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Open Access Journal: Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

 [First posted in AWOL 17 July  2014, updated 7 August 2017]

Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
ISSN: 1588-2543
Acta Antiqua publishes original research papers, review articles and book reviews in the field of ancient studies. It covers the field of history, literature, philology and material culture of the Ancient East, the Classical Antiquity and, to a lesser part, of Byzantium and the Latin culture of Mediaeval, Renaissance and Early Modern Europe, as well as the ’Nachleben’ of Classical Antiquity.

A folyóirat az ókortudomány területéről közöl tanulmányokat. Foglalkozik az ókori Kelet és kiemelten a görög-római ókor történelmével, irodalmával és kultúrájával, továbbá kisebb mértékben a bizánci görög és a középkori, reneszánsz és kora újkori latin nyelvű kultúrával, valamint a klasszikus antikvitás utóéletével.
Volumes 1 (1951) - 36 (1995) are open access
Acta Antiqua, 56 (1) - 2016. ISSN 1588-2543
Acta Antiqua, 55 (1-4) - 2015. ISSN 1588-2543
Acta Antiqua, 54 (1-4) - 2014. ISSN 1588-2543
Acta Antiqua, 53 (1-4) - 2013. ISSN 1588-2543
Acta Antiqua, 52 (1-4) - 2012. ISSN 1588-2543
Acta Antiqua, 51 - 2011. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 50 - 2010. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 49 - 2009. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 48 - 2008. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 47 - 2007. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 46 - 2006. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 45 - 2005. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 44 - 2004. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 43 - 2003. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 42 - 2002. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 41 - 2001. RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 40 - 2000. RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 39 - 1999. RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 38 - 1998. RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 37 - 1997. RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
Acta Antiqua, 36 - 1995.
Acta Antiqua, 35 - 1994.
Acta Antiqua, 34 - 1993.
Acta Antiqua, 33 - 1992.
Acta Antiqua, 32 - 1989.
Acta Antiqua, 31 - 1988.
Acta Antiqua, 30 - 1984.
Acta Antiqua, 29 - 1981.
Acta Antiqua, 28 - 1980.
Acta Antiqua, 27 - 1979.
Acta Antiqua, 26 - 1978.
Acta Antiqua, 25 - 1977.
Acta Antiqua, 24 - 1976.
Acta Antiqua, 23 - 1975.
Acta Antiqua, 22 - 1974.
Acta Antiqua, 21 - 1973.
Acta Antiqua, 20 - 1972.
Acta Antiqua, 19 - 1971.
Acta Antiqua, 18 - 1970.
Acta Antiqua, 17 - 1969.
Acta Antiqua, 16 - 1968.
Acta Antiqua, 15 - 1967.
Acta Antiqua, 14 - 1966.
Acta Antiqua, 13 - 1965.
Acta Antiqua, 12 - 1964.
Acta Antiqua, 11 - 1963.
Acta Antiqua, 10 - 1962.
Acta Antiqua, 9 - 1961.
Acta Antiqua, 8 - 1960.
Acta Antiqua, 7 - 1959.
Acta Antiqua, 6 - 1958.
Acta Antiqua, 5 - 1957.
Acta Antiqua, 4 - 1956.
Acta Antiqua, 3 - 1955.
Acta Antiqua, 2 - 1953.
Acta Antiqua, 1 - 1951.

Open Access Journal: Revue des études byzantines

[First posted in AWOL 17 December 2010. Updated 8 August 2017]

Revue des études byzantines
(260 Issues, 9101 Articles)
eISSN: 2261-060X
La Revue des études byzantines est l’unique revue française consacrée au monde byzantin. Elle fait suite aux Échos d’Orient (1897-1942), elle est éditée depuis 1943 et est ouverte à tous les chercheurs désirant publier travaux, études et notes portant sur les divers domaines de l’histoire et de la civilisation byzantine.
 The Revue des études byzantines is the only French journal entirely devoted to the Byzantine world. As a successor publication to the Échos d’Orient (1897-1942), it has been published since 1943 by the Institut français d’études byzantines (more details here). It is opened to all scholars wishing to publish studies and notes on various fields of Byzantine history and civilization. A 5-year restriction will be applied to online publication. Our N° 66 (2008) will be available in 2013. The access to previous years is free. Subscriptions to more recent, printed issues remain unchanged (publisher De Boccard). The Échos d’Orient will soon be digitalized and put on line on this website.

Études byzantines

  • 1943
  • 1944
  • 1945

Revue des études byzantines


  • 1946
  • 1947
  • 1948
  • 1949








Open Access Journal: Revista „Tyragetia"

[First psoted in AWOL 8 March 2011, updated 8 August 2017]

Revista „Tyragetia"
ISSN: 1857-0240
E-ISSN: 2537-6330
Revistă prevede publicarea studiilor arheologice, istorice, muzeografice, rezultatele cercetărilor ştiinţelor interdisciplinare în domeniul arheologico-istoric, ocrotirea patrimoniului.

Articolele şi alte tipuri de lucrări ştiinţifico-muzeografice vor reflecta din punct de vedere geografic spaţiul balcanico-carpato-pontic şi teritoriile limitrofe. Articolele pot fi prezentate în limbile română, rusă, engleză, germană, franceză.

Toate materialele prezentate spre publicare urmează a fi recenzate de membrii Colegiului de redacţie precum şi de alţi specialişti în domeniu.În cazul unui aviz negativ, Colegiul de redacţie nu este obligat să comenteze decizia sa.
The journal publishes papers on archaeology, history, and museology, results of interdisciplinary scientific research in the fields of archaeology and history, protection of the cultural heritage. Articles and other types of works must refer to the area of the Balkans, Carpathians, Black Sea littoral, and the neighboring territories. 

