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The Classical Journal Reviews
ISSN: 0009-8353
The Classical Journal (ISSN 0009-8353) is published by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), the largest regional classics association in the United States and Canada, and is now over a century old. All members of CAMWS receive the journal as a benefit of membership; non-member and library subscriptions are also available. CJ appears four times a year (October-November, December-January, February-March, April-May); each issue consists of about 100 pages.
CJ contains a mix of academic articles and notes on Graeco-Roman antiquity, generally with a literary, historical or cultural focus; paedagogical articles and notes, many having to do with the challenges of teaching Latin and Greek in modern high schools, colleges and universities; book reviews; and a list of books received. In addition, CJ generally publishes the annual CAMWS Presidential Address and the year's Ovationes. Abstracts of all academic articles and notes in volumes 101 (2005-06), 102 (2006-07), 103 (2007-08), 104 (2008-09) and 105 (2009-10) are posted here. PDF versions of a number of recent Forum articles are also available for downloading, and JSTOR links to many others are provided.
CJ-Online, the journal's list-serve, publishes book reviews, including many that do not appear in the hard-copy portion of the journal. All reviews published in CJ-Online are archived. CJ: Online subscriptions are free, and membership in CAMWS is not required to receive the postings or to publish reviews.This page contains all views entered using the new automated system for listing, starting with reviews at the beginning of 2014. For earlier reviews please follow the links on the Main Reviews Page.
15.03.02Egypt, Greece, & Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean, Third Edition+Review by Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver15.02.11Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature.+Review by Michele Valerie Ronnick15.02.10The Pregnant Male as Myth and Metaphor in Classical Greek Literature.+Review by Timothy Joseph15.02.02Designing for Luxury on the Bay of Naples: Villas and Landscapes (c.100 BCE-79 CE).+Review by Ismini Miliaresis15.01.10Piecing Together the Fragments: Translating Classical Verse, Creating Contemporary Poetry+Review by Barbara H. Wyman15.01.04The Invention of Peter: Apostolic Discourse and Papal Authority in Late Antiquity+Review by E. J. Hutchinson15.01.02Dionysus Resurrected: Performances of Euripides’ The Bacchae in a Globalizing World+Review by Simon Perris14.12.11The Ancient Dancer in the Modern World: Responses to Greek and Roman Dance+Review by Grace Ledbetter14.12.10Science Before Socrates: Parmenides, Anaxagoras, and the New Astronomy+Review by David Sider14.12.09The Divination of Caesar and Augustus: Precedents, Consequence, Implications+Review by Patricia A. Johnston14.11.11Toni Morrison and the Classical Tradition: Transforming American Culture+Review by William K. Freiert14.11.09Aeschylus’s Suppliant Women: The Tragedy of Immigration+Review by Aspasia Skouroumouni Stavrinou14.11.07Cicero on Politics and the Limits of Reason: The Republic and Laws.+Review by Sean McConnell14.11.03The Door Ajar: False Closure in Greek and Roman Literature and Art.+Review by K. Sara MyersPages
Classical Journal Online Book Review Archives
AUTHOR INDEX 2007–2010
2007 Book Reviews Archive
2008 Book Reviews Archive
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