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Horos: Ancient Boundaries and the Ecology of Stone

Thea Potter  
Horos: Ancient Boundaries and the Ecology of Stone
In Horos, Thea Potter explores the complex relationship between classical philosophy and the ‘horos’, a stone that Athenians erected to mark the boundaries of their marketplace, their gravestones, their roads and their private property. Potter weaves this history into a meditation on the ancient philosophical concept of horos, the foundational project of determination and definition, arguing that it is central to the development of classical philosophy and the marketplace.

Horos challenges many significant interpretations of ancient thought. With nuance and insight, Potter combines the works of Aristotle, Plato, Homer and archaic Greek inscriptions with the twentieth-century continental philosophy of Heidegger, Derrida and Walter Benjamin. The result is a powerful study of the theme of boundaries in classical Athenian society as evidenced by boundary stones, law and exchange, ontology, insurgency and occupation.

The innovative book will be of interest to scholars in the fields of ancient Greek social history, philosophy, and literature, as well as to the general reader who is curious to know more about classical life and philosophy.
Horos: Ancient Boundaries and the Ecology of Stone
Thea Potter | January 2022
348pp. | 8 colour illustrations | 6.14" x 9.21" (234 x 156 mm)
ISBN Paperback: 9781800642669
ISBN Hardback: 9781800642676
ISBN Digital (PDF): 9781800642683
ISBN Digital ebook (epub): 9781800642690
ISBN Digital ebook (mobi): 9781800642706
ISBN XML: 9781800642713
DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0266


List of Illustrations



Introduction Download
Thea Potter

1. A New Ancient Petrography Download
Thea Potter

2. Does the Letter Matter? Download
Thea Potter

3. Breaking the Law Download
Thea Potter

4. Terminological Horizons Download
Thea Potter

5. The Presence of the Lithic Download
Thea Potter

6. Geophilia Entombed or the Boundary of a Woman’s Mind Download
Thea Potter

7. Solon’s Petromorphic Biopolitics Download
Thea Potter

8. I Am the Boundary of the Market Download
Thea Potter







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