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The Kish Collection

The Kish Collection
The ancient city of Kish was occupied from at least as early as 3200 B.C. through the 7th century A.D. Located on the floodplain of the Euphrates River eighty kilometers south of modern Baghdad, the city held an extraordinary position during the formative periods of Mesopotamian history. At that time, it seems to have been the only important city in the northern part of the alluvium, while there were several major centers in the south. The ancient Mesopotamians regarded Kish as the first city to which "kingship descended from heaven" after the great flood that had destroyed the world. During the third millennium B.C., rule over Kish implied dominance over the entire northern part of the plain, and the title "King of Kish" bestowed prestige analogous to that of the medieval "Holy Roman Emperor."

From 1923 through 1933, joint archaeological expeditions of The Field Museum of Natural History and Oxford University explored many of the twenty-four-square-kilometer site's forty mounds, uncovering significant evidence of Kish's extremely early urbanization and its prominence as a dominant regional polity. However, no final site report of the work of those seasons was ever published.

The lack of a final site report for Kish stands as a significant lacuna in the archaeological record of Mesopotamia, effectively precluding an understanding of the true historical significance of this crucial Mesopotamian city. The Field Museum, along with the Ashmolean Museum and the Iraq Museum, hope to make such a final publication of the Kish excavations a reality. Roger Moorey, in the preface to his 1978 work Kish Excavations 1923-1933, undertaken to produce a catalogue of the Ashmolean's Kish holdings, concisely encapsulates the necessity of this endeavor:
    "In undertaking this project, nearly fifty years after the excavations were started, I have been very conscious that the original work was inspired by aims no longer recognized as viable and executed by methods which were largely inadequate...It would be to confound the evil if the results of this excavation were for these reasons ignored and the finds, with what is left of the records, allowed to suffer further neglect. It would be particularly so at a time when fresh excavations at Kish on this scale are unlikely, though modern development there is radically modifying the site. Ideally all three collections should be fully published as a single unit..." (pp. viii, xxi)

This website details the history, progress, and future prospects of the Kish Project, a federally funded effort to virtually reconcile and publish, in both print and digital formats, the expansive—and divided—collection of ancient material culture from the Mesopotamian city of Kish.

Introduction | Kish: Past, Present, and Future | Gallery | Kish Database | Funding | Partners

Cuciurpula.fr: Le portail de la Protohistoire corse et tyrrhénienne

Cuciurpula.fr: Le portail de la Protohistoire corse et tyrrhénienne
Le gisement de Cuciurpula s’étend sur une superficie de 10 hectares, à cheval sur les communes de Serra-di-Scopamène (A Sarra di Scopamena) et de Sorbollano (Surbuddà), en Corse-du-Sud, dans un étage altimétrique compris entre 900 et 1080 m constituant le versant méridional de la Punta di Cuciurpula (1164 m), relief considéré comme le belvédère stratégique des montagnes de l’Alta Rocca (centre sud de l’île) et des chemins de transhumance traditionnels menant aux hauts plateaux du Coscionu.


MesoCalc: a Mesopotamian Calculator

MesoCalc is a Mesopotamian calculator.
People interested in Mesopotamian mathematics can use it to compute with integers in sexagesimal place-value notation. See the note about the sexagesimal place-value notation (SPVN) and the bibliography below.
The present webpage is the program itself. Its latest version can be found on the official MesoCalc page. You are free to download this page, use it offline on your own computer or smartphone, modify the source code, and even redistribute your modifications under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see the license below).
This program was written in 2013 by Baptiste MÉLÈS (Archives Henri Poincaré, Université de Lorraine) with the scientific assistance of Christine PROUST (CNRS, Université Paris-Diderot) in the framework of the SAW Project (Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World), headed by Karine Chemla (CNRS, Université Paris-Diderot).
If you see bugs or want new features, please contact Baptiste Mélès.

