[First posted in AWOL 27 October 2010. Updated 9 May 2013]
British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan
British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan
This is the official books produced by Government of Palestinian (British Mandate) for the years of 1944-1945 which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. These three volumes contain a wealth of information about Palestine until the end of 1946...
Volume IVolume II
- Preface
- Table of contents
- Chapter I: The Mandate............................................................................................................ 1
- Turkish Rule
- Occupation of Palestine by allied forces
- The Balfour Declaration
- The Covenant of the League of Nations
- Convention between Great Britain and the United States
- The Mandate over Trans-Jordan
- Chapter II: Historical Summary of Principal Events in Palestine ..................................... 15
Since The British Occupation in 1917- Period I. 1917 - 1920 The period of military administration
- 1918
- 4th April, 1918
- 1919
- 8th June, 1919
- 28th June, 1919
- June-July, 1919
- 1920
- April, 1920 (Eastern Sunday)
- 25th April, 1920
- Period II: 1920 - 1923 Implementation of the Balfour Declaration, Arab reactions .. 17
and attempted constitutional development.- 1st July, 1920
- 26th August, 1920
- 1921
- March, 1921
- 1st May, 1921
- December, 1921. (end of page)
- 1922. (end of page)
- 21st February, 1922. (end of page)
- 3rd June, 1922
- 30th June, 1922 (end of page)
- 24th July, 1922 (end of page)
- October, 1922 (end of page)
- 1923 (end of page)
- February/March, 1923-May, 1923 -December, 1923 (end of page)
- 4th October, 1923
- 29th September, 1923 (end of page)
- Period III: A period of consolidation and comparative tranquility ............................ 22
- Period IV: September, 1928 - December 1932. Revival of Arab antagonism to the... 23
Jewish National Home. The White paper of 1930- 1928
- 24th September, 1928
- December, 1928
- 1929
- August, 1929
- October-December, 1929 (end of page)
- 1930
- 3rd April, 1930 (end of page)
- May, 1930 (end of page)
- June, 1930
- January-March, 1930
- March-May, 1930
- May, 1930 (end of page)
- June, 1930
- 6th August, 1930
- 20th October, 1930
- 14th November, 1930 (end of page)
- 1931
- 14th February 1931
- 1932
- Period V: January, 1933 - March 1936. The swilling of Jewish immigration and ...... 30
crystallization of Arab nationalism in Palestine- 1933 (end of page)
- March-December, 1933
- 11th December, 1933
- 1934
- January, 1934
- December, 1934
- 1935 (end of page)
- 1936
- January - April, 1936
- Period VI: The disorder of 1936
- April-May, 1936
- June-July, 1936
- August-October, 1936
- Period VII: November, 1936-Ausgust, 1939. The Royal Commission, the................ 39
Partition Commission, and the White Paper of May, 1939- November, 1936
- 1937
- January - May, 1937
- July, 1937
- August, 1937 (end of page)
- September - October, 1937
- November, 1937
- 1938
- January - August, 1938
- November, 1938
- December, 1938
- 1939 (end of page)
- January, 1939
- February, 1939
- March - April, 1939
- May, 1939
- 15th June, 1939
- 20th July, 1939
- August, 1939
- Period VIII: September, 1939-October, 1942. The period of political ........................ 56
Dormancy during the Early Years of the World War.- October-November, 1939
- 1940
- January-February, 1940
- March-June, 1940
- August-December, 1940
- 1941 (end of page)
- April, 1941 (end of page)
- May - November, 1941
- January - March, 1942
- May-June, 1942
- Period IX: November, 1942 - December, 1945. The agitation for a ........................... 65
Jewish State and unrestricted immigration- 1943
- November, 1943
- December, 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- January - February, 1945
- March, 1945
- May, 1945 (end of page)
- June-August, 1945
- September, 1945
- October - November, 1945
- December, 1945 (end of page)
- 1946
- January, 1946
- Annexure I: The White Paper of June, 1922 (The Churchill Memorandum)............. 87
- British Policy in Palestine
- Annexure II: The White Paper of May, 1939.................................................................... 90
- Statement of Policy
- Annexure III: Statement made in the House of Commons on 13th ............................ 99
November, 1945 By Mr. Ernest Bevin, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs- Chapter III: Geographic Summary: Area, Topography and Climate..........................103
- Climate
- I. Rainfall
- II. Temperature
- Chapter IV: The Central Government and Its Finances............................................. 108
- A. Constitution And Administration
- B. Government Finances (end of page)
- Revenue
- Expenditure
- Balances
- Railways and Ports (end of page)
- Loans
- Grants-in-Aid.
