Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Sidonius Apollinaris Online

Sidonius Apollinarus

This website focuses on Gaius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius, a fifth-century Gallo-Roman aristocrat, high official, poet, letter writer, and bishop of Clermont (Auvergne) - a key figure in the transition of the later Roman Empire to the early Middle Ages and the dawn of Europe as we know it.It provides news on publications, conferences, and scholars in this field. It contains materials for the study of Sidonius, featuring, among other things, an up-to-date bibliography and files for download such as the complete Latin text of the letters according to Luetjohann's authoritative 1887 edition.

Republic of Cyprus: Department of Antiquities

Republic of Cyprus: Department of Antiquities
On our website you can find information, both in Greek and English, concerning the history, the mission and the responsibilities of the Department of Antiquities. You can also be informed on the legislative framework that governs the antiquities of Cyprus, the publications of the Department, the educational and european programmes and the excavations that take place on the island as well as the looting of the island's cultural heritage in the occupied part of Cyprus. The site also includes downloadable applications on matters that concern the Department of Antiquities.

The largest part of the website contains information concerning public museums and all visitable ancient monuments and archaeological sites. Apart from the historical and archaeological facts, practical information regarding the opening hours, public holidays and ticket prices are included. The Department of Antiquities' website will be constantly enriched with new information and will include announcements concerning the activities of the Department of Antiquities and other matters related to the archaeology of Cyprus.

Index Page Chronological Table

Minister's Address News

Director's AddressLegislation

Historical BackgroundPublications

Mission/ AuthoritiesAnnual Report

MuseumsDepartment of Antiquities Library

MonumentsEducational Programmes

Unesco MonumentsForeign Archaeological Missions

Archaeological SitesForms

Controlled AreasLooting of Cultural Heritage


Events Calendar

Pede certo: metrica latina digitale

Pede certo: metrica latina digitale
Pede certo è uno strumento per l’analisi automatica dei versi latini, messo a punto dall’Università di Udine nell’ambito del progetto FIRB Traditio patrum. La sua applicazione all’archivio digitale Musisque Deoque— che comprende i testi della poesia latina dalle origini al VII secolo d.C. — ha consentito la scansione dei circa 244.000 versi dattilici in esso contenuti.
In questo sito un motore di ricerca appositamente sviluppato si avvale dei risultati dell’analisi per interrogare il corpus su base metrica, secondo molteplici approcci.
Nella pagina Scansioni libereè disponibile inoltre un dimostrativo semplificato, ma immediatamente usabile, dello strumento con cui è stata eseguita la scansione.
Mostra una panoramica delle ricerche di versi Mostra una panoramica delle strutture prosodiche
Pede certo is program for the automatic analysing of Latin verses developed by the Università di Udine as part of the Traditio patrum FIRB project. Its application to the Musisque Deoque digital archive – containing Latin poetry texts from the archaic period to the 7th century AD – has enabled the scansion of approximately 244,000 dactylic verses.
On this site, a specifically developed search engine that draws upon the results of the scansion may be used to conduct metrical investigations of the corpus, through a variety of approaches.
The Free scansions page offers a simplified but immediately usable demo version of the scanning program
Show an overview of verse searches Show an overview of prosodic structures

BIBLindex: Références bibliques dans la littérature patristique

[First posted in AWOL 9 December 2009. Updated 30 March 2015]

BIBLindex:Références bibliques dans la littérature patristique
A corpus of about 400,000 biblical references is available on this site.

Access to data is free. This website offers:
- Data from the published volumes of Biblia Patristica, Index des citations et allusions bibliques dans la littérature patristique, Editions du CNRS (ca. 270,000 biblical references, with updates on 5,000 references), prepared by the Centre for Patristics Analysis and Documentation (CADP) : 1. Beginnings to Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian, 1975 - 2. The third century (except Origen), 1977 - 3. Origen, 1980 - 4. Eusebius of Caesarea, Cyril of Jerusalem, Epiphanius of Salamis, 1987 - 5.Basil of Caesarea, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nyssa, Amphiloque of Iconium, 1991 - 6. Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose of Milan, Ambrosiaster, 1995 - 7. Didymus of Alexandria, 2000 - Supplement, Philo of Alexandria, 1982. [They all are all out of print.]
- Unpublished data from the archives of Biblia Patristica (ca. 100,000 references) on Athanasius of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, Theodoret of Cyrus, Procopius of Gaza, Jerome: these data are unverified (they appear in red).
For further information on our project, please visit our scientific blog: http://biblindex.hypotheses.org/.
The project is supported by the French Research Agency (ANR, 2011-2015): a new version of this site is currently prepared. Thank you for your understanding.

