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Open Access Journal: Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology Supplements - Българско е-Списание за Археология Supplementa


[First posted in AWOL 25 July 2018, updated (new URLs) 4 June 2022]

Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology Supplements - Българско е-Списание за Археология Supplementa
ISSN: 2603-3216

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Supplements to Be-Ja are separate  volumes that are submitted to the Editorial Board as a print-ready copy for electronic publication (according to the Be-JA guidelines). They include: awarded PhD dissertations that have been approved for publishing; conference proceedings with their own editors/editorial boards who are responsible for the content and quality of the published material; monographs, whose authors should provide evidence for successful peer-review (positive evaluations and recommendation for publishing) and overall editing.

Due to the specific procedure of acceptance of the supplements, the articles published there are not indexed(i.e. included in the Web of Science and ERIH PLUS platforms). The publication of supplements are only formally approved by the Be-JA editorial.  The responsibility for the publications’ quality stays with the editors of the conference proceedings, and respectively, the reviewers recommending a monograph and/or a PhD thesis to be published in the Be-JA supplements’ series.  The administrative matters are negotiated with the Executive Board of ABA. The manuscripts are submitted to the editorial address of Be-JA.

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