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Open Access Journal: Ephemeris Napocensis

[First posted in AWOL 9 May 2011. Updated 12 May 2013]

Ephemeris Napocensis
The yearbook Ephemeris Napocensis started to be edited in 1991 at the same time with the setting up of the new research unit of the Romanian Academy, Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca. The journal housed during the last twenty years many studies and articles written by Romanian and foreign researchers in the field of archaeology and ancient history as well as epigraphy and numismatics, covering a large chronological frame, from Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages.

Starting with the 16th-17th (2006-2007) volume the yearbook appeared in a new format. The Editorial Board is comprised of Dr. Coriolan H. Opreanu (editor), Dr. Ioan Stanciu (technical secretary), Dr. Sorin Cociş and Vlad-Andrei Lăzărescu.

The Advisory Board grouped top European scholars Prof. Dr. Alexandru Avram (Maine University Le Mans, France), Prof. Dr. Mihai Bărbulescu, correspondent member of the Romanian Academy (Director of Accademia di Romania Rome, Italy), Prof. Dr. Falko Daim (Director of Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz, Germany), Prof. Dr. Andreas Lippert (University of Vienna, Austria), Prof. Dr. Bernd Päffgen (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany), Prof Dr. Marius Porumb, member of the Romanian Academy (Director of Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Sarnowski (University of Warszaw, Poland), Prof. Dr. Alexandru Vulpe, member of the Romanian Academy (Director of Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan” Bucharest, Romania). 

Aegaron: Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online

Aegaron: Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online
Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online provides vetted and standardized architectural drawings of a selection of ancient Egyptian buildings. These represent architecture from modest workmen's houses to temple complexes, dating from the Old Kingdom through Late Antiquity. Aegaron considers architectural drawings as historic sources: each plan is accompanied by a critical apparatus. The plans can be downloaded for use (see Terms of Use).
This web interface allows users to browse or search sites and buildings, find information on the building type and period, and download PDFs of plans, sections, elevations and details. One building may be depicted in multiple states:
  • Actual State
  • Reconstruction
  • Building Phases
The PDFs can be downloaded in three different forms
  • Drawing to a specified scale (e.g. 1:100)
  • Drawing at a scale that can be printed on a regular printer (A4/Letter size).
  • Drawing at an "ideal" scale, which may require a large format printer.
For some buildings these three options actually point to the same drawing, for instance when the specified "ideal" scale, at which all details are visible, fits on an A4 or Letter size page. The scale and print size differ depending on the size of the building (e.g. a workman's house versus a pyramid).
The critical apparatus (drawing log) specifies on which published (and in some cases unpublished) plans the Aegaron drawing is based, who the architects or artists of those originals were, what choices were made in the drawing process and who made the current Aegaron CAD drawing. Many of the buildings shown in the drawings have been checked on site by the Aegaron team.


by Site

by Time Period

Open Access Journal: CAARI Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 20 November 2010. Updated 13 May 2013]

CAARI Newsletter [Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute]
The CAARI News is issued twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. It covers activities at CAARI, as well as events around the world relevant to Cypriot archaeology and related history and art.
Newsletter 43 (Spring 2012)
Newsletter 42 (Fall 2011)
Newsletter 41 (Spring 2011)
Newsletter 40 (Fall 2010)
Newsletter 39 (spring 2010)
Newsletter 38 (Fall 2009)
Newsletter 37 (spring 2009)
Newsletter 36 (Fall 2008)
Newsletter 35 (Spring 2008)

Newsletters 1 - 34 are available here.

Open Access Archaeobotanical database

[First posted in AWOL 4 October 2010. Updated 13 May 2013]

Archaeobotanical database of Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern sites

The research project

The archaeobotanical database is part of a research project ( linkfor details follow this ) that investigates the development of prehistoric wild plant floras of the Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. The geographic area ( linkgo to map ) represented in the data, includes Greece, Turkey, Western Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Northern Egypt. The chronological frame comprises the Chalcolithic period, Bronze and Iron Ages, up to Medieval periods.
The project is established at the linkInstitute of Pre- and Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology at the University of Tübingen (Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters der Universität Tübingen) and conducted by linkSimone Riehl.
Financial support has been provided by the linkMinistry of Arts and Science (Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Baden-Württemberg) and the linkGerman Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).

