Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Newly Open Access Journal: Graecolatina et Orientalia

The Bern Digital Pantheon Project

 [First posted in AWOL 11 My 2011. Updated 24 March 2013]

The Bern Digital Pantheon Project
The Pantheon in Rome is one of the world’s most famous buildings, and is also one of the best preserved examples of Roman architecture. However, although the Pantheon has been extensively studied by architects, historians and archaeologists since the Renaissance, many questions remain concerning its design, construction, engineering and building logistics as well as its original purpose. The Bern Digital Pantheon Project embraces an open access approach to its Digital Pantheon Model, which was created from the data of a digitisation operation that was carried out in December 2005 and July 2007 by two teams of archaeologists, engineers and historians of science, using state-of-the-art technology. This book displays some of the results. Data and high resolution images can be accessed from the project’s web site, and, over time, more will become available to the general public. The international scientific community is invited to use the data for individual research purposes, to contribute information and make critiques, and to discuss the results online through special web interfaces. It is hoped that this will generate new ways of networking, particularly on scientific problems of broader inter- or multidisciplinary interests.

Open Access Journal: Bulletins de l'ASAC

Bulletins de l'ASAC 
L’ASAC édite un Bulletin annuel à l’attention de ses membres. On y trouve le contenu des contributions présentées lors de la Table ronde, des informations sur les activités et les rapports du Comité, ainsi que divers articles liés à des thèmes d’actualité.
Bulletin 1993.1 (16868 KB)
Bulletin 1993.2
Bulletin 1994.1 (35626 KB)
Bulletin 1994.2
Bulletin 1995.1 (53331 KB)
Bulletin 1995.2
Bulletin 1996
Bulletin 1997
Bulletin 1998.1
Bulletin 1998.2
Bulletin 1999.1
Bulletin 1999.2
Bulletin 2000
Bulletin 2001
Bulletin 2002 (405 KB)

Bulletin 2003 (808 KB)

Bulletin 2004 (522 KB)
Bulletin 2005 (3803 KB)

Bulletin 2006 (171 KB)

Bulletin 2007 (3473 KB)

Bulletin 2008 (3751 KB)

Bulletin 2009 (3921 KB)
Bulletin 2010 (2136 KB)
Bulletin 2011 (2082 KB)
Bulletin 2012 (5863 KB) NEW !!!

Open Access Ancient Numismatics Journals


Open Access Journal: British Numismatic Journal (BNJ)

British Numismatic Journal (BNJ)
The British Numismatic Journal (BNJ) is the Society's principal publication and has been published since 1903. The Society has recently made a complete digital archive of all issues of the BNJ to 2007 freely available available to download. New and recent volumes will be made available five years after publication. In late 2011, large PDF files of entire volumes were made freely available on the society's webspace. In 2012, the volumes have been split into their constituent articles and made available to search via the google bar below.
Each volume can be accessed by clicking the links below. This will lead to a list of the individual articles in each, each of which can be individually dowloaded. You may download the whole volume but the files are very large and may take some time to download. All of the files are PDFs and will require a reader to access them. To download a reader for free (Adobe Acrobat) please click here.

The volumes are arranged chronologically. If you are looking for a specific subject then you can either consult the Index of BNJ contents 1903-2010 or use the google search bar...
This is a new resource and there are probably some errors within it. If you find any of these please report them to the BNS Webmasters

VolumeYearSeriesSeries Volume
1 1903-1904First Series I
2 1905First Series II
3 1906First Series III
4 1907First Series IV
5 1908First Series V
6 1909First Series VI
7 1910First Series VII
8 1911First Series VIII
9 1912First Series IX
10 1913-1914First Series X
11 1915Second Series I
12 1916Second Series II
13 1917Second Series III
14 1918Second Series IV
15 1919-1920Second Series V
16 1921-1922Second Series VI
17 1923-1924Second Series VII
18 1925-1926Second Series VIII
19 1927-1928Second Series IX
20 1929-1930Second Series X
21 1931-1933Third Series I
22 1934-1937Third Series II
23 1938-1941Third Series III
24 1942-1944Third Series IV
25 1945-1948Third Series V
26 1949-1951Third Series VI
27 1952-1954Third Series VII
28 1955-1957Third Series VIII
29 1958-1959Third Series IX
30 1960-1961Third Series X
31 1962- -
32 1963- -
33 1964- -
34 1965- -
35 1966- -
36 1967- -
37 1968- -
38 1969- -
39 1970- -
40 1971- -
41 1972- -
42 1974- -
43 1973- -
44 1974- -
45 1975- -
46 1976- -
47 1977- -
48 1978- -
49 1979- -
50 1980- -
51 1981- -
52 1982- -
53 1983- -
54 1984- -
55 1985- -
56 1986- -
57 1987- -
58 1988- -
59 1989- -
60 1990- -
61 1991- -
62 1992- -
63 1993- -
64 1994- -
65 1995- -
66 1996- -
67 1997- -
68 1998- -
69 1999- -
70 2000- -
71 2001- -
72 2002- -
73 2003- -
74 2004- -
75 2005- -
76 2006- -
77 2007- -

