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Open Access Journal: Tusculum : Časopis za Solinske Teme

Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist


Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project

Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project
A JOINT SCIENTIFIC ENDEAVOR OF THE College of Archaeology, Trinity Southwest University AND THE Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Welcome to the official website of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project (TeHEP). TeHEP is a joint scientific project between Trinity Southwest University's College of Archaeology & Biblical History (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) and the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Our website is designed to be enjoyed by all those interested in archaeology, whether casually or professionally.

The site of Tall el-Hammam is located in the southern Jordan River Valley, about 14 kilometers northeast of the Dead Sea. Surveys and excavations thus far have revealed a long occupational history at Tall el-Hammam, including the Chalcolithic Period, the Early, Intermediate, and Middle Bronze Ages, and Iron Age 2. Minor Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic occupations are also in evidence.

Architecturally, the major contributors to the enormity of the site—spreading approximately one square kilometer—are the cities of the Early Bronze Age (3500-2350 BCE), Intermediate Bronze Age (2350-2000 BCE), and Middle Bronze Age (2000-1550 BCE). The massive 6-meter-thick EBA city wall rings the lower and upper talls to an elliptical diameter of 500x750 meters. The same fortifications were refurbished and re-used during the IBA, and were later swallowed up by the construction of massive MB2 fortifications up to 50 meters thick, including the city wall, outer rampart/glacis with multiple (interior) stone stabilizer walls, and monumental gateway complex.
The MBA fortifications also include mudbrick and packed-earth ramparts rising above the lower city to a height of 20 to 30 meters, contributing to the 450x300-meter elongated oval footprint of the upper tall, and creating its 35-degree slope. The upper tall is topped by ruins from Iron Age 2abc, which are surrounded by a 3-meter-thick city wall, with a chambered gateway flanked by monumental towers. 
By all comparisons, Tall el-Hammam must be considered the “Queen of the Southern Jordan Valley,” and her excavation will continue to shed important light on the history of the region for decades to come.

Open Access Journal: Egypt Exploration Society

[First posted in AWOL 12/2/09. Most recently updated 1 December 2012]

EES Newsletters

Section image no link

The Society’s paper newsletter is mailed to members three times a year, usually in March, July and October. The Society’s events are announced here first and the newsletter also includes details of new publications, fundraising campaigns, sales of second-hand books on eBay, and governance related issues such as the election of Trustees etc.
News & Events Summer 2008 (540kb)
News & Events Autumn / Winter 2008 (272kb)
News & Events Spring 2009 (270kb)
News & Events Summer 2009 (776kb)
News & Events Autumn / Winter 2009 (777kb)
News & Events Spring / Summer 2010 (252kb)
News & Events Summer 2010 (590kb)
News & Events Autumn / Winter 2010-11 (399kb)
The EES Newsletter Issue 1 (Spring 2011) (1,773kb)
The EES Newsletter Issue 2 (Summer 2011) (1,936kb)
The EES Newsletter Issue 3 (Autumn/Winter 2011-12) (2.690kb)

The EES Newsletter Issue 4 (Spring 2012) (2109kb)
The EES Newsletter Issue 5 (Summer 2012) (2620kb)
The EES Newsletter Issue 6 (Autumn 2012) (3914kb)


The Society’s occasional e-newsletter is sent to approximately 2,000 members and other friends of the Society approximately three to four times each year. It includes various items of news relating to the Society’s fieldwork and research, publications, events etc. and links to new content on the Society’s website and other online pages at Flickr, Youtube, eBay etc. If you do not already receive the e-newsletter but would like to be added to the mailing list please contact the Society (anyone joining the Society through subscription (see here) is automatically added to the list).
e-newsletter #1 June 2008 (56kb)
e-newsletter #2 Sept 2008 (146kb)
e-newsletter #3 Feb 2009 (159kb)
e-newsletter #4 May 2009 (149kb)
e-newsletter #5 Sept 2009 (105kb)
e-newsletter #6 Dec 2009 (211kb)
e-newsletter #7 Apr 2010 (195kb)e-newsletter #8 Nov 2010 (299kb)
e-newsletter #9 Dec 2010 (146kb)
e-newsletter #10 Feb 2011 (138kb)
e-newsletter #11 May 2011 (307kb)
e-newsletter #12 Aug 2011 (446kb)
e-newsletter #13 Feb 2012 (328kb)

e-newsletter #14 June 2012 (1,178kb)