Archaeobotanical data in the web: the idea of this website

Archaeobotanical data from 250 archaeological sites in the area under investigation have been collected, and will be analysed within an ongoing research project. Part of the data is available for archaeobotanists, archaeologists and other interested groups. Site or taxa related queries can be conducted. Please follow the
linkdatabase login to become a registered user.
As new data are produced, the database will be updated at regular intervals. Users who wish to be included with their research data are invited to download a linksample table ("sample.xls", 20 KByte, MS Excel 2000) with Excel sheets for new data. New data should be sent via an Excel file attachment to

The archaeological data services at the University of Tübingen

The archaeobotanical database will be part of the linkUniversity of Tübingen Archaeological Data Services (Archäologie SERVER) including several web-interfaces to access the documentation and research databases of projects in archaeology, archaeometry and related subjects at the University of Tübingen. Since the software of the services is not yet updated to the most recent versions of PHP and MySQL the archaeobotanical database is privately hosted at www.cuminum.de/archaebotany/. After moving from this private site to the server of the University of Tübingen a permanent redirecting page will be set up.

Digital Preprints from the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

[First posted in AWOL 15 December 2010. Updated 13 May 2013]

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science: Preprints

The following Preprints relating to antiquity are available online

Irina Tupikova & Klaus Geus, The Circumference of the Earth and Ptolemy’s World Map Download as PDF File (660 KB)

Jens Høyrup, A hypothetical history of Old Babylonian mathematics: places, passages, stages, development Download as PDF File (256 KB) 
Jens Høyrup, Sanskrit-Prakrit interaction in elementary mathematics as reflected in Arabic and Italian formulations of the rule of three – and something more on the rule elsewhere Download as PDF File (124 KB)
Mark Geller & Klaus Geus (eds.), Productive Errors: Scientific Concepts in Antiquity (TOPOI – Dahlem Seminar for the History of Ancient Sciences) Download as PDF File (8,1 MB)
Florentina Badalanova Geller, 2 (Slavonic Apocalypse of) Enoch: Text and Context
Download as PDF File 
M. J. Geller, Look to the Stars: Babylonian medicine, magic, astrology and melothesia
Download as PDF File
(5,4 MB)
Zur Shalev, Christian Pilgrimage and Ritual Measurement in Jerusalem
Download as PDF File
(256 KB) 
Larrie D. Ferreiro, The Aristotelian Heritage in Early Naval Architecture, from the Venetian Arsenal to the French Navy, 1500–1700
Download as PDF File
(432 KB) 
Karine Chemla, Canon and commentary in ancient China: An outlook based on mathematical sources
Download as PDF File
(584 KB) 
István M. Bodnár, Oenopides of Chius: A survey of the modern literature with a collection of the ancient testimonia
Download as PDF File
(1,5 MB) 
Jürgen Renn, Peter Damerow, Malcolm D. Hyman, Matteo Valleriani, Weight, Motion and Force: Conceptual Structural Changes in Ancient Knowledge as a Result of its Transmission
Download as PDF File
(776 KB) 
István M. Bodnár, Aristotle’s rewinding spheres: Three options and their difficulties
Download as PDF File
(256 KB) 
M. J. Geller, Akkadian Healing Therapies in the Babylonian Talmud
Download as PDF File
(484 KB) 
Robert Englund, The State of Decipherment of Proto-Elamite
Download as PDF File
(1,1 MB) 
Peter Damerow, Jürgen Renn, Simone Rieger, Paul Weinig, Mechanical Knowledge and Pompeian Balances
Out of print. Download as PDF File (12,8 MB)
Peter Damerow, The Origins of Writing as a Problem of Historical Epistemology
Out of print. Download as PDF File (1 MB) 
Peter Damerow, Prehistory and Cognitive Development
Out of print. See: Piaget, Evolution, and Development, ed. by Jonas Langer, Melanie Killen, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers 1998, Mahwah, New Jersey, London, p. 247-270. Download as PDF File (64 KB) 

Open Access Journal: Mélanges de l'école française de Rome

[First listed in AWOL 19 December 2012. Updated 13 May 2013 (added current volumes at http://mefra.revues.org/ )]

Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA)
Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA) publient des articles portant sur l’histoire, la culture et l’archéologie des mondes anciens en Méditerranée, en particulier en Italie, en Afrique du Nord et dans les Balkans, mais portant également sur les interactions entre cet espace et le reste du monde antique. Ils publient aussi des dossiers thématiques en lien avec les fouilles et les programmes scientifiques de l’EFR, et plus généralement des études relevant de diverses disciplines (histoire, archéologie, archéométrie, épigraphie, philologie, droit etc.), de la Préhistoire à la fin de l’Antiquité.