Open Access Journal: Monumentum

"'Monumentum' has in view to express the purpose of ICOMOS and the ideals inspiring it. It presents itslef as the instrument to voice our aims and programmes and, at the same time, it may lead to a better understanding both of the universal value reprensented by the patrimony of the monuments and of the culture reflected in this patrimony." Piero Gazzola, Preseident of ICOMOS,1967

(Partially) Open Access Journal: Kush: Journal of the Sudan Antiquities Service

News from CDLI: The educational pages of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

From Jacob Dahl
We are pleased to announce that the educational pages of the CuneiformDigital Library Initiative, the cdli:wiki, now hosted at the University ofOxford, have been significantly updated over the last few months.

cdli:wiki remains the host for a great number of tools for Assyriologydeveloped and written by staff of the cdli at UCLA, Oxford, and theMPIWG Berlin. In particular the Abbreviations for Assyriology page that hasbeen widely cited in recent years, remains accessible with us, and weare happy to enter new recommendations or make corrections in ourfiles. We have added two other bibliographical tools, "RecentPublications in Assyriology" with abstracts andlinks to published TOC's, and a "Bibliography of Sumerian Literature,derived from the Oxford project "Electronic Text Corpus of SumerianLiterature".

When the CDLI inherited the Mesopotamian Year-Names project of PeterDamerow and Marcel Sigrist, that in the meantime has been expanded,and for many Lagash II and Ur III year names corrected by RichardFirth, we decided to incorporate this work into a broader presentationof the chronology of Mesopotamia. The list of Assyrian limmuofficials nowreaches from 1972 BC to shortly before year 1000 BC (the electronicOld Assyrian limmu list was provided by Gojko Barjamovich and ThomasHertel). We are in the process of linking this list to the data of theCDLI project, and expect to add neo-Assyrian limmu names in the nearfuture. Among the lists of year names, the Ur III Dynastyremains the best covered in cdli:wiki.

Our writing systems pages, underdevelopment as well, will host sign lists and information about thedifferent writing systems attested in the ancient Near East.

Finally, our list of the "One Hundred Most Important CuneiformObjects",that attempts to drawthe attention of students and informal learnersto particularly significant texts, has alreadyreceived some publicityon this list. As always, we encourage comments, additions, andcorrections to this webpage as well as to any of the other componentsthat make up oureducational and research tools initiative.


The Parthian Empire is a fascinating period of Persian history closely connected to Greece and Rome. Ruling from 247 B.C. to A.D. 228 in ancient Persia (Iran), the Parthians defeated Alexander the Great's successors, the Seleucids, conquered most of the Middle East and southwest Asia, controlled the Silk Road and built Parthia into an Eastern superpower. The Parthian empire revived the greatness of the Achaemenid empire and counterbalanced Rome's hegemony in the West. Parthia at one time occupied areas now in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaidzhan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Israel.

Because limited written historical sources have survived, much of what we know about the Parthians and their sub-kingdoms of Characene, Elymais and Persis must be deduced from coins. For that reason, the primary focus is on numismatics. But this site is not just a virtual coin collection; here you can also gain insight into Parthian art, history, archaeology, and geography. You will also find references to the books, articles, maps and other resources necessary for further study.

Enjoy your visit and add this page to your favorites list so you can easily return. I welcome corrections and any suggestions for improvement of content or format of this site. You may post open messages or send a private e-mail message on the feedback page.

Interested in discussing Parthia with others? Join the Parthia-L mail list! It is a lightly moderated mail list created to facilitate discussions about Parthia. It is not limited to numismatics, and discussion of all aspects of Parthia is encouraged. Numerous scholars use the list but popular topics are also welcome. To subscribe, send a blank e-mail or visit the mail list's home page.
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Digital Library of Inscriptions and Calligraphies

[First posted in AWOL 30 November 2010. Updated 28 March 2013]

The Digital Library of Inscriptions and Calligraphies
Modern technology in general, digital in particular, have added new dimensions as well as more sophisticated vocational requirements to the field of Library and Information Science, from which researches and knowledge lovers benefit. Amidst this tremendous quantity of forms of the technological revolution, it was natural for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to adopt the concept of digital publication in order to make it available to researchers interested in science and knowledge. This, in turn, is what propels the Calligraphy Center to provide the study of inscriptions, calligraphy, and writings of the world across the ages from the prehistoric age until now with a new approach and vision. From this premise, the idea of the Digital Library of Inscriptions and Calligraphies was generated.

