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Digital Karnak

Digital Karnak
The colossal site of Karnak is one of the largest temple complexes in the world, with an incredibly rich architectural, ritual, religious, economic, social and political history. The Amun-Ra precinct, which includes an astonishing number of individual temples, shrines and processional ways, stands as a micro-cosmos of ancient Egypt.

We invite you to experience Karnak – to learn about an ancient site that still resonates today because of its monumental pylons, towering columns, stunning reliefs and architectural marvels. Enter the temple precinct and discover its rich religious, political and architectural history.

The Digital Karnak Project was designed and built at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) under the direction of Dr. Diane Favro (director of the ETC) and Dr. Willeke Wendrich (editor-in-chief of the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology).

To start, choose one of the options above or go directly to the Temple complex overview. Click here to learn more about the Digital Karnak project.

Open Access Journal: Ancient Asia

[First posted in AWOL 13 November 2009. Updated 10 February 2013]

Ancient Asia: Journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology
ISSN: 2042-5937
Ancient Asia is the official annual journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA). The scope of the journal is vast - from Stone Age to the Modem times, including archaeology, history, anthropology, art, architecture, numismatics, iconography, ethnography, various scientific aspects including archaeobotany and archaeozoology, and theoretical and methodological issues. Amongst the goals of this society are to bring forth the research being conducted in areas that are not often well published such as the North Eastern States of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Central Asia, Iran, etc.

Vol 3 (2012)

Open Access Journal: Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire

[First posted in AWOL  2 December 2010. Updated 10 February 2013]

Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire
La Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire fut fondée en 1922 par la Société pour le Progrès des Études philologiques & historique dont le secrétaire-général était à l'époque O. Grosjean. La Revue est consacrée à la philologie des langues indo-européennes (spécialement à la philologie grecque, latine, romaine et germanique) et à l'histoire dans son acception la plus large.

Available periods  :

Open Access Journal: Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)

[First posted in AWOL 20 April 2012. Updated 11 February 2013]

Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)
ISSN 2049-1565

The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We are working with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available. Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse will be tracked. While still in beta phase, the journal is now accepting papers. We will also be adding new functionality over the next few weeks, and refining the look and feel.

2012 (9)

Open Access Journal: HAEMUS: An electronic journal for the history and archaeology of the Balkan peninsula



A peer reviewed open access journal for the history and archaeology of the Balkan peninsula.
In the beginning, the journal will be published annually, with the possibility of a semi-annual publication, depending on the number of submissions. Research articles will be called for on all aspects of the history and archaeology of the Balkan peninsula, from prehistory and antiquity to our times, including studies of clas­sical and modern science. The journal will contain the standard co­lumns for these types of publications: articles and papers, dis­cussions, essays, biographies, bibliographies, reviews, summaries, etc. The articles, published in English, will be accessible to the wider academic community, as well as to the devotees of history and archaeology who will have the opportunity to read them in an electronic version.

HAEMUS Journal Vol. 1 (2012) 

Front Matter
Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Vojislav SARAKINSKIA Prefatory Note
Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Vasilka DIMITROVSKALocal Supply for Chipped Stone Tools from the Site of Rug Bair
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Reuben THORPELooking and Digging: Non-Intrusive Survey, Relations of Knowledge and Hierarchies of Information in Cultural Resource Management
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Nathalie DEL SOCORROSocial Status as Reflected through Metal Objects Found in Archaic Burials from Macedonia
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Stefan PANOVSKIThe Invisible Fleet: Antigonid naval operations in the Khremonidean war
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Dafina GERASIMOVSKAHouse Development in the Cities of the Republic of Macedonia throughout Antiquity
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Mia LELJAKTypology of the Roman glass vessels from the Croatian part of the province Pannonia
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Mario ZACCARIAClaustra Alpium Iuliarum: a Research Plan
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Jelena JARIĆThe Image of Early Medieval Barbaroi in Contemporary Written Sources and Modern Scholarship: the Balkan Perspective
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Sarah INGLISGoodbye Anatolia: The Trial of Six and International Reaction towards Greece
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Damjan DONEVCampus Argestaeus: a Landscape Frozen in Time (a field report)
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]
Vasilka DIMITROVSKASymposium Viminacium MMXII (a brief report)
Abstract     Full text [.pdf]     Full text [.djvu]