Numéros en texte intégral

Mélanges de l'école française de Rome [back list at Persée]
Ranging from the Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire to the Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, this journal, started in 1881, publishes studies in history and archeology, centered on Italy and the western basin of the Mediterranean, from ancient times to the present.  (1881 -2000), 224 Issues, 4202 Articles

Available periods  :

1881-1970 - Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire

1971-1999 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité

1971-1988 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, Temps modernes

1989-1999 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age

1989-1999 - Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée

Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Institute - Moving Image Collection

Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Institute - MovingImage Collection
Red Sea Monastery of Saint Anthony

Hagia Sophia
Kariye Camii
ICFA holds a small collection of black-and-white and color 16mm movingimages: the Red Sea Monastery of Saint Anthony in Egypt, the Hagia Sophia and Kariye Camii in Istanbul, Turkey, and the Dumbarton Oaks Gardens in Washington, D.C. For preservation, ICFA's movingimage collection was sent to Colorlab in Rockville, MD in October 2011; the reformatting project was completed in March 2012. Currently, all of the original films are safely stored in ICFA’s cold storage area. Digital copies for these films are available online through Vimeo at Byzantine Institute Films and Dumbarton Oaks Gardens.
The films of the Red Sea Monastery of Saint Anthony, Hagia Sophia, and Kariye Camii are part of ICFA's leading archival collection:
The Byzantine Institute and Dumbarton Oaks Fieldwork Records and Papers
Meanwhile, the Dumbarton Oaks Gardens film is part of ICFA's general collection. It was re-discovered in early 2011 when ICFA staff learned that three (3) film reels in cold storage contained footage of the Dumbarton Oaks Gardens. For background information about the films, please refer to these related blog posts:
Red Sea Monasteries film defectThe Byzantine Institute and Dumbarton Oaks Fieldwork Records and Papers contains one (1) black-and-white film of the Red Sea Monastery of Saint Anthony, filmed in 1930, which constitutes unique documentation of the monastery of Saint Anthony, the everyday life of the monks and local men, and the surrounding landscape. This film documents the first official project undertaken by the Byzantine Institute and Thomas Whittemore, which occurred between 1929 and 1932.

Thomas Whittemore and Worker Cleaning a Mosaic in Hagia SophiaThomas Whittemore was the founder and director of the Byzantine Institute, a non-profit organization that was established in 1930 to conserve, restore, study, and document the Byzantine monuments, sites, architecture, and arts in the former Byzantine Empire.
In June 1931, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the first President of the Republic of Turkey, permitted Whittemore and the Byzantine Institute to uncover and restore the mosaics in Hagia Sophia. In the late 1940s, the Byzantine Institute continued its restoration and conservation work at Hagia Sophia and also initiated a similar campaign at Kariye Camii in 1947, which lasted until 1959.

Saint Ignatios the YoungerICFA has twenty-one (21) 16mm color movingimages that document the conservation and restoration work executed by the Byzantine Institute staff in Hagia Sophia between the years 1936 and 1940. There is also one (2) color film of the work at Kariye Camii, which was filmed before Whittemore's death in June 1950. Similarly, it illustrates the cleaning and restoration work carried out by the Byzantine Institute fieldworkers.
These movies were widely used by Thomas Whittemore to demonstrate the important work of the Byzantine Institute and to raise funds to continue the cleaning and conservation work at Hagia Sophia and Kariye Camii.