Available operations:

  • Conversions: from decimal to sexagesimal, from sexagesimal to decimal;
  • Number properties: regularity, prime factors;
  • Addition: addition, substraction;
  • Multiplication: multiplication, reciprocal, quotient, rule of three;
  • Powers and roots: square, square root, cube, cube root;
  • Tables: multiplication tables, table of reciprocals, list of regular numbers, list of reciprocal numbers;
  • Measuring units: add lengths, compute brickage and carriage (nalbalum and nazbalum).

TAY Project - Türkiye Arkeolojik Yerleşmeleri - Archaeological Settlements of Turkey

TAY Project - Türkiye Arkeolojik Yerleşmeleri - Archaeological Settlements of Turkey
Türkiye Arkeolojik Yerleşmeleri (TAY) Projesi, dünya kültür emanetlerinin önemli bir parçası olan Türkiye kültür varlıklarının bulgularının, kronolojik bir envanterinin çıkartılması ve bu bilginin uluslararası platformda paylaşılması amacına yönelik olarak tasarlanmıştır. En azından 400.000 yıl eskiye uzanan kültürel verileri barındıran Anadolu ve Trakya toprakları üzerinde, 1800'lerin ilk yarısından başlayan araştırmaların sonuçları ile çağdaş yüzey araştırmaları ve kazıların bilgileri dağınık ve çoğunlukla ulaşılamaz durumdadır. Birçok yerleşmenin yeri bilinmemekte, birçoğu da tahribatın/yapılaşmanın kurbanı olmuş ya da olmaktadır. Bu tahribata karşı ve bu emanetleri korumaya yönelik öncelikle yapılabilecek en önemli çalışma, kültürel verilerin merkezi bir yapı içinde toplanması ve derlenmesidir: Belgeleme olmadan koruma olmaz. İlk kez bu projeyle, Türkiye arkeolojik yerleşmeleri, höyükler, tümülüsler, anıtlar, mezarlıklar, ören yerleri, yerleşme yerleşme, höyük höyük, tümülüs tümülüs belgelenmektedir. 

The TAY (Archaeological Settlements of Turkey) Project was set up to build a chronological inventory of findings for the cultural heritage of Turkey - an important component of World Heritage sites - and to share this information with the international community.

Although both Anatolia and Thrace have revealed cultural traces dating to at least 400.000 years ago, results from early 19th century investigations as well as data generated by current surveys and excavations are neither well organised nor easily accessible. The locations of many sites remain unknown, while many of them have been and continue to be destroyed, taking their undiscovered secrets with them. In order to stop this cycle, it is essential to collect and compile all available cultural heritage information to establish and maintain a central inventory: if we do not document, we cannot protect. TAY project's central aim is to thoroughly document all archaeological settlements within Turkey (such as mounds, monuments, tumuli, cemeteries, etc.). 

Progetto Sinleqiunnini: Digital Cuneiform Archives

Progetto Sinleqiunnini: Digital Cuneiform Archives
Sinleqiunnini is a dedicated software designed for on-line edition of epigraphical sources and for the management of databases mainly concerned with cuneiform texts. Since its original conception in 2001, the project has developed into a document management system which is able to process a variety of materials (transliterated, as well as normalized texts, photos etc.) and to perform a wide range of automatic functions while operating on different languages and syllabic scripts. Written mostly in Perl, read more

Online Databases

  • Ebla Digital Archives

  • The database is intended to include all texts so far published belonging to the 3rd millennium royal archives of Ebla/Tell Mardikh. Texts are reproduced in the same sequence as in the individual volumes of the series Archivi Reali di Ebla – Testi published by the “Italian Archaeological Mission to Syria” of the Sapienza University of Rome. The seven ARET volumes currently included in the database will be gradually followed by other volumes published in the past years and by text editions that have appeared in other series (such as MEE), in monographs or in journals.
  • Middle Euphrates Digital Archive

  • The database includes all Emar texts so far published and collections from: tell Munbaqa, tell Hadidi, tell Faqous, tell el-Qitar, tell Bazi and Umm el-Marra.
Figure 1

Some obscure headlines

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Banque de données des textes coptes documentaires