Download the entire issue in [.pdf] or in [.djvu]

The Rock-Cut Sacred Places of the Thracians and Other Palaeo-Balkan and Ancient Anatolian Peoples

The Rock-Cut Sacred Places of the Thracians and Other Palaeo-Balkan and Ancient Anatolian Peoples
L'Institut de thracologie de l'Académie bulgare des sciences est l'unique organisme scientifique spécialisé dans l'étude de l'histoire et de la culture antiques des Thraces et de leurs rapports avec d'autres peuples antiques d'Europe du sud-est et d'Asie Mineure (sur les territoires actuels de la Turquie, la Grèce et la Crète, la Bulgarie, la Macédoine, l'Albanie, la Serbie et le Monténégro, Chypre, la Moldavie, la Roumanie et l'Ukraine), avant la formation de l'empire byzantin et du premier royaume bulgare (du 5ème millénaire av. J.-C. au IVème-VIIème siècles). L'Institut de thracologie a rempli avec succès un rôle de centre de coordination, lors de la participation de la partie bulgare à la campagne de prospection et de restauration des vestiges de Carthage, organisée par l'UNESCO dans les années 70 du XXème siècle.
Les monuments thraces les plus impressionnants et les plus importants pour la culture européenne sont les méga-ensembles rupestres représentant des lieux de culte. Ils appartiennent à la culture thrace, grecque, phrygienne, péonienne, illyrienne, dardane et se situent sur le territoire des pays susmentionnés d'Europe du sud-est et d'Asie Mineure. Les similitudes et les différences de ces sanctuaires, ainsi que leur destin historique représentent une source intarissable d'informations sur la formation des croyances religieuses dans les deux principaux types de sociétés antiques - les cités-états et les royaumes...

Project DetailsNewsSitesConferenceGuestsLinks

Online Archaeological Survey of Israel

Archaeological Survey of Israel
Welcome to IAA Online survey site
This is Beta Version

Due to large amount of data it is recommended to use chrome Browser.
  • 132
  • Ḥammat Gader (in progress) 44
  • Ahihud 20
  • Amaẓya 109
  • Ashdod 84
  • Bet Lehem, Suevey of Jerusalem The Southern Sector 105
  • Binyamina 48
  • Biq'at Sayyarim 256
  • Daliya 31
  • Dor 30
  • 'Ein Gedi (in progress) 147
  • 'Ein Gev (in progress) 40
  • 'En Dor 45
  • Gazit 46
  • Gedera 85
  • Giv'at Orkha (in progress) 36/3
  • Hadera 53
  • Haifa - East (In progress) 23
  • Haifa - west 22
  • Har Peres (in progress) 18/3
  • Har Tavor 41
  • Herodium (in progress) 108/2
  • Herzliyya 69
  • Horbat `Uza 145
  • Kefar Ruppin 67
  • Kefar Sava (in progess) 77
  • Lod 80
  • Ma'ale Gamla (in progress) 36/1
  • Ma'anit 54
  • map of har hamran-sothwest(in progress) 198
  • Mikhmoret 52
  • Nahal Hemar 146
  • Nahal Yattir 139
  • Nahalal 28
  • Nahariyya-'Amqa (in progress) 5
  • Niẓẓanim - east 88
  • Niẓẓanim — west 87
  • Nirim (in progress) 112
  • Nov (in progress) 40/1
  • Qaṣrin (in progress) 18/1
  • Qeshet (in progress) 18/2
  • Ramon 203
  • Regavim 49
  • Revivim 159
  • Rosh Pina (in progress) 18
  • Rujem-el Hiri (in progress) 36/2
  • Sede Boqer - East 168
  • Sede Eliyahu 66
  • Shefar'am 24
  • Shivta 166
  • Talpiot 106
  • Tel Malhata 144
  • Tze'elim (In Progress) 129
  • Urim (in progress) 125
  • Yagur 27
  • Ziqim 91
Go to the site and click on the map or the list of regions.

