Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Die Inschriften von Philippi im Bild

Die Inschriften von Philippi im Bild
Auf dieser Seite werden die Bilder der In­schrif­ten von Philippi (Ma­ke­do­nien) allen In­ter­ess­ier­ten zugäng­lich ge­macht. Die Tex­te der grie­chi­schen und la­tei­ni­schen In­schrif­ten wur­den im Jahr 2000 in dem "Ka­ta­log der In­schrif­ten von Phil­ip­pi" (vgl. das Li­te­ra­tur­ver­zeich­nis) erst­mals in einem Band zu­sam­men­ge­stellt. Aus Um­fangs- wie aus Ko­sten­grün­den war nie­mals ge­plant, die­sem Band auch Pho­to­gra­phien bei­zu­ge­ben. Im Zu­ge meiner Be­ru­fungs­ver­hand­lun­gen an der Fried­rich-Alex­ander-Uni­ver­sität Er­lan­gen-Nürn­berg hat der Kanz­ler dieser Uni­versi­tät, Herr Tho­mas A. H. Schöck, Mit­tel be­wil­ligt, die die An­stel­lung einer Hilfs­kraft für drei Jah­re er­mög­li­chen, um die Phil­ip­pi-Dias zu scan­nen und ins Netz zu stel­len. Ihm gilt da­her mein be­son­derer Dank. Mein Dank gilt so­dann mei­nem Mit­ar­beit­er, Herrn Hol­ger Ibisch, der sich be­reit­wil­lig und ein­ge­hend mit der Hard- und Soft­ware ver­traut ge­macht hat, die er­for­der­lich ist, um eine solche In­ter­net-Sei­te zu ge­stal­ten. Er wur­de un­terstützt von Herrn Björn Nord­gauer, der die Da­ten­bank ent­wor­fen und pro­gra­mmiert hat. Auch ihm dan­ke ich herz­lich.
Das ProjektDer Aufbau dieser SammlungDie VorgeschichteDie LiteraturDie InschriftenNeue Inschriften

Im Dialog mit der Antike: Inscriptiones Antiquae

Im Dialog mit der Antike: Inscriptiones Antiquae
Das Projekt "Im Dialog mit der Antike. Inscriptiones Antiquae" hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die größte Sammlung stadtrömischer Inschriften in Österreich, die im Zentrum für Alte Kulturen in Innsbruck ausgestellt ist, erstmalig zu übersetzen und mit Hilfe einer Datenbank der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Die von den SchülerInnen verfassten Texte, welche die Inschriften in einen größeren historischen Rahmen einbetten sollen, werden mit der Datenbank auf der von ihnen eigens gestalteten Website einem Kreis von Interessierten zugänglich gemacht. Darüber hinaus flossen die Erfahrungen der SchülerInnen in ein fachdidaktisches Modell ein, das den Zugang zu antiken Inschriften erleichtern soll. Die kommentierte Neuedition der Inschriften in Verbindung mit allen erarbeiteten historischen Informationen und fachdidaktischen Materialien rundete das Projekt ab (vgl. Publikation)...

Open Access Journal: Studia palmyreńskie

Studia palmyreńskie
ISSN: 0081-6787
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Etudes palmyréniennes
Current Online Volume: 12 (2013)



Epigraphic Database Bari: Inscriptions by Christians in Rome (3rd-8th cent. CE)

Epigraphic Database Bari: Inscriptions by Christians in Rome (3rd-8th cent. CE)
The Epigraphic Database Bari project (EDB), started in 1988, specializes in the epigraphic documents by Christians of Rome between III-rd and VIII-th cent. CE in the framework of the Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE), to whom it participates as founding-member - with EDH and EDR - since 2004.

Most of these epigraphic documents were published in the Inscriptiones Christianae Vrbis Romae, nova series, voll. I-X, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, in civitate Vaticana 1922-1992 (ICVR). EDB plains to update ICVR and to collect also the other Christian inscriptions from Rome and its suburbium published elsewhere*.

The total amount of Christian inscriptions from Late Ancient Rome is estimated to be around 40,000, although this number is increasing continually. Currently, EDB has 40583 items (online: 40396; awaiting definitive approval: 187).