Open Access Journal: Eruditio Antiqua, revue électronique de l'érudition gréco-latine

 [First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 31 March 2015]

Eruditio Antiqua, revue électronique de l'érudition gréco-latine
ISSN: 2105-0791
Eruditio Antiqua est une revue électronique thématique, à comité de lecture international, dont l'objectif est de publier des travaux inédits dans les différents domaines de l'érudition gréco-latine, depuis les origines jusqu'à la période byzantine. 
Elle accueille des études sur les exégèses littéraires, la lexicographie, la grammaire, le droit, la religion, la géographie, l'historiographie, la médecine, l'astronomie, la musique, les mathématiques, les sciences naturelles...
Outre ces domaines précis, des problématiques transversales s'intègrent également dans le cadre de la revue: stratifications des savoirs, transmission, enrichissement, mais aussi polémiques scientifiques ou encore problèmes d'édition de texte. 

Cette revue s'insère dans les axes de recherches de l'UMR 5189 HiSoMA; elle est publiée avec la collaboration des services informatiques de la MOM.

La revue publiera trois formes de travaux:
- des articles proprement dits
- des actes de journées d'études ou de tables rondes
- des comptes rendus
Appel à contributions

UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws

UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws
In 2003, UNESCO devised an international solution to combat the illicit traffic of cultural property: the UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws.
By compiling on the Internet the national laws of its Member States, UNESCO offers all stakeholders involved (Governments, customs officials, art dealers, organizations, lawyers, buyers and so forth) a complete and easily accessible source of information. In the event of a legal question about the origin of an object (which may have been stolen, pillaged, or illegally exported, imported or acquired), it is useful to have rapid access to the relevant national laws.
The UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws allows the following to be consulted:
  • national laws currently in force related to the protection of the cultural heritage in general;
  • import/export certificates for cultural property (available on request);
  • official or unofficial translations of national laws and certificates;
  • contact details for the national authorities responsible for the protection of the cultural heritage;
  • addresses of the official national websites dedicated to the protection of the cultural heritage.
The database offers access to national legislation relating to the cultural heritage in general, in other words the laws on the following main categories of heritage:
  • cultural heritage:
    -tangible cultural heritage:
    ->immovable cultural heritage (monuments, archaeological sites, etc.)
    ->movable cultural heritage (paintings, coins, archaeological objects, etc.)
    ->underwater cultural heritage (shipwrecks, underwater cities, etc.
-intangible cultural heritage (oral traditions, performing arts, rituals, etc.)
  • natural heritage (natural sites, physical, biological or geological formations, etc.).
For more information, please see the list of international normative instruments for the protection of the cultural heritage (conventions, agreements, charters, codes, declarations, action plans, protocols, recommendations, etc.).

Open Access Journal: The Antinoupolis Oracle: The Newsletter of the Antinoupolis Foundation

[First posted in AWOL 7 March 2013, updated 31 March 2015]

The Antinoupolis Oracle: The Newsletter of the Antinoupolis Foundation
The aim of the project is to map the assess the nature and extent of archaeological remains associated with the Roman city of Antinoupolis, and to assess the threat to the archaeology from modern development, hopefully providing data with which to protect remains for posterity, or record the archaeology prior to destruction.