Open Access Journal: International Journal of Conservation Science.

[First posted in AWOL 7 March 2010. Updated 12 February 2013]

International Journal of Conservation Science
Print ISSN: 2067-533X
Online ISSN: 2067-8223
The International Journal of Conservation Science (IJCS) is a high quality peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original research papers in applied conservation science and its broad range of applications.

The topics cover all disciplines and branches of modern scientific conservation, including different aspects on general conservation theory, scientific investigation of works of art, authentication, determination of conservation state, compatibility studies for preservation and restoration procedures and monitoring of interventions effectiveness, etiopathology of historic and natural monuments, studies on the mechanisms of deterioration and degradation for different materials as structural and ornamental elements, impact of the environmental factors or agents on monuments and ecosystems, obtaining and characterization of new materials and procedures for preservation and restoration, new methodologies for scientific investigation, cross-related problems concerning research applied to conservation science.

Review articles in selected areas are published from time to time.

Current Issue

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2013
        Table of contents

Click for Cover
Issue Cover
Research Articles:
D.M. Goltz, B. Piniuta, E. Huebner, M. Attas, E. Cloutis, J. Broomhead
Spectroscopic Approaches for Studying Faint Text on a Wooden Tally from Invincible (1758)
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 3-12

M.R. Escorteganha, A.G. Santiago, H.A. Magosso, F.A. Richter, T.G. Costa
Conservation State of Mural Paintings from a Historic House in Florianópolis-SC, Brazil. A Multidisciplinary Approach
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 13-24

N.A. Bader, W.K Al-Gharib
Restoration and Preservation of Engraved Limestone Blocks Discovered in Abu Mousa Excavation, Suez - Egypt
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 25-42

S. Hemeda
Geomechanical Investigations for Architectural Heritage Preservation. The Habib Sakakini Palace in Cairo, Egypt
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 43-52

C.M. Daneasa
The Study of Conservation State of a Wooden Church from Boz Village, Hunedoara County, Romania
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 53-64

M.M. Saleh
Characterization of Qarh's Wall Plasters, Al-Ulla, Saudi Arabia. A Case Study
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 65-80

S. Yapoga, Y.B. Ossey, V. Kouame
Phytoremediation of Zinc, Cadmium, Copper and Chrome from Industrial Wastewater by Eichhornia Crassipes
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 81-86

D.N. Gautam
Assessment of Wild Ungulates in the Karnali Flood Plain of Bardia National Park, Nepal
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 87-94

P. Singh, R. Chettri
A New Propagation Method for Rapid Multiplication of Chrysanthemum under in Vivo Conditions
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 95-100

R. Bahaguna, V. Prakash, H. Bisht
Quantitative Enhancement of Active Content and Biomass of Two Aconitum Species Through Suitable Cultivation Technology
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 101-106

M. Kabir, M.S. Awan, M. Anwar
Distribution Range and Population Status of Common Leopard (Panthera Pardus) in and Around Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 107-118

A. Purohit, P. Soni, A. Kaur, H. Ram
Eco-Status of Chiropteran Fauna in and Around Barmer, India
[ Abstract ]
[Full Article - PDF]                  pp. 119-123

Available online on 08.02.2013     

Volume 4 - 2013
future issue
future issue
future issue
Volume 3 - 2012
Volume 2 - 2011
Volume 1 - 2010

2nd Linked Ancient World Data Institute (LAWDI)

Linked Ancient World Data Institute
Applications due Monday, February 18, 2013
Drew University and New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) will host the Linked Ancient World Data Institute (LAWDI) from May 30th to June 1st, 2013. The venue for the 2013 session will be the Drew University campus in New Jersey. 