Every epigraphic document is accompanied by data about bibliographical informations, contexts, material, graphical and linguistic elements. The transcription of texts is obviously offered as well, and the entire document is accompanied by its estimated date of production (if possible) and short comments, when necessary. Based an agreement established between the EDB and the Papal Commission of Sacred Archeology (PCAS), a dynamic link to the Archive of the PCAS allows the visualization of pictures - if existing - of the documents.

The interrogation of the database features more research criteria, both within the texts (various possibilities for textual research are featured, included a thesaurus finalized to search also aberrant forms) and in relation to the other descriptive elements of the documents. Research on the texts in Latin and Greek, within which the figurative apparatus is also described (signa Christi, symbols, various representations) can be made in combination with the other provided data. 
*In agreement with the Vatican and Italian authorities in charge of protection and conservation of the Christian inscriptions from Rome.

Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR)

Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR)
L'Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR) è parte costitutiva della Federazione internazionale di banche dati epigrafiche denominata Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE). Come tale, è previsto che possa essere consultata tanto a sé, quanto insieme con le altre banche federate attraverso il portale di EAGLE (www.eagle-eagle.it). Allo stato attuale fanno parte della Federazione, oltre a EDR, la Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (EDH), la Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) e Hispania Epigraphica (HE).

The Epigraphic Database Rome (EDR) is part of the international federation of Epigraphic Databases called Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE). As part of the federation, it is possible to look through EDR both as a single database or together with its partner databases accessing EAGLE’s portal (www.eagle-eagle.it). In addition to EDR, the federation currently includes the Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (EDH), the Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) and Hispania Epigraphica (HE).

Open Access Monograph Series: Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Publications (GRPOP) Online

Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Publications (GRPOP)
"Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Publications," edited by Nicolò Marchetti, are non-periodical scientific studies and reports about the socio-cultural heritage and natural environment of the region of Gaziantep by the Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish. GRPOP is open also to scientists from all fields and from any affiliation, contributions are peer-reviewed, enquiries may be sent to the Editorial Assistant.

Printed versions of GRPOP may soon be purchased at Ante Quem.
2013: 1 G.M. Bargossi, G. Gasparotto, M. Marocchi Tilmen Höyük: Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation on Lithic Remains from the Palace Area. 30/11/2013

2013: 2 V. Minguzzi, E. Esquilini, E. Zantedeschi Tilmen Höyük: A Mineralogical-geochemical Characterization of Some MBA and LBA Pottery Samples. 30/11/2013

2013: 3 P. Rossi Pisa, M. Speranza, M. Bittelli, H. Çakan Tilmen Höyük: Climate, Soil, Hydrology and Vegetation. 30/11/2013

2013: 4 N. Macchioni, S. Lazzeri Tilmen Höyük: Identification of Wood Species from Areas E and G. 30/11/2013

2013: 5 Y.S. Erdal
Tilmen Höyük: Human Skeletal Remains from Area Q.

2013: 6 M. Carra Tilmen Höyük: Archaeobotanical Remains from Area E. 30/11/2013

2013: 7 G. Marchesi Tilmen Höyük: An Inscribed Bulla from the 1962 Campaign. 30/11/2013

2014: 1 A. Adamo, C. Cappuccino Karkemish. L’Area C: contesti e materiali degli scavi del 2011. 30/12/2014

Africa Antiqua

Africa Antiqua
Africa Antiqua
Africa Antiqua est un carnet de veille sur le Maghreb antique (Ier millénaire av. J.-C. - VIIIe siècle ap. J.-C.). Il relaie l'actualité scientifique et fournit des outils méthodologiques dans les domaines de l'archéologie et de l'histoire, avec pour objectif de tenir informée la communauté des africanistes et d'apporter une aide à la recherche pour les doctorants. En s'appuyant sur un annuaire des thèses et une veille participative, il a pour vocation de développer le réseau des chercheurs et de favoriser les échanges.

Africa Antiqua is dedicated to the antique Maghreb (1st millennium BC – 8th century AD). It relays scientific actuality and provides methodological tools in the fields of archaeology and history, in order to keep informed the community of africanists and to support PhD students in their research. By building on a directory of theses and a participative monitoring, it aims to extend the network of researchers and to foster exchanges.

