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Open Access Journal: Sociedades Precapitalistas

[First posted in AWOL 7 March 2012, updated 4 April 2015]

Sociedades Precapitalistas: Revista de Historia Social
ISSN: 2250-5121
Sociedades Precapitalistases una publicación científico-académica, electrónica, cuyo objetivo es difundir estudios historiográficos focalizados en la génesis, morfología y dinámica de las estructuras sociales anteriores al capitalismo. Contempla investigaciones de la antigüedad oriental y grecolatina, la Europa medieval y moderna, la América precolombina y colonial, entre otras, privilegiando especialmente los enfoques comparativos. Asimismo, se favorece el debate historiográfico y la reflexión teórica.
La revista está editada por el Centro de Estudios de Historia Social Europea (CEHSE), unidad de investigación que integra el Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdICHS UNLP-CONICET) sito en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. 
Sociedades Precapitalistaspropone continuar con los principios metodológicos que guiaron a los artículos publicados en el Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 1669-5763, ISSN 2250-446X para su versión en línea), editado por el CEHSE a finales de los años ochenta. De esta manera, recuperar el espíritu del Boletín se convierte en un homenaje a todos aquellos que estimularon los estudios sobre las sociedades preburguesas, generando un espacio en el ámbito académico abierto a quienes compartan el interés por el conocimiento de dichas sociedades.
Sociedades Precapitalistas ofrece su espacio para publicar artículos, reseñas y estudios bibliográficos, y transcripciones documentales. Sociedades Precapitalistas cuenta con dos ediciones anuales, que se publican en los meses de diciembre y junio, manteniendo las características de las publicaciones científicas y posibilitando su difusión nacional e internacional a través de la edición electrónica. Sus contenidos son de acceso abierto y se rigen bajo licencia Creative Commons.
Sociedades Precapitalistas está incluida en el Directorio Ulrich e indizada en Dialnet


Núm. 4 (1992): Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 2250-446X)

Sociedades Precapitalistas continúa al Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 1669-5763 en papel), editado por el CEHSE desde 1989 a 1992.


Núm. 3 (1991): Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 2250-446X)

Sociedades Precapitalistas continúa al Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 1669-5763 en papel), editado por el CEHSE desde 1989 a 1992.


Núm. 2 (1990): Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 2250-446X)

Sociedades Precapitalistas continúa al Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 1669-5763 en papel), editado por el CEHSE desde 1989 a 1992.


Núm. 1 (1989): Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 2250-446X)

Sociedades Precapitalistas continúa al Boletín de Historia Social Europea (ISSN 1669-5763 en papel), editado por el CEHSE desde 1989 a 1992.

Open Access Journal: Illuminations

HMML publishes Illuminations twice per year, a magazine-format newsletter with information about current projects, the people who keep HMML open, and the manuscripts we preserve. Click the thumbnail of the issue you'd like to view / download as a PDF. 

ClassicsTeaching.com ...dedicated to teacher training in Classics

[First posted in AWOL 26 June 2012, updates 5 April 2015]

ClassicsTeaching.com ...dedicated to teacher training in Classics
Updated 15th January 2015

For those who love their subject and would like to work with young people there is no better career than Classics teaching. Not only does it give you the opportunity to draw on and develop your subject knowledge and communication skills, it also gives you significant responsibility and the freedom to use your imagination and creativity from the moment you enter the classroom. In the words of a trainee who moved into teaching after working for a number of years as an accountant:

‘The thing that really made me leave was the fact that it didn’t use all of me, and I wanted something that made me use my creativity, made me think on my feet.’

But a successful career in Classics teaching depends on having the thoroughness and professionalism of the training you receive when you start out on teaching. The aim of this site is to provide information on the different routes through training that are available for future Classics teachers.

Click here for more information about Classics in schools.

What is ClassicsTeaching.com?
ClassicsTeaching.com is a site designed for teachers and would-be teachers of Classics in schools in England. It includes guidance on the different routes into Classics teaching in England, information about teaching Classical subjects, and research into Classics teaching. The site was developed with the financial support of the DfE. The site is maintained by Steven Hunt, Lecturer in Classics Education at the University of Cambridge, and Aisha Khan-Evans, Lecturer in Classics Education at King’s College, University of London. 