Linked Open Data” is an approach to the creation of digital resources that emphasizes connections between diverse information on the basis of published and stable web addresses (URIs) that identify common concepts and individual items. LAWDI, funded by the Office of Digital Humanities of the National Endowment for Humanities, brings together an international faculty of practitioners working in the field of Linked Data with twenty attendees who are implementing or planning the creation of digital resources. Travel costs will be covered for students from the United States. Partial travel stipends are likely to be available to overseas participants. Accommodation on the Drew University campus will be provided to all participants. 

LAWDI’s intellectual scope is the Ancient Mediterranean and Ancient Near East, two fields in which a large and increasing number of digital resources is available, with rich coverage of the archaeology, literature and history of these regions. Many of these resources publish stable URIs for their content and so are enabling links and re-use that create a varied research and publication environment. LAWDI attendees will learn how to take advantage of these resources and also how to contribute to the growing network of linked scholarly materials. A report on the first LAWDI session has appeared in Information Standards Quarterly: http://dx.doi.org/10.3789/isqv24n2-3.2012.08

The organizers encourage applications from faculty, university staff, graduate students, librarians, museum professionals, archivists and others with a serious interest in creating digital resources for the study of the Ancient World. Applications to attend should take the form of an attached (MS-Word, PDF or other common format) one-page statement of interest e-mailed to <sebastian.heath@nyu.edu> by Monday, February 18. A discussion of current or planned work should be a prominent part of this statement. As part of the curriculum, successful applicants will be asked to present their work and be ready to actively participate in conversations about topics presented by faculty and the other participants. 

There is a LAWDI announcement suitable for distribution. The twitter hashtag is #lawdi

LAWDI Organizers

  • Tom Elliott, Project Director, (ISAW)
  • Sebastian Heath, Project Manager (ISAW)
  • John Muccigrosso, 2013 Host (Drew U.)

LAWDI 2013 Faculty

Please note that the above list may change.

Documents from the 2012 meeting of LAWDI

Open Access Journal: Virtual Archaeology Review

[First posted in AWOL 31 December 2010. Updated 12February 2013]

Virtual Archaeology Review
ISSN 1989-9947
Virtual Archaeology Review es la primera revista científica internacional dedicada monográficamente al campo de la arqueología virtual. De periodicidad semestral, está dirigida a arqueólogos, informáticos, ingenieros, historiadores, restauradores, arquitectos y profesionales relacionados con la aplicación de nuevas tecnologías al mundo del patrimonio arqueológico. 

Virtual Archaeology Review está centrada en la publicación de artículos originales, artículos de síntesis, estudios interdisciplinares, trabajos de teoría, aportaciones metodológicas y en general artículos redactados desde los enfoques más novedosos de una disciplina joven en proceso de consolidación académica y en continua evolución. 

Virtual Archaeology Review está realizada en colaboración con SEAV, Sociedad Española de Arqueología Virtual y de su congreso anual ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0. Congreso Internacional de Arqueología e Informática Gráfica. Patrimonio e Innovación. 

Virtual Archaeology Review is the first scientific, international magazine specifically devoted to the field of virtual archaeology, in semestral editions. The magazine is meant for archaeologists, information scientists, engineers, historians, restorers, architects and professionals linked with the use of new technologies to the field of archaeological heritage.
Virtual Archaeology Review aims the publication of original papers, abstracts, interdisciplinary surveys, and essays on this young discipline, which is continuously evoluting and currently on its way to scientific consolidation. 

Virtual Archaeology Review is edited in cooperation with SEAV (Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology) and its annual meeting ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0, International Meeting on Graphic Archaeology and Informatics, Heritage and Innovation.

