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DH Awards 2014 – Voting Announcement

DH Awards 2014 – Voting Announcement
Voting for DH Awards is open!

DH Awards 2014 is open for voting at: http://dhawards.org/dhawards2014/voting/ until the end of 28 February 2015. Versions of this announcement in French, Japanese and Spanish are available from the website.

Digital Humanities Awards are a set of entirely open annual awards run as a DH awareness raising activity. The awards are nominated and voted for entirely by the public. These awards are intended to help put interesting DH resources in the spotlight and engage DH users (and general public) in the work of the community. Although the working language of DH Awards is English, nominations may be for any resource in any language. Awards are not specific to geography, language, conference, organization or field of humanities. There is no financial prize associated with these community awards. There were many nominations and the international nominations committee (http://dhawards.org/dhawards2014/committee/) reviewed each nomination. We’re sorry if your nomination was not included, or changed category, all decisions are final once voting opens. Please see http://dhawards.org/dhawards2014/faqs2014/ for this and other frequently asked questions.

Anyone is allowed to vote, yes anyone, but please only vote once.

Best Use of DH For Fun

Best Exploration of DH Failure

Best DH Data Visualization

Best Use of DH For Public Engagement

Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools

Best DH Blog Post or Series of Posts

To vote fill in the DH Awards 2014 Voting Form.

Arabia Antica: History and Culture of Pre-Islamic Arabia

Open Access Journal: Archivum Anatolicum = Anadolu arşiveleri

Archivum Anatolicum = Anadolu arşiveleri
ISSN: 1300-6355

Volume:9 Issue:1
  • Title: Anadolulu Tüccar Nini’ye ait tabletler
    Author(s):ÇAYIR, Murat
    Vol.: 9 Issue: 1 Page: 001-026 DOI: 10.1501/Archv_0000000004 Pub. Date: 2006
  • Title: 1992 yılında bulunmuş bir grup Kültepe tableti
    Author(s):EROL, Hakan
    Vol.: 9 Issue: 1 Page: 027-056 DOI: 10.1501/Archv_0000000005 Pub. Date: 2006
  • Title: Kültepe metinlerinde geçen Himtum kelimesinin anlamı üzerine
    Author(s):KAHYA, Ömer
    Vol.: 9 Issue: 1 Page: 057-072 DOI: 10.1501/Archv_0000000006 Pub. Date: 2006
  • Title: Kültepe metinlerinde geçen Dulbātum kelimesi
    Author(s):YILDIRIM, Nurgül
    Vol.: 9 Issue: 1 Page: 073-078 DOI: 10.1501/Archv_0000000007 Pub. Date: 2006

Volume:8 Issue:2
  • Title: Kültepe’den Nikka İlgili Altı Yeni Belge
    Author(s):EROL, Hakan;ALBAYRAK, İrfan
    Vol.: 8 Issue: 2 Page: 01-20 DOI: 10.1501/Archv_0000000001 Pub. Date: 2005
  • Title: 1963 Yılı Kültepe Kazısında Ele Geçen Altı Yeni Tablet
    Author(s):ÖZ, Esma;ALBAYRAK, İrfan
    Vol.: 8 Issue: 2 Page: 21-46 DOI: 10.1501/Archv_0000000002 Pub. Date: 2005
  • Title: Fremde Götter in Hatti Einführung einer Babylonischen Gottheit in Hatti und Schwierigkeiten bei ihrer Kulterrichtung nach dem Orakeltext KUB 5.6
    Author(s):ÜNAL, Ahmet
    Vol.: 8 Issue: 2 Page: 47-108 DOI: 10.1501/Archv_0000000003 Pub. Date: 2005

Codex Vaticanus Online

Codex Vaticanus Online
Biblia. Greco
sec. IV

Open Access Journal: Römisch-germanisches Korrespondenzblatt: Nachrichten für römisch-germanische Altertumsforschung

Römisch-germanisches Korrespondenzblatt: Nachrichten für römisch-germanische Altertumsforschung
Das Römisch-germanische Korrespondenzblatt wurde 1908 von Prof. Dr. Emil Krüger, dem damaligen Direktor des Provinzialmuseums in Trier, herausgegeben. Es war die Fortsetzung des Korrespondenzblatt der Westdeutschen Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst, welches wiederum gleichzeitig das Organ der Historisch-antiquarischen Vereine zu Birkenfeld war.

Entsprechend sind in der Zeitschrift vorrangig Ausgrabungen aus dem westfälischem Raum publiziert worden. Das Römisch-germanische-Korrespondenzblatt erschien in nur neun Ausgaben und wurde bereits 1916 wieder eingestellt.

al-Thurayyā Gazetteer, Ver. 02

al-Thurayyā Gazetteer, Ver. 02
This is our first usable demo of al-Thurayyā Gazetteer. Currently it includes over 2,000 toponyms and almost as many route sections georeferenced from Georgette Cornu’s Atlas du monde arabo-islamique à l'époque classique: IXe-Xe siècles (Leiden: Brill, 1983). The gazetteer is searchable (upper left corner), although English equivalents are not yet included; in other words, look for Dimashq/دمشق, not Damascus.