- Colonial Development Fund (end of page)
- Currency
- Currency Board
- Chapter V: Local Government....................................................................................... 128
- (a) Table for Municipal Councils
- (b) Table for Local Councils
- (c) Table for Village Councils
- Table 1: Revenue and Expenditure for Municipal Councils
- Table 2: Revenue and Expenditure for Local Councils
- Chapter VI: Population....................................................................................................144
- A. The Increase in Population
- Table 1: Population of Palestine by religion (Excluding His Majesty's Forces)
- Table 2: Indices of Population Each Religion At Various Dates
- Table 3: Increase of Total Population in Palestine
- Table 4: Number of Persons of Each Religion Per 100 Settled Population
- Table 5: Estimate of Population of Palestine By Race (end of. 1944) (end of page)
- Table 6: Average annual Rates of Natural Increase Per 1000 Inhabitants of Each Religion
- B. Geographical Distribution of the Population
- Table 7a: Rural Population By Religion and Sub-District (1922 & 1931 Census)
- Table 7b: Urban Population By Religion and Sub-District (1922 & 1931 Census)
- Table 7c: Total Population By Religion and Sub-District (1922 & 1931 Census)
- Table 8a: Rural Settled Population By Religion and Sub-District
- Table 8a: Urban Settled Population By Religion and Sub-District
- Table 8a: Total Settled Population By Religion and Sub-District
- Table 9a: Population Classified by Religion and Type of Locality
- Table 9b: Population Classified by Religion and Type of Locality
- Table 9c: Population Classified by Religion and Type of Locality
- The Moslem Population
- The Jewish Population
- The Christian Population (end of page)
- C. Sources and Reliability of data on population in Palestine
- Chapter VII: Immigration ........................................................................................... 165
- Section 1: Immigration Legislation And Its Administration Since May, 1939
- Section 2 Immigration Statistics
- Table 1: Number of Immigrants Annually By Race
- Table 2: Principal Sources of Jewish Immigration
- Table 3: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1936
- Table 4: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1937
- Table 5: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1938
- Table 6: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1939
- Table 7: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1940
- Table 8: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1941
- Table 9: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1942
- Table 10: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1943
- Table 11: Country of Previous Abode of Immigration Arriving 1944
- Table 12: Total Number of Persons Registered As Classified By Race and By Country of Usual Residence
- Immigrants Since The 1st April, 1939, Country of Previous Abode
- Section 3: Acquisition of Palestinian Citizenship
- Table showing the total number of persons acquired Palestinian Citizenship though Naturalization
- Section 4: Illegal Immigration (end of page)
- (a) Manner of Volume (end of page)
- Jewish Illegal Immigration (end of page)
- Arab Illegal Immigration (end of page)
- (b) Counter Measures (end of page)
- A. Illegal Immigration By Sea
- B. Illegal Immigration By Land
- Table 1: Persons Deported From Palestine Other Than Jews
- Table 2: Jews Deported From Palestine
- Section 5: Refugees
- Chapter VIII: Land .................................................................................................... 225
- Section 1: Land Tenure in Palestine. Legislation and Type of Holding.