Recent Open Access Doctoral Theses from UCL

Recent Open Access Doctoral Theses from UCL

Institute of Archaeology
Department of Greek and Latin

Bibliographies sur l'antiquité

 [First posted in AWOL 3 January 2010, updated 31 March 2015]

Bibliographies sur l'antiquité
« Certaines bibliothèques offrent parfois d'agréables surprises. Ainsi à l'Université de Lille 3, l'utilisateur n'a pas seulement accès au catalogue des bibliothèques, mais également - c'est le cas pour celle des Sciences de l'Antiquité - des bibliographies thématiques spécialisées établies à partir des ressources de la bibliothèque. »
Source : J. Poucet, La Toile et les études classiques : la publication électronique et les ressources bibliographiques, Folia Electronica Classica (Louvain-la-Neuve) - N. 1 - juin 2001 (une version, légèrement différente, de cette étude est parue dans les Mélanges Carl Deroux, Collection Latomus.).
D'autres bibliographies spécialisées sont recensées dans :

Boèce, La Consolation de Philosophie, I-III

Bibliographie Agrégation
par Sébastien Barbara

drachme athénienne

Economies et sociétés de 488 à 88 en Grèce ancienne

Bibliographie Capes-Agrégation 2007-2009 Histoire ancienne
par Régis Robineau

Quinte-Curce, Histoires, VIII-X

Orientations bibliographiques
par Sébastien Barbara


Une bibliographie introductive sur les régions du nord de la Mer Noire
par Régis Robineau

Monnaie du Koinon des Epirotes, Musée de Janina


Références et nouveautés sur l'Epire antique
par Marie-Pierre Dausse


Une bibliographie commentée consacrée à Philodème de Gadara
par Annick Monet



Une bibliographie sur la guerre en Grèce,
de la bataille de Marathon à la mort d'Alexandre III de Macédoine

par Christophe Hugot



Une bibliographie sur l'empereur romain
par Christophe Hugot

Mythologies classiques et systèmes culturels

Eléments de bibliographie
par Jacques Boulogne


Une bibliographie introductive au livre 3 du De rerum natura
par Annick Monet

Aristote au XIXe siècle

Eléments de bibliographie
par Denis Thouard


Une bibliographie sur le périégète
par Christophe Hugot


Une bibliographie thématique sur l'Egypte lagide

par Christophe Hugot

Newly Online: Collection de l'Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité

Collection de l'Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité
The “Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité” (ISTA, Institute of Antiquity’s Sciences and Technical Skills) is a research team that was created in 1967 at the University of Franche-Comté (Besançon, France). From the start but known at the time as “Centre d’Histoire Ancienne” (Centre for Ancient History), the team focused on the publication of academic work in the field of Antiquity, first with a collection, then with an academic journal, Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne, which was founded in 1974.

The first issues were published in 1959 by the Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon. The following ones augmented the collection with research on slavery and emancipation, which resulted in the creation of “Groupe International de Recherche sur l’Esclavage dans l’Antiquité” (GIREA, International Research Team on Slavery in Antiquity). Finally, the merging of the “Centre d’Histoire Ancienne” and of the Institut Félix Gaffiot gave its current form to the collection.
The collection now publishes pluridisciplinary works from French and international researchers, in the form of monographs, collective books or edited sources, as well as the academic journal and its supplements (DHA).