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. X [XXV], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. X [XXV], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Latest issues
Anuarul Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei, nr. I
Anuarul Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei, nr. I
Chişinău, 1992

Anuarul Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei, nr. II
Anuarul Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei, nr. II
Chişinău, 1995

Tyragetia, nr. III
Tyragetia, nr. III
Chişinău, 1996

Tyragetia, nr. IV-V
Tyragetia, nr. IV-V
Chişinău, 1997

Tyragetia, nr. VI-VII
Tyragetia, nr. VI-VII
Chişinău, 1998

Tyragetia, nr. VIII
Tyragetia, nr. VIII
Chişinău, 1999

Tyragetia, nr. IX
Tyragetia, nr. IX
Chişinău, 2000

Tyragetia, nr. X
Tyragetia, nr. X
Chişinău, 2001

Tyragetia, nr. XI
Tyragetia, nr. XI
Chişinău, 2002

Tyragetia, nr. XII
Tyragetia, nr. XII
Chişinău, 2003

Tyragetia, nr. XIII
Tyragetia, nr. XIII
Chişinău, 2004

Tyragetia, nr. XIV
Tyragetia, nr. XIV
Chişinău, 2005

Tyragetia, nr. XV
Tyragetia, nr. XV
Chişinău, 2006

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. I [XVI], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. I [XVI], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2007

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. I [XVI], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. I [XVI], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2007

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. II [XVII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. II [XVII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2008

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. II [XVII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. II [XVII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2008

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. III [XVIII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. III [XVIII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2009

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. III [XVIII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. III [XVIII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2009

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IV [XIX], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IV [XIX], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2010

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IV [XIX], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IV [XIX], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2010

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. V [XX], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. V [XX], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2011

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. V [XX], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. V [XX], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2011

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VI [XXI], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VI [XXI], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2012

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VI [XXI], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VI [XXI], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2012

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VII [XXII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VII [XXII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2013

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VII [XXII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VII [XXII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2013

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VIII [XXIII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VIII [XXIII], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2014

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VIII [XXIII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VIII [XXIII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2014

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2015

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Chişinău, 2015

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. X [XXV], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. X [XXV], nr. 1, Arheologie. Istorie Antică
Chişinău, 2016

Lemmatized Ancient Greek Texts

Lemmatized Ancient Greek Texts
This repository contains Ancient Greek texts which have been tokenized, POS-tagged, sentence-splitted, and lemmatized automatically. The texts come from the following repositories, which currently contain most of the Ancient Greek texts freely accessible over the internet:
  1. https://github.com/PerseusDL/canonical-greekLit/releases/tag/0.0.236
  2. https://github.com/OpenGreekAndLatin/First1KGreek/releases/tag/1.1.1802
As for the tokenization, POS tagging and sentence splitting, the data rely on those provided in:
  1. https://github.com/gcelano/POStaggedAncientGreekXML/releases/tag/v1.2.0
Refer to these repositories for further documentation. In the present repository, the POS tag + the word form of a token have been automatically linked to those contained in Morpheus and MorpheusUnderPhilologic. Since the latter databases also contain lemmata, this allowed their automatic extraction.

Newly online: Studien zu altägyptischen Lebenslehren. Edited by: Hornung, Erik; Keel, Othmar (1979)

Survey: Altmetrics in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Altmetrics in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Colleges and universities today increasingly use metrics of various kinds in evaluating research done within the institution. We hope in our study, being funded by the Open Society Foundations, both to learn more about current practices, specifically in the humanities and social sciences, and to think about potential best practices in the use of what are known as “altmetrics,” which are designed to improve upon more traditional citation counts, impact factors, and h-indexes.

We very much appreciate your help with this study through your participation in this survey. We’ll start by gathering some demographic information before digging into the questions on (alt)metrics. No personally identifiable information shared through this survey will be made public; all results will be anonymized, and our final white paper will include only aggregate information.
Click through to participate

Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne - BiBIL

 [First posted in AWOL 11 July 2011. Updated 10 August 2017 (new URL)]

Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne - BiBIL
BiBIL (Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne) est un outil de recherche bibliographique pour les sciences bibliques, une base de données entièrement libre d'accès, trilingue, français, anglais, allemand, mise sur pied et gérée par l'Institut Romand des Sciences Bibliques depuis 1986.
Elle est constamment mise à jour et repose sur une indexation rapide des périodiques et des nouvelles publications académiques dans le champ des sciences bibliques, ce qui lui a permis de devenir un instrument bibliograhique de référence au plan international. La base propose également lorsqu'ils existent, les résumés, recensions et liens DOI des articles référencés. En septembre 2013, la base comptait 119'700 notices.
Un bulletin est également édité annuellement, donnant accès aux titres les plus récents enregistrés dans la base de donnée. De même que dans BiBIL, les titres sont indexés et présentés selon une grille de classement systématique.
En cas de problèmes de connexion ou de questions liées à la recherche, vous pouvez contacter la responsable par e-mail : info@bibil.net ou bibil@unil.ch .
Entrez un ou plusieurs termes de recherche dans le champ de texte.

Les champs suivants peuvent faire objet d'une recherche :

  • Titre
  • Auteur
  • Année
  • Titre de collection ou revue (libellé complet ou abrégé)
  • Maison d'édition
  • Résumé
  • Remarques
  • Titre de la référence (périodique, collectif, etc.)
  • Mots-clés ("vedettes")
  • Termes (grecs ou hébreux)
  • Références bibliques (péricopes)

New Open Access Journal: Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi (KAREN) - The Journal of Institute of Black Sea Studies

ISSN: 2458-7680
E-ISSN: 2458-9705
KAREN (Journal of Black Sea Studies) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal which publishes scientific studies pertaining to Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Art History, Culture, Language, Literature, Musicology, Sociology, Political Science, International Relations and Architecture of Black Sea Region. All research articles in KAREN undergo rigorous peer review, based on scientific norms and ethical considerations.  KAREN also provides a forum for the discussion of most recent scientific topics, issues and the solutions which have an immediate bearing upon thought and practice within the disciplines mentioned above.