- Section 2: Settlement of Title to Land
- Section 3: Land Registration
- Table Showing Land Registration Fees Collected from 1920 to 1945
- Table 1: Areas Purchased by Jews, 1920 - 1945
- Table 2: Holdings of Large Jewish Lands Owners as of December 31st, 1945
- Section 4: System of Land Taxation
- The Tithe
- The House And Land Tax
- Tax of Roofed buildings
- The Urban Property Tax (end of page)
- Rural Property Tax
- Schedule Showing Original Tax Land Categories And Basic Rates
- Section 5: The Public Lands of Palestine
- Table Showing State Lands
- Section 6: State Domain and Re-Settlement of Jewish Ex-Servicemen
- Section 7: The Land Transfer Regulation
- (a) The method of administration
- (b) Statistics of Applications Made for Transfer under the Regulations
- (c) Applications of Regulations to State Domain
- (d) Evasion of Regulations
- Section 8: Administrative Problems Regarding to State Holdings
- (a) Subsistence Areas
- Table 1: Fragmentation of Holdings of Residents of Five Villages
- Table 2: Fragmentation of Family Holdings of Residents of Five Villages
- Table 3: Fragmentation of Farms of Residents of Five Villages
- Table 4: Average Number of Co-Owners Per Parcel and Average "Fractional Shares"
- Schedule 'A'. Family Farms in the Hills of Ramallah and Jerusalem Sub-District
- Schedule 'B'. None Irrigated Farm in The Jenin Sub-District
- Schedule 'C'. Family Farm in Inland Plains
- (b) Legislation designed to protect cultivators against eviction
- (c) Resettlement of displaced Arab cultivators
- The Arabs of Wadi al-Hawarith in Tulkarm Sub-District (end of page)
- Arab al-Zubeid of Safad Sub-District (end of page)
- Other resettlement Schemes (end of page)
- (d) An Illustration of the complexity of the land problem- the case Ma'lul Arabs
- Chapter IX: Agriculture............................................................................................... 309
- Section 1: Agriculture Production.
- (a) Climate and Soils
- (b) Crops and Cropping
- Table 1: Area And Production of Certain Winter Crops in 1934-1935 and 1944-1945
- Table 2: Area And Production of Certain Summer Crops in 1934-1935 and 1944-1945
- Table 3: Estimated Areas And Production of Vegetables in 1934-1935 and 1944-1945
- Table 4: Irrigated and None Irrigated of Certain Crops in 1934-1935 and 1944-1945
- Olives (end of page)
- Table 5: Production of Olive Oil in The Last Five Seasons
- Table 6: Number of Establishments Involved in Pressing Olive Oil (1944-1945) (end of page)
- Grapes
- Almonds And Other Nuts (end of page)
- Stone Fruits
- Pome Fruits
- Bananas (end of page)
- (c) Statistical Production
- Table 1: Areas Under Principal Crops Between 1936 and 1945 With Yields
- Table 2: Summary of Crops, 1944 - 45 (Area in dunums)
- Table 3: Area in Dunums of Land Under Cultivation During The Season 1944 - 45
- Table 4: Area in Dunums of Land Under, And Production From,
Main Groups of Crops in Season 1944 - 45- Table 5a: Area in Dunums of Land Under Winter and Summer Crops in The Season 1944 - 45
- Table 5b: Area in Dunums of Land Under Crops Grown in Winter and
Summer and Plantation Crops in The Season- Table 6a: Arab Vegetable Production 1944 - 45
- Table 6b: Jewish Vegetable Production 1944 - 45
- Table 7: Value of Agricultural Production From Main Group of Crops By Religion 1944 - 45
- Section 2: Animal Health and Produce.
- (a) Animal Health
- Bovine Diseases
- Equine Diseases
- Sheep And Goat Diseases
- Swine Diseases
- Canine Diseases
- Poultry Diseases
- (b) Animal Industry
- (c) Milk Production
- Table 1: Comparison of Sources of Income of Jewish Mixed Farms
- Table 2: Allocation of Costs of Jewish Milk Production Compared With United Kingdom
- Table 3: Milk Production Per Man Year
- Table 4: Disposal of Milk on Jewish Farms
- Section 3: The Citrus Industry.
- Table 1: Citrus groves according to size in 1942
- Table 2: Citrus export to season 1938-39
- Table 3: Arab Owned Citrus Lands
- Table 4: Jewish Owned Citrus Lands
- Section 4: Measures Taken By The Government To Increase Agricultural Productivity
- Section 5: Agricultural Credit and Co-operative Societies
- (a) Measures Taken to Provide Agricultural Credit
- (b) Measures Taken to Encourage The Co-Operative Movement
- (c) Rural indebtedness
- Section 6: Investigations Affecting Development In the Negeb
- Section 7: Jewish Agricultural Settlements
- Table 4: Growth of Jewish owned Lands by Year
- Table 5: Cultivate Area in Jewish Owned Lands (end of page)
- Table 6: Area Under Cultivation (in dunums)
- Table 7: Growth of Jewish Livestock industry (end of page)
- Table 8: Production of Milk and Eggs by Year
- Table 9: Fish pond production
- Table 10: Tenuva Sales in Palestine
- The Communal Settlement
- A financial survey of 16 Jewish communal settlements in the Galilee and Samaria
Districts for Period 1940-43- Section 8: Agricultural Advisory Bodies
- Chapter X: Irrigation and Drainage......................................................................... 389
- Section 1: Legislation.