Open Access Journal: Philía. Jornal informativo de história antiga


Open Access Journal: Paléo - Revue d'archéologie préhistorique

Paléo - Revue d'archéologie préhistoriqueElectronic ISSN 2101-0420
Paléo accueille, sans limitation de champ géographique, toute contribution traitant des paléopopulations, activités humaines et comportements, paléoenvironnements physique et biologique, chronologie et datation numérique, stratigraphie (lithostratigraphie et biostratigraphie), géoarchéologie, art paléolithique, paléoanthropologie, étude des industries, archéologie expérimentale, ethnoarchéologie, processus de formation des sites, méthodologie, conservation et préservation des vestiges de tout type. 
Paléo se compose de divers supports : un bulletin périodique annuel comportant des articles originaux d’intérêt national et international et des suppléments non soumis à périodicité (actes de colloque, thèses, monographies, etc.).

Numéros en texte intégral

The Mahmoud Salih Collection

The Mahmoud Salih Collection
As a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step, so a collection of books must begin with a single book.
Early in March 1997, Lady Elizabeth Bingham, a very dear friend and colleague at SOS Sahel UK (a charity that helps the people of the Sahel to fight poverty through better management of their environment) was passing through Cairo from Sudan where she was inspecting some of SOS Sahel’s projects. I happened to mention to her that I have been searching for a book for the last ten years without success. The book was “Capital Investment in Africa – Its Course And Effects”, by S Herbert Frankel, Professor of Economics and Economic History at University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The book was published by Oxford University Press in 1938. Sir Hubert Huddleston, Governor-General of the Sudan (1940-47) had quoted a passage from it in his 1941 annual report. The quotation was:

“There can be doubt that the economic development of the Sudan in the twentieth century has been a remarkable achievement and one which, in many respects, can be regarded as a model for other African Countries”.
That quotation intrigued me, and I wanted to read everything he had written about Sudan in that book.
Within days of Lady Elizabeth’s departure from Cairo to London, I received a copy in the post of the book. In her accompanying letter she informed me that her book seller had put her in touch with a certain Paul Wilson, an antiquarian book dealer who specialised in African and Middle-Eastern books. He not only had the book, but he informed her that he also had a large collection of books about Sudan for which he was seeking a buyer. I telephoned her immediately, thanked her for her efforts and requested her to contact Paul Wilson and inform him that I am interested in his collection, and that he should not sell it until I had had a chance of seeing him and it. A couple of weeks later I flew to London, took the train to Shrewsbury, met Paul and within a couple of hours we had shaken hands on a deal.
Paul’s collection, at the time, amounted to about 850 books. I requested of him that he continue looking to add books, documents, maps and paintings to the collection, He has been doing that for me for the last ten years, with the collection now boasting approximately 2,000 books, double that number of historical documents, pamphlets and maps, paintings and photographs.
The idea was to move the whole collection to Sudan after securing an appropriate home for it there. But after five years of fruitless search and broken promises from the authorities there, I decided to instead loan the Collection to a University that provides courses in Sudanese Studies, so that as many scholars can benefit from it as possible, rather that for it to remain in boxes in a warehouse in England. The obvious choice was the University of Bergen, because of their extensive Sudanese courses and its long and close co-operation with Sudanese Universities, especially the University of Khartoum.
On the last day of the conference on Sudanese Studies, which was successfully hosted by the University of Bergen in April 2006, I informed my friend Professor Anders Bjorkelo, the Director of The Centre for Middle-Eastern and Islamic Studies, of my intention. He was thrilled with the idea and obtained the approval of the University within days. Early in June 2006, Paul and I flew to Bergen on the same day that the books arrived by truck from Shrewsbury, England.
The Collection was received with great enthusiasm and appreciation by everybody at the University, from the Rector down to the under-graduate students. The books were unpacked and arranged on to their shelves in a room provided for their housing at the Centre. The books were made available for study, and the University has kindly provided funds for the scanning and digitalising of the books which appear on this website, completely free of charge.
I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to everyone at the University who helped and participated in this worthwhile endeavour.
Mahmoud S O Salih