 Summary: The collection contains correspondence (including posthumous letters to his wife Lela), newspaper clippings and photos mostly from 1952 to 1988, but also from Mylonas's early life in Izmir, essays about G. Mylonas; and index cards concerning his classes at the Washington University of Saint Louis.Quantity: 3 linear metersImmediate Source of Acquisition: The Mylonas Family, 1988-1989; Richard Radford, 2010.Information about Access: The collection has been catalogued and is available for research after consultation with the ASCSA Archivist.Notes: The finding-aid was prepared by Alexis Malliaris, 2017.Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, George Mylonas Papers (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Γεωργίου Μυλωνά)

Open Access Conference Proceedings: Thracia Pontica

Thracia Pontica
Thracia Pontica I: Premier symposium international: Thème generale: „La Mer Noire et le Monde Mediterranéen“, Sozopol, 9-12 octobre 1979 = Първи международен симпозиум Тракия Понтика I: Обща тема „Черно море и средиземноморския свят“, Созопол, 9-12 октомври 1979 / Edité par les soins d’Alexandre Fol et al. – Sofia, 1982. – 316 с.Други ред: Ivan Karayotov, Maria Tsaneva, Petar Delev, Kalin Porogeanov, Ventzislav Popov.
Thracia Pontica II: Deuxeieme symposium international: Thème générale: „Le littoral Trance et son role monde ancien“,Sozopol, 4-7 Octobre 1982 = Втори международен симпозиум Тракия Понтика II: Обща тема „Крайбрежна Тракия и нейната роля в античния свят“, Созопол, 4-7 октомври 1982 / Red.Mihail Lasarov et al. – Jambol, 1985. – 375 с. Други ред: Ventzislav Popov, Cristina Angelova.
Thracia Pontica III:Troisime symposium international: Thème générale: „Les Thraces et les colonies grecques VII-V s.av.n.è.“: Table ronde sur les ancres anciennes, Sozopol, 6-12 Octobre 1985 = Тракия Понтика III: Трети международен симпозиум, Основна тема „Траките и гръцките колонии VII – V в.пр.н.е.: Кръгла маса за древните котви, Созопол 6-12 октомври 1985/ Rèd. en chef. Michail Lazarov; Red.Ventzislav Popov et al.- Sofia, 1986. – 558 с. Други ред: Christina Angelova, Kalin Porojanov.
Thracia Pontica IV: Quatrieme Symposium International,Sozopol 6-12 Octobre 1988: Les themes: Les agglomerations cotieres de la Thrace avant la colonization grecque: Les sites submerges – methods des recherches=Четвърти международен симпозиум Тракия Понтика IV, Созопол, 6-12 октомври 1988: Основни теми: Тракийските крайбрежни селища преди гръцката колонизация: Потънали селища- методи на изследване / Red. Mihail Lazarov et al.– Sofia, 1991. – 484 с. Други ред:Margarita Tatcheva, Cristina Angelova, Michail Georgiev.
Thracia Pontica V: Les ports dans la vie la Thrace ancienne, 7-12 octobre. 1991, Sozopol =Тракия Понтика V: Пристанищата в живота на древна Тракия, 7-12 октомври 1991, Созопол / Ed. by Michail Lazarov; Cristina Angelova. – Varna: Centre d’Archéologie Subaquatique, 1994. – 343 p. - (Thracia Pontica serie I: Actes du symposium international).
Thracia Pontica VI.1: Le Thrace et les sociétés maritimes anciennes, 18-24 September 1994, Sozopol. = Тракия и древните морски общества, 18-24 септември 1994, Созопол / Ed. by Mihail Lazarov, Christina Angelova. – [Varna?]: Centre of Underwater Archaeology, [1997?]. – 407 с. - (Thracia Pontica series I: Proceedings of the international symposium).
Thracia Pontica VI.2: In Honorem Mihaili Lazarov = Тракия Понтика VI.2: В чест на Михаил Лазаров / Ed. by Hristina Angelova. – Sofia: Centre for Underwater Archaeology,2003. – 256 p. - (Thracia Pontica serie I: Proceedings of the international symposium).
Via  Spartokos a lu

Spartokos a lu : Black sea archaeology online

Spartokos a lu: guide à la navigation webpontique
This blog aims to make easier the circulation of scientific informations about Ancient Black Sea : 
-gathering links about open access publications dealing with the Black sea in Antiquity.  The Pontos Euxeinos bibliography is quite huge, and it’s not so easy to find some of the local publications. I hope these links can help you to travel around the Black sea archaeology. I try to tag all the posts by geographical key words. 
-presenting more or less shortly the new publication about this topic. If you are an author or an editor, don’t hesitate to send me informations about your new book in order I write a post about it.

The Sinai Palimpsests Project (2011 – ) at the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library

The Sinai Palimpsests Project (2011 – ) at the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library
St Catherine's Monastery
A collaboration of St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai, Egypt, and EMEL, made possible by a generous five-year grant from Arcadia.
St. Catherine’s Monastery, the world’s oldest continually operating monastery, holds 130 known palimpsests. The erased writings on these palimpsests date from the 4th-12th centuries and are mostly unidentified. If these erased writings can be recovered, the potential for major discoveries is outstanding.
The project seeks to:
• Use spectral imaging to recover erased ancient texts on palimpsests of St. Catherine’s Monastery.
• Identify and paleographically describe the erased texts, as possible.
• Publish legible images online, rendered accessible by a searchable catalog.
View image gallery here…
Online presentation of project results will be a publication of St. Catherine’s Monastery.
[website under construction – coming soon]

Open Access Journal: Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies

Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies
Print ISSN: 0774-2908
As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the journal is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompanied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field. The journal is fully indexed (names, mss., Neo-Latin neologisms).

The volumes published before 2000 are now free available online. You can find them in the menu 'eBooks'. 

The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art

The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art
The Hebrew University’s Center for Jewish Art has launched the world’s largest index of Jewish Art, a collection of more than 260,000 digitized images of Jewish objects and artifacts from all over the world. The Index preserves the rich artistic heritage of the Jewish people throughout time and across the globe.

The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art is a collection of digitized images and information about Jewish artifacts from all over the world. The online collection includes over 260,000 images of objects and artifacts from 700 museums, synagogues and private collections in 41 different countries, as well as architectural drawings of 1,500 synagogues and Jewish ritual buildings from antiquity to the modern day.

The public can access the Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art and start exploring the world of Jewish art at http://cja.huji.ac.il/browser.php. Amateur or professional researchers easily access more than a quarter of a million images, with accompanying details and descriptions, either by simple keyword search or according to such categories as Iconographical Subject, Origin, Artist, Object, Community, Collection or Location.