You can browse the Gazetteer by clicking on any toponym marker. The popup will show the toponym both in Arabic script and transliterated. We are using a slightly modified transliteration system that facilitates conversion between fully transliterated, transliterated, and Arabic forms of toponyms. It should be easily understandable. There may be typos, because of the nature of how the data has been generated, so please, let us know if something should be corrected. The popup also offers a selection of possible sources on a toponym in question. You can check Arabic Sources: currently, al-Samʿānī’s Kitāb al-ansāb and Yāqūt’s Muʿjam al-buldān. Currently, the Gazetteer will only check for exact matches, which means that in some cases there will not be any entry at all, while in other cases there may be more than one and they may refer to other places with the same name. Improving the precision of this lookup is on our to-do list. You can also check if there is information on a toponym in question in Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam, Pleiades, and Wikipedia.

Credits & Acknowledgments

Many thanks to Adam Tavares (programmer @ Perseus Project, Tufts) and, particularly, Cameron Jackson (senior, double-majoring in Arabic and Computer Science, Tufts) for the technical development; to Vickie Sullivan (Chair, Classics Department), Gregory Crane and the entire Perseus team on the both sides of the Atlantic for support and inspiration.

Documenti di Enciclopedia Costantiniana

Documenti di Enciclopedia Costantiniana
Costantino E I Vescovi Di Roma. Momenti Di Un Problematico Incontro (2013)
Costantino E Il Diritto Canonico Moderno. Da Marsilio In Poi (2013)
Costantino E Il Monachesimo (2013)
Costantino E Il Potere Papale Post-Gregoriano (2013)
Costantino E Il Senato Romano (2013)
Costantino E Il Sol Invictus (2013)
Costantino E L'Autorappresentazione Del Papato. Arte, Architettura E Cerimoniali Romani (2013)
Costantino E La Bizantinistica Prima E Dopo Francis Dvornik (2013)
Costantino E La Crisi Donatista (2013)
Costantino E La Dottrina Della Regalita Sociale Di Cristo (2013)
Costantino E La Legislazione Antiereticale. La Costruzione Della Figura Dell'eretico (2013)
Costantino E La Letteratura. Teatro, Poesia, Narrativa, Saggistica (1890-2010) (2013)
Costantino E La Riforma Radicale Nel Cinquecento. Il Successo Di Un Mito Negativo (2013)
Costantino E La Teologia 'Romana'. Figure Della Gerarchia Dei Poteri Nella Pubblicistica Di Parte Papale (Secoli Xv-Xviii) (2013)
Costantino E Le Crociate. L'Eredita Costantiniana Nella Costruzione Dell'ideologia Delle Crociate (2013)
Costantino E Le Guerre Civili. Storia E Storiografia (2013)
Costantino Fra Divinizzazione E Santificazione. Una Sepoltura Contestata (2013)
Costantino Fra Giurisdizionalismo E Ius Publicum Ecclesiasticum (2013)
Costantino Il Grande A Mosca Dai Rjurikidi Alla Dinastia Dei Romanov (2013)
Costantino Nel Codice Teodosiano. La Raccolta Delle Leggi Per Un Nuovo Codice (2013)
Costantino Nel Diritto Canonico Classico. Elementi Costantiniani Nella Canonistica Fra Xi E Xiv Secolo (2013)
Costantino Nel Modernismo. Premesse Di Un Discorso Critico Sull'era Costantiniana Della Chiesa (2013)