This project comes at the head of the Center of the Studies of Writings and Calligraphy’s objectives, which has taken upon itself the publication of different inscriptions and writings; in particular, inscriptions in different languages and writings from Egypt and abroad, which the center has made available to scientists, researchers, and amateurs in a simplified digital content through the website.

The project of the Digital Library of Inscriptions and Calligraphies is considered a digital record for writings carved on buildings and archaeological remains across the ages. These inscriptions are presented to the user in a digital form, including a synopsis of the inscription’s data, photos, and a record of the writing’s it bears .

The project has been adopted in the present time to record a group of languages in numerous scripts, including Ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Greek; developing the inscriptions of each script separately, and recording a new group of other languages’ scripts. The basic data and detailed descriptions of these inscriptions are displayed in two languages: Arabic and English.
Project organizers were keen to build a flexible, user-friendly website for the Digital Library of Inscriptions and Calligraphies in order to enable a large number of researchers to benefit from the gems of archaeological written inscriptions and further browse the images and references of each inscription separately. The inscriptions can be easily browsed by language, or the classification of the inscription; architecture, arts, or sculpture as well as the type of the archaeological remain. It is possible to find a specific inscription using the advanced search feature which allows the user to search by the artifact’s number, place of preservation, or place of discovery, and also by the period of time to which the written inscription belongs. At this moment, the researcher will find all the information related to the archaeological remain accompanied with high-quality images, analysis of the written inscription, information and a descriptive synopsis of the remain as well as a translation of the inscription.
The Calligraphy Center aspires to make the Digital Library of Inscriptions one of the most important digital libraries specializing in the field of inscriptions and writings on the internet.
And see also the full list of Digital Projects of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Open Access Journal: AncientPlanet

Welcome to the AncientPlanet, a bi-monthly online journal featuring original research papers on history, archaeology and science. The purpose of this publication is twofold.  

 In the first instance, it is intended to provide a platform for both professional academics and students to present their research to the wider public. As such, we welcome contributions from individuals from all walks of life, whether undergraduates, postgraduates, academics, museum staff.. and also from the general public. 

Second to this, but equally as important, it is hoped that this journal will promote a greater understanding of this ancient planet we call home. As someone, somewhere once said: “Never forget the importance of history. To know nothing of what happened before you took your place on Earth is to remain a child forever and ever.” 

We at AncientPlanet are dedicated to this axiom… to preserve and foster a greater understanding of our planet’s past, to protect and preserve our planet’s future.
AncientPlanet Online Journal Vol.4

AP VOL.04: FEBRUARY | 2013 pp167


AncientPlanet Online Journal Vol.3

AP VOL.03: NOVEMBER | 2012 pp177


AncientPlanet Online Journal Vol.2

AP VOL.02: AUGUST | 2012 pp159


AncientPlanet Online Journal Vol.1

AP VOL.01: MAY | 2012 pp109


Open Access Journal: Scholia Reviews

Scholia Reviews
ISSN: 2306-4129
Scholia Reviews is published by the Classics Programme of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041, South Africa.
Scholia Reviews is an electronic journal of reviews, a selection of which are published annually in printed form in Scholia, an international journal of the Classics.

Open Access Journal: SCHOLIA: Studies in Classical Antiquity

SCHOLIA: Studies in Classical Antiquity
 ISSN: 1018-9017
Scholia features critical and pedagogical articles on a diverse range of subjects dealing with classical antiquity, including late antique, medieval, Renaissance and early modern studies related to the classical tradition. It also includes review articles, reviews and other sections dealing with classics.

This site contains information about the journal, including subscription information and submission guidelines. For a complete list of works by author in each volume, including reviews, please see Index (1992-).

Scholia and Scholia Reviews (volumes 1-20) have published 862 contributions by 392 scholars and academics at 193 universities and other institutions in 36 countries.
Scholia and Scholia Reviews completed its twenty-year joint series in 2011.

The quality of the scanned pages in Volumes 1-13 (1992-2004) will be improved progressively in 2012-2013
Volume 1 (1992) vi + 161 pp.Volume 2 (1993) vi + 166 pp.Volume 3 (1994) vi + 178 pp.
Volume 4(1995) vi + 182 pp.Volume 5 (1996) vi + 194 pp.Volume 6 (1997) vi + 186 pp.
Volume 7(1998) vi + 194 pp.Volume 8 (1999) vi + 190 pp.Volume 9 (2000) vi + 190 pp.
Volume 10(2001) vi + 194 pp.Volume 11 (2002) vi + 178 pp.Volume 12 (2003) vi + 198 pp.
Volume 13(2004) vi + 194 pp.Volume 14 (2005) vi + 190 pp. Volume 15 (2006) vi + 194 pp.
Volume 16(2007) vi + 186 pp.Volume 17 (2008) vi + 182 pp.Volume 18 (2009) vi + 194 pp.
Volume 19(2010) vi + 198 pp.Volume 20 (2011) vi + 222 pp.Index Volumes 1-20 (1992-2011)iv + 52 pp.