The EES Newsletter (1987-1990)

The Society circulated six issues of its original newsletter to members and friends between 1987 and 1990. The newsletter was the precursor to Egyptian Archaeology which superseded it in 1991. The newsletter contained short articles on the Society’s fieldwork and related research and also a fascinating series on the Society’s dig-houses, at Amarna (issue #1), Armant (#3), Qasr Ibrim (#4), and Sesebi and Amara (#5).
The EES Newsletter No 1 November 1987 (1,467kb)
The EES Newsletter No 2 March 1988 (1,619kb)
The EES Newsletter No 3 October 1988 (1,656kb)
The EES Newsletter No 4 March 1989 (1,160kb)
The EES Newsletter No 5 October 1989 (1,831kb)
The EES Newsletter No 6 October 1990 (2,469kb)

Suda On-Line

[First posted in AWOL 7 January 2010. Updated 1 December 2012]

Suda On Line: Byzantine Lexicography
 Progress Report  (as of December 1, 2012)
Assigned: 30213    Translated: 29997    Vetted: 29997
Entire list of entries
The Suda is a massive 10th century Byzantine Greek historical encyclopedia of the ancient Mediterranean world, derived from the scholia to critical editions of canonical works and from compilations by yet earlier authors. The purpose of the Suda On Line is to open up this stronghold of information by means of a freely accessible, keyword-searchable, XML-encoded database with translations, annotations, bibliography, and automatically generated links to a number of other important electronic resources. To date over 170 scholars have contributed to the project from eighteen countries and four continents. Of the 30,000-odd entries in the lexicon, over 25,000 have been translated as of this date, and more translations are submitted every day. Although our work is not done, you can already browse and search our database of translated entries, and you can use the tools we offer to do things like search for Greek words in the entire text of the Suda. You are also welcome to apply to become a contributor yourself, either as a translator or as an editor (or both). More on that below. For more information about the project, you can read this article, originally published in Syllecta Classica 11 (2000) 178-190, as well as this article by Anne Mahoney. You can also read this brief history of the project.


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Avestan Digital Archive (ADA)

 [First posted in AWOL 26 July 2012. Updated 1 December 2012]

Avestan Digital Archive (ADA)
The Avestan Digital Archive (ADA) seeks to be a digital archive containing all Avestan manuscripts spread all over the world. The Avesta, the holy book of the Zoroastrian religion, was last edited at the end of the 90s of the 19th century by the German scholar K. F. Geldner. We claim that presently a new edition is needed. The main reasons are:
  • In the last decades some manuscripts Geldner did not have access to have become available
  • Geldner did not check by himself all the manuscripts used for his edition. For some of them he had access only to copies or collations by other colleagues. This was the source of several mistakes in his edition
  • the methods of textual criticism have strongly changed since Geldner and many methodological decisions of Geldner seem today unacceptable. The most important one is undoubtedly that he does not record systematically all the variae lectiones (or a selection according to well established criteria), but only the variants he considered important for the establishment of a sure text
  • even when he checked the manuscript by himself and recorded the variae lectiones, he made mistakes more often than expected
For all these reasons it has become a true need to provide the scholars with reasonably sure readings of the extant Avestan texts. But a new edition of the Avesta is a huge task: probably more than two hundred manuscripts scattered all over the world have to be checked. Many of them are not available even as microfilms and are only accessible through long stays in Indian libraries. Also the purchase of microfilms from European libraries is not the best way for single researchers to get access to the manuscripts: a lot of them are needed, so that the undertaking quickly gets too expensive and the result is a not easily manageable amount of microfilms. A printed publication of such an amount of manuscripts is no more feasible, above all because of financial reasons. So it is easy to understand that yet nobody has seriously tried to undertake a new edition of the Avesta, or al least a serious review of Geldner's edition.
In order to solve this problem we have conceived the ADA project. This project seeks, on the one side, to find, to collect and to digitalize all the extant Avestan manuscripts. On the other hand, the ADA Project is developing a tool to provide all these manuscripts with indexes of the passages and to make them thus available on the web for researchers and for the general public. The electronic tool will allow an easy checking of all the manuscripts containing a concrete passage. This research tool can be useful not only for the Old Iranian studies, but also for the textual criticism based on manuscripts in other languages and fields of research. Furthermore, the ADA project seeks to review the manuscript transmission of the Avestan texts in all its aspects, a task which presupposes the complete ga thering and availability of the manuscripts.