BASOR’s New Initiative: Publication Online and in Hardcopy

BASOR’s New Initiative: Publication Online and in Hardcopy

We are pleased to announce that digital versions of the first three articles from the forthcoming BASOR 373 issue (May 2015) are now available to individual BASOR subscribers (and those whose institutions have subscriptions) via the JSTOR Current Scholarship Program:

  1. Published online Mar 30, 2015: On Early Bronze Age Copper Bar Ingots from the Southern Levant (pp. 1-24)  
    Andreas Hauptmann, Sigrid Schmitt-Strecker, Thomas E. Levy and Friedrich Begemann
  2. Alexander Fantalkin, Israel Finkelstein and Eli Piasetzky

In order to access these, click the links above or please go to BASOR on JSTOR and then click on the “Ahead of Print” link that is located towards the top of the page.

Please note that the second article listed (Fantalkin, Finkelstein, and Piasetzky) has supplementary material accompanying the main article. As listed in the article itself, this supplementary material is not posted on JSTOR but rather can be found at http://www.asor.org/pubs/basor/sup.html. Future articles with such supplementary materials will also have those materials posted and available at the same location, which is a stable URL.

We anticipate that the next three articles will also be posted within the next ten days to two weeks. A third set of three or more articles may also be posted after that, time permitting. And then all of the articles, plus some book reviews, will be published in hard copy in May. As each set is posted and made available, we will alert all subscribers and ASOR members, via email and other social media. We are absolutely delighted with all of this and we are very grateful to have the full support of BASOR’s editorial board, ASOR’s Publication Committee, and ASOR’s Executive Director. 

Henceforth, articles that have been accepted for BASOR will be uploaded to JSTOR after the final set of page proofs for each have passed inspection and been approved. This will usually be done in batches of two, three, four, or even more (in rare cases), depending upon how many articles are ready at that time. This means that BASOR subscribers who have access to JSTOR either individually or through their universities and who wish to see and cite articles prior to the appearance of the print edition will now be able to access digital versions of the articles via the JSTOR Current Scholarship Program several weeks or even months before the arrival of the print edition via postal mail twice per year (in May and November, as per usual). The print edition and the online edition will be identical, including pagination, but the online version will be available first. 

As those of you who have published in scholarly journals and edited volumes know, articles can sometimes be ready for publication long before it is time to send out the print edition (i.e., the layout is done, typesetting is done, pagination has been added, page-proofs have been corrected by authors, editors, and assistants, etc.). Thus, articles often end up languishing for a few months, or even years, prior to publication in the print edition. Because of the technology now available, we thought that it is sensible to make articles available online as soon as they are ready for publication, rather than waiting for the issue to be published in hard copy each May and November. This will allow scholars to have their articles appear more rapidly and it also allows for the readership to have earlier access to articles as well. 

Individual subscribers to BASOR, and those whose institutions have subscriptions, will have immediate access to the articles via the JSTOR Current Scholarship Program.  Those who do not have an individual or institutional subscription to BASOR can still get access to the articles by paying the standard JSTOR fee for each one, though we hope that they or their universities will consider subscribing to BASOR instead. (For those who wish to begin an individual subscription or request that their university do so, the information can be found at http://www.asor.org/pubs/basor/).

We wish to reiterate that nothing will change with regard to the “hardcopy edition.”  It will still arrive in your postal mail each May and November.  It’s just that for those who wish to have earlier access to articles, they will now be able to do so.  And again, we would reiterate that the version available online via JSTOR will be absolutely identical in every way to the hardcopy version, including the same page numbers, figure numbers, and so on, so that scholars can begin citing them as soon as they become available. 