Open Access journal: Studia Orontica

[First posted 3/10/09. Most recently updated 13 February 2013]

Studia Orontica  دراسات العاصي
Studia Orontica est le bulletin du Centre Syrien de la Recherche Archéologique
Vallée de l'Oronte - Palais Tabet. Publié à Damas par la Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées de Syrie

Studia Orontica I
Studia Orontica II
Studia Orontica III
 Studia Orontica IV
Studia Orontica IV
Studia Orontica V
Studia Orontica VI

Studia Orontica VII-VIII
Studia Orontica IX

The Studia Orontica website also serves other Syrian and levantine archaeological resources, including:


Observatoire des Musées Syriens Notes Brèves et Utilitaires
Notes de Céramologie Syrian
Le martyrion Saint-Jean dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate
Les Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes (AAAS)
One Thousend and One Object From the Syrian Land
 Observatoire des Musées Syriens Notes Brèves et Utilitaires

From Qatna to Qarqur: 10,000 Years of Human History in the Orontes River Valley

Les fouilles archéologiques à Mishirfeh - Qatna et la prospection de la Palmyrène occidentale 200
Rapport préliminaire sur les activités de la mission syro-française de ras shamra-ougarit en 2005
RAS SHAMRA AU BRONZE MOYEN Travaux 1929-1974 (Ire-XXXVe campagnes de fouilles)
Notes d’archéologie levantine xiii. fouilles archéologiques Syriennes à Mishrifeh/Qatna au nord
The history of MISHRIFEH
Qatna 1999-2000
Notes d’archéologie levantine X

Northwest Semitic Inscription Archive Online

[This site has been inaccessible for some time.  As of today it is back.  n.b. NSIA may not work with all browsers.  If you have a problem - try with a different tool]

Northwest Semitic Inscription Archive
Welcome to the Northwest Semitic Inscription Archive
Ammonite, Aramaic, Edomite, Hebrew, Moabite, Nabatean, Philistine,
Phoenician, Proto-Canaanite, Proto-Sinaitic, and Punic Inscriptions

Related BibliographyThe Northwest Semitic Inscription Archive (NSIA) has been designed to allow scholars and students access to inscriptions from the above list. The database is continuously updated to include recently published inscriptions. The text of each inscription may be viewed in Aramaic Block Script available at this site.

To use the database, we recommend first clicking on the ""Lryn" Font" button at the top of this page and follow the instructions to install the font onto your computer. For additional information on the font see Tips using the "Tipsheet" button at the top of this page. Once the "Lryn" font is installed, the text of each artifact will display in the Aramaic Block Script...
Inscription bearing artifacts and bibliographic references collected for the Northwest Semitic Inscription Archive are selected according to a rather broad set of parameters. The first goal is to include all Iron Age and Persian Period inscriptions in the Ammonite, Aramaic, Edomite, Hebrew, Moabite, Philistine, Phoenician, Proto-Canaanite, Proto-Sinaitic, and Punic dialects. Geographic provenance for these inscriptions includes the Levant, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Artifact type is limited to inscriptions on durable surfaces; stone, metal, and ceramic. Papyri are not included

Bibliographic references for each inscription are extensive, but not comprehensive. Bibliographic items which provide major discussion of the artifact and its text, comparative study of a group of inscriptions, major exegetical or historical interpretation of each text, or clear photographs/drawings of the artifact/inscription are included. The bibliographic materials are designed to provide significant points of entry into the study of each inscription. However, these bibliographic materials will not provide references to all the nuances of scholarly discussion about each inscription, nuances frequently found included in footnotes, or in tangential remarks within the body of a scholarly work.
©Copyright Dr. Robert Suder 1998

Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist


Wadi Sura-Projekt Online

Universität zu Köln, Wadi Sura-Projekt
In continuation of the long-lasting research of the University of Cologne into the cultural and environmental history of the eastern Sahara, the Wadi Sura Project was started in the beginning of 2009 as a joint archaeological mission of the University of Cologne, the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, and the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo, financed by the German Research Council (DFG).