New Open Access Book from Luminos: Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires

Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires
By Lori Khatchadourian
Image result for imperial matter

Pages  330, 18 Mar 2016


What is the role of the material world in shaping the tensions and paradoxes of imperial sovereignty? Scholars have long shone light on the complex processes of conquest, extraction, and colonialism under imperial rule. But imperialism has usually been cast as an exclusively human drama, one in which the world of matter does not play an active role. Lori Khatchadourian argues instead that things—from everyday objects to monumental buildings—profoundly shape social and political life under empire. Based on the archaeology of ancient Persia and the South Caucasus, Imperial Matter advances powerful new analytical approaches to the study of imperialism writ large and should be read by scholars of empire across the humanities and social sciences.

“This book makes an important contribution in two areas: the first concerns the nature of empire and imperial power; the second is through developing a novel framework for thinking about material culture and empire. This is a work of innovative theory and empirical depth, and there is nothing like it out there.” CHRIS GOSDEN, Professor of Archaeology, Oxford University

“Important, well-written, and elegantly crafted. Lori Khatchadourian’s ability to speak to a diverse audience of anthropologists, archaeologists, and specialists on the Achaemenid Empire demonstrates her impressive intellectual breadth and depth. This is a sophisticated and erudite work.” CARLA SINOPOLI, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Museum Studies Program, University of Michigan

Language: English



DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/luminos.13

Open Access Journal: Etnoantropološki problemi - Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology

Etnoantropološki problemi - Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
ISSN: 0353-1589
Etnoantropološki problemiČasopis Odeljenja za etnologiju i antropologiju, prvi broj objavljen 1987. godine i izlazio do 1998. godine. Ponovo počeo redovno da izlazi kao nova serija od 2006. godine. Izlazi dva do tri puta godišnje. Objavljuje članke na srpskom, engleskom i francuskom jezik

Issues in Ethnology and AnthropologyJournal of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, its first issue was published in 1987. and was regular up until 1998. It was reinstated as a new series since 2006., with regular publication schedule. It is published two to three times per year. It publishes articles in Serbian, English and French.
Every 3rd issue is devoted strictly to archaeology

4 2015

3 2015

2 2015

1 2015

4 2014

3 2014

2 2014

1 2014

4 2013

3 2013

2 2013

1 2013

4 2012

3 2012

2 2012

1 2012

4 2011

3 2011

2 2011

1 2011

3 2010

2 2010

1 2010

3 2009

2 2009

1 2009

3 2008

2 2008

1 2008

2 2007

1 2007

2 2006

1 2006

vHMML: Resources for Manuscript Studies

vHMML: Resources for Manuscript Studies
vHMML offers researchers at every level of experience the resources and tools they need to work with manuscripts. vHMML will ultimately cover several manuscript cultures from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. It makes abundant use of high-resolution images of manuscripts from libraries around the world, many of them digitized as part of HMML’s mission to preserve and share important, endangered, and inaccessible manuscript collections through digital photography, archiving, and cataloging. 
Introductions to each component of vHMML are readily available as you explore.
READING ROOM will launch in early 2016 with thousands of digitized manuscripts in several languages. New search tools will be supported by a completely rebuilt manuscript catalog. Until then, HMML's existing catalog OLIVER and other finding aids will help you find what you need.

Digital Athenaeus

Digital Athenaeus
One of the first efforts within the Open Greek and Latin Project is the Digital Athenaeus, whose goal is to produce a true digital edition of the Deipnosophists of Athenaeus of Naucratis with multiple versions of the work and translations in multiple languages. The Deipnosophists (Δειπνοσοφισταί, or Sophists at Dinner, in fifteen books), written by Athenaeus of Naucratis in the early 3rd century AD, is the fictitious account of several banquet conversations on food, literature, and arts held in Rome by twenty-two learned men. This complex and fascinating work is not only an erudite and literary encyclopedia of a myriad of curiosities about classical antiquity, but also an invaluable collection of quotations of ancient authors, ranging from Homer to tragic and comic poets and lost historians. Since the large majority of the works cited by Athenaeus is nowadays lost, this compilation is a sort of reference tool for every scholar of Greek theater, poetry, historiography, botany, zoology, and many other topics.

