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Open Access Journal: Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis

Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis - BHAUT
ISSN: 1453-7419
The scientificjournalBibliothecaHistoricaetArchaeologicaUniversitatisTimisiensis(BHAUT)isanannualpublicationofthe FacultyofLetters, HistoryandTheology, which firstly appearedin1997.
After theestablishment ofthe Centerfor the Studyof HistoryandArchaeology"Constantin Daicoviciu” of the West Universityof Timişoara, BHAUT became the Center’s publication. Overthe years, the scientific workofthe Centrehas ledtothe exploration of lesser-knownand so far lesser analyzedareas, such as important historic events, ancient economic history, archaeology, interdisciplinaryrelations, informatics-archaeology, politico-military history, etc.
Paper works published in BHAUTrepresentactsof severalnational and internationalscientificconferencesheldannuallyatour headquarters. The journalbrings togetherinits pages Romanian or foreigner experts, being regarded asamodernjournalthrough its structure anddocumentary information.
Since 1997, XII volumes of studies, notes, reviews, and anannualchronic of the Centrefor Studiesof HistoryandArchaeologyappeared in the BHAUT collection. The volumesarewrittenin Romanian, German, EnglishandFrench, at the option ofthe authors.

The most recent volumes have abstracts only

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