27 Pierre LévêqueAurea Catena Homeri. Une étude sur l’allégorie grecque . 1959.
46 Françoise BaderLa formation des composés nominaux du latin . 1962.
54 Paul ClochéIsocrate et son temps. précédé d'une Notice biographique et bibliographique sur Paul Cloché par Pierre Lévêque . 1978.
86 Jean-Marie AndréMécène. Essai de biographie spirituelle . 1967.
114 Denis RousselLes Siciliens entre les Romains et les Carthaginois à l'époque de la première guerre punique. Essai sur l'Histoire de la Sicile de 276 à 241 . 1970.
168 Aleksandra WąsowiczOlbia Pontique et son territoire. L'aménagement de l'espace . 1975.
169 Jean-Georges TexierNabis . 1975.
172 Michel GittonL'épouse du dieu, Ahmes Néfertary : documents sur sa vie et son culte posthume . 1981.
192 Claudine LeducLa Constitution d'Athènes attribuée à Xénophon. Traduction et commentaire . 1976.
212 Jean-Claude CarrièreLe carnaval et la politique. Une introduction à la Comédie grecque, suivie d'un choix de fragments . 1983.
223 Pierre BruléLa piraterie crétoise hellénistique . 1978.
238 Raoul LonisGuerre et religion en Grèce à l'époque classique. Recherches sur les rites, les dieux, l'idéologie de la victoire . 1979.
250 Marie-Madeleine MactouxDouleia. Esclavage et pratiques discursives dans l'Athènes classique . 1980.
284 Patrice BrunEisphora, Syntaxis, Stratiotika. Recherches sur les finances militaires d'Athènes au IVe siècle av. J.-C . 1983.
362 François VannierFinances publiques et richesses privées dans le discours athénien aux Ve et IVe siècles . 1988.
446 Sylvie VilatteL'insularité dans la pensée grecque . 1991.
451 Nicole Fick-MichelArt et Mystique dans les Métamorphoses d'Apulée . 1991.
453 José Antonio Dabdab TrabulsiEssai sur la mobilisation politique dans la Grèce ancienne . 1991.
530 Montserrat Camps-GasetL'année des Grecs : la fête et le mythe . 1994.
541 Paul PetitLes fonctionnaires dans l'œuvre de Libanius : analyse prosopographique. Préface de André Chastagnol et de Jean Martin . 1994.
552 Sylvie VilatteEspace et temps : la cité aristotélicienne de la Politique Préface de Claude Mossé . 1995.
756 Alexandre TourraixLe mirage grec. L'Orient du mythe et de l'épopée . 2000.
886 Antonio GonzalesPline le Jeune. Esclaves et affranchis à Rome. Index thématique des références à l'esclavage et à la dépendance, n° 9 . 2003.
1046 Jean-Yves GuillauminSur quelques notices des arpenteurs romains . 2007.
1136 Ghislaine Jay-RobertL'invention comique. Enquête sur la poétique d'Aristophane . 2009.
1152 Françoise FrazierPoétique et création littéraire en Grèce ancienne. La découverte d'un « nouveau monde » . 2010.
1153 Anastasia SerghidouServitude tragique. Esclaves et héros déchus dans la tragédie grecque . 2010.
1184 Malick NdoyeGroupes sociaux et idéologie du travail dans les mondes homériques et hésiodique . 2010.
1191 José Antonio Dabdab TrabulsiLe Présent dans le Passé. Autour de quelques Périclès du XXe siècle et de la possibilité d’une vérité en Histoire . 2011.
527 Recherches brésiliennes. Archéologie, histoire ancienne et anthropologie . 1994.
862 Autour de la mer Noire. Hommage de Otar Lordkipanidzé . 2002.
890 Histoire, espaces et marges de l'Antiquité : hommages à Monique Clavel-Lévêque. Tome 1 . 2003.
934 Histoire, espaces et marges de l'Antiquité : hommages à Monique Clavel-Lévêque. Tome 3 . 2004.
985 Histoire, Espaces et Marges de l'Antiquité : hommages à Monique Clavel-Lévêque. Tome 4 . 2005.
1079 Troika - Parcours Antiques. Mélanges offerts à Michel Woronoff - Volume I . 2007.
1120 Des formes et des mots chez les Anciens . 2008.
1135 L'Antique et le Contemporain : études de tradition classique et d'historiographie moderne de l'Antiquité . 2009.
1147 Reconstruire Troie. Permanence et renaissances d'une cité emblématique . 2009.
Conference proceedings
853 Pont Euxin et commerce : la genèse de la "route de la soie" Actes du IXe Symposium de Vani (Colchide), 1999 . 2002.
993 Les vocabulaires techniques des arpenteurs romains : actes du Colloque international (Besançon, 19-21 septembre 2002) . 2006.
1200 Homère revisité. Parodie et humour dans les réécritures homériques. Actes du colloque international, Aix-en-Provence 30-31 octobre 2008 . 2011.
Critical editions
305 Yvon GarlanL'esclavage dans le monde grec : recueil de textes grecs et latins . 1984.
603 Juan Carlos Sánchez LeónLes sources de l'histoire des Bagaudes : traduction et commentaire. Préface de Jacques Annequin . 1996.
1096 Jean PeyrasArpentage et administration publique à la fin de l'Antiquité. Les écrits des hauts fonctionnaires équestres . 2008.
1102 Catherine Sensal ; Jean-Yves Guillaumin ; Thomas Guard ; Antonio Gonzales ; Danièle Conso ; Claude BrunetLibri Coloniarum (Livre des Colonies) . 2008.
1220 Jean-Yves GuillauminLes Silves du collège jésuite de Dole (1592) . 2011.