World Digital Library (WDL)

World Digital Library (WDL)
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.

The principal objectives of the WDL are to:

  • Promote international and intercultural understanding;
  • Expand the volume and variety of cultural content on the Internet;
  • Provide resources for educators, scholars, and general audiences;
  • Build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the digital divide within and between countries.

8000 BCE - 499 CE | + View all 144 items

CLASSICSSTUFF: Free vocabulary resources for Latin and Greek texts

CLASSICSSTUFF: Free vocabulary resources for Latin and Greek texts
This blog will host free downloads of pdfs of vocabulary lists I made (and occasionally still do) for Classical texts. They are always line-by-line, and I hope will make it easier for more people to read more Latin and Greek, which are awesome languages with awesome things written in them. If you see any typos, please post a comment.
 Entries as of 30 March 2013


Latin OWL is an iOS app for the iPhone, which I have made, and that you can download for free from the iTunes Store. The program is copyright 2013 Scot Mcphee.

LatinOnlineWordLookup (LatinOWL)

Can’t work out the root form of a irregular Latin conjugation? Confused as to whether it’s a 3rd declension neuter plural or a 1st declension feminine ablative .. or even nominative? Is that 1st/2nd pl. dative or ablative, or a 3rd m/f sing. genitive? Know how to parse the form, but don’t know the vocabulary? There’s an app that that!
The Latin Online Word Lookup (LatinOWL) is an iOS app that, by using data from the Perseus Latin Word Tool, allows a user to lookup any Latin word, locate the root (i.e. the nominative singular for nouns and adjectives or the 1st person singular present active indicative for verbs), and parse the entered form. It gives all possible forms for the word entered. The tool then links the root(s) to the online Lewis & Short dictionary from Perseus, and also from that dictionary, provides links to the works in the Perseus database that are quoted in the dictionary.
You can download it from the iTunes App Store for free by clicking on the icon above or by using this link: LatinOWL in the iTunes AppStore (this link should redirect you to your regional store, where you will be able to download it).
There are a few planned features for future versions, however, some of these may go only into the iPad version which may not be free, but a buck or two at the most:
  • save word lookup history
  • save favorite dictionary entries to local storage in the iPhone
  • a much better iPad version that will have afar better way to view the links to the source works from the dictionary, also better master/detail views, due to the increase in available screen real estate
  • possibly a Macintosh OSX version
There won’t be an Android version, I’m not interested in developing for Android. You can build your own, off my source code (see below).

New Closed Access Journal: Facts of Life

Facts of Life
Unlike previous closed access journals in which articles are hidden behind a paywall and can be accessed after paying a fee, "Facts of Life" guarantees that nobody other than the author can access the published article. This allows scientists to include the article as a published paper on their CV and cite their work, without ever having to worry that someone else might read the article. Beer expects that this new concept will be embraced by many researchers

The physician-scientist and poet Yuri Zhivago is among the first researchers to submit manuscripts to the new journal. "It is a blessing to have this journal", Zhivago commented, "I have at least three manuscripts that contain experiments that cannot be replicated.  Now I can publish them without having to worry about my tenure committee criticizing me for having too few publications. If I published them in an open access journal, I would eventually have to retract the papers and this would could damage my reputation as a researcher. By publishing in "Facts of Life", I can be sure that nobody will ever be able to accuse me of publishing fraudulent data."

Beer is confident that there are many other Zhivagos out there who need a completely closed-access journal. "We are taking closed access publishing to a new level and we think that we provide a much-needed forum for all the researchers want to publish but have no sound data." She is convinced that other publishers will follow suit when they see the success of the "completely closed access" model.   

New Open Acces Journal: Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR)

Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR)
The founding principle of the Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR) is rejection. Universal rejection. That is to say, all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected. Despite that apparent drawback, here are a number of reasons you may choose to submit to the JofUR:

  • You can send your manuscript here without suffering waves of anxiety regarding the eventual fate of your submission. You know with 100% certainty that it will not be accepted for publication.
  • There are no page-fees.
  • You may claim to have submitted to the most prestigious journal (judged by acceptance rate).
  • The JofUR is one-of-a-kind. Merely submitting work to it may be considered a badge of honor.
  • You retain complete rights to your work, and are free to resubmit to other journals even before our review process is complete.
  • Decisions are often (though not always) rendered within hours of submission.
  • What Should we Call Me Classics

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