Il Titulus Di Costantino. Tra Conciliarismo, Umanesimo E Iconografia (2013)
Il Veleno Di Costantino. La Donazione Di Costantino Tra Spunti Riformatori Ed Ecclesiologia Ereticale (2013)
1913. L'Italia E Il Xvi Centenario Dell'editto Di Milano (2013)
L''Epoca' Di Costantino E Il Tardoantico (2013)
L'Architettura E L'Iconografia Costantiniana In Serbia E Bulgaria (2013)
L'Arco Di Costantino. Un Monumento Dell'arte Romana Di Rappresentanza (2013)
L'Editto Di Milano. Origine E Sviluppo Di Un Dibattito (2013)
L'Epigrafia Costantiniana. La Figura Di Costantino E La Propaganda Imperiale (2013)
L'Esegesi Di Eusebio E La Figura Di Costantino (2013)
L'Iconografia Di Costantino Il Grande Nell'arte E Nella Civilta Della Russia (2013)
L'Immagine Di Costantino Magno Nella Storiografia Ecclesiastica Fra Tardo Illuminismo E Novecento (2013)
L'Immagine Di Costantino Nelle Fonti Arabe. Il Primo Imperatore Cristiano Nello Specchio Dell'islam (2013)
L'Imperatore Delle Enciclopedie. La Voce Costantino Nella Produzione Dei Secoli Xvii-Xxi (2013)
L'Imperatore E La Chiesa. Dalla Tolleranza (312) Alla Supremazia Della Religione Cristiana (380), Alle Contese Per La Cattoli (2013)
L'Opera Apologetica Di Eusebio Di Cesarea (2013)
L'Oratio Ad Sanctorum Coetum. Un Imperatore Cristiano Alla Ricerca Del Consenso (2013)
L'Ordine Sociale Costantiniano. Schiavitu, Economia E Aristocrazia (2013)
La Carriera Di Un Imperatore. Dal Fallimento Della Tetrarchia Alla Monarchia Carismatica (2013)
La Chiesa Di Roma Prima E Dopo Costantino. Da Vittore (189-199) A Liberio (352-366) (2013)
La Croce In Occidente. Il Simbolo E Il Monogramma (2013)
La Croce In Oriente (2013)
La Cultura Figurativa Nell'eta Costantiniana. Il Gusto E I Valori Di Una Nuova Epoca (2013)
La Discussione Sui 'Precursori' Di Costantino. Eziologia Storico-Religiosa Della Cosiddetta Svolta Costantiniana (2013)
La Donazione Di Costantino Nel Dibattito Politico Ed Ecclesiastico (Secoli Xiii-Xvii) (2013)
La Famiglia E La Politica Dinastica Di Costantino (2013)
La Figura Di Costantino Il Grande Negli Storici Bizantini Fra Vii E Xv Secolo (2013)
La Figura Di Costantino Nei Caesares Di Giuliano L'Apostata (2013)
La Figura Di Costantino Nell'ordo Panegyricorum. I Panegiristi E La Nascita Del Potere Costantiniano (2013)
La Formula Di Heer Dell'era Costantiniana (1949-1953). Il Cristianesimo In Mezzo Al Tempo E All'¿Eternita (2013)
La Genealogia Di Costantino (2013)
La Leggenda Della Vera Croce E La Sua Iconografia (Viii-Xv Secolo). La Disseminazione Dei Cicli Figurativi In Prospettiva Eur (2013)
La Liberta Religiosa Come Tema Costantiniano E Anticostantiniano (2013)
La Politica Con I Sasanidi. Conflitti, Diplomazia E Nuove Problematiche Religiose (2013)
La Religione E La Politica. Il Governo Dell'impero Tra Pagani E Cristiani Fra Iii E Vi Secolo (2013)
La Ricezione Americana Di Costantino (2013)
La Ricezione Di Costantino Nelle Monarchie Dell'europa Moderna (2013)
La Riorganizzazione Amministrativa Dell'italia. Costantino, Roma, Il Senato E Gli Equilibri Dell'italia Romana (2013)
La Storiografia Anglofona Su Costantino Nel Xx Secolo: Linee Di Sviluppo (2013)
La Teologia Romana Dei Secoli Xix E Xx. Costantino Tra La Chiesa Trionfante E La Chiesa Dei Poveri (2013)
La Trasmissione Nel Rituale Costantinopolitano (2013)
La Vita E Le Laudes Constantini. Presentazione E Analisi Di Testi Problematici (2013)
Visione Anglicana Di Costantino. Un'indagine Storica (2013)
Voltaire E Gli Illuministi Francesi (2013)

Open Access Journal: ISAW Newsletter

 [First posted in AWOL 18 December 2013, updated 17 February 2015]

ISAW Newsletter (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World)
ISAW periodically publishes a print newsletter containing updates on research and teaching. PDF copies are available here for download (requires Adobe Reader or another PDF-capable program):

    ISAW Newsletter 1: December 2008

    PDF document icon ISAW_NewsLetter_0108.pdf — PDF document, 4202 kB (4303663 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 2: December 2009

    PDF document icon ISAW_Newsletter_1209.pdf — PDF document, 2661 kB (2725094 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 3: Fall 2010

    PDF document icon ISAW_Newsletter_1110.pdf — PDF document, 661 kB (677662 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 4: Spring 2011

    PDF document icon ISAW_Newsletter_0411.pdf — PDF document, 875 kB (896907 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 5: Fall 2011

    PDF document icon Newsletter 5forweb.pdf — PDF document, 3369 kB (3450344 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 6: Spring 2012

    PDF document icon Newsletter6forweb.pdf — PDF document, 2512 kB (2572618 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 7: Fall 2012

    PDF document icon Newsletter 7forweb.pdf — PDF document, 3868 kB (3960925 bytes)

    ISAW at Five (May 2012)