- Section 2: Measures Taken Since 1937
- Section 3: Prospects
- Summary of Land, Water, And Cultivation
- Chapter XI: Irrigation and Drainage....................................................................... 423
- Present Condition of Palestine
- Function of the Department of Forests
- Forest Reserves (end of page)
- Closed forest areas (end of page)
- Uncontrolled Grazing
- Statistics of forest reserves
- Utilization & Plantations
- Future Development Soil Conservation, & Soil Conservation Board
- Conclusion
- Chapter XII: Fisheries............................................................................................. 435
- Table 1: Landings of Fish
- Table 2: Number of Fishermen And Fishing Boats Engaged in the Industry
- Table 3: Quantities And Values of Fish Imported
- Chapter XIII: Trade And Industry.......................................................................... 441
- Section 1: Trade Agreements, The Customs Tariff and Excise Duties.
- A. Trade Agreements (end of page)
- B. The Customs Tariffs
- C. Excise Duties
- Section 2: Foreign Trade of Palestine.
- Value of Imports, Exports, Re-Exports, and Transit Trade, 1922-1944
- Value of Trade Per Head of Population
- Trade Balance, By Principal Countries, 1939 And 1945
- Value of Imports For Four Main Classes of Commodities. 1937 to 1944
- Distribution of Imports By Classes And Groups, 1940 - 1944
- Quantity And Value of Principle Articles Imported, 1942 -1944
- Percentage of Imports For Consumption From Certain Countries of Origin, 1935-1939
- Value of Imports of Merchandise For Consumption, By Countries of Origins (end of page)
- Percentage of Imports From Certain Countries of Origin, 1939-1944
- Total Value of Exports of Palestine Produce According to Main Classes of Commodities
- Quantities And Values of Palestinian Citrus Fruits Exported in Cases, 1925 - 1945
- Distribution of Exports By Classes And Groups, 1940 - 1944
- Quantity and Value of Principal of Articles of Palestinian Produce Exported, 1942-1944
- Value of Exports of Manufactured Articles Distinguishing Petroleum Products, 1940 - 1944
- Value of Exports of Palestinian Merchandise, By Countries of Destination, 1938 - 1944
- Value of Exports to Certain Countries and Regions, 1939 - 1944 (end of page)
- Percentage of Exports to Certain Countries and Regions, 1939 - 1944
- Transit Trade, 1939 - 1944 (end of page)
- Section 3: Trade With Middle Eastern Countries
- Palestinian Foreign Trade With Egypt, Iraq, and Levant States, 1924 - 1938
- Imports to Palestine From Egypt and Other Levant States, 1934, 1936, 1938
- Value of Palestinian Exports to Middle East Countries, Excluding Petroleum Products
- Principal Commodities Exported to Syria During 1931 and 1933
- Principal Commodities Exported to Egypt During 1931 and 1933 (end of page)
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Egypt, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Syria, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Iraq, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Iran, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Turkey, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Arabia, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Cyprus, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Sudan, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Value of Palestinian Exports To Trans-Jordan, By Classes and Groups of Commodities, Excluding Petroleum
- Section 4: A Survey of Industry
- Main Results From The Census of Industry, 1939, 1942
- Progress of Jewish Industry as Reflected By The Census Take By The Jewish Agency of Palestine
- Raw Materials
- Imported Materials
- The Labor Force
- Capital Resource of Palestine Industry (end of page)
- Sale of Electric Power (end of page)
- Consumption of Refined Petroleum Products
- Railway Operations
- Road Transportation
- Food, Drinks, And Tobacco
- Jewish Dairy Products (end of page)
- Production of Dairy Products By Tnuva Ltd.
