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Open Access Journal: The Classical Journal Reviews

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The Classical Journal Reviews
ISSN: 0009-8353
The Classical Journal (ISSN 0009-8353) is published by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), the largest regional classics association in the United States and Canada, and is now over a century old. All members of CAMWS receive the journal as a benefit of membership; non-member and library subscriptions are also available. CJ appears four times a year (October-November, December-January, February-March, April-May); each issue consists of about 100 pages.

CJ contains a mix of academic articles and notes on Graeco-Roman antiquity, generally with a literary, historical or cultural focus; paedagogical articles and notes, many having to do with the challenges of teaching Latin and Greek in modern high schools, colleges and universities; book reviews; and a list of books received. In addition, CJ generally publishes the annual CAMWS Presidential Address and the year's Ovationes. Abstracts of all academic articles and notes in volumes 101 (2005-06), 102 (2006-07), 103 (2007-08), 104 (2008-09) and 105 (2009-10) are posted here. PDF versions of a number of recent Forum articles are also available for downloading, and JSTOR links to many others are provided.

CJ-Online, the journal's list-serve, publishes book reviews, including many that do not appear in the hard-copy portion of the journal. All reviews published in CJ-Online are archived. CJ: Online subscriptions are free, and membership in CAMWS is not required to receive the postings or to publish reviews.

This page contains all views entered using the new automated system for listing, starting with reviews at the beginning of 2014. For earlier reviews please follow the links on the Main Reviews Page.
15.03.01Digital Loeb Classical Library
 +Review by Helma Dik
15.02.13Sophocles: Philoctetes
 +Review by Thomas R. Keith
15.02.10A Companion to Plutarch
 +Review by Patrick Hogan
15.02.08Seneca’s Tragedies and the Aesthetics of Pantomime
 +Review by Thomas D. Kohn
15.02.07Saint Augustine of Hippo: An Intellectual Biography
 +Review by Joshua Thurow
15.02.05The Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus
 +Review by Betty Rose Nagle
15.02.05The Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus
 +Review by Betty Rose Nagle
15.02.04Myth and Tragedies in their Ancient Greek Contexts
 +Review by Christina A. Salowey
15.02.03Helen of Troy: Beauty Myth, Devastation
 +Review by William Duffy
15.02.01Speech Presentation in Homeric Epic
 +Review by Christodoulos Zekas
15.01.12Homer: The Iliad: Translation, Introduction and Notes
 +Review by Maura K. Williams
15.01.11Classics in the Modern World: A ‘Democratic Turn’?
 +Review by Zara M. Torlone
15.01.09Sport and Democracy in the Ancient and Modern Worlds.
 +Review by William S. Morison
15.01.08Dialoguing in Late Antiquity
 +Review by Kathleen Burt
15.01.07Homeric Speech and the Origins of Rhetoric
 +Review by Victoria Pedrick
15.01.06A Companion to Persius and Juvenal.
 +Review by Bryce Walker
15.01.05Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World
 +Review by Walter D. Ward
15.01.03A Companion to Greek Art
 +Review by Kristen Seaman
15.01.01God, Space, & City in the Roman Imagination
 +Review by Tom Sienkewicz
14.12.08Greek Comedy and the Discourse of Genres
 +Review by Kenneth S. Rothwell, Jr.
14.12.07Rome's Economic Revolution
 +Review by Lucia Francesca Carbone
14.12.05Tacitus, Annals, 15.20-23, 33-45
 +Review by Andre Stipanovic
14.12.04Ovid and Hesiod: The Metamorphosis of the Catalogue of Women
 +Review by Patricia J. Johnson
14.12.03Ovid’s Revisions: The Editor as Author
 +Review by Samuel J. Huskey
14.12.02Wiley’s Real Latin: Learning Latin from the Source
 +Review by Marianthe Colakis
14.11.13Egypt and the Limits of Hellenism
 +Review by Roshan Abraham
14.11.12Inscriptions and their Uses in Greek and Latin Literature
 +Review by Timothy F. Winters
14.11.10Individuals and Society in Mycenaean Pylos
 +Review by Rachele Pierini
14.11.09Aeschylus’s Suppliant Women: The Tragedy of Immigration
 +Review by Aspasia Skouroumouni Stavrinou
14.11.08Augustan Poetry and the Roman Republic
 +Review by Andreas T. Zanker
14.11.06Galen: Three Treatises: An Intermediate Greek Reader
 +Review by Thomas Cirillo
14.11.05Music in Roman Comedy
 +Review by Antonis K. Petrides
14.11.04A Classical Greek Reader
 +Review by Patrick G. Lake


Classical Journal Online Book Review Archives

AUTHOR INDEX 2007–2010
2007 Book Reviews Archive
2008 Book Reviews Archive
2009 Book Reviews Archive
2010 Book Reviews Archive
2011 Book Reviews Archive
2012 Book Reviews Archive
2013 Book Reviews Archive

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