The Index of Jewish Art
Jewish Ritual Architecture
123141 images9183 objects
Modern Jewish Art
2530 images555 objects
Ancient Jewish Art
3428 images310 objects
Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts
14523 images651 objects
Sacred and Ritual Objects
78916 images13714 objects
Jewish Funerary Art
41072 images1059 objects

Scribes of the Cairo Geniza Crowdsource Project

Scribes of the Cairo Geniza
The purpose of phase I of Scribes of the Cairo Geniza is to sort Cairo Geniza fragments in order to prepare them for transcription in phase II (launching Spring 2018). In this phase, you will sort fragments into different categories based on their script types: whether they are written in Hebrew or Arabic scripts and formal or informal scripts, and whether they contain specific visual characteristics.
This information offers clues to the type of text a fragment contains. Having this information for the entire corpus will allow us to sort the fragments into workflows for the transcription tasks in phase II. For more on the characteristics you’ll be looking for and what they can tell us, see the Field Guide.
The results from Scribes of the Cairo Geniza have the potential to rewrite the history of the premodern Middle East, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean trade, and the Jewish diaspora. Until now, most of the information has remained locked away in undeciphered manuscript fragments; less than one-third of the 350,000 items have been catalogued in the 120 years that the cache has been known to exist. Virtually all scholars who have studied these texts have come away with a transformed sense of the history of the region and the long ties of intimacy among its people. Students and the general public will have the opportunity to benefit from encountering these fragments online and from learning how to sort and eventually transcribe them as members of this citizen scientist community. We see this project as a way for people with shared interests and different skill levels from around the world to meet in a common endeavor and unlock this storage chamber of ancient fragments.

Ancient Philosophy Commons

Ancient Philosophy Commons
736 Full-Text Articles454 Authors71850 Downloads

The_Delian_Hieropoioi_Of_171_Bc.Pdf, Sharon Venter2017 Reasearching a book on delos
Differentiating Averroes’ Accounts Of The Metaphysics Of Human Epistemology In His Middle And Long Commentaries On Aristotle’S De Anima, Caleb H A Brown2017 Liberty University
The Influence Of Hellenism On The Literary Style Of 1 And 2 Maccabees, Dimitra S. Fellman2017 Riverdale High School
Sappho's Queer Female History, Tess M. Waxman2017 Grant High School
The Notion Of Madness In Literature, Philosophy, And Tragedy: Evolving Conceptions Of Mental Illness In Athens, David Z. Bartolome2017 Clackamas High School
Notebook: Plato's Symposium 216b To 218e, Inter Alia, Edward H. Campbell2017 Independent Scholar
How To Attain Liberation From A False World? The Gnostic Myth Of Sophia In Dark City (1998), Fryderyk Kwiatkowski2017 Jagiellonian University in Kraków
The Eighth Sacrament? The Evidence Of Hincmar Of Rheims, Doyle M.B. Baxter2017 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Mode Of Operations: A Critique Of The Agonistic View Of Greek Musical Modes In Plato And Aristotle, Robert Crawford2017 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Sagp Newsletter 2016/17.4 Pacific, Anthony Preus2017 Binghamton University
Divine Deliverance A New Look At Euripidean Tragedy Through Audience Interpretation, Samantha Pukys2017 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
The Tyranny Of Authority: Eternal Damnation In The Fragments Of Clement Of Alexandria?, Daniel J. Crosby2017 Bryn Mawr College
Migration And Its Impacts On The Labor Market Of Rome During The Late Republic And Early Empire, Kerry Campbell2017 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Archilochus’S Effect On The Homeric Hero: Tracking The Development Of The Greek Warrior, Luke Byerly2017 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
A Psychological And Philosophical Understanding Of Death: An Analysis Of Platonic And Epicurean Philosophy In Modern America, Alexina Hupp2017 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Classical Style And Catholic Theology: A Multi-Faceted Analysis Of The Eucharistic Hymns Of Saint Thomas Aquinas, David Nussman2017 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Sagp Newsletter 2016/17.3 Central, Anthony Preus2017 Binghamton University
Ephemeris Ns Vol. Ii, Karyn Greene, Paul Filippelli, Paul Bisagni, Rachel Mazzara, Dalton Tracey2017 Denison University
Ephemeris Ns Vol. I, Paul Bisangi, Joseph Tumasian, Chelsea Adams, Angelica Wisenbarger, Robert Ambrose2017 Denison University
Ephemeris Vol. V, Georgia Blume, Bob Wyllie, Nicole Miller, Andrew Sweet, Autumn Lotze, Heather Thompson, Larkin Kennedy, Frank Ward2017 Denison University
Ephemeris Vol. Iv, Maggie Glover, Melanie Vanderkolk, Larkin Kennedy, Lindsay Starkey, John Leebens, Derek Mong, Lauren Caryer, Matt Messmer, Nate Emmerson, Nicole Miller, Alli Cartmell, Tashina Browning, Betsy Prueter, Garrett Jacobsen2017 Denison University
Ephemeris Vol. Iii, Melanie Vanderkolk, John Pyles, Betsy Prueter, Derek Mong, John Leebens, Larkin Kennedy, Charles Shonk, Lauren Haas, Jennifer Hart, Bob Wyllie, Matt Messmer, Michael Fronda PhD, Garrett Jacobsen PhD2017 Denison University
Ephemeris Vol. Ii, Melanie Vanderkolk, Karen Siklosi, Nicole Miller, Allison Cartmell, Marisa Wikramanayate, Meridith Sulser, Nate Emmerson, Steve Nery, Betsy Prueter, Clint Heinrich2017 Denison University
Ephemeris Vol. I, Adam Mallinger, Audra Russo, Christopher Bungard, Marisa Wikramanayate, Bob Wyllie, Alison Hughes, Steve Nery, Michael Fronda PhD, Tara Ellison, Robyn Bowers2017 Denison University
Sagp Newsletter 2016/17.1 East Scs, Anthony Preus2017 Binghamton University
Did The Ancient Greeks Have A Concept Of Human Rights?, Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University--SUNY
Introduction To The Transaction Edition, The Genesis Of Winspear5s Thought, Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University--SUNY
Aristotle And Michael Of Ephesus On The Movement And Progression Of Animals Translated, With Introduction And Notes [Translation Of Studien Und Materialen Zur Geschichte Der Philosophie], Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University--SUNY
Science And The Philosophy In Aristotle's Biological Works, Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University--SUNY
Sagp Ssips 2016 Program, Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University
Sagp Ssips 2016 Abstracts, Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University
Pharaonic Occultism: The Relationship Of Esotericism And Egyptology, 1875-1930, Kevin Todd McLaren2016 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Notebook Iv Plato's Apology, Edward H. Campbell2016 Independent Scholar
Christian-Stoicism: Exploring The Relationship Between Christianity And Stoicism And Constructing A Manual Of Christian-Stoic Wisdom, Trevor Kelly2016 Sacred Heart University
Virtue, Knowledge, And Goodness, Marlin Ray Sommers2016 University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Challenging Kleos: An Fpda Analysis And Application Of Andromache In The Iliad, Ayana Marie Rowe2016 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Innovation & Hoplite Ideology: The Relation Of Martial Equipment To Ideology In Archaic And Classical Greece, William D. Henry2016 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Girls, Girls, Girls The Prostitute In Roman New Comedy And The Pro Caelio, Nicholas R. Jannazo2016 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
America And Athens As Seen Through South Park And Aristophanes, James F. Neyer2016 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Homer's Music Through Plato's Ears, Dereck Wayne Basinger2016 College of William and Mary
The Seed Of Principate: Annona And Imperial Politics, Joseph B. Ruter III2016 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
"On Γίγνων", Faith D. McFadden2016 Duquesne University
Aristotle's Ideal Regime As Utopia, Steven Thomason2016 Ouachita Baptist University, Department of Political Science
Preaching Christ Crucified: Origen’S Apologetic Strategy In Contra Celsum, Morgan S. Thompson2016 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Sagp Newsletter 2015.16.2 Central, Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University
Sagp Newsletter 2015/16.3 Pacific, Anthony Preus2016 Binghamton University
Martin Luther King Jr. In Dialogue With The Ancient Greeks, Timothy Joseph Ph.D.2016 College of the Holy Cross
The Ancient Egyptian Concept Of Maat: Reflections On Social Justice And Natural Order, R. James Ferguson2016 Bond University
Combat Trauma And Tragic Catharsis: An Aristotelian Account Of Tragedy And Trauma, Edward J. Hoffmann2016 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
A Papyrus Letter About Epicurean Philosophy Books, James Keenan2016 Loyola University Chicago
‘If Apprehending Occurs, It Is Not The View’: Sakya Thinkers On The Madhyamaka View Of Freedom From Proliferations, Yaroslav Komarovski2016 University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From The Three Natures To The Two Natures: On A Fluid Approach To The Two Versions Of Other-Emptiness From 15th Century Tibet, Yaroslav Komarovski2016 University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Education_As_A_Human_Right_A_Confucian_P.Pdf, Chenyang Li2015 Nanyang Technological University
Harmony From Confucian, Greek, Liberal, And Global Perspectives, Chenyang Li2015 Nanyang Technological University
Notes On Absentee Landlordism At Aphrodito, James Keenan2015 Loyola University Chicago
Sagp Newsletter 2015/16.1 East Scs, Anthony Preus2015 Binghamton University
Sagp Ssips 2015 Program, Anthony Preus2015 Binghamton University
Sagp Ssips Abstracts 2015, Anthony Preus2015 Binghamton University
Peri Algeos: Pain In Aeschylus And Sophocles, Anda Pleniceanu2015 The University of Western Ontario
Queering The Library Of Congress, Carlos R. Fernandez2015 Florida International University