- Textile
- The Metal Industries
- The Chemical Industry
- Diamonds
- Leather Goods and Furs
- Wood Production
- Cement And Stone
- Glass
- Paper And Cardboard
- Rubber
- Misc.
- Construction (end of page)
- Statistics Relating to Building Permits And Approximate Value Declared, 1939 - 44
- Electric Supply in Palestine
Preface Table of Contents Chapter XIV: Finance.................................................................................... 535 Section 1: The Budget Table 1: Financial Statisitcs:1922/23 - 1944/45 Table 2: Total Expenditure of Internal Security and War Residue Table 3: Expenditure for Year 1934/35 Table 4: Earning, Expenditure, Surplus and Deficit Section 2: The System of Taxation (end of page) (a) Taxes Table 5: Urban and Rural Property Taxes Table 6: Yield From Custom and Excise 1934-1945 Table 7: Yield From Income Tax For Years 1941-1945 Table 8: Duties Collected on Wide Range of Transaction (b) Receipts representing payment in respect of services performed Table 9: Revenue Collection By Department Table 10: Revenue Allocated Approximately Among Groups Corresponding to Those in Table 3 Section 3: Colonial Development Fund Section 4: Banking (a) Brief history (b) Period June, 1936, to 31st August, 1939 Table 1: Aggregate Deposits by Foreign and Local banks Table 2: Total Credit Granted And Outstanding Bills of Foreign and Local Banks (c) The Period of The War, 1939 to 1945 Table 3: Deposits Held By Banks, 1939 to 1945 (d) Distribution of Deposits By Race Table 4: Credit Granted By Banks, 1939 to 1945 Table 5: Distribution of Bank Credits By Categories, 1939 to 1945 Table 6: Balance Sheet for Arab Bank and Arab National Bank Ltd., 1939 to 1945 Table 7: Balance Sheet for Five Jewish Banks, 1939 to 1945 (e) Control of Banks Table 8: Balance Sheet for Five Jewish Banks, 1939 to 1945 Section 5: Ownership of Capital Table 1: Analysis of Palestine's Foreign Assets and Liabilities, 1945 Table 1a: Share of Jews, Arabs and Others in Palestine's Foreign Assets (end of page) Table 2: Ownership of Land in Palestine By Religion, 1943 Table 2a: Valuation of Rural Land in Arab And Jewish Ownership, 1943 Table 3: Ownership of Industry in Palestine, 1943 (end of page) Table 4: Ownership of Insured Commodity Stocks, 1945 (end of page) Table 5: Motor Vehicles, Number and Estimated Value in Arab and Jewish Ownership Table 6: Estimated Number And Value of Livestock in Arab And Jewish Ownership Table 7: Agricultural Investment in Arab and Jewish Ownership Table 8: Summary of Capital in Palestine in 1945 Section 6: Relative Contribution of Arabs and Jewish Government Revenue Tax Payable in Respect of The Year 1944/45 Summary of Allocation of Revenue, 1944/45 Chapter XV: Law and Order............................................................................ 581 (a) Prevention and Detection of Crime Table 1: Palestine Police Force And Prisons Service (end of page) Table 2: Statistical Summary of Crime Table 3: Palestine Police Force and Persons Service, 1939 - 1945 Number of Police Killed on Duty, 1936 - 1945 (end of page) Table 4: Statistical Summary of Crime, 1938 - 1945 (b) Arms Traffic Table 5: Seizure of Arms And Ammunition From Arabs, 1936 - 1945 Table 6: Seizure of Arms And Ammunition From Jews, 1936 - 1945 Table 7: Seizure of Explosives And Incendiary Articles During 1945 (c) Armed Bands and Illegal Organizations (d) The Cost of Public Security Table 8: Seizure of Explosives And Incendiary Articles During 1945 Table 9: Summary of Revenue And Expenditure From 1920-21 To 1933-34 on Law And Order Table 10: Summary of Revenue And Expenditure From 1934-35 To 1945-46 on Law And Order Chapter XVI: Social Services......................................................................... 