CLASSICSSTUFF: Free vocabulary resources for Latin and Greek texts
This blog will host free downloads of pdfs of vocabulary lists I made (and occasionally still do) for Classical texts. They are always line-by-line, and I hope will make it easier for more people to read more Latin and Greek, which are awesome languages with awesome things written in them. If you see any typos, please post a comment.Entries as of 30 March 2013
- I had a series of short articles about Lucretius in the Guardian, all of which can be found at
- Statius, Achilleid vocab
- Horace, Odes 1
- Horace Satires
- Tacitus, Histories 1
- Eclogues vocab
- Aen. 8 Vocab
- Aeneid 7
- Iliad 24 vocabulary
- Iliad 1