Alain Delattre
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Centre de Papyrologie et d'Epigraphie grecque
Bienvenue sur le site de la banque de données des textes coptes documentaires du Centre de Papyrologie et d'Epigraphie Grecque de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Ce travail, commencé au début de l'année 2000 et en ligne depuis 2005, a été conçu sur le modèle de la banque de données des papyrus grecs de Heidelberg ( Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens ), qu’il a fallu adapter aux spécificités du matériel copte.
Le projet est intégré au sein de la plateforme Trismegistos, qui rassemble plusieurs banques de données partenaires et compte à présent plus de 100.000 fiches.
La banque de données contient l'ensemble des textes coptes documentaires publiés, soit à l'heure actuelle plus de 8000 documents. Elle est mise à jour périodiquement.
Une fiche est consacrée à chaque texte. Les informations sont enregistrées dans les champs suivants : sigle, numéro d'inventaire, support, provenance, date, dialecte, contenu, bibliographie, remarques et le numéro du texte dans la banque de données Trismegistos.
Pour une description complète des champs, cliquer ici. Pour lancer une recherche, cliquer ici

Description des champs
Banque de données

English version

Open Access Journal: Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin

Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, or Cimagl for short, was founded in 1969 on the initiative of Jørgen Raasted (1927–1985) with the strong support of Jan Pinborg (1937-1982). Both of them were classicists by training and both of them worked in the tiny research research unit called Institute for Greek and Latin Medieval Philology, which had been founded in 1958 under the aegis of the Faculty of Philosophy (later: Humanities) of the University of Copenhagen with the main purpose of creating a framework for two great editorial projects: Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae and Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi. Byzantine music and medieval philosophy have been the core disciplines served by the journal since its foundation, although quite a few other disciplines with a relation to Greek and/or Latin have also made an occasional appearance in Cimagl.
The aim was to create an easy, cheap and fast outlet for research done at the institute by using the latest technology, which was then off-set printing from sheets prepared on electric typewriters. This would save the time- and money-consuming intervention of typesetters. It was also part of the idea that the publications could have the character of test balloons, preliminary results of research that might, perhaps, later receive a definitive formulation worthy of being presented to the world in the traditional way as a nicely printed book or as an article in a traditional scholarly journal. 

[Not] Open Access Journal: Rhizai: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science

[Sorry to be misleading, this is not an open access journal]

Rhizai: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
ISSN: 1312–3963
In the countries of South-Eastern Europe, ancient philosophy is often seen to be at the root of national traditions and achievements. Ancient philosophy is therefore intensely studied in these countries, but results are rarely shared outside the national boundaries. The new journal for ancient philosophy and science, Rhizai, is launched by scholars from South-Eastern Europe with the aim of promoting academic co-operation in the region and improving connections with international scholarship.

Rhizai will be published twice a year under the editorship of Ivan Christov, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.  Contributions in all fields of ancient philosophy and science are invited.

Papers and book-reviews will be published in English, German, French and Italian. Manuscripts should be typed in double-spacing with wide margins. Footnotes should be collected at the end, with personal details enclosed on a separate sheet. Contributions sent by e-mail are welcome. They should be sent as e-mail attachments in MS Word or rich text format. Contributions in electronic form will be prepared for blind review by the editor. 

Open Access Journal: Histos

[First posted in AWOL 24 September 2010. Updated 18 March 2013

Histos: The on-line journal of ancient historiography
Histos, the on-line journal of ancient historiography, was founded in 1996 by John Moles, then of the University of Durham, who was also its Editor, supported by an Editorial Board of scholars from the UK and North America. Four issues appeared from 1997 to 2000, and many of the articles that appeared during those years have since become standard works in the study of ancient historiography. The website for Histos was hosted by the University of Durham from 1996 to 2011.

In 2010 a decision was made to re-start Histos, under the editorship of John Moles, now of the University of Newcastle, and with the addition of John Marincola, of Florida State University, as co-editor. The new site, now hosted by the University of Newcastle, was launched in June 2011, and the earlier material from volumes 1 to 4 was transferred to the new site, the older contributions having been converted from HTML format to PDF.