Podcasts Available: Moving People, Linking Lives: An Interdisciplinary Symposium

Moving People, Linking Lives: An Interdisciplinary Symposium

“Moving People, Linking Lives,” University of Virginia, March 20 and 21, 2015.  

We plan two days of plenary sessions to bring together a diverse group of distinguished scholars from various fields, under the broad themes of current scholarship in digital humanities and the representation of persons and life narratives.

This interdisciplinary symposium, organized by Alison Booth, Amy Ogden, and Jenny Strauss Clay, is funded by the Page Barbour Lecture Fund and co-sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, Scholars’ Lab, and the departments of English, French, and Classics, among others at the University of Virginia. Clearly, new media and digital methods offer the means to expand, coordinate, and share research in every discipline of the humanities. We hope to raise informed questions, especially, about contemporary social networks and prosopographies in various eras; narratology focused on nonfiction; collective biographies in the print era; biographical databases; Medieval hagiography; and mapping roads and routes and configuring human spaces.  Shaped by the experience and expertise of all participants, our discussion will also focus on attracting users and contributors, academic and otherwise, and integrating our innovations with traditional scholarship.


Newsletters of the ASOR Overseas Centers

Newsletters of the American Schools of Oriental Research Overseas Centers in the Middle East
ASOR's Boston office also maintains a suite of News Outlets and social media outreach and engagement efforts.

 See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

News from Cuneiform Digital Library Notes

From Klaus Wagensonner <klaus.wagensonner@orinst.ox.ac.uk>:
We are pleased to announce the publication of several new
contributions to the Cuneiform Digital Library Notes (CDLN)

CDLN 2015:004
Armando Bramanti, A Jemdet Nasr Fragment in the Collections of the
Oriental Institute of Chicago

CDLN 2015:005
Troels Pank Arbøll, A curious Ur III Tablet at the University of
Copenhagen: Notes on the History of Pinches’ Collection and an
Official named Abbagina

CDLN 2015:006
Klaus Wagensonner, A legal text at the Russell Library, Maynooth University

CDLN 2015:007
Strahil V. Panayotov, The tablet of the Middle Assyrian ‘coronation’
ritual: the placement of VAT 10113 and the displacement of VAT 9978

CDLN 2015:008
Gábor Zólyomi, Ashm 1924-478: a new ms. of the “The temple hymns” (ETCSL 4.80.1)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all contributors to
CDLN for their support and would like to encourage scholars to
contribute to the Notes in future as well.

References and bibliographies:
All bibliographical information is drawn directly from a MySQL
database. It is therefore not necessary anymore to send fully
formatted bibliographies along with submitted contributions. For all
references that are included among the latest available bibliographies
on KeiBi Online (<http://vergil.uni-tuebingen.de/keibi/>) it is
possible to save references and export them into the BibTeX format and
send this document along. A full bibliography was added on CDLN
(<http://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdln/php/bibliography.php>), which
contains all references used in the various contributions. Clicking on
a year leads to the respective contribution(s), where the chosen
reference is used. Vice versa, each reference list links back to the
full bibliography.

As a test run the “Abbreviations for Assyriology” maintained by
CDLI:wiki (<http://cdli.ox.ac.uk/wiki/doku.php?id=abbreviations_for_assyriology>)
have been imported into the database as well. By hovering over
abbreviations in the bibliographies the full form and additional
information is given. Further features such as indices of texts
mentioned are in preparation.

We do hope that these changes will increase the efficiency of CDLN and
are therefore happy to receive contributions for the next publication
of Notes on July 1, 2015.

Submitted contributions are preferably made available as text files or
in the RTF format. If the contribution contains tables, word or pages
documents may be submitted as well. We would appreciate as few
formatting as possible. Please note that in order to aid the editing
process, please be so kind to provide all images in separate files and
not embed them in the submitted documents.