Digital Nineveh Archives

Digital Nineveh Archives

The UC Berkeley Digital Nineveh Archives was initiated in December 2005, and has been made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities initiative, Recovering Iraq's Past. In December 2007 additional support was provided by the British Universities Iraq Consortium. The project, directed by David Stronach and Eleanor Wilkinson, began digitizing only the field records from the University of California at Berkeley Expedition to Nineveh 1987, 1989 and 1990. It has grown to accommodate knowledge contributed by other archaeologists past, present and future, in what has the potential to be first comprehensive archaeological reckoning of the history of the site, from the 19th century through to today.

The primary objectives of the Digital Nineveh Archive Project are:

• To create an online teaching and research tool presenting a comprehensive picture of Nineveh within the history of archaeology in the Near East.

• To establish a searchable data repository for meaningful analysis of currently unlinked sets of data from different areas of the site and different episodes in the 160-year history of excavations. The archived content is directly credited to the contributor, who determines re-use and access.

• To provide a cost-effective, permanent venue for disseminating the research of scholars with limited or no access to conventional publications and institutional support.

Our goal is to allow the fundamental fieldwork data to be immediately accessible to researchers, educators, and students who would otherwise have to wait years for the material to be published conventionally, if they were able to obtain them at all. It is available to anyone with access to the Internet and a fundamental understanding of either English or Arabic.

بدأ ت الأراشيف الرقمية لنينوى في كانون الاول / ديسمبر 2005 بفضل منحة مقدمة من المنحة الوطنية للعلوم الإنسانية ، واستعادة ماضى العراق. و في كانون الاول / ديسمبر 2007 تم تقديم دعم اضافى من قبل إتحاد الجامعات البريطانية لمساعدة العراق. و المشروع الذى يديره كل من إيلينور ويلكينسون و دﯾﭬيد ستروناك بدأ فى التحويل الرقمى فقط للسجلات الميدانية لبعثة جامعة كاليفورنيا بيركلى الى نينوى 1987 و 1989 و 1990. وقد نما لاستيعاب المعارف الاخرى التي ساهم بها علماء الآثار في الماضى والحاضر والمستقبل ، و أصبح لديه القدرة لكى يكون سجلا أثريا شاملا لتاريخ الموقع ، من القرن التاسع عشر الى اليوم.
الاهداف الرئيسية لمشروع الأراشيف الرقمية لنينوى هى :
ـ بناء أداة للتعلم والبحث على الانترنت لتقديم صورة شاملة لنينوى في اطار تاريخ علم الآثار فى الشرق الادنى.
ـ انشاء مستودع بيانات يمكن البحث فيها لاجراء تحليل ذى مغزى لمجموعة من البيانات غير المترابطة من مختلف مناطق الموقع و فترات زمنية مختلفة فى 160 عاما من تاريخ الحفريات. و المحتوى المؤرشف يتم نسبه إلى المساهم و الذى له الحق فى أن يقرر اعادة استخدامها والوصول اليها.
ـ توفير مكان دائم لنشر ابحاث العلماء و يكون فعالا من حيث التكلفة للذين لا يستطيعون أو لا يحصلون على المطبوعات التقليدية والدعم المؤسسى.
هدفنا هو اتاحة البيانات الاساسية للعمل الميدانى فورا فى متناول الباحثين والمعلمين والطلاب بدلا من الانتظار لسنوات للمواد المنشورة تقليديا ، اذا كانوا قادرين على الحصول عليها. وهي متاحة لاى شخص قادر على الوصول الى شبكة الانترنت بالغتين الإنجليزية او العربية.
. (هذا المشروع متعدد الباحثين ،متعدد المؤسسات ، متعدد اللغات (الانجليزية والعربية
الاصول التى تم ضمها من بيركلى ، ومعمل الكاميل بالمعهد الشرقى ،
.المتحف البريطانى،الأفراد المساهمون والعلماء العراقيون
الأراشيف الرقمية لنينوى هى بمثابة البوابة الفرعية للأراشيف.
برنامج الميديا ڤولت يوفر الأرشيف الأساسى الذى تتم الإشارة إليه من قبل المواقع و الخدمات الأخرى و يتضمن ذلك الأوبن كونتكست و الساى أرك و شبكة التراث عالية التوصيف

