archives and Archival Documents in Ancient Societies: Introduction

Ancient Near East
Sophie Démare-Lafont
Zero and Infinity: the Archives in Mesopotamia

Klaas R. Veenhof
The Archives of Old Assyrian Traders: their Nature, Functions and Use

Antoine JacquetFamily Archives in Mesopotamia during the Old Babylonian Period
Susanne Paulus
The Limits of Middle Babylonian Archives

Classical Greece
Christophe Pébarthe
Les archives de la cité de raison. Démocratie athénienne et pratiques documentaires à l’époque classique

Shimon Epstein
Attic Building Accounts from Euthynae to Stelae

Edward M. Harris
The Plaint in Athenian Law and Legal Procedure

Michele Faraguna
Archives in Classical Greece: Some Observations

The Persian Tradition and the Hellenistic World
Ingo Kottsieper
Aramäische Archive aus achämenidischer Zeit und ihre Funktion
Laura Boffo
La ‘presenza’ dei re negli archivi delle poleis ellenistiche

Lucia Criscuolo
Copie, malacopie, copie d'ufficio e il problema della titolarità di un archivio nell’Egitto tolemaico

Mark Depauw
Reflections on Reconstructing Private and Official Archives The Roman Empire

Éva Jakab
Introduction: Archives in the Roman Empire

Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
Epigraphische Quellen zum Archivwesen in den griechischen Poleis des ausgehenden Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit

Thomas Kruse
Bevölkerungskontrolle, Statuszugang und Archivpraxis im römischen Ägypten

Rudolf Haensch
Die Statthalterarchive der Spätantike

Uri Yiftach-Firanko Conclusions
Index locorum

Open Access Journal: Incontri (triestini) di filologia classica

Incontri (triestini) di filologia classica
Gli Incontri di filologia classica (fino al vol. IX Incontri triestini di filologia classica) sono una pubblicazione periodica annuale che raccoglie le relazioni di studiosi appositamente invitati, presentate e discusse negli omonimi cicli di seminari, organizzati dal "Centro di studi sulla tradizione e la ricezione dell'antico" del Dipartimento di studi umanistici dell'Università di Trieste che si tengono con calendario prefissato per ogni anno accademico presso la Biblioteca statale di Trieste.

Si propongono di rendere disponibili alla comunità degli studiosi e a un più vasto pubblico interventi inediti (la cui redazione scritta è sottoposta a peer review) su temi inerenti la cultura classica, riuniti sia in volume (EUT – Edizioni Università di Trieste), sia liberamente accessibile online. I contributi, accompagnati da abstract in inglese e in italiano di max 200 parole, potranno essere nelle lingue italiana, inglese, tedesca, francese, spagnola, portoghese.

Severan Database Project

Severan Database Project

Severan Provincial Coinage:
Author: Julie Langford

This database anticipates Volume V of the ongoing series Roman Provincial Coinage. It contains records of coins minted from twelve cities in Asia Minor from the reigns of Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Severus Alexander. The data was mined from volumes of the Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum found at the American Numismatic Society and the Hunterian Museum in Glasglow, Scotland. A team of five undergraduate researchers at the University of South Florida under the direction of Prof. Julie Langford compiled and keyed in this data. While these entries have been proofed, there are some issues of consistency that are still being ironed out, mostly in terms of Greek inscriptions. Please notify Julie Langford (jlangfor@cas.usf.edu) in case of any errors or omissions. Since this is an ongoing project, we welcome collaboration to expand the cities or the volumes of the SNG consulted.

Researchers at the University of South Florida are employing this database in order to explore issues such as the reception of Severan imperial propaganda, the maintenance of civic identity and the competition between cities, especially in terms of Neokoroi.
The database is searchable by keywords, citation and Greek legends. It allows researchers to view the catalogs of several coin cabinets at a glance. When used in conjunction with published volumes of Roman Provincial Coinage and RPC Online, the database can be used to create an overview of a city’s numismatic history.