Despite the importance of the Deipnosophists, we still lack a comprehensive survey of Athenaeus’ citations, and many classicists have expressed the need of such a research (see Olson 2006, p. ix: “Athenaeus quotes over 1000 authors and over 1000 lines of verse, many of them known from no other source. We are particularly indebted to him for 100s of fragments of the tragic and comic poets; for numerous, frequently substantial excerpts from lost historians; for what appear to be extended citations from several Hellenistic scholarly treatises on Homer (…)”; cf. Zecchini 1989; Braund & Wilkins 2000; Canfora 2001; Lenfant 2007; Jacob 2013). The results of this investigation will enable us not only to better understand the ways of transmission of ancient literature at the time of Athenaeus, but also to make a definitive list of authors and works mentioned by him, and to draw a complete collection of citation schemes adopted in the stratified and multiform architecture of the Deipnosophists...
Work in Progress
  • editing the TEI XML file of the Deipnosophists; see Practical Problems with Athenaeus’ names;
  • systematic survey of the citations preserved in the fifteen books of Athenaeus’ Deipnosophists (see the work currently done for Athenaeus’s quotations of still preserved sources: Athenaeus Sources (Extant) (based on the work done by Vanessa Gorman);
  • building a fully comprehensive repository of quotation schemes used by Athe­naeus when alluding to his sources of information (ongoing discussion on the ontology);
  • treebanking Athenaeus’ Deipnosophists (ed. Gulick, Charles Burton) by Vanessa and Bob Gorman (see GitHub Digital Athenaeus).

Open Access Journal: Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2012, updated 12 April 2016]

Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin
ISSN: 1369-5770
Sudan \& Nubia No.17
Sudan & Nubia is published each autumn. It contains much of interest on recent archaeological fieldwork in Sudan, including many articles on surveys and excavations only undertaken during the previous winter.
The bulletin is an ideal way to keep abreast of current British activities in Sudan, and also contains contributions by eminent foreign scholars. It is profusely illustrated with line drawings and monochrome and colour photographs.
Sudan & Nubia is free of charge to Society members, who receive it a year in advance of online release … JOIN THE SOCIETY >
Individual articles can be read (free) through the online reading service ISSUU by following the links below. If a download is preferred, sign up to ISSUU, which will then provide download links (free).
Most recent available issue online:
Sudan & Nubia : No. 17
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2013
160 pagesREAD ARTICLES ONLINEissuu.com >
Abdelrahaman Ibrahim Saeed Ali. The Archaeology of the Medieval and Post-Medieval Fortress at Tinare in the Northern El-Mahasread now >
Adams, W.Y. From Nubia to Arizona — and Back; or, Reisner Comes Homeread now >
Ahmed Hussein Abdel Rahman Adam. Archaeological Survey of Aba Island: Preliminary Reportread now >
Anderson, J. and Salah Mohamed Ahmed. Dangeil 2012: Sacred Ram — Avatar of the God Amunread now >
Azhari Mustafa Sadig. Lithic Material from the Late Neolithic Site of es-Sour, Central Sudanread now >
Bárta, M., Suková, L. and Brôna, V. The Latest Explorations at Usli, Northern Provinceread now >
Brand, M. Dangeil, A Preliminary Report on the Petrographyread now >
Drzewiecki, M. and Maliński, P. Jawgul — A Village Between Towersread now >
Edwards, D.N. and Mills, A.J. ‘Pharaonic’ Sites in the Batn el-Hajar — the ‘Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia’ Revisitedread now >
Green, S. Creating a Virtual Reconstruction of the Seti I Inscriptions at Jebel Dosharead now >
Jesse, F. et al. Archaeobotanical Investigations at the Gala Abu Ahmed Fortress in Lower Wadi Howar, Northern Sudanread now >
Emberling, G. and Dann, R.J. et al. New Excavation at El-Kurru: Beyond the Napatan Royal Cemeteryread now >
Nada Babiker Mohammed Ibrahim. Archaeological Survey in El-Metemma Arearead now >
Mahmoud Suliman Bashir. A Third Season of Rescue Excavations in the Meroitic Cemetery at Berber, October 2012: Preliminary Reportread now >
Murtada Bushara Mohamed, Mohammed Saad Abdalah, Sami Elamien Mohammed and Zaki aldien Mahmoud. Upper Atbara Setiet Dam Archaeoloigal Salvage Project (ASDASP), the Rescue Excavation Results on the Western Bank of the Atbara: Preliminary Reportread now >
Rilly, C. and Francigny, V. Sedeinga 2012: A Season of Unexpected Discoveriesread now >
Welsby, D.A. Surveys at the Fifth Cataract and on the Sudan Military Railway and excavations at Kawa, 2012-13read now >
Yahia Fadl Tahir. Archaeological, Ethnographical and Ecological Project of El-Ga’ab Basin in Western Dongola: A Report of the Second Season 2010read now >