Open Access Journal: Late Antiquity Newsletter

Open Access Journal: Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien


Open Access Journal: L'égyptologie: journal mensuel

L'égyptologie: journal mensuel
Die von 1874 bis 1877 erschienene Zeitschrift ist über mehrere Ausgaben hin dem Totenbuch des Ani gewidmet. Der Papyrus, der im Londoner British Museum aufbewahrt wird, stammt aus der Mitte des Neuen Reichs (also ca. 1200 v. Chr.) und ist in Kursivhieroglyphen beschrieben mit zahlreichen kolorierten Vignetten.
Auf jeweils eine hieratischen Abschrift des Originals folgt eine Wiedergabe in Hieroglyphen. Daran schließt sich eine grammatikalische und paläographische Analyse, die natürlich ihrer Zeit verbunden ist.

Open Access Journal: Mémoires présentés à l'Institut Egyptien

Mémoires présentés à l'Institut Egyptien
Diese seit 1862 erscheinende Zeitschrift - zu Beginn hieß sie noch „Mémoires ou travaux originaux présentés et lus à l'Institut Egyptien“ wurde unter Schirmherrschaft des westlichen Ideen aufgeschlossenen ägyptischen Vizekönigs Muhammad Said gegründet, der auch ein Vorwort zur ersten Ausgabe verfasste. Viele der Autoren dieser Zeitschrift waren anfangs Mitglieder des „Institut Égyptien“, dessen Einrichtung bis auf das Jahr 1798 und die Ägyptische Expedition Napoleons zurückreicht. Insgesamt erscheinen neun Bände dieser Zeitschrift (bis 1916), ehe sie 1919 unter dem Titel „Mémoires de l'Institut d'Egypte“ wieder neu aufgelegt wurde.

Open Access Journal: Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes: pour servir de bullletin à la Mission Française du Caire


Open Access Journal: Studi e materiali di archeologia e numismatica

Newly Online from the École Française de Rome


Open Access Journal: Transactions of the Oriental Ceramics Society

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramics Society
ISSN: 0306-0926

Volumes 1 - 20
Volume 1 - 1921 - 1922Volume 11 - 1933 - 1934
Volume 2 - 1922 - 1923Volume 12 - 1934 - 1935
Volume 3 - 1923 - 1924Volume 13 - 1935 - 1936
Volume 4 - 1924 - 1925Volume 14 - 1936 - 1937
Volume 5 - 1925 - 1926Volume 15 - 1937 - 1938
Volume 6 - 1926 - 1927Volume 16 - 1938 - 1939
Volume 7 - 1927 - 1928Volume 17 - 1939 - 1940
Volume 8 - 1928 - 1930Volume 18 - 1940 - 1941
Volume 9 - 1930 - 1931Volume 19 - 1942 - 1943
Volume 10 - 1931 - 1932Volume 20 - 1944 - 1945