Stardust, Memory, And Holy Books: Innovations And Influence Of Orphism As Fringe Religion, Shellie A. Smith2015 Kent State University
Ek Tou Homerou Ad Homerum: A Survey Of The Roman Imperial Iconography Of Homer, Juan Dopico2015 Washington University in St. Louis
Blueprint For Legal Practice: Establishing Cicero’S Ideal Style, Henry L. Farrington2015 Xavier University - Cincinnati
The Art Of The Stage Machinist: A Dramatic Reconstruction Of Aeschylus’ Linear Tragedy, Prometheus Bound, Alexander J. Spindler2015 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Aristotle & Locke: Ancients And Moderns On Economic Theory & The Best Regime, Andrew John Del Bene2015 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Sagp Newsletter 2014/15.3 Pacific, Anthony Preus2015 Binghamton University
Sagp Newsletter 2014/15.2 Central, Anthony Preus2015 Binghamton University
Beauty Speaking: Beauty And Language In Plotinus And Augustine Of Hippo, Anthony J. Thomas IV2015 University of Kentucky
Stranger Love, Alexandra Christina Baro2015 Bard College
Philosophy Of Ancient Athens, Samuel J. Smith2015 Liberty University
Chinese Metaphysics And Its Problems, Chenyang Li2014 Nanyang Technological University
Sagp Newsletter 2014/15.1 East Scs, Anthony Preus2014 Binghamton University
Honors Education And The Examined Life, Philip Phillips2014 Middle Tennessee State University
Europe In Crisis, Call For Papers, Kyriakos Demetriou2014 University of Cyprus
Sagp Ssips 2014 Program, Anthony Preus2014 Binghamton University
The Confucian Concept Of Freedom, Chenyang Li2014 Nanyang Technological University
The Memetic Evolution Of Alchemy From Zosimos To Timothy Leary, Ryan J. Hutchinson2014 University of Washington Tacoma
Guide To Authors, Elias Benton Vickery2014 University of North Georgia
Augustine, Wannabe Philosopher: The Search For Otium Honestum, Allen G. Wilson2014 University of Tennessee Knoxville
Exhibition Of Undergraduate Research And Creative Achievement, Allen Griffith Wilson2014 University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Sagp Newsletter 2013/14.3 Pacific, Anthony Preus2014 Binghamton University
Twice-Made Men: The Journey To The Afterlife And Back, John M. Farkas2014 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Sagp Newsletter 2013/14.2 Central, Anthony Preus2014 Binghamton University
Rape And Revolution: Tacitus On Livia And Augustus, Thomas E. Strunk2014 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Morale Boost For Modernity: Stephen Greenblatt's Lucretius., Charles Smith2014 University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Know Yourself And You Will Be Known: The Gospel Of Thomas And Middle Platonism, Seth A. Clark2014 Claremont Graduate University
Taking The Strict Account Of Techne Seriously: An Interpretive Direction In Plato's Republic, Kenneth Knies2014 Sacred Heart University
The Relationship Between Natural Law And Mosaic Law In Philo: His On Rewards And Punishments As A Case Study, Clark Whitney2014 Ouachita Baptist University
Truth And Falsehood In Plato's Sophist, Michael Oliver Wiitala2014 University of Kentucky
Seeking Vita Contemplativa: A Search For Contemplation In A Secular World, Rosette Marie Cirillo2014 Bard College
Neuroscience And Hindu Aesthetics: A Critical Analysis Of V.S. Ramachandran’S “Science Of Art”, Logan R. Beitmen2014 Florida International University
Cyprian The Apologist, Philip Palmer2014 Liberty University
Boethius, The Prisoner, And The Consolation Of Philosophy, Philip Phillips2013 Middle Tennessee State University
Sagp Newsletter 2013/14.1 East Philol, Anthony Preus2013 Binghamton University
The Politics Media Equation:Exposing Two Faces Of Old Nexus Through Study Of General Elections,Wikileaks And Radia Tapes, Ratnesh Dwivedi2013 India Today Group
Brill Companions To Classical Reception Series, Kyriakos N. Demetriou2013 University of Cyprus
Domitian's Lightning Bolts And Close Shaves In Pliny, Thomas E. Strunk2013 Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
Sagp Ssips 2013 Program, Anthony Preus2013 Binghamton University
Sagp Ssips Abstracts 2013, Anthony Preus2013 Binghamton University
To The Jew First: A Socio-Historical And Biblical-Theological Analysis Of The Pauline Teaching Of `Election' In Light Of Second Temple Jewish Patterns Of Thought, Anthony Thornhill2013 Liberty University
Asking For Plato's Forgiveness. Floyer Sydenham: A Platonic Visionary Of 18th-Century Britain, Kyriakos N. Demetriou2013 University of Cyprus
Story Of An Intern, Ratnesh Dwivedi2013 India Today Group
Mass Media And Communication In Global Scenario, Ratnesh Dwivedi2013 India Today Group
Why I Am Not A Materialist, John Cramer Dr.2013 Oglethorpe University
Asclepios, M.D.? The Ancient Greeks And Integrative Medicine, Anna T. Wiley2013 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
The Psychopathology Of Everyday Athens: Euripides On The Freudian Couch, Brendan C. Chisholm2013 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Lift, Eat, Compete: Athletics In Ancient Greece And Modern America, Jensen Grey Kolaczko2013 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Ovid's Insight Into The Minds Of Abandoned Women, Rachel A. Bier2013 Xavier University - Cincinnati
“Human Relations Movement In View Of Interpersonal Relations With Emphasis On Mayo’S Work”, Ratnesh Dwivedi2013 India Today Group
Augustine And John Paul Ii On The Goods Of Marriage: Proles, Fides, Et Sacramentum, Thomas Richard Finke2013 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Sagp Newsletter 2012/13.3 Pac, Anthony Preus2013 Binghamton University
Sagp Newsletter 2012/13.2 Central, Anthony Preus2013 Binghamton University
Democracy In Transition: Political Participation In The European Union, Kyriakos Demetriou2013 University of Cyprus
Collections Containing Articles On Presocratic Philosophy, Richard D. McKirahan2013 Pomona College
The Exploration Of Nationalism In The Works Of Livy And Jacques-Louis David, Kelly M. Bunting2013 Xavier University - Cincinnati