The CDLN, together with its sister publications Cuneiform Digital
Library Bulletin (CDLB; <http://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdlb.html>) and
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDLJ;
<http://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdlj.html>), are peer-reviewed publications
that offer a persistent web presence under the auspices of the
University of California system. As e-journals, the delay between
submission and publication is well below that of academic print
journals, while the interaction with cuneiform artifacts documented in
the CDLI database offers obvious strengths for an interactive
discourse. Authors should expect a two to four month interval between
submission of a draft text with illustrations and its publication for
substantive contributions to the CDLJ, at most two months for those
made to the Bulletin, and approximately two weeks for the Notes that
are conceived as an online venue for NABU-style communications that
can include short philological or lexicographical contributions as
well as regular updates of a more substantial nature describing the
background or progress of, in particular, web-based research efforts.
For submission guidelines including technicalities regarding
bibliographical citations etc. please consult the information at

New submissions will appear in preprint status four times a year
(January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1; notices of new submissions
will be made to this list) and are clearly marked as such. During the
preprint period, authors will be able to make small, non-substantive
changes (e.g., typographical errors) to their submissions. After two
weeks, these submissions are then archived.

Scholars are encouraged to send contributions to the CDLN at

On behalf of the CDLI

Jacob L. Dahl and Klaus Wagensonner
University of Oxford

CEFAEL: Collections de l'Ecole française d'Athènes en ligne

[This is an update to the first entry in AWOL (1 April 2008). Updated 2 March 2015]

CEFAEL: Collections de l'Ecole française d'Athènes en ligne
This remarkable collection includes more than 450 volumes. CEFAEL is organized into eighteen series covering the full range of publications of the French School in Athens, including their journal: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique (BCH) (1877-2000):
  • La plus ancienne des collections, fondée en partenariat avec l'École française de Rome pour accueillir les thèses et travaux des anciens membres de ces deux institutions. Paraît depuis 1874.
    69 books
  • Périodique annuel constitué de deux fascicules semestriels : le premier fascicule contient exclusivement des articles concernant tous les aspects de la civilisation grecque, de la préhistoire à la fin de l'époque byzantine ; le second fascicule regroupe, outre quelques articles, les rapports annuels sur les travaux conduits en Grèce et hors de Grèce par l'EfA et des organismes qui collaborent avec l'EfA, ainsi que la chronique de toutes les fouilles effectuées sur sol grec par l'ensemble des organismes grecs et étrangersParaît depuis 1877 ; il succède au Bulletin de l'École française d'Athènes (1868-1871)
    161 books
  • Périodique annuel qui recense les chercheurs travaillant sur la Grèce moderne et contemporaine et présente leurs productions scientifiques. Paru entre 1996 et 2002 (6 volumes).
    5 books
  • Série destinée à accueillir les travaux de la Section des études sur la société grecque moderne et contemporaine. Paraît depuis 2000. Remplacé en 2009 par la collection Mondes méditerranéens et balkaniques.
    3 books
  • Série consacrée à la publication finale des inscriptions découvertes sur le site de Delphes. Paraît depuis 1977.
    3 books
  • Série consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA sur l'île de Chypre, notamment à Amathonte. Paraît depuis 1983.
    10 books
  • Série consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA en Crète, essentiellement à Malia. Parait depuis 1928.
    28 books
  • Collection destinée à regrouper les corpus d'inscriptions ne se rapportant pas directement aux sites traditionnels de l'EfA ou des recueils de choix d'inscriptions. Paraît depuis 1992.
    4 books
  • Série consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA dans le Péloponnèse, notamment à Argos et à Gortys d'Arcadie. Paraît depuis 1956.
    11 books
  • Série consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA sur l'île de Thasos. Paraît depuis 1944.
    10 books
  • Série consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA sur le site de Délos. Paraît depuis 1909.
    32 books
  • Série consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA sur le site de Delphes. Paraît depuis 1902.
    33 books
  • Sont regroupés sous cette appellation une quarantaine d'ouvrages publiés par l'EfA, dans la plupart des cas en co-édition avec d'autres institutions.
    13 books
  • Publications de travaux et recherches menés en collaboration entre le Service des antiquités grec et l'EfA. Paraît depuis 1990.
    3 books
  • Inaugurée avec la première édition du Guide de Délos en 1965, la série comprend des guides archéologiques consacrés aux sites explorés par l'EfA, dont certains sont traduits en grec, en anglais et en allemand.
    15 books
  • Série dans laquelle sont publiés soit des actes de colloques, la plupart organisés sous l'égide de l'EfA, soit des monographies concernant d'autres sites que les sites traditionnels de fouilles de l'EfA. Paraît depuis 1973.
    35 books
  • Volumes de tables recensant la matière publiée dans les volumes du Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique de 1877 à 1970, selon une table des auteurs, un index des matières et un index épigraphique.
    3 books
  • Série destinée à accueillir les thèses et travaux des anciens membres étrangers et d'autres chercheurs, remplacée dès 1978 par les Suppléments au Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique. Paraît depuis 1929.
    20 books
See also the Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique at Persée