Volumes 21 - 40
Volume 21 - 1945 - 1946Volume 31 - 1957 - 1959
Volume 22 - 1946 - 1947Volume 32 - 1959 - 1960
Volume 23 - 1947 - 1948Volume 33 - 1960 - 1962
Volume 24 - 1948 - 1949Volume 34 - 1962 - 1963
Volume 25 - 1949 - 1950Volume 35 - 1963 - 1964
Volume 26 - 1950 - 1951Volume 36 - 1964 - 1966
Volume 27 - 1951 - 1953Volume 37 - 1966 - 1969
Volume 28 - 1953 - 1954Volume 38 - 1969 - 1971
Volume 29 - 1954 - 1955Volume 39 - 1971 - 1973
Volume 30 - 1955 - 1957Volume 40 - 1973 - 1975

Volumes 41 - 60

Volume 41 - 1975 - 1977Volume 51 - 1986 - 1987
Volume 42 - 43 1977 - 1978Volume 52 - 1987 - 1988
Volume 42 - 43  1977 - 1979Volume 53 - 1988 - 1989
Volume 44 - 1979 - 1980Volume 54 - 1989 - 1990
Volume 45 - 1980 - 1981Volume 55 - 1990 - 1991
Volume 46 - 1981 - 1982Volume 56 - 1991 - 1992
Volume 47 - 1982 - 1983Volume 57 - 1992 - 1993
Volume 48 - 1983 - 1984Volume 58 - 1993 - 1994
Volume 49 - 1984 - 1985Volume 59 - 1994 - 1995
Volume 50 - 1985 - 1986Volume 60 - 1995 - 1996

Volumes 61 - 72 

Volume 61 - 1996 - 1997Volume 71 - 2006 - 2007
Volume 62 - 1997 - 1998Volume 72 - 2007 - 2008
Volume 63 - 1998 - 1999
Volume 64 - 1999 - 2000
Volume 65 - 2000 - 2001
Volume 66 - 2001 - 2002
Volume 67 - 2002 - 2003
Volume 68 - 2003 - 2004
Volume 69 - 2004 - 2005
Volume 70 - 2005 - 2006

Rezeption der Antike im semantischen Netz: Buch, Bild und Objekt

Rezeption der Antike im semantischen Netz: Buch, Bild und Objekt
Seit dem 1. September 2009 werden im Rahmen des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) finanzierten Projektes Drucke vom 16. bis zum späten 19. Jahrhundert erschlossen und digitalisiert. Es handelt sich um Werke, deren Inhalt sich mit den Grabungen und Funden zu antiken Kulturen im Mittelmeergebiet auseinandersetzt.
Die Projektpartner verfügen über herausragende, sich ideal ergänzende Bestände, die einen wesentlichen Teil der Antikenrezeption dieser Epochen nicht nur reflektieren, sondern auch die Geschichte der Archäologie und der Ägyptologie an sich dokumentieren.

In ausgewählten Projektteilen werden Formen der semantischen Vernetzung erprobt: Direkte Objektkontextualisierungen der Stosch'schen Gemmensammlung und des "Palace of Minos", Zusammenführung semantischer Dokumentationsstandards und ihr Mapping auf das CIDOC/CRM

In Propylaeum werden die digitalisierten Titel zusammengeführt und kontextualisiert. Die METS-Schnittstellen der Ausgangssysteme werden hierbei für eine komfortable Recherche innerhalb der Metadaten genutzt. Da die von den Projektpartnern bereits vor Projektbeginn digitalisierten Titel zur Archäologie und Ägyptologie ebenfalls über die 

Rechercheoptionen auffindbar sind, sind bereits jetzt mehr als 3000 Titel recherchierbar.