To The Jew First: A Socio-Historical And Biblical-Theological Analysis Of The Pauline Teaching Of `Election' In Light Of Second Temple Jewish Patterns Of Thought, Anthony Thornhill2012 Liberty University
The Confucian Philosophy Of Harmony, Chenyang Li2012 Nanyang Technological University
Cultural Configurations Of Values, Chenyang Li2012 Nanyang Technological University
International Terrorism And Television Channels:Operation And Regulation Of Tv News Channel During Coverage Of Terrorism, Ratnesh Dwivedi Mr2012 India Today Group
The Hellenistic Ideal Of The Good Or Virtuous Life., Bernadette Monaco2012 East Tennessee State University
 Sagp Newsletter 2012/13.1 East Philol, Anthony Preus2012 Binghamton University
Freedom Of Media In India: A Weapon To Kill Enemies Or Protection Guard For Public-The Two Sides, Ratnesh Dwivedi2012 India Today Group
Greek Bronze: Holding A Mirror To Life, Expanded Reprint From The Irish Philosophical Yearbook 2006: In Memoriam John J. Cleary 1949-2009, Babette Babich2012 Fordham University
Mousike Techne: The Philosophical Practice Of Music In Plato, Nietzsche, And Heidegger, Babette Babich2012 Fordham University
Confucian Influences On Popular Values In China And Taiwan, Lukas Danner2012 Florida International University
Polis, The Journal For Ancient Greek Political Thought, Kyriakos N. Demetriou2012 University of Cyprus
Sagp Ssips 2012 Program, Anthony Preus2012 Binghamton University
Sagp Ssips 2012 Abstracts, Anthony Preus2012 Binghamton University
Democracy In Transition Flyer (Springer), Kyriakos Demetriou2012 University of Cyprus
My Best Movies, Kyriakos Demetriou2012 University of Cyprus
An Analytical Study Of 'Sanskrit' And 'Panini' As Foundation Of Speech Communication In India And World, Ratnesh Dwivedi2012 India Today Group
Radio In India:The Fm Revolution And Its Impact On Indian Listeners, Ratnesh Dwivedi2012 India Today Group
Review Of Studies In The Reception Of Plato (Ashgate, 2011), Kyriakos Demetriou2012 University of Cyprus
Breaking Free From False Realities: An Analysis Of The Modernist Critique Of Social Institutions, Jennifer Tomlinson2012 Rollins College
A Decisive Social Media: Domination Of Social Media In Deciding News Content-A Case Study Of American Media And Trayvon Martin Tragedy, Ratnesh Dwivedi2012 India Today Group
Philosophical Influences In The Art Of War Found In The Romance Of The Three Kingdoms, Nathaniel Ethan Clark2012 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
-“An Analysis Of Concepts,Componants And Tools Of Research Process And Methodologies”, Ratnesh Dwivedi Mr2012 India Today Group
Higher Education In India : The Glory Of Past,The Challenges Of Today And The Road For Tomorrow, Ratnesh Dwivedi2012 India Today Group
Plato The Poet, Francis James Flanagan2012 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Shame And Sense, Samuel P. Carter2012 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Roman Mater The Etruscan Influence On The Role Of Roman Women, Elizabeth Davis2012 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Brill Academic Publishers: Companions To Classical Reception, Kyriakos Demetriou2012 University of Cyprus
Sagp Newsletter 2011/12.4 Pacific, Anthony Preus2012 Binghamton University
Homeopoesis: Aristotle On Nutrition And Growth, John Thorp2012 Western University
Sagp Newsletter 2011/12.3 Central, Anthony Preus2012 Binghamton University
Letter From David Gallop, David Gallop2012 Trent University
Politeia As Citizenship In Aristotle, John J. Mulhern2012 University of Pennsylvania
Aristotle's Rhetorodicy, John Thorp2012 Western University
Pliny The Pessimist, Thomas E. Strunk2012 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Whip Scars On The Naked Soul: Myth And Elenchos In Plato's Gorgias, Radcliffe G. Edmonds III2012 Bryn Mawr College
Law, Philosophy, And Civil Disobedience: The Laws' Speech In Plato's 'Crito', Steven Thomason2012 Ouachita Baptist University, Department of Political Science
Finding Comfort In Aporia, T. Clifford Dunlop2012 Trinity College
On The Unity Of Plato’S Parmenides, Travis Lynch2012 Connecticut College
民主的形式与儒家的内容——再论儒家与民主的关系, Chenyang Li2011 Nanyang Technological University
A Catholic Core Curriculum, Richard Liddy2011 Seton Hall University
Review Of King Jesus Gospel By Scot Mcknight, A. Thornhill2011 Liberty University
Bullying The Bully: Why Zero-Tolerance Policies Get A Failing Grade, H Theixos, Kristin Borgwald2011 University of Miami
Cephalus And Euthydemus, Matthew Carter Cashen2011 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Logos And Psyche In Plato's Phaedo, Jesse I. Bailey2011 Sacred Heart University
Wiki Leaks Revelations In Global Context—The War Between ‘Right To Publish’ And ‘Ethical Code Of Conduct, Ratnesh Dwivedi2011 India Today Group
A Critical Study Of Organizational Communication And Organizational Communication Theories- A Historical Perspective, Ratnesh Dwivedi2011 India Today Group
Public Accountability And Media : Its Success And Failure In Performing The Role As A Force For Public Accountability, Ratnesh Dwivedi2011 India Today Group
Sagp Newsletter 2011/12.2 East Philol, Anthony Preus2011 Binghamton University
Welcome To Mcdonalds, How May I Exploit You? Fast Food’S Corporate Social Responsibility To Lower-Income Areas, Jennifer Tomlinson2011 Rollins College
Sagp/Ssips 2011 Program, Anthony Preus2011 Binghamton University
Diogenes Laertius’ Life Of Parmenides: A New Translation, With Text And Commentary, Edward H. Campbell2011 independent scholar
Sagp Fordham Abstracts 72611, Anthony Preus2011 Binghamton University
Manuscript For The Poem Of Parmenides, Edward H. Campbell2011 independent scholar
The Penetration Of Social Media In Governance,Political Reforms And Building Public Perception, Ratnesh Dwivedi Mr2011 India Today Group
Two Faces Of Media While Covering Human Right Activities In India, Ratnesh Dwivedi2011 India Today Group
