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Tayinat Archaeological Project Online

[First posted in AWOL  18 September 2012, updated (additional open access articles) 23 February 2015] 
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Tayinat Archaeological Project
The Bronze and Iron Ages marked the emergence and development of early state ordered civilizations in the ancient Near East. Research has documented the introduction of urban institutions, and the development of specialized craft industries and extensive inter regional trade networks. To examine these developments on a truly regional level, however, local cultural sequences must be well documented, and a precise chronological framework in place; criteria that are lacking for much of the ancient Near East. The Ta‛yinat Archaeological Project (TAP) seeks to address this problem for a pivotal area, by returning to the cultural sequence first defined during the pioneering work of the Braidwood led Chicago Expedition in the 1930s to the Amuq Plain in southeastern Turkey. This research initiative will result in a more thorough and refined cultural sequence, enhancing efforts to conduct broader regional analyses of developments during this period of dramatic social, economic and political change.

The Ta’yinat Archaeological Project’s primary aim is to assemble archaeological data from the central settlement at Tell Ta‛yinat of a succession of prominent, historically-attested Bronze and Iron Age polities for comparison with existing data sets from comparable contexts (e.g. domestic, residential, administrative, or public) at rural village sites in the region. This explicitly regional approach, still relatively rare in Near Eastern Archaeology, is designed to facilitate multiple levels of analysis, and to produce the multivariate data needed to engage in more systematic investigations of the complex social, economic and political institutions developed by the first urban communities to emerge in this part of the world...

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Annual Reports

Open Access Publications
Harrison, T.P. (2014) Recent Discoveries at Tayaint (Ancient Kunulua/Calno) and Their Biblical Implications, Pp. 396-425 in Congress Volume Munich 2013, ed. Christl M. Maier. Leiden: Brill.
Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. (2014) 2012 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari, Pp. 19-35 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 35:3, Muğla: Muğla Sitki Koçman Üniversitesi Basimevi.
Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. (2013) 2011 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari, Pp. 105-118 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 34:2, Çorum: Pegasus Görsel Iletişim Hizmetleri.
Laulinger, J. (2013) The Neo-Assyrian ade: Treaty, Oath or Something Else? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 19: 99-115.
Osborne J.F (2013) Sovereignty and Territoriality in the City-state: A Case Sstudy for the Amuq Valley, Turkey. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32:774-790.

Denel, E. (2012) Tayinat Höyük'ün Yeni Aslani. Mesa ve Yaşam 57:29-31.

Harrison, T.P. (2012) West Syrian megaron or Neo-Assyrian Langraum? The Shifting Form and Function of the Tell Taʿyīnāt (Kunulua) Temples. Pp. 3–21 in Temple Buildingand Temple Cult. Architecture and Cultic Paraphernalia of Temples in the Levant (2.–1. Mill. B.C.E.). ed. J. Kamlah and H. Michelau. Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 41. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Harrison, T.P. (2012) Lion-Adorned Monumental Gate Complex Unearthed at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Bulletin 55 (February): 6.

Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. (2012) Tayinat Kazıları ve Araştırmaları

Harrison, T.P. and Osborne J.F (2012) Building XVI and the Neo-Assyrian Sacred Precinct at Tell Tayinat. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64:125-143.

Lauinger, J. (2012) Esarhaddon's Succession Treaty at Tell Tayinat: Text and Commentary. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64:87-123.

Osborne J.F (2012) Communicating Power in the Bit-Hilani Palace. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 368:29-66.

Harrison, T.P. (2011) Tell Tayinat's Great Lion. bout de papier 26:2 (Fall/Winter):19.

Harrison, T.P. (2011) Temples, Tablets and the Neo-Assyrian Provincial Capital of Kinalia. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 6:29-37.

Janeway, B. (2011) Mycenaean bowls at 12th/11th century BC Tell Tayinat (Amuq Valley). Pp. 167-185 in On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighbouring Regions, ed. V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka. Nicosia: A.G. Leventis Foundation.

Lauinger, J. (2011) Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Tablet collection in Builiding XVI from Tell Tayinat. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 6:5-14.

Roames, J. (2011) The Early Iron Age Metal Workshop at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. Pp. 149-55 in Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology IX: Volume 1319 (MRS Proceedings), ed. P. Vandiver, W. Li, J.L. Ruvalcaba Sil, C. Reedy and L. Frame. Cambridge University Press.