In der zweiten Projektphase (Beginn September 2011) werden neben den Alten Drucken nun verstärkt auch Zeitschriften des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts digitalisiert. Auch die einzelnen Zeitschriftenaufsätze werden über die verschiedenen Browsing-Optionen in Propylaeum recherchierbar sein.

Zusätzlich werden jetzt auch Alte Drucke mit thematischem Schwerpunkt auf dem westlichen und östlichen Mittelmeerraum aus der Bibliothek der Abteilung Istanbul des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts digitalisiert. Mit diesen Titeln wird das Spektrum der bereits vorhandenen Digitalisate abgerundet.

Die durch das Projekt zu erwartenden Ergebnisse zu ehemaligen Aufbewahrungsorten, zur Sammlungsgeschichte sowie zur archäologischen Publikationsgeschichte bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts werden der zukünftigen Forschung zahlreiche Einblicke in den Wandel des Antikenverständnisses von Barock, Aufklärung und Klassizismus erlauben.
Archäologische Zeitschriften

Ägyptologische Zeitschriften

Open Access Journal: Sinaiticus: The Bulletin of the Saint Catherine Foundation

Transformation: The Emergence of a Common Culture in the Northern Provinces of the Roman Empire from Britain to the Black Sea up to 212 A.D.

The Emergence of a Common Culture in the Northern Provinces of the Roman Empire from Britain to the Black Sea up to 212 A.D.
Under Roman rule in the first two centuries AD there emerged a society similar in appearance from the British Isles to the Black Sea, influenced by the culture and civilisation of the Mediterranean. With this common culture there developed regional characteristics which had their origins in the society and everyday life of pre-Roman times. The aim of the project is to show how these developments took place by looking at a number of thematicareas...

Open Access Journal: Cloelia

[First posted in AWOL 7 May 2011. Updated 5 December 2011]

Cloelia: Newsletter of the Women's Classical Caucus

2012 is the 40th Anniversary of the Women’s Classical Caucus. As part of the 40th Anniversary volume of Cloelia, many members of the WCC have joined together to help digitize the WCC Newsletter and related archival material. This page is the beginning of this project.
For Sally MacEwan, who helped move Cloelia into the digital age.
A great debt is owed to the following (if your name is not mentioned here, it is an error and please let me know): Chris Ann Matteo and Lisl Walsh for their work on the website; Allison Glazebrook and the other members of the WCC SC for supporting this initiative and helping drive it forward; Janet M. Martin for her careful and rigorous work as the WCC Archivist; Barbara Gold and Amelia Gowans for the careful and generous volunteer work of scanning the archival material into PDF; Marilyn Skinner and Barbara McManus for their comments on the archives (and for saving so many items and passing them on); Amy Richlin for finding lost issues at the last minute; and all the other members of the WCC who have contributed their paper to the archives.
Below, you will find a list of Cloelia volumes in reverse chronological order (together with supplemental material when available). Some volumes are still missing. If a volume is not linked, it is either missing or in the process of being added. If you think you might have one of the missing volumes, please contact Janet M. Martin, the current WCC Archivist (jmmartin@princeton.edu). If there are errors on this page, please contact the Editor of Cloelia, Alison Jeppesen-Wigelsworth (Cloelia.WCC@gmail.com).

2012N.S. Volume 2 40th Anniversary
2011N.S. Vol. 1; Supplement (Results of Teaching Women Survey)
2010No volume or numbers were issued.  Given the rising costs of print publication, a specialized committee discussed the direction of Cloelia as a non-print publication, and this team effort produced the Editorial Mandate for Cloelia. This can be read at http://wccaucus.org/cloeli/editorial-mandate-for-cloelia/.
200737:1 [sic] “In Memoriam: Corinne Crawford. 35 Years of Bringing Women to Classics”
200637:1 [sic] “Life in Classics”
2005336:1 [sic] “Classics and Activism”
200432:2 (Fall 2004) “In Memoriam: Shilpa Raval”