Articles published in the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology since the beginning of 2014

Articles published in the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology since the beginning of 2014

Potsherd: Atlas of Roman Pottery

 [First posted in AWOL 13 April 2013, updated 3 April 2015]

Potsherd: Atlas of Roman Pottery
This is a collection of pages on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC - 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe.
  • The pages include an introductory Atlas of Roman Pottery, containing descriptions and distribution maps of types of Roman pottery (particularly types found in Britain).
  • The pages of the Atlas describing the individual wares can be accessed through the main menu, which lists the wares by CLASS (table wares, cooking wares, transport amphoras etc) or SOURCE (by province of origin). Links to these indices will also be found in the main menu bar.
Roman Pottery in Britain
  • The site includes a companion to Roman Pottery in Britain, a survey of pottery made or used in Britain during the Roman period published in 1996. The pages include an additional index of non-UK sites and a list of errata.
Additional datasets
  • Central Gaulish granite-tempered wares: database, images etc to accompany paper published in the journal Nord-Ouest Archéologie12 (2001). This ware includes some of the moulded-rim jars classified in French ceramic reports as le type Besançon.

Travelogues: Travellers' Views

Travelogues: Travellers' Views
Places – Monuments – People
Southeastern Europe – Eastern Mediterranean
Greece – Asia Minor – Southern Italy

Travelogues website was created within the broader project of Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation to promote Greek culture, and especially Greek literature, on a national and international level. This website aims to make known the graphic materials found in travel accounts of journeys to Greece and the eastern Mediterranean from the 15th century onwards, and thus contribute both to students' education and scientific research. An important part of the editions that constituted the data base of the website belongs to the Historical Library of the Foundation, currently under construction.

Travelogues will periodically be updated with material from major libraries in Greece, such as Gennadius Library and Benaki Museum Library. This material, already in process, spans the time from the 15th to the early 20th century. Of approximately 4500 images, 560 have already been incorporated in the website's collections. In the same sense, the bibliography shall be updated with the most recent research contributions. User feedback will be taken into consideration and the pertinent modifications will get reflected.
  And see AWOL's round-up of Open Access Travel Literature.

Diccionario Griego-Español Abbreviation Databases

Diccionario Griego-Español Abbreviation Databases
for Microsoft Word and LibreOffice
Author: Alessandro Vatri (email: alessandro dot vatri at classics.ox.ac.uk)
Latest update: 31 March 2015.
The databases available from this page are based on the lists of abbreviations of author and work names published at http://dge.cchs.csic.es/lst/2lst1.htm (List I and Suppl. I), which represent a substantial expansion of the LSJ list.
Abbreviations of Latin authors and works have been changed into those of the Oxford Latin Dictionary.

Catullus Online: An Online Repertory of Conjectures on Catullus

[First posted in AWOL 25 January 29213, updated 4 April 2015]

Catullus Online: An Online Repertory of Conjectures on Catullus
This website offers a critical edition of the poems of Catullus, a repertory of conjectures on the text, an overview of the ancient quotations from Catullus that have independent source value, and high-quality images of some of the most important manuscripts.   It was constructed between 2009 and 2013 in the course of the research project An Online Repertory of Conjectures for Catullus at the Center for Advanced Studies and the Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.   It was conceived and designed, and its contents were assembled by Dániel Kiss, who continues to act as its editor.   The technical framework of the site was built by Woodpecker Software, while Stalker Studio were responsible for the graphic design.