Severan Hoard Analysis
Author: Clare Rowan

This database was constructed as part of the research conducted for my doctorate, Under Divine Auspices: Patron Deities and the Visualisation of Power in the Severan Period. The research was funded by an Australian Postgraduate Award, and was completed at Macquarie University, which houses the Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies. Given the potential of the information contained in the database for future research, it was decided to make the database available online, at the same address as the Severan provincial coinage project.

The database contains fifty-seven silver hoards ranging in date from AD 198 to c. AD 270. Hoards with a terminus post quem well after the Severan period are included since it could take some time for coins to reach a peak in circulation. The paucity of gold and aes hoards containing Severan material meant that these metals were not included. There are two displays available to the user: one provides a listing of all Severan types found within a particular hoard, and the other provides a summary of all Severan coin types found in the entire sample (all the hoards considered together). Consequently, it is possible to get a one-click overview of the relative frequency of each Severan type, as well as to trace in what hoard each type occurs. The publication details of each hoard are provided, as well as an indication of its geographic locality. For the latter, the established A-E lettering system is used (A = Britain, B = West Continent, C = Italy and Africa, D = Danubian regions, E = the East). These particular divisions may not reveal divergences in coinage circulation as efficiently as other groupings (for example between central and peripheral regions, or military and non-military areas), but in the interests of continuity and to facilitate comparisons with other modern work, the A-E scheme is employed here.

For hoards that were published using Cohen's catalogue, the Cohen-RIC concordance was used to convert the data (Chantraine, H. and Alföldi, M. R.-. (1978). Cohen - RIC - Konkordanz. Bonn.) Coins in a hoard that possessed no ready RIC reference, or were illegible, are tallied at the end. Illegible coins of Julia Domna are included in the total of Domna types struck under Severus, and illegible coins of Caracalla are included in the total of coins struck during his sole rule. This decision was made since most of Domna's coins were struck under Severus, and most of Caracalla's types come from his sole reign; consequently, there is a higher chance that illegible types come from these periods. No coins of Elagabalus' wife Annia Faustina were found in any of the hoards consulted, and consequently she does not figure at all in the database. Occasionally the data also includes subtypes listed in the RIC (e.g. RIC 8b); these are indicated by letters in the entry (e.g. 3 aab = 3 examples of this type were found in the hoard, 2 of subtype a, and one of subtype b).

The database is not intended to give an absolute indication of coins struck under the Severans, but only a suggestion of relative frequency. Occasionally the totals of coinage struck for each Severan emperor will differ slightly from the original publication, particularly for those hoards that were published by Cohen number. This reflects the fact that some issues listed in Cohen's catalogue were later attributed to different emperors (for instance deification issues of Severus, attributed to Severus by Cohen, were placed with Caracalla's issues by Mattingly). Very occasionally, a discrepancy reflects a miscalculation in the original publication. Any errors or omissions may be gratefully brought to the attention of the author (clare.rowan@students.mq.edu.au), but any such instances will not fundamentally alter the image of Severan coinage contained within the database.

Julia Domna Inscriptions
Author: Julie Langford

This ongoing project aims to collect all inscriptions in which the Severan Empress Julia Domna is mentioned. A team of undergraduate researchers at the University of South Florida under the direction of Professor Julie Langford began the database with references to the 460 inscriptions published in Erich Kettenhofen’s Die syrischen Augustae in der historischen Überlieferung published in Bonn by Rudolf Habelt in 1979. They gathered these and then mined L’Annee Epigraphique for any other references to Julia Domna. Also employed in collecting these inscriptions were two invaluable online databases, the Packard Humanities Institute (http://epigraphy.packhum.org/inscriptions/) and the Epigraphische Datenbank Clauss-Slaby (http://www.manfredclauss.de/).

This database is being used by Julie Langford and graduate researchers at the University of South Florida to answer questions such as how, where and when the Empress was celebrated, whether she was honored in her own right or in conjunction with her male relatives, and how various populations responded to imperial propaganda concerning the Empress.