For all editions …
Sudan & Nubia : Nos. 1-16 : tables of contents
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London


And see also AWOL's roundup: Open Access Ancient Nubia and Sudan

Newly Open Access in CENIM: Ptolémée Épiphane, Aristonikos et les prêtres d’Égypte

CENiMLes Cahiers  Égypte Nilotique et Méditérranéenne
ISSN 2102-6637
Publiées au début du siècle dernier par G. Daressy, les deux stèles hiéroglyphiques RT 2/3/25/7 et JE 44901 conservées au Musée égyptien du Caire constituent les seuls exemplaires connus à ce jour du décret du synode de prêtres qui eut lieu à Memphis, en l’an 23 du règne de Ptolémée Épiphane. Cette première étude commentée du Décret de Memphis (182 a.C.) se propose de fournir une version normalisée de ces textes suivant une édition synoptique, un apparat critique, une traduction, un commentaire philologique, de même que les photographies et les fac-similés des documents. Leur analyse permet de réévaluer leur apport au règne d’Épiphane : cérémonie en l’honneur d’un taureau Mnévis à Memphis, évergétisme des souverains à l’égard des clergés égyptiens, mesures politiques ponctuelles (amnistie pénale en l’an 21 du règne, exemptions de taxe). Leur intérêt majeur réside en la présence d’un récit historique développé. Relatant la répression de révoltes indigènes dans le Delta, il met en exergue l’intervention victorieuse du commandant en chef de la cavalerie Aristonikos dans la région de Tell el-Balamoun. Intégrés dans l’ensemble des actes des décrets synodaux du règne d’Épiphane, ces documents, inhabituels par leur forme et leur contenu, sont ainsi replacés dans leur contexte rédactionnel, historique et politique. C’est notamment à travers la problématique de l’évolution des relations entre la Couronne alexandrine et les clergés indigènes que cette documentation officielle est appréhendée.

Pelagios Commons

Pelagios Commons
Pelagios Commons is an open community linking together the places of our past through the documents that refer to them, and vice versa. It operates through the activity of multiple Special Interest Groups (SIGs) dedicated to specific historical or technical topics. It is directed by a Commons Committee drawn from these SIGs. It is currently supported financially and administratively by the Pelagios 6 project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Pelagios Commons is part of a wider ecology of projects dedicated to interlinking online resources about the past. Our contributions include the following freely available resources:

Recogito, a tool that makes it easy to identify and record the places referred to in historical texts, maps and tables;Peripleo, a search service that allows you to find community-curated content related to specific places;Pelagios Map Tiles, a set of resources that allow you to project data onto dynamic maps dedicated to different historical periods.


Simon, R., Isaksen, L., Barker, E. and de Soto Cañamares, P. Forthcoming. The Pleiades Gazetteer and the Pelagios Project. In Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers. Berman, Mostern, & Southall, (Eds.) Indiana University Press.
Simon, R., Isaksen, L., Barker, E. and de Soto Cañamares, P. 2016. Peripleo: a Tool for Exploring Heterogenous Data through the Dimensions of Space and TimeCode4Lib Issue 31, 2016-01-28.
Simon, R., Barker, E., Isaksen, L. and de Soto Cañamares, P. 2015. Linking Early Geospatial Documents, One Place at a Time: Annotation of Geographic Documents with Recogito. In e-Perimetron. Vol.10, No.2 (2015), pp. 49-59. ISSN 1790-3769.
Simon, R., Pilgerstorfer, P., Isaksen, L. and Barker, E. 2014. Towards Semi-Automatic Annotation of Toponyms on Old Maps. In e-Perimetron. Vol. 9, No.3 (2014), pp. 105-128. ISSN 1790-3769.
Simon, R., Barker, E., de Soto, P. and Isaksen, L. 2014. Pelagios. In ISAW Papers 7.27.
Isaksen, L., Barker, E. Simon, R., de Soto, P. 2014. Pelagios and the Emerging Graph of Ancient World Data. In WebSci’14 Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Web Science, 22-26 June 2014, Bloomington, IN, USA, pp. 197-201.
Kiesling, J. B. & Isaksen, L. 2014. Stadiasmus of the Great Sea, Anonymous, English Translation.

