[First posted in AWOL 7 March 2014, updated 28 September 2016]
Stephan Kroll, 21-01-2016
Stephan Kroll, 21-01-2016
This website is devoted to archaeological and historical research in the area of the ancient near-eastern kingdom of "Biainili", better known by the Assyrian name "Urartu". This is the area of Eastern Turkey, North-Western Iran, Armenia and parts of Azerbaijan.
The intention is to inform about recent developments in the area. The contributions of this website are often written in German, sometimes in English. But it is planned to publish them more and more in English for better understanding and distribution.
RIVAGES DE LA CASPIENNE / CASPIAN SEA SHORES Contacts, espaces et territoires autour de la Caspienne aux âges du Bronze et du Fer Contacts, Spaces and Territories along the Caspian Sea during the Bronze and Iron Ages. 4-5 décembre / December 2015 Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’Ethnologie (Nanterre, France) Musée d’Archéologie Nationale (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France). Abstracts.
2nd. International Congress of Young Archaeologists, Oct. 11-13 2015, Tehran, final Program
Symposium "A Civilization in The Eastern Anatolia: Urartians", Oct. 13-15 2014, Istanbul Rezan Has Museum
Humboldt Kolleg. "At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age" (Venice, 9.-11. Jan. 2013)
ATATÜRK UNIVERSITY& ESRUC. The Forum of Civilizations along the Silk Road. International Symposium on East Anatolia – South Caucasus Cultures. 10-13 October 2012. Erzurum/Turkey
Austausch und Kulturkontakt in der Spätbronze-/Früheisenzeit im Südkaukasus und seinen angrenzenden Regionen. Internationale Tagung vom 21.–24. Oktober 2010 in Wittenberg Internationale Tagung: "Der archäologische Befund und seine Historisierung: Dokumentation und ihre Interpretationsspielräume" (Innsbruck 16.-18.12.2009)
International Symposium on Biainili-Urartu, Munich 12.-14. Oct. 2007
Archaeological research in North-Western Iran Archäologische Forschungen in Armenien
- Ausgrabung in Horom 1995, 1997, Nord-Armenien (Stephan Kroll in Zusammenarbeit mit Ruben Badaljan, Phil Kohl und David Stronach: IPARC) - Survey in Süd-Armenien 2000 - German Version (Stephan Kroll in Zusammenarbeit mit Pavel Avetisyan, Susanna Melkonyan und Ursula Hellwag) - 2000 Survey in Southern Armenia - English Version (Stephan Kroll in co-operation with Pavel Avetisyan, Susanna Melkonyan, Ursula Hellwag) - Survey in Süd-Armenien 2001 - (Stephan Kroll in Zusammenarbeit mit Pavel Avetisyan, Arsen Bobokhyan und Esther Altmann) - Archäologische Forschungen in Süd-Armenien 2003-2004 (Stephan Kroll in Zusammenarbeit mit Pavel Avetisyan und Esther Altmann)