We are very pleased with all of the articles that we have accepted so far and trust that you will be as well.  We are especially grateful to those scholars who entrusted their work to our hands even before they had seen our first issue and would like to thank them for doing so. Along those lines, please allow us to take this opportunity to mention that we are always delighted to consider well-written, carefully documented articles for publication, but we cannot publish your work if you do not submit it to us for consideration, so please think about sending a manuscript our way. BASOR articles can come from a wide range of subjects, ranging from archaeology, art, anthropology, archaeometry, bioarchaeology, and archaeozoology to biblical studies, history, literature, philology, geography, and epigraphy. Our geographical range is also extensive, from Israel and Canaan to ancient Anatolia, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Iran, Arabia, Egypt, and up into the Caucasus, and our chronological range spans the Paleolithic period through Islamic times.  Our goal is to reach a decision (with the assistance of at least two anonymous reviewers in each case) within four weeks of receiving a manuscript and render a verdict of Accept, Reject, or Revise and Resubmit. We will then guide the accepted manuscripts rapidly through the publication pipeline so as to make articles available in a timely fashion to a broad-based readership. In this day and age, we believe that there is no reason for scholarship to languish in a publication pipeline for months at a time and so we would encourage all scholars with interesting ideas, results, and discussions to submit their manuscripts to BASORvia the online submission process at http://www.editorialmanager.com/basor/.  At the present time, we are happy to consider submissions for the upcoming November 2015 issue.


Eric Cline and Christopher Rollston, BASOR Co-Editors

Open Access Journal: lucida intervalla: časopis za klasične nauke - a journal of classical studies

lucida intervalla: časopis za klasične nauke - a journal of classical studies
ISSN: 1450-6645
Lucida intervalla was founded by a group of members of the Department of Classical Studies in Belgrade in 1998, at the time when they perceived their reading and interpreting of ancient texts as sobering acts and breakouts from confusing reality. Hence the name of the journal. The initial idea was to provide students of Classics and general audience with reliable and up to date editions (introductions, original texts, translations, and commentaries) of important and not yet translated works of Greek and Latin literature. In the next 15 years more than 40 volumes were published. The focus of the journal gradually shifted from translations to scholarly contributions, while the proportion of contributions in languages other than Serbian increased slowly but steadily. Today Lucida intervallais an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scholarly research in all areas of Classical Studies.
najnovija sveska — latest issue

pređašnje sveske — past issues

sledeća sveska — next issue
44 (2015)
otvorena za priloge — calling for papers

The Qatar Digital Library (QDL)

The Qatar Digital Library (QDL)


What is the Qatar Digital Library?

The Qatar Digital Library (QDL) is making a vast archive featuring the cultural and historical heritage of the Gulf and wider region freely available online for the first time. It includes archives, maps, manuscripts, sound recordings, photographs and much more, complete with contextualised explanatory notes and links, in both English and Arabic.

How did the QDL come about?

The QDL has been developed as part of a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding on Partnerships between the Qatar Foundation, the Qatar National Library and The British Library. The website was developed by the Partnership in collaboration with Cogapp. The agreement of work for the first phase of the Partnership began in 2012, with the digitisation of a wide range of content from the British Library’s collections. Find out more about the Partnership.

Open Access Monograph Series: Quaderni di Erga-Logoi

Quaderni di Erga-Logoi
Erga-Logoiè una rivista, soggetta a peer-review, di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità; un concetto, quest'ultimo, da intendere in senso ampio sul piano dell'estensione geografica e cronologica. Il titolo è stato scelto per sottolineare, evocando il proemio metodologico di Tucidide - benché la contrapposizione abbia ovviamente, in quel contesto, valore diverso -, l'intento di guardare al mondo antico prestando attenzione sia al "fatto" (gli eventi storici, la produzione artistica, la cultura materiale), sia al "detto" (il discorso poetico, letterario, storico, normativo nella sua forma orale e scritta).
TRA MARGINALITÀ E INTEGRAZIONE. Aspetti dell’assistenza sociale nel mondo greco e romano
A cura di Umberto Roberto e Paolo A. Tuci

Maria Federica Petraccia
INDICES E DELATORES NELL’ANTICA ROMA. Occultiore indicio proditus; in occultas delatus insidias
Paolo Andrea Tuci
LA FRAGILITÀ DELLA DEMOCRAZIA. Manipolazione istituzionale ed eversione nel colpo di Stato oligarchico del 411 a.C. ad Atene
Gianpaolo Urso
CASSIO DIONE E I SOVVERSIVI. La crisi della Repubblica nei frammenti della «Storia romana» (XXI-XXX)

