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Open Access Journal: Sasanika Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 30 September 2011. Updated 1 May 2015]

Sasanika Newsletter

Newsletter 8

Sasanika Team
Khodadad poster-sm

Newsletter 7 – February 2014

Sasanika Team
sasanika Newsletters > Newsletter 7  February 2014 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 7 In This Issue New & Improved Sasanika New Sasanika Team Members Sasanika Lectures at UCI New Publications A Word from the Editor Sasanika is dedicated to the promotion of research and study on the history of the Sasanian dynasty. It is the aim of Sasanika: Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of late antique and world history. Although most of our team members volunteer their time to maintain the site, the production of high-quality articles and the support of research projects require funding. We are planning major changes in the website and inclusion of further information and research about the Sasanian Empire. It is through the generosity of Sasanian enthusiasts and those interested in the history of pre-Islamic Iran that Sasanika thrives. Please consider joining us!   New & Improved Sasanika It is ... READ MORE

Newsletter 6 – June 2012

Sasanika Team
DSCF1663-smNewsletters > Newsletter 6 June 2012 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 6 In This Issue Religion, Cosmology & Empire Late Antique Iran Lecture New Publications e-Sasanika Series Obituary A Word from the Editor Sasanika is dedicated to the promotion of research and study on the history of the Sasanian dynasty. It is the aim of Sasanika: Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of late antique and world history. Although most of our team members volunteer their time to maintain the site, the production of high-quality articles and the support of research projects require funding. We are planning major changes in the website and inclusion of further information and research about the Sasanian Empire. It is through the generosity of Sasanian enthusiasts and those interested in the history of pre-Islamic Iran that Sasanika thrives. Please consider joining us! Religion, Cosmology and Empire ... READ MORE

Newsletter 5 – September 2011

Sasanika Team
coinNewsletters > Newsletter 5 September 2011 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 5 In This Issue Sasanian Numismatics Sasanian & World Histor The Other Great Empire Kingship, Rel. & Coinage New Publications e-Sasanika Series Obituary Photos to Share A Word from the Editor Sasanika is dedicated to the promotion of research and study on the history of the Sasanian dynasty. It is the aim of Sasanika: Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of late antique and world history. Although most of our team members volunteer their time to maintain the site, the production of high-quality articles and the support of research projects require funding. It is through the generosity of Sasanian enthusiasts and those interested in the history of pre-Islamic Iran that Sasanika thrives. Please consider joining us. Rika Gyselen: Sasanian Numismatics & History On February 15, 2011, Dr. Rika ... READ MORE

Newsletter 4 – December 2010

Sasanika Team
sasanikaNewsletters > Newsletter 4 December 2010 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 4 In This Issue New Website Roshan Grant Sasanika Workshop ISIS in LA Lecture Series New Publications Obituary A Word from the Editor Sasanika is dedicated to the promotion of research and study on the history of the Sasanian dynasty. It is the aim of Sasanika: Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of late antique and world history. Although most of our team members volunteer their time to maintain the site, the production of high-quality articles and the support of research projects require funding. We are planning major changes in the website and inclusion of further information and research about the Sasanian Empire. It is through the generosity of Sasanian enthusiasts and those interested in the history of pre-Islamic Iran that Sasanika thrives. Please consider joining us! New and Improved Website During ... READ MORE

Newsletter 3 – December 2009

Sasanika Team
DSCF1663-smNewsletters > Newsletter 3 December 2009 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 3 In This Issue MESA 2009 Travel to the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan: Historical Survey New Publications A Word from the Editor Sasanika is dedicated to the promotion of research and study on the history of the Sasanian dynasty. It is the aim of Sasanika: Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of late antique and world history. Although most of our team members volunteer their time to maintain the site, the production of high-quality articles and the support of research projects requires funding. It is through the generosity of Sasanian enthusiasts and those interested in the history of pre-Islamic Iran that Sasanika thrives. Please consider joining us. MESA 2009 In November 2009 there were four panels dedicated to the Sasanian Iran. The speakers were brought together by Professor Parvaneh Pourshariati of ... READ MORE

Newsletter 2 – December 2008

Sasanika Team
CeretiNewsletters > Newsletter 1 December 2008 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 2 In This Issue Lectures Travelogue New Publications Obituary Fundraising A Word from the Editor Sasanika is dedicated to the promotion of research and study on the history of the Sasanian dynasty. It is the aim of Sasanika: Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of late antique and world history. Although most of our team members volunteer their time to maintain the site, the production of high-quality articles and the support of research projects requires funding. It is through the generosity of Sasanian enthusiasts and those interested in the history of pre-Islamic Iran that Sasanika thrives. Please consider joining us. Dr. Carlo G. Cereti in California State University, Fullerton On November 1, 2008, California State University at Fullerton hosted the second installment of the Rastegar Family Iraj Afshar Iranica ... READ MORE

Newsletter 1 – June 2008

Sasanika Team
kerdirNewsletters > Newsletter 1 June 2008 - Sasanika Newsletter No. 1 In This Issue Sasanika's Mission Our New Look e-Sasanika Programs & Events Joint Project Sasanika's Mission One of the most remarkable civilizations of the first millennium CE was that of the Sasanian Empire. Emanating from southern Iran's Persis (Fars) region in the third century AD, the Sasanian domain eventually encompassed not only modern day Iran and Iraq, but also the greater parts of Central Asia and the Near East, including at times the regions corresponding to present-day Israel, Turkey, and Egypt. This geographically diverse empire brought together a striking array of ethnicities and religious practices. Arameans, Arabs, Armenians, Persians, Romans, Goths as well as a host of other peoples all lived under the Sasanian rule. It is the aim of Sasanika: the Late Antique Near East Project to bring to light the importance of the Sasanian civilization in the context of world and late ... READ MORE

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