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Open Access Journal: Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano

[First posted in AWOL 24 September 2010. Updated 10 April 2018]

Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano
ISSN: 1989-1970

The International Review of Roman Law, created under the auspices of the Ibero-American Association of Roman Law and of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, is focused on accepting research within the ambit of the Roman Law, Romanistic Tradition and Historical-Juridical Sciences, and difussing its results. The aim of Ridrom is to overcome all geographical frontiers and it is open to all like-minded individuals and institutions. The review also covers the activities of the Ibero-American Association, along with any news or information that may be of interest to the Romanistic community.

The RIDROM aspires to become a reference publication within its field. In order to achieve this, the rigour and quality of all contributions will be guaranteed through an evaluation by researchers of accredited claim and prestige.


RIDROM is a periodic scientific publication in electronic format (HTML format). It doesn't have printed edition, although the published articles will also be conserved in paper support.


RIDROM is a biannual publication. Editions will be published in the months of April and October respectively.


RIDROM will be published in Spanish and English. Nevertheless, it is possible for articles to be published in any other language of considerable scientific diffusion (German, French, Italian, Portuguese). That said, the translation of the article into English, on the part of the author, inevitably facilitates its diffusion and impact considerably.


RIDROM is divided up into four main sections: summaries, news, view of reviews and links. Under "Summaries", information on the articles of each edition will be given, along with the corresponding abstracts, and shall be divided by articles /file. In the "News" section, forthcoming events, meetings, congresses, seminars, courses, publications, etc., will be detailed. "View of reviews" section will detail information regarding other magazines. Finally, under "Links", we shall provide information on other interesting resources available on-line.

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