Open Access Monograph Series: Collana della Rivista di Diritto Romano Online


Dēmos: Classical Athenian Democracy

[First posted in AWOL 13 March 2012, updated 7 April 2015]

Dēmos: Classical Athenian Democracy
Dēmos is a publication of The Stoa: a Consortium for Scholarly Publication in the Humanities, and has greatly benefited from the infrastructure, expertise, and friendship of that institution and everyone involved with it, especially Anne Mahoney and Ross Scaife. Dēmos would not exist without The Perseus Project and its editor-in-chief, Gregory Crane. This project has also profited from an association with Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, under the wise direction of Gregory Nagy. Hugh Cayless, of OASIS and the UNC Digital Library Project, is responsible for writing the Transcoder that allows this site to display Greek; we are deeply indebted to him. Thomas Martin and Neel Smith of The College of the Holy Cross have been instrumental throughout the lifetime of the project. The earliest work on Dēmos was supported by grants from Furman University and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The contents of the articles in Dēmos are licensed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike-1.0). This scripts that drive the site are licensed under a Creative Commons License (NonCommecial-1.0).

Starting Points

The Evidence for Athenian Democracy · Christopher Blackwell
Necessary Context: descriptions of the ancient genres, authors, and works that form our textual evidence for Athenian democracy · Christopher Blackwell, Christopher Cotten, David Phillips, & Hershal Pleasant.
An Introduction to the Athenian Democracy · Christopher Blackwell
A Brief Early History of Athenian Democracy · Christopher Blackwell

Overview, History, & Institutions

The Assembly of the People · Christopher Blackwell
The Council of 500: the institution · Christopher Blackwell
The Council of 500: its history · Christopher Blackwell
The Council of the Areopagus · Christopher Blackwell
Legislation under the Athenian Democracy · Christopher Blackwell
Special Investigations under the Athenian Democracy · Christopher Blackwell

Biographies, Images, & Arguments

Cimon · Christopher Blackwell
Ephialtes · Christopher Blackwell
Scythian Archers: policing Athens · Elizabeth Baughman
Poetry and the Dēmos: State Regulation of a Civic Possession · Casey Dué
Portraits of historical individuals · Amy Smith
The Eponymous Heroes of Athens · Amy Smith
Images of personifications of political ideas · Amy Smith
A Bibliography of Democratic Art · Amy Smith

Technical Articles about the Site

Access the raw XML directly.
Frequently Asked Questions.
“To Do” List for Dēmos.

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

The Confessions of Saint Augustine
ed. by J.J. O'Donnell
Text and commentary copyright (c) 1992 James J. O'Donnell. 
SGML encoding and HTML conversion by Anne Mahoney
for the Stoa Consortium, 24 November 1999.

Image at left: "Take up and read," from
a series of frescos on the life of Augustine, bishop of Hippo
(now Annaba, Algeria) done by Benozzo Gozzoli in San Gimignano (1465)

This document is an on-line reprint of Augustine: Confessions, a text and commentary by James J. O'Donnell (Oxford: 1992; ISBN 0-19-814378-8). The text and commentary were encoded in SGML by the Stoa Consortium in co-operation with the Perseus Project; the HTML files were generated from the archival SGML version. 

Each book of the text has a link to introductory commentary on that book, and each section of the text has a link to detailed comments on the section. Links within the commentary connect not only to the section of text directly being annotated, but also to other parts of the text and commentary. Footnotes in the commentary appear at the end of each book; the footnote numbers are links from the commentary text to the footnote and from the footnote text back to the commentary. Where possible, links have been provided to the texts of classical works and Biblical passages cited in the commentary. Links at the end of each book of the text and commentary allow navigation to the next book or the previous one of text, commentary, or both together. 

By default, the text displays in the upper frame and the commentary in the lower. Use the "frame free" version to display the text and commentary in separate browser windows. 

Begin here with the Prolegomena (no frames), here with a table of contents (no frames), or here with a table of contents (frames).