Aristotle On Truth, Facts, And Relations: Categories, De Interpretatione, Metaphysics Gamma, Blake Hestir2011 Texas Christian University
Language Discourse- A Critical Analysis Of Michel Focault's Work On Language Discourse With Special Reference To His Masterpiece "The Archeology Of Knowledge", Ratnesh Dwivedi2011 India Today Group
The Effect Of Misogyny On The Persecution Of Women As Practitioners Of Magic In Ancient Greece, Rome, Medieval And Early Modern Europe, Mark J. Mangione2011 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Climate And Teleology In Aristotle's Physics Ii.8, Yancy Hughes Dominick2011 Seattle University
Sagp Newsletter 2010/11.3 Pacific, Anthony Preus2011 Binghamton University
Justice As Self-Transmitting Power And Just Acts In Republic 4, Andrew Payne2011 Saint Joseph's University
Challenges Before Traditional Media In The Age Of Digital Media-How To Integrate It With Digital Media-The Way Ahead, Ratnesh Dwivedi2011 India Today Group
Studies On The Reception Of Plato, Kyriakos Demetriou2011 University of Cyprus
Law, Philosophy, And Civil Theodicy: An Interpretation Of Plato's Epinomis, Steven Thomason2011 Ouachita Baptist University, Department of Political Science
Distortions In The Historical Record Concerning Ager Publicus, Leges Agrariae, And The Gracchi, Maria Therese Jeffrey2011 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Sagp Newsletter 2010/11.2 Central, Anthony Preus2011 Binghamton University
Shame And Conflict - Lysis's Philosophical Akrasia, L. Albert Joosse2011 Utrecht University
Introduction To The Transaction Edition, The Genesis Of Winspear5s Thought, Anthony Preus2011 Binghamton University--SUNY
The Atonement Of Troy, Rebekah Spearman2011 University of Dallas
With Sleep Comes A Fusion Of Worlds: The Seven Sleepers Of Ephesus Through Formation And Transformation, Gwendolyn Collaco2011 Vassar College
Ignatius, Lonergan, And The Catholic University, Richard Liddy2010 Seton Hall University
Changing Our Minds: Bernard Lonergan And Climate Change, Richard Liddy2010 Seton Hall University
Review- Startling Strangeness: Reading Lonergan's., Randall Rosenberg2010 Selected Works
Catholicity And Faculty Seminars, Richard M. Liddy2010 Seton Hall University
Method In Catholic Studies, Richard M. Liddy2010 Seton Hall University
Review- Startling Strangeness: Reading Lonergan's Insight. By Richard M. Liddy., Michael McGuckian2010 Seton Hall University
Ceaselessly Testing The Good Of Death, Danielle A. Layne2010 The Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium),
A Religious Revolution? How Socrates' Theology Undermined The Practice Of Sacrifice, Anna Lannstrom2010 Stonehill College
Plato’S Gorgias: Rhetoric, The Greatest Evil, And The True Art Of Politics, Paul A. George2010 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Sagp Newsletter 2010/11.1 East Philol, Anthony Preus2010 Binghamton University
Changing Mutual Perception Of Television News Viewers And Program Makers In India- A Case Study Of Cnn-Ibn And Its Unique Initiative Of Citizen Journalism, Ratnesh Dwivedi2010 India Today Group
Challenges And Strategies Of Mobile Advertising In India, Ratnesh Dwivedi2010 India Today Group
Ottoman Cyprus: New Studies In An Obscure Field, Kyriakos N. Demetriou2010 University of Cyprus
Community Radio:History,Growth,Challenges And Current Status Of It With Special Reference To India, Ratnesh Dwivedi2010 India Today Group
History Of Communication And Its Application In Multicultaral,Multilingual Social System In India Across Ages, Ratnesh Dwivedi2010 India Today Group
Sagp/Ssips 2010 Program, Anthony Preus2010 Binghamton University
The Intelligible Creator-God And The Intelligent Soul Of The Cosmos In Plato’S Theology And Metaphysics, Jason G. Rheins2010 University of Pennsylvania
Aristotle On Learning In De Anima Ii.5, John F. Bowin2010 University of California, Santa Cruz
Intelligible Matter In Aristotle, John Thorp2010 Western University
Causation, Agency, And Law In Antiphon: On Some Subtleties In The Second Tetralogy, Joel Mann2010 St. Norbert College
Sagp Newsletter 2009/10.4 Pac, Anthony Preus2010 Binghamton University
What Aristotle Should Have Said About Megalopsychia, May Sim2010 College of the Holy Cross
Against Hedonist Interpretations Of Plato's Protagoras, J. Clerk Shaw2010 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Sagp Newsletter 2009/10.3 (Central Division), Anthony Preus2010 Binghamton University
Empirical And Dialogical Proofs Of God's Existence In Laws 10, Lewis Trelawny-Cassity2010 Binghamton University--SUNY
Saving The Life Of A Foolish Poet: Tacitus On Marcus Lepidus, Thrasea Paetus, And Political Action Under The Principate, Thomas E. Strunk2010 Xavier University - Cincinnati
A Philology Of Liberation: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As A Reader Of The Classics, Thomas E. Strunk2010 Xavier University - Cincinnati
Τρυφη And Υβρισ In The Περι Βιων Of Clearchus, Vanessa B. Gorman, Robert J. Gorman2010 University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Philosophy Of Intellect And Vision In The De Anima And De Intellectu Of Alexander Of Aphrodisias, John S. Hendrix2010 Roger Williams University
Philosophy Of Intellect And Vision In The De Anima Of Themistius, John S. Hendrix2010 Roger Williams University
Neoplatonism In The Liber Naturalis And Shifā: De Anima Or Metaphysica Of Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā), John S. Hendrix2010 Roger Williams University
A Problem For The Political Reading Of Plato's Republic, Mason Marshall2010 Pepperdine University
Entries On "Priam And Hecuba", "Tiresias", And "Theseus", Carolin Hahnemann2009 Kenyon College
Evaluating The Influence Of Anthropogenic Inputs To Bottom-Up Regulation Of The Development, Survival And Emergence Rates Of Mosquito Larvae, David Markman2009 University of Maryland - College Park
Confucian Moral Cultivation, Longevity, And Public Policy, Chenyang Li2009 Nanyang Technological University