The brief of HISTOS is rapid publication of high-quality articles and notes on all aspects of ancient historiography and biography (including Jewish historiography, the Gospels and later Christian material) and of in-depth reviews of recent publications in the field. It is not our intention to publish material which is per se historical, unless it illuminates the qualities of ancient historians or biographers (this will be a matter of balance and judgment). All submissions will be anonymously refereed by experts. We aim for a turn-around time of a maximum of three months. We will publish in English, French, German and Italian.

HISTOS will be available both online, in a full open-access version (in PDF form), and in a printed version. All the papers accepted for publication will appear in both formats. Readers' responses are welcomed. 

Open Access Journal: Kubaba

 [First posted in AWOL 7 July 2010. Updated 18 March 2013]

ISSN: 1647-7642
Kubaba is a journal which specializes in the Pre-Classical world, namely the Ancient Near East and Eastern Mediterranean, and publishes articles, notes, news and reviews.

Contributions may come from a wide range of disciplines, including Anthropology, Archaeology, Epigraphy, History, Historical Linguistics, inter alia. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome.

Contributions should address the period from the emergence of writing and complex societies (4th millennium BCE) down to the beginnings of the Classical Era. The geographical scope of the journal encompasses the Ancient Near East, including the Aegean, Cyprus and the Caucasus. Pre-Islamic Arabia is also included. Kubaba seeks furthermore to explore the interaction between these areas and other Mediterranean or Eurasian contexts.

Articles from both professional scholars and young researchers are eligible. The accepted languages are Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and French.
KUBABA, vol. 3 (2012)


vol. 2 (2011)




Vol. 1 (2010)




Online Reports of the Mission archéologique franco-ouzbèque de Bactriane septentrionale

Online Reports of the Mission archéologique franco-ouzbèque de Bactriane septentrionale at HAL-SHS (Hyper Article enLigne - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société) 

New Open Access (for now) Journal: Greek and Roman Musical Studies

Greek and Roman Musical Studies
ISSN: 2212-974X
E-ISSN: 2212-9758
Greek and Roman Musical Studies is a new journal that will publish research papers in the fields of ancient Greek and Roman music, including musical theory, musical archaeology and musical iconography in Classical antiquity, as well as on its reception in later times.
This new journal from Brill has its initial issue online open access (for now).

Open Access Journal: Geochronometria

[First posted in AWOL 3 November 2009. Updated 20 March 2013]

ISSN: 1733-8387 (print version)
ISSN: 1897-1695 (electronic version)
Geochronometria is aimed at integrating scientists developing different methods of absolute chronology and using them in different fields of earth and other natural sciences and archaeology. The methods in use are physical (e.g. radiocarbon and other isotopic methods, luminescence etc.) as well as non-physical (e.g. dendrochronology or varve chronology), and they are used in so diverse fields of science as geology, palaeoclimatology, palaeobiology, palaeohydrology, archaeology, etc.. Each method can be applied in many fields, and vice versa, each field can benefit from application of many chronological methods. The journal enables an easy exchange of information about the potential and limitations of various chronological methods to solve specific problems in various branches of science, and stimulates formulation of new ideas on their further development and application.
In the sense of classical division of sciences, Geochronometria is multidisciplinary and in fact, interdisciplinarity is quite a common feature of most modern research dealing with methods of absolute chronology. 

Geochronometria publishes papers that are concerned with all methods of absolute dating. Papers focusing both on techniques/methodology and on applications of dating are equally encouraged. Papers combining and comparing results of various methods are especially desirable.

In order to increase the international accessibility of Geochronometria, starting from Volume 26 (year 2007) it has been published in electronic form by the publishing house Versita using the platform of MetaPress up to volume 37 (year 2010). From the beginning of 2011 (volume 38) Springer is the co-publisher and distributor of Geochronometria and is available on the SpringerLink platform. Geochronometria's volumes up to volume 37 are available free of charge.
Since 2011
Vol. 37, 2010
Vol. 36, 2010
Vol. 35, 2010
Vol. 34, 2009
Vol. 33, 2009
Vol. 32, 2008
Vol. 31, 2008
Vol. 30, 2008
Vol. 29, 2007
Vol. 28, 2007
Vol. 27, 2007
Vol. 26, 2007
Vol. 25, 2006
Vol. 24, 2005
Vol. 23, 2004
Vol. 22, 2003
Vol. 21, 2002
Vol. 20, 2001
Vol. 19, 2000
Vol. 18, 2000

Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity

[First posted on AWOL 31 August 2010. Updated 20 March 2013]

Bulletin of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity
The Institute for Antiquity and Christianity is a center for basic research on the origins and meaning of the cultural heritage of Western civilization. It is operated by the Claremont Graduate School, collaborating with the School of Theology, and in association with the five undergraduate colleges in the Claremont cluster.