New in JSTOR: The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists

The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
Coverage: 1963-2012 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 49)
The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists has been the official journal of the American Society of Papyrologists since the publication of Volume 1, issue 1 in 1963 and is the only North American journal devoted to papyrology and related disciplines. This website makes all issues of BASP available electronically one year after publication in print. Information about subscribing to the print version and ordering individual issues is available online.

BASP publishes a wide variety of articles and reviews of relevance to papyrology and related disciplines. From text editions to important synthetic articles, BASP has published studies on papyri, ostraca, and inscriptions in Greek, Latin, and Coptic. In the future, BASP will broaden its coverage to include Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, and Arabic texts.
The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
Coverage: 1963-2012 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 49)
Moving Wall: 3 years (What is the moving wall?)
ISSN: 0003-1186
EISSN: 1938-6958

All Issues


The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, volume 1-51 is also available in Open Access
And see also:

AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World

New from the Oriental Institute: Modeling the Antiquities Trade in Iraq and Syria (MANTIS)

A Finding Aid for the Pylos Excavations Archive

A Finding Aid for the Pylos Excavations Archive
Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan
A new finding aid for the Pylos Excavations Archive at the ASCSA has replaced the old inventory. In addition, with the remainder of a grant from the J. F. Costopoulos Foundation, which funded the organization and publication of a conference in honor of Carl and Elizabeth Blegen in 2013-2014, we digitized a number of excavation notebooks.

The thorough finding aid is the intellectual product of Research Archivist, Dr. Leda Costaki (with the exception of the catalog of the Pylos frescoes which was done by Eileen Gantos in 1996). Dr. Jeff Kramer, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Archivist of Excavation Records), is currently completing a similar finding aid for the Pylos Excavation records in the Classics Department of the University of Cincinnati. Links to both finding aids will be posted on each repository's web site.

Pylos aficionados, you can access the new finding aid at: http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index.php/archives/pylos-excavations-finding-aid
And see also Excavation Records:  Excavation notebooks, architectural plans and drawings, and photographs related to ASCSA excavations.

Publications de la Sorbonne at OpenEdition

Publications de la Sorbonne  at OpenEdition
Les Publications de la Sorbonne ont constitué depuis 1971 un catalogue de quelque sept cents ouvrages, qui s’enrichit aujourd’hui d’une quarantaine de titres par an.

Ce catalogue rend compte de la diversité des disciplines enseignées à l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, essentiellement dans les domaines des humanités et des sciences humaines : philosophie, sciences économiques, juridiques et sociales, linguistique et littérature, arts et archéologie, histoire, géographie.
Byzantina Sorbonensia
Histoire ancienne et médiévale

Documenta Catholica Omnia online

 [First posted in AWOL 26 December 2013, updated 14 April 2016]