Gordion Excavation Reports in AMAR

Gordion Excavation Reports in AMAR

One of a series of AWOL pages seeking to pull together publication series digitized and served through AMAR: Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Site Reports

Gordion special studies II ; Gordion: the terracotta figurines and related vessels Gordion special studies II ; Gordion: the terracotta figurines and related vessels 1995Figurines -- Turkey -- Catalogs. Gordion (Extinct city)

The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. IV: illustrations: the early Phrygian pottery The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. IV: illustrations: the early Phrygian pottery 1994Pottery -- Phrygia -- Catalogs. Gordion (Extinct city)

The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. IV: text: the early Phrygian pottery The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. IV: text: the early Phrygian pottery 1994Gordion (Extinct city)

The Gordion excavations, final reports. Vol. III: the bronze age The Gordion excavations, final reports. Vol. III: the bronze age 1991Gordion (Extinct city)

The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. II: the lesser Phrygian Tumuli. Pt. 1: the inhumations The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. II: the lesser Phrygian Tumuli. Pt. 1: the inhumations 1995Gordion (Extinct city)

The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. I: three great early tumuli The Gordion excavations, 1950-1973: final reports. Vol. I: three great early tumuli 1981Mounds -- Turkey Turkey -- Antiquities -- Catalogs

Gordion seals and sealings: individuals and society: plates Gordion seals and sealings: individuals and society: plates 2005Seals (Numismatics) -- Turkey -- Gordion (Extinct city) Gordion (Extinct city) -- Antiquities.

Gordion seals and sealings: individuals and society Gordion seals and sealings: individuals and society 2005Seals (Numismatics) -- Turkey -- Gordion (Extinct city) Gordion (Extinct city) -- Antiquities

The archaeology of Midas and the Phrygians: recent work at Gordion The archaeology of Midas and the Phrygians: recent work at Gordion 2005Gordion (Extinct city)

A Hittite cemetery at Gordion A Hittite cemetery at Gordion

Demircihüyük Excavation Reports in AMAR


Open Access Journal: Nvmisma

ISSN: 0029-6015
Directora: Marta Campo Díaz
Coordinador Editorial: Julio Torres Lázaro
La revista Nvmisma, decana de la prensa numismática en España, se publica en papel desde finales de 1951. En la actualidad tiene una periodicidad anual.
La revista la reciben los socios de la SIAEN y las instituciones con las que el Museo Casa de la Moneda mantiene intercambio bibliográfico (Entidades que reciben Numisma).
En el apartado Revista impresa hemos incluido en formato PDF los 230 primeros números de la revista, años 1951-1992, y el número 239 (1997), agotado en papel.
Los números no agotados en papel pueden conseguirse a través de La Tienda del Museo.
Las Instituciones interesadas en recibir la revista Nvmisma pueden solicitarlo rellenando el siguiente formulario de intercambio de publicaciones.
Normas de presentación de trabajos 
Los siguientes números de la revista Numisma están disponibles en formato PDF. A causa de la extensión de los ficheros, recomendamos que se guarden en el disco duro en lugar de abrirlos directamente. Cualquiera de las dos operaciones tardará unos minutos.

 Números disponibles (1 - 66)

 Números disponibles (67 - 244)

Open Access Journal: Kernos - Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique

[First posted in AWOL 23 February 2011. Most recently updated 15 May 2013]

Kernos - Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique
ISSN électronique 2034-7871

Kernos - Couverture du no 23 | 2010
Kernos est la seule revue scientifique internationale entièrement consacrée à l’étude des faits et phénomènes religieux de la Grèce antique. Elle a pour ambition de fournir aux chercheurs en ce domaine, mais aussi à toute personne intéressée par les questions religieuses, un instrument de réflexion et des outils de travail pour progresser dans la connaissance du système religieux des Grecs.
Actuellement, les textes des numéros 1 à 17 sont uniquement accessibles au format pdf [fac-similé], librement téléchargeables.

Open Access Journal: Institute of Archaeology Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter

Institute of Archaeology Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter
ISSN: 1095-2837
The Institute of Archaeology, through the Horn Archaeological Museum, publishes a quarterly newsletter. Museum members and other interested individuals find a broad spectrum of valuable notes and announcements: activities of personnel, research reports, schedules of future events and projects, and notices of publications, as well as a variety of short notes.