32:1 (Spring 2004)
2003Unknown Status

Unknown Status
200231.1 (Fall 2002)

30.2 (Spring 2002)
200130.1 (Fall 2001)
200029:1 (Fall 2000)

28:2 (Spring 2000)
199928.1 (Fall 1999)

27 (1999 Spring)
1998Unknown Status

Unknown Status
199725 (Fall 1997)

25 (Spring 1997)
199624 (Fall 1996)

24 (Spring 1996)
199523 (Fall 1995)

23 (Spring 1995)
199422 (Fall 1994)

21 (Spring 1994)
199321 (Fall 1993)

20 (Spring 1993)
199219 (Fall 1992): 20th Anniversary Issue

17 (Spring 1992)
199117 (Fall 1991):“Racism in Classical Studies?” (David H. Kelley, Shelley H. Haley). “Ethics Watch” (Carl A. Rubino). “Review of Classics: A Discipline and Profession in Crisis?” (Susan Ford Wiltshire).

16 (Spring 1991)
199015 (Spring 1990):“Kathryn Gutzwiller vs. The University of Cincinnati.”

15 (Fall 1990):“Editorial” (Shelley Haley). “Court Case Updates” (Kathryn Gutzwiller, Hugh Lee).
198914 (Spring 1989)

14 (Fall 1989)
198813 (Spring 1988): Is Classics Dead? (15th Anniversary Year.)

13 (Fall 1988): Survival
198712 (Spring 1987)

Winter WCC Task Force

WCC Presents Responses to the APA Election Questionnaire [1987].

12 (Fall 1987): 15th Anniversary Year

Special APA Issue, December 1987: What Is the Women’s Classical Caucus?
198611 (Fall 1986)

Jennifer Roberts. “Season’s Greetings” (poem). Leaflet printed on red paper. Not yet linked.

10 (Spring 1986):“New Procedures for the APA Program Committee.”
198510 (Fall 1985) [sic]

9 (Spring 1985)
19849 (Fall 1984) [sic]

8 (Fall 1984) [sic]
19838 (Spring 1983) [sic]. “Summary of Report on Status of Women and Minorities.” (10th Anniversary Year.)
19827 (Fall 1982): 10th Anniversary Year
19816 (Fall 1981)

6 (Spring 1981)
19805 (Spring 1980)

5 (Fall 1980)
19794 (Spring 1979)

4 (Fall 1979)
19783 (Spring 1978): 5th Anniversary Year

Letter of Marilyn B. Skinner to WCC members about proposal to move 1980 meeting from New Orleans (11.28.1978).

Fall 1978 (No Number)
1977Spring 1977 (No Number)

5:2 (Fall 1977) 5th Anniversary Year
1976Spring 1976 (No Volume Number)

Fall 1976 (No Volume Number)

August 1, 1976: Membership List for the WCC
1975Unknown Status
1974Unknown Status
1973Unknown Status
1972Unknown Status
Unknown DateWCC Bylaws

Open Access Journal: Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament

Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament
ISSN: 2169-0685
Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (JESOT) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the academic and evangelical study of the Old Testament. The journal seeks to fill a need in academia by providing a venue for high-level scholarship on the Old Testament from an evangelical standpoint. The journal is not affiliated with any particular academic institution, and with an international editorial board, online format, and multi-language submissions, JESOT cultivates and promotes Old Testament scholarship in the evangelical global community. The journal differs from many evangelical journals in that itseeks to publish current academic research in the areas of ancient Near Eastern backgrounds, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rabbinics, Linguistics, Research Methodology, Literary Analysis, Exegesis, Text Criticism, and Theology as they pertain only to the Old Testament. The journal will be freely available to the scholarly community and will be published bi-annually online. Hard copies will be produced by request. JESOT also includes up-to-date book reviews on various academic studies of the Old Testament.

Issue 1.1 (2012) 

Issue 1.2 (2012)

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