609 Section 1: Health Services (a) General Outline Government Services Jewish Voluntary Services Non-Jewish Voluntary Services Private Hospitals General Practice Table 1: Hospital Maintained By Religion (b) Particulars of Government Health Services Table 2: Expenditure Upon Public Health Services, 1920-1946 Table 3: Number of Persons Admitted to Hospitals And Treated As Out-Patients, 1944 Section 2: Description of Education Systems Historical Outline of The Education System Table 1: Distribution of Pupils Between Different Types of School in July, 1944 Table 2: Extent of Education Facilities for Arabs And Jews Education Administration Educational Finances Table 3: The Educational Department's Budget Estimates of Expenditure, 1926 - 1945 Table 4: Actual Expenditure on Education By All Departments, 1944/45 System of Payments of Grants-in-Aid to Non-Governmental Schools (end of page) Elementary Education (Arabic Public System) Expansion Schemes And Development in Arab Education Table 8: Number of Applications and Admissions to the Lowest Class (Urban), 1933 - 1944 Table 9: Number of Applications and Admissions to the Lowest Class (Rural), 1933 - 1944 Arab Secondary Education (end of page) Training For Teachers For Government Schools Technical Education in Arab Schools Agriculture Education Government School Buildings Jewish Schools Table 10: Expenditure Directly Controlled By The Va'ad Leumi Table 11: Total Expenditure of The Hebrew Public System Analyzed By Types of Schools Other Jewish Schools Other Non-Governmental Schools Scout Movement Hebrew University Table 12: General Statistics For Arab Public System, 1944 Table 13: General Statistics For Private Muslim Schools, 1944 Table 14: General Statistics For Private Christian Schools, 1944 Table 15: General Statistics For Hebrew Public System, 1944 Table 16: General Statistics For Private Hebrew Schools, 1944 Table 18: Estimate of Total Expenditure on The Hebrew Public System, 1942/43 Section 3: Jewish Education And Cultural Activities Section 4: Social Welfare Table 1: Number of Juvenile Offenders, 1944 Table 2: Ages And Types of Offences of Juvenile Offenders, 1944 Table 3: Statistics of Treatments Applied to Juvenile Offenders, 1944 (end of page) Table 4: Number of Non-Jewish Families on Relief in Jerusalem, 1941-44 (end of page) Table 5: Number of Non-Jewish Families on Relief in Jerusalem, 1944 Jewish Welfare Services (end of page) Provisions Earmarked For Social Welfare Amongst The Jewish Community Arab Welfare Services Slum Conditions in Urban Areas Section 5: The Standard of Living of Palestinian Arabs Table 1: Comparative Figures of The Urban and rural Sections of the Non-Jewish population Table 2: Incidents of Malaria, 1922 - 1944 Table 15: Infant Mortality Rate (Per 1000) Among Moslems of Palestine in Towns Education Table 20: Number of Schools and Pupils, 1920 - 1944 Table 23a: Municipal Expenditure of Public Word And Value of Other Building Constructions Chapter XVII: Labour And Wages................................................................. 731 Section 1: Employment and Unemployment Employment Number of Wage And Salary Earners in Each Industry Group in 1939 and 1942 Estimate of Jews Gainfully Employed-1945 Annual Average number of Daily-Paid Workers Employed By The Army And Certain Government Departments Unemployment Section 2: Wages and Earnings Table 1: Daily Wage Rates For Selected Industrial Occupations, 1939 -1944 Table 2: Basic Daily Wage Rates For Jewish Laborers in certain Selected Industrial Occupations, 1939 -1944 Table 3: Basic Daily Wage Rates in Agriculture 1939 And 1944/45 Table 4: Jewish Labor Union Daily Wage Rates, Sept. 1939, and March 1945 Table 5: Daily Wage Rate in Construction Trades 1939 - 1945 Table 6: Daily Average Earnings in Industry and Transportation, 1943 - 1945 Table 7: Monthly Earnings of a Government Clerk (Grade 'O'), 1939 - 1945 Section 3: The Administration of Labor Matters Section 4: Legislation Section 5: International Convention Affecting Labor Section 6: Labor Organizations The Organization of Jewish Labor in Agriculture The Arab Trade Union Movement, 1945 Arab Jewish Labor Relations (end of page) Section 7: The Re-Settlement of Ex-Service Men and Women Section 8: The Employment of Arab And Jewish Labor By Government Departments Table 1: Employment of Labor Department And Contract by The Department of Public Works Table 2: Contracts Awarded Arab and Jewish Contractors, 1942 - 1945 (end of page) Wages in Railroad and Ports Table 5: Railway Contracts By Religion Table 9: Employment of Casual Labor By Municipal Corporation Table 10: Contracts Awarded By Municipal Corporations (end of page) Chapter XVIII: Town Planning and The Problem of Housing............... 