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NU Digital Heritage: Inscribed Stones

NU Digital Heritage: Inscribed Stones
NU Digital Heritage seeks to promote and communicate the value of the past by increasing access to the archaeology and material culture of Hadrian's Wall for those that cannot always experience it directly.

History & Vision
NU Digital Heritage was founded by Prof Ian Haynes and Dr Rob Collins at Newcastle University in 2014 through support of the Higher Education Innovation Fund.

Teaching and research in Archaeology at Newcastle University has always benefitted from access to fine collections from great museums and sites in the Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site, and new technology offers novel ways for both students and enthusiasts to engage with the remains of the past.

Significantly, the growth of 3D capture and print technology allows us to share the world class archaeology with the rest of the world!

One of the planned uses of these digital models will be for use as a teaching resource for initiatives such as their free online Massive Online Open Course Hadrian’s Wall: Life on the Roman Frontier. Follow the links to see part one, part two and part three of our blog series.  - See more at: http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/blogs/news/2015/02/23/laser-scan-GNM-no-4#sthash.N7aw8cB3.dpuf
One of the planned uses of these digital models will be for use as a teaching resource for initiatives such as their free online Massive Online Open Course Hadrian’s Wall: Life on the Roman Frontier. Follow the links to see part one, part two and part three of our blog series.  - See more at: http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/blogs/news/2015/02/23/laser-scan-GNM-no-4#sthash.N7aw8cB3.dpuf

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