Recent Issues

(available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)



33.3 viewSummer 2012
33.2 viewSpring 2012
33.1 viewWinter 2012
32.4 viewFall 2011
32.3 viewSummer 2011
32.2 viewSpring 2011
32.1 viewWinter 2011
31.4 viewFall 2010
31.3 viewSummer 2010
31.2 viewSpring 2010
31.1 viewWinter 2010
30.4 viewFall 2009
30.3 viewSummer 2009
30.2 viewSpring 2009
30.1 viewWinter 2009
29.4 viewFall 2008
29.3 viewSummer 2008
29.2 viewSpring 2008
29.1 viewWinter 2008
28.4 viewFall 2007
28.3 view Summer 2007
28.2 view Spring 2007
28.1 view Winter 2007
27.4 view Fall 2006
27.3 view Summer 2006
27.2 view Spring 2006
27.1 view Winter 2006
26.4 view Fall 2005
26.3 view Summer 2005
26.2 view Spring 2005
26.1 view Winter 2005
25.4 view Fall 2004
25.3 view Summer 2004
25.2 view Spring 2004
25.1 view Winter 2004
24.4 view Fall 2003
24.3 view Summer 2003
24.2 view Spring 2003
24.1 view Winter 2003
23.4 view Fall 2002
23.3 view Summer 2002
23.2 view Spring 2002
23.1 view Winter 2002
22.4 view Fall 2001
22.3 view Summer 2001
22.2 view Spring 2001
22.1 view Winter 2001
21.4 view Fall 2000
21.3 view Summer 2000
21.2 view Spring 2000
21.1 view Winter 2000
20.4 view Fall 1999

Online Bibliography: Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne

 [First posted in AWOL 11 July 2011. Updated 15 May 2013]

Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne - BiBIL


La base de données BiBIL est maintenue par l'Institut romand des sciences bibliques (IRSB) de l'Université de Lausanne (UNIL), Suisse.

Ont collaborés à la mise en production et à la maintenance de la base de données (en ordre alphabétique):

Informaticiens (Centre Informatique de l'Université de Lausanne)

Philippe Gardel, Christian Ruchat, Leire Urcelay

Responsables et administrateurs (IRSB)

Christophe Guignard, Thomas Naef, Pierluigi Piovanelli

Secrétaires (IRSB)

Barbara Cangemi Trolla, Claudine Étienne, Renée Girardet

Collaborateurs et assistants (IRSB)

Benjamin Bertho, Alain Bühlmann, Simon Butticaz, Claire Clivaz, Albert Frey, Hervé Gonzalez, Jean-Daniel Kaestli, Pierre Keith, Rachel Küng Bornand, Valérie Nicolet Anderson, Christophe Nihan, Julie Paik, Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, Jan Rückl, Emmanuelle Steffek, Antoinette Steiner et beaucoup d'autres.


Thomas Naef et al. (éds), Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne (BiBIL), http://www.bibil.net :: http://www.unil.ch/bibil

Open Access Journal: Dacia: Revue d'Archeologie et d'Histoire Ancienne

Dacia: Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne
In 1924 under the signature of Vasile Pârvan as director and fonder was issued the first number of the "Dacia - Recherches et découvertes archéologiques en Roumanie", the first journal with articles about ancient history and archaeology, written in foreign languages. The Vasile Pârvan's dream was to make in this journal a forum for archaeological debates and for presentations of the newest archaeological discoveries all over Romania. From the beginning the use of the foreign languages and the quality standards imposed to the published materials have turned the name of DACIA in a brand well known everywhere in the archaeological circles. Unfortunately the evolution of the journal is under the sign of many interruptions. The old series founded by Vasile Pârvan in 1924 ends with the XI-XII issues published in 1948. The journal renewed his existence in 1957 at the celebration of 65 years from the birth of Vasile Pârvan with a new series. Since then till now were published 49 issues from this Dacia New Series.
     Every single number of the new series has in wide lines the same structure as the old series, containing studies, research reports, annual archaeological chronicles, abstracts, book reviews and book presentations. Through the year great personalities of the Romanian archaeology such as: Vasile Pârvan, Ioan Andrieşescu, Ion Nestor, Vladimir Dumitrescu, Martin Roska, Dorin Popescu, Gh.I. Brătianu, Vasile Christescu, Theophile Sauciuc-Săveanu, Gh. Ştefan, P. Nicorescu, C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor, Eugen Comşa, D.M. Pippidi, Radu Vulpe, Grigore Florescu, Dumitru Berciu, Constantin Daicoviciu, Ion Barnea, K. Horedt, I.I. Russu, Bucur Mitrea and much more then thishave signed the articles.

