[First posted in AWOL 7 April 2011. Updated 14 February 2015 (now only available in the Internet Archive]
Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile
ISSN 2069-4288
Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile
ISSN 2069-4288
Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile, edited by Adina Ciugureanu, Ludmila Martanovschi and Nicoleta Stanca, was published in 2010 by Ovidius University Press as conference proceedings following the international conference with the same topic held at Ovidius University in September 10-12, 2009.
The volume, summing up various views on exile and scholarship on Ovid, has been largely appreciated. This has encouraged the editors to obtain an ISSN number and turn it into the first volume of a scholarly journal with the same title. The response of the editorial board to the newly-born periodical has been enthusiastic; therefore, the journal has been set as a yearly publication, both on paper and electronically, starting December 2011.
The general purpose of the journal Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile is to gather new scholarship and research on Ovid’s work and influence on world culture on the one hand, and on exile, whether literary or not, on the other. The journal addresses academics and graduate students, whose research interests are in the area, to approach Ovid’s work as well as the concepts of exile and myth from large cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary paradigms including world literature, history, anthropology, sociology, the history of ideas, geography, politics and other associated fields and disciplines.
Thus, the 2011 volume of Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile will publish articles on exile poetry and fiction, on Ovid’s work, especially the texts written in exile, and, generally, on representations of exile in literary and cultural texts, the politics of exile, ways of (re)writing history and geography from an exilic perspective.
Deadline for submission: September 1, 2011.
Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal, freely accessible online. Following the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of "Open Access", the users have the right to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link" to the full texts of articles.
The Proceedings of the Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile Conference, Constanta, September 10-12, 2009.
ISBN 978-973-614-559-9
ISSN 2069-4288
Edited by
Nicoleta STANCA
Table of Contents
Foreword Adina CIUGUREANU, Ludmila MARTANOVSCHI, Nicoleta STANCA Exile as an Existential Condition Stephen PRICKETT [Abstract] | [PDF] Revisiting the Classical Tradition: Exile, Myth and Ovid’s Legacy Fessae Date Serta Carinae (Rem., 813) – The Image of the Ship in Ovid’s Poems Doina FILIMON DOROFTEI [Abstract] | [PDF] The Exile’s Elegiac Chant: Tristia by Ovid, some Canções and Elegias by Camoes António MONIZ [Abstract] | [PDF] The Classical Tradition and the Ciceronian Tradition on Consolation in Cassius Dio's Dialogue between Philiscus and Cicero (Cassius Dio, XXXXVIII, 18-29) Maria Stefania MONTECALVO [Abstract] | [PDF] Representations of Exile and Myth in British and Postcolonial Studies Exilic Dimensions of Modernism: D. H. Lawrence’s ‘Island’ - Characters Camelia ANGHEL [Abstract] | [PDF] Representations of Exile in Ian McEwan’s Fiction Alina BUZARNA-TIHENEA [Abstract] | [PDF] Bollywood Exiled to Hollywood or the Other Way Round?: The (Curious) Case of Slumdog Millionaire Ileana CHIRU-JITARU [Abstract] | [PDF] Travelling across Cultures – Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies Anca Mihaela DOBRINESCU [Abstract] | [PDF] Ovid, Joyce, and the Will to Transgress Gülden HATIPOĞLU [Abstract] | [PDF] Re-Telling Exile: Reinterpretations of Ancient Myths in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s The Love of the Nightingale and Christa Wolf's Medea.Voices Corina LUNGU [Abstract] | [PDF] Re(Creating) Home from Afar: Memoirs of an Exile Ioana MITREA [Abstract] | [PDF] Nuances of Exile in David Lodge’s Fiction Lucia OPREANU [Abstract] | [PDF] A Reason to Believe: Reading David Malouf’s An Imaginary Life as Ovid’s De Profundis Laura E. SAVU [Abstract] | [PDF] Ovid, Myth and Exile in Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Nicoleta STANCA [Abstract] | [PDF] Multiple Facets of Displacement in the Work of Kazuo Ishiguro Irina TOMA [Abstract] | [PDF] Exilic and Mythic Journeys in American Literature and Culture On Solaris: Exile the SF Way Petru IAMANDI [Abstract] | [PDF] Racial Exiles in Twentieth Century African American Autobiography and Fiction: Langston Hughes, Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison Marius JUCAN [Abstract] | [PDF] Translations of Myths in the Poetry of Paula Gunn Allen and Wendy Rose Ludmila MARTANOVSCHI [Abstract] | [PDF] A “Land of Emigration.” European Exile and the American Imaginary in Saul Bellow’s The Dean’s December Roxana OLTEAN [Abstract] | [PDF] Nothing like the South: Aurora Greenway – A Belle in Exile Anca PEIU [Abstract] | [PDF] Paradigms of Displacement in The Waste Land Alina POPESCU [Abstract] | [PDF] The Theme of Exile in The Autobiography of Malcom X Adelina VARTOLOMEI [Abstract] | [PDF] Exile as Alienation, Exile as Redemption in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony Cornelia VLAICU [Abstract] | [PDF] Romanian Exiles and Transfers of Myths to Romanian Culture Virgil Ierunca – A Prestigious Voice of the (Literary) Romanian Exile Mihaela ALBU [Abstract] | [PDF] The Dracula Myth: Exile and Homecoming Adina CIUGUREANU [Abstract] | [PDF] Collective Representations in Voluntary Exile: A Case Study on the Patterns of Self-Assertive Migration Discourses within the German Minority in the Banat Area Sorin GADEANU [Abstract] | [PDF] Adopting and Adapting American Speech Routines. Formulaic Sequences in the Discourses of Service Encounters in Post Communist Romania Diana HORNOIU [Abstract] | [PDF] Saviana Stanescu and a Post-colonial Reading of Ovid’s Exile Rodica MIHĂILĂ [Abstract] | [PDF] Digital Storytelling: Temporal Narratives in Expat Blogs Otilia PACEA [Abstract] | [PDF] Mircea Eliade’s Creative Exile as Form of Anti-Communist Resistance Mihaela PARASCHIVESCU [Abstract] | [PDF] In Search of the ‘Thick Description’ of the Romanian Rural Audiences Raluca PETRE [Abstract] | [PDF]
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