    PDF document icon ISAW_5forweb.pdf — PDF document, 5141 kB (5264877 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 8: Spring 2013

    PDF document icon Newsletter 8smallfile.pdf — PDF document, 745 kB (763191 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 9: Fall 2013

    PDF document icon Newsletter 9 for web.pdf — PDF document, 5951 kB (6094077 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 10: Spring 2014

    PDF document icon For ISAW Website.pdf — PDF document, 5187 kB (5311572 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 11: Fall 2014

    PDF document icon Fall 2014 Newsletter 11 .pdf — PDF document, 2366 kB (2423235 bytes)

    ISAW Newsletter 12: Spring 2015

    PDF document icon Spring 2015 Newsletter 12.pdf — PDF document, 4768 kB (4883228 bytes)

    Now Online: Archaeological Research in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Greek Chapter (CAA-GR) Rethymno, Crete, 6-8 March 2014.

    Papadopoulos, C., Paliou, E., Chrysanthi, A., Kotoula, E., and Sarris, A. (Eds) 2015. Archaeological Research in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Greek Chapter (CAA-GR) Rethymno, Crete, 6-8 March 2014Rethymno: Institute for Mediterranean Studies – Foundation of Research and Technology (IMS-Forth). ISBN: 978-618-81780-0-7.
    In total, 33 papers were submitted for consideration, with 30 papers accepted – after a thorough peer reviewing process – to be included in this volume. We are grateful to the members of the scientific committee for their invaluable contribution to the publication of the proceedings.
    And see the CAA-GR 2014 Website.

    eAQUA: Extraktion von strukturiertem Wissen aus Antiken Quellen für die Altertumswissenschaft

    eAQUA: Extraktion von strukturiertem Wissen aus Antiken Quellen für die Altertumswissenschaft
    Ziel des BMBF geförderten Projektes eAQUA (2008-2013) war die Anpassung und Nutzung von Verfahren des Text Mining für altgriechische und lateinische Texte. Algorithmenbasierte Verfahren der Textauswertung werden seit einigen Jahren erfolgreich auch für die Analyse altertumswissenschaftlicher Textcorpora angewendet, aber besonders die Anwendung auf griechische Texte stellt dabei - wegen der Eigenart der altgriechischen Sprache (Abbildung von Akzenten, morphologische Wortbildung, Satzstruktur etc.) - eine Neuheit und auch spezielle Herausforderung dar.

    Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zwischen altertumswissenschaftlichen Fächern und der Informatik war das Ziel die Gewinnung von neuem strukturierten Wissen aus antiken bzw. frühneuzeitlichen Quellen und die Weiterentwicklung von Werkzeugen aus dem Bereich des Text Mining. Die hier verwendeten Suchmöglichkeiten (Kookkurrenzsuche, Zitationssuche) gehen über die üblichen Suchmöglichkeiten im Rahmen digitaler Bibliotheken hinaus und ermöglichen die Erschließung von Abhängigkeiten, Einflüssen und Transferwegen des Wissens in großem Umfang: Die Kookkurrenzsuche, vorrangig im eAQUA-Teilprojekt Projekt Atthidographen 2008-2011 entwickelt, zeigt semantische Zusammenhänge an, die Zitationssuche, vorrangig im eAQUA-Teilprojekt Platon 2008-2011 entwickelt, listet Textpassagen auf, die Parallelen zwischen einem Werk und dem gesamten Referenzcorpus darstellen. Beide Tools sind seit 2011 erheblich weiterentwickelt worden und werden hier ohne Zugangsbe- oder –einschränkungen zur Anwendung für frei zugängliche Textcorpora zur Verfügung gestellt.

    Looted Heritage: Monitoring the Illicit Antiquities Trade

    [First posted in AWOL 17 February 2012, updated 18 February 2015]

    Looted Heritage: Monitoring the Illicit Antiquities Trade
    "Looted Heritage" is a project of Dr. Shawn Graham, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at Carleton University in Ottawa Canada.
    This site monitors various social media and regular media feeds for stories and reports about the trade in antiquities, which then get mapped. The more such things are made visible, the better our chances of spotting important trends and developments. It also maps academic work on the problem of the illicit antiquities trade.
    This site also serves as a training ground for some of my students in the Digital Humanities and Digital History at Carleton University.
    This project is not affiliated with the Illicit Antiquities Research Centre at Cambridge University (which is, sadly, closed). The Centre provides some statistics on the nature and scale of the illicit antiquities trade; these statistics date to 1999; the problem has only grown with the wars and disruptions of the past decade:

