New Open Access Titles from Brill
New Open Access Titles from BrillLocating Hell in Islamic TraditionsEdited by Christian Lange, University of UtrechtIslam is often seen as a religious tradition in which hell does not play a...
View ArticleEulexis [bêta]: Lemmatiseur de grec ancien
Eulexis [bêta]: Lemmatiseur de grec ancienEulexis est un lemmatiseur de textes grecs.Cette application est actuellement en version bêta. Elle est mise à disposition sans aucune garantie et reste...
View ArticleVirtual Training Suite: Internet for Classics
Virtual Training Suite: Internet for ClassicsInternet for Classics is a free online tutorial to help university students develop their Internet research skills. Learn how to make discerning use of the...
View ArticleTheDeMa: Thesaurus Defixionum Magdeburgensis
TheDeMa: Thesaurus Defixionum MagdeburgensisAls Fluchtafeln (defixionis tabellae) werden hauptsächlich mit einer Inschrift versehene, dünne Blechstücke bezeichnet, die den Zustand oder die Handlungen...
View ArticleClassicizing Philadelphia
Classicizing PhiladelphiaAmerica’s engagement with Greece and Rome constitutes a continuous thread in the conversation that has created our culture and institutions. Classicizing Philadelphia, a...
View ArticleThe Bridge: Customizable Greek and Latin Vocabulary Lists
The Bridge: Customizable Greek and Latin Vocabulary ListsThe Bridge enables students and instructors to generate customized vocabulary lists from its database of Greek and Latin textbooks and texts. A...
View Articlee-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha
e-Clavis: Christian Apocryphae-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha is a comprehensive bibliography of Christian Apocrypha research assembled and maintained by members of the North American Society for the...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Colloquia Maruliana
Colloquia MarulianaISSN: 1332-3431 (Print)Colloquia Maruliana I-XVI were entirely devoted to the study of the life and works of Marko Marulić. From volume XVII on, Colloquia Maruliana, in conjunction...
View ArticleThe Bornblum Eretz Israel Synagogues Website
The Bornblum Eretz Israel Synagogues Website The main goal of the The Bornblum Eretz Israel Synagogues website is to display the world of synagogues from the Land of Israel for the scholar, student and...
View ArticleThe World of Funerary Cones
[First posted in AWOL 1 April 2012, updated 7 February 2016] The World of Funerary ConesThis website is dedicated to the study of funerary cones (Grabkegel, Friesziegel, cônes funéraires, conos...
ANE 2: A DISCUSSION LIST FOR THE STUDY OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST[n.b. Today is the tenth anniversary of the founding of ANE-2] A successor to the Ancient Near East Discussion List originally hosted by...
View ArticleThe Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database
[First posted in AWOL 9 August 2013, updated 8 February 2016]The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems DatabaseMagical gemsThe designation magical gem is a category of modern archaeology, which denotes the...
View ArticleComing Soon: VÉgA Vocabulaire de l’Égyptien Ancien - Vocabulary of Ancient...
VÉgA Vocabulaire de l’Égyptien Ancien - Vocabulary of Ancient EgyptianVocabulaire de l’Égyptien AncienLe VÉgA, ou Vocabulaire de l’Égyptien Ancien, constitue une innovation dans le domaine de...
View ArticleOnline Guide to Evagrius Ponticus
[First posted in AWOL 17 January 2012, updated 9 February 2016] Guide to Evagrius Ponticusedited by Joel KalvesmakiEvagrius Ponticus (b. 345 in Ibora; d. 399 in Egypt), a monastic theologian, was one...
View ArticleHigh resolution plates fron "La Porte d’Horemheb au Xe pylône de Karnak"
High resolution plates fron "La Porte d’Horemheb au Xe pylône de Karnak"Michel JORDAN (dessins), Susanne BICKEL & Jean-Luc CHAPPAZ, avec des contributions de Faried ADROM et Éric RICHARD, La Porte...
View ArticleMonuments of Mosul in Danger
Monuments of Mosul in DangerThe project Monuments of Mosul in Danger (Ohrožená architektura města Mosulu) aims to document and research Mosul monuments that have been destroyed by ISIS since June 2014...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Canadio-Byzantina: A newsletter published by the...
Canadio-Byzantina: A newsletter published by the Canadian Committee of ByzantinistsA newsletter published by the Canadian Committee of Byzantinists.The Canadian Committee for Byzantine Studies est la...
View ArticleCoptic Scriptorium
[First posted in AWOL 6 December 2014, updated 10 February 2016]Coptic ScriptoriumCoptic SCRIPTORIUM is a platform for interdisciplinary and computational research in texts in the Coptic language,...
View ArticleClassics in Arabic
Classics in ArabicThe blog aggregates news about publications, activities, etc. related to Arabic scholarship in the field of classics and thus seeks to provide greater access to non-Arabic scholars....
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: International Journal of the Platonic Tradition
[First posted in AWOL 7 April 2012. Updated 10 February 2016]The International Journal of the Platonic TraditionISSN 1872-5082Online ISSN: 1872-5473From 2012 this is a full Open Access journal, which...
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