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Open Access Journal: CAMWS Newsletter

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CAMWS Newsletter
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Inc. (CAMWS)

CAMWS was founded at the University of Chicago in 1905 and incorporated in the State of Missouri on July 13, 1948. Its members (c. 1500) are primarily college and university professors, K-12 teachers, and graduate students whose specialty is Classics: Classical languages (Greek and Latin) and the world of ancient Greece and Rome. An educational, not-for-profit organization, CAMWS is exempt from federal income tax as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The CAMWS region covers 32 midwestern, western, and southern states and three Canadian provinces. CAMWS publishes a quarterly, The Classical Journal (ISSN 0009-8353; circulation c. 2300), an online pedagogical journal, Teaching Classical Languages (twice a year), and a Newsletter (thrice a year). The Annual Meeting of CAMWS takes place in the spring, in late March or early April.

The CAMWS Newsletter is published three time per year, in the fall, winter, and spring.

Current and Back Issues of the CAMWS Newsletter
Spring 2014 (pdf)Fall 2014 (pdf)Winter 2015 (available to current members only)
Fall 2001Winter 2002Spring 2002
Fall 2000Winter and Spring 2001Summer 2001
Fall 1999Winter 2000Spring and Summer 2000
Fall 1998Winter 1999Spring 1999
Fall 1997Winter 1998Spring 1998
Fall 1996Winter 1996-----
Fall 1995Winter 1996Spring and Summer 1996
Summer 1994Winter 1994-----
Fall 1993-----Spring 1994
Fall 1992Winter 1993Spring 1993
Fall 1991Winter 1991Spring 1992
Fall 1990-----Summer 1991

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