    Some statistics

    • Italy: 120,000 antiquities seized by police in five years;
    • Italy: 100,000+ Apulian tombs devastated;
    • Niger: in southwest Niger between 50 and 90 per cent of sites have been destroyed by looters;
    • Turkey: more than 560 looters arrested in one year with 10,000 objects in their possession;
    • Cyprus: 60,000 objects looted since 1974;
    • China: catalogues of Sotheby’s sales found in the poor countryside: at least 15,000 sites vandalized, 110,000 illicit cultural objects intercepted in four years;
    • Cambodia: 300 armed bandits surround Angkor Conservation compound, using hand grenades to blow apart the monuments; 93 Buddha heads intercepted in June this year, 342 other objects a month later;
    • Syria: the situation is now so bad a new law has been passed which sends looters to jail for 15 years;
    • Belize: 73 per cent of major sites looted;
    • Guatemala: thieves now so aggressive they even looted from the laboratory at Tikal;
    • Peru: 100,000 tombs looted, half the known sites.
    -Brodie and Watson, http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/projects/iarc/culturewithoutcontext/issue5/brodie-watson.htm
    Dr. David Gill, Professor of Archaeological Heritage and Head of the Division of Humanities at University Campus Suffolk, has blogged about the problem of looting for many years at Looting Matters. Professor Gill has recently been awarded the Archaeological Institute of America's Public Service Award for his work. I extend my congratulations to Professor Gill, whose blog was in part the inspiration for this crowd-sourced project.
    I invite you to participate by contributing information to this site, because, indeed, looting matters.
    You may download all reports on this site in CSV format at the download page.

    View More

    SEAL: Sources of Early Akkadian Literature

    [First posted in AWOL 20 July 2009. Most recently updated 18 February 2015]

    SEAL: Sources of Early Akkadian Literature

    A Text Corpus of Babylonian and Assyrian Literary Texts from the 3rd and 2nd Millennia BCE

    Sources of Early Akkadian Literature is a joint project of the Institute of Archaeology of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Altorientalisches Institut of the University of Leipzig.

    Project Description

    Akkadian, i.e. Babylonian and Assyrian, literature, documented on cuneiform tablets from Ancient Mesopotamia (together with Sumerian and Egyptian literature) forms the oldest written literature of mankind.

    In the 3rd and 2nd Millennia (c. 2400-1100 BCE), Akkadian literature developed many different literary genres: hymns, lamentations, prayers to various gods, incantations against a range of sources of evil, love-lyrics, wisdom literature (proverbs, fables, riddles), as well as long epics and myths - roughly 550 different compositions. Many of these compositions are not yet published in satisfactory modern editions or scattered throughout a large number of publications.

    SEAL ("Sources of Early Akkadian Literature"), which started at 2007, is updated regularly. It aims to compile a complete indexed corpus of Akkadian literary texts from the 3rd and 2nd Millennia BCE, attempting to enable the efficient study of the entire early Akkadian literature in all its philological, literary, and historical aspects.

    Many of the editions in SEAL rely on new collations and photos. (For the moment being, these photos cannot be shown publicly due to restricted copy rights.)

    As part of this project SEAL will publish the corpus in printed form, in monographs within the new series Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien. Several volumes are currently in preparation:
    • N. Wasserman: Old Babylonian Incantations.
    • N. Wasserman: Love Lyrics.
    • M. P. Streck: Old Babylonian Hymns.
    • Elyze Zomer: Middle Babylonian Incantations.
    • J. Fechner will publish a monograph on "Altbabylonische Gottesbriefe" outside the SEAL series.

    Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the History of Archaeology

    [First posted in AWOL 10 December 2011. Updated 18 February 2015]

    Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
    ISSN: 2047-6930 (online)
    ISSN: 1062-4740 (print)
    The Bulletin of the History of Archaeology (BHA) was inaugurated nearly 19 years ago as a forum to exchange research, information on on-going projects, and resources solely devoted to the history of archaeology. Since that time it has become global in its reach and interests, but retains its focus on exchanging knowledge about the history of archaeology.

    Vol 24 (2014)

    Sackett Boucher de Perthes and the Discovery of Human Antiquity
    Evans Soldiering Archaeology: Pitt Rivers and ‘Militarism’
    Iacono A Pioneering Experiment: Dialoghi di Archeologia between Marxism and Political Activism
    Crisà The Accidental Archaeologist: The Unfortunate Case of Antonio Filippello and the Coin Hoard of Castiglione (Catania, Sicily, 1818)

    Vol 23, No 2 (2013)

    Goodrum The Study of Prehistoric Artefacts in National Context: Belgian Archaeologists and the Problem of Ancient Stone Implements
    Scott Samuel Lysons and His Circle: Art, Science and the Remains of Roman Britain
    Browman The Origin of the ‘Chicago Method’ Excavation Techniques: Contributions of William Nickerson and Frederick Starr

    Vol 23, No 1 (2013)