This database will continue to grow as new inscriptions are published. Please call any errors or omissions to the attention of Prof. Julie Langford (jlangfor@cas.usf.edu).

Open Access Journal: The International Journal of Humanities of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The International Journal of Humanities of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The International Journal of Humanities
The International Journal of Humanities is the first academic journal in  the Islamic Republic of Iran published in English and Arabic by faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University.
The International Journal of Humanities is mainly devoted  to  the publication of original research, which brings fresh light to bear on the concepts, processes ,and consequences of humanities in general. It is multi-disciplinary in the sense that it encourages contributions from all relevant fields and specialized branches of the humanities.
The journal seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- To promote inter-disciplinary research in all areas of the humanities.
- To provide a forum for genuine and constructive dialogues between scholars in different fields of the humanities.
- To assist researchers at the pre-and post-doctorate levels, with a wealth of new and original material.
- To make ideas, topics, and processes in the humanities intelligible and accessible to both the interested public and scholars whose expertise might lie outside that subject matter .
n.b. While not specifically ancient related, this journal includes substantial content in archaeology and ancient history - particularly in recent volumes.
Articles in Press
Current Issue
Journal Archive

Volume 19 (2013)
Vol.18 (2011)

vol. 17 (2010)

vol. 16 (2009)

vol. 15 (2008)

vol. 14 (2007)

vol. 13 (2006)

vol. 12 (2005)

vol. 11 (2004)

vol. 10 (2003)

vol. 9 (2002)

vol. 8 (2001)

vol. 7 (2000)

vol. 6 (1995)

vol. 3 (1991)

vol. 2 (1990)

vol. 1 (1989)

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Our Heroic Debate with the Eumenides

Our Heroic Debate with the Eumenides
Greek national and cultural identities consist, to a large extent, of clusters of cultural memory shaped by our ongoing dialogue with the classical past. In this dialogue between modern Greece and classical antiquity, Greek tragedy takes pride of place. For a long time a part of the Western canon, Greek tragedy has proved exceptionally malleable as an interpretive lens through which to focus contemporary crises, ideological tensions, and political dynamics.

The aim of the ‘Eumenides’ project is to catalogue and analyze the multifarious ways in which ancient Greek tragedy and tragic myth have been adapted, reinterpreted, revised, or re-imagined in modern Greek poetry and theatre from the late 19th century to the present day. In particular, it will explore the various ways in which Greek tragedy has been a crucial factor in the formation of a poetics and a politics of modern Greek national and cultural identity. 

One of the project’s fundamental objectives is to address issues of ‘influence’ or (better) intertextuality and reception. In other words, we will explore how modern Greek authors establish protocols for the creation of meaning(s) by inviting audiences to respond not only to the text itself but to a network of texts invoked by it—in this case, to a network of Greek tragic texts that are filtered or encoded through their modern successors. ‘Influence’, intertextuality and reception cover a wide range of textual strategies and may extend from verbatim citations or verbal allusions through appropriations of themes and motifs to cryptic references or largely thematic affinities. To take but a few examples, the plot and language of Euripides’ Helen are crucial to the articulation of a poetics of nationhood in George Seferis’ “Helen” and other poems reflecting his Cypriot experience (LogbookIII, 1955). Further, in Yannis Ritsos’ Fourth Dimension, tragic myth is confronted with intellectual and political currents of the mid-20th century, especially Sartrian existentialism, which fundamentally altered the Greek cultural landscape. In an emblematic piece of modern Greek theatre, Iakovos Kambanellis’ trilogy The Supper, one witnesses a refashioning, now good-humoured and now glum, of the Labdacid and Atreid myth. 

Cut down to size, and transplanted into a contemporary, and rather humble domestic setting, the cornerstones of classical Greek tragedy are turned by Kambanellis into mythical filters through which to approach social or individual pathogenies that may be seen as characteristic of modern Greece. Last but far from least, allusions to Greek tragedy, though sparse, are an integral part of work published by major Cypriot poets such as K. Charalambides, and are used largely as a tool for collective (self-)criticism or for furthering the debate on national and cultural identity.

