Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period: New Online Material
Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period: New Online MaterialFrom Grant Frame []1. I am pleased to announce the presence of Part 2 of a fully searchable and lemmatized...
View ArticleNewly Open Access Journal: Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Helénicos
Boletín del Instituto de Estudios HelénicosISSN: 0210-4032El Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Helénicos (1967-1976) aparegué per primer cop l’any 1967 a iniciativa del catedràtic de grec Doctor...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Science and Technology of Archaeological Research
Science and Technology of Archaeological ResearchISSN: 2054-8923STAR accepts papers utilising any of the array of scientific and computational techniques available to archaeologists, including, but not...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Canadian Classical Bulletin (CCB)
[First posted in AWOL 1 November 2009. Updated 8 January 2015] Canadian Classical Bulletin (CCB)ISSN: 1198-9149The Canadian Classical Bulletin (CCB) is the official electronic bulletin of the CAC and...
View ArticleTÜRIK BITIG: Old Turkic Inscriptions
TÜRIK BITIGThe basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005...
View ArticleNew Open Access Journal: Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios
Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y TuraniosI would like to announce the launch of a new journal that aims to promote the studies on Iran and Asia Central in Spain and to offer a new place for our...
View ArticleEncyclopaedia Iranica (EIr) Crowdsourcing Project
Encyclopaedia Iranica (EIr) Crowdsourcing ProjectThe Encyclopaedia Iranica (EIr) is launching a crowdsourcing project to improve access to our its free website ( Since...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Studia graeco-arabica
[First posted in AWOL 2 April 2011. Updated 9 January 2015]Studia graeco-arabica Studia graeco-arabica is the journal on line of the European Research Council Advanced Grant 249431 Greek into Arabic....
View ArticleASCSA Digital Collections
[First posted in AWOL 12 February 2010, updated 9 January 2015] ASCSA Digital provides access to collections maintained in the libraries, excavations, and archives of the American...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Thamyris, nova series: Revista de Didáctica de Cultura...
Thamyris, nova series: Revista de Didáctica de Cultura Clásica, Griego y Latín ISSN: 2254-1799Delegación de Málaga de la SEEC en colaboración con los Deptos. de Filología Griega y Latina de la...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament
[First posted in AWOL 5 December 2012, updated 10 January 2015]Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old TestamentISSN: 2169-0685 Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (JESOT) is a...
View ArticleYale Babylonian Collection
Yale Babylonian CollectionFounded in 1909 by a gift from J. Pierpont Morgan, the Yale Babylonian Collection today comprises over 45,000 items, including cuneiform tablets, cylinder seals, and other...
View ArticleSächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Dresden)...
Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Dresden) Open Philology ProjectIn cooperation with the Open Greek and Latin Project of the Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities at the...
View ArticleOpen Access Monograph Series: Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten
[First posted in AWOL 2 September 2010. Updated 12 January 2015]Studien zu den Boğazköy-TextenHerausgegeben von der Kommission für den Alten Orientder Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur,...
View ArticleOpen Access Monograph Series: Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum
Corpus Agrimensorum RomanorumLes volumes du Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum sont en accès libre au format pdf, après une barrière mobile de deux ans pour les plus récents. Documents d'arpentage de...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Folia Electronica Classica
[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 12 March 2015]Folia Electronica ClassicaEn réponse à une suggestion de Jean Schumacher, à l'époque responsable du service informatique de la Faculté de...
View ArticleBibliotheca Classica Selecta E-TRAD
Bibliotheca Classica Selecta E-TRAD La section Traduction (BCS-TRA) de la Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (BCS)[Pour une liste plus générale de traductions françaises sur la Toile, voir la page...
View ArticleNew Open Access Book: Egyptian Bioarchaeology Humans, Animals, and the...
New from Sidestone PressEgyptian BioarchaeologyHumans, Animals, and the EnvironmentEdited by Salima Ikram, Jessica Kaiser & Roxie Walker | 2015 € 34,95 | ISBN: 9789088902871 Imprint: Sidestone...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Revista Numismática Hécate
Revista Numismática HécateISSN: 2386-8643 ¡Bienvenidos todos a la nueva revista de numismática Hécate!La revista Hécate debe su nombre a la diosa griega tricéfala, que representa las diferentes formas...
View ArticleDigital resources for research in Near Eastern Studies (Bibliotheca...
Bibliotheca Orientalis 71 3/4 (2014), Jubilee fascicle on digital resources for research in Near Eastern Studies:The year 2014 marks the 75th anniversary of NINO — The Netherlands Institute for the...
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