    Williams Saxon Obsequies: The Early Medieval Archaeology of Richard Cornwallis Neville
    Lopez-Romero & Daire The ICARE Project: Insights into the Formation and Consolidation of Archaeology in Western France (ca. 1850–1990)
    Shipley Guelphs, Ghibellines and Etruscans: Archaeological Discoveries and Civic Identity in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Tuscany

    Vol 22, No 2 (2012)

    Schele Profile of Alberto Ruz Lhuillier as a Young Man
    Gracia Academic Relations Between Italian and Spanish Archaeologists and Prehistorians, 1916–1936

    Vol 22, No 1 (2012)

    Stevenson ‘We Seem to be Working in the Same Line’: A.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers and W.M.F. Petrie
    Westaway Sydney B.J. Skertchly and the Early History of Pleistocene Archaeology at the Queensland Museum
    Tikkanen The Consequences of Truth

    Vol 21, No 2 (2011)

    Sveshnikova Soviet Archaeological Expedition as a Research Object
    Browman Spying by American Archaeologists in World War I

    Vol 21, No 1 (2011)

    Christenson Who were the Professional North American Archaeologists of 1900?
    Reconnecting Thomas Gann with British Interest in the Archaeology of Mesoamerica
    The Allure of Archaeology: Agnes Conway and Jane Harrison at Newnham College
    Browman Comments on a doctoral dissertation by Uta Kresse Raina
    Means The development of a GIS for New Deal Archaeology

    Vol 20, No 2 (2010)

    Allen The Curious History of the Talgai Skull
    Guidi The Historical Development of Italian Prehistoric Archaeology
    Martins Iberian Crossroads: Archaeology and Dictatorships

    Vol 20, No 1 (2010)

    Gillot Towards a Socio-Political History of Archaeology in the Middle East...
    Sheppard Flinders Petrie and Eugenics at UCL  
    Hølleland Spells of History: Childe's Contribution to the European Identity Discourse  
    Harrison The Yorkshire Antiquarian Club 1849–c.1860  
    Moshenska'At Variance With Both General and Expert Opinion': The Later Works of Lieutenant-Colonel Professor Laurence Austine Waddell

    Vol 19, No 2 (2009)

    Chen Archaeological Discoveries in the People’s Republic of China and Their Contribution to the Understanding of Chinese History
    Abadía The History of Archaeology as Seen Through the Externalism-Internalism Debate
    Goodrum The Creation of Societies for the Study of Prehistory and Their Role in the Formation of Prehistoric Archaeology as a Discipline

    Vol 19, No 1 (2009)

    Harrison A Local Hero: John Robert Mortimer and the Birth of Archaeology in East Yorkshire   
    Leach An Appreciation of R. G. Collingwood as an Archaeologist

    Vol 18, No 2 (2008)

    Klejn Bruce Trigger in World Archaeology  
    Browman Lumbreras and Peruvian Prehistory: A Retrospective View from Junin
    Welbourn Discovering T. C. Lethbridge

    Vol 18, No 1 (2008)

    Alonso Relations between Spanish Archaeologists and Nazi Germany (1939–1945)
    Liu& Jones When Archaeology Begins: The Cultural and Political Context of Chinese Archaeological Thought
    Müller-Scheessel Towards a Social History of Archaeology: The Case of the Excavators of Early Iron Age Burial Mounds in Southern Germany
    Smith Thurstan Shaw on the    Early History of the World Archaeological Congress (WAC)  
    Welbourn Introducing T. C. Lethbridge

    Vol 17, No 2 (2007)

    Kreienbrink Mapping the Past: Eduard Paulus the Elder (1803–1878) and the Archaeological Survey of Württemberg
    Murray Rethinking Antiquarianism
    Martin In Search of Lost Time: From Localism and Regionalism to Nationalism, in the Work of Estácio Da Veiga
    Sommer The Freedom of the Woods: Antiquarian Landscapes and Politics

    Vol 17, No 1 (2007)

    Schávelzon The First Congress on History of Archaeology in Latin América (México, 1984)
    McVicker Elephant Pipes and Israelite Tablets
    Díaz-Andreu Christopher Hawkes and the International Summer Courses of Ampurias
    Leach John Howard Marsden (1803–1891) First Disney Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge 1851–1865
    Browman History of Bolivian Archaeology: Geraldine Byrne de Caballero
    Browman History of Bolivian Archaeology: Max Portugal Ortiz

    Vol 16, No 2 (2006)

    Moro-Abadía The History of Archaeology as a ‘Colonial Discourse’
    Funari & Ferreira A Social History of Brazilian Archaeology: A Case Study
    Haines & Smith‘The Life and Times of Uncle Warwick’

    Vol 16, No 1 (2006)

    Riede The Scandinavian Connection: The Roots of Darwinian Archaeology in 19th-Century Scandinavian Archaeology
    Rajala ‘We Would Never Have Thought to Go There’ – The Changing Definitions of a Site in Central Italian Archaeology
    Seidmann The Rev. Greville John Chester and ‘The Ashmolean Museum as a Home for Archaeology in Oxford’
    Bahn Spies  
    Price Conversazione in the University Museum ‘By kind permission of the Delegates’