Documenta Catholica Omnia - Multilanguage Catholic E-Book Database of all the Writings of Holy Popes, Councils, Church Fathers and Doctors, and Allied Auctors
... Documenta Cattolica omnia est Corpus quod omnia documenta publici dominii redacta in præcipuis linguis cristianitatis continet. Iuxta Constitutionem Apostolicam ‘Veterum Sapientia’ de latinitatis Studio Provenendo a Beato Summo Pontifice Ioanne XXIII anno 1962 promulgatam, lingua latina semper prælata est aliquando adhiberi potuit. Verificata originalibus versionibus conformitate, correptionibus et impaginationibus firmo modo (ex procedura “standard”) peractibus, talia documenta ex “internet” extracta in unico file modo *.doc vel *.pdf collecta sunt, in quo integrum textum continetur ut viteatur excursum in linea qua revera impedit et impossibilem integralem “download” nonnumquam reddit. Ita ut prædictum locum informaticum aptum ad studium et ricercam præcipue apparet. Ante “download” attendendum est de amplitudinibus (vel ad amplitudines) selecti documenti quæ adsequere possunt etiam multos MB. Etenim nonnulla documenta qua in internet posita sunt in tractatibus hodie sine copyright continentur...
... Documenta Catholica Omnia is the collection of all catholic available texts, declared of public knowledge, written in the main Christianity’s languages. In obedience to Blessed Sovereign Pontiff John XXIII’s 1962 Constitutio Apostolica 'Veterum Sapientia' de Latinitatis Studio Provenendo, the Latin language has been chosen every time it was possible. These documents have been collected in the Web and are verified to comply with the official on paper version, corrected in case of need, made up according to the standard procedure and each and every one of them is shown in a *.doc or *pdf format with the whole text in order to avoid the very tiresome on line thumbing through that makes difficult and sometimes impossible its complete downloading. For this reason this Website seems to be very useful for both study and research. Before the downloading pay attention carefully to the chosen document’s dimensions, that may reach 250 MB. Some of the texts have been digitalized from treatises no more copyright covered...

                        Conspectus Rerum Ratione Argumentorum Distributus Seu 'Index of Available Topics'  
    00- De Sacrae Scripturae Libris         07- De Sanctis Beatisque Ac Martyribus         40- De Precibus    
    01- De Ecclesiae Magisterio         10- De Ecclesiae Gentiumque Iure         50- De Rebus Laicorum    
    02- De Ecclesiae Structura         20- De Ecclesiae Patribus Doctoribusque         70- Auctorum Lexica Propria Seu 'Concordances'    
    04- De Sacra Latina Liturgia         25- Migne         90- De Ceteris Opinionibus Superstitionibusque    
    05- De Ordinibus Christifideliumque Consociationibus         30- De Scriptoribus Ecclesiae Relatis         91- De Illis Qui Deum Ecclesiamque in Odium Habent    
                        Ad Omnia Conspectus seu 'Indexes of the whole Site'  
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Open Access Journal: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
ISSN: 0001-6446
Publication Cover
Acta Orientalia provides an international forum for original papers in the field of oriental studies, including Turkic, Mongolian, Manchu-Tungusian, Chinese, Tibetan, Indian, Iranian and Semitic philology, linguistics, literature and history.
Acta Orientalia, 53 - 2000. ISSN 0001-6446 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Orientalia, 52 - 1999. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 51 - 1998. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 50 - 1997. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 49 - 1996. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 48 - 1995. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 47 - 1994. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 46 - 1993. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 45 - 1991. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 44 - 1990. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 43 - 1989. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 42 - 1988. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 41 - 1987. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 40 - 1986. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 39 - 1985. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 38 - 1984. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 37 - 1983. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 36 - 1982. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 35 - 1981. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 34 - 1980. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 33 - 1979. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 32 - 1978. ISSN 0001-6446
Acta Orientalia, 31 - 1977.
Acta Orientalia, 30 - 1976.
Acta Orientalia, 29 - 1975.
Acta Orientalia, 28 - 1974.
Acta Orientalia, 27 - 1973.
Acta Orientalia, 26 - 1972.
Acta Orientalia, 25 - 1972.
Acta Orientalia, 24 - 1971.
Acta Orientalia, 23 - 1970.
Acta Orientalia, 22 - 1969.
Acta Orientalia, 21 - 1968.
Acta Orientalia, 20 - 1967.
Acta Orientalia, 19 - 1966.
Acta Orientalia, 18 - 1965.
Acta Orientalia, 17 - 1964.
Acta Orientalia, 16 - 1963.
Acta Orientalia, 15 - 1962.
Acta Orientalia, 14 - 1962.
Acta Orientalia, 13 - 1961.
Acta Orientalia, 12 - 1961.
Acta Orientalia, 11 - 1960.
Acta Orientalia, 10 - 1960.
Acta Orientalia, 9 - 1959.
Acta Orientalia, 8 - 1958.
Acta Orientalia, 7 - 1957.
Acta Orientalia, 6 - 1956.
Acta Orientalia, 5 - 1955.
Acta Orientalia, 4 - 1955.
Acta Orientalia, 3 - 1953.
Acta Orientalia, 2 - 1952.
Acta Orientalia, 1 - 1951.
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