About the project of bringing up-to-date the index of DACIA and also about the digitalisation of the first series of the journal (1924-1948)

     Starting from June 2006 began the improving process of the Dacia's index. The web page was created in 2001, when was put on-line the index made in a collaboration between the Institute of Archaeology from Bucharest and cIMeC - The Institute for Cultural Memory. The database contained all the titles belonging to the issues from 1924 to 1998. Now, after the improving process the database contains 1333 recordings from 1924 till 2005. The search can be made by author, year or by title. We intend to add in the near future the possibility of a more refined search by epoch, locality and key words.
     We began also scanning and image processing for the first series of Dacia containing twelve numbers which we published it entirely for free on our web site. In this way this rare numbers of the journal will be accessible, a useful tool for the students and specialists in the field of archaeology.
     We hope that our project will be successful and well received by the students, specialists and also other categories of public for us to keep going on making the largest archaeological library on-line from Romania.
Complete Index of Dacia Journal

Dacia Digitalised Collection - 1924-1948 

Open Access Journal: The Folio: Bulletin of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, a research center of the Claremont School of Theology

The Folio: Bulletin of the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center, a research center of the Claremont School of Theology
The ABMC is a non-profit research institute of the Claremont School of Theology that is devoted to preserving photographic and digital images of ancient Jewish and Christian manuscripts and tomaking those images conveniently available to students and scholars for research purposes. 

Below are PDF format files of each volume of The Folio, the Bulletin of the ABMC. Readers are welcome to download and print editions for their personal use.
To download, click on the file and Adobe Acrobat will automatically open with the first page of the volume displayed. If your browser does not support JAVA scripting, you may right click and save the file to your hard drive. Requests for publications or distribution should be made to the ABMC.
Volume 25, Number 2 (Fall 2008)
Volume 25, Number 1 (Spring 2008)
Volume 24, Number 2 (Fall 2007)Volume 24, Number 1 (Spring 2007)Volume 23, Number 2 (Fall 2006)Volume 23, Number 1 (Spring 2006)Volume 22, Number 2 (Fall 2005)Volume 22, Number 1 (Spring 2005)Volume 21, Number 2 (Fall 2004)Volume 21, Number 1 (Spring 2004)Volume 20, Number 2 (Fall 2003)Volume 20, Number 1 (Spring 2003)Volume 19, Number 2 (Fall 2002)Volume 19, Number 1 (Spring 2002)Volume 18, Number 2 (Fall 2001)Volume 18, Number 1 (Spring 2001)Volume 17, Number 2 (Fall 2000)Volume 17, Number 1 (Spring 2000)Volume 16, Number 1 (Summer 1999)Volume 15, Number 1 (Fall 1998)Volume 14, Number 1 (Fall 1997)Volume 13, Number 2 (Fall 1995)Volume 13, Number 1 (Winter 1995)Volume 12, Numbers 3-4 (Winter 1993)Volume 12, Number 2 (Summer 1992)Volume 12, Number 1 (Spring 1992)Volume 11, Number 4 (Winter 1992)Volume 11, Number 3 (Fall 1991)

 Volume 11, Number 2 (Summer 1991)Volume 11, Number 1 (Spring 1991)Volume 10, Number 4 (Winter 1991)Volume 10, Number 3 (November 1990)Volume 10, Number 2 (August 1990)
Volume 10, Number 1 (February-March 1990)
Volume 9, nos. 1-2 (January-August 1989)Volume 9, Number 4 (Dec 1989-Jan 1990)Volume 9, Number 3 (October 1989)Volume 7 (1987) [no volume 8 published]Volume 6, Number 3 (Fall 1986)Volume 6, Number 2 (Summer 1986)Volume 6, Number 1 (April 1986)Volume 5, nos. 2-3 (July-October 1985)Volume 5, Number 4 (January 1986)Volume 5, Number 1 (April 1985)Volume 4, Number 4 (January 1985)Volume 4, Number 3 (October 1984)Volume 4, Number 2 (July 1984)Volume 4, Number 1 (April 1984)Volume 3, nos. 3-4 (Sept 1983-Jan 1984)Volume 3, nos. 1-2 (March-June 1983)Volume 2, nos. 3-4 (Sept-Dec 1982)Volume 2, Number 2 (June 1982)Volume 2, Number 1 (March 1982)Volume 1, Number 1 (December 1981)