The Bulletin of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity is published periodically under the auspices of the Society for Antiquity and Christianity for the general information of persons interested in the research programs of the Institute.

Partially Open Access Journal: Liber Annuus

[First posted in AWOL 4 November 2009. Updated 20 March 2013]

Liber Annuus
The Journal was founded by the professors of Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem during the academic year 1950/1951. It is the Annual ( or Year Book) of this Institution and therefore collects annually the various scholarly contributions prepared by its professors according to their diverse fields of research. Their studies are accompanied by a number of contributions offered by scholars from other scientific and academic institutions from the Holy Land and from abroad.

Beside exegetical, linguistic, and literary studies on the Old and New Testaments, you will find inside articles about the history and archaeology of the Biblical world in general, and of Judaism and Early Christianity.

Each year the archaeologists of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum publish here the first reports of the campaigns of excavations performed by them in various part of the Holy Land, that is mainly in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Egypt.

BREPOLS Publishers(electronic version in preparation)
Brepols Journals Online(electronic version - pdf format: 2000-2008)
2008 ; 2007 ; 2006 ; 2005 ; 2004; 2003; 2002; 2001; 2000

Direct distribution(electronic version - pdf format: 1990-1999) [Open Access]
1999; 1998; 1997; 1996; 1995; 1994; 1993; 1992; 1991; 1990

Printed copies available

1981-1989; 1990-2006; 2007-2009

Not available

1971-1980; 1951-1970

Gaston Maspero's Epigraphic Notebooks Online

Cahiers de notes épigraphiques de Gaston Maspero ; copies d'inscriptions hiéroglyphiques, de papyrus égyptiens et coptes ; dessins, croquis, etc. de monuments d'Akmîm, Louqsor, etc. (1881-1884)
Date d'édition : 1801-1900
Type : manuscrit
Langue : Français
Format : Papier. - Six calepins de 71, 74, 73, 76, 23 et 26 f. - 172 × 100 mm., dans un étui
Droits : domaine public
Identifiant : ark:/12148/btv1b52500698x
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, NAF 11711
Provenance : bnf.fr
Date de mise en ligne : 27/02/2013
 From Gallica

New Open Access Journal: Mār Šiprim: Newsletter of the International Association for Assyriology (IAA)

Mār Šiprim: Newsletter of the International Association for Assyriology (IAA) 
Welcome to the home of Mār Šiprim, the official Newsletter of the International Association for Assyriology (IAA). Through this Newsletter, the IAA aims to provide an online platform for Assyriologists and Near-Eastern enthusiasts where to interact with each other on both an intellectual and an informal level, thus establishing an international linkage among colleagues.
If you would like to know more about the visions of the IAA or would like to become a member, please visit the IAA website. 

Open Access Newsletter: Newsletter on Aegean and Cypriot Prehistory

[First posted in AWOL 1 December 2009. Updated 20 March 2013]

Newsletter on Aegean and Cypriot Prehistory
The Newsletter on Aegean and Cypriot Prehistory is published in digital form, ten times a year, on the 15th of every month (from 15 September to 15 June). The Newsletter is sent to the members of Aegeus as an e-mail attachment free of charges. It is also send, for one year, as a small token of gratitude, to friends who donate books to the Aegean Library.