Open Access Journal: Synthesis

ISSN: 1851-779X
Publicación de: Centro de Estudios Helénicos

Misión: Publicar artículos originales sobre filología, filosofía y literaturas griegas.
Tabla de contenido
Synthesis (La Plata) vol.18  La Plata ene./dic. 2011
        · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Los juegos funerales en honor de Patroclo (Ilíada, XXIII.257 ss.)
Verde Castro, Carmen Victoria

        · resumen en Español | Inglés    · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Multiplicidad y unidad de la inteligencia en las sentecias de Porfirio
Zamora Calvo, José María

        · resumen en Español | Inglés    · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Apontamentos sobre a representação de Afrodite em Baquílides
Ragusa, Giuliana

        · resumen en Español | Inglés    · texto en Portugués    · pdf en Portugués
· Recuperación y ampliación del mito de los labdácidas en Antígona de Sófocles: Su funcionalidad en la dinámica dramática
Villagra Diez, Pedro

        · resumen en Español | Inglés    · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Suplicantes de Eurípides: Una interpretación metafórica de la Monodia de Evadne (Versos 990-1008)
Nápoli, Juan Tobías

        · resumen en Español | Inglés    · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Poética y variantes del mito: Venus en Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío y José Lezama Lima
Chazarreta, Daniela Evangelina

        · resumen en Español | Inglés    · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· "Ésquilo, Tragédias (ediçâo bilingüe). Estudo y traduçâo de Jaa Torrano, Sâo Paulo, Iluminuras, Coleçâo Dionísias, 2009, 424 pp."
Hamamé, Graciela Noemí

        · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· José María Zamora Calvo, Platón. Timeo (edición bilingüe), con notas a la traducción y anexos de Luc Brisson, Madrid, Abada, 2010, 474 págs.
Fernández, Claudia N.

        · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Marcos Martínez Hernández. Sófocles. Erotismo, Soledad, Tradición. Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid, 2010, 239 pp.
Moretti, María Inés

        · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Glória Braga Onelley. A ideologia aristocrática nos Theognidea, Editora da UFF, Niterói, 2009, 160 pp.
Fernández Deagustini, María del Pilar

        · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Zelia de Almeida Cardoso y Adriane Da Silva Duarte (Orgs.). Estudos sobre o teatro antigo, Alameda Casa Editorial, São Paulo, 2010, 275 pp.
Fernández Deagustini, María del Pilar

        · texto en Español    · pdf en Español
· Paula Da Cunha Corrêa. Um Bestiário Arcaico. Fábulas e imagens de animais na poesía de Arquíloco, Editora Unicamp. 2010, 526 pp.
Zecchin de Fasano, Graciela Cristina

        · texto en Español    · pdf en Español

Números disponibles*

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism

 [First posted in AWOL 23 November 2009. Updated 21 May, 2013]
The 4 Enoch Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism is made of 4 major components:
4 Enoch offers a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to scholarly research in Second Temple Judaism (including Samaritan and Christian Origins), i.e. the period from Ezekiel to the completion of the New Testament and the Mishnah. It also deals with the roots of Second Temple traditions in the ancient Israelite religion (see Ancient Israel Studies), as well as the influence and legacy of those traditions for Christian, Jewish and Islamic origins and relations, up to the time of the completion of the Qur'an (see Early Christian Studies, Early Jewish Studies, and Early Islamic Studies).
With ore than 15,000 pages, "4 Enoch" provides a comprehensive WHO's WHO of the period, as well as BIOGRAPHIES of Scholars and Authors, and ABSTRACTS of scholarly and fictional Works, authored from the mid-15th century to the present, all around the world. Still a work in progress, the Encyclopedia, created in 2009 by Gabriele Boccaccini of the University of Michigan with the collaboration of Carlos A. Segovia of the Camilo Jose Cela University Madrid, is the collective work of international specialists in the field associated with the Enoch Seminar[1]
  • Are you a scholar or graduate student, and would you like to contribute to the Encyclopedia? Please, contact Editor-in-Chief Professor Gabriele Boccaccini<gbocca@umich.edu>, or Associate Editor Professor Carlos A. Segovia<segoviamail@gmail.com>, and join the team of international specialists working in this project.
[Note: 4 Enoch is a work in progress (changes are made of a daily basis). Some entries are fully developed, others exist only in a draft form. Evertytime you visit the site, you will see that new features have been added. ]