The main objective is the study of the so-called "Cave of Beasts" (Wadi Sura II), a large rock art shelter, painted with thousands of figures, which is located at the southwestern base of the Gilf Kebir plateau close to the border of Libya.

The first primary objective of the Wadi Sura Project is the systematic documentation of the shelter and its rock paintings including their preservation status. The second focus of the project is the landscape archaeology of the Wadi Sura micro-region, which aims at integrating the rock shelter and its imagery into the archaeological context displayed in the distribution, dating, and function of prehistoric sites in the Wadi Sura area.

Work in progress

Digital Library: Propylaeum - Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften

[First posted in AWOL 22 June 2009. Revised and updated 14 February 2013]

Propylaeum, die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften
Das Portal bietet Ihnen Fachinformationen für den gesamten Bereich der Altertumswissenschaften. Die Disziplinen Ägyptologie, Alte Geschichte, Altorientalistik, Byzantinistik, Klassische Archäologie, Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulateinische Philologie sowie Vor- und Frühgeschichte sind jeweils mit einem eigenen Fachangebot vertreten.
Propylaeum offers a wide variety of points of entry to scholarly material on Antiquity. Notable among these are:

Propylaeum-DOK, der Volltextserver der Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaft, Propylaeum wird von der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg bereitgestellt. Die Publikationsplattform bietet Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern weltweit die Möglichkeit, ihre Veröffentlichungen aus allen Fachbereichen der Altertumswissenschaften kostenlos und in elektronischer Form nach den Grundsätzen des Open Access im WWW verfügbar zu machen. Die Arbeiten werden mit standardisierten Adressen (URN) und Metadaten (OAIPMH) dauerhaft zitierfähig archiviert. Sie sind damit in verschiedenen Bibliothekskatalogen und Suchmaschinen weltweit recherchierbar.

Mit der Einbindung von Themenportalen wird die virtuelle Fachbibliothek Propylaeum als dynamischer Prozess gestaltet: Für Forschende besteht so die Möglichkeit, in dieses Modul wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse aktiv einzubringen. Die erforderliche Betreuung eines Themenportals von Seiten der Fachwissenschaft fördert die Vernetzung bibliothekarischer und fachwissenschaftlicher Kompetenzen und führt so zu einer Steigerung des wissenschaftlichen Niveaus der Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften.
Angestrebt wird deshalb, dass die Themenportale vorrangig von externen Kooperationspartnern, bei denen die jeweilige inhaltliche Verantwortung liegt, betreut werden. Das für die Webpräsenz von Propylaeum eingesetzte Content-Management-System TYPO 3 ermöglicht die verteilte Pflege durch externe Betreuer mit gezielt vergebenen Zugriffsberechtigungen. Zur Klärung technischer Fragestellungen steht an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek eine interne Redaktionsstelle zur Verfügung.

Wenn Sie die Möglichkeit nutzen möchten, ein eigenes Themenportal in Propylaeum aufzubauen und zu betreuen, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden.

Zu den Propylaeum-Themenportalen:

Open Access Journal: Archeomatica

ISSN: 2037-2485

Archeomaticaè una nuova rivista multidisciplinare, stampata in Italia, dedicata alla presentazione e alla diffusione di metodologie avanzate, tecnologie emergenti e tecniche per la conoscenza, la documentazione, salvaguardia, conservazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.

La rivista si propone di pubblicare articoli di valore significativo e duraturo scritti da ricercatori, archeologi, storici, conservatori e restauratori coinvolti in questo settore, per la diffusione di nuove metodologie specifiche e dei risultati sperimentali. Archeomatica solleciterà il dibattito costruttivo sulle ultime applicazioni scientifiche, per il confronto di idee  e delle scoperte relazionate ad ogni aspetto del settore dei beni culturali.

Archeomatica è destinata anche ad essere una fonte primaria di informazioni multidisciplinari e di divulgazione per il settore del patrimonio culturale.