Open Access Journal: Sasanika Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 30 September 2011. Updated 16 May 2013]

Sasanika Newsletter

Sasanika's Mission
One of the most remarkable civilizations of the first millennium CE was that of the Sasanian Empire. Emanating from southern Iran's Persis (Fars) region in the third century AD, the Sasanian domain eventually encompassed not only modern day Iran and Iraq, but also the greater parts of Central Asia and the Near East, including at times the regions corresponding to present-day Israel, Turkey, and Egypt. 

This geographically diverse empire brought together a striking array of ethnicities and religious practices. Arameans, Arabs, Armenians, Persians, Romans, Goths as well as a host of other peoples all lived under the Sasanian rule. It is the aim of Sasanika: the Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of world and late antique history.

Newsletter 6 – June 2012

Newsletters > Newsletter 6 June 2012 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 6 In This Issue Religion, Cosmology & Empire Late Antique Iran Lecture New Publications e-Sasanika Series Obituary A Word from the Editor Sasanika is dedicated to the promotion of research and study on the history of the Sasanian dynasty. It is the aim of Sasanika: Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of late antique and world history. Although most of our team members volunteer their time to maintain the site, the production of high-quality articles and the support of research projects require ... READ MORE

Newsletter 5 – September 2011


Newsletter 4 – December 2010


Newsletter 3 – December 2009


Newsletter 2 – December 2008


Dynamics of Identity in the World of the Early Christians: Companion website


Digitized "Egyptological" works of Athanasius Kircher

Digitized "Egyptological" works of Athanasius Kircher
 A large collection of letters to Kircher, the Athanasius Kircher Correspondence Project, is hosted by the Stanford University Libraries and now available online via Luna Insight software. See also the Institute and Museum of the History of Science (Florence, Italy) Kircher Correspondence Project webpage for background and details of this project.

Other digitized scholarship of Kircher is listed in the entry Athanasius Kircher in Wikipedia.

Please comment if you know of more to be included here.

Acces SSN: The Subject Specialist Network for museum curators looking after archaeological collections from Egypt and Sudan in the UK

Acces SSN: The Subject Specialist Network for museum curators looking after archaeological collections from Egypt and Sudan in the UK
ACCES is the first curators’ group in the UK for curators who are responsible for archaeological collections from ancient Egypt and Sudan. Founded in May 2006, the group grew out of an MLA-funded Specialist Subject Network in Egyptology. For more information, visit www.mla.gov.uk.
The aims and objectives of ACCES are:
• to promote the interests of archaeological collections from Egypt and the Sudan in the UK
• to encourage good practice in the curatorship, collections management, and interpretation of UK collections from Egypt and Sudan
• to encourage, facilitate, and disseminate research on UK collections from Egypt and Sudan
• to foster networks and collaborations among museum professionals, university academics, and postgraduate students working in Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology and philology, museum studies, and archaeological conservation
• to promote public engagement with UK collections from Egypt and Sudan, to encourage new audiences and increase educational use.

Flora Graeca for the 21st century

Flora Graeca for the 21st century
Sibthorp and Smith's Flora Graeca, illustrated by Ferdinand Bauer and often described as 'Oxford's finest botanical treasure', is considered the most splendid and expensive Flora ever produced. The collections include not only the printed volumes but also the original hand-coloured drawings from which the printed engravings were made, the original botanical specimens they illustrate, unpublished drawings of the Fauna Graeca and a unique series of topographical Mediterranean Scenes, also never published. Accompanying these are diaries and notebooks from the two expeditions to the Levant in which Sibthorp set out to discover the wild plants described by Dioscorides in c.AD 60- and in doing so laid the foundations for modern botanical exploration.

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