Catalogue of Newsletters:

No. 23: 15 June 2011 (.pdf 889 KB)
No. 22: 15 May 2011 (.pdf 763kb)
No. 21: 15 April 2011 (.pdf 900kb)
No. 20: 15 March 2011 (.pdf 913kb)
No. 19: 15 February 2011 (.pdf 967kb)
No. 18: 15 January 2011 (.pdf 867kb)
No. 17: 15 December 2010 (.pdf 988kb)
No. 16: 15 November 2010 (.pdf 1MB)
No. 15: 15 October 2010 (.pdf 891kb)
No. 14: 15 September 2010 (.pdf 904kb)
No. 13: 1 June - 14 September 2010 (.pdf 698kb)
No. 12: 15-31 May 2010 (.pdf: 705kb)
No. 11: 1-14 May 2010(.pdf: 802kb)
No 10: 15-30 April 2010 (.pdf 789kb)
No 9: 15 March - 14 April 2010 (.pdf 757kb)
No. 8: 1-14 March 2010 (.pdf: 841kb)
No. 7: 15-28 February 2010 (.pdf 778kb)
No. 6: 1-14 February 2010(.pdf: 748kb)
No. 5: 15-31 January 2010(.pdf: 1.5 MB)
No. 4: 1-14 January 2010(.pdf: 1.4 MB)
No. 3: 15-31 December 2009 (.pdf: 590kb)
No. 2: 1-14 December 2009 (.pdf: 558kb)
No. 1: 15-30 November 2009 (.pdf: 266kb)

Breaking Ground: Women in Old World Archaeology

Breaking Ground: Women in Old World Archaeology
Breaking Ground may as well have been titled “Against all Odds,” as the women archaeologists whose lives and careers we remember here faced innumerable challenges and difficulties but prevailed to contribute significantly to the expansion of our knowledge of the ancient world. Most entered this male dominated field at a time when few educational opportunities or careers were open to women. They excavated in countries where traditional, patriarchal societies did not generally allow women leadership or even public roles. Yet we found English women as early as the 19th century gaining government permissions to excavate in Egypt and Greece. We found women traveling alone through deserts and mountains and gaining acceptance from Bedouin tribes. We found them directing fieldwork using male workers whose own wives held subservient roles. The women archaeologists’ rewards were almost purely intellectual, as many received no (or almost no) compensation for their demanding jobs, but of adventure there was plenty. Their activities were arduous, often dangerous, and required determination, stamina, a love of adventure, and certainly dedication.

This database includes women from many countries (both Eastern and Western Europe, Australia, and North America) who were, not only field archaeologists, but also some of whom also taught in universities or worked as museum curators or archaeological artists or photographers. A combination of at least two of these skills is often encountered among them. Yet whenever any of them were on expeditions they all faced the same deprivations of poor housing, primitive hygiene, limited food, and long hours in severe weather sorting or washing pottery, drawing plans, keeping records, and enduring sandstorms, searing temperatures, or heavy rains. Archaeology is not glamorous, but it is adventurous and filled with the unexpected. Such a life makes more demands on the female sex, and it takes a certain type of woman to persist and succeed. By remembering the careers of these intelligent and dedicated women, we not only honor them, but also hope to encourage other women to be drawn to archaeology as a career so that the human record may continue to be pieced together in the years ahead.
This unique collection of pioneering women’s biographies includes not only field archaeologists, but also those who have been deeply involved in the discipline of archaeology: philologists, epigraphers, writers, artists, museum curators, professors, and fund raisers. Not surprisingly, most of these women were right in the middle of the archaeological process. This web project provides a broad view of how these women became major contributors to the field, at the same time crafting their own identities. The life stories of these women, their extraordinary intellectual and archaeological accomplishments, are provocative, for they transcended the cultures they lived in and, despite the struggles they faced, achieved much of enduring importance.
This project originated in 1994 as the inspiration of Professor Getzel M. Cohen of the University of Cincinnati and Professor Martha Sharp Joukowsky of Brown University. Volume I of Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists, published by the University of Michigan Presss in 2004, contains biographies of Jane Dieulafoy, Margaret Alice Murray, Gertrude Bell, Harriet Boyd Hawes, Edith Hall Dohan, Hetty Goldman, Gertrude Caton-Thompson, Dorothy Garrod, Winifred Lamb, Theresa Goell, Kathleen Kenyon, Esther Van Deman.