Archeomatica n1_2012_160x226
Numero 1 - Marzo 2012
Copertina 2 2012 160x229
Numero 2 - Giugno 2012
Archeomatica 3 2012 160 226
Numero 3 - Settembre 2012


Numero 1 - Marzo 2011

Numero 2 - Giugno 2011
Archeomatica 3-2011-160x226
Numero 3 - Settembre  2011
Archeomatica 4_2011_160x226
Numero 4 - Dicembre 2011


Numero 1 - Marzo 2010
Numero 2-Giugno 2010
Numero 3 - Settembre 2010
Archeomatica n 4 2010
Numero 4 - Dicembre 2010

Numero 0 - Novembre 2009

Open Access Journal: P@lethnologie

ISSN: 2108-6532
P@lethnologie est la première revue bilingue de préhistoire en ligne (français/anglais). Cette double volonté (support numérique et bilinguisme) est au service de la plus grande diffusion de travaux, en particulier de recherches francophones, auprès d'une large communauté scientifique. L'approche socio-culturelle des populations préhistoriques (celles des chasseurs-cueilleurs, pasteurs et agro-pasteurs) y est développée grâce à la grande diversité des sujets, des contextes géographiques ainsi que des disciplines envisagés : analyse du mobilier archéologique, paléoenvironnement, archéozoologie, art, étude monographique de site... Ces annales proposent, au sein de chaque numéro, un dossier thématique, des contributions sur divers sujets qui composent l'actualité scientifique.
P@lethnologie is the first on-line bilingual (French-English) review of Prehistory. Its digital and bilingual format permits diverse works, particularly research by French speaking authors, to be widely diffused to a broad scientific community. A socio-cultural approach to prehistoric populations (hunter-gatherers, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists) is developed through the inclusion of a broad range of disciplines: archaeological artifact analysis, paleoenvironment, zooarchaeology, art, monographs of site studies, etc. Each issue includes a thematic section, composed of articles presenting recent research.


DĀMOS: Database of Mycenaean at Oslo

DĀMOS: Database of Mycenaean at Oslo
DĀMOS (Database of Mycenaean at Oslo) aims at being an annotated electronic corpus of all the published Mycenaean texts, the earliest (ca. XV-XII B.C.) written evidence of the Greek language, comprised of inscriptions in the Linear B syllabic script.
Mycenaean texts are generally administrative documents, dating from ca 1450 to 1150 B.C., written mostly on clay tablets in a syllabic script that we call Linear B. They have been found within the rests of the Mycenaean palaces both on Crete and mainland Greece. They amount to something less then 6000 documents, although many of them are brief or fragmentary texts.
Linear B is a syllabic script not related to the later Greek alphabets. It belongs to a family of writing systems used in the Aegean area in the II and I millennium B.C., of which only Linear B and the Cypriot syllabary of the I millennium have been satisfactorily deciphered. It is important to remark that although Linear B as a writing system seems to have functioned well as a tool for recording administrative information, it is not in fact a very efficient instrument for rendering the phonetic system of Greek, since it presents many inaccuracies and deficiencies in this regard. This fact, together with the nature of the texts, sometimes makes our interpretation of the texts and of their language quite uncertain. This, in turn, shows well how important the opportunity is, which an annotated electronic corpus offers, of systematically crossing all the information available at the different levels of analysis and within the whole of the extant Mycenaean texts. 

The language of the documents, being the oldest attestation of an Indo-European language after Hittite and the only attestation of a Greek dialect in the II millennium B.C., presents several archaic and interesting linguistic features and poses some questions crucial for the history of the Greek language (and for the field of comparative Indo-European linguistics in general), which, especially because of the mentioned limitations of the content of the documents and the shortcomings of the writing system, are still in need of an appropriate, if not definitive, answer.

