Help with bibliographies: APh Updated!
As practicing classicists will know, the field’s major bibliographic database, L’Année Philologique, moved to a new home late last year. That means that our previous posts on the EBSCO and self-hosted versions of APh are a little out of date. In this post, we update the major points about how to use the new APh interface. You should still refer to the previous posts for information about what this database is, its history, and why you should use it.
Like its previous versions, the new APh Online is a subscription-only service, which means that you will need to access it through your institution’s library login. I’ll start my post with the assumption that you’ve logged in.
The landing page has several options for your initial search.
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First, let’s notice a few differences from the previous editions. APh now tells you when its last update was (in this case, September 29, 2017). That means you know how limited your results are likely to be, and can use alternative methods to find even more sources.