In Breaking Ground the impression may have been given that we have covered in full women active in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology. This misconception could not be further from the truth, and that is why this web project is devoted to additional pioneering women and their lives. This was to become a dictionary and second volume of Breaking Ground, but it inevitably grew into a volume of encyclopedic proportions.

In 2003, Martha S. Joukowsky and Barbara S. Lesko, also of Brown University, decided that the stories of these many women should become a web-based project so that it could be accessed on the web and be available to worldwide readers. Taking each biography in turn, we edited them, created abstracts for each woman and keywords so that subject searches could be made. The contributions of French, German and Italian colleagues have been left in their original language, but their abstracts are presented in English. Surely we wish for more information on each subject and we invite you the browser or reader to add your comments and suggestions, perhaps supply photos, and correct any infelicities that may have crept into these portraits.

This web project was created in part because of our frustration with traditional publishing limitations of space, and we wanted this project to complement the book Breaking Ground by presenting the stories of additional archaeological women. We welcome future submissions. Our desire is also to have this database added to with additional biographies in future years. To attempt a book length manuscript would have burst the bounds of publication. It seemed sensible to create a web-based project also for more broad and detailed coverage, not only of each woman’s life, but also to give world wide viewers a glimpse of how these professionals looked in their time and place. The bibliography of each woman is presented without which, of course, her work would not be complete.
Barbara Adams

Ruth Amiran

Jeanne-Marie Aynard

Luisa Banti

Elise Jenny Baumgartel

Martha Rhoads Bell

Sarah Belzoni

Crystal-M Bennett

Margaret Benson

Sylvia Benton

Maria Ludwika Bernhard

Margarete Bieber

Anna Maria Bisi

Elizabeth Pierce Blegen

Linda Braidwood

Maria Weigert Brendel

Olwen Brogan

Myrtle Florence Broome

Elizabeth Caskey

Amice Mary Caverley

Denise Cocquerillat

Eunice Burr Stebbins Couch

Grace Crowfoot

Nina Davies

Joan Du Plat Taylor

Elisabeth E.C.L. During Caspers

Edith Eccles

Amelia Blanford Edwards

Cleo Rickman Fitch

Caroline Galt

Tania Ghirshman

Marija Gimbutas

Michela Schiff Giorgini

Beatrice Laura Goff

Janet A. Gourlay

Virginia Grace

Claireve Grandjouan

Henriette Antonia Groenewegen-Frankfort

Lucia Guerrini

Vronwy Hankey

Margaret Masson Hardie Hasluck

Phoebe Appserson Hearst

Ida Thallon Hill

Dorothy Hill

Louise Holland

Elinor Mullett Husselman

Mary Inda Hussey

Helene Kantor

Lida Shaw King

Alice Kober

Dorothy Lamb

Lucienne Laroche

Hilda Lorimer

Ersilia Lovatelli

Grace Harriet Macurdy

Jole Bovio Marconi

Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro

Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro

Lucy Wright Mitchell

Paola Montuoro

Rosalind Moss

Margaret Munn-Rankin

Eleanor Emlen Myers

Winifred Needler

Medea Norsa

Caroline Nestmann Peck

Hilda Petrie

Bertha Porter

Natacha Rambova

Caroline Louise Ransom Williams

Isabelle Raubitschek

Marion Rawson

Elizabeth Titzel Riefstahl

Barbara Ruszczyc

Marguerite Rutten

Inez Ryberg

Nora E. Scott

Mercy Money-Coutts Seiradaki

Veronica Seton-Williams

Omm Sety

Hermine Speier

Flavia Julia Helena Augusta St. Helena

Elizabeth Stefanski

Sara Yorke Stevenson

Mary Hamilton Swindler

Lucy Talcott

Bruna Tamaro

Elizabeth Thomas

Margaret Thompson

Dorothy Burr Thompson

Jeanne Marie Threse Vandier d'Abbadie

Alice Walker

Tatiana Warsher

Helen Waterhouse

Elizabeth Augustus Whitehead

Blanche Wheeler Williams

Julia Zablocka

LACMA Collections Database Online

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