Open Access Journal: Studia Orientalia Electronica

[First posted in AWOL 22 October 2015, updated 14 August 2017]

Studia Orientalia Electronica
ISSN: 2323-5209
Welcome to the website of Studia Orientalia Electronica (StOrE)! StOrE is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal publishing original research articles and reviews in all fields of Asian and African studies. It is an offshoot of Studia Orientalia, an internationally recognized publication series (see http://www.suomenitamainenseura.org/studiaorientalia/ for further information on Studia Orientalia and the publisher, Finnish Oriental Society). StOrE was established in 2013 to keep up the fine publishing tradition of Studia Orientalia. The new journal publishes high quality articles in a more modern and accessible format.
The first volume (year 2013) of Studia Orientalia Electronica has been published (see Archives section). Furthermore, some articles of back issues of the printed Studia Orientalia are found in the Archives section and more are coming soon. In the Current section you will find the articles of 2014 (vol. 2) of StOrE.
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PDFs of Studia Orientalia Vol 1 (1925) - Vol 114 (2013)

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online

CDLI Announcement

The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI <http://cdli.ucla.edu>) is delighted to announce that the project “CDLI Framework Update” has been funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities through its Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program, with generous support from the University of California, Los Angeles’s Humanities Division. This project aims to ensure the longevity of CDLI’s files and applications, and to increase access, usability, and accessibility to the data it manages.

The CDLI is a twenty year strong international cooperation that curates cuneiform text artifacts in the interest of open access research. Our core files, in the form of artifact catalogue, images and text annotation, have expanded through numerous sub-projects carried on by different collaborators and staff over time. To support this work, a wide array of technologies were adopted to provide software support and grow the unrestricted services we offer through the Web. ‘CDLI Framework’ will integrate current features of the project in a logical infrastructure, and will prepare new data displays, including machine readable outputs, to enhance knowledge diffusion. This update will strengthen CDLI’s digital footprint, facilitating maintenance and future developments, and increasing access of actual and prospective audiences to information about ancient Mesopotamia.

Outcomes that will directly impact the usability of CDLI services include a unified interface for the project website, more powerful search capabilities, more internal links to navigate the catalogue, and intuitive displays for calendars, glossaries, bibliographies, etc.

The project, directed by Robert K. Englund and managed by Émilie Pagé-Perron, will concentrate its activities at UCLA and at the University of Toronto. Our efforts will be coordinated with those of the “Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages” project (MTAAC <https://cdli-gh.github.io/mtaac/>) recently funded by the German Research Foundation, the US National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

CDLI News post: <http://cdli.ucla.edu/?q=news/cdli-core-update>
NEH Press release: <https://www.neh.gov/news/press-release/2017-08-02>
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