Papyrology in Heidelberg

 [First posted in AWOL 13 October 2010. Updated 15 February 2013)

Projects of the Instituts für Papyrologie, Universität Heidelberg
Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens einschließlich der Ostraka usw., der lateinischen Texte, sowie der entsprechenden Urkunden aus benachbarten Regionen
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Digitalisierung der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung (Projektbeschreibung)
Im Rahmen ihres Programms "Retrospektive Digitalisierung von Bibliotheksbeständen" förderte die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) vom 1. April 1999 bis zum 30. November 2002 ein Projekt zur Digitalisierung der Heidelberger Papyrussamlung. Dieses Projekt war mit einer Wissenschaftler- und einer Technikerstelle (3/4 Stelle) ausgestattet. Ziel des Projektes war die digitale Erfassung des Gesamtbestandes der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, also nicht nur der griechischen Papyri, die mit etwa 5000 Stück den Hauptbestandteil der Sammlung ausmachen, sondern auch der ca 3200 arabischen, 1370 koptischen und 815 demotischen Papyri, sowie darüberhinaus kleinerer Partien hieratischer, mittelpersischer, hebräischer, lateinischer, aramäischer und syrischer Papyri und schließlich der 760 griechischen Ostraka...
Dokumentarische Rückseiten literarischer Papyri

Während dokumentarische Papyri häufig auf den Tag genau datierbar sind und selbst dann, wenn sie keinen konkreten Hinweis auf ihr Entstehungsdatum enthalten, dieses aufgrund des Schriftcharakters recht zuverlässig erschlossen werden kann, ist die Datierung literarischer Papyri erheblich problematischer, weil man bei ihnen ausschließlich auf paläographische Kriterien angewiesen ist. Sie sind hinwiederum in der Regel in Schriftstilen geschrieben worden, die über lange Zeit hinweg kanonische Geltung hatten, so daß um mehrere hundert Jahre divergierende Datierungsvorschläge ausgewiesener Paläographen keine Seltenheit sind. Nun gibt es eine nicht unbeträchtliche Anzahl von Papyri, die auf der Vorderseite einen literarischen Text und auf der Rückseite einen dokumentarischen enthalten, oder umgekehrt. Dadurch ergeben sich für die literarischen Seiten recht zuverlässige termini ante bzw. post quem ihrer Entstehung. Ziel des Projekts ist es, einen Katalog derartiger Papyri in der Form einer elektronischen Datenbank zu erarbeiten, die über das Internet für Suchabfragen bereitgestellt werden soll. Eine Auswahl besonders wichtiger Beispiele soll daneben in traditioneller Weise in einem Band mit einem Abbildungsteil und begleitenden theoretischen Darlegungen veröffentlicht werden. Beide Publikationen werden weiteren paläographischen Forschungen als wertvolle Arbeitsinstrumente dienen können.
Erweiterung des HGV um bibliographische Nachweise vorhandener Übersetzungen und Übersetzung der in BGU I - IV enthaltenen griechischen Texte
Ziel des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts ist es, im Rahmen des Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens (HGV) interessierten Nutzern Übersetzungen von griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus dem antiken Ägypten möglichst in elektronischer Form, zumindest aber über bibliographische Verwiese zugänglich zu machen. Primäre Zielgruppe sind hierbei Wissenschaftler und Studierende der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, deren Kenntnisse des Altgriechischen (bzw. der in den Papyri verwendeten Fachsprache) nicht ausreichen, um eigenständig und mit vertretbarem Aufwand einen Papyrustext im Original lesen zu können. Aber auch interessierten Laien, die über die mittlerweile recht breit vorliegenden Sammlungen repräsentativer Texte mit Übersetzungen einen Einstieg in diese Textgattung gefunden haben, soll so die Vertiefung ihrer Kenntnisse ermöglicht werden.
Überlegungen zu den laufenden Projekten
Bulletin of Online Emendations to Papyri
Data Processing and State Management in Roman Egypt

Abbildungen, Mara/Sänger

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