Editorial Board

Thematic Board

Language Board

Open Access Journal: Minos: Revista de Filología Egea

[First posted in AWOL 13 January 2010. Updated 22 May 2013]

Minos: Revista de Filología Egea
ISSN: 0544-3733
MINOS. REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA EGEA es una revista de Filología fundada en 1951 y cuyo tema es la filología egea. Actualmente, sus responsables son JOSÉ LUIS MELENA Y THOMAS PALAIMA, profesores respectivamente de las universidades del País Vasco y Austin (Texas, EEUU). La revista tiene una periodicidad anual (1 volumen al año) y publica los textos fundamentalmente en inglés. Esporádicamente publica una serie paralela denominada SUPLEMENTOS A MINOS, en la que han visto la luz hasta el momento 17 títulos monográficos
Vol 25 (1990)
Vol 18 (1983)
Vol 14 (1975)
Vol 13 (1972)
Vol 12 (1972)
Vol 11 (1972)
Vol 10, No 1 (1970)
Vol 9, No 1 (1968)
Vol 8, No 1 (1963)
Vol 7, No 1 (1961)
Vol 6 (1958)
Vol 5 (1957)
Vol 4 (1956)
Vol 3 (1954)
Vol 2 (1952)
Vol 1 (1951)

Open Access Library: Trismegistos

[First posted in AWOL 16 September 2009. Most recently updated 22 May 2013]

Trismegistos [TM], called after the famous epithet of Hermes - Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing who also played a major role in Greek religion and philosophy, is a platform aiming to surmount barriers of language and discipline in the study of texts from the ancient world, particularly late period Egypt and the Nile valley (roughly BC 800 - 800 AD).
The core component of TM is Trismegistos Texts, currently counting 165893 entries. When the database was created in 2005, it focused on providing information (metadata) on published papyrological documents from Graeco-Roman Egypt. Chronological boundaries are always artificial, and the nature of the sources soon suggested that BC 800 and AD 800 were more suited. Since egyptology does not know a disciplinary boundary between papyri and inscriptions, TM also decided to expand by adding all epigraphic material as well. Papyrology on the other hand includes also writing tablets from outside Egypt, which led us to widen our geographical scope to the entire ancient world. Finally, since the distinction between published and unpublished is increasingly less productive in a digital environment, we now no longer discriminate in that respect either. In principle, however, we still provide only metadata.
This means that Trismegistos increasingly wants to be a platform where information can be found about all texts from antiquity, thus facilitating cross-cultural and cross-linguistic research. This will of course only be possible through cooperation with all players in the field, since our aim is to lead people to the partner websites, where more information, often including also photographs, transliterations and translations of the texts, can be found.
Several aspects of the Texts database have been elaborated in the course of successive projects (see History) and have become separate databases linked with the core Trismegistos Texts database.
  1. The Collections database, built on the Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Collections, is a set of currently 2530 modern institutional and private collections of texts and their 123,524 inventory numbers. It is searchable both separately and in the Texts database.
  2. The Archives database, built on the Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Archives, is a set of currently 464 collections of texts in antiquity, mainly in Egypt, and the 16,461 texts that are part of these archives. It is searchable separately, leading to the texts themselves.
  3. The People database, building on the Prosopographia Ptolemaica, is a complex set of prosopographical and onomastic databases. It currently contains 458,045 attestations of personal names of non-royal individuals living in Egypt between BC 800 and AD 800, including all languages and scripts and written on any surface.
  4. The Places database, expanding the geographic database of the Fayum project, is a set of currently 14,197 places in (and some outside) Egypt. It contains the currently 113,927 toponyms attested in texts from Egypt (BC 800 – AD 800), but is also linked to the provenance field in Trismegistos Texts.
  5. Finally, because abbreviations are often different in the various disciplines, we have also started creating a Bibliography which resolves many of the short references we use in Trismegistos. The other way round it also wants to facilitate the search for all texts in a specific publication. Its coverage is patchy except for the publications dealing with Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic, where the Demotistische Literaturübersicht provides a much higher standard of bibliographic information.

Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP)

This series, edited by W. Clarysse (K.U.Leuven) / M. Depauw (K.U.Leuven) / H.J. Thissen (Universität zu Köln), aims to provide freely downloadable pdf-documents with scholarly tools based upon or providing links to the Trismegistos database.
Contributors can send in manuscripts in Word format to mark.depauw@arts.kuleuven.be. The editors will decide whether the manuscript fits in the series and can be accepted for reviewing. An anonymous version of the manuscript will then be sent to two or more peers for evaluation. On the basis of their report the editors will take a decision whether to publish it in the series or not. Authors will be given the anonymous notes of the reviewers and can be asked to implement changes to their manuscript.

TOP 1 (Click to download)
M. Depauw, C. Arlt, M. Elebaut, A. Georgila, S.A. Gülden, H. Knuf, J. Moje, F. Naether, H. Verreth, S. Bronischewski, B. Derichs, S. Eslah, M. Kromer
A Chronological Survey of Precisely Dated Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Sources
Version 1.0 (February 2007), Köln / Leuven 2008, xiii, 232 pp.
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-04

TOP 2 (Click to download)
H. Verreth
A survey of toponyms in Egypt in the Graeco-Roman period
Version 1.0 (September 2008), Köln / Leuven 2008, 893 pp. (7 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-35

TOP 3 (Click to download)
H. Verreth
The provenance of Egyptian documents from the 8th century BC till the 8th century AD
Version 1.0 (August 2009), Köln / Leuven 2009, 314 pp. (13.3 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-28

TOP 4 (Click to download)
A. Benaissa
Rural Settlements of the Oxyrhynchite Nome. A Papyrological Survey
Version 2.0 (May 2012), Köln / Leuven 2012, 496 pp. (8.4 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-42
(The old version 1.0, from October 2009, is still available as well: click here to download in pdf).

TOP 5 (Click to download)
H. Verreth
Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts from the 8th century BC till the 5th century AD
Version 1.0 (August 2011), Köln / Leuven 2011, 719 pp. (9.6 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-66

TOP 6 (Click to download)
K.A. Worp
A New Survey of Greek, Coptic, Demotic and Latin Tabulae Preserved from Classical Antiquity
Version 1.0 (February 2012), Leiden / Leuven 2012, 78 pp. (0.6 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-59

TOP 7 (Click to download)
J. Lundon
The Scholia Minora in Homerum. An Alphabetical List
Version 1.0 (November 2012), Köln / Leuven 2012, 250 pp. (2.0 Mb).
ISBN: 978-94-9060-407-3

Y. Broux
Double Names in Roman Egypt: A Prosopography
Version 1.0 (forthcoming 2013), Leuven 2013.

Further volumes are in preparation.

Out of the TOP series:
J. France
Theadelpheia and Euhemereia. Village History in Graeco-Roman Egypt
Leuven, 1999 (Click here; WARNING: large file 55 Mb !! ).
[Unpublished PhD thesis]
K. Vandorpe
Egyptische geografische elementen in Griekse transcriptie
In Dutch - (English title for reference only: Egyptian geographical elements in Greek transcription)
Leuven, 1988 (Click here; ZIP-file; after decompressing, you will get a folder containing the text itself - which has been split up in 2 parts – and an index to the text. All files are searchable PDF's. WARNING: large file 95,8 Mb !! ).
[Unpublished Master thesis, in Dutch]
H. Verreth
The northern Sinai from the 7th century BC till the 7th century AD. A guide to the sources
Leuven, 2006 (Click here).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-11

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