Most of the research that has led to the repertory was conducted at the branches of the Universitätsbibliothek of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.   Further research was done in Munich at the library of Monumenta Germaniae Historica, that of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, and that of the Franziskanerkloster St. Anna im Lehel; and at the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek in Augsburg; the Harry Ransom Center in Austin (Texas); the library of the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut–Preussischer Kulturbesitz, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preussischer Kulturbesitz, and the Universitätsbibliothek of the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin; the Koninklijke Bibliotheek–Bibliothèque Royale in Brussels; the Országos Széchényi Könyvtár in Budapest; the Davis Library, the Ullman Library, and the Wilson Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as well as the library of Sara Mack in Chapel Hill (North Carolina); the Biblioteka Jagiellońska in Cracow; the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, and the Biblioteca Riccardiana in Florence; the British Library in London; the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library in New Haven (Connecticut); the Morgan Library and the New York Public Library in New York; the Bodleian Library in Oxford; the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris; the library of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa; the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg; the Székesfehérvári Püspöki Könyvtár in Székesfehérvár; the Biblioteca Reale and the Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria in Turin; the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana in the Vatican; the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice; and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.   Visits to these libraries were made possible by the generous research funding provided by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and by the kind hospitality of Zsófia Ruttkay and Paul ten Hagen in Budapest; Sara Mack in Chapel Hill (North Carolina); Adam F. Jackson and Melissa A. Epstein in New York; Diane Le Grand de Belleroche and Cyril Simon in Paris and Nogent-sur-Marne; Paolo Natali in Pisa; and William McKelvey in Washington, D.C.   Those who have helped to track down conjectures or rare books include Giuseppe Gilberto Biondi, David Butterfield, Carlotta Dionisotti, Julia Gaisser, Daniel Hadas, Stephen Harrison, Jeffrey Henderson, Giovanni Maggiali, Michael Reeve, and John Trappes-Lomax.

The editor is especially grateful to James O’Hara, James Rives, Cecil W. Wooten, and their colleagues at the Department of Classics of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who have enabled him to study the Hale-Ullman Papers at the Department, and to have scans made of the collation or the transcription of 113 manuscripts of Catullus that were made by William Gardner Hale, Euan T. Sage, Berthold L. Ullman, and others around the first decade of the twentieth century.
The Bodleian Library has provided images of Catullus’ codex O, and the Bibliothèque nationale de France of G and T.   The copyright © of these images is asserted on behalf of the respective libraries, as of 2013.
An image of a fresco fragment that is used in the website has been kindly provided by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia, thanks to the mediation of Elisabetta Roffia; copyright © by concession of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali – Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici della Lombardia, 2013.   The fragment was discovered in the Roman villa at Sirmione (Brescia), and is conserved at the Museo Archeologico di Sirmione.   It has been dated to the Augustan period.   It shows a bare-footed young man holding a book-roll, wearing a toga of a Republican type.   He has been identified tentatively with Catullus.

The text and the remaining elements of the website are copyright © Dániel Kiss, 2013.  

Open Access Journal: Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies

Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies
“Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies” is an internationally refereed academic journal, edited at the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies and at the Department of African and Ethiopian Studies of the Asien-Afrika-Institut at Hamburg University. It is annually published in a printed version by Harrassowitz and one year later as an open access journal by Hamburg University Press.

The journal focuses on history, archaeology, linguistics, literature, philology, manuscript studies, art history, ethnology, anthropology, religion of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the Horn of Africa, their methods, and related issues.

“Aethiopica” is the only German journal on Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies. It is internationally acknowledged as one of the leading academic journals in the field.

“Aethiopica” is published mainly in English. Articles in French, German and Italian are also accepted for publication. An English Summary is always provided.

The editors welcome contributions on current academic topics and on recent and fresh research belonging in the field.

Articles should be theoretically grounded, empirically sound and reflect the state of the art in the respective fields. Articles should not exceed 10,000 words, including the summary and the list of relevant bibliographic references.

Miscellaneous contributions should focus on a specific topic believed to be of special interest to the academic discourse. Miscellaneous contributions should not exceed 3,000 words.

For Personalia, Review Articles and Reviews potential authors are usually directly contacted by the editorial team on suggestion of the scientific editorial board. Proposals, however, can always be submitted.

The upper limit for Personalia is fixed on 1,500 words, for Review Articles on 3,000 words and for Reviews on 2,000 words.


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