781 Section 1: Town Planning And Building Control (a) Legislation (b) Machinery of Control (c) The Town Planning Department (d) Special Obligations of the Department in regard to Jerusalem (e) Improvement Trust Section 2: Present Housing Needs Part 1: Estimates of Deficiencies The Jewish Community Increase in The Number of Family Units (end of page) Immigration Percentage of Construction By Religion and By District Table 3: Building Activity In Palestine, 1936 - 1945 The Arab Community Immigration Part 2: Evidence of Congestion (end of page) Jewish Areas (end of page) Arab Areas Section 3: Measures Taken To Remedy The Position in Housing The Emergency Building Scheme Section 4: The Cost of Building Section 5: The Supply of Building Material Chapter XIX: Food And Clothing...................................................... 817 Section 1: General Survey of The Present Food Situation Section 2: Subsidization Policy Section 3: Human Nutrition Section 4: The Present Position in Regard to The Provision of Clothing and Essential Household Textiles Table 2: Estimate of Consumption of Textile by Religion, 1938 Table 3: Arab and Jewish Per Capita Consumption of Textile in Palestine (end of page) Chapter XX: Communication............................................................. 853 Section 1: Railways Section 2: Ports Haifa Port Jaffa Port Section 3: The Road System Section 4: Road Transport Section 5: Post Office Service Chapter XXI: The Press...................................................................... 873 Section 1: Control of The Press Section 2: The Public Information Office Chapter XXII: Community And Religious Affairs............................ 879 Section 1: Christian Community And Christian Holy Places Section 2: The Supreme Moslem Council and The Waqf Commission Section 3: The Zionist Organization and The Jewish Agency (a) The Zionist Organization (b) The Jewish Agency (c) Financial And Other Institutions of the Zionist Organization And The Jewish Agency for Palestine Summary of Income, Expenditure, And investment of Jewish National Fund in Palestine Section 4: Statuary Jewish Community (a) Constitution (b) Financial Arrangement Section 5: Agudat Israel Section 6: Other Religious Communities Section 7: Official Holiday Section 8: The Official Languages Section 9: Two Community Problems (a) The Jerusalem Municipality Problem (b) The Jewish Quarter of Jaffa Chapter XXIII: Community And Religious Affairs............................ 945 Section 1: The Arab Political Parties The Palestine Arab Party (end of page) The National Defense Party The Arab Reform Party The National Bloc Party The Istiqlal (Independence) Party The First Arab Higher Committee The First Arab Higher Committee Relations With The Arab League (end of page) Arab Labor Organizations Section 2: The Jewish Political Parties (end of page) A. Labor Parties B. Parties of The Centre C. Right Wing Parties D. The Communist Party (end of page) E. IHUD (Unity) And League For Jewish-Arab Rapprochement F. Agudath Israel Chapter XXIV: International Agreements, Conventions, And Treats..... 963 Chapter XXV: Concessions and Mining.................................................. . 963 Section 1: Concessions (a) Oil Concessions (end of page) (b) Electricity Concessions (c) Other Concessions Section 2: Mining And Oil Mining Quantities of Principal Minerals Produced Chapter XXVI: War Economic Measures................................................ 963 Section 1: The War Supply Board Section 2: The War Economic Advisory Council Section 3: The Custodian of Enemy Property Section 4: War Time Economic Control (end of page) (a) Food Control (b) Price Control (c) Control of Heavy Industries and Directorate of War Production (d) Control of Light Industries (end of page) (e) Control of Road Transport (end of page) (f) Control of Salvage (end of page) (g) Control of Agricultural Production (h) Control of Medical Supplies (i) Control of Fuel Oil (end of page) Appendix A: Orders in Council Applicable to Palestine................... 1037 Appendix B: Advisory And Statuary Official Bodies.......................... 1047 Appendix C: Glossary............................................................................ 1071 Index......................................................................................................... 1079