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New Open Access Journal: Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios

Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios
I would like to announce the launch of a new journal that aims to promote the studies on Iran and Asia Central in Spain and to offer a new place for our international colleagues for publishing their works.

The first volume can be accessed online in academia.edu and soon also in a dedicated webpage.
I invite all colleagues to send contributions for the next volumes of this new journal in any scientific language on any topic concerning the areas of interest of the journal (Iran and Asia Central). 
If you or your institution want to receive the printed volume of the journal, you might request it from Alberto Cantera (acantera@usal.es). The price is 25 € for privates and 40 € for institutions to be paid to the account number IBAN ES32 0049 1550 7827 1005 9001 (account holder Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios).

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