Text by booksCommentary by books
Book 1commentary
Book 2commentary
Book 3commentary
Book 4commentary
Book 5commentary
Book 6commentary
Book 7commentary
Book 8commentary
Book 9commentary
Book 10commentary
Book 11commentary
Book 12commentary
Book 13commentary

Ancient Journeys: A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Numa Lane


Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond

Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond

Methods – Projects – Case Studies

ISBN 978-3-7001-7674-9
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-7806-4
Online Edition
Veröffentlichung zur Byzanzforschung 38 
Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Klasse  478 
2015,  246 Seiten, zahlr. Abb., 29,7×21cm, broschiert
€  65,90 
Open access

Andreas  Rhoby
ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Abteilung Byzanzforschung, der ÖAW
Der vorliegende Sammelband – der erste, der zur Gänze Aspekten der byzantinistischen Epigraphik gewidmet ist – umfasst in erster Linie Beiträge zweier internationaler Konferenzen (Wien 2010, Sofia 2011). Er gliedert sich in vier Abschnitte und versammelt unter anderem folgende Artikel: Nach einem einführenden Beitrag über die „Geschichte“ der byzantinistischen Epigraphik versucht Cyril Mango den Terminus „Byzantinische Inschrift“ und seine Grenzen zu definieren. Vincent Debiais liefert interessante Beobachtungen anhand eines Vergleichs von westlichen und byzantinischen Inschriften. Der zweite Abschnitt des Buches trägt den Titel „Methods of Editing Byzantine Inscriptions“: Während der Beitrag Peter Schreiners die dringende Notwendigkeit einer neuen epigraphischen Initiative innerhalb der Byzantinistik betont, beschreibt Walter Koch detailliert die westlichen Inschriftenprojekte. Sowohl Guglielmo Cavallo als auch Erkki Sironen diskutieren Editionsrichtlinien, während Charlotte Roueché die Vorteile von Online-Corpora beschreibt. Joel Kalvesmaki stellt das kürzlich publizierte epigraphische Font „Athena Ruby“ vor. Der dritte Abschnitt umfasst Artikel, die über laufende epigraphische Projekte berichten: Zwei in Griechenland durchgeführte Projekte werden als Datenbank publiziert werden. Maria Xenaki diskutiert den epigraphischen Reichtum Kappadokiens und die kaum analysierten Graffiti. Der letzte Abschnitt ist Fallstudien gewidmet, deren Inhalt von der Spätantike (Sencer Şahin, Mustafa Sayar) bis in mittel- und spätbyzantinische Zeit reicht (Ida Toth, Linda Safran).

Gedruckt mit Unterstützung des Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF).

The present book, the first collective volume entirely devoted to aspects of Byzantine epigraphy, mainly comprises papers delivered at two international meetings (Vienna 2010, Sofia 2011). The book is divided into four sections and includes among others the following contributions: after an introductory article about the “history” of the discipline of Byzantine epigraphy Cyril Mango tries to define the term “Byzantine inscription” and its limits. Vincent Debiais offers some interesting observations by comparing medieval Latin inscriptions from the West with Byzantine epigraphic traditions. The second section of the book bears the title “Methods of Editing Byzantine Inscriptions”: while the paper of Peter Schreiner discusses the urgent necessity of creating a new epigraphic initiative within Byzantine Studies, Walter Koch describes the Western medieval inscription projects in detail. Both Guglielmo Cavallo and Erkki Sironen discuss editorial guidelines while Charlotte Roueché stresses the advantages of creating online-corpora, and Joel Kalvesmaki describes his recently published epigraphic font “Athena Ruby”. The third section covers articles which report current epigraphic projects: two projects from Greece presented will be published within databases. Maria Xenaki discusses the epigraphic wealth of Cappadocia and its hardly studied graffiti. The last section is devoted to case studies articles. Their content ranges from Late Antiquity (Sencer Şahin, Mustafa Sayar) until the middle and the late Byzantine period (Ida Toth, Linda Safran).
Contents page 5
Andreas Rhoby Preface page 7
Charlotte Roueché Byzantine Epigraphy for the 21st Century page 115
Selected Bibliography - Index - List of Contributors page 241

The Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscription Project (WPAIP)

The Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscription Project (WPAIP)
image: WPAIP
The Roman-controlled city of Palmyra (1st c. BCE–3rd c. CE), once a major economic hub in the Levant, is the source of thousands of inscriptions in a dialect of Aramaic, as well as many in Latin and Greek (Yon 2012). The entire corpus of Palmyrene Aramaic inscriptions known before 1996 has been collected in the comprehensive volume, Palmyrene Aramaic Texts (Hillers & Cussini 1996); those inscriptions discovered since 1996 have been recently published as well (Yon 2013; see also Yon 2012 for the Greek and Latin inscriptions from Palmyra). These studies have contributed greatly to the study of Palmyrene Aramaic, but none of them have directly addressed the development of the locally indigenous script (paleography), nor do the studies of Hillers & Cussini 1996 and Yon 2013 provide photographs or drawings of the inscriptions (in contrast, see Yon 2012 for photos of the Greek and Latin texts), nor do they provide translations. Previous studies of the script (paleography) have usually been limited to short, now outdated articles whose authors worked without the benefit of high-quality photographs and comprehensive textual editions (e.g., Naveh 1970; Klugkist 1983).

The immediate goal of the Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscription Project (WPAIP) is to re-collate the corpus of Palmyrene Aramaic inscriptions as we are able, providing detailed photographic records and new editions of each epigraph. In this project, several facets of the inscriptions will be investigated. These facets include the development of and stylistic variation within the Palmyrene Aramaic script; the language represented in the epigraphs; the onomastic features (personal naming conventions) and prosopography (familial relations) exhibited in the epigraphs (e.g., Stark 1970; Piersimoni 1995); and the modes and avenues of the inscriptions’ distribution through the antiquities market since the 19th century. These goals are commensurate with those of the Palmyra Portrait Project of Aarhus University in Denmark (link below), which is currently working to compile a comprehensive catalogue of Palmyrene portraiture. Yet, the compilation of the corpus of epigraphic texts for the purposes of research is important not only for its own sake, but because of its preservation of Syrian cultural heritage in the face of recent Syrian political unrest. This new danger poses a clear and immediate threat not only to the current Syrian population, but to Palmyrene antiquities as well, placing a major portion of Roman-era Syrian culture in jeopardy. The ruins of the ancient city are in danger, with increasing numbers of objects being sold on the black market. In light of the imminent threat to Palmyra and its unique cultural and linguistic heritage, the immediate goals of this project contribute to a much wider goal as well: the participants hope, in some small way, to make a lasting contribution to the preservation of Palmyrene history and culture.

Nimogram: Pakistani Archaeological Site Images

Nimogram: Pakistani Archaeological Site Images
The photographs in this collection are of an early Buddhist site, Nimogram, in the Swat District of Pakistan (map).

Its artifacts belong to the Gandhāran School of Art. Coins of the Kus̥ān̥a and Kus̥ān̥a-Sassanian periods excavated from the site are dated to the 2nd and 3rd century CE. Dr. Joan A. Raducha took the photos in the course of three trips to Pakistan. Two trips took place in 1979 and 1986 when she visited the site of Nimogram as well as the Swat Museum (that held the majority of items in galleries and in storerooms), and at the Taxila Museum (where a few items from Nimogram were on display). Her third trip was in 2010 when she visited the Taxila Museum storeroom where many of the objects were being held for safe-keeping after a car bomb damaged the Swat Museum in February 2008.

The site was excavated by staff of the Pakistan Department of Archaeology and Museums (DOAM) in 1967 and 1968 (Inayat-ur-Rehman. [1968]). The majority of objects found at the site are sculptures, stone and stucco that decorated the Buddhist monuments at the site. Minor finds from the site include materials used in construction, coins, and votive objects.

One of the great strengths of the Nimogram collection is that all the artifacts came from this single site. In the case of 312 objects, a record was made of the specific location of the find within the site. (Antiquities Register of Nimogram Excavations. [1967-68]) Thus the materials offer the possibility of gaining a better understanding of the decorative panorama of the site as well as an opportunity to study groups of sculptures made by the same hand or workshop, and the same motif interpreted by different hands.
Acknowledgements | How to search the site | History of Research on the Sacred Site of Nimogram | Site location | Distinctive Features of Nimogram Artifacts | Other objects from Nimogram | Select Bibliography

Open Access Monograph Series: Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies Special Collections

Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies Special Collections
The Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies (JCMS) has an overall focus on the care and exhibition of collection items. The scope thus includes conservation science, artefact studies, restoration, museum studies, environment studies, collection management and curation. Please contact the editors if you are not sure whether your research falls into these categories.