    Vol 15, No 2 (2005)

    Briggs C. C. Rafn, J. J. A. Worsaae, Archaeology, History and Danish National Identity in the Schleswig-Holstein Question
    Murray The Historiography of Archaeology and Canon Greenwell
    Evans Captain Nemo/Lt-General Pitt Rivers and Cleopatra’s Needle — A Story of Flagships

    Vol 15, No 1 (2005)

    Watters & Zamora World’s Fairs and Latin American Archaeology
    Kaeser The Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Discovery of the “Lake-Dwellings”   
    Browman Carlos Ponce Sangines, Godfather of Bolivian Archaeology
    Richard Une recherche collective en cours: le programme “Archives Breuil”

    Vol 14, No 2 (2004)

    Rajala Origins of Etruscan Cities. A Brief Analysis of Recent Interpretations within Italian Research
    Ramsey Petrie and the Intriguing Idiosyncrasies of Racism  
    Browman Commentary: Mid-20th Century Development of Brazilian Archaeology (1964–1985)   
    Rohrer & Müller-Scheessel Recent Approaches to the History of Middle European Archaeology: Problems and Prospects

    Vol 14, No 1 (2004)

    Rowley-Conwy The Three Age System in English: new translations of the founding documents
    Schavelzon The South-American Connection Gaston Maspero, Egyptology and Americanist Archaeology at Montevideo (Uruguay), 1868

    Vol 13, No 2 (2003)

    Harding Archaeology and religious landscapes in India: a case study

    Vol 13, No 1 (2003)

    Guha Imposing the habit of science: Sir Mortimer Wheeler and Indian archaeology 

    Vol 12, No 2 (2002)

    Givens A Short History of the Bulletin of the History of Archaeology  
    Cuddy Death in the Afternoon: Honduras, Hemingway, and Duncan Strong  
    Watters & Zamora C. V. Hartman and Museum Anthropology a Century Ago

    Vol 12, No 1 (2002)

    Givens A Short History of the Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
    Cuddy Death in the Afternoon: Honduras, Hemingway, and Duncan Strong
    Watters & Zamara C. V. Hartman and Museum Anthropology a Century Ago

    Vol 11, No 2 (2001)

    Haskin The Allison V. Armour / William Henry Holmes 1895 Expedition to Mexico

    Vol 11, No 1 (2001)

    Tarabulski The Man Who Came to Dinner, or Hooray for Mr Spaulding: A Peek at Historical Imagination Running Rampant 

    Vol 10, No 2 (2000)

    Browman Brian R. Billman and Gary M. Feinman, editors, Settlement Pattern Studies in the Americas: Fifty Years Since Viru, Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington D.C.

    Vol 10, No 1 (2000)

    Gill William F. Grimes: The Making of a Prehistorian

    Vol 9, No 2 (1999)

    Schavelzon The History of Stratigraphic Excavation in Latin American Archaeology: A New Look

    Vol 9, No 1 (1999)

    Browman Necrology: Hugh Carson Cutler
    Browman Max Uhle and the Museo de Historia Nacional-Lima

    Vol 8, No 2 (1998)

    Voget With Cressman at Catlow Cave, 1935 and 1937: A Personal Note
    Schuyler History of Historical Archaeology
    Browman Origin of the Societe des Americanistes, Paris  
    Hawley The Kansas Anthropologist Reminlscence Project for Senior Plains Anthropologists  
    Browman Book Note - John W. Bennett, Classic Anthropology: Critical Essays, 1944-1996, Transactions Publishers, New Brunswick (1998)

    Vol 8, No 1 (1998)

    Browman Swedish Contributions to American Archaeology: A Note

    Vol 7, No 2 (1997)

    Nash Southwestern (U.S.A.) Archaeological Tree-Ring Dating: 1930-1942
    Woodbury New Light on the Beginning of the Pecos Conference
    Browman In Appreciation of Claude Warren and Susan Rose's "William Pengelly's Techniques of Archaeological Excavation"

    Vol 7, No 1 (1997)

    Smith Professor Dorothy A.E. Garrod: "Small, Dark, and Alive!"