Welton, L. (2011) The Amuq Plain and Tell Tayinat in the Third Millennium BCE: The Historical and Socio-Political Context. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 6:15-27.

Welton, L., Batiuk, S., Harrison, T.P., with contributions by Lipovitch, D. and Capper, M. (2011) Tell Tayinat in the Late Third Millennium. Recent investigations of the Tayinat Archaeological Project, 2008-2010. Anatolica 37:147-185.

Harrison, T.P. (2010) The Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition in the Northern Orontes Valley. Pp. 83-102 in Societies in Transition. Evolutionary Processes in the Northern Levant between Late Bronze Age II and Early Iron Age, ed. F. Venturi. Bologna: CLUEB.

Harrison, T.P. (2010) Tayinat Höyüğü: Arkeoloji Projesi 2009. Hatay 32: 36-37. [H. Pamir, Turkish translation]

Harrsion, T.P. (2010) Tell Tayinat: Patina Kralliğ'nin Başkenti. Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 16: 78-85.

Harrison, T. P. (2009) Lifting the Veil on a “Dark Age”: Ta‛yinat and the North Orontes Valley During the Early Iron Age. Pp. 171-184 in Exploring the Longue Durée: Essays in Honor of Lawrence E. Stager, ed. D. Schloen. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Harrison, T. P. (2009) Neo-Hittites in the “Land of Palistin”: Renewed Investigations at Tell Ta‛yinat on the Plain of Antioch. Near Eastern Archaeology 72 (4):174-189.

Harrison, T.P. (2008) Amik Ovasi'ndaki Patina Geç Hitit Kralligi'nin Baskenti: Tayinat Höyüğü. Hatay 14: 18-22. [H. Pamir, Turkish translation]

Janeway, B. (2008) The Nature and Extent of Aegean Contact at Tell Ta‛yinat and Vicinity in the Early Iron Age: Evidence of the Sea Peoples? Scripta Mediterranea XXVII-XXVIII: 123-146.

Lipovitch, D. (2008) Modeling a Mycenaean Menu: Can Aegean Populations Be Defined in Near Eastern Contexts Based on Their Diet? Scripta Mediterranea XXVII-XXVIII: 147-159.

Batiuk, S. (2007) Ancient Landscapes of the Amuq: Geoarchaeological Surveys of the Amuq Valley: 1999-2006. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 2:51-57.

Harrison, T.P. (2007) Neo-Hittites in the North Orontes Valley: Recent Investigations at Tell Ta‛yinat. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 2:59-68.

Batiuk, S., Harrison, T.P. and Pavlish, L. (2005) The Ta‛yinat Survey, 1999-2002. Pp. 171-192 in The Amuq Valley Regional Projects, Volume 1. Surveys in the Plain of Antioch and Orontes Delta, Turkey, 1995-2002, ed. K.A. Yener. Chicago: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

Harrison, T.P. (2005) The Neo-Assyrian Governer’s Residence at Tell Ta‛yinat. Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 40:23-33.

Harrison, T.P. (2001) Tell Ta‛yinat and the Kingdom of Unqi. Pp. 115-32 in The World of the Arameans II: Studies in History and Archaeology of Paul-Eugène Dion, ed. P.M. M. Daviau, J. W. Wevers, and M. Weigl. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement 325. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Selected Posters

Deng, D., Khaled, K., LeBlanc, P., Lee, J., Nizami, R., Pascua, D., Bank, C. (2010) Geophysical Investigation at an Archaeological Site by Magnetometry and Resistivity: Tell Ta'yinat, South Eastern Turkey. Presented at the Ottawa Undergraduate Research Poster Competition (OURPC). Ottawa, ON.
Capper, M. (2010) "In Their Words: Using  Ancient Written Sources to Interpret the Palaeobotanical Remains of 
Tell Tayinat, Turkey"
. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnobiology. Victoria, BC. (co-recipient of the 2010 Best Ethnobiology Poster Award).
Lumb, D., Roames J. Snow, H. and Welton, L. (2008) Tayinat Archaeological Project: Sea Peoples, Neo-Hittites, and Assyrians on the Plain of Antioch. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

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