Special Collection

Museum Ethics

This is a collection of papers presented at a special session on Museum Ethics at the Fourth International Conference on Information Law on Values and Freedoms in Modern Information Law and Ethics (20th – 21st May 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece).
Special Collection
co-editor: Sarah Byrne
co-editor: Antony Hudek

Voices in (and around) the museum

This collection includes content from the seminar series Voices in (and around) the Museum, 2011.

Brooklyn Museum Publications: Titles with full-text online


[First posted in AWOL 25 September 2012, updated 9 April 2015]

Brooklyn Museum books online


...You’ve probably noticed that a lot of the content on the Brooklyn Museum website is licensed under a Creative Commons non-commercial attribution license. HathiTrust now offers that option to rights holders. It was a natural for us to jump in and offer pre-1990 Brooklyn Museum and Brooklyn Institute publications under CC terms, too. More recent books will come online gradually, as they go out of print and the stock dwindles (yes, we still want to sell books).  And books that we co-published are going to take some legwork to acquire permission from partners...
 A quick survey of the currently available titles relating to antiquity yields the following:

Predynastic and archaic Egypt in the Brooklyn Museum / by Winifred Needler.

by Brooklyn Museum. Churcher, C. S., 1928- Needler, Winifred.
Published 1984

Toilet articles from ancient Egypt, from the Charles Edwin Wilbour Memorial Collection and the Collection of the New York Historical Society in the Brooklyn Museum.

by Brooklyn Museum. Wilbour, Charles Edwin Riefstahl, Elizabeth.
Published 1943

Africa in antiquity : the arts of ancient Nubia and the Sudan.

by Wenig, Steffen. Brooklyn Museum
Published 1978

Travels in Egypt (December 1880 to May 1891) : letters of Charles Edwin Wilbour / edited by Jean Capart.

by Wilbour, Charles E. 1833-1896. Capart, Jean. Brooklyn Museum.
Published 1936

Coptic Egypt;

by Brooklyn Museum. New York University.
Published 1944

Late Egyptian and Coptic art : an introduction to the collections in the Brooklyn Museum.

by Brooklyn Museum. Cooney, John Ducey.
Published 1943

Pagan and Christian Egypt; Egyptian art from the first to the tenth century A.D., exhibited at the Brooklyn museum by the Department of ancient art, January 23-March 9, 1941,...

by Brooklyn Museum.
Published 1941

Patterned textiles in pharaonic Egypt, by Elizabeth Riefstahl.

by Riefstahl, Elizabeth. Brooklyn Museum.
Published 1944

The mark of ancient man : ancient Near Eastern stamp seals and cylinder seals : the Gorelick Collection / by Madeline Noveck.

by Noveck, Madeline Gorelick, Leonard. Brooklyn Museum.
Published 1975

Glass and glazes from ancient Egypt.

by Brooklyn Museum. Riefstahl, Elizabeth.
Published 1948

Les ostraca grecs de la collection Charles-Edwin Wilbour au Musée de Brooklyn.

by Brooklyn Museum. Wilbour, Charles E. 1833-1896. Préaux, Claire.
Published 1935

Amarna reliefs from Hermopolis in American collections [by] John D. Cooney. Mainz a. Rh., v. Zabern (1965)

by Cooney, John Ducey. Brooklyn Museum of Arts and Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Art.
Published 1965

Catalogue of the Egyptological library and other books from the collection of the late Charles Edwin Wilbour,

by Brooklyn Museum. Wilbour, Charles E. 1833-1896. Cook, William Burt, 1875-
Published 1924

Exhibition of Persian art and its reaction on the modern world; museum and loan collections and special exhibits of schools and manufacturers illustrating Persian inspiration,...

by Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.
Published 1931

 And see also: Brooklyn Museum Image Collections

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