    Vol 6, No 2 (1996)

    Browman Comments on Alvaro Higueras'"Archaeological Research in Peru: Its Contribution to National Identity and to the Peruvian Public"
    Reyman Bandelier: Behind and Beyond the Journals

    Vol 6, No 1 (1996)

    Swartz The McKern Taxonomic System and Archaeological Culture Classification in the Midwestern United States: A History and Evaluation  
    Smith Clark and Prehistory at Cambridge

    Vol 5, No 2 (1995)

    Ryan David George Hogarth at Asyut, Egypt, 1906-1907. The History of a "Lost" Excavation
    Browman History of Latin American Archaeology

    Vol 5, No 1 (1995)

    Browman Development of Argentine Archaeology
    Browman Andean Archaeological History and the Popular Press

    Vol 4, No 2 (1994)

    Woodbury Teocentli: An Anthropological Newsletter, Ever Since 1926

    Vol 4, No 1 (1994)

    Woodbury The Remarkable History of Edgar Lee Hewett's Ph.D. Dissertation

    Vol 3, No 2 (1993)

    Forbis A Brief History of the Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary (Amendment)

    Vol 3, No 1 (1993)

    Forbis A Brief History of the Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary
    Snead Archaelogy and Cultural Nationalism In the American Southwest, 1895-1920
    Thacker Discovery, Historical Frameworks, and Scientific Status: Joao Moleiro and the History of Archaeology

    Vol 2, No 2 (1992)

    Givens Is it Worth Saving?: The Condition of Archaeological Documentary Record and Strategies for Preservation

    Vol 2, No 1 (1992)

    Straus L'Abbe Henri Breuil: Archaeologist
    Davis A Visit to the Past and Awatovi

    Vol 1, No 2 (1991)

    Sullivan Museum Records and the History of Archaeology

    Vol 1, No 1 (1991)

    Givens Discourse on the History of Archaeology

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law

    Open Access Journal: Revista Numismática OMNI

    [First posted in AWOL 9 December 2012, updated 19 February 2015]

    Revista Numismática OMNI
    ISSN-e: 2104-8363
    La revista OMNI nació en 2009 con el fin de satisfacer una comunidad que desea enriquecer la numismática con lazos históricos y arqueológicos. Este proyecto está dirigido por un comité editorial y un comité científico internacional. Así, en OMNI, los arqueólogos, numismáticos e historiadores se dan cita para asegurar una cohesión de estos dominios hasta ahora fragmentados. 
    La revista OMNI es semestral. Su distribución es internacional, principalmente en los países francófonos e hispanohablantes (incluyendo, pues, la mayoría de los países de América del Sur). Los temas cubiertos por OMNI son muy variados ya que la revista publica trabajos numismáticos con la única condición de que sean originales y validados científicamente por el comité científico (evaluación por los pares, a doble ciego). 

    Journal table of contents


    New Open Access Journal: The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage

    The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage
    ISSN: 2009-7379

    The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage is a high-quality, international, open access, online, double blind reviewed publication which deals with all aspects of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage.

    The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage (IJRTP) was founded in 2013 by an international group of researchers (the Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Expert Group). The journal is published by the Dublin Institute of Technology, Cathal Brugha Campus, Dublin, Ireland. All articles in this journal are full text and available on open access.

    Volume 2 (2014)

    Issue 1:
    Tourism and Terrorism

    Issue 2

    Volume 1 (2013)

    Issue 1:
    Inaugural Volume

    Reading Latin Poetry

    Reading Latin Poetry
    Welcome to the Reading Latin Poetry Podcast. This is a series of podcasts based on reading, translating, analyzing and interpreting Latin poetry. Comments, suggestions and questions are most welcome, and may be sent to readinglatinpoetry@gmail.com 

    The podcast is available on iTunes, and can be found by clicking here or by searching for "reading Latin poetry" in the iTunes store.

    The series begins with selections from the poetry of Catullus. At this stage, I am planning to cover poems 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 25, 30, 31, 39, 42, 43, 45, 49, 51, 57, 70, 72, 75, 76, 78, 83, 84, 85, 87, 92, 97 and 101, as these are the most frequently prescribed texts for study, and contain my personal favorites. However, if there is a poem not on this list that you particularly like, feel free to email me and make a request. I would love to do poem 64, but this would be a Herculean labour, and one which I will either attempt or avoid as the time comes.

    After Catullus, I will most likely turn my attention to Ovid. However, I am also happy to take requests. 

    The text used for Catullus is Mynors' Oxford Classical Text. The commentaries to which I will make reference are Fordyce (1961), Godwin (1999) and Garrison (2004).

    Special thanks go to my friends Erin and Luca from Sullivan & 3rd Design Co., who are amazing people, and do beautiful design work. They did my awesome logo. Check them out!

    ASIRIOS EN EL MEDIO ÉUFRATES. La cerámica medioasiria de Tell Qabr Abu al-‘Atiq en su contexto histórico-arqueológico.


    Ancient World Online User Survey

    In order to learn more about the readers of AWOL I have developed this short anonymous
    Ancient World Online User Survey

    I will be grateful if if you would answer this short set of questions.

    With thanks in advance!
    -Chuck Jones-

    Image source Wikipedia
    Writing with stylus and folding wax tablet. painter, Douris, ca 500 BC (Berlin) 
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